heat 6

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#10 of Heat

well next section of heat. This sees the couple from trapped heat finally meet up with the others. Hope you all enjoy. I'm working on the next section where things become a lot more interesting. I'll be posting it next Friday.

Toby yawned and stretched as he woke up, then winced as his head began to spin. His tongue felt dry, his salvia like bitter paste and his mouth was filled with a horrible taste. His mind spun as he tried to recall the previous evening. He staggered to his feet, noticing John asleep at the foot of their bed. At least they had both made it home.

He remembered Eric and Roger coming back and convincing them both to go out and celebrate with them. They'd hit several clubs where Eric and John had been almost worshipped, no-one from their group had needed to pay for a thing all evening. Eric had hit on everything that moved, he was pretty sure the wolf had gotten at least a blow job in every club.

As he reached the bathroom he remembered late in the night watching some blonde bunny touching up John. What was worse he remembered yelling out encouragement. He tried to remember if John had done any more and as he crawled into the shower and turned it on.

As the hot water hit him soaking his fur with water so hot it almost scalded him. He felt some of the aches from his body melt away as some memories came back. He remembered stilling next to Eric laughing as the rabbit made out with his human. With a gasp he remembered the wolf turning to him and beginning to kiss him. He remembered the sensation of the wolf's tongue invading his muzzle. The taste of stale alcohol on his breath.

What was worse he remembered the wolf groping his crotch. He remembered sticking his tongue down the wolf's throat and groping his crotch as well. Eric had been turned on at the time he remembered the feel of the hard cock in his paw. As he stood there mind reeling from the memories he heard the door to the bathroom open.

He guessed it was John and he wondered how much his mate remembered. "Crazy night last night sexy. I don't remember much after we hit club S-seven. Did we do anything crazy?"

"Oh yes we definitely did something crazy."

Toby's eyes opened wide his ears shooting bolt upright on his head. That wasn't his mate's voice. He pulled back the shower curtain to see Eric grinning in at him. "Oh my aren't you a sight for tired eyes in the morning."

The rabbit pulled the curtain shut again quickly. "Oh my god... what did we do last night?"

He heard the wolf laughing "Oh what didn't we do last night, man I never thought John liked cock that much."

Toby panicked in the cubicle desperate to get out but not willing to while Eric was there.

"Oh and you, you little slut going down on me while John fucked you." The wolf continued as he peed loudly.

Toby reached round behind him feeling his pucker. It wasn't sore or even tender. "You're lying aren't you?"

"Oh darn you caught on, too far with the anal sex implications huh." The wolf chuckled as he began to explain. "Relax in club S-seven we played a human drinking game... I don't remember the rules. It involved shots kissing and groping. Believe me by the time we finished playing none of us were able to actually have sex, or walk straight and in your case you couldn't actually stand. John and I carried you to the taxi and we all came back here. I passed out on your sofa. Woke up with a massive hangover and a full bladder. Came in here and got a sweet morning eyecandy treat."

Toby relaxed taking some deep breaths "Eric"


"Get out of my bathroom so I can get out of the shower."

"Awww I was going to offer to scrub your back"


"Alright, alright, it's not my fault, I mean it was all you leading me on like that with all the kissing and groping and flashing your wet naked body at me." The wolf was chuckling and as he finished speaking Toby heard the door close.

He quickly finished washing turned off the water and pulled the curtain back fully only to find himself staring into the grinning face of the wolf whose eyes were happily roaming. He grabbed the curtain with a squeal covered himself "Eric!"

The wolf opened the door and took a step backwards saying. "Sorry dude, I just couldn't resist."

"Out Now!"

Toby sighed with relief as the door closed, he wanted to be mad at Eric but he was too relieved to find out that nothing had happened. He found himself smiling as he dried off. Although not for long, with his major concerns forgotten the hangover returned with a vengeance.

Once dry he put a towel around his waist and headed back to his bedroom. He found it empty of John, pulling on some clothes and heading downstairs. He found his mate sitting at the kitchen counter with his head resting on the counter moaning. Eric was cooking something at the stove.

"Morning sweety." The rabbit said leaning down to kiss the human's cheek.

