Twin Desires

Story by TastesLikeGreen on SoFurry

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It's a warm, humid night, the kind that encourages laziness and slow movement. For Mark and Ashley Sullivan, it also means their thoughts turning rather insistently to their growing carnal needs. Good thing these twins have never had a problem helping each other scratch that itch...

Been working on this one for a while, and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. It's another trade story, this time to the talented ibengmainee about a pair of his newer characters. The thumbnail is cropped from one of his images of them, which you can see here.

I'm always somewhat nervous writing about other peoples' characters, but Beng seemed very confident in my abilities, which I greatly appreciated. I hope you all enjoy it almost as much as he does. ;-)

Twin Desires By Green

It was a warm, early summer night, the kind of low-key heat that encouraged laziness. The sound of rattling keys came in through the door, and then so did Ashley Sullivan, grinning in the dim light and humming to herself as she came in and closed the door behind her. The slim feline walked over to the living room, pulling her phone out of her pocket with a triumphant look on her face, but no sooner had she put thumb to keypad when she caught sight of the person sitting on the couch, who'd been watching her in total silence since she walked in. She gasped and dropped her phone to the carpet as her audience chuckled to himself. "Jesus, Mark, you scared the shit out of me!" she complained, blushing, as she retrieved her phone, "What the hell are you doing just sitting there in the dark?" The other cat smiled innocently and gestured out the window. "I can see the room just fine by the light of the lamppost," her brother said, facetiously, "I'm just saving power, sis. You know, being responsible." As the slender female frowned at him, Mark leaned over and flicked on a lamp on the table next to him, filling the room with a soft, understated light. Ashley's expression softened somewhat when she was able to get a good look at her sibling, who was sitting there on the couch in nothing but his boxers, showing off his sleek grey and white pelt as well as his well-defined muscles. His grin widened as his sister's eyes began to boldly roam all over his slender, relaxed form, her momentary embarrassment seemingly forgotten. "Told you I'd make it home first," he finally said, grinning. Ashley blushed again, less intensely than before, and pouted slightly, even as she couldn't take her eyes off her sibling. "Did you bother to stop at any red lights," she asked, "or are we gonna get a ticket with your picture on it in the mail?" As the cat watched, her tail twitching behind her in agitation, Mark chuckled again and placed a hand on his groin, gently and slowly rubbing his penis through the thin material of his underwear, enjoying the way Ashley's eyes locked onto his stiffening cock and refused to budge, openly leering at him as he fondled himself in front of her. "Doesn't matter," he said, softly, "We had an arrangement." His smile undersold the seriousness of his tone, but it got the job done. His sister sighed, sagging slightly as her ears flattened back against her skull, nodding to acknowledge her defeat. "Alright, fine," she finally replied, "but you'll pay for bending the rules next time, just you wait..." Mark just sat back, still lightly stroking himself, and watched his sister pull her shirt over her head, his Cheshire smile seeming to reflect the soft light of the humid room.

As fraternal twin siblings who looked nearly identical, save for their genders, Mark and Ashley had always been close, sharing a special bond that none of their friends or other family really seemed to understand. They'd shared everything together, games and secrets and hopes and dreams, so it hadn't come as much of a surprise to either of them when they reached the age where they began to figure things out about sex, and they'd chosen to share that with each other as well, giving each other their virginities as they worked out what they liked and what they didn't. The two of them had been fooling around since high school, but they still thought of each other as brother and sister, neither of the felines' feelings for their twin had ever grown into anything more. So they were 'siblings with benefits', and they were happy that way. They didn't exactly advertise their unique relationship, and took appropriate measures to keep it a secret, but they'd never lost a night of sleep wondering what the world might think of them if word got out. They would just ignore the people who thought they were freaks and keep on living the way they always had. They'd promised long ago that when one or both of them found someone they were really interested in, romantically as well as physically, their incestuous trysts would stop, but until then, the twins had determined, it was fucking awesome having someone around to help you get your rocks off; being able to come home after a lousy day to a warm body and a tight embrace made all the difference in the world.

On this particular night, the two of them had been at a party, celebrating the end of finals at their school. Music and dancing and conversation and various spirits all had their charms, but after spending a few hours there, separately at first, hanging out with their 'normal' friends, the Sullivans' thoughts had increasingly turned towards each other. Maybe it was the warm temperature, maybe it was because they'd both been distracted by coursework lately, but Mark and Ashley had each found themselves unable to keep their thoughts out of the gutter. Both of them had, in fact, tried to pick up someone who'd caught their eye, but had failed to get anything more than a polite smile and a 'maybe next week'. So, catching his sister's eye across the room and indicating the back hallway with a nod of his head, Mark met up with her to have a hushed meeting. After confirming that she was as needy as him, he proposed that they head back to the apartment they shared just outside campus property and, in as many words, suggested that they 'screw until we can't get out of bed'. They'd taken separate methods to get home, walking out the front and back doors simultaneously, not so much as a serious effort to avert attention so much as it was a game between them. Whoever got home second had to get the evening started by going down on the sibling who arrived first. So now, Mark found himself sitting on the couch, stroking himself, watching his sister get undressed, and, of course, smiling.

