Xenomorph X Human ~ Chapter 6

Story by Tarian on SoFurry

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#6 of Xenomorph X Human

Chapter 6 in Xenomorph X Human.

_*Sorry this one took soo long.. I hope to make up for that somewhat, this chapter is more than twice as long as the last few chapters have been. Also, I updated the first chapter so that it was more in relation to the story as I will be taking it. I suggest rereading it or at least just scanning through it, the lemons are the same really, it's the bits before and in between that I changed to get a better footing in where I am going to be leading this story. _

One thing... Lemons... You heard me. Lemons. Oh yeah, be sure to review what you thought, liked it or not. And if you did like it, rate, fav, watch, subscribe. More soon.

"Eric?" She asked. The worry she started to feel slipping into her question. He did not answer, and as she listened she heard his heart, which had just recently gone from stopped too frantic beating; but it was now slowing down, as were his breaths. She stayed on top of him still, in part apprehension that his heart might continue slowing down until it stopped. Her cut clenched at the idea of him coming back to her, only to fall back into death. But his heart eventually found a pace it liked and continued at it, his breathing as well was now smooth and unlabored. Her face was still lightly pressed against his chest, the fabric tickling her face as she moved it along his chest. The sweat on his body still smelled of fear and death, but the sound of his heart and gentle breath helped her feel safe in his well-being.

Still atop him she looked at his face and at his closed eyes. What had he meant he could not see? She wondered. Maybe he it was just part of whatever happened to him, or maybe he was just really scared from what had happened. But why had his eyes been black? Now that she thought about it though, it was not that his eyes were had just totally gone the color black. It had been like all the veins in his eyes were black, and swollen. And the small black dot in his eye had been so large then as well, making his eye sockets to almost appear to be empty with the blackness; although some of the whites of his eyes had still been visible. It was a scary thought to think her mate might be blind, but she couldn't worry about it now; especially because she was not even sure if it was true.

She almost still didn't wish to get off of him, she was so close to him and in that she could not be more content. Though the fear she had felt just moments ago still stained her mind, and she knew it would be a long time, if ever, before she could fully wash it out. She would forever more be cautious of her mate; she would not forget the actions his body took or the smells in his sweat prior to his heart failing.

She had already let go of his arms and now she carefully lifted her leg off of him, pivoting off her knee so that she now kneeled beside her mate, who lay before her on the floor; she gently pushed her hand and then her arm under his legs behind his knees. With her other hand, careful of her claws, she slid her hand under his armpit and gently lifted his torso; simultaneously bringing her hand further across his back so that she had him firmly in her arms. As she lifted him more fully of the ground while getting to her knees his head lulled back and off the ground. As she stood she lifted his torso somewhat higher than his legs, helping to bring his head to her hard, exoskeletal breast; which was essentially just bony ribcage, underneath her smooth black skin. She was somewhat saddened then, by her cold, hard exterior and she hoped he would not be unreadily awoken while she carried him.

Taking ease in her steps to be sure not to shake him unnecessarily, she walked with him in her arms from the kitchen to the... nesting room? She knew not what else to call it. She was very glad during this quick walk that the walls opened to reveal passage on their own as she approached.

Now stepping into the nesting room as the section of wall slid open, she felt the softness of the floor under her feet. The room smelt strongest of their love in here than in the rest of the home, making her feel a little better; as their scents were so much nicer in here than the ones she had been forced to endure just moments ago. She remembered their, almost instinctual, mating as she saw that the cloths that had once been on the soft mound, at the back of the room, were all mostly sprawled onto the floor. Some of them still appeared to be damp in places as she stepped over them, approaching the bed.

Gently she lowered him in her arms onto the bed, pulling her arms from beneath him as she laid him down. She stood over him now as he slept, looking at his still pale face and arms, a sharp contrast to the dark color of the cloths he wore and the black hair that laid messily on his head. There was still blood on his face from his nose bleed, though it had begun to dry; she hated the sight of it on his face, but she should let him wake before she cleaned it. He needed a good rest, she was sure of it. She reached her hand down, feeling the urge to pat his head kindly; she stopped though, feeling that was a stupid urge, and instead reached over him to grab the soft object he rested his head on when he slept. Gently she got it under his head, and she was surprised when he still slept on, barely stirring. His heart beating as it always would when he slept, keeping a calmed and gentle pace, as did his breaths.