"It's not good, I wish my head had been removed last night." John replied with a groan.

"You know your gunner snuck a peek while I was in the shower?" He informed John.

"Yeah he was bragging about it. I told him, he's an ass and he said..."

"A sexy ass that made out with your boyfriend last night." Eric cut in placing a couple of plates down on the counter. "Now eat the eggs I just made, they'll cure your hangover."

Toby couldn't help but smile looking down at the surprisingly appetising breakfast. John pushed his plate over to Toby. "Eat mine too, if I eat anything I'll vomit myself to death."

"Then why did you come down to breakfast?" Eric asked pulling up a stool a plate of eggs in one paw and a fork in the other.

"I wanted to be social." John replied his eyes still closed head still resting on the counter.

The rabbit chuckled a little as he ate his breakfast, it actually was helping settle his upset stomach and he definitely felt better after he finished his plate. He reached out to take John's plate, only for the human to grab it first.

"Changed my mind, it actually smells good." He said as he sat up.

"Oh well at least I get to see you upright."

"We have a busy day ahead you know. We have a couple of media interviews this afternoon and then we have to get back to celebrating." Eric said to fill the silence and remind his hosts that he was still there.

The two groaned softly. "I don't think I could survive another night like last night." John said and Toby nodded strongly in agreement.

"Oh not hitting the clubs, someone told me last night about a restaurant on this planet that actually does a decent full male sized steak. I'm talking a huge slab of red meat cooked to your tastes. For me that's so rare the damn thing has a pulse. It's some polar place I've never heard of. Apparently the steaks expensive as hell cause they have to import the meat, but hey we can afford it." The wolf explained as he collected their dishes and placed them in the washer.

Toby opened his mouth to say he didn't want a huge lump of animal meat when John jumped in with. "Seriously, an actual steak on Lapros? I must see this. I'm sure they have plenty of less meat heavy dishes for lapines too honey."

Dale sighed with relief as he reached Benny's restaurant. It had been a long day starting with the slightly awkward breakfast with his fathers and Benny. The big bear had headed off shortly afterward to the restaurant. That had left him and his dads alone to talk. They told him how much they liked the bear and how they thought he would be a good son in law. Which he thought was a bit presumptuous of them, he'd ask the bear to marry him when he was good and ready.

He'd then taken them out for the day to see some of the sights of Lapros City. They checked out several of the art galleries and the military museum. On their way back they passed the spaceport and the convention centre. Robert had informed him he'd received orders to attend some cultural event being held there tomorrow. Dale had sympathised and said he would bring Benny along to keep his father company.

He opened the door and ushered his fathers inside, giving a wave to Tina the waitress who escorted them to a table. As she helped them into their seats she shared some gossip. Apparently some racer pilots had booked a table at the restaurant tonight. Dale hadn't checked the news much the last few days and was only vaguely aware of some heroic recue that had happened during a race. It really hadn't caught his attention much. Tina seemed really excited about it and apparently the restaurant was booked out fully for the rest of the evening.

Dale smiled and nodded politely as she talked. Fortunately with the restaurant so busy Tina couldn't stay for long before someone needed a waitress. As she shuffled off he turned to his fathers and smiled. "Order anything you want, I got this."

Ricky gave a smirk "Yeah we heard you paying for it last night."

Dale stared open jawed unable to think of a fitting retort, when his other dad cut it. "Oh let it drop honey. Our son's an adult and if he wants to have really loud sex while his parents are just a few feet away, then clearly we did a poor job raising him."

Fortunately for Dale his parents teasing got interrupted by a commotion at the door as a human, a wolf and a rabbit arrived.

Through the windows of the restaurant the rabbits could see a whole host of rabbits, many with microphones or cameras. Several were trying to follow the offworlders in but Tina was keeping them out. She seemed to be struggling with two very persistent reporters. Dale was about to go to here aid when Benny emerged from the kitchen.

The bear was by Tina in a few seconds and a few seconds later the reporters were scurrying out of the restaurant. Benny patted Tina on the shoulder and gave Dale a quick wave before turning to head back into the kitchen. As he turned he found himself face to face with the human, there was a moment of recognition between the two. Dale could see the human blushing from across the room and could tell from Benny's stance he was uncomfortable.