As Ashley worked her thighs back and forth to help pull her tight, tight jeans down, she looked up at her brother, pouting adorably. "How did you get home before me, anyway?" she asked, stepping out of her pants and putting a hand on her hip, "Were you really driving? I thought I saw you drinking back at the party. I know you had the car and all, but I thought you'd just get Henry to drive you back." Mark made a dismissive wave at the disapproving look on her face and tried to sound reassuring. "That was the only beer I had over there, I'm still under the legal limit, I promise," he said, holding up a hand like the Boy Scout he'd never been. Ashley snickered and shook her head. "You know, when you do that 'scout's honour' thing, you come across like a used car salesman," she said, crossing her arms and smirking. "Come on, Ash," he laughed, "we both know you're fantastic in the sack, but worth dying over? Don't flatter yourself, Casanova wasn't that good." Ashley didn't laugh, but there was a smirk on her face as she shot him a dirty look, before reaching behind her and unfastening her bra, slipping it off her shoulders and discarding it to the floor. One of the benefits of living by themselves was that they didn't need to work as hard to hide their relationship from those around them. They might not have been in love, but that didn't mean they wanted the people they cared about to find out they'd been screwing each other. Mark didn't say anything, just watched as his sister's bare chest came into view and beckoned her forward with a crooked finger. As Ashley got down on her knees in front of his couch, she looked up, blushing just slightly. "You know, you don't have to make such a big deal out of it," she said, "it's not like I hate sucking you off or anything... I mean, really, you could have just asked..." As the female settled into position and reached out to take hold of her brother's boxers, Mark admired the way the light reflected off her fur, the grey that covered most of her body (and his, given that their patterns matched so closely) smoothly becoming white on the front of her abdomen, stretching up her front to peak just under her nose. He helpfully lifted his butt to help her pull his underwear away from his hard-on, and grinned at the eagerness in her eyes. She was right of course; he probably wouldn't even have had to ask very hard. "I suppose that's true," he mused, as the fingers of her white 'socked' hand wrapped gently around his prick, "but that would spoil all the fun of the bet!" He fell silent as she began to gently stroke him up and down, getting him even harder as she looked up at him with bedroom eyes, her muzzle slowly leaning towards his aching flesh. "There's just something," he whispered, "that makes it more satisfying if I earned it..." He trailed off as his sister finally opened wide and wrapped her lips around his cock, immediately moving forward to take more of him into her mouth. Mark shivered and closed his eyes, moaning "Oh, Ash..."

Mark shivered from the tips of his ears to the end of his tail as his sister's hot, wet mouth easily took in his stiff length, Ashley wasting no time before beginning to bob her lips up and down along her brother's shaft. As Mark leaned back, settling into the couch to get comfortable, she really started to go to work, teasing her tongue along his manhood, licking and rubbing against all of his most sensitive regions. There were a few moments of quiet, the silence of the room broken only by Ashley's gentle suckling and Mark's purring, rapidly increasing in volume. As the tip of his lover's tongue played along the underside of the crown of his penis, Mark groaned, throbbing in her mouth, leaking pre that was immediately snatched up by that greedy tongue, his sister moaning quietly at the taste of his arousal, slowing down as if to savour it. It was clear that Ash was genuinely enjoying giving her brother a blowjob, which really only made it better for him. He opened his eyes as he felt fingers softly caressing his testicles through the thin skin of his sac, looking down to see Ashley squeezing and kneading his scrotum with a free hand, very careful not to press too hard when handling his sensitive orbs. "Nnngh, fuck yes, Ash..." he moaned, moving a hand to her head, running his fingers through her sky blue hair and scratching between her ears to encourage her, "I love it when you play with my balls..." Glancing up at him, the corners of her muzzle turning up, Ashley suddenly sucked in her cheeks, the soft, wet walls of her mouth squeezing in tight on the sides of his cock as her tongue flattened itself against the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she continued her devotion, Mark moaned and twitched in his seat, filling with excited energy as his arousal grew and grew, his toes curling up and relaxing again and again, his legs twitching to the sides of his sister's kneeling form, and his tail beginning to flick back and forth on the cushion next to him like a serpent having a nightmare. And as he grew more aroused, his scent began to grow stronger, in turn affecting Ashley, whose nostrils were in the perfect position to be affected by his musk every time she reached the bottom of his shaft. Moaning around his prick again, she slipped her free hand off the couch. Mark couldn't see exactly what Ashley was doing with it, but from the shudder that ran through her a moment later, he had a delightful sneaking suspicion that she had begun to play with herself, probably through her panties instead of under them, as Ashley didn't like to finish herself off while pleasuring her brother, preferring to wait until he was sated and then talk him into doing it for her. Of course, the same situation she'd referred to earlier applied in reverse; she never had to try very hard to convince Mark to bring her to ecstasy. He didn't dwell on it long, though, as the excellent blowjob he was receiving was rather distracting.

It wasn't terribly long after that that Mark began to stir again, groaning quietly as pre-come seeped from the end of his prick, always to be lovingly gathered up by his sister's hot, nimble tongue. He unconsciously extended the claws on his right hand, digging them into the material of the couch; he had the courtesy not to do the same to the hand cupping the back of his lover's head. It was clear he was on his way to the release he so desperately craved, the orgasm that consumed his thoughts, the only thing in the universe that mattered at the moment. Ashley bottomed out again, and then, to his dismay, she kept going on her way up, sitting up straight and leaving his achingly stiff cock all by itself, throbbing lightly, evenly coated in his sister's glistening saliva, making the air of the room feel cool to the touch after experiencing the deep warmth of her mouth. "Nnnfff! Ashley, wh-what the hell -" he cried, ears flattening to his head from the sheer dismay he felt at this turn of events. She cut off his complaining with a giggle, placing the tip of a finger on the underside of his dick, tracing his bulging urethra up and down. It wasn't nearly enough stimulation to give him the orgasm he needed - not a good one, anyway - but it was more than enough to tease him mercilessly. As she rubbed and rubbed, she cocked her head to the side and smiled brightly at him. "Oooooh, brother, looks like you really need to come," she said, cheerily. He said nothing, merely glared at her as he felt his orgasm moving further and further away, trying not to whimper as pre-come ran copiously down the sides of his penis. Ashley continued after lifting her finger to her lips to lick some of that pre off, like a cook tasting batter. "Okay, new plan," she said, brightly, "I'm horny as hell down here, guess I needed it even more than I thought. So I'll come up there and you can deal with that, and I'll get back to work so we can finish together." Hands curled into fists, Mark frowned at his sister with an intensity that suggested he was trying to glare her to death. "You bitch," he muttered, without much conviction, "I won the bet fair and square, and that isn't the deal we agreed to!" He tried to stand firm and sound confident, but feeling his arousal ebbing away had him sweating with need for the release he'd been denied. Ashley, meanwhile, seemed cool, calm, and collected, giving him that damnable Cheshire smile. The next time her finger reached the base of her brother's dick, she moved her whole hand down to his sac and gave his boys a playful squeeze. Finally breaking contact with his nethers altogether, she crossed her arms and gave him a mock-sinister look, raising an eyebrow as she spoke in a much deeper voice than usual. "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further." Mark just stared at her for a moment, trying to stay strong, but the truth of the matter was that the only reason he wanted to avoid going down on his sister was that that would have been the prize if she'd won the bet, he actually quite enjoyed pleasuring her that way. Finally, he sagged down in his seat with a sigh, making his penis wobble a little from the movement. "Okay, okay, fine!" he grumbled, shaking his head in surrender, "Dammit, Ash, you know I'm a sucker for Star Wars references. Alright, get up here and let me help you out of those."

