A World Complete (Commission For Sox Rodain)

Story by TessyFloof on SoFurry

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#4 of Requests and Trades

This is a commission i did For Sox Rodain

It's a meeting of worlds, one from the ocean. One from the sky. They found something more than what they first came for.

Tsuyu and Taiyo owned by Sox Rodain

Story written but me

Tsuyu bobbed lightly in the water, his foot paws moved slowly through the water to keep himself floating on the surface. The sun bore down on him giving the ocean and his body a sparkling view. The fine, blue fur on his body glimmered from the reflection on the ocean. He sighed softly and dived under the water, bringing his long, legs together, kicking his webbed feet he made his way into the water, his form slowly disappearing under the water.

Tsuyu came to a stop, his triangular ears flicking back. Using his long slender tail, he turned himself around to face the surface of the water. Growling softly he began swimming back to the surface, his body flattening as he came to lay on the water, looking up at the blue sky. Few clouds obstructed the satin view. He smiled weakly as thoughts trailed through his mind, enjoyed being a prince. But now he was starting to reach the age of a man; to take the throne. He wanted to live out his own life, not his father's. Placing his white 'gloved' paws on his belly he partially covering a golden trident mark.

This was his mark. Or rather it was something given to him by his father, something that secured his place on the throne after the king. His mind continued to flip-flop between the two decisions he had in front of him: Stay here and take the throne after his father, or leave the ocean and make his way to the land. The choice was soon obvious to the Mercat.

Smiling, he rolled over in the water silently, looking out over the still water to the houses that line the shore. Finally, he dived under the water, his thin, finned tail propelling his body quickly through the water. A smile broadened on his muzzle as he started to quickly make his way to the beach. Using his paws and feet, he began moving quicker just under the water's surface, a small wake forming behind Tsuyu.

Taiyo stood at the edge of the balcony, hands on the rails as his deep orange eyes scanned the ground below. The Amaterasu would often look over the people in the city. He sighed softly and flicked his feline ears as he watched the town. He'd always enjoyed watching the furs. Night time was his favorite time to watch the world below. Everything seemed to happen at night; mostly club and party goers having a great time.

This started to incubate a strong jealousy within the male. When looking in a mirror, he could almost see his white fur turn green. A smile grew quickly on the almost childish face as his eyes drew over the beach just below. Stepping closer to the rail, his paws pressed down on warm stone, slowly his wings opened, sun shining on his wings. The yellow along the tops of his wings, slowly fading to an orange as the feathers went out to the feather tips. Looking over the edge and he felt the wind catch under his wings and through the fine fur on his bare chest. Breathing in deeply, Taiyo leaned forward before pushing off the ground with his toes. Wind rushed past both fur and feather as he rocketed towards the ground. Closing his eyes he enjoyed the sensation of only this moment.

Coming to a more level position, his body slowing from falling to gliding over the land. He opened his eyes and let his smile become a toothy grin as his eyes locked onto his favorite location and his destination. He'd always enjoyed watching the beach from above; watching the cubs play in the sand and water. Coming to the sandy waterline, he came to a hover, suddenly hesitant about this. However, he shook the feelings of uncertainty from his mind and let his wings curl back up to his body to make him land on the soft sand.

He gave a soft hum of approval as he sank into the sand, feeling the grains push up in between his toes. Though the longer he stood still on the sand, the heat would absorb into his pads. He hissed slightly as discomfort came from the pleasurable feeling of the sand. He stepped forward, getting his paws wet with the warm sea water. Looking down, he saw his legs become wet, the slight ripples on the surface splashed up his shins. He smiled and looked around, seeing no one else around. Undoing the tie that held his pants up, pushing them down and soon tossed them onto the beach. His purr grew strong again, his feathers and fine fur flitted slightly in the breeze. He walked deeper into the water, the level rising past his ankles and soon past his knees. Tucking his wings as close to his body as he could, Taiyo gave one little jump forward, he was soon totally immersed in the water.

Tsuyu bobbed up to the surface, treading water as watched a white furred individual strip down before jumping into the water. He chuckled and dived under the water again, kicking his way forward at a remarkable speed and quickly coming up to the fur. He dove a little deeper into the darkening waters. Catching up and soon slowing to keep pace with Taiyo, he slowly turned over and looked up with his bright green eyes, smile broad on his muzzle.