There was a brief exchange of words and then the bear headed back to the kitchen. Tina escorted the guests to a table not too far from where Dale and his fathers were sitting. The rest of the meal passed without incident Benny came out at the end of their meal bringing their dessert course with him. He kisses Dale on the cheek and sat down at the table with them.

"Busy night hun?" Dale asked.

Benny chuckled "Oh yes, I can't stay for long Martin needs some help in the kitchen. The way business has been I think I need to take on another chef and waiter. Can you believe those reporters they wanted to stand in the restaurant all evening taking pictures while those guys ate?"

"What did you say to them?" Robert asked as he tucked into his cheesecake dessert.

"I told them to get out before I put them on the menu." The bear replied with a rather toothy grin.

"So the heroes over there, what did you say to make the human blush that much?" Dale asked with a sly grin.

Benny blushed himself. "Oh I just said welcome and that we'd keep the press out so they could enjoy their meal in peace."

"Then why did he blush and why are you blushing now?" Dale pressed.

The bear stood up replying. "We sort of met a while back. I need to get back to the kitchen."

By the time they finished their third interview their hangovers had finally faded. Toby had accompanied them all the way and even been included in some of the photographs. Although not too many as Mr Fulmer didn't want too much attention drawn to the fact the human was taken. He wanted to keep as many fans as possible hoping they could score with both of his racers.

He'd found time to call and book a table for three at the polar restaurant. However, he hadn't realised how much of a media storm had been brewed around John and Eric's actions. When they left their last interview there was a host of reporters and photographers outside the studio. The three dashed into their cab and it sped off to the restaurant with several cars following.

They managed to beat the reporters into the restaurant smiling as the waitress ushered them in. However, as she started to escort them to their table several reports barged in. The waitress turned and with grace and patience explained that they were fully booked tonight and unless they had a reservation they would have to leave.

The reporters didn't stop pointing their cameras at the three of them. Before things could escalate a huge polar male swept out of the kitchen. He stood clearly between the reporters and the three blocking their camera view. The bear politely asked them to leave and when they refused he growled a threat in a low voice. The rabbit watched as the reporters scampered out and the bear turned back to the waitress.

"If they try to get back in come get me." The bear said then turned to the guests, his and John's eyes met and they both recognised each other and blushed. "Ah... welcome to the Ice Fields, I'm Benny the head chef. Please let me know if there's anything that is not satisfactory."

Eric smiled and replied for the group. "Thanks for getting rid of those guys, after speaking to them all day what we really want is some piece and quiet and a huge steak. We hear you do good steak."

Benny stood slightly taller as he replied with pride. "Best on the planet, polar buffalo steaks with a choice of sauces. Also we do them in a range of sizes lapine, offworlder and polar. Not many of our customers have managed to finish a polar sized steak."

"Oh I like a challenge, I've never met a lump of meat I couldn't master." The wolf said with a chuckle.

"Well I'll leave you in Tina's care and go get my steaks ready. Enjoy your meal and evening." Benny said, he and the human shared another glance before he headed off. The waitress showed them to their table and gave them all a menu, took their drinks order and left.

As soon as she was gone Toby and Eric both turned to John, it was Eric who spoke first. "Ok what's going on between you and the bear?"

John coughed nervously studying the menu intently and replied in his most measured tone. "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh sweety I love you, but you're lying. You both exchanged looks and I've not seen you go that red in a long time. So come on be honest, you know each other right?" The rabbit said petting the humans hand reassuringly.

"Not really know. Today is the first time I heard his name or had any form of conversation with him." John replied cryptically. "I have met him, but I'm not supposed to talk about it."

Toby stifled a giggle as realisation dawned. "Oh... so have I met him"

Their conversation stopped as Tina returned with their beers and took their order. As soon as she left John said. "You did meet him, twice by my recollection."

"Wait, you've both met him, but you didn't speak and Toby doesn't even remember." The wolf said his voice fading out as he put two and two together. "You guys fucked the chef!" He exclaimed a little too loudly.

