Chapter 13

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#13 of Started with a Rock: Arc 1 - The First Journey

Mental speech key:


/everyone locally/


<|Kyn and Tensa|>



~Vendetta & Jasmine~


Three hours, she snorted to herself; she was going to throw that stupid flask away, she didn't remember why she had even accepted it from Syrup in the first place...She straightened her scarf and checked to make sure the metal of the bed frame didn't put a dent in her headplates...well, that was obvious, it wouldn't have. Slowly she let the link fade back into existence, since she would be leaving, she had a letter to send off after all. The bedrooms did have a little desk off to the side, and stationary...but it did take her a bit to find the graphite to write the said letter. It was a short, perhaps four sentences long, and of course she was having to deal with the smell that seeped under doors, and it made her squirm in the chair. She couldn't, wouldn't, begrudge his sex with his mate, especially when she was the one who told them that they needed to keep Tensa's scent on him.

After waking up, and still feeling Tensa nearby him, knowing him to be awake he said to him, "Well. If we do stay in this world perhaps... it would be good to keep a personal record, other than my memory. Video I mean. Anyway, I guess it's time to get ready for the rest of whatever is going on. I don't know how many days she's been forced to book us for but I guess the others will have to wait some more."

"She did say that our purpose was not to play here, Kyn. Perhaps that has changed, and we can, but until then, we should just stick to doing what she says. From what I can tell this place... has a certain air to it, figuratively speaking of course." Tensa said.

Heji woke up and rolled onto his his side, taking in the light of the hour. He decided that as a new first, HE would actually visit Serena this time instead of her coming to him. He went over to the door, turned the handle and opened it up, heading to where she was.

Marlow was woken by his desire to stay as close to Serena as possible, and do exactly as he promised, by watching her everywhere, even if, which was most likely the case, she didn't want him to.

Striker awoke about fifteen minutes after the rest of the group, something that was not unusual He fluttered his wings again, in the typical early morning fashion, followed by doing a series of stretches as well. Whatever was on their plate for the day, it probably involved a lot of walking, and his feet were beginning to grow tired. He'd never walked for two days straight, and he hoped that he never had to. He left his door open, since he didn't really have anything to hide or that anyone would likely disturb him. It seemed like the place to go, where everyone was congregating was in the room that Serena was, and so he headed there.

Lacu awoke via the natural light as well, and meditated for fifteen minutes, in the same time frame before Striker was awake, as it turned out it lined up perfectly. He too had his own form of morning exercisers. He saw Striker go by his door sometime later, and figured that now would be the opportune time to head to meet the others as well.

Serena was alerted by the door opening the first time, and Heji walked through, though whatever had crossed her mind as he entered died as Marlow floated in behind him. Her tail coiled around her side almost protectively as she tried to get back to writing, but of course, the graphite had snapped in her rather...embarrassing squirming against the chair.

"Morning." She said simply, catching the green and red joining the crowd around her door, well, she wasn't alone NOW, was she. "I would have thought you would have gone to enjoy yourselves and not bother to check up on me." She said honestly, of course, she couldn't say anything else, but now with the door wide open she had to breathe through her mouth.

" PLEASE close the door?" She snorted as she looked for a different piece of graphite to write with, it was bad enough that her writing was shaky, without that scent so overbearingly in her nose, and she wasn't entirely sure why it was affecting her this way, it never had when she had watched non-sentients mate. Her claws dug, perhaps a bit too deep into the wood to be considered just balancing as she dug for that stupid graphite. Finally, she found another piece, and started to work again...feebly at best.

"Is there a problem Serena?" Heji closed the door by kicking it with his back paw, even though he knew that the next few coming in would probably leave the door open as well so he wasn't sure why she was asking him to close the door. He of course was used to the scent of Kyn and Tensa mating, so it didn't affect him at all.

Striker came through the door next, of course, leaving it wide open since there was no reason for him not to since it was just Serena, and then he noticed Heji and Marlow in the room as well. "Morning, Serena." He said. The door had been left open exactly as Heji thought.

She twitched a little, got up off of the chair, and closed it, even clicking the little lock on it, and stuffing a pillow at the bottom of the door frame, muttering curses under her breath. "Yes and no, trying to write and having problems with it." her tail curled protectively, and yet rather awkwardly between her legs as she sat back down. "Would help if I could concentrate, but of course concentrating would mean that I would have to have a clear head, and my head is anything but clear right now." She was quite thankful that she didn't have a hang over, but still. She tried not to rock against her chair, against her tail even, but she had long given up the attempt at writing, for now, at least.

