Werewolf hero part 1

Story by Royal wolf knight on SoFurry

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I don't own Devil may cry, Vince, Luke or Dark so that way I can't get sued O:-) got to thank three friends on here so if you see this story THANK YOU!!! gives all three of you tight hugs


    It's was a claim peaceful night a werewolf is sleeping on top of a tree having a good dream. This werewolf's name is Vince and he's a rare werewolf, he has four different powers werewolf shepherd Maleis, pure German shepherd Maverick, pure wolf Lamont and well he hasn't found his last form...yet. The wind is gently blowing though his fur as he slept, it seemed like nothing could happen...until at a near by village people where screaming for help.

    "Someone please help us!! Oh no demons please save me!" screamed the people in fear as they where attacked by demons. Vince woke up from his nap and growled a bit.

    'Ugh why can't demons be cool for once and leave helpless people a lone?' thought Vince as he jumped down from his tree and grabbed his sword Thanatos that his mother have gave him. Vince used the power of Lamont to run though the forest with much ease getting to the village quickly. Vince spotted a something that caught his eye it looked like someone he met but..wasn't sure, Vince decided it was nothing and got to the village.

    "You..there please help us." said a man severally ignored holding onto his bleeding sides "Don't worry I'll make every last demon pay for what they did to you." Vince got out his sword and walked to the main area where the village is being attacked and growled at the demons 'Every last one of you are going to pay for what you did to these innocent people!' thought Vince as he started to kill any demon he saw. All of the demons where scarecrow demons which are the most common demons to appear and attack villages.

     After fiveish minutes Vince killed all the scarecrow demons course now he has to take a shower with all that Trypoxylus covering his fur. "Thank you for saving us umm...who are you?" asked the villager "I'm Vince and it's nothing I just like helping people in need." said Vince as he put his sword back in it's case "Well Vince please come inside my house and clean yourself a bit you got Trypoxylus all over you." said the villager pointing to a some what now destroyed house "Thanks I really appreciate that kind sir." said Vince as he walked to the house and going to the bathroom (note the bathroom was not destroyed :-p) he turned on the hot water and started his shower.

  Vince sighed while in the shower hot water really relaxes him especially after fighting some demons. When he got done he thanked the villager for his kindness and started walking out of the village. Then Vince spotted that person from earlier it looked like he was holding something even with Lamont's powers the object and the person was to far away to see. Vince started to walk to this person until a Ethiopian wolf stopped him. "I saw what you did to those demons pretty nice work if I must say. I'm Luke and I need you're help to stop those demons, you see there is five hell gates. Each gate has each own element power fire, ice/ water, forest, earth and the last hell gate combine these together. To make things worse I got my weapons stolen by a man in white hair." Luke growled after that he had a sword called Nazneen that belonged to his father.

  "Sure I'll be happy to help you Luke you may not have any weapons but that doesn't mean you're defenseless. You got you're own two fist and claws to defend you plus you can kick enemies." said Vince glaring at Luke now "That maybe so...but I liked my sword it was my father's you know...so there's no way I'm going to let a demon steel it and use it without fighting two wolves!" growled Luke again as he gripped his paws in anger, Vince placed a paw on Luke's shoulder and looked at him "Don't worry I'll help you Luke I'll swear that I'll make that demon pay for steeling from you." said Vince comfortably "Thanks...you never gave me you're name silly werewolf." said Luke chuckling a bit "Oh I'm sorry." Vince blushed "I'm Vince and I'm not that silly..."

    Luke laughed at that comment "If you say so Vince you're still pretty silly to me." Luke nodded his head to a castle hinting they should start walking there. Vince rolled his eyes and started walking to castle 'This Luke guy ain't half bad...sure likes to tease though.' Vince thought as the temperature dropped and it started to snow. "Got pretty cold all the sudden huh?" Vince asked shivering a bit "Yeah sorry about that but that's mostly the hell gate in this area's fault. This use to be a nice spring area to hang out in but now...it's a hunted wasted land." Luke sighed as he remembered what this place use to look like. "Hmmm...I promise that I'll find this hell gate and make this place beautiful again." said Vince as he continue shivering "Are you really that cold?! Sheesh all you have to do is ask silly!" said Luke as he hugged Vince tightly warming him up greatly making Vince wag happily a bit. "Thanks but..umm how am I going to fight demons now don't have much movement here." "Don't worry I'll let go when demons appear but quickly after hug you again to keep my new buddy warm, don't want him to freeze to death." said Luke blushing a bit

    Then a couple of Frost demons showed up making Luke whimper a bit "Don't worry Luke I'll make this fast" said Vince as he pulled out his sword, Luke nodded his head and let go of Vince still whimpering a bit. As Vince started to attack the Frost demons he failed to notice that a Frost demon covered Luke's mouth keeping him from screaming as he was taking away, when Vince finished he looked around for Luke not seeing him anywhere. "Luke! Where the hell you went?" yelled Vince in the snow storm shivering again 'Damn I better get inside before I freeze to death.' thought Vince as he opened the castle's door, inside the castle there's a fireplace with a fire burning keeping the main entrance warm. As Vince walked around a bit he shaw little bits of Luke's fur leading a door that's locked. 'Hmmm...I guess Luke went in here let's see how this door like to be punched.' thought Vince as he get ready to punch down the door with powers of Lamont Vince easily punched down the door Dante was laughing as he saw Vince.