Toby and John shushed him and John explained. "In our last heat he was in there too and yes we did stuff."

The wolf chuckled and asked. "Was he any good? How big is he down there? What did he taste like?"

"We're not supposed to talk about it." The human replied. "However, as I know you won't let this drop until you find out. We met about halfway through our heat so none of us lasted long, he's seriously huge and everyone in heat tastes the same. They make you take a pill the day before."

The wolf sniggered and grabbed on to the only part of John's statement that mattered to him. "Seriously huge?"

"Biggest I've ever taken." The human replied with an infantile giggle.

"Oh wow now there's an interesting mental image." The wolf replied with a grin. "I can't believe you get to go into one of those clinics every year and I don't."

"Well you could if you actually spent more than one night with any of your lovers." Toby cut in with a meaningful glance at John. "Also we're not supposed to talk about it. How would you like it if people started discussing your size and technique afterwards?"

"I'd be disappointed if they didn't spread the good news afterwards." Eric replied with a cocky grin.

"Really? From what I've heard the news isn't all that..." Toby stopped himself realising he was taking things too far.

The wolf looked a little hurt. "What.. what have you heard and from who?"

The rabbit lightly patted the wolf on the arm. "Nothing really bad, I mean they said you were well endowed with a fun surprise ending. Just that they had to sort themselves out."

"Seriously who complains about the lack of a reach around?" The wolf grumbled as their appetisers arrived.

"Not me, but that's because my sweet bunny always makes sure I get one." John replied with a blush and a wink at Toby.

"Really he's the top?" The wolf asked perking up again.

Toby chuckled and nodded grateful that the conversation had swerved away from where it was headed. "Most of the time. How's your appetiser?"

"Soups good, but I'm really more in the mood for meat. After all this build up these steaks had better be worth the price." Eric replied as he tucked into his soup, he grabbed a slice of bread from the breadbasket and dipped it in his soup. The second he put it in his mouth he moaned deeply. "Oh my god have you guys tried the bread. It's amazing sweet and nutty yet savoury."

"Nope I've been too busy with these pastry parcels they are exquisite and the sauce is just amazing. How's the salad?" John said as he shovelled food into his mouth.

Toby looked down at his appetiser, it had been the only lapine dish on the menu. The vegetables were fresh, well prepared and the dressing was great but he couldn't help feeling jealous as the other two were clearly loving their food. "It's alright, I mean nice. It's a salad."

John looked up for a moment and the speared his last pastry parcel before offering it to his mate. "Here try this, I need to save room for the steak anyway."

The rabbit smiled remembering why he loved the human so much. He opened his mouth and bit into the parcel whole. His taste buds thanked him seconds later, as his teeth broke through the slightly sweet delicately crisp pastry and into a wonderful nutty and lightly spiced filling. The spice warmed his mouth in the most perfect way not burning, but just spicey enough to heat his mouth. The filling blended perfectly with the pastry different favours swirling round his palate, sweet, spicey, with playful tangy hints and the crunch of the pastry making the texture perfect.

"Oh my god that is the best thing I've ever had in my mouth." The bunny exclaimed, then glanced at his mate and corrected himself. "Second best thing."

The human smiled. "You really need to be more adventurous with your food. You don't go to a polar restaurant and order the same as you can get in any lapine place on the planet."

The rabbit blushed and nodded in agreement. "Point taken."

Eric pushed the bread basket his way saying. "Seriously guys try the bread before I finish the loaf." The basket was already three quarters empty. The rabbit and human both helped themselves to a slice. They both enjoyed it although they agreed the parcels were far nicer.

The conversation relaxed into discussions on what to spend their recent windfall on. Eric had already put a deposit on a luxury apartment right in the centre of the city. He went into great detail on the size of the bedroom and the huge bathtub he'd have fitted soon. Then in typical Eric style he invited them both to try it out with him.

Then Tina brought out two huge plates with two huge slabs of steak barely contained on the plate and at least two inches thick. Eric whimpered slightly. "I've died and gone to heaven." He muttered as he grabbed his knife and fork and started enthusiastically cutting into it. John tucked in to his shortly afterwards.

