An Unexpected Reunion

Story by Blindseer on SoFurry

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#1 of So Close and Yet so Far

I was disappointed to say the least when I screwed up the Danielle series, so I've been working on and off on a remake of it. Same characters, different setting and circumstances. Enjoy. Any feedback is appreciated.

Mike! Get your lazy ass out of bed. You're fucking clock has been going off for the last fifteen minutes and I can't figure out how to turn the thing off!"

"Fuck off, Dan. Gimme another minute," I groaned.

"Now!" the wolf said jumping onto my bed, nearly knocking me off in the process.

"Asshole," I said wrestling with him until I had him pinned beneath me.

"Get off," he growled.

"Say you're my bitch and I will."

"Kiss my furry ass!"

"Fine," I said repositioning myself so that I had his arm now pinned uncomfortably between us. He let out a moan of pain. "Give up?"

"I'm you're bitch," he finally whimpered.

"And don't you forget it," I said hopping off of him. Dan and I got along just fine, but we often had competitions such as the wrestling incident to establish dominance as a sort of joke. I shut off my alarm and pulled up the heavy blinds, which were currently blocking any sunlight from entering our tiny dorm room. Instead of being greeted by warm sunshine and light, I found myself staring out into a grey sky and an ice covered ground. "Beautiful," I said sarcastically.

"What?" Dan asked, looking up from his dresser which he was currently rummaging through.

"The weather," I answered. He nodded. "You check to see if classes are canceled?"

"They're not."

"Fuck." I began assembling the clothes I'd be wearing for the day and was about to step into the bathroom for a shower when a knock came at the door. When I opened it, a small mouse boy, Dan's boyfriend, was waiting. "What's good, Jack?"

"Nothing," he said in his quiet voice. "Just waiting for Dan." I nodded.

"I'll be there in a sec," Dan said rushing to get his things together. "I'll see you later, Mike." I waved after him in response as he and Jack left and slammed the door behind them.

I stripped down and took a hot shower, enjoying the feeling of the warm water of my skin. After about half an hour I was ready to head to class.

The first thing I noticed after I stepped out of the building was just how icy it was. I nearly slipped but caught myself at the last minute, much to the disappointment of a few passerby's. The sidewalk was just as bad, and I nearly fell several more times. It was cold and there were few other people besides me walking to class. Those who were walking were heavily bundled and would give only a curt nod and a muffled greeting as I passed by. Eventually I caught up to a female raccoon in front of me. She was taking short, careful steps to avoid slipping. However, she lost her footing and was about to fall when I reached out and caught her.

There was a couple of seconds of awkward silence as she stared up at me and I stared down at her. She was very, very good looking. Then she started to laugh, so I helped her stand up. "You alright?" I asked.

"Never better, thanks to you," she giggled.

"Was nothing really," I said blushing. "Wait a minute... Danielle?"

"Christ! Mike! Mike Thompson!?"

"The one and only Ms. Syra."

"I can't believe it's really you! It's been so long..."

"Well if you hadn't moved away to go to private school when we were in the eleventh grade," I joked giving her a wink. "How the fuck have you been!?" I said scooping her up into a warm hug.

"You still have a mouth on you," she chuckled as I placed her back down on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry," I said shaking my head. "I just can't believe it's really you! I missed you so much after you left, and it's been close to two years."

"I missed you too," she smiled. "But I really have to go to class now," she said looking down at her cell phone.

"I should probably get going too. It was nice seeing you though," I said giving her a nod.

"Hey, hold up a minute!" she said. "What's your phone number? I'll give you a call when I'm done after classes. Maybe we can get together and catch up on things?"

"Sounds good," I said handing her a slip of paper with my number. She programmed it into her phone and then looked up and smiled.

"I'll see you later then," she said giving me a wink and hurrying off to class. I watched her until I could no longer see her. It was so surreal, bumping into my best friend after four years of not seeing her. She seemed just as nice as ever, and was hot to boot. I grinned stupidly all the way to my class.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before. What are you so smiley about?" a skunk who I sat down next to asked.

"You remember that girl in the photograph on my desk?"

"The raccoon one that you only talk about incessantly?"

"Yeah. I bumped into her today."

