Boo and Kye: Mall

Story by mrfoxypaws on SoFurry

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#6 of Boo and Kye

Kye volunteers Boo to help promote fandom awareness on World Furry Day, deciding that his pet is best suited to the yiffing stall. Boo is taken to the local shopping mall where he is suitably stripped, used and abused for the benefit of others. The young skunk finds himself on a horse, on all fours, and finally over a desk as he takes everything in his stride (and other places) to spread the knowledge and pleasure of yiff to the public at large.

Boo and Kye are fictional characters inspired by skunkishblue and kaidron.

Mall (by Mr Foxy Paws)

'Hey, booboo, there's something I forgot to tell you.'

The little skunk, who had just settled down for the night by curling up on the foot of his owner's bed, raised his head. 'Oh?'

His dragon master, lying back and gazing up at the ceiling, replied, 'You know it's World Furry Day tomorrow?'

The skunk nodded. 'Yes.'

'Well a group of masters and senior furs got together and decided to organise some events, to promote public awareness and understanding of the furry fandom.'


'Yes. We've arranged a display charting the history of the furry fandom, explaining the values and beliefs. There will be a group of furs showing how to make fursuits, and several anime and furry artists who will be drawing anthro commissions for anybody visiting their stall, of how visitors' fursonas might look if they had one. We've also got some furry writers exhibiting anthro stories and poems.'


'Plus there's the master-pet aspect of the furry life-style, so a couple of masters and mistresses will be taking along their pets so that the public can better understand about such relationships.'

'Yeah, that's important. You've thought of everything, then? I love it!'

'You do? Honestly? Oh that's good, because I said you'd want to take part.'

'Really? Yes, yes, of course. What'll I be doing? I love anime and anthro art. Am I one of the artists? Am I? Am I, Master? That would be so awesome, drawing commies for members of the public. Did you put my name down to be an artist, Master? Did you? Did you?'

'Hey, hey, calm down skunky, calm down.'

'Or writing. I don't mind writing. I like writing, too. Or fursuiting, and I can show people my tail and top hat!'

'No, booboo, it's not drawing or writing or fursuits.'

The little skunk closed his eyes and ran through the list of activities his master had outlined a few moments earlier. Finally:

'Master-pet? You're going to take me as your pet?' The skunk sat up, alert, his dark blue eyes glinting with excitement. 'We're going as a master-pet couple? That's the best one of all!'

'No, booboo, it's not master-pet. Well, not quite.'

'Not quite?'

The dragon master fell silent for a few seconds, searching for the right words.

'We thought we should do something to celebrate yiff,' he began.


'You know yiff,' admonished the dragon.

'Yes, of course I know yiff,' huffed the skunk.

'Pet! Don't take that tone with me.'

'Sorry, Master. What I meant was, what did you have in mind, about yiff?'

Once again, the dragon paused. It always made the skunk nervous when his master chose words carefully.

'There's the ... subby side of petship,' the dragon replied slowly.

'I guess so.'

'Well, you wanted to know what part you'd be playing tomorrow, booboo.'

This time, it was the little skunk who struggled for what to say.



'OK, pet, here's the space we've been allocated.'

The little skunk dropped his rucksack onto the floor and looked around. They were in the centre of the city's large shopping mall, in the middle of a vast red-tiled open area on the ground floor. All around them were coffee and clothing shops just beginning to open up for a lively Saturday's business. Up above them were successive white-curved balconies of higher floors, each one offering vantage points to look down at the scurrying passers-by below. So far their stall, it seemed, consisted solely of a single empty desk.

'How's this going to work then, Master?'

'Two minutes, pet. I just need to get sorted,' said the white dragon, slipping off his own backpack and kneeling down on the floor.

'Shall I put on my suit, now, Master?'

'Hey? No. No need for that. Hush now, pet, and just give me a couple of minutes. There's a special tile around here somewhere, if I can find it.'

The small skunk watched as his master checked the floor and finally lifted up a dark red tile to reveal a metal O-ring fixed to the ground below. 'Great, found it! They have these anchor points hidden all around the place in case they have any valuable exhibits which they need to protect.'


