Scion and the Alpha

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#11 of Fox & Shadi One-Shots

With a feline in an unsatable heat, Shadi considers her options on how to cope with her body's needs in creative ways involving her husbands bonded dragon...

The day had been warm already. Too warm, some might say, but summers in the tundra got that way, and the temperature of the air around Shadi wasn't helping with her heat in the slightest. She groaned frustratedly as she rolled off her mate's hips, his canine knot slipping from her enflamed nethers with a messy sounding plop, a torrent of the male's seed and her own slick nectar spilling out onto the blankets beneath the pair.

She fell, sprawling out onto the bed sheets with a sigh, though she felt no closer to relief than she had before, the fifth load of her mate's seed filling her to the brim, but yet her heat raged on, like the frantic masturbation and sex was only fueling the fire. As for her mate, several hours of nothing but sex had him spent, the vulpine Isiat passed out on the blankets, snoring quietly.

Shadi whined at the male, poking his side to try and get his attention, her spare paw rubbing at her abused and soaked slit, pawing herself desperately. Her heat had come on with a vengeance. For the first two nights it had been manageable, and her mates cock had more than sated her wild lusts. Until this morning.

She had awoken in a start with her loins feeling as if they were immersed in lava, a burning ache in her nethers that her mate had been more than happy to help satisfy. However, he had exhausted himself satisfying her, the scent in the air driving him almost mad with lust. Even unconscious as he was, the vulpine's breeding spire was still at full mast, twitching softly and leaking his watery preseed to run down his shaft and onto his furred sac

She could have easily enough just remounted him and had her pleasure, but even being filled with his seed would not quench the fire... And having him while he just laid there wouldn't be any fun at all. She huffed loudly, her paws going between her thighs and rubbing frantically as she slid from the bed, half hobbling her way towards the living room of their tree house home. Perhaps laying by an open window and some sunlight would help... She doubted it, but airing out the house might help to get her heat scent out of the air.

The small feline groaned out as she fingered herself vigorously, her moans escaping out the open window and into the early-afternoon air outside, ringing out into the camp that lay surrounding the tree house. Fortunately, for her, Isiat had seen to it that everyone occupying the aforementioned camp would be indisposed of elsewhere during the day, so as not to disturb the Alpha pair during Shadi's... Time of need.

She yowled frustratedly after a long moment, pulling her paws away from herself and growling as she paced back and forth, feeling just about ready to start rolling on the floor and tearing at her fur. She had never had a heat quite this bad, the feline's receptive period making her feel like a bitch in heat multiplied by the highest number she could possibly think of. It was... Intolerable, unbearable, and that didn't even come close to describing how she felt.

A sudden presence brushing against her mind drew her attention, a deep and rumbling voice that spoke with no sound in the air, but as if he we beside her distracted her for a brief moment from her frantic pawing and frustrations. "Miss Shadi? What troubles you so? Your cries are... Most distressed..." The large, red scaled dragon at the base of the tree spoke to her, the dragon's method of telepathic communication still not entirely comfortable for the feline. She knew that he took more than simply words from 'talking' as it were.

Scion knew the answer to his question before she had finished hearing his voice in her mind, the dragon slowly rising from his napping spot at the base of the tree. The dragon was technically Isiat's bonded partner, and had traveled with him since before he had come to these lands and met Shadi. He was... Still growing, to say the least, but already large enough for Isiat to ride upon, almost twice the size of a large horse, not including his wingspan.

He stretched his neck out, and arched his back, much like a cat would, his wings extending and fluttering a moment before they folded neatly along his back. He took a few steps to work some movement into his limbs, the dragon letting out a loud rumble that Shadi could feel through the floor of the tree house.

"It is nothing..." She hissed, pacing back and forth, before she paused, a devious, wicked, naughty, sinful idea coming to her mind, not that any of that registered to her in her state, however... "Hey Scion... You're a male, right? How come I've never seen you with a female of your kind?" She quizzed, the little feline making her way to the staircase down the center of the hollowed out tree.

Scion knew where she was going before the feline had even opened her muzzle, her thoughts betraying her intentions more honestly than her 'innocent' questioning. "Females of my species are not... Favorable of the harsh climate here... They prefer the warmer regions of the world to have their clutches. Why is it you ask?" He quizzed back rhetorically, he already knew the answer, the drake turning his bulk until his head faced the small doorway at the base of the tree, the little naked feline stepping into view, clutching an armful of obsidian shards.

Obsidian to Scion was what candy is to a child, a treat, that given the choice, they would enjoy in limitless bliss, like a pup whose eyes were bigger than his stomach. The Dragon rumbled out thoughtfully, as Shadi gave him an innocent smile. He could see the intent behind her eyes that she tried to hide, and right now, her eyes were flicking to his hind quarters, and between his rear legs.