Toby had ordered the lapine sized steak found he got a much smaller thinner steak with an array of small vegetable based side dishes. He tucked in a little less enthusiastically at first, however the meal had been designed with the lapine palate in mind. The sides complimented the meat perfectly and the rabbit found himself nicely full by the time he had finished.

Toby was then treated to watching the other two trying to finish their meal. John had gotten about a third of the way through the huge slab and was definitely struggling to continue. Eric had made it passed halfway but it looked like his boasting of his huge appetite might have been exaggerated.

"Nice steak guys?" The rabbit asked mischievously.

"So good, but I don't think I can finish it, or if I do I think I'll fall over dead." John replied putting down his knife and fork.

Eric groaned and he put another forkful in his mouth. "Oh I am so full but if I stop eating my mouth will never forgive me."

As he started working on another forkful Tina wandered to their table and said. "You know we can put the rest in a bag for you to take home so you can finish it later."

Eric sighed with relief "Oh thank the gods, please could you? My taste buds thank you and my poor over-stuffed stomach thanks you even more."

Tina smiled and winked. "You're welcome so far the only person I've ever seen finish their steak has been the Chef. I hope everything was to your satisfaction. Do you want coffees or desserts?"

John and Eric both asked for coffee while Toby asked for the dessert menu. He ordered a human dessert to show his mate that he was more than willing to try new things. The dessert was brought out by Benny, he placed it in front of the rabbit.

"Evening gentlemen, how was your meal?"

"Oh just amazing, I never knew Polar cuisine was so good. That steak was just exquisite, I don't know how you got it to taste that way." John replied as he sipped on his coffee and leaned back in his chair.

"Well each steak is tenderised fully then marinated with polar herbs and spices mixed with vir nut oil, it's my own secret recipe. Then they are matured for a week between two planks of honeywood from the mountains on the southern continent on Polar. This gives the meat a sweet taste." The bear explained and then blushed. "I do apologise I can go on at length about cooking if people are too polite to stop me."

Eric flashed him a grin and a wink. "That's ok handsome you can talk as long as you want about how you prepare your meat."

As an offworlder the bear got hit on by customers all the time fortunately he was still blind to it most of the time.

"Thanks, but I need to go see to my other customers. Feel free to stay as long as you want. Those reporters are still hanging around outside and running is not recommended on a full stomach." The bear said as he wandered off.

Toby finished up his dessert and they ordered another round of drinks and then another. Nobody was sure how it happened exactly, but after all the other customers had left the three ended up moving over to Dale's table where they were joined by Benny, then later by Martin and Tina.

Toby, Dale and Ricky were engaged in a conversation about some new technical journal. Benny, Robert and John were discussing the current galactic political scene and the worries surrounding the potential Polar-Dragos alliance. Robert thought this was unlikely due to the massacre of a polar colony a decade ago. John agreed, however noted that the Dragos current military build up was similar to the one that preceded the Human Dragos wars just a few years earlier. Benny fell quiet after the mention of the massacre lost in thought. Both John and Robert tactfully dropped the massacre subject and left him to his thoughts.

Eric had been chatting away to Tina and Martin. Shortly afterward Tina announced she had to get home to her mate. Martin offered to go make another pot of coffee and Eric offered to help and the two left for the kitchen.

Benny grabbed a couple of bottles of nice wine from behind the bar and opened them. He and John managed to exchange a few brief words about their experience together of heat. They also traded stories on how they met their mate and came to be living on Lapros.

Benny made them all laugh when he told how he hacked the polar comm system on the way offworlder. So that his coming out to his parents and giving them a piece of his mind didn't just go to them but every single polar on the planet. He re-enacted his speech giving his parents and the world the polar equivalent of the middle finger at the end of it.

John told his story with a little more sadness, extolling the virtues of his friend who had died saving him, Toby and their companions. He glossed over the whole heat while stuck in an escape pod issue. Most present were smart enough to know guess what had happened. He told of his coming to this world and how once hear he'd found it impossible not to fall in love with the place and its people especially one certain rabbit. This got him and Toby the customary awwww from the gathering as he gave Toby a tender kiss.

