Phantom Chronicles Chapter 8

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#9 of Phantom Chronicles Season 1 -Complete-

Hey folks! As per Madwolf's request I will be taking PC over here is 8 oh,

Hear is the link to the other chapters

"You think Dil is going to be mad at us for ditching him?" Hope asked me as we landed in front of the hospital. I didn't bother answering her, I was in a bad mood at the moment. Instead of having a blast with Dil playing Skyrim I'm stuck on Reaper duty about to send a little girl to the afterlife... why do we always get stuck with the depressing jobs?

"Hellloooo?" Hope asked as she started poking me with her staff. I just ignored her even when she started poking me in the face. "Earth needs you to come back from emo world Mr.Puppy!"

*sigh* I'm really getting sick of hospitals. I've never liked them to begin with either... it stank in here. The stench of the sick and dying never failed to make my stomach turn. It didn't help the fact the smell was even more intense for me due to my canine sense of smell. And then there were the needles *shudder* I HATE those damn things! One look at one and my tail goes between my legs like a puppy. Needless to say my hatred for this place has only been excarbated these past few days, our job forces us to come here a LOT! Which never fails to put me into a pissy-ass mood.

"...are you ignoring me? I asked you a question damnit!" Did I mention Hope HATES being ignored? She was a total attention whore, sometimes I wondered why I got her as my teacher? Someone who could stay quiet for longer than a few seconds...!

My train of thought was broken when a jet of water blasted me in the face; the force and surprise of the jet caused me to fall on my ass on the concrete making me look like a total spaz. Ok now I'm pissed.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?" I shouted at Hope while small flames began to dance around my body.

"You looked like you fell asleep so I decided a nice cool blast of water would wake you up. Can't have you sleeping on the job now can we?" Hope replied an 'obviously pleased with herself' tone with one paw on her hip with the other trying (and failing) to hide her giggles. I got up and shook the water from my fur which caused her to squeal and leap back, the revenge making me feel just a bit better not by much though.

After I was finished drying myself (thank you fire magic!) I glared at her and replied "How many times have I told you not to call me emo or a puppy? We're the same age for fuck sake so quit looking down on me you stuck up bitch! And just because I like quiet every now and then doesn't make me emo! Also I wasn't sleeping!" I could practically hear Hope's teeth clinch in response to my reply but instead of hitting me with her fist or staff like she usually does (well her tail did thumped me in the face as she turned but that's getting off easy) Hope just shoved past me and stomped toward the hospital's help desk while calling out over her shoulder

"Just because you're grumpy about doing the job instead of hanging out with your boyfriend doesn't give you the right to be a dick!"

I growled at the remark and was about to respond with a snappy remark of my own when all of a sudden in the corner of my eye I saw the familiar sight of the shadows in the room converging into ten different points surrounding us in a half-circle blocking our only exit "Fuck! Hope we've got company and its a lot more than usual lot we've been facing lately...!" I warned as I unsheathed by blade and got into my defensive stance.

Hope replied in a surprisingly calm voice despite our situation while moving to get side by side with me almost against the wall in her own defensive stance "God damn it,can we not ever get a easy five second job? Must have been the combination of the negative emotions surrounding us and the soul that passed on must have been a strong one in order to have attracted-"

"We'll worry about the details later just get ready to fight!" I yelled watching the last of the Shadows just about finish forming its body.

"We are not fighting here, it's way to small; plus the last thing we need is a repeat of your first fight. We're already on thin ice with Boss we don't need to add even more property damage to our records!"

"Agreed," I said while analyzing our foes they were approaching us from all sides. Our foes turned out to be four wolves, one lion, three jelly fish, and two of those snow leopard things Dil and I faced the other day...Damn we picked a bad time to leave Dil behind this was going to be very difficult with just the two of us.

"Just shut up and get ready to blow the fuckers through the wall on the count of three; its going to take both of us and timing to blow this many out of the build-"

All the Shadows suddenly yelled out in a battle cry shaking the windows

"On second thought just release a blast when I say-" I was already charging a wind blast ever since I noticed they were getting closer but I was a bit too scared to tell Hope I was way ahead of her.

The Shadows attacked; they were almost upon us when Hope shouted "NOW!" With that we both in surprise unison did the very same gesture of pushing our paws forward like we were pushing back water but instead of wind in the process we summoned a VERY powerful wind powerful enough that all the Shadows were pushed out of the hospital and (I almost swear this) about half a mile in the other direction through a couple windows. The consequence of the wind blast however was that the waiting room looked like a tornado had hit it which freaked out a bunch of patients; conveniently the door was open at the time so everyone probably thought that it was just a random and powerful gust of wind. Hope and I both sat there for about a minute just trying to catch our breaths and slow down our racing hearts from our really close call.

"That...was...REALLY close. I don't think...I ever needed to put so much energy in one attack in a very long time..." Hope huffed sounding like she couldn't get oxygen in her lungs fast enough.

"Yeah, me too...well I think we should get going before those Shadows come back...its not like they are going to kill themselves!" I equally as tired. Hope chucked in response

"Wouldn't that be convenient if they did...? Too bad it's never that easy"

"Yup but where is the fun in that?" I said giving a smirk to Hope and Hope gave me her own smirk and nodded before we both started jogging toward the Shadows. We made it about halfway to them before we stopped and Hope called out. "Here's the plan. I take the five on the left if you take the five on the right"

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Hope "Best plan ever! Did you really think of it by yourself?" Hope only rolled her eyes at that

"Shut up you ass! Before I add you to my list of stuff to vaporize and I REALLY don't want to explain to Dil how his boyfriend ended up as an ash pile!" Before I could point out who won the last fight between us Hope flew at mach speed towards her choosen foe's. Hope reached them in the span of a few seconds and the Shadows couldn't even react before Hope waved an arm and launched a lightning and windblast combo that sent the Shadows tumbling and twitching almost ten feet away from the main group. But Hope apparently wasn't done with her assault because before one of the snow leopard Shadows could even hit the ground she was on top of it way-laying on it with what she fondly called her 'Golem Fist' attack.