'So now I just need to mark it out.' The pet watched as his master took some yellow tape from his bag and traced out a circle of about four feet diameter, centred around the anchor point.

'Erm?' said the skunk, wondering what his master was doing.

The dragon stood back, taloned-paws on furry hips, and reviewed his work. He rubbed his jaw, twirled a yellow whisker, and mentally ran through his plans for that morning. Anchor point, check. Marked circle, check. Backpack, check. Backpack contents, he'd checked that morning. Desk, check. Pet, check. And the remaining item to hopefully be delivered soon.

'All good, boo,' he concluded.

'Shall I fursuit now, Master?'

'We said we'd start at ten, pet, when it's a little more busy. That gives us fifteen minutes. Let's go grab a milk shake and then we can sort out your clothing.'



'Shall I suit up now, Master?' asked the little skunk, hints of impatience creeping into his voice. Master and pet were in a small service corridor, by a heavy fire-door leading to the main area of the mall's ground floor.

'Yes, take off your clothes, pet.'

The skunk peeled off his T-shirt and slipped out of his jeans, leaving himself standing in just socks and a pair of dark grey boxing shorts. He reached for his rucksack, containing a skunk tail and fursuit.

'And the rest,' said his master, quietly, leaning casually against the wall and watching his pet undress.


'And the rest,' repeated his master, a little louder and a little more sternly.

'I'm about to put it on now, Master.'

'And the rest,' said his master, waiting for the light to dawn in his pet's eyes.

'You want me to fursuit naked?' asked the skunk. He shrugged. 'OK, no problem,' he said, removing his socks and pulling down his boxers. Once more, he reached for his rucksack, and -

'Good. Finally,' said the dragon.

'Finally?' asked the skunk, standing buck naked before his master, his little skunky member growing firm and proud at being exposed. 'But I've not -'

'Wear this,' ordered the dragon, rummaging in his own backpack and producing a skunk-tail plug.

'Ooh, gorgeous, it looks great, feels lovely,' said the skunk, taking the tail and holding it against his cheek.

'I had it commissioned for you, for today, pet. I chose a medium-sized plug, so if you don't mind turning around and bending over.'

The small skunk obeyed, turning around and bending down to touch his toes. He felt his butt cheeks being parted, some tingling lube being applied, and then the inquisitive, probing nose of the plug searching out the entrance to his tight little tail hole.

'But ... But how am I going to wear my suit, over this tail, Master?'

'Oh, how little, how young, and how desperately naive, pet,' said the dragon. 'Now don't go talking while I'm trying to plug you, because it's a new tail and I want to make sure it fits all right. Now, spread your legs.'

'Sorry, Master.'

The little skunk moved his feet further apart and waited, patiently, bent over, rump in the air, butt cheeks spread and lubed, while his master eased the plug into his vainly resisting puckered rear passage. Finally, plop, it entered and sat itself snugly and securely deep inside his tail hole.

'Now, what were you asking me, pet?'

'How am I supposed to wear my suit over the tail, Master?'

'What suit, pet?'


From the other side of the fire-door came the distant muffled sounds of busy Saturday shopping.

Inside the service-corridor all was silent bar the faint hum of overhead air-conditioning units. Until ...

'What do you mean, What suit?' asked little skunk, confused, his mind struggling to follow the conversation. 'The suit I packed, of course. My skunk suit. The one in my -'

'All you need is a cock leash and we're almost sorted, pet,' said the dragon calmy, ignoring his pet's confusion and fixing a metal ring around the skunk's cock and balls, securing it with a small padlock. Next, he clipped on a long chain. 'And we'll just fit this blind-fold, because we don't want you to get startled.' Suddenly, the little skunk's world collapsed into darkness. 'Now turn around, and paws behind your back.' The little pet obeyed, and his master fitted some paw-cuffs.

'Let's go, booboo.'

The dragon picked up the cock leash and tugged it gently; the skunk, through years of training, followed obediently. He was buck naked, except for a skunk's tail hanging from the snugly-fitting plug in his butt, and about to be led into the busy shopping mall on the subby end of a cock leash fixed around his skunk-hood.

But he always obeyed his master.


