Pokémon Diaries Chapter 1 Who Am I?

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 Who Am I?

"Please wake up!"

I opened my eyes but I had to close them again because of the pain in the right side of my head, I slowly stood up while holding my head with both of my arms. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a Quilava in front of me, the Quilava seemed odd...Its blue part was red and it was crying.

"What's the matter?"

The Quilava jumped back and yelled.

"You're not hurt are you?!"

"There's no need to yell!"

"I'm sorry!" The Quilava yelled back when it went down on the ground and covered its head with its front paws.

I was confused, I leaned forward a bit and said.

"What are you doing?"

Quilava kept on sobbing.

"Please don't hurt me!"

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why would I hurt you?"

Quilava looked at me, it seemed confused.

"Do you really mean it?"

I smirked and smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Quilava seemed confused and relieved, it stood up and came closer.

"Are you hurt? You hit your head pretty hard."

That's when I remembered the pain, I touched the right side of my head carefully with my right hand and it hurt a lot. I took my hand back and noticed a little bit of blood.

That's when I noticed the shape of my hand, it had no fingers and the end was round. I shouted and fell on my back. Quilava ran next to me and yelled.

"Are you okay?! What's the matter?!"

I was panting heavily.

"What am I?"

Quilava was confused.

"What are you talking about Raichu? You are you."

"What?" I said as I looked at myself, my stomach was white and my fur was orange, I had dark markings and long legs. I saw my tail but had no idea how I didn't notice it before, I couldn't move it at all. I turned around onto my stomach and stood up, but as soon as I got up I somehow lost my balance and fell on my back again. I sat up and looked at my hands.

"Is this who I am? Wait, who am I? Who are you?"

Quilava was confused and looked worried, it looked at me and said.

"Maybe we should head back, follow me."

I had followed Quilava for a while now, because I couldn't stand and walk for some reason I had to crawl. I had been crawling after Quilava who was walking in front of me for a while now. But finally we reached an open are in this forest and Quilava started running, I crawled after it with all the strength I had left. When I reached the opening I saw a human running at me. He picked me up and started inspecting my head.

"What happened to you Raichu? We have to get you patched up."

He carried me to what seemed like a campsite, there was a tent and a fire. He put me down in front of the fire and grabbed his backpack from his tent.

He grabbed some kind of a big white bandage that he started to wrap around my head. It hurt whenever he rolled on the wound on my head but after a while it didn't hurt that much, when he was done wrapping he made a knot and stroked my head.

"There, too bad you can't tell me how you got wounded."

"I can talk!"

He just smiled. "Too bad I can't speak Pokémon."

I was shocked, I wanted to yell at him while standing but when I tried to stand I fell. He grabbed me and put me away from the fire, he looked at me carefully. He grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes, he just stared without blinking and said. "Try moving your tail."

I didn't understand but I closed my eyes and tried with a lot of effort to move it. I didn't know how to move it but I tried, when I opened my eyes after giving up he seemed worried. He grabbed my tail and brought it in front of me. He looked at me and said.

"Tell me when you feel my hand."

He started pressing his fingers against my tail, it took only a few seconds before I squealed. He put my tail down and let go of me, he stood up and started pacing. He seemed worried, he stopped his pacing after a while and yelled.

"Quilava! Gather the others! We're going to the Pokémon Center!"

After Quilava started running back into the forest the guy kneeled in front of me.

"Don't worry, after she gather's everyone we'll go and get you better.

I have no idea how long It had been, that guy had put me inside the tent to rest while Quilava gathere'd "the rest" and when the guy was done packing he had been carrying me all the way to this Pokémon Center. We had gone into a room with a girl named Nurse Joy and we I was being inspected, and hated every second of it.

All the time she was holding a light into my eye, looking into my ear, put a cold metal thing on my chest and had hit my knee! Luckily the guy had persuaded her not to take the thing on top of my wound that was wrapped on my head, after the inspection was done I held my head and looked at her angrily.

"I guess he doesn't like to be touched." Nurse Joy giggled.

"He has never liked inspections, when I had to check his teeth last week he bit me." He laughed.

Nurse Joy giggled again. "Well, I have to check the tail now for possible injuries.

When Nurse Joy grabbed my tail I still kept the look on my face while Joy looked worried. "The tail is completely limp, this shouldn't be. What was your name again?"

"Jonathan, but you can call me Jon."

I looked at Jon, for some reason that knowing his name made me to feel more secure. Nurse Joy continued to inspect my tail.

"So, you don't know what happened?"


Joy put my tail down and touched my forehead. "I can't say anything without further proof but I think that he might have something wrong with his brain. He must have hit his head very hard and now his motor skills don't work. Maybe even amnesia, I don't know. It's not like we can talk to Pokémon..."

Jon held his head and sat down onto a chair. He looked sad and I felt bad for him for some reason. I was scared when Jon suddenly jumped in front of me and grabbed.

"Do you know who I am?!"

I was slightly scared of him, his face looked desperate and crazy. The only thing I could do was to slowly shake my head. His eyes started filling with tears and he stepped away from me, he turned around and held his arms tightly.

Joy held her arm. "Well, if his memory is only damaged they can come back with time. The thing is, if they are damaged then they are gone for good. I suggest you continue adventuring with him as usual and maybe his memory comes back."

Jon turned to Joy.

"You think it could work?"

She nodded and Jon suddenly hugged me, I didn't like it but I didn't want to push him away. I didn't know what to do, the main thing on my head is. Who am I? Or who was I?

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