I sat with my mouth open at Hope raw display of power; sure she was always like this when she fought but Hope seemed at bit more ferocious than usual, if she had done this when we had fought I would have lasted 5 seconds against her.

Suzaku just let out a sigh before he spoke. "Ben, Hope was holding back during the fight, believe it or not her heart wasn't that into the fighting you since you were just protecting a loved one and she was just as upset as you were over reaping Dil... well, until you pissed her off during than she became just a bit more serious"

"That was only a bit more serious!? I almost died... again... like a hundred times in that fight! You mean to tell me that she wasn't even taking me seriously?" I asked as my pride began to take a massive hit.

"'Fraid we really should take care of our assignment before the ones we're fighting recover and give their buddies a hand...well... actually too be honest I'm more worried about if Hope notices us slacking she'll hit US with those fists; I really don't want us to be in the receiving end of one of those punches..." Speaking of Hope, she appeared to be done smashing the poor snow leopard for the moment... (though the Shadow looked near death at that point) before she turned her attention towards a wolf who had tried to attack while her back was turned...big mistake considering that Hope became even more pissed off, (if it were possible...) it only took a few punches before the wolf was vanishing in a slew of darkness and souls. Nope, I really don't want to face Hope's wraith right now...

I turned to face my opponents just in time to duck, barely avoiding having my head cut off by the chain sickles aimed for my head! Suzaku sighed. "That's why you pay attention to your fight and not someone else's!" Then I heard him mutter. "Why couldn't I get partnered up with a smarter Reaper?"

I mentally shouted my reply as I used my wind magic to push me back a few inches to dodge the other scythe that came down seconds after the first 'I'm still a bit new to this so cut me some slack Ok?' Then I muttered. 'Why couldn't I've received a stronger, less snarky Guardian?'

"Touche, just shut up and pay attention so we won't die again!" Well, he did have a point ("damn straight!" 'Shut up!') So I stopped paying attention to the stupid chicken in my head and jumped up in the air and decided to make use of my new flying abilities to stay in the air out of range of the snow leopard's attacks.

Clink Clink Clink Clink

Ok apparently not out of range for the snow leopard's Ice magic; I suddenly heard the faint crackle of electricity but I didn't give the sound much thought since it could have been a stray shot from Hope's assault that she seemed to be blasting every which way without care. But I knew in reality no matter how mad she was at the moment Hope was always careful enough with her magic so I wouldn't get caught in the crossfire (at least I think... I hope she was that careful.) So I was very surprised the bolt of electricity hit me in the back.

"Oww owww shit oww fuck oww! Who mother fucking threw that?!" I screamed in rage and pain while whipping around and simultaneously putting a shield behind me to keep the snow leopard busy and saw the jellyfish shadow floating behind me.

"Its yooou!" I said with a sizzling glare that I bet could melt metal but did a whole lot of nothing to my foe. "My toughest adversary! I hate your kind with a passion that could rival the flames of hell!" I sheathed my sword and raised up two paws covered in flames "I'm so going to enjoy making you into barbecue!"

When I finished my monologue that I didn't know whether or not it even understood me and released a charged shot that I batted aside as if it were a basketball. The beam singed a few hairs but I did little else, when the jellyfish saw its attack had done nothing I could of swore I saw it shaking just a bit and I defiantly heard it chitterling to itself. Which only made me chuckle before I Quickstepped in front of it while screaming, "Boo!" It squeaked (which to me sounded like a squeaky toy somewhat.) Then it tried to run away but I Quickstepped in front of it before it got too far every time I shown up in its sights again I would make funny faces at it just mess with it further.

I finally I got tired of our little game and boxed it using my shields so it could not escape. I laughed a slightly psychotic laugh which kinda scared even me and made me stop for a second and think that maybe... Just maybe I was taking my vengeance just a bit far. Then I thought of all the times I tried to fight this things ;of how they always tortured me by getting into my attack range only to float away when I tried to hit it then blasting me where it pleased while making a sound that I knew that it was laugher. If this wasn't enough torture Dil and Hope kept on teasing me whenever the subject came up about how pathetic I looked when I tried to kill them and how easy it was to kill the damn things.

With all that in mind I removed the bottom half of the cube, punched it in the face before it could excape with one hand, while blasting it with a stream of fire with the other cooking it on all sides. (The cube sent the heat and flame right back at it like a can placed above an open fire) it was cooked in seconds with me laughing like a maniac the entire time. When it's squealing for mercy ceased I let down the shield only the darkness and lights remained before they quickly disappeared. Then I had a random thought and I sent that thought to Suzaku 'Why are you so quiet?.

I heard a shrug before he said... "I have nothing to say," in a almost bored tone

'Aren't you going to say that was crossing the line then call me a psychopath?' I replied with a raised eyebrow

"Nope, I hate those things just as much as you do; In fact I was laughing with you when you were scorching it!" He answered in the same bored tone.

'...was that me and you actually agreeing on something!?' I replied with my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yup," Suzaku souning just as surprised

I shrugged and took out my sword and jumping back into the fray.

I spent the next five or so minutes dive bombing, stabbing, and throwing in a few token slashes in at the wolf Shadows before retreating back in the sky when the others tried to attack me with teeth ,claws, chain sickles and occasional icy blast from the snow leopard. When those five minutes were up the last wolf Shadow disappeared and I was facing a severely ticked off snow leopard. Must not have liked me killing it's teammates one by one while I basically ignored it other than to dodge it's attacks. I was tired and injured with several cuts, bites, burns, etc from several lucky shots that landed; but these were minor injuries compared to what I was used to so I would live. The snow panther and I were about ten or so feet apart both rather winded from the fight so...