Letting out a delighted squeal at her victory, Ashley hopped up to her feet and stepped closer to the couch. Being a good sport about it, Mark leaned forward, leaning in to nuzzle her stomach, kissing at her belly as his hands moved up to cop a feel of her rear before moving up to the waistband of her panties. This close, he could smell her arousal, which was potent indeed. He began to drag her underwear down sloooooowly, laying kisses all over her lower abdomen as she giggled, placing her hands on his shoulders and just watching. "Good lord," he murmured, running his fingers along the fabric, "you weren't kidding, these are soaked." He squeezed part of the underwear between two fingers, hard, and wrung out a droplet of his sister's juices, which had been seeping from her nethers the entire time she'd been attending to his needs. It made Mark feel better about going along with her change of plans. Finally tugging the panties down to her knees, he cupped his hands on her buttocks and held her close as he boldly leaned in to press his muzzle against his sister's vulva, immediately dragging his tongue along her lips, earning him a gasp. As Ashley's grip tightened on his shoulders, he pushed his tongue into her cleft, licking along her walls, shivering at the taste of her juices. His neglected erection throbbing down below reminded him that there was unfinished business to attend to, though, and he reluctantly pulled away, even as his sister whined, her hips pushing forward to follow him. "Noooo, Mark, don't stop..." Ashley whimpered, rubbing her thighs together. He reached forward and rather more hurriedly pulled her panties down to her ankles, then put a hand behind her back and encouraged her forwards even as she stepped out of them. "Well, get up here, then, so I can keep going!" he said, grinning.

Wasting no time whatsoever, Ashley climbed up onto the couch even as her brother lay down on his back; the last time they'd tried this position with him on top, he'd choked her by instinctively thrusting as his climax approached. Before she assumed the proper position, though, Ash leaned down and pressed her muzzle against Mark's, kissing him roughly and hungrily, making the strength of her desire perfectly clear. After a few moments, she pulled away, and Mark embarrassed himself by gasping for air, having been so 'into' the kiss that he'd forgotten to breathe through his nose. Ashley didn't seem to notice, or was at least too preoccupied by her own arousal to comment on it, and got back up on all fours before carefully turning around to face the other way. As she lifted and moved a leg across Mark's chest, he looked up, getting a perfect view of his sister's glistening slit. She was practically dripping on him by this point, her clitoris already standing proudly up, her skin flushed and swollen with need. She accidentally jammed her heel against his shoulder while she was adjusting herself, but that didn't hurt much, and he was so distracted anticipating the coming pleasures that he barely noticed, so after a quick apology she managed to arrange herself comfortably on top of her lover, returning her hands to Mark's shaft and sac as she leaned in to resume her ministrations, taking her brother's erection back into her mouth and picking up where she left off. Mark couldn't help but moan, partly with relief, partly with desire, as the cool air was once again replaced with a warm mouth and a skilled tongue. After letting out his appreciative ohhhhh, though, he decided to get to work himself. Pleasuring a woman being less hands-on than pleasuring a man, he simply reached up around her back and gripped her butt with both hands before pressing his muzzle between Ashley's thighs, immediately pushing his tongue between her sodden lips and into her as far as he could reach. Tensing up above him, Ashley moaned appreciatively around his cock, giving his testicles a well-practiced squeeze with just the right amount of pressure. There not being much to see right now, Mark closed his eyes, concentrating on the texture, the flavour, of his sister's pussy, as her inner walls twitched and clenched down in response to his probing tongue, though of course he also couldn't help but focus on the feeling of her tongue teasing against the sensitive head of his cock. After a few moments of gathering Ashley's juices and savouring her taste, Mark brought a hand down from gripping her shapely ass to slide underneath her, so he could tease and rub at her clit, which he couldn't easily get to with his mouth given the upside-down positioning that 69 had them in. He started by placing his thumb and forefinger on either side of it and suddenly squeezing tight, then giving her love button a playful tug. Ashley responded by arching her back and finally pulling away from his dick for a moment to yowl in pleasure and surprise, her purring having grown noticeably louder as she returned to her task. But as she'd done that, her tail had flicked down and lightly bapped against her lover's forehead, and Mark's eyes fluttered open instinctively. There still wasn't much to see; there was the unremarkable stucco ceiling above them, there was the base of his sister's tail, energetically twitching back and forth... and there was the tight ring of muscle just beneath that.