"No fucking way! You said you hadn't seen her in forever!"

"I haven't. Haven't spoken to her either."

"She hot?"

"I'll introduce you to her later, Evan. Besides, I call dibs on her first." He laughed and we continued to chew the fat until the professor made his way through the door. I always enjoyed watching him move since he more waddled than walked, and probably wasn't an inch over five feet. We'd started calling him the Penguin and the name just stuck.

"Alright, let's begin," he said in his monotone voice. I was awake for approximately five more minutes after that.

"Yo, you slept through class dude." Evan hit me hard on the shoulder. "Come on, time to go." I got up and stretched. God was math boring. I let out a loud yawn as I picked up my bag and notebook and headed back towards the dorm. I loved Tuesdays. Only one class to go to and the rest of the day was free for me to do whatever I wanted. Today however, that time would be spent in the best manner I knew how, making myself look good for later.

I took another shower, shaved and made sure every hair on my head was in perfect order. I dashed on a small amount of cologne and put on a nice collared shirt. I took a quick peek in the mirror, making sure every strand of short brown hair I had so meticulously worked to hang down perfectly was still in order. 'Not having to shave is probably a benefit of being a morph' I thought sort of enviously.

Maybe ten minutes after I had finished and had sat down to watch TV, my phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Dude!" To my dismay, it was a male voice.

"Yeah, Evan. What's up?"

"There's a big party tonight. You wanna come?"


"Friend's apartment. It's gonna kick ass."

"I'll get back to ya dude, I'm kinda expecting a phone call... Probably though," I added.

"Alright. I'll see you later." I sat down and began to watch TV. No sports games, no interesting history programs, no nature programs, not a god damn thing on TV. Frustrated and anxious, I stood up and checked myself in the mirror one last time. I sat down on my computer and turned on some music. I let myself slouch down against the back of the chair until it was resting only on two legs. I managed to keep myself entertained for nearly twenty minutes just listening to the music and thinking of how much I had missed Danielle. Maybe if the school wasn't the size of a small city we'd have bumped into one another sooner. After that, the phone rang.


"Mike?" Danielle asked.

"You bet ya. What's up?"

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I'll meet ya outside, in front of the Jacobson Dining Hall."

"Sounds like a plan." I could hardly contain my happiness as I bounded down three flights of stairs and sprinted across the icy ground to reach Danielle. When she was in sight I jumped up in the air and slid to a stop in front of her.

"Quite an entrance!"

"Heh, been working on it," I winked. "So where you wanna head too?"

"There's a really cute place across town if you don't mind taking a drive?"

"Not at all. Lead on pretty lady," I said giving her a light slap on the butt. She smiled and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I've really missed you," I said as we made our way to her car.

"I missed you too! I wish my Dad hadn't forbidden me from talking to you after we moved..."

"Why'd he do that?"

"You're a bad influence," she chuckled as she wrapped her tail around me. When it was in front of me I grabbed it, and pulled lightly. "Give that back!" she said jerking her tail away hastily.

"I see you still haven't learned to share," I said sticking my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and shoved me away.

"Hear we are!" she sang as we reached her car. My jaw nearly dropped at the sight before me.

"How... How could you afford this!?"

"Graduation present from Daddy," she smiled. I stood in amazement. "We're gonna be late you. I had to make reservations! Come on!" I shook my head and jumped into the Mustang in front of me. After I had seated myself Danielle laid her tail across my lap and winked at me. "Gotta keep it somewhere, right?"

"Well at least you're finally learning to share," I said sarcastically. She laughed and started up the car.

We didn't speak much during the twenty minute drive to the restaurant. For most of it, I just stroked the length of her tail. She'd purr occasionally and smile at me. The dinner was good, and she refused to let me cover the check. I argued with her for nearly five minutes, insisting that I should at the very least cover my half, before I caved in and let her pay. When we got back to campus I helped her get out of the car and pulled her into a hug.

"I really missed you," I said holding her tight.

"I know," she whispered into my chest. I bent down to kiss her but she stopped me. "I'm sorry," she said shaking her head.

"What, does my breath smell or something?" I joked.

"No," she laughed. "No it's not that. That I can put up with," she winked and I rolled my eyes at her. "It's just that-"

"You have a boyfriend... don't you?"