"Let's finish this in one blow Ok?" I asked it somewhat cheerfully while I coated my blade in fire. It's only response was a roar as it came at me with a shocking amount of speed. I shrugged and charged at with a roar of my own; I was about three feet in front of it before I disappeared. The idiot actually stopped and turned it's head from side to side and above trying to figure out where I disappeared to before I yelled "Hey dumbass over here!" while sheathing my sword with a smirk. The snow leopard tried to take a step toward me but instead the upper half just fell to the side while simultaneously disappearing in the usual wisp of shadows and lights.

I chucked and turned toward the hospital to see Hope flying toward me I smiled and waved while yelling "How long have you been done with your half?" Hope fished out her phone and said

"For about 10 or 15 minutes or so, I was playing around until I took out two of them and then I got bored and blasted the rest of them with a lightning blast; was about to help you but you seemed to be having fun and you were handling your own so I completed what we sent out to do...that poor girl at least she doesn't have to suffer alone again..."

"Should have expected as much from you, had a fucking blast now that you mentioned it! But what do you mean by suffering alone?" I asked with a curious tilt of my head

Hope just giggled before she spoke. "You're so cute when you do that!" she said as she ruffled my ears a bit leaving me to fight off a blush "Anyway, the girl's parents died in a house fire, her other relatives didn't really pay her any mind besides paying for her bills, and her only friend couldn't visit very often because she lived a bit of ways away, so she basically died alone she suffered from liuekemia for years... poor girl had a very painful existence. I'm almost glad she died because she doesn't have to suffer anymore... even though that sounds very very horrible of me to say but it's the truth. You must think I'm a horrible person for saying that..."

I shook my head and sighed sadly. "Well that's a pretty shitty life... understatement I know but it's all I can think of in response. And I don't think you're a bad person, that just means you have empathy for a suffering soul... its actually kind of nice to hear all that to know she's not suffering anymore"

"Thanks Ben that was actually kind of sweet in a messed up way..." Hope said while scratching me quickly behind the ears which felt WAY to good to yell at her for.

"SooOo she really said all that tO you a random stranger?" I said fighting but failing the urge to start kicking my foot I was this close to lying on the ground and begging for belly rubs... DAMN YOU CANINE GENETICS!!!

"Yeah during a tea party actually, we probably freaked the nurses and doctors out though... lonely souls tend to do cause a bit of mischief before we send them off, I'm used to it by now." Hope replied as she healed me with a quick blast of magic and started and began float away. While I barely held back a "Aww man," since Hope had to stop rubbing behind my ears in order float away; I was probably looking at Hope with a look of annoyance only to realize what I was doing and slapped myself before I started to follow; becoming a bit ticked over how easy Hope turned me back into a puppy... (I know I said this before but I need to say it again DAMN YOU CANINE GENETICS!!!)

When I caught up Hope said "Anyway lets go home I REALLY need a shower and nap and I can't do that until I teach you a few magic moves; you could've taken them a lot faster if you knew some stronger magic attacks. If you want to survive as a Reaper you need those for swarms like these when I'm not there."

"Fair enough, I do like living and I could use a few new tricks!" I replied with a casual shrug

"What you not going to complain about me teaching you stuff like you always do!?" I shook my head "Well that's unlike you..."

I shrugged once again. "Killing Shadows allowed me to blow off some steam...which allowed me to see how much of a douchebag I was being.. sorry about that...I don't even remember what I was pissed about..."

"It's Ok, I forgive you...well anyway lets hurry up we're wasting day light...well considering its around 10:30 it's not really day anymore but you get the point; besides the sooner we finish the sooner I can shower and relax...hmm I think we're going to start with that one attack you used on that three headed dog thingie the day we meant!"

"You mean Furball?" I asked. Hope just looked at me funny causing me to shrug sheepishly in response. "It's what I call it"!

Hope just rolled her eye and continued on without saying a word probably because her response would have pissed me off. Though Hope must have forgotten that I'm a canine with super hearing since I did hear her mumble, "most retarded name ever! I'm just going to call it Cerberus!" After a bit of flying we finally see the dorms but instead of landing on the ground we landed on the rooftop presumably using the spot to practice the move Hope was talking about. As she gave me some energy to practice with using that one weird move that healed ones magic energy. I had a random thought. 'I wonder what Dil has been up to since we been away?'


We didn't even take a step inside the room before the coyote pushed me into the wall and started to forcefully make out with me in the middle of the hallway. which annoyed me almost as much as it turned me on. Don't get me wrongm I love making out as much as the next guy and especially when the guy really knew what he was doing! The coyote brutally dominated my mouth and I was loving every second of it; but I really want to skip the foreplay thing, have our fun, then go back home, it was getting pretty late... and I'm _so_not trusting Ben the oh mighty master of falling unconscious in under thirty seconds no matter the situation to take notes...

Anyway, while all of this took place in the back of my mind somehow during all the kissing the coyote managed to get the door open and without missing a beat he swept of my feet and that's not me being melodramatic either! He seriously picked me up and slung me over his shoulder with practiced ease without so much a tad bit of effort. Just when I recovered from my surprise I suddenly found myself in mid-air before I could even begin flailing for something to stop my fall I found myself bouncing on a soft creaky mattress in a dark room lit only by the light coming from outside. I was still reeling a bit from being tossed around like a ragdoll when I heard the door slam and the distinct snick of a lock before a warm body ploped itself next to me before he started stripping my clothes off at a shockingly fast pace. In under a minute I was lying on the bed stark naked with my barbed member pulsing in arousal. I shivered a bit as the cool air hit the sensitive flesh before the sound of clothes being ripped off took my attention. Soon enough the coyote was on top of me placing two large paws on each side of my head after a moment of silence staring at each other in the dark, he must have saw the wide-eyed look one my face because the coyote grumbled deeply from above me. "Sorry for thay, it seemed you were spacing a bit while we were making out so I decided to bring you back to Earth. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts little pussycat?"

If I didn't need this fuck as badly as I did I probably would have shoved the dude off and left or better yet flipped the script and show the douchebag how 'little' this pussycat was for that speciesist comment but I was feeling a really needed this fuck so I swallowed my pride and gave him a coy grin even though I wasn't sure if he could actually see it and replied.