Mark couldn't smile given how busy his mouth was, but his eyes no doubt had that familiar mischievous sparkle to them as he slid the hand that was still on her butt over until it bumped into the side of her tail. He waited a moment, continuing to lick at Ashley's vagina and tease her clit to give her something else to focus on, and then, without warning, he turned his hand slightly, extended his thumb, and pressed it against his sister's anus, pushing insistently enough that the stubby digit was buried beneath her tail by the time she realized what was happening, pulling her mouth away again with a cry of protest. "Aaaah! B-bastard!" she gasped, as he wiggled his thumb around in her rear, noting with some amusement how hard her pussy had clenched down on his tongue just now. Turning his head to the side, licking his juice-soaked muzzle with a smile, Mark chuckled to himself as his sister groaned and writhed above him. "What'sa matter, Ash?" he asked, snarkily, "Cat got your... tongue?" Looking back over her shoulder, blushing hard, Ashley glared at her brother. "It's not my tongue I'm worried about!" she snapped, without much real strength behind it. Ashley would never admit it, but it had become clear to her brother over the years that she loved anal sex, and when he played with her butt during other activities. So it didn't come as much of a surprise to Mark when she just growled at him before returning her attention to his penis, instead of forcing him to remove his thumb. Ashley being a girl and therefore lacking a prostate, there weren't really any spots in her rear that were significantly more sensitive than the rest, so he just kinda wiggled his thumb around, lightly thrusting it into her rump and rubbing against her walls, while continuing to focus most of his attention on the activities of his mouth and other hand. He suspected, from the way she kept twitching and shivering atop him, and the way she seemed to suddenly become more energetic as she worked his prick in her mouth, that she appreciated his efforts.

They continued their devotions like that for a while, each sibling writhing and twitching and gasping under the other's skillful touch, occasionally pulling their mouths away to moan or ask for some more specific pleasure or encourage what their lover was already doing. Ashley's little stunt earlier to change the rules of the bet had caused her brother to back away from the edge of release, but it didn't take long before Mark could feel it building right back up. At first, he redoubled his efforts, trying to speed along his sister's path to the same destination, but then he realized he wasn't sure whether he even wanted to come before or after his sister; which, he asked himself, would seem more appropriate with him having won the bet? But his vanity wasn't strong enough to overpower his more primal urges, and soon all that mattered to him was the climax he'd earned, the climax he needed so very, very badly. Turning his head to the side with a groan, he forced out the words to warn his lover, noting with some detached amusement that she wasn't far behind him; as soon as he took his mouth away from her slit, Ashley moaned around his cock and pushed down against him, grinding her labia against his cheek and soaking her arousal into his fur. "Oh - oh Christ, Ashley," he gasped, "I'm so close, I'm so so close, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna fucking come!" It wasn't exactly T.S. Eliot, but it would do as a gentleman's warning to his lady. Where some girls might pull away to avoid the messy finale, Ashley moaned again, sounding eager for it, just as he knew she would. Just because she liked it was no reason not to give her a heads-up, after all. As he continued to tease and pleasure the treasures between her legs, his sister pulled back until just the tip of his twitching, straining penis was in her mouth. Then, moving the hand that wasn't currently kneading his balls to his slick shaft and gripping tight, she began to stroke, hard and fast, encouraging him towards the orgasm he'd been dying for. Mark was a pretty generous lover, but despite his best efforts he couldn't focus on playing with Ashley's nethers as the moment approached, arching his back as best he could with a girl his size on top of him and pulling his mouth away from her sopping pussy, replacing his tongue with a couple of fingers so he could yowl with pleasure and relief as a nimble tongue and a soft hand coaxed him past the point of no return. He moaned, loud and long, not needing to lower his voice for sleeping family they way they used to, as his prick began to throb and pulse, pumping thick, gooey feline come into his sister's mouth. Ashley's parts clenched down with pleasure, squeezing the digits within her as he painted her tongue with his hot seed. Mark was incapable of coherent thought as he came and came, his lover expertly extending his ecstasy, milking him of every last drop of pleasure - not to mention semen. Even as she swallowed the come that had already entered her mouth, Ashley used the tip of her tongue to tease and lick at the sensitive head of his spurting cock, jerking the shaft with gusto and squeezing his sac in time with the spasms of his orgasm. He had to hand it to her, Ash dealt out one mean BJ.

When he finally had nothing left to give, and the pleasure had burned itself out, the purring tomcat slumped down against the couch with a sigh of relief. Ashley pulled back, sitting halfway up and letting her brother's still-hard cock slip out of her mouth, swallowing audibly and wiping off her lips with the back of her hand. "Damn, that was a lot," she said, sounding legitimately impressed, "Been a couple days, huh, Mark?" Below her, her lover chuckled tiredly, shrugging even though she couldn't see it. "Hey, I was busy, okay?" he laughed, stretching out and getting comfortable again. "You misunderstand me, bro..." Ashley said, a sensual tone to her voice. "I'm not complaining," she continued, "I'm encouraging! Whatever you did to get a load this big, you should keep doing it! But you have some unfinished business, dear brother, and if you think I'm letting you up before you take care of it, you're crazy." Mark's smile widened as his sister rather un-subtly lowered her pelvis towards his face, pushing her dripping slit towards his muzzle. "Well shit, Ash," he said, gleefully, "After paying off the bet so spectacularly, how could I ever say no?" Without waiting for a response, he returned his free hand to her throbbing clit and buried his tongue between her folds, so that any reply she might have cared to make was pre-empted by a long, happy moan.