Walking around the soft nest her mate was now laying on, she crawled onto it with care not to shake it too much. Gently shuffling her body she moved closer to him, and as she did he did some shuffling of his own; in quick movement, just as he would do in normal sleep, he turned onto his side and brought his hands in front of him, unknowingly turning away from her. Her own movements did not stop though as she came up behind him and until she was almost pressed against him. Lifting her arm, she lightly brought it over him so that it was around his middle; In that moment, he shuffled back into her so that her chest touched his back. Curling her legs forward like his, the two of them now seemed to fit together and were now close as they could be. He did not seem to be trying to break the embrace and was sleeping; he even breathed in deep and sighed out peacefully as the shuffling to get comfy stopped. Taking care, she brought her tail over the both of them, letting its length reach back and forth over their legs multiple times; as if it were a makeshift blanket for their legs, though with a lot of gap.

As she lay with him now her mind drifted to trying to understand why what happened, had happened to her mate. She kept as a very unlikely possibility that this just happened sometimes to humans, or him in particular, but that couldn't be answered till he woke. She found though that the more she tried to figure out what could have made that happen the more she realized she really hadn't a clue. She decided then to wait until her mate awoke; as she lay beside him she hoped that he would not sleep too long. She was not really tired, but still laid beside him, closing off from the world; eventually falling asleep, pressed against his warmth as she was, listening contently to the almost hypnotic rhythm of her mates' heartbeat.


Splitting pain like lightning bolts of pain were coursing through his head and grounding themselves at the back of his head, which hurt the most. He kept his eyes pinched shut in the pain, trying to withstand it, not moving a muscle. He felt the pain sharpen to a point, stabbing him in the back of the head, making him push his head back into the pillow beneath it in pain; he moaned audibly then, unable to keep it back. _"Eric?" _He heard, inside his head. This did not seem to help nor hinder his apparently exploding head, but he did not respond; this and his actions obviously caused worry in the intruding mental voice coming from Xerah.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" He heard.

He muttered under his breath, "Yeah..." With each breath he took he had to resist the urge to let it out with a stream off profanity, as Xerah, he knew now, was right next to him.

She now tried her hardest not to begin panicking, as she thought that perhaps IT might be happening again to her mate. But it felt different, and as she looked at her mate now her seemed to just be pushing his head back into his pillow. His hands balled into fists, and his eyes pinched shut as his face somewhat contorted with pain. She didn't know what to do; all he had said was that he was indeed in pain. She had been laying with part of her head on his chest and with her arm and tail still stretched over him. But now she had released him from their embrace and was kneeling on the bed over him. The end of her tail behind her, swishing in quick movement as she looked down on him, fearing for him. Something horrible was happening to her mate again and yet she didn't know what to do; she felt hopelessly helpless.

The pain seemed to be building now, quickly and he started to really panic now, bring his hands to his head. "Ahhh!" He said loudly, trying not to yell. He felt cool hands on his chest then.

_"What can I do? Please calm your heart; it keeps beating faster and faster. Just breath." _He heard the rushed words in his head, but was unable to answer them. As the pain suddenly redoubled, making his whole body tense and he sucked in breath and opened his breath in preparation to shout in the pain. But in barely a moment the pain suddenly seemed to kick off very fast, suddenly dissipating like a hurricane clearing and it seemed to have stopped striking the back of his head. He let out his pent out breath slowly, letting it sigh out of him and instead of scream out of him as it almost had.

"Ugh" Was all he said now. Gently rubbing his temples as it seemed to be helping his head somewhat. His head aching very much so still, but not anymore like it had been and the back of his head now only felt numb and kind of tingly; as if it was as much shocked at the bombardment as he was at having felt its torment. He just tried to breath calmly now, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to relax himself after that horrid experience.

He still felt hands on his chest and he opened his eyes then, and saw above him was Xerahs' eyeless face looking down at him. The sight was normal for him but then he remembered that last time he had opened his eyes he had seen nothing. Closing his eyes and re-opening them, he rolled them around and turning his head he looked around the room quickly before turning back to the pretty alien kneeling over him; to whom he smiled at and reaching up his hand lovingly touched the side of her face, causing her to push her face into his hand in response.

