
Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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Reflections is a short story based on an idea that I had. I had finished a novel where there ws a priest who's actions and defence in what he believed in made me think.. How would I respond to the question of Faith..



* I was reading a story where one of the characters was a priest and it got me thinking of my own viewpoints, and how I would express them. Enjoy*

Part 1.

Part 2

A solitary figure looked out over the fog, lost in his own thoughts. His eyes were set to detect any movements but the hand in his pocket made subtle repetitive movements. Not what most people would think but the man, a priest was telling the rosary to pass the time and to keep the faith.

His watch was broken by a movement next to him as a tall white wolven like being approached and stood alongside him.

"Marcus" the human acknowledged. "Doylen" the wolven replied. And then silence.

"Do you think they will attack tonight" Doylen muttered

"It certainly is the good weather for it, you know how they like the fog as it helps their air gills, plus they have been running their energy dampers for a while."

It was realized too late that not all of the greenhouse effect and the increase in fogs was Man's own making, but a new party who viewed Earth and it's abundant natural resources with avarice. However this party could never claim any inheritance to the planet.

"Father Doylen" Marcus spoke. Doylen was surprised at the honorifics even though he was a priest. "Do you like me?"

The question was simple enough but full of implications. And Doylen knew where they were heading. When Tripart cracked the Genome Merger project 15 years ago the Church was in an uproar. The subsequent violence again Tripart and.. its new creations were devastating, almost akin to the return of the Dark Ages. However when a new threat to mankind arose then the Church grudging accepted Tripart.. and Marcus's existence, and what they could offer in the fight.

Doylen was broken from his thoughts by a quiet "Thank you"

"But I had not replied yet"

"No.. but the length of silence spoke that you were not routed in pure dogma"

Again the silence in the fog.. Both entities senses glues to the horizon

"Marcus.. Do you believe?"

A silence.. a long silence followed from the wolven being

"Yes.. but maybe in not the same way as you believe"

"Tell me then " Doylen asked

"We all search for Faith, a truth to hold onto in our existence. For some people it is a higher being called God and the wrappings that we place around him. Tell me Doylen - when you look up at the wonderment of the heavens what do you see?"

"The Creation of God" Doylen replied

"Hmm.. I see the same but I see the search for Truth. Maybe a higher power did create everything, or maybe the Truth is there and we have to seek it out through scientific analysis. But if there was a supreme being who created the Universe I doubt if the life forms on a tiny planet would draw his attention, not the squabbles of the life forms from different worlds"

"Do you are saying that you have no religion"

"No.. Again it is difficult to answer although I think from being a non-human my perspective might be different. Every religion starts as with a few basic rules. The rules help people live together, grow together, and respect each other in the same way as they themselves wish to be respected. To enforce that a definition of Good and Evil is created, Praise and Punishment to guide our actions. Sometimes good men and women will appear who's actions enforce the above and give us a goal to strive towards. And thus stories are written about them so that their message and actions will not be forgotten."

Doylen sighed "Do you believe in Jesus Christ"

"The concept yes. If he existed then he was a good man who strived to help others. Of interest if one reads the gospels in the sequence they were written"

"You read the gospels" Doylen asked with raised eyebrows

"I read a lot of things " Marcus replied "But as I was saying Simon treats Jesus often as more of a concept or a group of proberbs, where Peter 80 years on treats him a fact and all that he said or has done as verbatim"

"So" Doylen queried

"Consider this analogy. A brave warrior defends his people and his land by fighting off a group of 10 from a rival tribe. This saved the tribe and so around the campfires the tale is told. After 5 tellings there are 20 warriors our hero has to defeat, and in a generation or two a veritable horde. Between Simon and Peter who would be closer to the truth."

"Then you feel the Bible lies" Doylen countered.. For him this was the first time he had really spoken with a Lupins - the beings that Tripart created and set forth to help the battle for Earth.

"No.. Not lies for there are grains of truth within. But how much is the truth and how much is the imaginings of men. Simon venerated Mary Madeleine where as Peter almost despises her. From whom do we take our observations. Likewise you fail to see Jesus as a Jew , or a follower of his own faith at that time - with discoveries like the gospel of Judas that gives new insight into those events. And let's not forget that we only have 4 gospels nowadays than the hundreds that existed at that time. Who did the winnowing and how much did his own feelings influence them"

"We prefer to believe that he was guided by God" Doylen tactfully replied

Marcus chuffed with humor "A man saves thousands and when asked why he says that God made him do it.. Yet another kills thousands and says the same thing. Who do we believe. Remember the Inquisition, the Crusades, all of the killing done in the name of God.. No Doylen - I prefer to cut thought all of the readings and try and live in a way that I feel is good, and that benefits others."

"Marcus " Doylen asked "I know some of the terrible things that was done to your kind by the Church.. But would you put yourself in danger to save a Priest"

Marcus turned and looked at Doylen "Of course. I have sworn to protect humanity and that certainly includes priests"

Doylen sighed "I.. wish I could say the same but I know a few of my brethren would not do the same for you or your kind."