Tail flitting back and forth between his ankles, Mark worked at a feverish pace, seeking out all the most sensitive spots inside his sister's vagina with his tongue, one hand working her backdoor, twisting his thumb this way and that inside her rear, experimenting to see if he could increase her enjoyment even more, the other alternating between tweaking and rubbing her clitoris and taking his tongue's place inside her when he decided the little nub of flesh deserved a few moments of mercy. Digging her claws into the cushions, Ashley gasped and moaned and yowled with gratitude and pleasure. Perhaps seeking something to do, perhaps because of an oral fixation, she bent down after a few moments and took her brother's softening penis back into her mouth; she didn't do much to it, merely held it between her lips, suckling gently as he drooled leftover semen onto her tongue. Honestly, Mark was impressed how quickly she was reacting to his ministrations; she'd been blowing him for a while before they switched to mutual pleasuring, but here she was, only a few minutes after he'd reached his limit, and she was already bucking her hips, pushing back against his muzzle and moaning as best she could without removing her brother's dick from her mouth. He still wasn't nearly ready for round two, but her licking and suckling seemed to ensure that his manhood could get no softer than reaching half-mast. He kept up the pace for a few minutes more, feeling Ashley's feet tensing up against his shoulders as her toes curled up, until finally she released his semi-flaccid member in order to whimper, already shaking above him. "Jesus Christ... Mark, I'm gonna - I'm gonna..." she trailed off, overcome with lust, but there weren't that many things she could be talking about. He considered manhandling her further up the couch so that he could suck on her clit as she came, but he didn't want to interrupt the flow of the moment, and he was looking forward to feeling her ripple around his tongue. So he just intensified his efforts even more, to a level that would tire out his fingers and tongue before too long. Fortunately, he knew, he didn't need much time. Sure enough, Ashley almost immediately arched her back above him, every muscle in her lithe body tensing up as she came, crying out her passion into the night. Mark kept working her parts with enthusiasm and zest, feeling her backside squeezing on his thumb even as her vagina rhythmically clenched down on his tongue, making it hard for him to keep licking her weak spots. What made it nearly impossible was when, accompanied by a long, drawn-out ohhhhh, a veritable torrent of Ashley's flavourful juices gushed out to coat her surprised brother's face. Despite this, Mark kept going as best he could, licking and tweaking and rubbing in order to draw out his lover's orgasm for as long as possible.

The fireworks died down eventually and Ashley just lay limply on top of Mark, who kept on gently licking his sister's pussy, mostly because he enjoyed the way she was quietly mewling like a kitten. Finally, she pulled her hips away with a groan, snaking a hand beneath her to cover her dripping mound protectively. "Stop it, brother," she whined, "that was great and all, but it's over now and I'm all, you know, over-sensitive." Mark snickered, mischievously sneaking a finger between her digits to flick at her clitoris and make her squeal again. "I know," he said, cheerily, "You just make the most adorable noises when I don't stop licking." Ashley pulled away, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch, settling her butt between his feet. Then, her treasures safely out of reach of her brother's deviance, she tossed a decorative cushion at him, laughing. He held up his hands as a sign of truce, grinning back. "Okay, okay, I've had my fun," he said, "But, ah, I don't think I had as much as you..." He licked his chops exaggeratedly, gesturing to his face, where the fur was quite shiny with the feminine juices that he'd been drenched in at the moment of truth. Ashley's eyes widened and she brought a hand to her mouth in surprise, blushing beet red and instinctively glancing down at her slit as though expecting it to explain itself. "Omigosh," she gasped, "I squirted?" Mark laughed and brought both of his hands together as fists, then brought them outwards, fingers extended, to underline his commentary. "Christ, sis, it was more like you exploded!" he laughed, "I've never seen a girl come like that before!" Pulling her knees up to her chest and somehow managing to blush even harder, Ashley whimpered, her ears lowering towards her skull. Mark's expression softened somewhat, and he gave her a supportive smile as he tilted a foot to the side, trailing a toe up and down against her body, just enjoying the feeling of her fur against his skin. "Awww, come on," he said, much softer this time, "I'm not trying to embarrass you, I'm glad! It just means you had a really good come is all. Well, it also means that I was able to make you come that hard, but I try not to boast..." His little joke did the trick, and Ashley snickered, smiling slightly. Mark finally sat up fully with a quiet grunt, and shifted over next to his sister, putting an arm around her shoulders and hugging her from the side. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he said, quietly, warmly, before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. The other feline giggled as he did so, her nose wrinkling as she tested the air. "Oh man, Mark," she said, clearly recovering from her embarrassment, "you'd better take a shower before you sleep tonight, your fur reeks of - uh, of me." That put a thought into her brother's head and he turned and looked at where he'd been resting his head; the cushions had dark stains where the juices had flowed off his face. "Whoops," he muttered, "Looks like waiting on the couch wasn't the best idea after all. Maybe we should have put down a towel, at least..." He managed to keep a straight face until he looked back over and made eye contact with his twin, and then they held each other close and laughed at the situation they found themselves in.