   "So you're the new wolf I heard about...you're nothing but a harmless puppy trapped inside a adult wolf's body. So be a nice puppy and had over your sword other wise I might have to take it like the last wolf I met." Dante said tauntly holding on to his Rebellion sword with one hand. "Yeah so you must be the piece of shit demon that stole from Luke!!" Vince angrily growled at Dante and got his claws ready "You are going to pay for that Dante!!!" Vince charged at Dante, but Dante jumped over Vince and laughed "I'll deal with you later puppy I got something to do... oh before I forget you're Luke wolf friend got kidnapped by Frost demons. They be keeping him in the cell in the basement here, that is if you want to save him." Dante shatter a window and jumped out, Vince is still mad at Dante from steeling from Luke.

   'Great so that explains why I couldn't find Luke he got kidnapped, Dante better not been lieing to me when he said he's in the basement of this place.' thought Vince as he left the room and start heading to the basement. As Vince walked he encountered more Frost and scarecrow demons on the way to the basement. Meanwhile at the basement.. "Damnit I didn't mean to get kidnapped..damn sneaky demons." Luke shivered a bit the cell he's in is made nothing but ice making it cold even for him. "Can you at least put me in a good cell?!" Luke asked the demons but they didn't respond all six of them just blankly stared at him, this made Luke sigh annoyed as he gave up talking to the demons shriving as he layed on the ice covered bed board. Vince made it to the door to the basement and kicked the door open easily killing the six demons and sighed in relief as he saw Luke. "Are you alright Luke? Did they hurt you?" Vince asked as he broke the part of the ice cell so Luke can get out. "I'm fine Vince.."Luke blushed a bit and wagged slightly "Thanks for saving me Vince that was really kind of you."

   Vince smiled and blushed as he offer a paw to Luke "Ready to get the hell out of here buddy?" "Yeah I'm ready this place sucks!" Luke said grabbing onto Vince's paw and chuckles a bit, Vince walked with Luke's paws in his blushing heavily. As Vince and Luke walked a midnight black panwolf (panther/wolf hybrid) was leaning on a door just chilling as he played with a scarecrow demon's blade they carry. "Who are you?!"Both Luke and Vince asked blushing a bit realizing they said they same thing at the same time. "Me, I'm Dark the panwolf and this unfortunate..thing try to attack me luckily it wasn't challenge." Dark looked at Vine and Luke and chuckled "There's this odd gate behind me I'm sure you're both looking for it. May I join in this little party?" Dark asked as he took out his AK-47 that has the magic ability to never run out of bullets.

   "Sure you're more than welcome to join us Dark. We be happy to have you on our team." Vince said waging happily. The trio of friends went though the door, as they went though the winter storm gotten much worse and you can hear women laughing slightly "Oh...why don't I not like that laughing?" asked Dark holding his AK closely, then two bright blue women appeared laughing at the three wolfs "Now why I don't trust these three women is beyond me let's kill them." Luke said grinning greatly, Vince agreed by getting his sword ready "You ready to teach these women to not laugh at us Dark?" asked Vince slowly walking up to the women "Oh yeah I'm ready let's get this done." Dark said readying his AK-47 pointing it at one of the women "Eat this!!!" Dark start firing rounds at the blue women that's when a big demon toad charged at him, luckily Vince pushed him out of the way. "Wolves?! Have I really suckin' that low? To be attacked by three little puppies?!" taunted Baal the toad demon boss

  All three of the wolves growled at Baal and started attacking Baal repetitively "Are you even trying?!" Ball laughed at them "This is going to be easier than I thought good bye pest!" Baal used his freezing power and froze all three of the wolves "Pathetic all three of you are..you don't derive to fight me anyways.." after saying that Vince's inner demon power woke up shattering the ice into millions of pieces. This power is known as Zermous a very rare power for wolves. "You dare to call me and my friends pathetic!! I will fucking kill you!!" Vince angrily said as his eyes turned red indicating he's using Zermous's power.

   Vince's sword glow red as he hold it in his arms, he charged at Baal slitting him into two parts killing him instantly. Both Dark and Luke got wide eyed at Vince's hidden power and noted to not piss him off. After claiming himself down Vince looked around him feeling Zermous's power in his blood. "Vince..you alright there?" Luke asked a little concerned "I feel...very powerful so I'm great Like don't worry." said Vince eying Luke with curiosity, Luke blushed heavily and leaned closer to Vince "C..can I possibly...kiss you for saving me?" Vince smiled and pulls Luke in for a passionate kiss softly rubbing the back of his head. Luke wagged happily as he got kissed by Vince softly rubbing his chest. They both looked into each other eyes as they broke the kiss smiling at each other. "Love you Vince." said Luke rubbing Vince's ears gently "Love you too Luke." said Vince licking his muzzle "Umm..guys not to rune your special moment but... there's still a hell gate that need to be destroyed." Dark said rolling his eyes at the two wolves, Vince and Luke blushed heavily completely forgetting about Dark being there. "Oh yeah...sorry Dark I kinda got detracted by a cute wolf." Vince said proudly and giggling, be using Zermous's power Vince punched the hell gate and easily destroyed it into millions of pieces.

   Shortly after it gotten much warmer and the blizzard stopped as the clouds moved away letting in the sunshine. Then a bit longer all the snow melted and flowers popped up from the ground making the castle back into a beautiful place. "Alright one down four to go and with two allies it should be no problem." sighed Vince happily as he nuzzled his new love in his arms

End of part 1 :3

Werewolf hero part 2

     Vince, Luke and Dark walked away from the castle entering a dense thick forest Luke panted a bit from all the heat. "I'm not use to this..phew it's hot in here! Let's hurry up and destroy this hell gate love." said Luke softly nuzzling into...

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