"Really? When was the last time you... You know..." She trailed off, blushing at her nose and shuffling her feet like an embarrassed child. Unbidden, Images and thoughts flashed through the dragon's link with her, carnal and bestial acts of lust and pleasure between the two of them... Her heat scent rolled off her in waves, flooding the dragon's senses and making the hidden slit between his legs bulge slightly in reaction to it.

She rest against the side of his muzzle as the Dragon rested his head down closer to the ground, setting the obsidian by his jaw at her feet, and tenderly stroking a single paw along the length of his snout, tracing her digits along the smooth, maroon scales. Her fingers followed the small gaps and lines, all the way to the tip of his nose, before she slowly started them back, giving the male a firm scratch under the jaw as she went, to which he rumbled happily in response, crooning slightly like a cat.

He tried to shake it off, rumbling as he eyed the obsidian pile by her feet. She really wasn't trying to get him to do that, was she?... But he already knew better than that, he had known her intent before she had taken the first step down towards him, the felines needs dictating her actions, and he could feel her need over their link like someone pressing their thumbs into his temples.

"It was at least two years past now, a lovely purple scaled female in Cambodia, if I remember correctly... There was little talk, simply... Baser instincts... being fulfilled." The dragon chuckled, a deep, baritone rumble in his chest that made Shadi's fur ripple like the surface of a pond. He narrowed his golden eyes at the small feline, looking her over with a suspicious gaze.

"Why do you ask, little one?" He quizzed her softly, but he knew what it was she wanted from him, a way to sate her heat, and she simply figured that if there were anything that could do it, it would be Isiat's 'pet' dragon. After all, the dragons she had worshiped as a child had always been... well off in the breeding department.

And after all... There were none er mate would have trusted with Shadi's well being more than the dragon. Their bond ran thicker than blood, their very souls and minds intertwined, often acting as two parts of a greater whole. What Scion knew, Isiat knew, what Isiat saw, Scion saw. And what one did with a female... The other felt, heard, and experienced as well, if they so willed it... The very idea of Isiat being able to experience what Scion did made her shiver.

"Oh... just... curious is all..." Shadi blushed nervously, the little feline's tail thrashing back and forth in short, flicking motions. "Do you think maybe... you could show me?" she questioned the dragon, delicately placing a small hunk of the glassy black stone into the dragon's maw when he leaned his head down to inspect her.

Scion took the offered hunk of glassy black rock without objection, the dragon happily grinding it down to an almost powder between his molars, before he swallowed it. Scion questioned the little feline's motives for a moment, debating it in his head... If she did want him to mate with her, the dragon did not object. He and Isiat shared one life, if one died, so did the other, and when they were close and allowed it, their link let the other live life through each other's bodies, each thought, feeling, scent and sight shared between the two of them. His bond to her was almost as close as Isiat's own was.

It was not as if Isiat hadn't experienced several of Scion's mating flights when the dragon had recounted his experiences to the vulpine, sharing the memories between them, and in the same way, it was not as if Scion did not have intimate knowledge of Shadi... The first time Isiat had hinted that scion was 'more acquainted than she knew', the feline blushed madly, but Isiat insisted that he hadn't let the dragon be privy to those memories. In truth, there was little if anything Isiat could hide from Scion. The dragon's mind could squash whatever feeble defenses Isiat put up to keep him out, though he normally respected his boundaries and privacy. Normally...

He looked down at the feline, who had padded around to his front, leaning herself on his nose, the ripe and rich scent of her heat overwhelming so close to the source, as she wriggled and shifted from foot to foot, the nude feline's fur matted quite heavily between her thighs... Isiat had been keeping her well sated the last few days. And nights. And Mornings as well, apparently.

"Very well... I know what it is you seek, little kitten, and I will aid you, but it is on my terms and by what I tell you to do... I will help with your need, but only if you can control yourself enough to do as I tell you... I would not wish to accidentally hurt my bonded's better half." The dragon managed something that passed for a grin and a soft, rumbled chuckle. Shadi only blushed furiously and nodded, as the dragon knelt down, and lowered his neck to the ground.

"Climb onto my back, and I shall find us somewhere more... Secluded. The others might not be quite so understanding of the uh... act itself..." He added with an awkward chortle of sorts, as the little feline padded over, one paw down between her thighs and rubbing firmly as she climbed onto the dragons back. Scion suppressed a grin. Fox would be jealous; he didn't have a Shadi grinding herself against the back of his neck.

