The Captain's Nephew - Chapter 2

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#2 of The Captain's Nephew

Any shipmate who opened the Captain's nephew's door to call him up for morning chores, lunch, or afternoon chores would find an empty room, save a small bed and stool in the corner.

Since my cabin was fairly big, and, not to be smug, a bit more cozy and lavish than the quarters he was provided, the panda had moved his belongings into it, with my insistance. His paper, quill, and ink well were set down by my bed, which was meant to hold up to two people. I gladly allowed him half, as well as access to anything else in my cabin.

Having finally settled him in, we sat down on what had become our bed.

"Well, we're done. No more small cabins for you."

The panda looked at me and shook his head in agreement, with a smile on his face. The smile seemed to grow, fairly devilishly. With time, I seemed to be able to understand his silent language more and more.

"You're a very naughty panda," I said, trying to stifle a chuckle. "Alright..."

I unbuttoned my coat and removed it, revealing my belly, among other things. The Captain's nephew saw this and looked on in awe, a bulge starting to appear between his legs in his breeches.

"I honestly didn't know people were into bodies like ours" I said, giggling.

The panda took his parchment and started writing. He placed it on my lap.

"People who like fat are hard to find, but they exist. You're sitting next to one."

I looked at him, seeing a dopey grin on his face. I then removed my boots and untied the waist of my breeches, and pulled them down, revealing the rest of myself to the panda.

The panda had followed suit, revealing himself to me. He then got into my bed, laid on all fours, and started to wiggle his rear end at me, inviting me to mount him.

His cheeks were very hypnotizing. Like the rest of him, they were very soft to the touch, and squeezable. I could hear him snickering as I felt them with my hands. I parted the cheeks to find his pink hole, puckering from the area being sensitive to my hands. Hesitant, I spoke up.

"Ummm...You're...clean in there...right?"

The panda nodded his head for a good minute to assure me he was. I felt his hole, massaging it a bit. I heard a pleased gasp come from the panda's muzzle. I could see that pre was starting to drip from his throbbing cock.

I then thrusted myself into him. He was very tight, and it felt great. About a minute into this, the panda started to move his right arm, trying to reach for his member. I saw this and grabbed it myself, stroking it for him. He gasped again, enjoying the feeling of my hand on his meat and my cock in his hole.

Gasping seemed to be all the panda could do, until I was able to hear a moan from him. His voice didn't sound very deep, though it was understandable, he probably didn't open his mouth often except to eat. The sound was welcoming, hearing only my grunts was pretty awkward to me.

Not being able to hold back anymore, I released into the panda. I can feel that he was releasing in my hand, as well. After that, we both laid down on the bed for awhile.

"That was...great."

The panda nodded.

"Hey, I heard you moan. I never heard your voice before."

All the panda could reply with was a shrug.

"RAAHGHAH!!" The panda shouted at a shipmate who often put him down. He looked at me in confusion.

"What the hell did he say?"

"He said you're not cleaning the deck good enough."

The panda nodded his head in agreement. He then gave me a smirk. I could tell he enjoyed having the Captain's duties while he was still sick.

One of the Captain's servants came up to me as we looked after the shipmates. He was an arctic wolf, slim, taller than me, but shorter than the panda. He looked a bit concerned.

"Sir, the Captain would like to speak with you. I'll escort you."

He then turned to the panda.

"When I return, you may retreat to your cabin, I was told to take over for the day, Captain's orders. You may resume tomorrow."

The Captain's nephew shrugged and seemed apathetic.

The servant and I went below the deck into the corridor. As we walked down the hall, the servant spoke up.

"The Captain's flu isn't getting better, and with the little medicine we have on the ship, and the fact that there hasn't been land in months, we fear the captain might not get through it."

" mean...?"

"Yes. We don't know why he wants to talk to you right now, though, but we've seen that you've been able to communicate with his nephew, so we're thinking he wants to talk to you about him."

My heart sank. Did he find out what we'd done? I hoped not. The servant opened the door to his cabin and let me in. After I entered the door closed behind me.