"Yeah... How'd you know?"

"I didn't get into this school being stupid," I said trying to laugh away the sinking feeling that I felt in my heart. She forced a chuckle, and then there was one of those awkward silences that feels like it may never end as we just stood staring at each other. Finally I decided to break it. "Well, I best get going. This was fun. Thanks," I said probably a little more angrily than I had intended.

"Mike! Stop... I'm sorry I led you on, but I really did have a good time with you. And if you'd like, we can watch a movie together or something?"

"Nah thanks."

"Oh come on," she said pulling me by the arm. "Let's go! We haven't seen each other in how long and you wanna act like this?"

"Fine," I sighed.

"Hey! Keep your chin up," she said forcing my face towards hers and giving me a peck on the cheek. She led me by the hand to her room, where we were greeted by a scantily clad vixen who was just heading out.

"Danielle!" she cried happily grabbing her into a hug.

"Easy, Dana, you're gonna knock me over," she said slipping out of the bouncy vixen's grasp.

"Aww, you're no fun! And who's this? Is this Billy-boy who I've heard so much about?" she asked nodding in my direction. Danielle shook her head and laughed.

"No this is, Mike. We're friends from a long time ago and haven't seen each other in forever."

"Ohh goodie," she cooed. "He's pretty cute, kinda glad he's not taken. At least by you," she added smiling at me. "But I have to get going. Party tonight!" she said shaking her hips and throwing her long red hair back, before giving a flick of her black tipped tail and dancing off down the hallway.

"Roommate?" I asked after Dana was out of sight.


"You get along?"

"Yeah, she just has so much energy. She goes out all the time and is still keeping straight A's." I must've been wearing a very approving face because she followed up with, "And don't you get any ideas. She's more religious than anyone I know and won't give it up till marriage."

"A challenge, I like that," I laughed. "I seem to remember someone else saying that too," I said giving Danielle a wink. She rolled her eyes and then ushered me into her room. Both beds were covered in pink, and all along the walls were pictures of friends and family. I noticed a couple of me, one with my head under a pot and my arm around Danielle and one with her and me hugging. "Heh, don't remember that night," I laughed.

"Didn't think you would. That was such a fun party," she chuckled. "What movie do you wanna watch?" she asked pointing to a collection of DVD's stacked up in a corner. With only a terse glance I could tell they were all chick-flicks.

"Excellent collection," I said sarcastically.

"Well I am a chick."

"Sometimes I wonder," I joked. She punched me hard in the arm and then went to look through the DVD's herself.

"How about this?" she said holding up a copy of The Notebook.

"Really? Again? How many times have you watched that movie? You must have the whole thing memorized by heart?"

"Well one more time won't hurt, right? Come on, sit," she said motioning over to her bed. I jumped up onto it, kicked my shoes off and quickly laid myself down. "I said sit, but close enough." After turning on the TV she climbed in next to me.

"Well hello there, beautiful," I said wrapping an arm around her.

"Don't get fresh with me," she warned.

"Or what?"

"Or else I'll get physical," she said flexing.

"I think I'd like that." She ignored me and snuggled up into her pillow. I pulled her closer as the most agonizing two hours of my life passed. Somewhere during that period, Danielle must have nodded off, because my phone ringing woke her with a jump from her slumber.

"Yea'llo," I answered.

"You coming?"

"Yeah give me a sec, Evan. Where you wanna meet?"

"Dorm hall."

"Alright, later."

"Later," he said hanging up.

"I gotta go," I said to Danielle.



"A party?"

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Wouldn't you rather spend more time with me?" she asked flirtatiously.

"Why don't you come?"

"Only on the weekends," she answered. "Please don't go. I was comfortable." I pondered

over this for a couple of seconds. I could either stay here with my best friend whom I hadn't seen in ages and had no chance of getting any from, or go out, where that opportunity was more than likely to occur. Unfortunately, my conscience got the better of me.

"Fine," I conceded.

"Mmm, thanks," she said kissing me on the cheek. Her tail wound itself around me as I

called back Evan and told him I wouldn't be attending, despite his best efforts to change my mind.