He then started telling the story of how he and Eric had saved their fellow racing pilot Roger. It was halfway through this story that he noticed the wolf had been gone for a long time and no coffee had materialised.

A few seconds after Martin reached the coffee maker he felt strong paws slip around his waist and a warm firm body press up behind him. He found himself unable to do anything but moan pressing back against the other. "I thought you were going to help me make coffee."

The wolf chuckled leaning closer and kissing the back of the rabbit's neck as he ground his body against Martin's. "No I just said I was going to help you." The wolf kissed up the rabbit's neck nipping lightly on the base of his left ear making the rabbit moan and tremble under him. As his paws wandered over the rabbit's podgy tummy and down to the waistband on his pants. "You're a chef you don't need help with coffee. You also seem stressed out and I know I can help relieve your tension."

Martin shivered despite himself, he could feel a firm bulge being ground into his rear. It had been months since he had last had any physical intimacy with anyone. His cock was already straining to be free of his pants. His body ground back against the wolf wantonly, one arm reaching behind pulling the wolf against him. "You really move fast."

The wolf chuckled again turning the rabbit around in his arms and leaning in his lips were a mere hairs breadth from Martin's when he replied. "I'm a racer we move fast or finish last and I hate to come in last." As he finished speaking he pressed his lips to Martin's kissing him deeply, his tongue diving into the rabbit's maw dominantly exploring. His paws slipped down around the rabbit's rump and began to massage it firmly.

As they broke the kiss the rabbit gasped, he was lost to his lust he needed to have this wolf. His whole body yearned for the other male, his every look made his body temperature rise, his heat pound and his cock ache. His every touch made his skin tingly, feeling alive with sensation. "M...my cars just outside the back door. My place is less than five minutes away."

The wolf ground against the rabbit, his hard bulge grinding against the rabbit's as he replied. "We'd better move fast I'm not sure I can hold myself back for longer than five minutes."

They hit the backdoor at full speed, the wolf's paws never leaving the rabbit's body. As they reached the car and the rabbit reached for the door handle the wolf pushed up behind him forcing the rabbit against the door. He ground his thick bulge against the rabbit's rear, as he kissed the rabbit's neck, his paws diving down the front of Martin's pants.

"Oh by the gods bunny I'm going to ride you so hard your grandkids will be born sore." He whispered into the rabbit's ear as his paws found the fully erect sweaty cock stroking and caressing it making the rabbit moan loudly in the alley.

Martin ground his rear back against the firm bulge and then forward against the wolf's paws. "Oh... j..just five minute drive then I swear my ass is yours all night."

Eric licked slowly up the rabbit's neck nipping firmly on his ear base. He gave the rabbit's cock a squeeze as he replied. "I'll hold you to that promise." Pulling back he allowed the rabbit to get into his car. He leapt over the hood of the car and was in the passenger seat half a second later.

As the car pulled away Eric's was quick to take advantage of the rabbit's busy paws. He unzipped the rabbit's fly's ignoring his protests. He pulled the rabbit's cock out jerking it slowly with one paw while the other cradled and worked his orbs. Martin squealed and moaned trying desperately to concentrate on driving. Fortunately it was very late and the streets were empty.

"Mmm I thought I had had my fill of meat for tonight, but now I want one last little meat treat before taking you to bed." The wolf whispered as he bent down leaning into Martin's lap, he licked up and over the rabbit meat in front of him. It tasted heavily of stale sweat and musky pre.

Martin gasped as he felt the strong lupine tongue licking over his shaft. The sudden pleasure making the vehicle swerve before he corrected himself. The rabbit had never done anything this impetuous or dangerous, the adrenalin rush combined with the pleasure was amazing. He cried out as he felt the wolf's mouth around his cock. The wolf was sucking firmly and bobbing his muzzle fast along his full length. If he wasn't trying to focus on driving he would have came already.

He was almost sad as he pulled into the parking next to his apartment. "O...k we're here." He moaned softly sighing, only for the wolf to increase the pace of his bobbing. His muzzle sucked harder his tongue writhing against the hot flesh. Martin's paws slipped onto the wolf's head caressing his ears. "I...I'm gonna cum." He warned in a strained whisper, the wolf's reply was to suck harder and bob even faster.