Soon, the Sullivans were holding each other in a loose embrace, enjoying the closeness of another warm body, and talking casually. It was about as close as they usually got to 'afterglow', given that their feelings for each other were purely carnal in nature. At the moment, they were considering the love fluids that had soaked into their couch. "Well," started Ashley, "I don't suppose we could just flip the cushions over?" Mark snorted in amusement. "Why do you think we flipped them over last time?" he said, poking her in the side. "Ohhh yeah... you'd been backed up for, what, a week?" Ashley replied, smirking. "Hey," he sighed, "that wouldn't have been a problem if you'd sucked me off like I wanted instead of giving me a handy." The distaff sibling sighed and waved dismissively, rubbing her forehead. "Okay, okay, let's not get into that again," she said, "I guess we'll finally have to get that thing cleaned... somehow. I'll call mom and say we spilled some coffee or something, see how you get a cushion cleaned in the first place." She looked down as Mark snaked his hand around her and began to rub her belly, something morphics could resist no better than their feral ancestors. "Good plan, but it'll keep until morning," he murmured, "and I've got a better idea on how to spend our time until then." Grinning back at him, Ashley shifted herself, throwing a knee across her brother and settling down his lap, face-to-face. "Is someone in the mood for round two?" she asked, coquettishly, playing a finger along the side of Mark's face. She leaned in to kiss him, but he stopped her, albeit reluctantly. "Wait, Ash... as much as I like the idea," he said, "let's take this elsewhere, the couch has suffered enough for one night." Apparently seeing the logic of his plan, and clearly wishing she could just jump him right now as much as he wanted to be jumped, the slim feline stepped off her brother and stood up, stretching. "So," she asked, "you want 'your' room or 'mine'?" Her facetious tone was fairly well-grounded; though their personal belongings and decorations were separated into the two bedrooms of the apartment, the siblings only ever spent the night in separate beds if one of them brought someone home for the evening; the rest of the time, they'd pick one on a whim and stay there together, so that they felt very little distinction between 'Mark's' room and 'Ashley's'. "Let's use mine," he said, getting to his feet, "The sun shines brighter on your side in the morning and I wanna sleep in tomorrow." Reaching forward, Mark gave his sister's rear a little swat, making her jump and earning him an adorable yelp. He almost laughed at the look she gave him as she rubbed her butt, as it was one he knew well, one he'd even given her on occasion; If I wasn't so horny right now, I might get angry.

The twins headed down the short hallway, Ashley taking the lead and exaggerating the sway of her shapely hips for the benefit of her appreciative brother's leering eyes. She strode into the room that had been set up with Mark's things to help support the illusion of perfectly normal siblinghood, turning and sitting on the edge of the bed as Mark followed, years of habit leading him to close and lock the door behind them before taking a moment to leer at his sister, eyes running all over her body, his gaze dancing along her pale fur the way he would soon be running his hands. His arousal was growing, though, and neither of them were in any mood to be patient, so it didn't last long before he stepped forward and joined her. Soon they were on their sides, kissing, stroking, teasing, the bed's covers discarded to the floor, unneeded for the moment with the surplus of body heat the room was enjoying. Mark leaned in to nip and lick at Ashley's sensitive throat even as her hand trailed down between his legs, to grip and squeeze his rapidly re-hardening penis in that eager, possessive manner of hers that always got him just as excited as the way she was touching him in the first place. Groaning approvingly, he leaned back to capture her lips with his, kissing his sister ravenously even as his hand returned the favour, trailing up her thigh and re-introducing his fingers to her cleft, pushing inside her to feel the slick walls clenching down again, as though trying to prevent him from escaping this time. Before too long, though, he broke off the kiss as he throbbed in her hand. "Ashley, I..." he managed, his voice deep and husky, before his sister just nodded, clearly understanding him, clenching down on his fingers again to emphasize the point. They broke off for a moment and Mark made a beeline for the drawer in his bedside table, frantically feeling around for protection. He paused only when he felt Ashley's hands on his thighs, quickly moving up to rub and caress his testicles and squeeze and grope his ass, which was pretty well-formed, if not as eye-catching as hers. When he felt a single finger teasing at the tight ring of muscle between his cheeks, he swatted at her hand with a quick flick of his tail. Lately, Ashley had been trying, with the usual feline mischievousness, to get her brother to let her play with his butt, no doubt hoping he shared her fondness for such stimulation. He found it amusing when she would 'casually' bring up the benefits of prostate stimulation during conversation, and rather less amusing when she would try to finger him when he wasn't paying attention. She didn't press it this time, though, and he guessed she'd just been teasing him for what she perceived as a fear of trying something new, so he let it slide. And suddenly, he realized, there it was, even if he wasn't looking at her: If I wasn't so horny right now, I might get angry.

Finally retrieving a condom packet from his cluttered drawer, he turned back over, struggling between the desire to rip the thing asunder and hurry to the main event and the knowledge that if he rushed it he might tear the condom inside, delaying The Deed even further while they retrieved another one, perhaps having to go as far as searching Ashley's room. She was on the pill, of course, but she was still his twin sister. There were very, very few things in the world that Mark wouldn't choose over accidentally knocking Ash up. Successfully rolling the latex sheath over his erection in pristine condition, Mark returned his attention to the naked girl in his bed, grinning ferally as he trailed his eyes along her unclothed form. "Alright," he said, "now that that's taken care of, I was thinking I'd rather be on top this time, Ash." Grinning back at him, the purring female nodded slightly. "Works for me," was her simple reply. "Great," he said, enthusiastically, "you just lie back -" "And think of England?" Ashley suggested. Her brother gave her a strange look which made her giggle. "Well, I was going to say 'and hold on'," he said, totally deadpan, "but if thinking about foreign countries gets you off, hey, whatever floats your boat." As she continued to snicker, Mark crawled across the bed, positioning himself above her, holding there for a moment to heighten her anticipation before leaning down to kiss her again, feeling her arms reach up to embrace him round the shoulders. Trailing a hand down her body, he worked a finger between her labia one last time to make sure she was still as wet as he'd left her, and then he reached back, taking hold of his penis and adjusting his posture to help line himself up more comfortably. As the tip of his gift-wrapped cock nudged against her slit, Ashley broke off the kiss to look down, shuddering with poorly-masked delight. "Ohh, Mark... you remember the first time we did this?" she murmured, "I was so nervous, and you were shaking, you had such a hard time getting it in properly. Ohhh..." Ashley trailed off into a moan, her grip on his shoulders tightening, as he easily pushed inside and slid home, hilting himself in his sister's velvety warmth. "I'd like to think," he purred into her ear, "that we've improved a bit since then." He leaned in to kiss her cheek as she let out a satisfied mmmmmm sound. "At the very least," he added, "I've had rather a lot of practice getting inside you... But it never hurts to keep training, no?"