"How exactly, is locking our comrades out of this room going to help you get a clear head?" Striker asked. He didn't mention the rather strange action of her putting the pillow under the door.

"And how is putting a pillow under the door going to help, if these walls are already soundproofed?" Heji asked, just as a curious as Striker.

Lacu was about to arrive in Serena's room when the door was essentially slammed in his face, and then he heard the lock click. "Hm, strange." He put his head to the door to listen in.

"The room is Soundproofed, not smell proofed, are you SURE your noses work?" She put her head in her hands, scratching back along her headplates as if trying to smooth her hair. "And they're not locked out, there's still the door from the bathroom, which at least traveling that far will break it down a bit." she muttered, balling the paper in her claws and tossing it into the waste bin.

"Are you referring to Kyn and Tensa's mating last night? If so, then no, our noses are working perfectly fine." Striker said, and Heji nodded, agreeing with him.

"Though they'll more than likely forget, and try to come the same way we did." Heji said. They both did not know that Lacu was outside and that he would tell Tensa and Kyn the alternate way.

Lacu chuckled at the entire situation. He left the door and waited for Kyn and Tensa to leave their rooms.

She really quite tried to focus on something other than his words, still, she managed a nod as well, she was thankful for the blue of her claws hiding her face as she was sure that it was crimson by now, and it was stupid, about as stupid as trying not to grind against the wood beneath her. "Marlow wasn't on the couch, was he." it wasn't a question, she HIGHLY doubted that he would STILL be asleep after she brought back up the link.

"No, I wasn't," Marlow stated matter of factly. "I was actually the first one of us to awaken. Even before you decided to bring me back into your life."

"I can't help but notice that you've made some rather noticeable claw marks in that wood. A sign of something affecting you, I choose to take it as." Striker said, walking over to her.

"..." she looked up at Striker, it wasn't her usual stare, or anything of the sort. "Yes, Striker, IT is." was there any point in trying to hide it when even over the smell of cherries she could smell her own need. "It doesn't smell...bad or anything...but yes, its having an effect on me...obviously." the last word was meeker than she had intended it to sound, and she looked away from him, addressing Marlow. "Well it's not like I'd leave you out of it...not for long anyway."

"So why don't you just stop beating around the bush and deal with it?" Striker blurted out, almost sounding annoyed. He folded his arms together in a distinctly human manner, and it would have been completely human looking if he had started to tap one of his feet.

"That's good to know, Serena. I'm always willing to give you time alone if you ask for it though, even over this more recent phase of surveillance. Alright?" Marlow floated closer to Striker, almost as if examining him.

She stared at Striker as if he were a breed of Pokémon she had never seen before, one side of her snout curled to expose the root of her fang, if only for a split second. "Because you, and Marlow seemed to decide that NOW would be a good time to strut in after Heji." The voice was a hiss. "You want me to deal with it? Get. Out. of. My. Room." she pointed at the door that led to the bathroom. "Tell them to go down to the beach and relax or something, I don't care, it's his money if he spends it in the casino."

Striker sighed as he was kicked out of her room, but before he left he commented, "You've put yourself in a rather awkward situation Serena; and at the same time you didn't have a choice in the matter," Marlow closed the door with his arm. They encountered Lacu, Tensa and Kyn, and explained only part of the situation to them. Lacu, unbeknownst to them, knew the FULL situation.

Kyn was debating on whether or not he would actually visit the casino to gamble. He also didn't know about any of the 'horror' stories of the place either. "I guess I'll just go take a quick look around. It seems like a normal casino from the outside anyway. Though, I don't know what type of non-Pokémon security they have, if any," Kyn said.

"Honestly Serena, why can't you just say these things? They wouldn't 'interfere' if they knew." Heji tried.

"Marlow not interfere if he knew? You don't know the ghost like I do, Heji." She flicked her tail, still the blush coated her cheeks. "and if I was still under the influence of that stupid flask, I would be able to say it, I'm sure, worse things have slipped from my lips." She scratched the back of her head, awkward situation was right. "To be fair...I'm not used to dealing with Pokémon who are this observant..." she clicked the other door in the locked position, figuring that if he was going to leave, he would have when Striker and Marlow did.