"If I had any second thoughts it would have been on the drive from halfway across the city. Don't worry about it was actually kind of fun." I quickly reversed our positions catching him by surprise. Once I gained the top position I smirked a bit. "But I have you know that you are the only one who has a few surprises up his sleeves!"

"What do you have in mi- Woaah!" Hmm, he got quiet rather quickly... but then again having your 8 inch member deep-throated in one swallow kinda did that to a guy I guess; did had to swallow past my gag reflex though, but thanks to the all the practice I had it wasn't too long before I was swallowing dick like a pro (Wow, that makes me sound like a total slutdoesn't it? Though then again I've never been a stranger of one-night-stands in between boyfriends so I guess I am a slut..). Too bad it was rather dark the guy was probably missing a really good show well that and I really did liked to watch the dick travel in and out of my mouth while giving a blowjob...oh well, I guess it lets me be able to focus more on the feeling of the strong tasting, sweaty, musky member hitting the back of my throat, while I let my rough feline tongue brush against his knot. The best thing though was the pleasantly bitter and surprisingly sweet taste of pre-cum coating my tongue faster than I could swallow. The stimulation that assaulted me was enough to cause me to purr and leak like a hose and I wasn't even touching myself I just listened to the muffled sounds coming from his muzzle. Howls, whimpers, pants and the occasional yips from my partner that still somehow escaped no matter how hard he seemed to try to suppress them down; something told me he was enjoying the treatment.

After a couple rather enjoyable minutes of the sloppy blowjob I knew it was the right time to strike. 'No one call Dillon Joseph Patterson a kitten and gets away unpunished! Please be clean please be clean!' I prayed as still continued the blowjob while I moving my paws away from the semi-muscualr thighs and grope the grape-fruit sized balls to slowly move towards my target. My unexpecting prey was to wrapped up in his pleasure to notice my intension until it was too late he barely got out a "No wait!" before I squeezed lightly on his balls to stop him from moving while I stuck two fingers from the other up the (thankfully clean) yote's ass. He let out such a yelp that I'm sure that two rooms on both sides of ours heard it.

The coyote tried his best to pull away and yelped in protest as I probed away at his ass as if looking for something before he let out something caught between a yelp of surprise and a moan as I grazed over his prostate. About a minute later I was still giving a slow blowjob (Didn't want the canine to fire too early under the dual stimulation... I wanted that knot in my ass before the end of the night,) while mashing the little pleasure button in the 'yote's anus like someone would on the fire button to an old arcade game; the canine was leaking pre-cum like a faucet, I wasn't even able to swallow all the way before my mouth was full again! (Heh heh, so much for hating to sub like he said in the taxi...) Suddenly the canine pulled out of my mouth (almost making me whimper) and pulled me up to his chest before giving a deep kiss apparently wanting to taste himself on my tongue since he mainly suckled on that before I was flipped like I weighed nothing onto my stomach and held there my large paws. I couldn't see what he was up to which was probably his plan 'What is this guy planning?'

I soon got my answer but not in the way I expected when I felt a slimy flexible appendage in my entrance. I yowled in surprise and tried to pull away only to not budge an inch due to the strong paws anchoring my position while the long agile canine tongue seemed to every single one of my buttons. "Dambn kitten, this is the best ass I've had in ages!" The wolf rumbled between my cheeks making me shutter in the process. God, it has been way to long! I was purring up a storm while I thrusted back into his face hoping to drive that wonderful tongue deeper inside me. I was just about to blow before I felt the tongue leave me causing me to whine pathetically. I was about to say something when I heard the table's drawer next to the bed open up.

"Although this fun I've had enough of the silly teasing, hope you don't mind kitten?" Said the husky voice looming behind me.

I just shook my head before I realized that he wouldn't be able to see me. "Don't mind at all; if you kept that up I wouldn't have been able to last much longer."

"Good, because I'm really close too!" Replied the coyote while pulling lube on the his member before I heard the distinct sound of a condom wrapper being torn open. I looked around to see him placing the condom on making sure to leave room for his bloated knot and began to lube that up as well. 'That's sweet of him, it'll go easier now...' I thought while getting into position.

"Damn you're so hot bent over like that! I watched you dancing back at the club and I had to have that ass!"The coyote said as he slipped in and we both hissed "Oh, you're so tight kitten!" He said while slowly started to hump his way into a rhythm.

"Nah, you're *gasp* just bigger than I'm used too! Plus *moan* it been *gasp* awhile!" I wasn't lying either, I felt that dick i n my stomach!

"Give yourself more credit Kitten, you're the best lay I had in awhile!" With that the only sounds was us moaning and howling/yowling in pleasure. The fun lasted only a few minutes... his thrusting just increased in force and tempo and I could feel that knot spreading me more and more! As he did that he reached around and began to jerk me off teasing my barbs along the way. Soon enough he gave on last thrust shoving his knot into me crushing my prostate in the process. He quickly bit hard down on my shoulder hard enough to break skin as we both came around the same time; I had a MASSIVE orgasm, cumming enough to completely soak the part of sheets under me. While the canine came so much I could swear I could feel the cum even through the condom.

After the amazing tingling feeling faded I collapsed onto the bed basking in the afterglow. I winced briefly as the coyote collapsed onto me. A little more time passed and we both winced when the coyote adjusted his position enough to throw the covers on both of us.

"Good...night," came an exhausted mumble while I felt the coyote wrap himself around me. I chuckled only to stop when it sent a shot of pain to shoot through my tail hole 'This guy clonks out faster than Ben!' I looked at the clock and it read twelve o'clock, midnight. I yawned and tried to get comfortable 'I guess I can take a short nap before I fly out of here' I yawned again and fell asleep almost instantly due to exhaustion.