With that, he pulled back, bracing his knees and one forearm against the bed to hold himself steady while leaving his other hand free to tease and grope. Then, pushing forward confidently, he immediately began the rhythm they'd both been aching for all night, thrusting into his sister's tight pussy, gritting his teeth to keep from moaning as he felt her hot, slick walls parting to make room for his prick, then clenching down hard on him as if to say don't leave this time, this is where you belong. As much as he liked the sensation of being buried balls-deep in Ashley, he found himself more swayed by the argument her mouth was making. "Oh God, yes, that's it, brother," she whimpered, "Fuck me, Mark, fuck me!" He was only too happy to oblige, slamming home and making her gasp with pleasure, grinning as he felt Ashley dig her claws into his back; felines were peculiar things who had a tendency to mix pain with pleasure during carnal activities, so he just shuddered and began thrusting in earnest, driving himself into her again and again, not at all surprised when she moved one hand to the back of his head to pull him in for another kiss, frantic and hungry and passionate. Soon, remembering his free hand, Mark moved it up to his lover's chest to squeeze and tweak at her nipples, gripping her breast like he owned it even as Ashley tried to lay claim to his tongue, wrestling her own into his mouth like it planned on staying there. All the while, he pistoned himself into her, his scrotum gently slapping against her pelvis with each thrust. Mark was honest enough with himself to admit he missed the sensation of wetness, feeling his sister's arousal slicking up her love tunnel and aiding his movements, but even with the condom on, he could still feel the intense heat inside her vagina and the tightness, even the texture of her walls as they rubbed and clenched against his cock. And when it came to sex this great? Two out of three was more than enough for him.

Soon, Mark had the rhythm going smoothly, and then he really gave it to her, driving himself into his sister hard and fast, grunting with the exertion in time with the muted slapping of their flesh meeting again and again, his hand finally releasing her breasts in order to dart down to the point of their joining to play with her clit, enjoying the gasps of pleasure she made from the new stimulation almost as much as he enjoyed the way her walls squeezed down hard on his prick for the same reason. "Oh Jesus, Mark," his lover managed, "Don't stop, baby, give it to me just like that, just like - nnngh!" Ashley trailed off into incoherent moans and whimpers as his tactics changed from teasing her sensitive clitoris to a full-out assault, gripping the nub with two fingers and stroking it like a tiny penis, causing the woman attached to it to arch her back and cry out in pleasure, the kind of lusty yowls that tended to get them complaints from jealous neighbours. As Ashley responded to his ministrations by gently biting his shoulder, Mark let out a groan of his own, and found it easy not to care about how loud they were being. Not one to deny a lady a request, he laid off her aching clit and returned to the more sedate teasing and occasional stroking from earlier, while making sure to keep his thrusts to the same cadence she'd begged him to keep up. Sighing in relief and appreciation, Ashley released his shoulder in order to lick his cheek, her hands sliding down his back towards his butt. At first he thought she was trying to get into position to tease his ass again, but then he felt her take a firm hold of his buttocks, gripping him tightly and pulling on him whenever he pushed his hips forward, giving each thrust a little extra oomph, and he managed to chuckle. This was a girl who knew what she liked and wasn't afraid to show it. "God damn, Ash," he murmured, "You are one hot fuck, you know that?" She grinned at his crass compliment and he found himself bending down again, unable to resist his sister's lips for long.

They kept up the feverish pace a while longer, kissing on and off as they coupled, hands wandering each others' bodies, gasps and grunts and moans punctuating the silence. Finally, intelligible words were heard once again as Mark started to slow down his thrusting. "Maaaark," Ashley whined, "don't slow down, you can't be tired already!" There was a desperation in her eyes he found strangely adorable. "You know..." he said, pausing to take a deep breath, "According to the stereotype, I should have fallen asleep after the blowjob. And I'm a cat, sis, I don't need to be tired to fall asleep." Ashley didn't look amused, whining quietly and putting her hands on his hips as if trying to manually speed up his movements. His breath came out in a shudder as he felt her squeezing on his prick again. "I'm sorry, Ash", he breathed, "I'm getting close, don't want to come before you..." The female groaned, pushing her hips back at him as she lowered her ears. "Agh! Do you have to be such a gentleman?" she whined, pouting adorably, "Okay, fine, but you'd better hurry up, I want you to fuck me hard when you finish." Mark swallowed a groan of purest desire and focused on pleasuring his lover. He kept flicking and rubbing and nudging at her clit, but he feared even at this slower pace he would be unable to outlast Ashley.

Pausing for a moment, Mark placed a finger on either side of his sister's love button and glanced up at her, an eyebrow raised questioningly. She looked down her body to see for herself, then looked up again, biting her lip, and nodded. With her blessing thus granted, he began to stroke her again like he had before, practically overwhelming the poor girl with stimulation. "Oh God!" she cried, wrapping her arms and legs around her brother and holding him close. He could barely keep up the thrusts at all, only able to pull his dick about halfway out before her limbs would tighten and pull him right back in. Trembling constantly, Ashley began to mutter to herself, her eyes tightly screwed shut. "Oh Christ, oh fuck, I - I'm gonna go c-crazy..." she whimpered, pushing her hips against his hand, clearly wanting more despite her claimed fear of insanity. "Nnnngh, give it to me, brother," she gasped, directly into his ear, "give me more, t-touch me, make me coooome..." Holding her close, nose pressed against her neck, breathing deep of her scent, Mark gave his sister what she wanted, finally bringing her over the edge with his relentless stroking. Ashley arched her back with a sharp gasp and cried out in wordless pleasure as her orgasm exploded within her. She dug her fingers into her brother's back, but if anything this just encouraged him not to let up. As she moaned, her vagina began convulsing, her slick walls rippling along her brother's prick and clenching rhythmically, in time with the intense throbbing of her beleaguered clitoris. Mark had failed to take this into account while trying to hold back his own climax, and he swore quietly as he realized he wouldn't last much longer.