"What was wrong?" She asked him

"My head really hurt." He replied plainly

"It is better now though?"

"Well, it still hurts. But not as much as it was."

"And you can see?" She asked him a little excitedly as he reached up to touch her face.

"Yea." he said.

After having watched him look around the room she was glad to find that he could indeed see; which was one less thing for the two of them to have to worry about. Reaching her hand up to his on her face she took it in her hand and held it.

Still smiling at her, "Good thing too," He said, "I would have missed seeing your beauty."

He would have missed her beauty? He thought she was beautiful? But she was not beautiful, she was a runt and she didn't even have dorsal tubes on her back, as they had been ripped off. She lowered her head, trying to think of something to say in return. She didn't get the chance to though as Eric suddenly sat up, and for a few seconds he swayed, seeming dizzy. But he turned his body to her, getting on his knees like her and stayed like that for a moment, looking hard at her.

"You are beautiful." He said reassuringly, somehow being able to pick up that she didn't feel the same way about her self-appearance as he did. Then, leaning towards her he took his hand under her chin and gently brought her face up. His own face only inches away.

"Bunch your lips together. Kind of like this" He said to her and she saw that he had puckered his lips slightly. She didn't understand what he was doing but complied anyway, trying her best to match what he was doing. In smooth movement and with her still not understanding what was happening, he brought his face even closer to hers until their lips were touching. The act was very strange and yet she felt warm inside as it happened. She liked how his warm, soft lips felt on hers and the feeling of intimacy between the two of them as he now opened his lips partly and closed them on hers; contending her lips to do the same, which she did. Together they did this for a few times until he pulled away slowly pulled away from her.

He smiled at her and the being the strong man he was, the smile stayed even as she suddenly embraced him; wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. He reacted fast enough to return her embrace, but together they lost balance on their knees and fell down onto the bed; their embrace unbroken though. He groaned a little at this though

"Mph" He grunted in pain as they hit the bed. Every muscle in his body seemed to be aching, as if he had just spent a day and night working nonstop at a mine. But he tried to ignore it as she pressed her body against his in their laying down embrace. She had a hand reaching under him and one over him as she pulled him close; her face nuzzling his neck lovingly. He had to keep his head pointed with his chin tilted up so that this neck nuzzling was possible. His top arm reaching over her upper back and his other a little awkwardly placed and it now rested under her long head. All together he felt very loved, if not somewhat sore at the embrace.

"I... I was so scared, Eric." She said to him sadly.

"Scared? Why...? What happened?" He said, to her, using the hand over her back to now touch the side of her head caringly.

"You do not remember what happened?" She said, pushing herself back somewhat so she was no longer nuzzling his neck. And was now face to face with him, she almost wanted to put her lips to his again, but restrained herself as she saw him start to speak again.

"Well, I remember having steak, and then..." He said, and he remembered the near reliving of Xerahs captivity and then that horrid nightmare he had, was it just a nightmare? Mom and Dad... Thinking about it too much though seemed to make his already bad head ache worse.

"And then I was on the floor, my whole body hurt, I couldn't see... And, you, you were sitting on me for some reason..." He said to her, deciding then he wouldn't tell her about the weird experience he had, as he didn't understand it himself; and very likely it was just a dream. And besides the fact, the more he thought about that experience, the more his head seemed to hurt; so he put it aside for now.

"Eric," She said to him, "You... You fell from your chair, and then you... on the floor. You were having some sort of fit, on the floor. All your muscles were moving a little bit and at the same time.

"Oh, man. I had a seizure?" He said, shocked.

"That is what it is called?" She asked him.

"Yeah, but I've never had one before, so it's strange. I am so sorry, it must have been scar..." He was cut off.

"That was not the end of it though. Your nose, it was bleeding a lot. And your fit was not stopping so I got on top of you, trying to stop you from moving so much..." She said, starting to whimper as she recalled the memories.

"I... It's alright, I'm fine..."

"You started to calm down though, and..." Then she remembered he had said something, right before his heart...

"You started to calm down, and you said. "She doesn't deserve that, nobody deserves that." What were you..." She stopped there. She realized then what he had been talking about, as at the time she hadn't even thought about it. He had seen the memories she was recalling. Maybe... Had that caused all this? Did she force him to endure the pain she remembered?!

