The Wolves In Me -Part 6-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#6 of The Wolves In Me

Originally, it was meant to end around chapter 7, but seeing as I don't exactly have a looks like we may have another few chapters to go. Extremely glad to be back to writing this ^_^;


I closed my eyes tight and attempted to pull Amira closer to my body, but she was nowhere to be felt.

"Oh Eric..."

Her voice brought my sight back to me as I opened my eyes to a bright day, Amira's beautiful smile and a makeshift bowl filled with plump-looking fruit. I remembered always being particularly groggy whenever I'd woke up, but for once I was ready and alert with my mouth quickly curling into a smile.

"Amira?" I yawned as I sat up, crediting Amira for my good mood. "Good morning."

Amira raised one of her paws and covered her muzzle as she swept her tail across the ground, pushing the bowl of fruit directly in front of me. "To you too. I've brought you some breakfast."

I looked down to the bowl and took it into one of my hands, then I scooped out a few berries and popped them into my mouth. They tasted delicious, better than raw meat and much better than...anything else I'd been forced to eat within the past few months, but I could hardly focus on their taste. Amira was sitting down in front of me, she watched me eat with a slight pant and her fur all ruffled as though she had been through hell and back.

Even though I couldn't be sure, I almost naturally assumed that she had gone through a lot of trouble to bring a breakfast to me that I didn't do anything to deserve. It would be only fair that I pay her back, she deserved it, after all.

"Here!" I held out the bowl to Amira and she looked to me with a confused expression, tilting her head only moments later. "You're not going to let me eat all of this alone, are you?"

Amira's eyes lit up and her ears perked up to the highest point that I'd ever seen them at. She looked to me with a slight expression of disbelief before sitting in front of me and looking down to the sizable bowl.

"Are you sure? There aren't many of these berries around these parts..." She sounded somewhat scared, and looked uncertain, but I wasn't. Ever since I'd met her she turned every thunder cloud into a sunny day, at the very least, I wanted to do the same.

"Well..." I picked up a berry and held it up in front of Amira's muzzle, hoping to change her mind with its sweet scent alongside my words. "That's just more of a reason that you should have some too, isn't it?"

Even if she wanted to reject my words, she couldn't reject the smell of something so delectable. Without a word of resistance, she lightly opened her mouth and took the berry and my fingers into her mouth, gently chewing and grazing my fingers with her sharp teeth. After she had finished I pulled my fingers from her mouth, but she took hold of my wrist with a quick claw.

"H-hold on..."

Amira opened her mouth and let her tongue roll out of her mouth, then she wrapped it around my fingers, thoroughly cleaning each finger with a subtle whimper. Afterward, she lowered my hand to my side and took a berry between two of her own fingers and treated me to my own action, feeding me so I could lick her fingers clean.

I didn't know how long we'd spent taking turns feeding each other succulent berry after succulent berry, but eventually we ran out of berries and traded each other awkward smiles. With breakfast finished I looked to Amira's ruffled fur and then up into her beaming eyes with a smile.

"Come on, I'll help you get your fur clean."

Amira looked to her fur and then back to me with wide eyes, almost as though she didn't know that she had messed up her fur in the process of bringing back breakfast. Afterward, she turned away with a slight embarrassed expression.

I chuckled quietly as I scooted to Amira's side and started to pick pieces of leaves and broken twigs out of her fur, combing through her fur with my fingers and a slight smile. Since her arm was facing me, I started there, but I hardly expected what came next.

"Hmm..." Amira quietly moaned as she closed her eyes and leaned into me, laying her head just under my chin and resting her body against mine. "Eric..."

For a moment, I actually thought about speaking, but I decided against it. I imagined, hoped, prayed, that she was feeling the same way that I was, relaxed and just as happy to be around me as I was around her. Everything was actually perfect for once.

I let my left hand makes its way up to the back of Amira's newly groomed neck, then I eased my way down her back, letting her squirm and whimper in my arms as I hit all of the right spots just as I did the night before. Once I made my way to her tail, she surprised me with a swift motion, switching positions and leaning back and pressing her back against my chest. She didn't have to say a word; I knew exactly what she wanted and I was sure she knew exactly what I wanted to do.

It almost felt natural, snaking my hands from her soft, furry waist to the front of her shoulders, listening to her quiet moans as her body trembled against mine. I softly clenched a fistful of fur before gently running my fingers through it and down her body, avoiding her breasts as best as I can, only massaging between them, then her soft belly, then her legs.

For a moment her trembling stopped and I could make out a single word between her quiet moaning. "Again, Eric..."

I nodded, a little too eager to run my hands through her valley of lush silvery fur once more, groping her body softly at the same time. With that, I slowly worked my way back up to her shoulders, then I started with her neck.

I gave the center of her neck a tickle before running a single finger down to her upper chest, letting the rest of my two hands join, basking in Amira's shimmering fur. She let out a quiet moan in what I assumed was approval before I continued, delicately working through her fur until I made my way to her breasts. Just as I started to run my fingers between them, Amira snatched up my wrists with lightning fast hands; I couldn't help but lightly gasp in surprise.