Martin couldn't contain himself any longer he cried out in ecstasy his paws holding the wolf firmly in place. Eric swallowed ever drop as it jetted forth from the bunny, he didn't need to be held in place he was more than happy to stay until the rabbit was finished. As the rabbit's orgasm subsided the wolf pulled off his cock licking it clean he looked up and the rabbit and grinned. "Tonight your ass is mine, now get it into your home so I can enjoy it."

The two jumped out of the car a second later, Martin quickly screened his paw to unlock the door. The two stumbled inside kissing and groping each other. "Do you want the tour?" Martin asked as he torn off his shirt.

"Just take me to the bedroom." Eric replied removing his belt and chasing the bunny.

The two left a trail of clothes through the apartment. By the time they reached the bed they both only hand socks remaining.

Martin took his glasses off and tossed them onto the nightstand. Before he could turn back two wolf paws grabbed him pushing him onto the bed. A second later he was bent over on his knees his tail raised. The wolf was quick to position his cock against the warm bunny pucker. He paused there for a moment grinding his cock against the pucker spreading copious amounts of lupine pre onto the lapine's pucker.

Martin couldn't believe he'd only just met this guy two hours earlier and now he was grinding his cocktip into his pucker preparing to fuck him. What's more, he couldn't believe how badly he wanted to be fucked by this stranger. He moaned as the wolf slowly sank he spear-like cocktip into his pucker. He pressed back wantonly wanting to feel that cock deeper inside him.

The wolf groaned deeply as he felt the rabbit push back. He loved this planet, every guy he met seemed desperate to ride his cock he was always willing to take the initial thrust slow but half of the rabbits he fucked wanted it hard and fast. He thrust forward with renewed vigour, his thick meat filling up the rabbit's tight rear. He paused for a moment with his cock fully inside the moaning rabbit. He could feel his knot beginning to form at the base as the bunny moaned and squirmed around him.

He reluctantly pulled out knowing that very soon his knot would be too large to push back in this fully again until he decided to tie the rabbit. His paws gripped and massaged the rabbit's firm rump as he thrust forward again much harder the rabbit squealed loudly and then pushed back into him.

He gasped deeply at the sensation of the warm inner depths of the rabbit wrapping around his thick meat as it thrust. Caressing every inch in the wonderful way only a tight rear can. He felt his primal need to mate growing inside him but continue to fight it making a third harder but still gentle thrust into the rabbit.

Martin groaned loudly as the wolf cock sank into him a third time, the wonderful meat tickling spots inside him that had been unstimulated far too long. He glanced back at the wolf and moaned "Faster, harder...please I need it."

Eric grinned his wolfish grin hearing the rabbit begging for his cock, he obliged by picking up the pace, rutting into the rabbit faster and harder. His knot half formed and no longer able to easily slide into the bunny's tight ring. As the bunny under him moaned and writhed pressing back to meet his every thrust. He bit his lip, he wanted nothing more that to grab the rabbit and mate him fiercely until his forced his knot into the wanton beast.

The wolf's thrusting came much faster and harder, the thick meat pistoning in and out of his rear. Martin could feel the wolf's heavy balls smacking into his ass with every thrust. He reached under himself and grasped his erect drooling shaft and began stroking it quickly. The sensations as the wolf stimulated his prostate were beginning to become too much for him.

Even through the pleasurable sensations coursing through his body Eric noticed the bunny grasping his own cock. He remembered what Toby has said at the restaurant and leaned over a little. Taking one paw off Martin's ass and slipping it around the rabbit, he brushed the rabbit's paw away from the cock and wrapped his fingers around it. The bunny squealed a little as he started to jerk the rabbit in time with his thrusting cock.

Martin couldn't help but squeal and squirm as the wolf grabbed his cock and jerked him off. He closed his eyes as he felt his orgasm building, the wolf's paw and cock driving him ever closer to the edge. He pushed back harder into each thrust wanting to feel the wolf as deep inside him as he could.