The loyal skunk had barely taken three paces out into the open before gasps of astonishment started breaking out all around him. He couldn't see, but there must have been a crowd of thirty or forty people waiting for him to appear. 'It's busier than I expected,' he heard his master's voice call back to him. 'There must be lots of vanilla folk who want to learn more about the pleasures of yiff, booboo. I hope you'll be able to show them, and do the furry fandom proud.'

With his paws cuffed behind his back, the little pet felt his skunk-hood growing harder, jutting out in front of him and straining at the cock-ring as his master half-led, half-tugged him back to their stand. He had no choice but to follow.

'Right,' said his master, coming to a halt. 'Hold it there, pet.' The dragon took the skunk's shoulders and moving him a few paces backwards so that he was standing inside the taped yellow circle. 'You stand here and spread your legs, then I'll uncuff you and I want those paws on your head. Understood?'

The skunk nodded, feeling his paws being released from behind him.

'Spread them a bit more, boy,' said the dragon, nudging his pet's hind paws further apart. 'And I'll just fix your cock leash to this anchor point, so no running off, my lad, else you might just leave your best bits behind.'

The skunk nodded again; he understood. 'Yes, Master.'

'And we'll adjust your collar, like so -' the little skunk felt his master's fingers about his neck '- to make sure your D-ring and paw-print medallion are on show at the front. There, you look fabulous!' The dragon playfully ruffled his pet's long blue hair. 'You look perfect pet, and even your little skunk-hood -' and here the skunk felt his master playfully swatting the pet's rigid cock, sending it bouncing '- looks pretty respectable.'

'Thank you, Master.'

'Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the skunk boy! Come and see the skunk boy cum-slut!' cried the dragon.

The little skunk swallowed nervously; he hadn't quite expected such a call for attention.

'Roll up! Roll up! Fresh raw skunk, for your plea-sure,' sang his master. 'Skunky-boy, skunky-boy, bitch on heat! Roll up! Roll up!' his master called.


'That's one fine pet you've got there, mister,' said a young voice. 'Is it true he's here to play with?'

'Yes, sir,' his master replied. 'We're demonstrating furry yiff today, and this here's my pet.'

'What does he do?' asked the voice. The little skunk imagined a pair of eyes studying him up and down; up and down, but mostly in the middle around about his waist area. He felt the leash tugging at his balls.

'What doesn't he do?' his master replied. 'He does anything and everything I tell him!'

'Can I play?'

'Sure, so long as you don't harm him. I need him all in one piece for myself, later.'

'His cock sure looks tasty. Mind if I have a suck?'

'What, like this?' the small skunk heard his master say. Then he sensed somebody kneeling down in front of him, and felt paws wrapping themselves around the base of his sturdy member. He knew that touch; it was his master. 'Like this, you mean?' he heard his master's voice from down in front of him, and then shivered at the sudden feel of dragon tongue across his enflamed member. The next moment, he felt his entire cock-head being taken into his master's mouth, and the sound of little slurping noises rose to his ears. The little skunk whimpered, and tried to turn away for fear of cumming without permission, but he was leashed tightly to the floor. Then, just as suddenly as he'd started, his master abruptly stopped and stood up.

'Like that? I'm sorry, sir, his skunky wiener is out of bounds today. He's just taking anal.'

'Master, Master, you can't suck me and stop, Master!' the skunk half-whimpered, half-begged.

'What!? What did you say, pet?' His master's voice carried an edge of annoyance.

'I'm sorry, Master,' the skunk replied hastily. 'Edge me if you want, Master. Tease me and edge me. Please, do as you wish, Master.'

'Ooh, don't worry about that, pet, I will, I will.' Then his master continued talking to the visitor: 'In fact, you've just reminded me, I brought this sign for him to wear. There.' The skunk felt a chain being looped around his neck, holding a sheet of plastic which bounced against his naked chest.

'Cum ... bucket ... bitch ... boy,' he heard the youth say. Little skunk blushed, a pink hue dancing across his muzzle. 'So I can take him up the tail hole?' asked their visitor.

'Would you like to?'

'Does that count as yiffing?'

'It most certainly does.'