"I can't believe I just did that. What's happening to me?" I asked after I hung up.

"You're becoming a better person." Danielle smiled at me and wiggled the tip of her tail in my face.

"I don't remember ever being a bad person. In fact, I'd say I'm perfect." Danielle broke out into hysterics and I pulled away from her in mock anger.

"You haven't changed at all, have you?" she asked, wiping a tear away from her eye.

"Guess not." Danielle grabbed me into a tight hug, and to my surprise, kissed me on the lips. "What-" but she cut me off by putting a finger to my lips.

"I haven't been this happy in ages," she smiled. "And believe me when I say I want to do more with you, but Bill..."

"I understand," I said as she pulled away. She swung her feet over the edge of the bed and I moved next to her. "So... what now?"

"I dunno," Danielle shrugged.

"Another movie?" I suggested.

"Well I... I have to call, Bill now. If you wanna wait or something-"

"So you kept me from going why?" I asked angrily. "Honestly, if we were going to do something else then I could understand, but asking me to put off my plans so I can sit hear and listen to you talk to your fucking boyfrie-"

"Please don't get so mad," she said tearfully.

"Not get mad!? Not get mad!?" I was about to continue, but looking over at her I could see she was clearly upset. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that."

"No... No you should be mad. First I lead you on and then all this-"

"Stop," I interrupted. "There's no reason for how I acted. I'm sorry."

"Well I'm sorry too... It's just, it's all so confusing to me. I like you a lot, but then there's Bill, and ugh," she said holding her head in her hands and grunting in frustration.

"Maybe I should go," I said standing up.

"No, don't. Just, hold on a second." She whipped open her phone and dialed a number so quickly I could hardly see her fingers move. I heard a deep voice on the other end answer. "Bill I'm not feeling to good tonight. I'm gonna get some sleep but I'll call ya tomorrow." She paused as she listened to his response. "No I'm fine babe. Okay. Okay I love you too. Bye," she said hanging up. "Let's go to that party," she said looking over at me.

"Wow, that was decidedly out of character for you. Remind me not to get on your bad side." She gave me a wicked smile.

"I'm gonna change real quick and then we'll go."

"Are you sure you want to? I mean we don't have to if you don't."


"I'll do whatever would make you the happiest, you know that."

"Oh God! That was not only the biggest lie you've ever told, but also the mushiest nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth."

"Well so much for her actually thinking I'm a nice guy. Looks like I've been found out and the jig is up." She started to laugh and gave me a hug.

"I've really missed you." I only nodded as she placed her head into my neck. She looked up at me with the cutest expression I've ever seen. "I can't believe we met like this again." She began to kiss up along my neck and stopped right before she got to my lips. Here I took the initiative and kissed her. I began to tease my tongue along her teeth and when she opened her mouth our tongues met. We stopped only when we both needed air. "I shouldn't be doing this," she said pulling away and sitting down next to me.

"I'm sorry-"

"Not your fault," she interrupted. She let out a loud sigh and lied back down on her bed.

She patted the spot next to her and I moved over to sit by her. "Come on, let's cuddle like

we used too."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, no harm in that right?" I shrugged and joined her. She flipped over on her side so she was no longer facing me and I took the same position. I through an arm around her and my hand began to trail along her stomach. She purred and reached out for my hand. Our fingers intertwined and her tail snaked its way around one of my legs. For a while we just enjoyed the serenity of the moment. "Mike?"

"Mmm?" She gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Do you think it's weird we never dated?" I took a deep breath and thought about how to answer her question.

"I don't know. I mean I guess a little, but what we had was still special right? I have never had a friend closer than you who I could share so much with... Plus you're dad had enough reason to hate me." She giggled and pulled my arm tighter around herself. "What do you think?"

"I wish we had." When she didn't continue any further I decided to prod her along.


"Yeah." Again, nothing but silence.

"Why?" She let out a loud sigh before taking my arm off of her and flipping herself onto her other side so that she now faced me. She giggled again and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Because when I saw you with other girls it always made me jealous. I knew that you loved me and stuff but..."

"But?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know. Sometimes I just wish that I had had you all to myself." I let out a chuckle. "What?"


