A Different Business Plan

Story by HornyBull on SoFurry

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Hey, HornyBull here! Sorry for the long wait for another story, I'm still working on the third installment of the A Load of Bull series. Sorry if its kinda simplified, I made this just to show you all I was'nt dead yet!

" I have to find a way! " There's almost no time left!" A young fleldging witch named Luala cried out to herself. After searching and rummaging through the plants and flora she collected over the previous months within her own garden , she began to feel hopeless. " Aww man, this is bad!" The young girl had a horrible problem to remedy. She needed an ingredient for a special cure for her ailing mother, but apparently, she lacked to final part for the cure she was working on to be completed. It was so frustrating.

That last ingredient happened to be: A virile male's seed. The thing was was that Luala had a phobia about leaving her home, her haven. But there seemed to be no choice in the matter and she had to swallow her fear for the sake of her mother and depart from home. So she started out hoping to gather what she sought.

But soon in nearly no time at all Luala hears a deep growling masculine voice , " Hey lil' pretty! Wanna take a ride with me? " The voice prounounced the word 'ride'. Luala gasps hotly, as some invisible force held her in her tracks, then slowly turns around to see this male. The sight of him took her breath away, and so did his musky scent. The smell seemed to envelop her body in funk. But for some reason it was kind of stimulating. " Ain' had a fem in ages." He chuckles.

The male was a tall muscular minotaur, burly with a bit of a pot gut and short dark brown fur. He towered over her in dominance and power. His crimson eyes studied her. Almost immediately she recognized he was using a paralyzing spell on her, which was why she couldn't just run away for the beast.

The minotaur snickered, he knew he had a hot young thing in his sights. This was gonna be good! " Um, uhhh....hey there..." Luala says nervously to the large male. Suddenly the rude minotaur rips off his loincloth and reveals a huge pulsing hot bullhood and bulging testicles the size of grapefruit and hung low down his thighs. " Well girl.... The minotaur says. " Whatta ya say, like what you see? " The minotaur says in his gruffy voice.

He begins to slowly pump up and over his powerful male pole with lust in his eyes and drool running down from his mouth. The cock becomes erect in no time.

Luala could'nt believe this, this cock was awesome. It rose up to his chest, thick and heavy. Veins pulsing through the formidable length as it fumed with its own kind of deep musk. His nuts bunched up a little as the minotaur's big hand hit bottom harder and harder. Up and down strokes. He groaned and growled. Eyes slits. That's it, he was going to have pussy after so fuckin' long. If she was willin' or not.

The minotaur walks toward her, his large tool bobbing right front of him lewdly. " Oh no!" Luala says to herself . " Just my luck, the one time I do decide to leave home, a nasty smelly minotaur guy wants to rape me at first sight. Uhgghh!" She sighs out in disappointment.

Then a light bulb comes on in her head. I may not HAVE to submit to his whims after all AND get the the last ingredient for the cure that her mother so desperately needs for her disease.

" Yeah surrender yourself to yer fate and the both of us must enjoy this!" The minotaur chuffs out, proudly displaying his masculine ego. " I knew from the start you were a lil' slut! Just like all women on the inside. My male musk serves as an afrodisiac , it clouds der senses. Females can't resist the smell of a REAL man! HAR! HAR! HAR! " The minotaur laughs out , Luala could swear she could see his dick become harder.

" Yeah well, it seems I'll be the first, chump!" Luala retorts. " Huh!" The minotaur stops laughing abruptly and become curious at her cool- headed statement. " Oh, a strong fiesty one, eh!" I'll Looovve breakin' ya !"

" Hmmph!" Luala scoffs, and skillfully clears her mind of the strong minotaur musk. She closes her eyes and focuses her some of her energy into her craft. Soon the minotaur begins to feel his testosterone level rise. " What's...what's goin' on?! " The minotaur feels his body become warmer . He starts to feel a slight tingling sensation in his gigantic nuts. Grrrr....!" What the....Hey this feels kinda good, but I know yer tryin' to get me off without the use of yer pretty hole somehow but ...Agggh!" The minotaur is interupted when that same tingling feeling spread further within his balls and they begin to lift slightly.

Suddenly his cock started to pull up across his chest tighter and he feels the tingling that begin his testicles travel up his cock. His teeth clenched, begining to grunt and growl heavily in pleasure from it. " Yer ain' gonna win this, bitch, I can hold out !" " This is nothin' !" The minotaur was getting frustrated more and more as the teasing went on , if this keeps up, he'll lose it all over the girl in no time. No way that was gonna happen. He HAD to keep his dominance!

His arms tensed up, the tingling now steadily rising high in his cock. " UGHHH!" Damn, Damn....!" The minotaur cursed out as both his hand grip his swelling tortured cock. This new feeling was getting too much to handle, even for his bastion of stamina. ' How was this bitch doin this, I can take this .. I know I can....I won't be milked by force by a lil' brat ....Never Never ..' The minotaur think frantically thinks in his lust clouded mind.

In contrast to the minotaur's struggling, Luala was calm and cool. She studied this brand of brand of magic for a while, and she knew this bastard wouldn't last much longer. She used more and more of her mystical power bit by precious bit.

" AHHHHRRGGHH!" The minotaur growled again and again as he jerked off again, thrusting his hips and cock into his hands in and out quickly. He watched as his mushroom cockhead throb harder and the veins all over the minotaur's body. Even Luala concentration on him begin to waver a little. ' Uggh, maybe I underestimated this guy, he is good.' Luala thought as she become strained with her efforts at getting him to climax already. Sweat pours down her head and face.

A moment later, the bull feels his dam start to burst. " BITCH! NOOOOO! I can't believe this!" I CAN'T LOSE TO A SCRAWNY SLUT LIKE YOU!" The minotaur roars out, feeling his control finally slipping. He saw the head of his penis flex, his hole open....

" NOOOOO!" YOU BITCH!" I'LL DROWN YA WHORE!" He positions his about to blow cannon right in front of her hoping to smother her in his pent up cum. " ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! The minotaur ROARS out in long awaited release. A torrent of cum explosion blows free from his cock , on and on. He keeps up, pumping the scum out of him with both hands . His heavy dick flexing between his hands as more and more spurts out.

Unfortunatly for the minotaur's plan to drown her in his cum, she anticipated the explosion and put up a force field in front of her with the last of her energy right before the blast. Finally, the minotaur's burst grew less and less powerful . He crouches down like a football player, he was completely out of breath with his mouth open in shock. His dick still hard, for the moment, and still flexing to fire out cum, but to no avail. There was more than enough minotaur semen for her last ingredient to last her for years!

Both they both collasped in exhaustion, Luala thinks, ' Mommy's saved!'

A Load of Bull ! part 2

Hello again, this is my second attempt at the A load of Bull series.. Bruce, after a very satisfying bowel experience, finally opens the bathroom door. Despite having sprayed the renuzit nearly a hundred times, the disgusting stench is still...

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What a load of bull!

Hello all, this is my first story so please be gentle with me.... "BLRAAP!" The sound went blaring from the leathery seat, the driven seat of the big rig. "Aw Yeah, that's another king sized air biscuit." Bruce the bull chuffed. He had been a...

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