'Well, heck, why not. I fancy myself a bit of fur.'

'OK pet,' the skunk heard himself being addressed. 'I'm just going to unleash you, and we'll put you up on the horse.'


'Yes, we've got one on loan from the local gym. They offered to sponsor the yiffing event. Now, you just come over here, and ... that's right ... feel it?' Little skunk put out a paw, felt the leather top of the horse, and climbed on - it was fairly low so he guessed that the bottom stackable section had been removed. 'Back a bit, back a bit,' encouraged his master, 'until your butt's right over the edge. Whoa, stop! Good. Now, all four paws down the sides, please. They've got anchor points on this horse so I'm just going to cuff you to it.' The skunk felt leather straps being wrapped around his wrists and ankles, then each of his four paws was pulled downward and secured with an familiar click. He wriggled, but found he could barely move.

'You want any lube?' his master asked.

'Yes, please,' said the little skunk, before wincing as his master delivered a sharp slap to his rump.

'Not you, pet. I'm asking this gentleman here, not the bitch boy cum-bucket strapped down buck naked on the vaulting horse, his tail hole visible to everyone and desperate to be ravaged.'

The dragon repeated his question: 'Sir, would you like some lube?'

'Is it compulsory?'

'No, no, not at all. In fact he tends to squeal more without it, it's awfully cute.'

'I enjoy cute.'

'So do I, sir, so do I,' replied the dragon, wistfully. 'Well, he's all yours.'

The little skunk, his head resting on the cold leather top of the horse, felt a pair of hands on his rump; he held his breath as his butt cheeks were pulled apart, then heard somebody hawk and a few seconds later he felt a string of spit running down his crack. The next moment, he became aware of something warm, rounded, and very firm running up and down between his cheeks, eventually settling itself over his tail hole.

'What size can he manage?' little skunk heard the words far off in the distance, as if in some other world, as he drifted to another place and time; a reality where he was no longer a skunk, nor a pet, but a mere sex object. If his master answered the youth, he didn't hear, but there must have been a response of encouragement because a moment later his tightly puckered tail hole found itself straining to resist an eager member that would have made many horses blush with feelings of inadequacy. The skunk heard grunting, felt more spit landing on and around his tail hole, felt the throbbing beast at his backside be repositioned, and felt another fierce onslaught from a slightly different angle. A few moments later, he felt a hand grasp a thick mop of his long blue hair, hold it tightly and then pull it back, forcing his head upwards. 'Don't tense!' his master's voice sounded faraway; 'Don't tense your tail hole, pet, it'll only hurt more.' The little skunk relaxed and, almost instantly, was shafted by the lad's massive penetrating cock. But he barely had time to pause for breath before the swollen organ was slid backwards, then forwards again; pulled outwards, then pushed back in; withdrawn, then rammed home, hard. Within barely seconds, his topper established a fast, heavy rhythm and the small skunk felt himself pounded by the dom's piston hips and viciously raping cock. The lack of lube left his tail hole burning, and now and then he couldn't avoid releasing a short squeal, however his cries only seemed to provide more encouragement as the thrusts arrived faster and deeper until...

'Ngh, ngh.' The little skunk felt his topper slow then give a few hard shoves, each accompanied by another small grunt of exertion. 'Ngh ... Ngh ... Ngh.' If the change in pace and the grunting weren't enough, then the twitching beast deep inside his tail hole was the final warning of imminent climax, and a skunk's intuition is hardly ever wrong; he felt four, five and then a sixth lashing of hot cum explode inside him. 'Aaah, ahhh, ahhhhh,' he heard his topper moan; for his part, little skunk just panted, breathless from a heady mix of pain and pleasure.

'Good?' the little skunk heard his master ask.

'Nice ... and ... tight. Best fuck I've had in years, probably ever,' the young man replied, pulling himself out. 'So that's what they call yiffing?'

'Well, that's one form of yiffing.' Then, 'Oh, my,' the dragon added anxiously, observing the young man's cock. 'You did cum a lot, didn't you? You should probably get that cleaned up before continuing your shopping.'

'Hmm, yes, I might go to the wash-rooms I guess.'