"Nothing my ass! What's so funny?" she asked as she propped herself up onto her hands and straddled my chest. I flipped over onto my back and stared up into her green eyes.

"Just selfish that's all," I laughed. She sat herself on top of me and began to furiously play-slap my face. When her onslaught was over I grabbed her by her waist and tickled her furiously. She began to laugh uncontrollably and when she lost her balance I knocked her off of me and we traded places.

"Uncle! Uncle!" she cried hysterically. I relinquished my seat from atop of her and sat down on the edge of the bed. She draped her arms around me from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder. "Bill would never do that."

"Do what?"

"That. He's not as playful or as fun as you. We'd have had sex and he'd already be asleep by now." She began to rub my shoulders and any tension I had built up slipped away from me.

"You're still amazing at this," I said as she worked a particularly sore spot which caused me to twitch.

"And if memory serves, you were pretty good at rubbing this," she said throwing her tail down into my lap.

"Fuck that," I said jokingly. I felt one of her hands leave from my shoulders and find its way across my face. "Ow! What the fuck!?"

"You know how I feel about swearing," she warned.

"You're such a bitch," I taunted, trying to provoke her to attack again. Instead she merely

stopped what she was doing and crawled up to the head of her bed. I lied my head down in her lap and she stroked through my hair.

"Do you remember when we first had sex?" she asked to my surprise.

"Yeah... Why?" I asked, trying my hardest to not sound awkward.

"It was just after Winterball and the snow was falling... So we walked all the way to your

dad's house in the cold and you piggybacked me most of the way..." she trailed off and seemed to zone out as she remembered. Her eyes closed before she began to speak again. "When we got there you were freezing half to death cause you had given me your coat. Your dad wasn't home that night because he was working the graveyard shift so you started a fire and we cuddled in front of the fireplace... One thing led to another and eventually we, well we made love. I'll never forget how good you made me feel that night. I'm glad I gave myself up to you. I've honestly never had any regrets about it. Do you know what it's doing right now?" I shook my head no. "Sit up and look out the window." I did as she asked and to my surprise large snowflakes were falling and could be seen clearly in contrast to the streetlight and the darkness outside. "It's close to four years later than that, but you're making me feel every bit as good right now as you did then." We began to kiss and her tail wrapped around my back, pulling us into an even tighter embrace. "I love you, Mike," she said as she let me go. Tears began to stream down her face, but she made no noise.

"I love you too," I whispered as I wiped the tears away from her face. She began to start crying and I pulled her into another hug. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I want to be with you so badly," she sobbed. I didn't say anything as she continued crying over my shoulder.

"Listen, I love you with all my heart and I always will. You were, are and always will be my best friend, but I don't want to ruin the relationship your in... If it's meant to be then some day we'll be together... Provided your dad doesn't find out." She let out a snort of laughter between her sobs.

"He doesn't hate you that much," she said smiling despite the tears still leaving trails down her face.

"Let's see," I said counting off on my fingers as I began to speak. "For one, I slept with

daddy's little girl, multiple times," I added which caused her to start laughing. "Two, he didn't very much approve of the chewing tobacco. Three when he found me piss drunk in your bathroom. Four would be that time I broke his-"

"Alright, alright, I get it," she chuckled as I was about to continue. "You're ridiculous you know that?"

"What's your dad think of him?"

"Of who?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Who do you think? Bill or whatever his name is." I couldn't hide the jealousy I felt.

"He's in love with him. I swear they hang out together more than him and I do sometimes." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms behind her head as she lay back against her pillows. "I'm really tired," she yawned.

"Me too," I yawned back. "I'm gonna head back now," I said as I started to stand up.

"You can sleep here if you want," she offered. "I mean, it is really cold out and snowing and all," she added quickly.

"Right," I said sarcastically. "You sure you don't care?"

"Nope. I'm just gonna get ready for bed real quick. There should be an extra toothbrush in that drawer over there," she said pointing over towards a desk in the corner adjacent to her bed. She made her way into the bathroom down the hall and washed herself up while I did the same. I beat her back and while I waited I began to look at all the pictures along her wall. There were a lot more of me up there than I had noticed earlier, most of them with me doing something stupid while inebriated. But there were even more of Danielle and a wolf whom I presumed to be Bill. He was skinny with thin-rimmed glasses and from what I could tell no muscle at all.