"I am sorry." She said, quietly, still trying to comprehend the horrors she had forced her mate to endure.

"You're sorry? For what, you didn't do anything." He said, reassuringly. But he understood right away what she must be thinking. She was blaming herself. Before she could say something again he pulled her close to him, her head on his chest again. She whimpered and screed quietly in despair nonetheless.

_"I am sorry, Eric. I am so sorry!" _She said to him then, and her voice, sounded like a woman crying, yet he knew she had no eyes to tear from.

"No, its.." He started

"Yes, it's my fault! I am the most pathetic of my kind, but... I am still a disgusting killer. I made the only person who even cares about me, my mate's heart... stop!" She said trying to push away from him without hurting him, but he kept his arms around her, tensing his muscles as he resisted her struggling.

My heart stopped? He tried to not think about that right now though as he kept her against him throughout her mild struggling. "It's not your fault, at least not anymore then it is mine, Xerah." She stopped moving around.

"I knew when I took you back with me that I was stepping into a cave of sorts, of which I had no idea what might be inside. " He said to her, "But you know what? I found something by taking that risk, something that I have not felt since... Since my mother... I found love, Xerah, and it was so much more than I remember it being. Whatever happened, is hopelessly small compared to that"

"I... I love you, my mate. But I am dangerous, Eric. And Dangerous to be around; what if men come looking for me? Men like the ones at the labs."

"I won't let them take you." He said to her, sternly.

She seemed to shrink now in his embrace, no longer struggling against him and instead tried to be closer to him.

"What they did, Xerah, was not Humane, as in they are horrible, cold versions of what most humans really are. Though there are a lot of bad people in the world, we are not all or even mostly like that, Xerah. "He said, "Am I the only human who has been kind to you?"

"Yes." She said sadly. "I know... And when I was captured I hoped, that there was some human that I would meet who would tell me what was happening and why it was this way and just... Just not hurt me, or be cruel to me at least."

"Xerah. " He said.

"My mother was the only one who loved me, who talked to me, she would tell me to be strong, to keep living. She was the only one keeping me company. When my sisters, mother, and me escaped... Mother stayed so that we could escape." She said grievously, whimpering quietly. "She said she was too big to come and we had a better chance of escaping and hiding without her... I tried to convince her to leave but... She said she had no choice, as she had to save her children, to save me, from these horrible creatures." She said, trying to hold back her whimpers.

"I'm sorry, for your loss... A mother's love is always strong." He said, trying to comfort her, feeling his heart ache at her whimpering. His head still pulsating with his head ache, he tried to ignore it. There was more of her kind here? Sisters and a mother? He had only seen what she saw and felt what she had felt in her memories; he didn't remember seeing any other of her kind. He didn't feel now was a good time to pry her at those details though.

"You are all I have, in the world. And I almost killed you... I did kill you, but you came back to me. What if it happens again and you do not come back? I would be alone without you; I will not live alone in this cruel world without you."

"... But what about your sisters?" He asked.

"Hate me, because I shame our species with my emotions and weakness. " She said, coldly.

"That's just... Terrible." He said, unsure of what else to say on the matter.

"Nothing will stop me from coming back to you. As you said, I have beat death once." He said, with more certainty then he was actually sure of.

"But..." She started

"You are all I care about, all I have as well; I'd rather die than be without you... If all we have is each other then we will find a way to be together."

She didn't know what to say then, even with the dangers she would die without him. And if he felt the same way, then it was worth the risk to be together. Wasn't it? They would keep each other safe, no matter what.

She started to croon softly, in his arms. He let his embrace, which he had kept tight so she didn't break it, loosen. She brought her head up so that they looked each other in the face. Slowly she brought her head forward; bring her lips together as she had before. He knew right away what she was doing and he did likewise; bringing their faces together as their lips embraced. She cool softness of her lips was strangely nice, against his, much like the rest of her body.

This time she was the one who leaned back first, but in her lips stead she brought her hand to his head and touched it gently.

_"How is your head, my mate?" _He heard inside his head.

"Still pretty sore." He said, "I could use a pill or two..." He said, then he remembered a fun fact he had picked up somewhere. "Or a good orgasm..." He said quietly, amongst a light chuckle.