'No need for that, sir. Just one moment.' Then, to his pet: 'Time to get off the horsey, booboo, You've made this gentleman cum and I think it's only right that you clear up the mess.' The little skunk, still blind-folded, felt his paws being released and was then led a few paces back to the marked circle where the white furry dragon gently nudged him down until on all fours like a dog. 'I'll just re-attach his cock leash, because we don't want him going walkies,' he heard his master explain, as he felt his cock and balls - still held by the cock-ring - being pulled slightly downwards. 'So now if you'd like to stand in front of him, sir, I'm sure that pet will be happy to clean up the mess he caused you to make.'

The skunk heard footsteps, and then became dimly aware of a figure standing in front of him; he felt a single finger under his chin, lifting it up so that - if he weren't blind-folded - he would be staring directly into the eyes of the lad who had just plundered his tail hole. Then, just as the little pet began to wonder what his topper might look like, he felt something pressing against his lips. Instinctively, he parted his lips a little and put out his tongue. Something soft and salty; something limp and covered with ... cum! The little skunk open his mouth hungrily and licked a few more times, taking up large strings of still-warm semen, and - even as he licked - he felt the intruding cock tighten at his own tongue's touch. The skunk moved his heard forwards, closing his mouth gently enough to cause no harm but firmly enough to get some purchase on the foreskin and roll it back. Lifting one paw off the floor, and taking care to keep his balance, the submissive pet grasped the young lad's cock along its shaft and pulled the foreskin back even further so that he was left with a perfectly smooth, throbbing cock-head in his mouth. He began to suck it, moving his head back and forth, back and forth, and then started to tongue it, rolling and curling his hot wet skunky pinkness around the slit and curled rim of the massive member that was starting to fuck his face.

And it was at that point that he became dimly conscious of two paws on his back; two soft-pad furry clawed paws. However, he remained focused on teasing and cleaning and satisfying and pleasing the giant cock in his mouth; one the size that a stallion would be pleased to claim as its own, if only anybody would believe them. The little skunk dutifully concentrated on his mouth hole so much that he didn't feel his tail hole being claimed once again. Soon, though, he felt a nub of pain; he felt something locking tight inside his rear.

'Ngh, ngh, ngh.' Little skunk's attention was quickly brought back to the massive, throbbing cock that he had been deep-throating, and when - just as in his tail-hole - he noticed the change in pace and depth of thrusts, and the brief but violent twitches that are so familiar to subs everywhere, the dragon's pet prepared to swallow. He knew that spilling any precious cum was a punishable offence, to the extent that he was sometimes forced by his dragon master to use a finger and scoop up any leakage even from his own tail-hole after a good butt-fucking, and then lick that finger clean. The engorged cock fired its load - the same amount as before if not probably more - and, despite almost choking, the small pet's years of practice enabled him to swallow his topper's gift. Reluctant to let the youth pull out, the submissive skunk reached up two paws to grasp the owners cock and hold it steady while his agile skunky tongue worked it cum-free and shiny-pink clean.

'Atta boy,' said the young man, patting him on the head. 'Atta boy, good skunk.'

The small pet beamed with pride.

'I'll leave you to the collie,' said the lad, smiling, before zipping himself up and disappearing into the cloud.

The little skunk turned around to look at who or what had mounted him, but then - Face paw! - he remembered that he had been blind-folded. Thinking back, however, his mind ran through the evidence... Soft-pad paws; furry paws; clawed paws. A cock that had entered all too easily and must have been pointed, and a definite tightening at his tail hole. Experimentally, he edged forwards a little and felt the embedded cock follow him; he felt a pair of furry legs, between his own spread ones, pad forward a couple of steps to keep close and maintain their balance. Furry legs? Collie? The skunk clenched his buttocks in shock, horror and - if he were honest - extreme illicit pleasure; the tightened skunk sphincter was all that the dominant canine needed, and after receiving just three more jabbing thrusts, the submissive dragon's pet was finally able to update his list of escapades with that of being butt-fucked by a feral.

'I'm going for a coffee, pet,' his master said. 'I'll leave you in the safe paws of Hunter here. I'll be back in ten or fifteen, by which time hopefully you may have worked yourself free.'

