Werewolf hero part 2

Story by Royal wolf knight on SoFurry

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Part 2 FINALLY done! X3 Sadly someone dies I'm sorry but the story won't be good with out at least one death Sophie belongs to me X3

   Vince, Luke and Dark walked away from the castle entering a dense thick forest Luke panted a bit from all the heat. "I'm not use to this..phew it's hot in here! Let's hurry up and destroy this hell gate love." said Luke softly nuzzling into Vince, Vince smiled and patted Luke's back gently "I'm sure this well take less time than the castle dear since Dark is a panolf maybe he can help." said Vince looking at Dark who annoyingly stared at Vince. "I'll see what I can do..just let me concentrate a bit." said Dark letting his panther half help him see though the forest a lot better. As Dark try to concentrate a new demon appeared they're called assaults they are lizard type demons of the forest.

   Vince growled a bit "Seriously?! More demons?! Why can't I be with my love in my arms without you appearing all the time?!" Luke giggled and softly kissed Vince's lips "Don't worry love I be right here fighting with you...not risking getting kidnapped again" Luke chuckled and got his claws ready "Let's kick some demon ass my sexy mate" said Luke starting to fight the assault demons, Vince joined in shortly after killing the demons by kicking them in the face making Luke laugh a bit. When thier was only one demon left Luke and Vince hold each other paws and killed the demon together.

   "Alright I have a good idea where the hell gate is guys just don't get lost...don't feel like finding you guys..I'm to lazy for that stuff." Dark grined at Vince and Luke as he slowly walked away from them. Both Vince and Luke rolled there eyes at Dark as they walked behind Dark holding each others paws. As they walked the same mysterious man appeared, he was carrying a suitcase in his left arm. "Luke, Dark wait I got to check something out for a bit." said Vince as he let go of Luke's paws as he walked towards to man with great caution. Vince was as close to this man until he realized..this isn't a man this was a werewolf! The werewolf got the feeling that someone or something was behind him, he turned around and saw another werewolf right behind him.

   "Oh hello there, you most be a customer you have a nice sword..but it could be better. I can help you, I'm Jeremy the merchant and I got the perfect sword for you mister werewolf." Jeremy said as he laid the suitcase down opening it getting ready to sell the sword. "Hmmm..okay I'll buy this sword of yours" Vince got his wallet ready "how much is it Jeremy?" Jeremy smirked "It's five million, four hundred twenty nine thousand, two hundred and fifty five dollars got that much?" Vince's eyes widen after hearing that price "Damn!! You are pricey! I do have that much but...ahhh what the hell I'll take it." Vince took out a large amount of bills out of his wallet and handed it to Jeremy. Jeremy took the money and gave the sword to Vince "Been nice doing business with you sir, as of a added bonus I'll help you fight no charge necessary, but first..." a little pause "I have to tickle you!"

   Jeremy playfully pounced on Vince and started tickling around his belly. "Ahhhh!" screamed Vince as he was pounced then he started laughing loudly. "Hehe..such a ticklish wolf aren't you?" Jeremy started to tickle with both of his paws on Vince's belly "I can't help it!! Please stop!!" being powerless to control Maverick's power come out of Vince making him a little playful German shepherd puppy who LOVES to be tickled. "Nahhh...tickling you is fun!" Jeremy said as he continue tickling Vince smirking a bit. Vince rolled around and panted a bit as he was tickled making Luke awed and Dark roll his eyes

   "Okay you two break it up before I force you to." Dark said getting a bit annoyed, Jeremy stopped tickling Vince and got off him "Alright, alright hehe I just wanted to have my fun. Haven't tickled someone in awhile." Jeremy giggled at that comment and helped Vince to get back up. Vince brushed the dirt off him and growled a bit "Hey I just cleaned that!" Vince gave Jeremy a dirty look "Eeep! Umm..I'm sorry.." giggles a bit "I guess I got a little to carried away there" Jeremy smiled playfully at Vince, Dark rolled his eyes again and walked away from everyone smirking a bit. Everyone got wide eyed and quickly ran after Dark "Hey wait for us!!" Dark laughed a bit and waited for everyone to catch up to him.