I was shook from my sleep when I heard a loud crashing sound from the window. I quickly sat up summoning my flute just in case it was a Shadow breaking in. I quickly relaxed though when I saw Dil's outline on the floor, I swear I heard him snoring! I glanced at the clock. three in the morning and Dil was just now getting back? That was so unlike him; especially on a school night... "Whatever it's none of my business. Though I should probably should toss him in-"


Ben quickly followed Dil into dreamland before he even finished speaking thus leaving Dil on the floor for the night. Though Dil didn't seem to mind in fact he had a content smile on his face; after all he got laid, it was an unusually warm night so he didn't need a blanket, floor was carpeted, and he had knocked over Ben's laundry basket giving him a pillow made up of a couple of Ben's used clothing.



'Don't fireball the alarm. Don't fireball the alarm. Don't-'

BZZT! BZZT! BZZ- just when I had enough energy for a fireball to blast the damn alarm into oblivion I heard a loud BANG! I quickly woke up from the sound flinging myself up right making myself dizzy in the process once I regained my senses I looked over to see the alarm had been completely vaporized; someone took my kill. Who could do such a heinous thing you ask? I looked down at the culprit lying down on the floor with a still raised smoking paw and his head covered by a couple of my clothes as if hiding from the light would save him from getting up.

After I yawned I asked "Kitty had late night?" Dil hissed while I gave myself a good scratch while admiring Dil's choice in sleeping attire (damn those pants were tight, I could see just about every curve of his ass through the straining material... I knew he had a nice ass but_damn_!) If I didn't already have the normal case of morning-wood I'd probably would have been rock hard from the sight. I then noticed something and had a sudden thought and let out a slight chuckle. "Hey Dil, you do realize germaphobes typically don't sleep on the floor nor do they snuggle into a friend's dirty clothes right?" For a second Dil tensed up but quickly relaxed himself and just gave me a middle finger salute in response.

I chuckled again while I stretched then walked over still just in my boxers to the dresser to pick out my uniform (Fairbanks had an enforced uniform policy White Undershirt (White Blouse for the girls), Black Jacket, Black Slacks (Skirts for girls), Dress Shoes and a black and white tie). After that was done I frowned briefly, this was my last clean one... looks like I needed to do laundry tonight. I quickly shook my head and focused on the current task, getting ready for the day, so I walked toward the bathroom making sure to grab a towel and a wash cloth from the closet next to the bathroom Dil and I shared while calling out "You know if someone wants even an ounce of hot water they should probably be a bit nicer"

Dil tensed and looked at me with a glare. "You wouldn't?" I just smirked and raised a eyebrow.

"You doubt me kitty-cat?" Dil thought for a second a gave me a fearful look causing me to burst out in laughter. "Nah, I'll leave you some...maybe. Anyway, I'll take as long as I can without using all the hot water so you can sleep just a bit longer. Just remember to take another alarm clock from the drawer. Oh, and Happy Birthday buddy." With that I turned into the bathroom and shut the door and thought to myself. 'Which means we'll have about three left I think? Hmm, that should be just enough to last us for this week but we really needed to go to the store and get more. There's no way I'm using my phone as one though, We've already lost about five this year and my parents were getting sick of replacing them.'


After our morning routine was done we made our way to the cafeteria for breakfast. Normally Dil would be a bouncy ball of fur at this point talking nearly a mile a minute about Dil stuff while trying to get me to move faster before the cafeteria food. Now however it was him moving at slower pace while I told him about the fight he missed last night; I left out the part where I tortured the jellyfish Shadow though didn't want Dil to think I was a psycho.

"So after I roasted the small fry like marshmallows all that was left was the snow leopard Shadows that we took out at your house! Remember how fucking difficult those bastards were? Well it may be because the whole flying thing but the one I faced was total sissy! I hardly tried at all you should have se-"

"DIIIIL!" I was interrupted telling the story of the epic fight by three annoyingly high pitched but sadly familiar voices coming from my least favorite furs that made up Dil's one of many strange group of friends.

One was a lioness named Christina Audrey but most people called her Christy She had white-blond hair that fell nearly to her waist her hair was held back by her trademark pair butterfly clips. Christy was leader of the small group and the captain of the Fairbanks Patriots Cheerleading Squad she was easily one of the best looking girls in the school but she was also the loudest, most annoying bitches I've ever met so I avoided her as much as possible.

The other two were the rich and very pretty twin toucans Patricia 'Patty' and Elizabeth 'Lizzy' York they were also part of the cheerleading squad and they practically worshiped the ground Christy walked on. Despite being twins the girls had completely different personalities.

Patty was just as loud as Christy and even more sassy... she also had a nasty temper. I heard from Dil one time that in middle school she was notorious for getting into fights with anyone that dared looked at her funny no matter if it was a girl or a guy twice as her size; but overlooking the sass and temper she was a fun and a nice girl to be around. _That_of course was before she met Christy who somehow dulled the short temperedness but increased the sass tenfold and now Patty was only nice and fun when around her friends or if she wanted something from you. What's even worse is that she kept her muscle mass (that her sister and Patty both swore she was natural but Dil caught her using her father's weight room once or twice on the very few occasions that Dil visited the Toucan's mansion. (Mr. York didn't like boys in his house... even after Dil came out he still kept an eye of him.

The other Toucan, Lizzy like I said was the complete opposite of her twin. She was quiet and meek in general (until she gets hyped up on caffeine, which she has zero tolerance for...) and easily folded under the slightest bit of stress. But she was REALLY kind and was probably the only person who rivalled Dil in academics. (Well, besides Fletcher maybe... she was pretty smart...) She was also in every academic related club the school has to offer. Too bad she knows it and sees herself as Ms. Know-it-all and will argue with you until you say she is right; Then again she isn't captain of the debate team for nothing.

These three had a few things in common besides being cheerleaders and being friends with Dil A) They were the biggest drama queens in the school B)they all had huge egos C)let's say they really got around, and D)I was the one the one they wanted to date and they weren't shy in showing it. In fact I heard from Dil that they constantly bombard him with questions about me and they made it a competition on who was to get me. Which was NEVER going to happen! They may have lessened my chances with going out with someone with the threat of destroying anyone socially that tried get with me; but there is no way in hell that I was going out with either one of them. This is why I ducted into the restroom next to the cafeteria that we were conveniently passing.