The dragon tapped his pet playfully on the nose, and walked off in search of a coffee and croissant.

The little skunk felt a drooling doggy tongue licking his neck in friendship and appreciation.


'Ah, still here, booboo?'

'I'm cock-leashed to the floor, Master.'

'Good point, good point, I forgot. How's it been?'

'Hunter pulled himself free a few moments ago, Master, and I think there's another young lad who wants to fuck me, but I said he should wait until you return.'

'Fair enough. Yes, he's just dropping his pants and - oh, my! - he's quite impressive, pet.'

'The thing is, Master, the cock leash is beginning to chafe. I've must have been butt-fucked about twenty times now, and face-fucked too, so ... I mean it's up to you of course ... I'm just saying ... so you know ...'

'You want to be off the leash?'


'Hmm, let's take a look.' The little pet sensed his master hunker down beside him, and swivel the cock-ring around his skunky pride. 'Fair enough, you have taken an awful lot of riding without any complaining. We'll take you off-leash and make this the last butt-fuck. Mind you, you're still going to need to be restrained. Hmm...' At this point, the skunk struggled to hear his master's voice as the dragon turned to chat with the latest customer. 'OK,' his master resumed, 'Paul here has a couple of mates and so he's going to take you over the desk, and they're going to hold you down. All right, booboo?' It wasn't really a question, and his master certainly wasn't expecting an answer, and definitely wouldn't have tolerated one of 'no'.

'Thank you, Master,' said the pet, as he was unleashed.


'Now, bend over here, bitch boy,' said the dragon, gently but firmly pushing his pet's back down so the the skunk's chest was lying flat across the cold wooden desk. 'And spread your little cum-boy legs,' he added, nudging his pet's hind paws farther apart. The dragon ran a finger up and down his pet's crack, searching out his tail hole and briefly probing it. 'Good, good, that's plenty accessible. Now, reach out both front paws to the other side of the desk.'

The little skunk did as he was told, and felt his paws being grasped and pulled. He winced. 'They're just helping, to make sure you don't struggle, boy. You wouldn't want to struggle and upset this dragon, would you?'

'No, Master.'

'Because you don't want to go back on the cock leash, do you?'

'No, Master. Please, no. I'll be good, Master.'

'Hmm, you'd better,' said the dragon, stroking his pet's dark blue hair. 'You'd better be good because -' and here the little skunk felt his master grasp a handful of his hair and lift his head upwards, proceeding to whisper in his ear '- because we both know what happens to naughty skunks, don't we?'

'Yes, Master.'

The dragon laid his pet's head gently back down on the desk, and straightened the lock of hair he had just grabbed.

'Paul here says he used to think himself straight, but these past few years he's been somewhat bi-curious. And he said that seeing your cute little butt, well there's no time like the present, and he wants to satisfy his curiosity. Is that all right with you, pet?'

'Yes, Master?'

'Just "Yes", pet?'

'Please, Master. Please, tell him to fuck me, Master. I need to be fucked, Master.'

'Better. But why is that, pet, why do you need to be fucked?'

'Because I'm a slut, Master. I'm a cock-sucking bitch-boy slut. I'm a cum-bucket, Master. I ... I'm just a worthless object to be used and abused for the pleasure of others, Master, and if Paul wants to use me to explore his sexuality, Master, well I'm not really worthy at all, I'm less than worthy, I'm not even worthy to lick his shoes Master, but if he's willing to fuck me anyway Master then please Master tell him to fuck me and fuck me hard like the worthless bitch-boy I am deserves!'

'You heard the boy,' said his master. 'He's all yours, Paul.'

For seemingly the hundredth time that day, the little skunk felt his butt cheeks being parted. This time, however, his topper produced some lube - perhaps the guy taking a cautious step because he had never taken butt before - and little skunk felt the cool gel being worked around and into his tail hole. He squirmed with anticipation, earning a sharp pull on both his arms because his captors feared he was trying to escape. 'He's OK, he's OK,' said his master, who was obviously standing close by and monitoring the situation. The skunk wriggled to get comfortable, his own growing dick trapped between his tummy and the desk. Then the small skunk felt a hand stroking his back, starting between the shoulder blades and running down to the top of his crack; next, he felt two hands squeezing and caressing his rosy butt-cheeks, and then one hand reached down and stroked his cock then fondled his balls, taking the sack and toying with it, rolling around the delicate twin orbs. This must have been the first time Paul had played with a guy, and he was definitely curious ... and evidently hot and very horny.