"I am not sure what either of those is..." _He heard in his head... He felt stupid then at having made such a joke. "If you can explain what they are I might be able to help?" _She asked him and he realized what he might have gotten himself into.

"Well, a pill is this thing that you can swallow. There are different kinds of course, but I have some that help with sore heads. They are in the kitchen..." He said, starting to get up, grunting as his muscles still felt tender and sore.

He felt a hand on touch him as he started to get up. "I'll get them, please stay." She said into his head, to which he was relieved to hear and plopped back down onto the bed. He rolled onto his back as she got up then stepped over him and then down onto the floor.

She turned and looked at him as she said, _"Where are they? And what do they look like?" _She asked him kindly.

"Uh, they are... You know the... thing I kept the steaks in?" He asked

_"Yes." _She replied

"Okay, above that thing there should be a nob, pull on it gently to open the compartment and inside there should be a small red container, the only red one like it amongst the few others. That will be what you'll want to bring back to me." He said to her. Reaching his hand out to touch her thigh affectionately as he looked up at her.

"Okay." She said. "I'll be back in a moment." Turning from her mate and walking towards the door and out.

He watched her go, his eyes mostly following her lovely backside as it made its way out of the room. Luckily it was not for long as she soon returned, holding something red in her hand as she walked over to him. He still had his head laying down, not looking up and as he did to meet her face he let his eyes goggle at her pelvic area, seeing barely the top of her pretty lips. As he looked up at her he carefully got up onto his elbows and accepted the red container as she presented it to him.

"Thank you." He said, kindly, smiling at her.

"You give good instructions." She replied.

He looked at the container for a moment and brought it to his mouth, giving it a light tapping shake and causing a pill to pop out and into his mouth. The outer layer of the pill immediately started to liquefy on his tongue and he quickly swallowed it, the liquid coming from the pill helping it to go down. The container then flashed red from a light on it in his hand, letting him know that he had just swallowed the last pill that lay inside it.

"Ah, boy, last pill" He said glumly as he looked at it. He now hoped this pill did the trick, and that by the time it was done the head ache would be too. With a sigh he tossed the pill container away, not caring about littering in his own room right now.

He laid back down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before he closed his eyes. Keeping them closed even as he felt, Xerah climb back onto he bad and cuddled up beside him.

As she laid with him now she felt content but yet she hoped that the pill helped her mate, and if it didn't... "My mate," She said

"Yep?" He said.

"What is an orgasm?" She asked

He gulped back. "Oh, it's um... You know when you... That moment right before the end of mating, that really good feeling. That release?" He said, trying to explain it.

"Ohh..." She said, now glad to know that such a wonderful experience had a name she could call it by. And glad more still that there was still more she could do to help her mates' head stop hurting.

"My mate, can I give you an orgasm?" She asked politely.

"Oh, Xerah, that's really kind. But you really don't have to, it was more of a joke." He said, smiling guiltily.

"What is a joke?... But an orgasm will help you right? I want to help."

"Yes, it could help a bit..." He said, turning his head to look at the wall.

"Then I will help my mate." She said, bringing herself up and getting off the bed, walking with purposeful steps to the foot of the bed.

Crawling onto the bed partly she grabbed the ankle ends of her mates cloth that he wore on his lower half. Gently she pulled slowly bring them off her mate, until the bare skin of her loves muscular legs was visible to her and the cloth he had worn was in a bundle in her hands, which she threw to the floor. She looked up at her mate who scooted himself more into the middle of the bed and was watching her every move. His member had already begun to stiffen in anticipation of what it now knew it had coming.

With care she crawled up beside he mate, her head lower than her back end, and her tail following loosely behind her, the end swishing. As her head reached his member she nuzzled it with her face, making it twitch lovingly at the contact. She brought her hand up now and gently grasped it, beginning to stroke it slowly.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?" He asked her. As he watched and, even better, felt her start stroking his now throbbing member.

"Of course. I will help my mate in any way I can." She said lovingly. "And I will enjoy it too, which makes me even more happier to help." She said to him erotically.

He laid his head down, no longer looking as he received such wondrous pleasure at the hands, or hand of Xerah.