The Amaterasu looked down as he swam, eyes catching something. It was first the motions but soon he saw the bright green eyes looking up at him. He gasped sharply, swallowing water from his surprise. As quick as the shock came to him, he flipped up, treading water and started coughing loudly. Tsuyu came up, chuckling loudly from the reaction he got from the winged feline. Though seeing how hard that Taiyo was now coughing, he moved forward, barely disturbing the water around him. "Hey, you okay?" he asked and placed his paw gently on his back.

Calming down from his coughing fits and looked over at the mercat, an angry vibe radiating from his red eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." he hissed and started to swim slowly to the beach, his large tail assisting his motions. As he got to land, he crawled a few feet away from the waterline and groaned as he lay down on the sand letting the sun start its process of drying his fur, placing his paws on his belly just below the flame like markings on his chest. There was a long moment of silence save the light splashing from the ocean's crashing waves.

After that moment was over. he heat from the sun on his fur faded as a shadow was cast over his body. He growled and opened his eyes, looking up and seeing the aquatic feline standing above him. "What do you want?" he asked with a slight hiss in his throat. He eyes traveled down from the male's face and down over the slender body, taking in every detail that Tsuyu's toned body had to offer. His eyes pausing halfway up to look at the mercat's buldge under the thin marterial.

The blue furred feline shook his head and shrugged "nothing...Just want to apologize for scaring you like that." He said and shifted back slightly, his finned tail flicked back and forth slowly. He watched Taiyo's body, the thoughts of Taiyo's body brought a sharp pang of guilt to his heart. Blushing he quickly moved his eyes up to the red eyes below him. "Sorry" he said with a soft smile before turning away.

Taiyo tilted his head back to watch Tsuyu leave, eyes watching the muscles move under the fine fur. He sighed and shook his head, calling out to the mercat. "It's fine..." he said as he rolled onto his belly, the fur mostly dry. He closed his eyes as the sun beat down on him once more. He let the heat seep into his body, allowing him slowly drift off into a light catnap.

This was a short lived nap however. He felt paws wrap tightly around his legs and arms. He gasped as he was lifted into the air and quickly pinned to one of the larger characters. Paws were holding his small frame easily in the air His fear filled eyes lifted up to see a bear grinning at him with an almost hungry, toothy smirk. "Well hell, man, look what we got here." He said and lifted the flailing Amaterasu, quickly tossing him to a dragon.

Taiyo was rather small and light for a twenty year old, making it much easier to toss the winged feline. "Looks like a nice treat, bud." The green dragon hissed, his tongue flicked against the male's neck. The feeling and the words made Taiyo struggle stronger, trying everything he could to get away. Soon, though, he had to resort to screaming out for help out into the empty beach. This too was ended quickly as the dragon wrapped a paw around his muzzle.

Tsuyu flicked his ears backwards as he heard a cry of fear coming from the beach. His eyes opened wide as he spun around and saw a pair of furs constraining the feline he'd just left. Turning on his pads, he sprinted towards the group and as he reached the dragon he slammed his shoulder into his back. A pair of grunts sounded as they hit the ground and sent Taiyo rolling across the sand.

As quick as he got off of the ground, he stood up, standing between the group and Taiyo. "Get out of here!" he said, his finned tail flailing back and forth in anger. The two looked like they were about to jump Tsuyu. After a few minutes they stood down, turning to walk away from the beach, mumbling about how it wasn't worth a fight. The blue feline lowered his ears, along with his fists, and turned to Taiyo. "You ok....?" He paused, realizing that they had yet to introduce.

Taiyo was shaking where he landed, his eyes looking up at the mercat. "Th-Thank you..." He whispered as Tsuyu came down to kneal next to him. He whined and wrapped his arms around the mercat's waist.

At first he cringed back, the motion towards him catching him off guard. "H-Hey now." He said and lowered his hands down hesitantly to the Amaterasu's head and shoulder. "Y-You're welcome...but you don't need..." he stopped as he realized how scared Taiyo was. "It's ok, they're gone." he said comfortingly.

"I-I thought..." he paused and opened his eyes, realizing how close he was to the male. His head was at Tsuyu's stomach, arms holding him tight to that spot. He blushed and pulled away. "S-Sorry..." He said and shook his head, wiping his cheeks dry. "I-I always thought this was such a nice place. I would look down here and see happiness." He whimpered. "Living up above, I'd always watch your world; always hoped to join you in your play." He shook his head before burying it in his arms "I thought it was so nice."