"Being observant is part of our lives Serena. Some of us were raised that way, and the others grew into it. Now. The last time you entered my room, you implied that had the desire for me to have you. I entertained this notion, but the situation has changed since then. You are no longer bound by time limits."

"Except that sometime today I'm going to have to send a letter off to the guild asking for someone to go feed my bird.." She muttered under her breath, walking back over to him and looking rather quite sheepish. "Yes...I did, and I still stand by that decision...I'd rather give myself to /you/ now, rather than a dragon I hardly know later." She did maintain eye contact, which was at least a decent plus for her, but any confidence she might have had about doing it the last time was gone.

"So, then what are you waiting for? I haven't left the room yet." Heji said, allowing her to make the first move in this case.

"I'm not exactly..." She sighed, more to herself than to him. "Right, you already know I'm new at this..." she did step closer, running her claws along his mane.

"First, you need to need to decide whether or not you want manual preparation or.... if your body had already provided you with enough," Heji said, pointing with a paw down at her lower bits, "so that your partner can just get right to... penetration." Heji decided to let her decide for herself how she wanted to proceed.

It was some time later that she finally did let loose of the lion, she was sore--no where near as bad as she could have been considering, and she had finally gotten the letter written and ready to be taken to the Pidove post. She sniffed, well, at least now there was yet another scent to override the other one that had nearly driven her up a wall, but still, she was able to remove the pillow from the door and unlock them both, and resume as if nothing had happened. She took a look around outside the door to see if anyone had returned, then walked to the bag that was still left by the couch. She stared at the flask on the table, then decided to leave it.

"Erf. This is damn heavy. What the hell do they make these out of, solid gold? I mean I can understand Pokémon not necessarily valuing gold like humans do but still..." Kyn said, holding the bag of Poké. He walked into the casino area, and saw a whole bunch of Pokémon that were engrossed in their respective activities. He was glad that Lacu was still able to cast the illusion over him.

Serena had the letter in hand, she was practically purring as she slipped on the bag. "Heji, I'm going to run this down to the Post, are you up for coming with me or would you prefer to stay in there?" She made sure that the bag was tight against her back; thieves were common here, and while she KNEW for a fact that she could handle them, she didn't want to damage her bag in the process.

"Go ahead and go. I would go with you but, I am lured by the fact that I have a proper bed..." He said dreamily.

She chuckled at him. "Two, technicality, unless you're going to leave that one empty and sleep with me more often." She didn't forget to pick up the keycard, sticking that up between the folds of her scarf and inhaled. It still smelled like him. "Sweet dreams, pussycat." she said as she walked out the door and headed down to the lobby, snapping up a Politoadnut from a cart and dropping a few Poke in the merchant's hand as she passed, walking out of the Casino and heading for the Pidove post a little way's away. She hadn't bothered to check in with Marlow in a bit, but there would be plenty of time when she got back, right?

Kyn looked around for what he guessed would be a bartender, and he saw someone mixing drinks so he head over to that area in which he guessed was a bar. There wasn't exactly an official tour given to him, nor did he expect one. He also tried to keep his sack of Poké relatively hidden, not knowing whether or not even, (what he thought to be a small amount) this amount of Poké would be targeted for unsavory acts.

The letter was sent off, and Serena tried her best not to look anxious to get back to the casino, it would make her a target, and that was the last thing she wanted to be around here. She already stood out well enough, but she did manage to make it back without incident, and of course, decided to find where the others had gotten off to, and when she asked the Clefairy if they had seen a group of Pokémon including two Sceptile, a Scyther and a Lacu--sure that Marlow had gone off to practice for the show; it pointed her in the direction of the bar. She wandered off in the direction she was pointed, and walked up to stand beside him. "There you are." She was almost cheerful as she said it.

"Here I am yes... I was trying to decide on what color liquid I wanted to drink." Kyn said casually. "I was thinking of something... blue." He leaned down and whispered into Serena's ear, low enough that she still would be able to understand him, but those around couldn't necessarily, due to having to filter through the commotion. "Exactly how much do I have here? Is it a lot, is it not? Hey that rhymed."

She chuckled at him. "You have enough that you could buy a decent sized house in Tao if you wanted Kyn...and yes, it's about double what he would have paid you normally 10k poké...these drinks? If you're playing, you can get them for free, if you're not, they're about 15 poké each..that's 3 to 4 of our coins here...Wait, you're not telling me you brought the whole thing down, are you?" She snorted incredulously.