'Take him, then,' said his master, and then: 'Ah, I forget, you've not done this before, hey? Just fuck him like a girl! ... What? ... Oooh, OK, you've never shagged a girl either? Well, we all have to learn some time, Paul. It's instinctive, honestly! It's ... it's just natural, you know? I can see you're already lined up, so just push. Push, Paul, push! He can take it. You're certainly not small, but I'm pretty sure that he can take it ... Pretty sure. Lean forward and -'

But Paul needed no further encouragement, and in perfect timing with the dragon master's final encouragement to 'push!' Paul leaned forwards and swiftly skewered the submissive skunk.


'OK, boys, if he's going to squirm it'll be now. That's some fine cock your mate Paul's got.'

And so it was that, with the mall's closing time approaching and customers dwindling, the little skunk found himself buck naked, held pinned down over a hard wooden desk, both front paws outstretched and held firmly, both rear paws spread wide apart, a handful of his hair grasped tightly and pulled back, his butt cheeks glowing pinky-red from a day's worth of pounding and frequent intervals of spanking, and some curious guy named Paul with a dick to make an elephant blush who was pounding him so heartily and expertly that any curiosity which had existed at the start was now surely more than quenched.

Paul fired his six loads, then collapsed breathless onto the skunk's back, where he whispered in the pet's ear how that had been and would surely remain the best ever fuck of his life. Paul's two mates released their grip on the skunk, and applauded.

'What do you say, pet?' asked master.

'Thank you, Paul.'

'The pleasure was all mine, all mine,' said Paul, standing back up and slipping back into his trousers.


'I think we're done, booboo. You've been a really good pet you know?'

'There's just one thing, Master?'

'Oh?' The dragon arched a white furry eyebrow.

'I've not pleasured you, yet, Master.'

'Aww, pet. Always so thoughtful. But I think your tail hole's had enough of a hammering for today.'

'What about your tail hole, Master?'


'I've not eaten all day, Master.'


The little skunk lay himself down on the ground. 'Master?' he asked. 'Pwetty pweeze?'

'Dawww. Very well, pet, as you asked so nicely, but don't expect to always get what you want by being cute.'

'Thank you, Master. It'll be a great way to finish off my day, Master.'

Little skunk watched as the great white dragon shrugged off his fursuit, stood above and astride him, and then lowered himself down onto all fours. 'A bit further back, I can't reach, Master.' The skunk waited as his master shuffled back a few inches and lowered his butt until it touched the pet's nose. The skunk reached up with two paws, parted his master's cheeks, and began to lick the pink puckered edge of the dominant dragon's tail hole. Then - meep! - the little skunk felt a pair of dragon paws around his cock, paws which started to pull at his foreskin and rub his shaft. 'Mmph, mmmph,' mumbled the pet, his words lost by the grinding of his master's rump into his skunky face; he had no choice but to continue licking, first one way and then the other, savouring his master's tail-hole taste. Meanwhile, the pet felt lips enveloping his stiffening cock, and a firm wet tongue toying with his skunk-hood. 'Mmph, mmmph,' he tried again, but there was no way to make himself heard. Instead, he leaned his head back down on the floor, pulling his master's butt down with him, and tongued the dragon's hole deeper than he had ever done before, pushing his way into and around the succulent if slightly sweaty hole. His dragon master, meanwhile, had begun bobbing his head up and down the length of the skunk's shaft, while at the same time wrapping a paw around his own dragon's dick which he started slowly to pump.

The two continued for a while, dragon on skunk, tongue, cock, paw, cock, tongue, hole; a brace of furs sharing an exquisitely extended moment of intense mutual pleasure.

Eventually, in perfect harmony and unison, the duo climaxed.

'You truly are a good pet,' said the dragon.

Little skunk murred.

The End.