Bringing her head over his member she let her saliva leak out of her mouth in a long line over top of his member. Now with it all over his member, her stroking began to be more audible as she brought hand up and down on his hard ridged manhood. The slickness of her saliva making her stroking more fluid even as she was able to tighten the grip to increase her mates pleasure. Making her handsome mate moan gently and she knew then that it had been a good idea.

Still stroking his warm and now slick member, she felt herself becoming warm and wet between her legs. Her lower parts obviously wanting what her hand seemed to be keeping to itself. But instead they met with her finger, as she brought herself up onto her knees, still stroking her mate as she started to toy with her lower lips. It was already warm and sticky with her juices as she brought her finger between her soft and puffy lips. Bringing her finger to tickle her sensitive nub, of which she gently tickled with her finger, making her purr as she continued to stroke her mate.

She had now started to insert her finger inside herself when she heard her mate lifted his head and looking at her finger herself gestured to his member. _" You could just..." _He said, smirking at her for a moment then looking at his member. _"If you're feeling up to it." _He added.

Without a word to her mate she accepted his offer, showing her acceptance to him by climbing over so that she was straddling him. Her backside lifted so that his member stood with its head just touching the entrance to her insides. Her mate looked at her lovingly as he put his hands on her thighs and awaited her to bring down the goodness of her insides. She didn't keep him waiting long and with her hand she reached beneath herself and held his member in position as she lowered herself onto him. Hissing as she accepted his hard warmth into her soft wet cavern which welcomed his member home eagerly. Its firmness was welcomed inside her, though she was still sensitive inside and so she brought the entirety of him into her gently.

This was their first time mating like this but she figured out that she was the one who was going to be doing most of the work while they mated like this. All for the better anyway though, seeing as her mate was sore and weak right now. So she began to work, bringing her hips up and off his member, which was now bathing wet in her juices. And quickly and gently bring her hips back down on him, encasing his member once more. Making a very quiet slapping sound, as her buttocks hit his thighs. Putting her hands on his chest she started to get really into it.

She began to find that whirling her hips as she brought herself up and down helped her to squeeze his member inside her; bringing both of them even more pleasure as he started to pant, and moan, even as she too began to croon. Up and down she went, her movements becoming fluid as she rode him, bringing his hard member in and out of her, sending tingles of pleasure through her each time. She leant down then, stopping her movements for a moment as she brought her lips to his and together they locked lips.

When their lips finally separated he asked her "You, really like that, huh?" He said, taking his hands from her thighs and taking her hips firmly in his grasp. He then, to a lesser extent of the word, flung her off of him using his body as well as his hands. She now half lay and sit on the bed, somewhat stunned most likely, as he got up off his back and crawled to her.

"What are you..." She started to ask him, he had come up to her and now had begun to fonder her sex; sticking two of his fingers in and shaking it around inside her, making her purr deeply in her throat, sounding like a moan.

"I can't just lay there, letting you do all the work. " He said as he swished his finger around in her tight confines, having to keep his hand firmly pushed up so that his fingers didn't slip out with all her fluids lubricating his entire hand. He and her were now kneeling in front of one another, his left hand between her legs doing good work as she moaned at its wiggling.

"You shouldn't over do yourself to much, you are still sore..." She said to him

"I'll be okay, I won't overdo it too much" He said to her reassuringly. Though right now he wasn't feeling as sore as he had been anyway. Most likely because of the blood in his head being borrowed by his... other head.

His fingers inside her then began to take advantage a large and soft swell they had found. The large swell being her g spot he figured, and found evidence of soon after as the more he touched it the more she wiggled. He put more pressure on it, massaging it and she started to scree quietly along with her purring. Then, as if she remembered something she suddenly stopped for a moment and without apparently looking back she let herself fall backwards onto the bed. She had been close enough to the bed that her head had ended up over the side, and now she looked up to him.

"Orgasm with me, Mate." She said, to him, her hips a few inches off the bed to show herself to him, as well as to make this position possible with her tail which trailed off to the left from under her. Her black, puffy, soaked lips exposed to him as she lay with her arms out stretched making her position one of submission. Her thighs themselves were slobbered with her juices.