"Mike?" Danielle asked which caught me off guard and caused me to flinch. She laughed and took me by the arm to her bed. "Hop in. I think the left is your side if I remember correctly," she said. I nodded and I crawled up against the wall until she had made herself comfortable. I rubbed all along the base of her tail, causing her to moan slightly and a feeble attempt to bat away my hand. When I let go she groaned, "Don't stop."

"Danielle if I was going to ask you something really personal would you promise that you wouldn't get offended?"

"Depends," she joked.


"It would take a lot from you to piss me off, so ask away."

"What do you see in Bill? I mean I don't know him at all, but from the way you've been talking about him and stuff... It just seems like you deserve better than that." She pulled her tail away which frightened me into thinking I had really pissed her off, but when she flipped over onto her side so we were face to face I calmed down.

"Good question," she sighed. "Daddy set us up and things were really fun for a while, then they just kinda, I don't know, grew stale I guess. It probably happens in every relationship at some point right? So if I loved him and we lasted so long why should I just end it?"

"If you loved him?"

"I still do... Sorta I guess, but I don't really have any reason to break up with him. But what about you? Why aren't you dating anyone?"

"I dated a couple of people, but it didn't last and I made no attempt to make it work ya know? I just never really felt a connection with anyone... kinda like I do with you."


"Stop what?"

"It's tough enough to ignore the feelings I have for you and when you say things like that it just makes things that much harder." She leaned over and we began to kiss, softly at first but more passionately as time wore on. "I just don't know what to do," she said after we had finished.

"Do what you feel is right. I'm sorry if I'm making things hard for you, I simply can't help the fact that I'm perfect."

"Please, you're so far from perfect that it's not even funny," she chuckled.

"Then why are you laughing?" Again she leaned over and we kissed, but only for a short period of time before she pulled away.

"I can't do this... Besides I have class early tomorrow. Speaking of which, do you need to wake up at any time in particular?"

"I don't have class till late. I'll be fine."

"Okay then. Goodnight," she said kissing me one last time before rolling over and resting her head upon my chest.

"Night," I said wrapping an arm around her waist and gently stroking along her side. It didn't take long for Danielle to nod off and her soft, rhythmic breathing helped lull me to sleep quickly as well.

When I awoke the next morning I was surprised to see Danielle still sleeping peacefully next to me. Slowly I lifted my head off the pillow and looked for a clock. When I noticed what time it was I bolted upright and nearly knocked Danielle off the bed in the process. "Wake up!" I exclaimed needlessly, as my sudden movement had jarred her from her slumber.

"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked groggily.

"It's almost noon!"

"Oh," she said without much emotion.

"You're gonna be late no?"

"I would have already missed class had we actually had it today." I looked at her inquisitively. "Dana woke me and up and told me they were cancelled. Too much snow," she explained. I did my best to look out of their window and in the process noticed the gorgeous vixen half-naked spread out on her bed. Danielle noticed where my attention was and rolled her eyes. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"I just may do that. Can I borrow you're camera?" She pushed me softly and sighed.

"What am I gonna do with you?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well there's a lotta things I'd like to do." This caused her to hit me with more force. "I meant that only in a platonic way dearest," I joked. She laughed and pressed herself even closer against me.

"Go back to sleep," she yawned.

"I can't."

"Well at the very least you can stop pestering me then."

"Where's the fun in that?" I complained. She didn't respond and instead closed her eyes and yawned loudly once again. My hand snaked its way along her stomach to rest on her inner thigh. When she didn't protest I began to massage it gently. She moaned softly and kissed me on the cheek. I slipped a finger beneath her panties and rubbed along her slit. She was moist. She cooed and leaned up enough to kiss me again before lying back down. Encouraged by her response I slowly slid a finger inside of her, reveling in the warmth and tightness of her passage. I pumped it in and out of her gently, making sure to play with her hardened clit with my thumb. It didn't take long for her to stifle a yelp as she climaxed and she arched her back up and humped against my hand. After she had finished she lied down again. I rolled myself on top of her, my hands supporting my weight as I kissed her. She returned it eagerly but then stopped suddenly.