I had to take a leak anyway so I did that while I listened to the conversation going on outside the bathroom (thank you canine hearing you do actually come in handy sometimes!)

"Hi girls what's going on?" Dil replied in an exausted but friendly tone, I could tell he sounded slightly exasperated but I doubt any of the girls noticed.

"Now's not the time to share our drama when you HELLO according to Facebook you just came back from getting stabbed!" replied Christy clearly upset.

"Right after surviving an explosion at a hospital AND being the one that found your best friend and my future husband in a coma! Good grief, what did you do to piss Lady Luck off?" said Patty

"Who I swear was here 2 seconds ago..." came the soft voice of Lizzy

"DETAILS!!!" The trio shouted in unison. I swear I could almost see them in my head glaring at a Dil most likely trying to make himself as small as possible under their gaze.

"No clue where Ben is... and as for the drama that happened to us for the past week it really isn't as big of deal as it sounds!" Dil stated in a lazy tone probably hoping to get the girls off his back. The trio's returning glares must have increased tenfold since Dil quickly cracked. "Ok, Ok, I will give you the details over breakfast! I'm starving!

Footsteps left the entrance to the bathroom and I waited a little bit before coming out of said bathroom letting out a sigh of a relief from both the epically long piss I just had and dodging the annoying bitches. I quickly washed my hands than left the bathroom. 'Man that was close, I hate that I have to do that every time I hear their voices but they are SO annoying! Damnit, and my story was just getting good to! Guess I'll just tell Dil the rest of it later.' My stomach then growled loudly as if reminding me where I was supposed to be right now. "Which is the cafeteria where you will be feeding both you and a very overworked bird!" whined Suzaku in my head.

"I'm going I'm going, quit your bitching will you?" I muttered

"Are you talking to your stomach?" Came a familiar high pitched voice. Another sigh escaped me. 'It is way too early for me to deal with this crap right now!' Instead of saying that I said somewhat deadpanned tone. "Hi to you to Hope! And no, I wasn't; it was Suzaku bitching again about something I already knew!" 'It's not like I wasn't overworked yesterday to you stupid bird!' I added towards Suzaku only for him to swat me with his wing. 'Ow! Stop hitting you stupid bird! How do you cause me pain anyway? You're just in my head right?'

"As I told you before I only manipulate you pain receptors to make it feel like I'm hitting you for real. It doesn't hurt me though since only damages to the soul and your emotions can hurt in other words only if something that destroys you emotionally and mentally such as you watching Twilight can hurt me which will be a horrible experience for the both of us so I don't think you'll do that. I'll stop 'hitting' you when you stop giving me your crap. Now mush!" When the word mush than came another burst of pain like I was cracked with a whip.

'I'm going I'm going keep your feathers on!' I thought while I listened to Hope bitch about something girly. It's going to be one of those days I can already tell...


'Man, getting away from the girls is such a pain in the ass sometimes! Especially when its anything Ben related. I really need to pick up the pace if I want to make it to History; Mr. Henderson is going to kill me if I'm late again! I won't get let in the classroom so I would have even more work to add to the mountain I already have.' "This was going to be close, I really wish I could use my super speed right now!" I mumbled to myself as I started to sprint like a maniac to my destination.

Not even halfway down the hallway I barely avoided running into a crowd of freshman coming around the corner. I apologized profusely over my shoulder while the kids cursed at me from nearly steamrolling them which caused me to trip over my feet. Super reflex time kicked in before could stop it making me tuck and roll so I could continue running. The curses behind me were silenced during my almost fall but then the curses turned into.

"Wow that was awesome Dil!"

"Where did that come from I thought he was a total klutz?"

"You should try out for gymnastics man!"

"Ben must have taught it to him over their break. Hey speaking of did you hear what happ-" the next parts of the conversation was cut off as I turned the corner and went up the stairs and out of earshot up.

'Damn not even an hour into the day and I already used my powers in front of people! Ben and Hope will kill me if they ever found out!

One set of steps cleared!'[/i] Oh well those kids seem to think Ben taught it to me and I was jus gott lucky what Ben and Hope don't know won't hurt them!'[/i] Another set of stairs cleared! '! Heart... and lungs imploding! Damn the one who came up with running and other physical activity!'s not so bad just one more floor and I should be golden!' LastStairway cleared!


The bell rang and with it came the sound of a piece of my soul falling and shattering on the floor.

No! I'm so close! I could even see the classroom door at the very end of the hallway as well as Mr. Henderson slowly approaching the door. I kicked it into high gear trying desperately to stop myself from using my super speed; The effort for some reason took a bigger toll on my body; I guess it was like holding yourself back from eating when you haven't eaten right for a few days so you wouldn't get sick? Anyway not the time to be thinking about food! Door closing. Me not being let in classroom if tardy. My situation ringing any bells?!

5 steps

4 steps

3 steps

2 steps

1 step

"I made-" I yelled just as the door slamed shut. My momentum was to great to stop myself so I ended up crashing into the door like a bug on a the windshield. Feeling like said bug on windshield with all the shooting pain on the whole side of my body and seeing neat stars in my vision. When I recovered I yelled at the green Geko teacher shaking his head. "Oh come on! I was one second late!" My only reply was Mr. Henderson turning his attention to his raucously laughing students; Ben was just shaking his head while I saw Hope trying to hold back a few giggles of her own. Mr. Henderson quickly silenced the laughter and then turned his attention back to me. I stepped back praying that he would have pity on me and let me in, but my prayers were of course unanswered because he wound up giving me the same speech I've heard at least a 100 times over the years... how I should stop waiting last minute to get to class and how I was a smart kid and how I would fail if I was never in class ect, ect.

When the Gecko was done he gave me one last disapproving look before going back into the classroom while I slumped against the wall and slowly slid down. "Well at least you tried your best... maybe if you didn't stay up all last night like I told you not to you would have made it." said Cosmo. _'It's not my fault his class at the opposite end of the school. Plus Christy, Patty, and Lizzy kept me back because they made me tell them EVERtiny detail of what Ben and I did over break. Can't believe they still think I would use any period of time I have with him alone to try to 'turn' him!'_I replied mentally while getting comfortable, I was going to be here a while...