So many thoughts and words ran through my mind, but I couldn't manage to speak a single one as I gazed deep into Amira's eyes. Had she caught onto just how much I was enjoying myself? I couldn't know until Amira's lips curled to reveal a toothy grin. Just as I started to smile back, beaming with a nervous expression, she pressed my hand firmly onto her body, her breasts.

Amira moaned.

My entire being trembled from the feel. Her breasts were large, more than enough to fill my comparatively tiny hands and the well-groomed fur on them was the softest thing I'd ever touched in my life. I couldn't help but close my eyes as Amira led me around her breasts, softly purring, whispering my name in ecstasy. Only moments later Amira's grip on my wrists tightened and she directed my hands even lower on her body.

I gave her breasts a final squeeze before scratching her belly, the place where I thought she'd stop, but she continued lower. My body started to tremble again and I quietly gulped to myself as Amira took a breath. Her following words and the seductive, desperate way she said them burned into my mind.

"Here, Eric."

I loosed a silent and sudden breath into one of Amira's ears as I slowly, eagerly dipped my hands between Amira's legs. She was softer and warmer than I could have ever imagined and all I wanted to do was be near, her body pressed against mine as I gently stroked her body from head to toe.

"Does it feel good, Amira?" I closed my eyes as I spoke, smiling softly as Amira gripped my wrists with crushing force. Her body trembled hard against mine and she moaned softly, squirming in my grip as she encouraged me.

Amira's moans filled the air one at a time at a slow, steady pace as her toes curled and her grip tightened. Her tail swiped against my chest and stomach with gentle, powerful strokes and she gasped for breath. Whatever I was doing, I was doing it right.


Finally, I slid two of my fingers into Amira's soft, wet body and use the other hand to grip one of Amira's breasts, gently tweaking, tugging, and exploring. A few feral moans demanded that I continue and I obliged. My fingers ventured deeper into Amira's slit and I pressed my face against the side of hers, slowly taking in her intoxicating scent. In the midst of Amira's subtle moans and powerful trembles of her body, she gasped for breath.

"W-wait..." Amira gripped my body and slowly rolled over, pinning me to the ground and letting my fingers fall out of her body. She had become just as cloaked in the moment as I had, her body trembling just as hard as my heart was beating. Her lips quivered as she clenched her teeth and gripped my arms like a vice, taking an eternity to draw breath enough to speak. Once her lungs were filled and her mouth hung ajar, she whispered the last two words I could ever expect.

"Take me like an alpha."

The next thing I knew I was looking down into Amira's lusty eyes, my nose nearly touching hers and my naked body pressed against her lush fur. Just like that, she had effortlessly rolled me on top of her, but the last thing on my mind was shock. I'd grown to accept that Amira was just that amazing, and she could do anything.

Amira slowly opened her mouth and leaned forward, sending a shiver down my spine as she breathed her hot breath on the side of my neck. "Go on...I'm all yours..." Her jaws slowly closed around a portion my neck and my erect member which I had hardly noticed until now was throbbing amidst her fur, harder than it ever had before. Normally, I would have been terrified to feel a werewolf's teeth sinking into my neck, but fear took last place to the mixture of grandeur and lust that clouded my mind.

I had never had sex of my own free will before, but it was all I could think about. Amira wanted me to take her and I couldn't deny her, or myself. "Y-yes..."

Amira's muzzle trembled as she desperately gasped for breath. I could only clench my teeth; I haven't even fully explored the depths of Amira's body yet and I was already starting to lose myself.

"A-Ah...Eric..." Amira's words came before a softy, squishy clench on my throbbing member that sent a jolt of euphoria throughout my entire body. The next thing I knew, the haze clouding my mind was gone and I was gripping the grass at Amira's sides as tight as I could. We stared deep into each other's mind for only a moment before Amira wrapped her arms around by body and I slowly retracted my member.

Just as I reached the tip of my member, I drove it back into Amira's body with a soft grunt to compliment Amira's gasped. With each and every thrust, waves of warmth and pleasure washed over my body time and time again, only encouraging my gentle motions despite my steadily oncoming release.

"H-haaah..." I panted hard as I quickly picked up speed, mashing our bodies together, steadily wetting Amira's fur with my sweat as she lapped and nipped at my neck, her legs crossed behind my back as she whimpered under me.

Just as soon as I made my bold attempt at pleasing Amira, I lost myself, gripping the grass tighter than before and forcing Amira's body to the ground as I plunged as deep as I could, my entire body throbbing with each spurt of my seed. It wasn't too long after I'd started cumming that Amira quietly howled to the skies. She sank her claws into my back and squeezed me tight within her lower grip, quietly filling the air with feral pants as I let my body rest limp on top of hers.

For the next several minutes all I could hear were pants and desperate gasps for breath, mostly my own as I slowly started to regain my strength, pressing hard against the ground to pick myself up. As I slowly eased my member from Amira's furry body, I looked deep into her eyes, but her expression was far from what I'd imagine it would be.

"E-Eric..." Amira looked off to the side before looking back up and focusing on me. "I'm sorry..."