   After everyone caught up to Dark they continue walking to the hell gate..strange how no demons are appearing. "It's quite...to quite time to fix that shit!!!" Jeremy started making as much noise as possible by turning up the music on his phone to full blast. A few seconds later Beowulf the wolf demon of light . "Ohhh thanks alot Jeremy!!" Everyone angirly growled at him "Eeeep! I'm sorry guys...not really hehe." Jeremy evily smiled at everyone as he started attacking with his suitcase. Everyone rolled there eyes as they shortly joined Jeremy attacking the demons. Everyone stared at Jeremy mostly due to the fact he uses his suitcase as a weapon against demons..very odd. After they four wolves defeated the demon three of them still gave Jeremy a dirty look. "I said I was sorry sheesh, I promise I won't do it ever again...unless I'm board and want to kill something." Jeremy said giving everyone a innocent puppy look and softly whimpers a bit.

   Everyone awwed and gave Jeremy a hug "We forgive you just don't do that to often other wise we might take your lovely suitcase of yours." Jeremy waged a bit and smiled "Okay I won't do it often just when we need to fight something" Jeremy giggled and pointed to the near by hell gate "We should get this over with so we can make these demons pay no?" Jeremy slowly walked away from the four friends slowly as he walked towards the hell gate suitcase in hand. The three wolves started walking towords the hell gate Echidna the forest guardian spending her seeds around without a care. The four wolves rolled there eyes and Dark pointed his Ak-47 at her "Hey fucking bitch we're right here! Maybe you notice us if I do this!!" Dark started firing rounds at Echidina which did slight damage at her it was mostly to get her attenction.

   "How dare you interupted me growing my forest and childern! You are gonna pay..all four of you!!" Echidna said angirly as she lowered to the wolves level as she start attacking with her tail, the wolves jumped over the tail and started attacking Echidna "This is rediklious I'm being attacked by four wolves! I'm better than this to be attacked by flea infected dogs?" Vince growled as Zermous's power start to take over him. "I had enough damn demons saying bad stuff about me and my new friends!!" growled Vince as his eyes turned red and he started to fiercely attacking Echinda making her a bit dizzy. "Damnit Vince you're so hot when you use Zermous! Turns me on badly!" Luke grined at Vince who blankly stared at Luke a bit shocked. Jeremy giggled and hit Echinda hard in the face delivering the final blow. Dark rapidly shot the hell gate putting mutipule bullet holes on the last shot the hell gate collapsed into tiny pieces.

  "Come on Vince me and you have a appointment with me in bed..NOW!!" Luke dominately growled at Vince as he focrefully dragged him, Vince's eyes widen "Eeep! Um..okay anything for you." Vince flattens his ears submissively and whimpered a bit as he was dragged forcefully by Luke. "Good now be damn good sub and submit to me!" Luke growled again, Vince shaked a bit as he got onto all fours and raised his tail. Luke lustfully growled and mounted Vince quickly placing his throbbing wolf dick by Vince's tail hole "Fuck soft and gentle shit! I'm gonna have fun with my new mate as long as I like!" Luke quickly sanked himself into Vince and started quickly thrust into him. "AHHH! SHIT YOU'RE HUGE!!" scramed and moaned Vince as he got pounded. "Shut up and take it like the horny ass sub you are!" growled Luke as he begain to thrust harder into Vince "AHHHHHHHHH!! FUCK LUKE!!!" screamed Vince in pain as tears begain to roll down his eyes "Stop acting like you hate it." growls "You love it rough don't you?" Luke started pounding Vince as hard and quick as he could. Vince whimpered in pain and pleasure as he got roughly fusked by Luke which made him smirk. "Told you like rough pounding silly sub." Luke panted into Vince's ears "I'm gonna to knot my new bitch."