"No more." She saw my look of confusion. "Not with Dana in the room... And Bill," she added as more of an afterthought. Slightly disappointed I stood up, not attempting to hide the obvious tent in my boxers. "Where are you going?"

"Just gettin' something." I walked over to my pants and pulled out a tin a wintergreen dip from the back pocket.

"That's disgusting," she commented, her face wrinkled to reflect her opinion.

"I know."

"I thought you quit."

"I did."

"Then why are you still doing it?"

"I've quit numerous times, sometimes more than once a day. The problem is my resolution never lasts more than a couple of weeks at most."

"Give me that," she said outstretching her hand. Hesitantly, I relinquished the tin to her control. She looked at it in disgust. "If you're going to hang out with me you're gonna quit this shit." She looked positively livid, a fact which was only further reinforced by the fact that she had sworn, something she did only when she was really, really pissed off.

"Why are you so mad? I've been doing this for forever."

"It's not good for you, and I can't believe I've put up with it for as long as I did. Why'd you even start doing this garbage in the first place?" she asked, visibly calmer now.

"Dad and I always did it while we watched baseball. 'Brings ya closer to the field' he used to say." She didn't say anything as she merely stared down at the small metallic object in her hand.

"You're getting one a day. I swear to God and all that is holy if I catch you doing it more than that I'll kick your butt and never speak to you again." She handed the tin back to me. "Go ahead." When I had a comfortable pinch in, she outstretched her hand again. "Now give it back." For a moment I considered saying no and keeping it, but when I saw the disapproving scowl on her face I felt compelled to hand it over. "Good boy." She got up and made her way towards the mini-fridge in her room. She finished a half empty bottle of water and shoved it towards me. "Out in the hall. I have to hide this."

"Can't I at least put some pants on?"

"No. Now get out!" I nearly sprinted out the door at her command and stood embarrassed as a group of girls down the hall saw me and began to point and giggle. After what seemed like an eternity Danielle returned and opened the door for me. "You can come in now."

"Gee thanks," I muttered. She sighed.

"I realize this is gonna be tough for you, so if you actually stick with this I'll make sure to reward you."

"How?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think you have a pretty good idea of 'how'," she answered coyly.

"Oh do divulge. I'm pretty dense." She laughed and began to gather up some clothes.

"I'm going to go shower. Stay here and try not to break anything. Clicker's over there," she said pointing towards the TV remote. I nodded and said nothing as she made her way out the door and down the hall. Turning on the TV, I settled down onto Danielle's bed and flipped through the channels. Much as I had expected, there was nothing on.

"Good morning," I heard Dana say. I looked over at the vixen, she was still sprawled out on her bed but she was facing me and smiling.

"Morning," I said spitting into the bottle in front of me. "How you feel?" I asked, remembering the vixen had gone out partying and hadn't returned till real late. While entering, she had inadvertently slammed the door and had scared both Danielle and I half to death. Before we could comment, she had simply walked over to her bed, collapsed onto it and passed out.

"Been worse," she said putting her hands to her head and rubbing her temples. "Could you be a dear and grab me an aspirin and a bottle of water?"

"Yeah, where is it?"

"My purse," she said nodding towards her desk. "Thanks babe," she said flirtatiously after she had taken the requested items from me. Her tail wound its way around my back and she pulled me into a hug. "So how long have you and Danielle known each other?" she asked after she had let me go.

"Known as in known, or in the biblical sense?" She giggled.

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"Since grade school," I answered. "We met in like first grade or something and practically grew up in each other's houses. I lost my mom when I was real little and her's sorta adopted me."

"What happened? To your mom I mean, if you don't mind me asking of course."

"She was killed in a mugging. We don't exactly live in the nicest neighborhood."

"Wow, I'm sorry."

"It's alright," I sighed, shaking my head in a vain attempt to get the tragic memories outta my head.

"So where do you live now?" she asked to break the awkward silence that had fallen.

"Same place, with Dad and Janet."


"His girlfriend," I explained. We continued to talk about where we grew up and stuff until Danielle returned. Even in nothing but sweats and a spaghetti-strap top she was drop dead gorgeous. Her short brown hair was tied up into a neat ponytail behind her, and her green eyes made a stark contrast to the black mask of her face.