Tsuyu nodded and chuckled quietly. "I know. That's what it looks like on the outside." He whispered and sat down next to Tiayo. "It always looks good on the outside. But there's thing we never see. Things that are bad." He paused and combed back his lavender hair, the strands sparkling slightly in the strong sunlight. He looked over at the winged feline. "Hey, it's ok, there's far more good things 'down here.'" he chuckled and moved closer. "What you see is real too" he whispered.

Taiyo turned his head to look at Tsuyu "r-really?" he whined, eyes glistening as they met the green ones of Tsuyu.

He nodded and moved closer, his arm snaked around the smaller male's shoulders. "Yeah. Thats why I came here too." He whispered and gave him a gentle squeeze. After several moments he spoke again "I could.... show you...that theres...." As he spoke, Tsuyu moved closer to Taiyo, his tail twitching in the sand nervously.

Taiyo turned to look at Tsuyu, ears perking up as he realized how close he was now. He absorbed the offer that he'd given him. The Amaterasu processed it for a moment before the corners of his mouth pulled into a smile. He felt the paw on his back press forward and gently twirl into his long braid, causing his feathers to ruffle slightly as he was encouraged forward. "P-Please..." He whispered, "Show me ..." he finished and completed the distance between them. The two purred out in unison as their lips meet. Taiyo felt his body falling backwards until his wings spread out on the sand. Giving a quiet moan he felt paws pressed against his chest.

Tsuyu gave a replying moan, his hands moved down from Taiyo's chest, teasing the fur with the lightest touches. Soon the mercat reached the male's slender hips, and pulled Taiyo against him. Pressing down with his hips, he started grinding his thick sheath into the other's groin. The pair purred loudly as their sheaths were pressed together, their pleasure multiplying as heat and lust filled their bodies

He gave a quiet mrar into Tsuyu's muzzle at the feeling of another's body pressed into his own. As the male on top of him pulled away, his eyes flitted open to see the mercat smiling down at him, his frame bordered by the blue sky. "Are you sure....?" His red eyes locked onto the male's green eyes as he was questioned. Slowly the male nodded. Rather than speaking, he pressed his body up into Tsuyu with a quiet moan feeling his pink shaft pressed.

The prince smiled and removed his paws from Taiyo and gripped his garment, pulling it off quickly. He stood proudly above the male, his barbed member on display for the younger male. He moved back down, his muzzle centimeters from Taiyo's neck. He gave a soft breath, heating the fur before letting his rough tongue groom the fur. He started with slower, shorter licks, ears flicking wildly to the gasps that Taiyo gave off. Moving down from the shoulder and down his chest, Tsuyu found his head being teased by the member. He smiled and nuzzled it softly. Looking up at the male, unable to hold back a soft giggle at the blush he saw on Taiyo's cheek.

"Before...we continue, Can you tell me your name?" He asked, giving the male's fur a teasing lick close to his sheath.

Taiyo found his words slowly, opening his mouth a few times before finally speaking his name breathlessly. "T-Taiyo..." he shuddered under the teasing lick.

"Beautiful name, Taiyo." he whispered and smiled. With another lick closer to the base of Taiyo's shaft, he spoke his name. "I'm Tsuyu." He whispered and began to trace the markings around the Amaterasu's thighs. After a moment, he tucked his arms gently under his legs, pulling them gently up to his waist, holding them there as he made his way back up Taiyo's body. Kissing just over his heart, he smiled. "Are you ready?" he asked and slid his shaft against the male's rump, the heat of Taiyo's body encouraging him.

He was hesitant at first, whether it was just to take in the sensations and the thoughts of the moment, or truly was fear of what was going to happen. Finally however, he nodded, curling his legs lightly around the blue mercat's waist, joining just at his tail base and pulled him gently towards him. "More than I'll...Ever be." he moved forward, using his arms to pull Tsuyu to him and kissed him softly.