Eric growled deeper and gave in to his animal instincts letting go of his control. He rutted into the rabbit uncontrollably fast and hard, his knot pressing harder and harder against the pucker. His mind was blank all he knew was that he needed to tie the willing bitch under him.

As the wolf went wild on his rear it pushed the rabbit over the edge, he screamed out into the bedsheets as his cock erupted in the wolf's paw spraying warm cum onto the bed. As his body spasmed his rear clamped down on the wolf's cock squeezing and massaging the wolfhood in the most exquisite way.

Eric became lost in the sensations sounding his cock, the world melted away and consisted of nothing but ten inches of warm bunny rear. He could feel every single squeeze as the rabbit orgasmed, the wonderful suction as he pulled back making him desperate to thrust back in. With a loud grunt he thrust forward so hard his knot forced its way fully inside the tight bunny.

With a stifled howl he felt his knot swelling inside the rabbit as he tied, he humped into the tied bunny desperately fast crying out as he orgasmed. He pumped vast amounts of hot wolf spunk deep into the tight rabbit's ass. He landed on top of the rabbit panting heavily.

Martin lay there panting feeling a bit squashed under the weight of the wolf. His ass felt stretched in a way it had never felt before, even after Benny had fucked him. It also felt wonderfully full and warm in a way he couldn't describe. The wolf came round a little and rolled onto his side, pulling Martin with him. He spooned up behind the rabbit kissing his neck and cheek.

"Mmmm told you tonight your ass is mine." Eric whispered with a chuckle lightly pulling his hips back so Martin could feel the knot tugging on his pucker.

"Oh god, what is that? It feels so strange, good but strange."

"It's my knot, we lupines like to keep our lovers close after we fuck them." Eric whispered as he nuzzled and nipped the rabbit's shoulders. "If we don't stimulate it it'll shrink in about an hour. If not then well we could be tied together all night long."

Martin chuckled and wriggled his rump a little making the wolf moan. Eric growled softly into the rabbit's ear. "I'm so going to knot fuck you all night long."

The rabbit squealed as the wolf suddenly started to thrust his hips. The knot inside him thrusting back and forward the few centimetres it could move. He could feel the wolf's cock returning to its full erect state inside him.

The stimulation of his prostate quickly brought the rabbit back to erection. The wolf ran a paw down the rabbit's chest and stomach then took a firm grasp of his bunnyhood. As he jerked the hot length thrusting his hips continuously he whispered. "Oh bunny likes the knot fucking doesn't he?"

Martin squealed softly bucking into the wolf's paw, as the wolf's knot ground heavily into his prostate, the rest of the wolf's cock stimulating deep inside him. "Oh, yes! I love it! I want more!"

"You want more huh?" Eric asked his hips picking up the pace slamming his knot deeper and deeper into the rabbits ass. His paw jerked the rabbit cock faster ad faster. "Like this?"

"Oh Yes, more! Please, harder!" Martin moaned his cock spraying little jets of pre onto the wolf's fingers.

Eric chuckled he loved it when his partners begged for his cock. He thrust faster and faster into the tight cum filled bunny rear. His paw squeezed on the bunny cock jerking it faster and faster too. "As you wish, by the gods you have a nice ass. I'm going to knot fuck it until the sun comes up

"Oh yes! Don't stop, please never stop!" Martin begged in a hoarse whisper as the endless grinding on his prostate had already brought him to the edge of his orgasm.

Eric chuckled speeding up his mini thrusting into the rabbit, panting softly and replying. "Don't worry us wolves have got a lot of stamina and I plan to use it all fucking your ass."

The increase in speed was all that Martin needed, he cried out, his cock sprayed warm drops of cum into the air as he reached his third orgasm of the evening. Eric gasped at the sudden tightness of the rear around him. He bucked wildly into the bunny pushing himself over the edge, he groaned loudly as his cock sprayed its second load of lupine spunk deep into the rabbit's willing rear.

They lay together panting Eric kissed the rabbit's shoulders as they both basked in their afterglow. "Mmmm it's going to be a fun night." The wolf whispered into the exhausted rabbit's ear.