"Have you two been playing nice?" she asked.

"Mostly, she bites too much." Both girls giggled and Dana beckoned for Danielle to come over. She whispered something into her ear and Danielle nodded to whatever had been said in agreement. "Secrets aren't nice."

"Too bad," Dana said sticking her tongue out. I mimicked the gesture back at her and Danielle walked over and gave me a quick kiss.

"Let's get something to eat. You coming Dana?" She shook her head.

"I think my stomach has other ideas."

"You sure?"


"Okay then. Let's go Mike."

"Hold it," I said holding a hand up. "You're forgetting one important detail," I said looking down out myself. She went over to her dresser and rummaged to the bottom of one of her drawers. I noticed a pair of frilly panties and couldn't resist myself. I reached into the drawer to Danielle's surprise and held the panties up high out of her reach as she attempted to jump up and grab them. "Oh my God! These are mine! Danielle, I can't believe you kept these you sick perv."

"Haha very funny," she growled. "Give em back." Dana was laughing hysterically as I pulled back the elastic and shot them at Danielle. They hit her in the face. "Oh you're gonna pay for that," she snarled. Without warning she jumped up and forced me to catch her. Her arms wrapped themselves around my back and she pulled back her head enough to give me a smug smile. "Gotcha," she said tapping my nose gently and giving me a kiss. I placed her back down and she finished looking through her drawer. "Here ya go," she said throwing me a pair of jeans. "They're Bill's but they're too big for him. You're taller than him so they should fit."

"I'm glad it's only that I'm taller, because if you were calling me fat I'd cry."

"Puh-lease," she said rolling her eyes. "I think you're still skinnier than me," she said running a finger along my stomach. I don't like to boast, but my six-pack was something I was very proud of and it came about only as a result of a ridiculous amount of running and a little working out. That and 90% of the school's food didn't agree to well with my stomach, so I tended not to eat much if at all. I wasn't a huge muscle bound hulk, but I was toned. "Get dressed already! I'm starving," she said.

"Well that takes care of half the problem." After I had thrown on the jeans she threw a t-shirt my way.

"Here. Now let's go already. We'll see ya later Dana," Danielle said as she practically dragged me by the hand towards the door.

"Feel better," I managed to get out before she threw me out and closed the door behind us. We held hands as we made our way towards the nearest dining hall. When we were about halfway there Danielle's phone rang.

"Hello? Hey, Bill. No, no classes today." There was a long pause as she listened to his response. "I don't think practice is cancelled. You can come if ya want. Okay, okay great. I'll see ya then. Yep. Okay. Love you too," she said hesitantly looking over at me and hanging up. I didn't say anything. "Sorry about that, Mike... You're not mad are you?"

"Why would I be?" I asked in all sincerity. "He's your boyfriend."

"Yeah," she said slowly. "Listen I have dance practice at six. You're coming right?"

"With Bill there?"

"Yeah, why not? You're my friend I can hang out with who I want."

"I'm not sure it's such a good idea, he might get pissed..."

"Don't worry about it. He might be a crap for a little while but I can fix that," she said squeezing my hand. She stopped abruptly which caused me to jerk backwards and to nearly topple over. When I looked over at her to see why she had stopped she kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace so warm we lost track of time and the blistering cold around us. We continued to kiss and eventually I pulled away.

"I don't think we can do that in front of him."

"Neither do I," she said grabbing my hand and starting to walk again. We ate quickly, saying very little.

"I'm gonna give Evan a call and head over to the gym. You wanna come?"

"Nah thanks. I'm going to go hang out with Dana for a while. She's gonna help me with a report I gotta do. I'll see ya at six." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek as she stood up and headed back towards her dorm. When she was out of sight I reached into my pocket and got out my cell. I texted Evan and he gave me a call.

"Mike man, you missed a helluva party last night," he said.

"I'm sure I did. You're coming right?"

"Yeah I'll see ya in a half hour or so."

"Good deal. Later dude."

"Later," he said hanging up.

As I made my way back to my own dorm to change I reflected on the events of the past 24 or so hours. It was going to be an interesting night to say the least.