Change for the stranger

Story by Voldine2 on SoFurry

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#3 of Shiftworld

Shiftworld: Change for the stranger.

January 14th was a normal Friday night for most of the world in the year 2000, but nobody knew that everything would change within the space of a few hours, and the normal laws of the universe would become almost completely irrelevant. Suffice to say that George and Holly HUbbard were likely not the only couple struck by a rather specific and fundamental alteration on the first known night of paranormal activity.

George had been trying for over a year now to get Holly to change her stance on certain forms of sex. She was definitely adventurous enough when it came to different toys or role-playing, but when it came to anal sex, she had always been against it. However, she had finally capitulated just to get him to shut the hell up about it already so she could stop thinking about it.

Suffice to say that Holly was less than impressed with the stimulation she was getting from the whole experience and was, in fact, almost falling asleep when a sharp burning sensation started to spread from the back of her skull down her spine. George wasn't exactly impressed with it himself, but like an idiot who refuses to suffer an injury to his pride, he'd kept going until he was about ready to climax before the burning sensation gripped him as well. A low groan emanated from his throat as he collapsed against Holly's back, seeing stars as his skull seemed to explode in agony.

Unfortunately for the two, this was not just some random migraine. George was out like a dead lightbulb within a minute, leaving Holly trapped under his dead weight, and she was barely aware of anything herself until she felt George starting to cum....or so it seemed at first. The pain began to fade for Holly, but it was quickly replaced by the most intensely orgasmic sensation she'd ever had without actually feeling any kind of pleasure beforehand. She buckled and fell to the mattress under George's weight as her hands began to grope and stroke at her groin. She could swear it felt like she was cumming in buckets, but her folds were almost completely dry. Eventually, she simply passed out from the overstimulation of the pleasure centers of her brain.

Thus it was that neither of them felt the changes as the boundaries between their bodies began to fuzz and melt together.

Holly woke up less than an hour later, her entire body felt heavy, different. Her hands explored slowly, feeling around for George on the bed and finding nothing that wasn't part of her own body. The fog of sleep was slow to lift and she tried to sit up only to feel a wrench in her spine, as if she couldn't bend that way anymore. Something else felt wrong too, her feet were on the floor, but she could also feel the sheets and mattress between her toes....

She woke up completely with a start at that realisation, then promptly rolled off the side of the bed onto the floor, landing with a intensely loud crash and thud. She got her first good look and screamed at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door.

Somehow, during however long she'd been passed out, she'd become a weird kind of centaur-like being. Her breasts were slightly larger, and her hips were much more exaggerated before her lower body took over completely. A closer look was given to her groin as she stood up though, her hands diving between her forelegs as a gasp escaped her mouth. George's face was right there! his eyes closed in blissful slumber as she looked, her hands slipping down slowly before gently caressing across it, and being rewarded with a powerful jolt of pleasure.

George woke up with a start at that, his eyes blinking rapidly as he yawned and tried to stretch and get the kinks out while Holly stroked his cock.....except he couldn't move anything but his jaw....and...

"What the hell? Holly! Holly what's going on?"

Holly saw George's eyes open, groaned in pleasure at the sensation as she stroked her hands over his face and slipped a finger into his mouth, gasping as the same sensations she used to get while masturbating were produced by this. He didn't have teeth anymore, and she heard his voice clearly in her head as she fingered his 'mouth' slowly, drawing this out for as long as she could manage before answering without even opening her mouth, some low-grade telepathy of sorts allowing internat communication easily between the two minds.

"Well, George, looks like things have changed a bit, and I can't say I'm unhappy with this so far. You just kept pushing me to try this and now look at you, we're stuck together, completely, and so far things feel very nice."

Holly stood up slowly, keeping one hand at her groin, fingers stroking in and out while she turned to try and get a good view of her hindquarters. George could only suck at those fingers as his mind tried to cope with the sensations. Every thrust inward felt like she was sucking his cock, but at the same time so completely alien. He felt a slow burning buildup before a rush of potent musk erupted from the back of his throat, the flavor of Holly's juices rushing over his 'tongue' and causing a mental moan as his mouth convulsed in a feminine orgasm, followed by a mental scream as Holly bent herself a little more and slowly shoved her entire hand into herself with a scream of pleasure, a second orgasmic rush following almost immediately before she pulled her hand out, leaving George feeling strangely empty as she herself felt immensely satisfied. Her inspection had left her quite happy with things in general actually. She'd always liked horses and she was close enough at this point, even if her form was more like a human than anything else despite having a tauroid lower body.

George's body had merged with her own, and things had adjusted nicely in her opinion. The lower body was quite feminine, just as her original torso was. Her 'forelegs' were her own original legs with a modified hip/shoulder area, and where her ass had formerly been was a nice hourglass figure extending backwards a good five feet into a second, slightly animalistic ass. The quick glance in the mirror had shown a very puffy cunt, excited by her actions on George's former face. A very large equine-shaped cock was slung under her body with balls the size of apricots swaying behind, stretching those pink folds open slightly with their weight as she began walking for the door.

~Holly, what are you thinking? We can't go outside looking like this!~

Holly deigned to answer aloud, wanting to hear herself say this since she felt it so clearly herself. "George, you poor boy, I have a feeling that the world has changed quite a bit already, and I want to know what it feels like to get laid by a stallion while fucking a mare, right now."

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