"Erm.... no....? He tried. He knew that it was blatantly obvious that he had, just that Lacu had disguised it for him, and so probably only Serena would be able to tell.

"Oh for the love of..." she put her hand over her snout. "Look, you've got to get that back upstairs and..." Her green eyes focused on a Machoke that had seemingly spotted the two whispering. "Oh gore me with a Tauros horn." she grunted "Lacu better be good at his job..."

"Sir, you do realize that this isn't really a good place for children to be about, right?" came the voice from the Machoke when he was in earshot. "What with the gambling and the booze, I'm sure she'd enjoy the magic show much more than being here."

Kyn took notice of the source of the voice and figured that he might have been the bouncer type or security type Pokémon he was looking for. "Oh my, you must able to hear a mile away, because I was just telling her about it. I'm guessing she managed to meander her way through the crowd to find me." He figured Serena would be able to understand his little... performance. Getting the Poké back upstairs would be top priority after this little matter was settled. Then his funny colored drinks would come next.

She snorted indignantly at Kyn, if only, shooting him an 'I'm really not happy about this' look, then turned on what LITTLE charm a Bagon had. "But Mister Machoke, Pappa disappeared from the table, Momma sent me with the keycard because he left his upstairs." The voice was NOT her own, it was the voice of a little girl's, squeaky and childish.

The Machoke looked between the two, and he sighed. "Look Pops, I NEED you to get her out of here before I have to get rough with you, So do it now, and I'll forget I ever saw ya, M'kay?" He motioned for them to leave the area like pronto.

"Let's hurry up and get to the show." Kyn was rather surprised at first, but he didn't show it on his face. So, it seemed that Serena was as good at acting as he was. He made the motions of feeling around on his person, and digging into his invisible pockets that only the others could see, and came back up with a surprised look. "Well... well I'll be. She's right. I don't have it here." He then started walking out, now having an excuse to put a lot of the Poké back.

Serena took the time to wait for Tensa, who was likely close by, and climbed up his tail to 'ride' until she was out of sight of the security personnel, that voice always left a bad taste in her mouth. "You made me lie, Kyn..." the voice came out a growl, even if she hadn't intended it that way. "Security, I hate them, getting involved with them means that you get taken down to Royce, and he's just a mess of trouble." She muttered, thankfully the place was just busy enough that she didn't have to worry about being overheard by anyone.

"That was not my fault at all. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and you got caught. Because you don't want it, I am not going to thank you for your part in covering for me. But I will say this, I've never heard that voice from you, and I hope I never have to ever again."

This, she gave a laugh at. "You're lucky you're in my care, Kyn, or I WOULD have blown the story sky high...I'm old enough to be where I please." her nose twitched "Yeah, I don't care for the innocent little girl voice either, lets NOT put me in positions where I have to use it, hm?" She said when they were back in the elevator to go back up to their room. "As a general rule of thumb, Kyn? Take a fourth of what you have down, if you win, great, when you're done, come back up and leave half of THAT there, if you lose, if you go in the hole, you can pay your way out of a tight spot." Got caught her tail, she was NEVER caught when she was swindling from this place, they just happened to catch her when she was innocent of anything they could have thrown at her.

"I need more Poké. I need more Poké..." Kyn started to mumble. He had been listening to Serena, but now his mind was focused on that specific amount of Poké that she had told him he held in his hand.

Serena sighed at him, stepping out of the Elevator. "What have I done, I've created a monster." She snorted, and pulled the keycard out of her scarf. "Look, if you're wanting to deal in the bay, I can show you...but it would mean dealing with Anana...we've still got a day to worry about that...but yes, I can get you in..."

"It's a curse Serena, I've been infected by the money bug in both worlds. I... guess I'll have to exchange with Anana. So, anyway, I think I'll just buy a few drinks from the Casino and then head back here."

"I swear to you Kyn, If I get a call that you're in with Royce BEFORE I deal you in with Anana so that you have protection, you're going to owe me an arm and a leg...literally." she crossed her arms. "Royce is known to be a sexual deviant when he -knows- you're clever, and he'll leave you bloody in the dark side of town when he doesn't." She tapped her clawed foot on the wood as she waited for him to divvy up his loot. She wouldn't say it, but she had the urge to protect him from the dark side of town, and he seemed to want to dive in head first...She tapped the screen of the TV three times, and waited for the screen to turn blue. "Connect me with Anana please, Porygon." The text showed up on the screen a moment later.


