The Micro Editor

Story by Digitalpotato on SoFurry

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I thought it would have been pretty funny for a small vignette of someone trying to write a story only for a micro on the keyboard to keep getting in the way and giving little advice

It was a rather dark and stormy night in the wonderful land of Oz. That was when the rather suspicious looking airplane flew over. It seemed to be in distress, trying to find some place to land. Any airplane that managed to fly over the marvelous land of Oz would quickly gET ITSELF

"Okay, Erica? Can you get off the shift key?" I said to her.

"Whaaaaat, I'm just giving proper punctuation." Erica said.

"Look, you're making typing impossible."

Thankfully for the crew of the small private airplane, they found a decent runway. The only long enough road in Oz to act as a suitable runway was the Yellow Brick Road itself.

"I don't think that it needs to be capitalized."

"Erica!" I looked at the micro kitsune on my keyboard. "It does. It's a name of a location isn't it?"

"Well I think you need to change it."

The micro took the initiative and walked all the way across the keyboard to the "delete" key. I simply facepalmed at this.

"Now look at all the errors that you've put on there this time. Seriously, can you like, let me do the typing?"

"Alright alright." Erica said after deleting all the errors she put in the document.

After the ten passengers evacuated the plane, they immediately looked around at where they were. None of them were familiar with Oz at all - to them, it was a simple fairy tale. One of the most popular movies that they ever saw, and one of the largest intellectual properties to be in the public domain. .lki977u888888888888888


"I think your wording is a little awkward there."

"Erica! Get off the "8" key! I have to delete all the typoes that you just put in there!"

"Hey, aren't you glad I'm at least not looking over your shoulder?"

"That's why you're little." I told the fox.

I tried to get back to typing this little story of mine up. Unfortunately, it's a little hard to do so with a freaking micro fox on the keyboard. Every time I try to type something I wound up accidentally putting my finger down on her tail, or she climbs onto my finger.

One other time I accidentally sent her flying when I didn't notice her on my hand and I lifted it up to scratch an itch behind my ear. The second time she climbed into my hand, I didn't notice that she was there and accidentally sent her sliding all the way down my arm - right into the USB-thumb drive that was on the desk.

Did you know micros can actually express their distaste rather loudly, for their size?

The most unusual thing was when Thomas checked one of the trees. He could have sworn that there was something metallic on it. He thought it was a simple trick of the light - maybe some kind of exotic fruit he had never known before. But instead, it was something like a small pail. A lunch pail.

He grabbed onto the pail to get a closer look at it, and it fell right off, snapping the branch back up. Thomas gasped, then looked over the pail in his hands. It looked like it was growing out of the tree. He looked over more of those metallic things and

"Erica! You stepped on the backspace again." I said after she deleted half of what I just typed.

He looked over more of these metallic things raised an eyeridge.

"Isn't he human? Most people aren't going to get 'Eyeridge'." Erica commented.

He looked over more of these metallic things growing on the tree, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. Several more pails were attached to the tree, just like they were fruit. Still curious, Thomas looked over the pail and cracked it open. Inside the pail was none other than a ham sandwich.

"Whoa! Hey guys! I found a tree that has lunch pails!" Thomas shouted to the rest of the crew.

"I got an idea!" Erica said. "Maybe you have Victor speak in a scottish accent?"

"And how in the heck am I going to type in a scottish accent?" I asked.

"Easy - just do what they did for that giant dude in Harry Potter. Like this."

ah soond nice and scottish

"Like that?" Erica said.

"Yeah, no thanks." I said.

"Also, how come Google Docs says that word is misspelled? It's not misspelled. Right click it."

"Google Docs does really weird things sometimes."

I accidentally almost pressed on Erica's small body again when I went to get back to typing. Seriously, one second you think she's there and the next she's right there! She's like a cat!

"You seriously found a tree with ham sandwiches growing off of it like fruit?"

"Yes! I saw it myself! Right here!"

Thomas held up the lunch pail with the Ham Sandwich in it to show the rest of the group. 1q2w3e4r5t6y7httyyyyyyyyyyy


"Whaaat, I'm just trying to get a good look at it."

"You're freaking putting typoes ALL OVER the document!!! Ugh... look I'm just going to take a break. Don't get into anything, alright?"

"I promise not to." Erica said.

I walked off to take a restroom break. Apparently while I was gone, Erica had a rather silly idea. I walked back and she wasn't actually on the keyboard - she was probably hiding behind something. Maybe underneath the keyboard, if you could believe that. I looked over the document, hoping she didn't cover it in any more typoes.

Written right in the middle of the document were the words, "Help I'm a bug"

"...ERICA!!! Have you been reading Calvin and Hobbes again?!?"

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