"Sounds like they are just using you to get to Ben" Cosmo said

_'Nah, just seems like it sometimes. There actually really good friends the rest of the time. Always having my back,being a blast to hang around, and stuff like that. Though sometimes their girlyness and drama gets to even me so I have to a break sometimes...*yawn* I am soo tired, all that running did not help at all...can you do me a favor and knock me out? I could really use the Z's and now seem as good as time as any.'_while using my messenger-bag as a pillow.

"Sure, sweet dreams you bad kitty you!" Teased Cosmo. That was so gay even I flinched at that either that or it was the sudden pain from lying my still aching nose on my pillow. Then pleasant, soothing, darkness...


"Damn you Dil I actually had to stay awake during history class instead of relying on your notes, like I usually do!" I said as handed over the notes he missed during 1st period; now it was 4th period so far its just been a normal day at school for me (boring as hell with a dash of loneliness) since no one in my classes really bothered to talk to me for some reasonand I don't share any classes with Dil and Hope other than History. The mood didn't change no matter how hard I prayed for a Shadow attack. Now everyone was making their way toward the cafeteria lunch. All glad the school-day was halfway over.

"Isn't it a crying shame that you had to actually pay attention in class for once?" Dil said with an eye roll while snatching my notes and looked over them but grimanced on a bit of drool on the paper. He quickly looked through the notes and frowned a bit at the end.

"I thought you said you stayed awake? This is only half the notes!" Dil said with a glare as he used my sleeve to wipe away the drool while I looked at him sheepishly.

"Benedict did but only for the first half; than he was out like a light and stayed that way no matter how many times I tried to kick him awake."

Hope chirped in.

"So that's why my shin and legs hurt like hell?" I questioned incredulously rubbing my aching legs giving Hope a death glare.

Hope nodded while digging through her backpack "Here are the rest of them!"

Dil took the notes and peered through them at lighting (hehe) speed and smiled towards us. "Thanks guys I don't know what I would do-" he suddenly looked confused "Uh, Hope? How come there are doodles all over the pages? Let's see, a few unicorns, a picture of you standing on Ben's mutilated corpsre..."I gave Hope a death glare while she looked at me sheepishly trying to hide her face with her tail "And hey is that-

Hope attention was quickly turned to Dil and her facial expression went through a quick shift of emotions. First was fear, next was embarrassed and she quickly swiped the paper and covered Dil's muzzle with her paw. Then she gave Dil a look that scared me so very very very much and said. "If you finish that sentence I'll vaporize you right here, and when you raise from your body I will kick your ass with every ounce of power I have then I'll and drag your soul into the deepest pit of hell where I'll torture you without one period of rest. When I take this hand off your mouth you promise me you'll forget everything that you just saw! You hear me kitten?"

Dil looked like he was going to wet himself but nodded his head so hard that I thought he was going to get whiplash. "Mmhph, I promith!" With that Hope smiled sweetly and padded Dil on the head before tearing off the offending doodle and ditching it in a trash can and held it there for a second (I swear I caught the scent of smoke before it disappeared as quickly as I smelled it...) before handing the notes back to Dil. "Sorry about that, the last one was _VERY_nprivate...anyway let's get some lunch shall we?" With that Hope skipped away.

Dil and I were still staring after her slack jawed before glancing at each other and then composed our selves. Ok now I had to ask no matter the consequences I turned towards Dil and whispered "What was the doodle of?" Dil gave me a very serious confused look while he put away our notes for later "What doodle?" Then calmly caught up to Hope like nothing happened. Still very confused of what just took place I just stared at them before I hurried after them. The smell of steak hoagie quickly making me forget what just took place.


Great, one more period till the day is over than I can finally take that nap I've been looking forward to all day... Too bad that class is gym class.*mental sigh*if I didn't need a credit in some time of physical education class I would be outta here faster than you can say-

"Outta the way faggot!"Ordered a deep southern accented voice which I was very familiar with unfortunately. I was shoved from behind causing me to trip over the leg of the shorts I was trying to put on and crashed to the floor of the locker room. 'Yeah, faster than you can say that... Meanwhile my usual group of tormenters high fived each other while making their way to there usual lockers and laughed at me tripping over myself and now me lying half-naked on probably a disease ridden floor... I hate gym... "Very funny guys!" I called out as Ipulled my pants the rest of the way up before trying to push myself up and left the room before they could come back and torment me even more.

"Who are they?" Asked Cosmo as he glared at where we came from. 'A band of misfits that take great pleasure in making the life of those like me a living hell for no reason at all besides the fact we're openly gay... I'm their favorite target however since I'm best friends with Ben. They don't want their star player contracting 'teh gay''

I sat on a nearby bench as the trio emerged from the locker room laughing at some unknown joke. I quickly introduced them to my shoulder angel first with the guy who knocked me down. 'The warthog with the southern accent is Glen Hayes. He's from Mississippi and he's the biggest hick I've ever met. Plus he's a total pig, I swear he's probably the only person I know who can out-eat Howie...'

I then pointed towards the twitchy rabbit standing a few feet behind the pig hackiling a beaver for money. "That's Steve Wallace but everybody calls him 'Twitch' for obvious reasons. He's a total cheapskate from what I heard from his girlfriends. Thing is the fact his family is loaded...rumor has it he has a serious drug habit..." I stated before turning towards the last guy a smarmy looking iguana. He was chatting with a pretty lioness, Katie Cook from the Lady Patriots Basketball Team. They seemed to be in an argument about something

"Go away asshole!" She snarled at him but he still get his smarmy grin.

"C'mon Baby, don't be this way! What I did wasn't that bad." The Iguana said causing Katie to snarl even more.

"We went out for like a week before I found you making out with my best-friend! Worst of all you forced her to kiss you so you'd leave her! How is that as you say not that bad?"