"Doylen.. would you?"

Doylen smiled "If you asked me several hours ago I would not be so sure. But yes.. Yes I would. Regardless of form you are a good person."

"But without a Soul"

Doylen was silent

"No matter.. Some say the concept of a Soul is the grandest self-delusion ever created."

A grating scratching sound occurred below them, followed by an explosion. The war was now down to just chemical and biological weapons seeing that both had developed energy dampeners. A section of the battlements fell into rubble and wheezing six legged forms appeared brandishing maces and spears.

"Doylen - there are too many of them - We'd better get back along the ramp over the moat and hold them there. If worse comes to worst we can drop the ramp and trap them."

The Marcus drew his broad sword from his scabbard and went to battle. Doylen drew his crossbow.

It was a vicious battle. Marcus' weapon was better at close quarters and Doylen stood back and send shafts flitting into the gaps in their defenses. But it was obvious that they were both overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. As Doylen could be more effective from a distance he ran over the ramp to where it joined the headland, the tall rickety structure being the only way into the citadel over the moat. Earth industrial pollutants were now of benefit as the moats were not just water but a collection of everything that poisoned, corroded, and dissolved - including the bodies of countless six legged invaders.

As a last resort the ramp could be collapsed but the timing was critical, if one alien female (of which most were) with its cache of eggs found a chitin hold in the citadel then mankind would be quickly overrun.

"Marcus.. Retreat then we can collapse it"

"No.. you know the protocols - none must pass"

"But you'll be.."

"Doyle - Do it!!!!"

With shaking fingers Doyle lit the fuse and stood back. Small firelights trailed into the darkness followed by explosions and sounds of breaking timbers.

The ramps fell - shattering into splinters leaving Marcus trapped with the aliens attacking him. But it was all too soon that he was pressed back against the edge and faced with either a stabbing ovipositor full of eggs or a long fall to oblivion. "Doylen - tell HQ that we have sealed the pass.. and. and.. . And Father that I love him" And with that he clasped his sword again his chest and fell into the void.

Doylen watched as Marcus disappeared into the darkness and thought "Who.. was Father to Marcus?"

Back at HQ Doylen saw the results of the most recent push by the aliens. Humans and Lupins lay or sat having their wounds tended to. He saw one group of generals standing with a couple of tall brown lupins and a wizened older man with a cane.

"Sir" Doylen reported "We lost the Newgate pass however the ramp has been sealed. Until they can make a new one to cross the moat they cannot advance any more on that flank" "The way is sealed" Doylen nodded "And non got over" "No. Marcus protected it to the end" The generals nodded and made notes, and passed the information on to work out the next stage of the battle.

Doylen then glanced to one of the tall Lupins "I'm sorry - my companion Marcus didn't make it. If it is of any help he fought bravely and saved my life." The Lupin nodded "This Marcus - did he have white fur?" Doylen nodded and the Lupin made his own notes. "Marcus also told me to speak with someone he called Father.. I don't know who that is."

The old man nodded "That would be me.. Marcus's little humor and jibe. I was the chief scientist on the Lupin project and so.. What did he say?"

Doylen spoke quietly "That he loved you.. I spoke with him at length before he died and I wish I have known him longer. He was more than I had expected and.. I know that he was not of my Faith but I'd like to say some prayers for him.. Would you join me"

Doylen took the last sip of the wine and finished the blessings. Even if Marcus was wrong he hoped that God would guide him to safety and not leave him languishing in purgatory."

Chandra - Marcus's 'Father' stood with his head bowed and then asked "Father Doylen - are you going back to the lines" "No Dr Chandra - I have requested a training position. Hopefully the new recruits will benefit from my knowledge and experiences. I know than many of them will be Lupins and.. well I feel that I owe it to Marcus to see that they get the best training they can. Too long there has been this unspoken gap between beliefs and necessities."

"Marcus really had an effect on you didn't he?"

Doylen thought "Yes - yes he did. I had never talked to a Lupin before.. I mean really talk as intelligence to intelligence. I was surprised at first and then realized that man and Lupins are not so much different. And worst how wrong I had been in my original pre-conceptions of him and his kind. I .. I wish I could have called him a friend"

"I think Father - as he opened himself up to you he did think you as that" Chandra looking into Doylen's eyes for a moment and then said "Please Father.. Come with me for a moment"

It did not take them long to get to the maturation chambers where row of tubes filled with bubbling liquids held sleeping growing lupin forms. They both stopped at one holding a fully formed white furred lupin.

"Father - This is Marcus too. Or rather this one is from the same gene pattern as the one you knew. He will be detanked in 2 days time - I'd like you to get to know him, train him, teach him all that you value - and hopefully he will teach you too. Think of him as Marcus's gift.. and legacy to a friendship cut too short."

Doylen stood and then placed his had almost reverently against the plastic wall, feeling his eyes moisten "Hello my friend " he spoke softly to the sleeping form.

=Fin- To all of different Faiths - Maybe through talking and acceptance there can be understanding

Part 2