   Before Vince could say any thing Luke slamed his knot into Vince and howled loudly as he shot 10 thick, hot, gooey loads of his cum deep inside his tail hole. Vince gasped and moaned loudly "Oh Luke fill me up I'm your bitch now." sumissvely said Vince as he drooled a bit Luke fliped Vince over to his back as he gave him a deep, passionate kiss as he softly rub his back. Vince murred loudly and waged his tail happily as the moon started to raise showering the two wolves in the moon light. mean while.. "Hey Jeremy can I ask you a favor?" Dark said looking into Jeremy's sliver eyes "Sure Dark I do anything for a amazing panolf like you" Jeremy waged happily at Dark, Dark grabed his AK and placed it in Jeremy's arms "If I die...I want you to have this. Much better than that suitcase of yours." Dark giggled and smiled warmly at Jeremy, Jeremy blankly stared at Dark "Gee..I don't know what to say.." blush "this is the nicest thing someone did to me, thank you." Jeremy hugged Darm warmly and patted his back "Duh..it's nothing really, just looking out for you hehe wonder how much fun Vince had?" Jeremy giggled "Well after he got use to it I bet he enjoyed every rough pounding Luke gave him." Dark and Jeremy laughed loudly but yawned quickly after "I guess we'll found out tomorrow I'm to tried." Jeremy snuggled close to Dark and wrapped his tail around him "Yeah I guess we will it's nice to sleep close by a friend for once." Jeremy softly said to Dark as he murred happily and slowly closed his eyes

   In the morning Dark and Jeremy woke up smiling at each other "So let's check on our horny friends shall we?" Dark giggled and slowly walked away "Yeah sounds good to me unless they're in a HUGE mess!" Jeremy and Dark both laughed at that comment as they found Luke and Vince sleeping in each others arms "Awwww! Now I wish we didn't had to wake them up they're so cute together! They're like little pups after they settle down from last night." Jeremy giggled as he leaned down to the two sleeping wolves shacking them softly "Hey lover wolves time to wake up and kill more demons and destory more hell gates." Vince and Luke grumbled from there sleep as they was woken up "Had fun you two?!" giggles "It sure looked like you two did!" Jeremy giggled at the two wolves as they got up "Yeah that was the most fun a had in awile." Vince smiled warmely at Luke and gave him a kiss on the lips which made Dark roll his eyes

   "You two are so silly..the next hell gate is fire don't worry Luke only the boss is made out fire" Dark smirked at Luke as he pointed to the way they should sart walking in, the four wolves walked together as the walked through a old town. "I don't like this at all...mean god this place is huge!" Luke whimpered as his ears flattened in fear "Don't worry Luke I'll protect you I promis I won't let anything bad happen to you." Vince licked Luke's muzzle comforting then marionette the weakest demon ever appeared making every laugh loudly "Don't worry I got this you three go one with out me for now." Jeremy said as he started attacking "But...Jeremy.." sigh "alright come on guys let's go and leave Jeremy to do his thing." Dark slowly walked away glancing at Jeremy every now and then. The three wolves entered a abandoned part of the town Nevan appeared and smiled at the wolves "What we have here? Three very handsom and beatiful wolves all just begging for attenction." Nevan rub all three of there chest seductively making them all growl especially Luke and Vince "Listen here and listen good lady, I'm gay so you're moves aren't working on me and just to piss you off I'm only attract to wolves so you're just wasting your fucking time." Vince said rolling his eyes at Nevan, before she could say anything Dante chopped her in half and snirked at the three wolves