Crawling over top of her with his legs together between hers, he aligned their sexes, his hands supporting him over top of her; missionary style. She brought her head up then and kissed him as he penetrated into her, making her hiss in pleasure and drop her head back down. She kneaded the air with her claws, thankfully resisting the urge to tear up the bed in her pleasure. He began a steady rhythm, trying to keep time with her ever strengthening muscular squeezes around his member. Each thrust, pushing into her warm, wet, silky soft and muscular cavern, sending pleasure through his entire being.

He was getting close though, and he knew she was too as she was almost crushing his legs with her own as he lay above her and between them; not to mention her nearing spastic muscle movement. He started increasing the power of his thrust, keeping time with her hips as they moved beneath him to meet his each thrust. He wasn't going to last much longer... He started pumping her harder as his climax started to hit him and as he did he felt her shiver beneath him and heard her scree in bliss. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him then as she endured with pleasure, the power of her climax. All her muscles seemingly vibrating around is member as she came, helping him to cum at the same time. His muscles tensed and twitched as he rocked in and out of her tight embrace, all his senses ablaze as his balls squeezed and he shot inside of her.

She could feel his hot seed spilling into her, only adding to the pleasure as she had climaxed. She lay beneath him for a few moments as he breathed heavily on top of her, just as well as she was to tired and still enjoying the after warmth in her after that orgasm. She felt suddenly his arm reaching beneath her back and in quick movement he pulled her up so that she was pressed against him. He had gotten to his knees as he had pulled her and she with her legs spread now partly sat on them as she leaned against him. Her head resting on his shoulder, he kissed the side of her head as she rubbed the side of her face into his neck.

Gently they guided each other back down onto the bed, trying as much as they could to not break the embrace. They now lay on their sides, looking into each other's eyes. Though, Xerah didn't have eyes but Eric just looked at the place where they would most likely be on her face.

"How is your head now?" She asked him, sounding mildly cheeky.

"My head," He said, and realized he had almost forgotten about that. His head ache was gone though. "is fine... Pains gone." He said to her, smiling. "Guess you cured me."

"I'm glad. It... was my pleasure." She replied.

"Good to know you enjoyed it as well." He said jokingly.

"I always do." She said seductively.

He smiled at her, and taking his hand he let it rest on her bony chest. Letting his finger trace along the intricacies of her exoskeleton as he let his hand slowly make its way downwards to her stomach. He ran his fingers gently along it. Only to have her suddenly squirm at his touch, prompting him to do it again... for good measure. To which she squirmed more and brought her hand to his, effectively holding it. She hadn't eyes nor the ability to make a facial expression but he knew she was looking at him sternly.

"I hope you know that this has been duly noted." He said to her, practically grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't quite understand what that means but, you better not..." She said to him.

"I think this is when I laugh evilly..."


"Alright... Another time." He said. "Speaking of time..." He brought his head up and looking over to the bedside table at the top right corner of the bed, he saw that the time was 2:26 AM.

He looked up then to the ceiling and looked at the lights which were not turned on and realized that something here was not making sense. Getting up onto his elbow from their cuddling he looked around the room seeing everything perfectly fine. But that didn't make any sense. He had woken up in the middle of the night in the past, and if the lights weren't on then it would be completely pitch black. Your eyes don't gradually adjust to pitch black either.

He looked behind him and saw that the windows blinds were properly shut, keeping all light that might have been from outside from getting in. The door into the room was shut as well, and he could not see any of the lights on. He wasn't sure it was possible, but right, no this entire time he had been seeing with 20/20 vision, in pitch blackness.

Xenomorph X Human ~ Chapter 7

_\*Some more adventure time with Eric! I've been doing to much Eric POV recently so I think next chapter will maybe be all Xerah... Read and review please, it really does help me get better as well as inspires. Rate, fave, and watch. Watch most...

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Xenomorph x Human ~ Chapter 5

_He had stopped moving, stopped breathing, his heart was no longer beating. She sat still on top of him, in disbelief, her own heart feeling as if it had stopped. "_No" _she said,"_ no, no, no, no, no... " Fate can't be this cruel, you can't be dead......

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Xenomorph x Human ~ Chapter 4

\*As promised... More soon, I am finding it easier to write now that things are actually happening. Incase you don't read to the end. Fav and watch to keep up with chapter updates. Please comment!! I love your comments... Maybe to much. Anyway, I hope...

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