The Captain lied in the bed, a polar bear, fairly old, in his fifties or sixties. The window in his dark bedroom let in a calm breeze from the sunny day.

"...Captain?" I broke the silence.

"Ah...yes, the raccoon." The Captain uttered.

"What did you want to talk to me about, sir?"

"...Well, as you have known for awhile, I'm sick. In time, it gets better, but it gets worse too. Today is one of my better days. Yesterday, I couldn't even speak."

I scratched my head.

"Is this why you called me here?"

"My nephew has had my duties for a few weeks now, hasn't he?"

"Yes, I've been helping him out. I think he'd make a very good captain, just like you."

"The panda...a gentle soul, but very lazy and fat. I brought him on the ship to let him get exercise."

"He told me about that. He couldn't-"

"He...told you?"

"Well, no, he wrote it down on parchment and showed me. Anyway, he told me he couldn't say no and was taken against his will."

"He was reluctant, yes, but it was agreed between me and his parents it'd be the best thing for him." The Captain went on.

"The panda never liked going outside. He was content with just staying inside all day, and reading his books.

His parents hated him from the start. They didn't want a child, he was an accident. They never cared to feed him once he left infancy. They never taught him how to speak, so he stayed mute all his life. Anything said to him by his parents was an insult or an order, both in a shouting manner.

Because they never fed him, he usually went out and stole from the markets, keeping food and other items hidden away in his room. He'd stay in the house for a few days, read books he stole, while eating food he stole, ignoring the shouting orders that came from his parents. As he got older, he'd also go missing for days, doing unmentionable acts in back alleys. His father caught him with a portly man's penis in his mouth one evening, and all of this was found out by his parents, so they gave him to me to look after.

Afraid he'd continue to do these sinful acts of stealing and other unmentionable acts while I was gone on my ship for months, I took him along. He'd have free food and access to books this way, too. Though I might have been harder on him in earlier times and looked the other way when the other shipmates put him down, I still do love the boy. He's my nephew."

I looked at the Captain, and finally spoke up again.

"Why did you let the shipmates be hard on him?"

"To discourage him from doing more unmentionable acts, and try to toughen him up a bit."

"I honestly don't think that's working, Captain."

"I was worth a try, though...I can't really get them to stop, now though, especially not in this state."

I didn't want to bluntly ask, but I did.

" this why you had me come in?"

"You seem to understand him the best. I'd like you to assist him when I leave and he becomes Captain."

"...Well, I think I can do that." I smiled.

"That makes me very happy, raccoon. You may leave, now."

I thanked the Captain, and left.

As I returned to my cabin, I had opened my door.

"Panda! Gues-"

The panda had been on my bed, playing with himself. He looked up at me, a bit frightened, but relieved when he saw it was me. He raised his arm and held up one finger for a second, as if telling me to wait a minute, and continued to masturbate.

I closed the door behind me, giggling to myself, and continued to watch the panda paw at his cock. He looked at me.

"Heh heh, I'll tell you when you're done."

The panda snickered and went back to himself. He looked like he was very close to climax. About a minute or so later, he shot across my bed, gritting his teeth and sucking air through them. He then sighed and looked up at me again.

"You done?" I grinned.

The panda snickered and nodded his head.

The Captain's Nephew - Chapter 3

A few weeks after my chat with the Captain, the inevitable happened. He succumbed to the flu and passed away one morning. That afternoon, his body was put on a raft, and lowered into the ocean, and drifted away. All the shipmates and their...

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Father and Son Bathtime

_Warning: This story contains a semi-incestuous act between a father and son, to be specific, mutual masturbation. If you find that sort of thing offensive, it'd be wise to hit the back button of your browser. Besides, it's all fake, anyway._ Jake...

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The Captain's Nephew - Chapter 1

I recall it was a fairly calm evening on the ship, the sky a deep red, the sun setting in the west. Boredom called me up to the deck. I'd been on the ship for awhile, exactly how long I can't recall, many of the shipmates had been with me there for...

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