   "Well..well...well look who I ran into again, once again not the best time for this but I'll play with you and all of your little pups." Dante tauntly said as he grabbed Nevan's devil arm which is a deadly guitar enhanced with the power of lighting. As Dante left the hell gate activated turning all red as Berial stepped out of the hell gate carry his big flame sword. "How dare you wolves awaking me!! I was resting for a big battle! So since you interrupted I'm gonna battle you guys!" Berial started attacking the closest wolf..Dark. Vince and Luke got close to Berial and started attacking him, Berial growled and done a spin attack doing damage to everyone "I'm at least taking one of you down with me and you" points at Dark "are that wolf!!" Berial charged at Dark getting his sword ready, Dark fired endless rounds at Berial trying his best to kill him but it seems like it doesn't affect him much. "Burn in hell!" Berial grabed Dark by the neck and done his fire explosion, after that everything gotten very still and quiet as if time stopped. Berial dropped Dark's body to Luke and Vince it was a very slow and painful fall until he hit the ground "DAAAAAAAAAARK!!!" yelled Jeremy as he just come back almost dropping his suitcase in shock. Vince and Luke perked their ears hearing Jeremy scream out like that

   "Okay..now I..am PISSED!!" Luke grabbed his suitcase and repeatively hit Berial in the stomach and face. Jeremy keep on attacking until Berial was on the ground unable to move "No..not possabile I can't be defeated by some type of dog!" Berial hold his stomach in pain and breathed heavily Jeremy handed out his hand "Vince give me your old sword real quick...this bastard has to pay for what he have done!" Vince walked up to Jeremy and gave him Thanatos, Jeremy pointed the sword at Berial's head "I'll see you in hell you heartless piece of shit!" with a quick motion Jeremy chopped Berial head off making a gaint pool of blood and gave the sword back to Vince as he walked to Dark's body holding him in his arms "I'm sorry...that I couldn't save you...I just got back I saw what happened to you" starts to cry "I wish I come sooner so this won't happen to you my best friend.." Jeremy hold Dark close and cried heavily into him as it started to pour down raining, Jeremy took Dark's AK and sniffed "Sorry Jeremy..we tried to save him" Luke said hugging Jeremy comfortly. "It's okay...I knew you guys did the best...come on let's just go." Jeremy said sadly "You're not gonna burry him??" Vince asked as he looked at Dark's body "No...I knew he wanted to be left a lone when he died." The three wolves left the town all sad but not knowing that they're being watched by a tigeress.

  "Hmm...those wolves..only two are werewolves I wonder..." whispered the mysterious tiger holding onto her chained whip as rain contiue to fall. She stopped watching the wolves and walked away. Jeremy still try to accept Dark's death as he spotted a tiger, he thought he was seeing things until the tiger got closer to him as he let out a big groan. "Jeremy. What is wrong?" Luke asked looking at Jeremy "It's Sophie the crazy tigeress that has a stupid crush on me!" Luke gave Sophine an annoyed look as she was close to his muzzle "Well mister hot shot..nice to see you too. So this is all the thanks I get for saving you mutipule times, or did you forgotten that I even saved you?" Sophie purred teasingly making Jeremy roll his eyes "I remeber..but I didn't knew you love me! I'm sorry but..that's just gross we're not even the same species!" Jeremy growled at Sophie baring his teeth at her "Awww I can't help myself your eyes.." purrs loudly "they're so beautiful..like you." Sophie rubbed Jeremy's chest making him growl at her "You are never going to turn me on damnit Sophie! Unless you some how turn into a wolf then I be all over you.. but until then stop flirting with me! I just lost a close friend and you're not helping." Sophie stopped and looked at Jeremy "Oh..I'm so sorry Jeremy I didn't know..you poor thing!" Sophie hugged Jeremy tightly and give him soft little licks on the nose making him roll his eyes just a bit. After that hug the rain stopped and birds chirped happily as the clouds move away warming the wolfs and tigeress from the cold rain.

Werewolf hero part 3

   Sophie and the three wolves left the town Sophie softly purring to Jeremy which he hates! Vince gently put a paw on her shoulders "Please stop Jeremy hates that I'm asking nicely..there won't be a second." Sophie stopped purring and nods "Okay I try...

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Werewolf hero part 1

      It's was a claim peaceful night a werewolf is sleeping on top of a tree having a good dream. This werewolf's name is Vince and he's a rare werewolf, he has four different powers werewolf shepherd Maleis, pure German shepherd Maverick, pure wolf...

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