Tsuyu returned the kiss with his tongue flicking gently against his lips, placing a paw on each side of the male's body. Pulling his hips back slightly, he lined the head of member with Taiyo's tail hole. As the winged feline parted his lips, granting Tsuyu's entrance, he pressed forward. There was a resistance from Taiyo at first until he gave a little more pressure forward and felt the head of his member sink into the younger feline. The pair mrawled into each other's muzzle as the heat surrounded his member. Taking a long pause to let Tayio relax, he merely ground gently, not moving his member deeper. Breaking the kiss, he smiled up at the purple haired feline. "P-Please...Don't stop...'" He moaned and pulled his legs tight around Tsuyu's waist again.

His smile becoming broad across his muzzle, he nodded, letting his long finned tail wrap gently around Taiyo's thicker tail. Slowly he inched his member into the tight depths, feeling his walls clamp tightly in the member. Taiyo began to gently hiss as Tsuyu reached nearly to hilting himself within the snug, warm tunnel.

He stopped again and leaned forward, kissing gently at his neck and jawline until the whimpers turned into moans. Once the pleasured sound entered the air again, he began pulling back, leaving Taiyo to feel empty with only the head of Tsuyu's purple shaft within him. As the male moved forward again, he let out a loud moan as he felt himself filled once more. His tail twitching within his top's while the motions picked up. Paws gripped on his back, digging lightly into the fur as he felt himself rocking back and forth in the sand as the pleasure grew between them. He growled loudly and clenched down on the thick shaft, feeling the barbs scraping his walls. "T-Tsuyu...I-I'm almost..." He moaned out his member throbbing strongly between them as Tsuyu's motions became rougher and jagged.

The mercat could only growl out in agreement, his tail squeezing tightly around Taiyo's as his body's pleasure grew beyond anything he'd had ever experienced. His paws held the male's hips tightly, fingers pressing deeply into the fur as he thrust forward quickly.

It wasn't long before the pair reached their peak. With a combined yowl of pleasure that rung out over the beach, Tsuyu thrust deep within the male, his member crushed by the squeezing walls around him. He pulled out with a long hiss, his barbs scraping the feline's tail hole as he moved back in and brought on his orgasm. With another yowl, he bit down gently on the male's neck as he began to shoot his seed into Taiyo.

Taiyo yelped as he felt the mercat's teeth sink into his neck, though not enough to break skin. This last thrust from Tsuyu brought a hot feeling as his body was flooded with cum. He tried to hold back the feeling that had built within, but it was for naught as his cry joined the chorus on the beach. His own member throbbed strongly and shot his own load, painting his and Tsuyu's belly and chest.

They rode out their orgasms for as long as they could, but soon even the slightest touches caused a pain within the heads of their shafts. Laying on the Amaterasu, the prince panted heavily, releasing the grip on his neck. He heard Taiyo begin to pant words rather than breaths. He pressed his lips against Taiyo's for a quick kiss. "Shh...Don't - Speak....Just feel..." He panted and kissed the male again, deepening it tenfold.

After a few more moments they parted, both purring in their afterglow. Slowly Tsuyu pulled his softening member out of Taiyo's no longer pucker. He smiled and lay down next to him, pulling the slightly smaller male close to him, feeling the male's wings encircle the pair of them. Moaning, he squeezed the male and chuckled. "That...was wonderful." He whispered and looked at Taiyo. There was a silent agreement between them. Moments past while they enjoyed each other's warmth until Tsuyu spoke again "I love you, Taiyo..." he said and looked into the bright orange eyes.

The feline blushed and returned the look, taking in the sentence. When he looked into his eyes, he saw nothing but sincerity behind Tsuyu's words. He smiled and buried his head under the male's head, nuzzling into his deep blue fur. I-I love you too, Tsuyu." he whispered, sounding as if he were about to cry. "I-I've never heard that....not since I was a kitten..." He whispered, partly muffled into Tsuyu's chest.

He chuckled and rubbed his jaw along the top of Taiyo's head. He understood that. He shook his head and looked over the male's wing, eyes traveling over the water's surface. The sun was setting, leaving the water to tur to a deep orange, pink and purple. He felt there had been a weight lifted from his shoulders as he thought about his future. He lowered his head and lifted his paw to Taiyo's chin. "Would...you come and live with me?" He paused. "When...I find one...?" He said with a bright blush, his fur turning almost purple.

The winged feline looked up at him, giggling softly as he heard the male's question. He snuggled against the male, tail twisting slightly, giving their tails a spiral look. "I will." he said and moved forward, kissing the male again with unlimited passion.

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