The arrogant smirk hadn't once left iguana's face during Katie's tirade and when she finished the iguana just chuckled and shrugged before he said "Because it wasn't as bad as what I was thinking about doing!" At first Katie seemed speechless before-

SLAP!!! Katie's response was heard throughout the gymnasium before she stomped her way out of the gymnasium being sure to slam the door to the locker room door shut.

I finally decided to introduce the cursing Iguana. 'The 'Lady Killer' over there is Louis Trent. He really doesn't need much of an intro now though other than to say he is the biggest man-whore in the school and that's saying something coming from me. Those three have made my life miserable ever since 7th Grade... they've pulled pranks, gave me swirlies, and other bully stuff... just don't ask me to introduce you personally.'

"No introduction needed... wait if they're Ben's teammates than why you don't tell him what they do to you and why don't you try to and fight back?" asked Cosmo

'I can't tell Ben because I don't want to bother him with every little problem I have and they are pretty chumy with Ben being teammates and all... they mostly ignore me when I'm around him and I don't want to cause conflict in the team. As for not fighting back, I tried and it didn't end well. Three jocks verses a klutzy guy like me isn't the ideal situation... what are you doing?'

Cosmo had taken out a marker and flew toward the three mentioned and wrote "Fatso" across Glenn's forehead, "Scrooge and Druggy," on Twitch's forehead, and "Slut" on Louis's forehead while I was talking among other colorful insults and doodles on their clothes and visible skin; the bullies none the wiser since I was the only one that could see anything related to Cosmo. When he finished he flew back toward me and shrugged "I found that labeling stuff helps me remember things!" I couldn't help but laugh at his antics and at some of the things that he wrote and doodled. I least I was laughing before the whistle blew and that laugh turned to a groan. I hate gym...

"Set up the nets, its volleyball today!" yelled the snow-leopard Coach Nelson.

Everyone was then split up into teams and then the games were played. I did what I usually did and stayed out of there way making a few occasional shots when they came my way. Everything was going well; in fact I was doing better than I usually was (most likely because the increased physical capabilities that came with my powers) much to my teams approval. That is until everything went to hell when I tripped over my untied shoelace and into the volleyball net. Turns out that the volleyball nets were made pretty cheaply since I tore a huge hole into it. Nelson took one look at it before declaring it unrepeatable than 'suggested' that we run laps the rest of class. There was a lot of groans and I got a LOT of glares and insults thrown my way. The only way to make the situation any worse is-

"You are so going to pay for this faggot!" Threatened the ever familiar southern voice, I made the mistake of glancing at the pig the words written across his forehead did nothing to dull the murderous intent in the glare he was giving me. I sprinted away before that later became now... I really hate gym.

Fantastic, now I have something to look forward to...


It's been a good hour and a half since I knocked on Howie's door smelling and looking like I had dunked my head in a toilet and flushed, my face was swollen from the black eye, busted nose,and busted lipmI sported along with a few more miscellaneous bruises on my body. When Howie first opened the door he just stared at me in shock. (I had never came to his room looking this bad before.) Then he pulled me in his bedroom (thankfully his roomie was absent... James Troy couldn't keep a secret if his depended on it) and forced me to tell him what happened while he

cleaned me up enough so I could go into public without having to worry about women and children fleeing in terror from my very presence and have a very pissed off Ben on a warpath.

This took way longer than it should have because Howie was going off the deep end and threatening to I quote 'pay back the fucktards with interest! Then I'll hit up and Ben tell him what's up and help him teach the bastards a lesson that they will NEVER forget!' In other words Howie was just being Howie. I somehow managed to convinced him that I had the problem handled and I just needed help covering the evidence. I have to admit I didn't have a lick of hope that even he could save my face. But after he was done and I had put some shades to hide my beyond saving eye it looked I was like nothing happened; Hell it didn't even hurt as bad (which could have just been my powers kicking in not that I was complaining).

After Howie was done and made sure I was ok enough not to be sent to the nurse and I was just about to leave when he leaned against the doorframe and sighed before saying. "Please for the love of God at least THINK about telling Ben what's been going on! You know how Ben is when it's you involved; when he's done with those assholes will probably be hospitalized... or dead. Either way they do this shit to you ever again"

I mirrored his sigh and replied "Howie we've been over this a thousand times before-"

Howie interrupted and said the exact words I was going to say "-It's because he's so overprotective that I fear if I tell him he'll be arrested for attempted murder. Besides, it's my problem and I don't want to be a bother. I've heard it a thousand times Dil, I think I just about have it memorized... just think about it okay little dude?"

I nodded and with that Howie waved a goodbye and shut the door with a bang.

I sighed again 'Why can't I ever handle my problems on my own? I always have to have help along the way...' I checked my phone which I had turned off so Howie could do his thing uninterrupted and saw I had tons of missed messages and texts; one was from my dad asking how my day back was, the others were from Ben and Hope; surprisingly A LOT more messages from Hope than Ben. Just as getting ready to pick one and reply I got another one. It was from Ben 'Where are you Dil? Hope is about to freak out! I warned you before that it is a VERY bad idea to slack around when it comes to Reaper buisness!' Oh yeah, I forgot that I had an appointment with Hope's Boss today

"Correction, Hope is already freaking out." Cosmo said so suddenly that I nearly jumped out of my fur.

"Huh?" I said getting a very bad feeling all of a sudden

"You can't tell me you can't feel her power signature closing in on us...? If I were you I would change forms right now...she seems VERY pissed!" I did as Cosmo suggested with a gulp but couldn't really do much else before I saw something that was breaking the sound barrier coming toward me. I shut my eyes and expecting pain but instead I felt a paw grab onto my shirt and suddenly I heard Hope yelling.

"It isn't polite to keep a lady waiting you ass!" I thought I was going to crash through the window and fall to my death. But instead I went through the portal that had opened up behind me and landed none too gently face first on the other side. 'Ow, this is the worst birthday ever...'