"Business." she snarled.

'And who is this?'

"Oh for fuck's sake....Serena Bagon, Rogue. She's done business with me before." The screen went black and she might have paced, before the screen flickered back to life, and the sunny yellow Kecleon appeared on the screen.

"Serena, Hiii~ what was so important?" bubbly as ever, this one.

"Was wondering if me and My friends could drop by tomorrow, maybe go out on the town for a bit?" Her voice was suggestive, and from the giggle that followed, it was taken just the way that it was implied.

"Oh sure honey~ but I thought you said it was business, not pleasure. <3"

Serena did her best not to roll her eyes. "It is, one of my friends would like to open a deal with you, but we'll talk more later, your customers will get pissy." The Kecleon looked behind her, nodded, and the screen went black again. "Ugh..."

"No, I take it back, I DON'T want that Porygon messing around with my PokéGear, just to be able to quickly connect wirelessly to places." Kyn muttered seemingly out of nowhere. "Right erm... I'd rather keep my limbs so, I think I'll wait till this thing is over and what you said about the protection happens."

"Welcome to my world." She said, flopping, ironically, back in the same spot she had earlier, her forelimbs wrapping around behind her headplates. "What's worse are the Rotom that are in the power plant." She muttered, almost under her breath. "You might feel the same as I do about tech once this is over."

"Well we'll see. Our technology IS different than yours. Now, what other things might I be able to trade her besides fur and meat?" Kyn asked carefully.

"The Pearl, for one, the milk, for another." she did one of those rumbles that she was becoming known for. "Oh, before we go, I'm going to be...well, a little late after the meeting with Anana." She managed to keep a straight face. "Of course, she's always more inclined to enjoy a male more than a female..." and she had called Royce the sexual deviant...well at least with Anana she didn't lord it over you for the rest of your days, only for favors.

"I would say, 'what have I gotten myself into' but, I'm a human Serena. I've gotten myself into so many things before our meeting. Now, I... guess I'll be seeing you later then?" Kyn said, taking with him, about 10 coins and putting them in an actual visible bag this time.

"Mhm~" she watched him put things into a bag. "You better guard that with your life, Kyn...there are rogues that work for Royce...I should know, I've seen a couple of them." She checked the time. "Oh, at about 8, ask a Clefairy for directions to Hugh's show, that's where Marlow will be performing."

"I do have bodyguards, remember? Plus, I also have swords, that they wouldn't be expecting, unless they read my mind." Kyn said, though he still planned on having Lacu cast the illusion over THIS back. "There. Now you see it, now you don't. Actually that's the line from a magic trick back home, speaking of magic anyway."

"Ugh, I would NOT be able to cover up the whole sword thing Kyn, and no, I don't think that that would be possible to cover up with leaf blade." She put her claws against her head. "And actually, I can still see it because I KNOW it's there, it's why I can still see you as you and not Sceptile you." she huffed. "Go have fun, we'll go to sushi for dinner after the show."

"You're right. Swords leave different marks than a Leaf Blade does... and yes, I do know this from experience." Kyn said as he began to move out of earshot.

Serena watched as she was, more than likely, left with only Heji again, and he was asleep, or at least, he had been asleep when she was walking out the door. "KEYCARD" She growled at him, flicking the spare at the back of his head.

Kyn figured that based on the way she growled the word at him, that she would have literally chucked it at him, more specifically at his head, so without even looking he held his hand up to the back of his head, and let his reflexes do the rest. As soon as he felt the keycard land in his hand he quickly closed his fingers around it, before calling back to her, "Thanks daddio for layin' that on me. It's all Coolsville from here." Before disappearing into the elevator.

She stared at the place he had been for a moment, then the corner of her mouth lifted into a confused smirk, the opposite eye ridge raising, all that came out was a 'buh?' but she didn't dwell on it, not too long. She went back up to curl up with her lion for the remaining time, trying not to worry about Kyn and whatever trouble he might get into with the shadows of the casino.

Kyn made his way BACK to the bar at which he was previously about to get situated at, looking out for that one particular Machoke. He hated to be racist, but if there was another, he couldn't tell it apart. Even some Pokémon admitted that they couldn't tell their siblings apart other than by smell. "Now where was I? Ah right, I was about to engage in the frivolity of consuming various liquids."