So, ever the gentleman, he lived up to Ashley's request and started pumping into her even faster and harder than he had been before, slamming himself home with such force that Ashley whimpered with delight each time he buried himself in her wet warmth, muttering her gratefulness into his ear in broken sentences, mostly consisting of the words 'yes', 'God', and 'fuck' in various arrangements, as well as ohhhhh_s of various lengths. Mark's scrotum slapped against her with more force than he normally liked applied to that particular part of his anatomy, but he was more preoccupied at the moment by the feeling of his sister's pussy as it wrapped and squeezed around his shaft. "Oh shit, Ash..." he hissed through clenched teeth, "I'm coming!" "_Yesss!" his lover moaned, holding him even tighter, "Come with me, Mark!" Even tightly gripped by her legs, he managed to keep thrusting through sheer brute force, but soon, feeling every muscle in his body tense up, he hilted himself in his sister's body one last time, slamming home with more effort than any of his previous thrusts, and groaned in relief, hunching over Ashley's body almost protectively as he came. Grunting in time with his release, his penis throbbed and spurted again and again, ejecting hot, gooey feline seed that splattered against the condom long before it could ever form the long, ropey strands he found so visually appealing when having sex with women who were not directly related to him. His sister's vagina continued kneading and rubbing along the length of his cock, naturally extending his orgasm as he ejaculated so deep within her, leaning in to give her a rough kiss of congratulations before their orgasmic pleasures had died off.

Soon, both Sullivans had ridden out their respective climaxes, and slumped down against the mattress, breathing hard, their fur shiny with sweat, each purring as loud as they could, a cacophonous dissonance that they'd long since gotten used to. Ashley rested her head on her brother's shoulder, her limbs still wrapped around him but her embrace now limp, with no muscle behind it. Mark, meanwhile, had moved both hands to the bed, to help support the dead weight of his body and keep from squishing his smaller partner. He continued to throb from time to time, no doubt drooling still more leftover semen into the condom, which had done its job flawlessly. This was due in no small part to the fact that he was still buried in his sister's pussy, which was, similarly, still convulsing at random. Mark broke the 'silence' first, eyes still closed as he groaned with one last shiver dancing down his spine, making his tail twitch. "Ohhh man..." he managed, "Fuckin' A, sis, that was... that was..." he trailed off, panting and trying to put his feelings into words as his mind spun. At the touch of a soft hand on his cheek, he opened his eyes and tilted his head up to look his lover in the eyes, which were practically sparkling with contentedness. "Did you come as hard as I did, baby?" Ashley asked softly. Grinning, he just nodded. His sister giggled and leaned up to briefly kiss him, with none of the hunger or haste their movements had held earlier. After a moment, he leaned back and winked, then sat up, gently brushing her limbs off him before he pulled out, his mostly flaccid member sliding out of its incestuous embrace easily. He tugged off the condom, twisting it off and dropping it in the garbage can next to his bed, then, as he always did, he reached down and patted the lust-swollen lips of his sister's vulva in the manner one would pat a beloved pet, bringing tired giggles to the room as he wordlessly thanked her for sharing this side of herself with her twin. Then, he finally allowed himself to fall to the bed, lying down at her side with a relaxed sigh.

Almost immediately after he settled in, Ashley snuggled in closer, and he threw an arm around her shoulder, turning to face her for another long, slow, low-key kiss. When they eventually broke it off, Mark stretched and sighed happily again. "Mmmm-mmmm. I pity normal people," he said, cheerily, "It must suck having to put up with being shot down and getting nowhere in dating when you can't come home to hot, naked fun anyway." His sister snickered, flicking an ear to remove a wayward piece of lint as she moved her bangs out of her eyes. "Dear brother," she said, pretending to be offended, "Are you calling me the consolation prize?" Mark snorted with amusement and made a dismissive gesture. "Considering you're better in bed than a lot of the girls I've dated?" he asked, facetiously, "I'd hardly think so!" She smiled at that and kissed his cheek. "You're a terrible liar, Mark, but you're a wonderful flatterer," she laughed, nuzzling against him happily. After a few moments of just getting their heartbeats back to normal and enjoying the warmth of close proximity, the slender female lifted her head, already back to smiling mischievously. "So, brother of mine..." she murmured, "How long until you're ready for round three?" He lifted his head to look at her incredulously, not sure if she was kidding or not. "Seriously, Ash?" he asked, "You still need it?" Reaching down her brother's body, Ashley took hold of his limp package and began to squeeze and knead, not having much effect at the moment other than underlining the sincerity of her words. "Hey," she said, shrugging, "You were the one who suggested we come home from the party and fuck, and I quote, 'until we can't get out of bed.' You said it had been a few days, right? Well, I'm pretty sure you've got more in you than that, and I know I don't have anything important to do in the morning..." As she spoke, she released his parts, gently climbing on top of him and lying down, pressing her soft, shapely body against her twin's. "Well, when you put it like that..." he conceded, leading to chuckles from both of them before they muted themselves with another kiss, this time with a hint of their previous passion re-kindling inside both siblings.

As his hand slid down his sister's back and groped one of her soft buttocks, and Ashley impressed him with the sensual use of her tongue in their kiss, Mark returned to an earlier thought and felt a bit warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, he decided, sleeping in late tomorrow was an excellent idea...