Shiftworld: Darkness

Shiftworld: Darkness For every light, there is a bit of darkness. The converse is also true. On Shiftworld (Earth), the citizens have rapidly begun to figure out ways to gain the perfect punishment for a crime. Gaia has been awake and become...

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Shiftworld: Friggle

Shiftworld: Friggle Nobody can truly say when gaia went completely insane, but many agree that it was soon after the Y2K computer scare was definitively debunked. After all, it was shortly after that that people started to change drastically in a...

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Change for the stranger

Shiftworld: Change for the stranger. January 14th was a normal Friday night for most of the world in the year 2000, but nobody knew that everything would change within the space of a few hours, and the normal laws of the universe would become...

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