She managed a soft smile of thanks as she gripped the spikes that ran along his spine for support, the little nude felines hips rocking back and forth needingly, grinding her sex along the smooth, yet firm scales of his back. She was actually going through with this! The naughtiness of the act alone made her shiver in excitement from head to toes, and at the same time, relief coursed through her veins, and evidently down onto the dragon's back.

She blushed hotly, quickly stammering an apology to Scion, the dragon merely turning his head back towards her and chuckling. "You needn't worry about that Mistress Shadi... Simply enjoy the flight, and we shall be there soon enough." The mighty drake rumbled, with nothing lacking of a seductive charm, much like her mate's own. She blushed even redder at that, the color making her exposed flesh a bright shade of pink, and resumed quietly grinding herself against his scales.

The flight was short, but Scion would have sworn Shadi came no less than three times during it, the ripple of his scales against her bare flesh and her paw feverishly rubbing at the tight bundle of nerves at the tip of her slit leaving the back of his neck warm, wet, and smelling of her sex. By the time he had landed in a clearing some distance away from the camp, she was already working on a fourth. He could feel her need just by even reaching his consciousness out and brushing against her mind, the feline a messy, miserable, horny, frustrated puddle of lust and need, her body's demand to be sated making her bite on her lip to silence her quiet moans.

Shadi looked about, making sure there were no signs of anybody being in the immediate area, but she knew Scion would be able to sense them long before anyone could spot them. They were safe here, for the time being. She turned to face the Dragon, and immediately felt her cheeks and nose flush red, the dragons length hanging from beneath his belly, the scales parted around the base of the obsidian colored length, the hidden slit where it had slipped from. Fleshy spine like protrusions ran along the underside of his girth, leading to the bulb that could have only been a knot at the base of his shaft. There was no way that the small feline could have possibly taken it all, but her heat addled mind was more than eager to certainly try.

Scion simply let out a chuckle, as his length twitched, smacking up against the scales of his belly softly, and Shadi felt a shiver run down her spine. "So, uhm... How do we... Do this, exactly?" She spoke with a quiet, nervously excited voice, the feline rubbing her thighs together almost eagerly. The girth scared her, trying to think of fitting it in her tiny body, but at the same time, excited her beyond belief that she knew she was going to try. The shaft itself was almost as thick around as Isiat's knot, and that itself was a stretch when he decided one night he was going to fuck her with it. She blushed even harder at the memory, and the number of times she had creamed around her mate.

The dragon's tail flicked, the end of the scaled appendage pointing to a small group of smooth surfaced boulders that sat but a few dozen yards away. "If you lay back on the uppermost of those, you should be quite comfortable, and the angle should be easy enough." The dragon spoke with a silent nod, as he padded over towards the stones, the little female almost sprinting over to keep up with his long strides.

The way he said that was almost with a practiced confidence, and Shadi shot him a curious look, a sly grin tugging at the corners of her muzzle. But the moment she opened her mouth to inquire, Scion had already begun giving her his answer. "Not all of my past mates were dragons... I am not entirely new to the... Technique, as it were."

She blushed furiously at that, the thought that perhaps the dragon liked the size-play making her squirm as she clambered up the boulders, warmed by the morning sunlight, before she lay back, breathing heavily. She expected the dragon's massive figure to loom up over her any moment now, and to feel him probing at her with his long, smooth, glossy black shaft. But when she felt something slithering its way along the inside of her thigh, and then up and across her heat enflamed sex, it was all she could do to let out a surprised and startled squeak instead of moaning.

"Lay back and relax... Let me ready you for me, little one..." Scion's voice spoke gently in her head, and she nodded, biting her lower lip and trembling softly, her whole body feeling coiled like a spring. Her fingers and meat-hook like claws scratched and clawed at the boulder beneath her curvy little figure, sprawled out on them and offering herself shamelessly to the dragon, who's warm breath washed across her thighs.

Scions head rest between her knees, his tongue extended from his muzzle, the forked tip flickering as he tasted his bonded's mate's flavor on his own tongue, the rich and smooth feeling of her almost dripping nectar complimented by the sweet, yet spicy flavor it brought with it back into his maw, like cinnamon and honey. He let out a low, approving rumble that made his tongue vibrate against her outer lips as he dragged the raspy and textured serpentine tongue over her womanhood, the little feline throwing her head back and letting out a moan of pleasure that echoed through the clearing.

She gasped and panted for breath as the dragon's thin, but very, very skilled tongue bathed her cunt in his saliva and lapped up her juices like wine, pushing her hips up into his treatment. "Ngggh... More... Please..." Shadi whimpered desperately, the climax she had been nearing when they arrived building back up with a vengeance. While her mates tongue was broad and smooth, and made great for when he ran it from base to tip in single, long, messy laps. Scion's was much thinner, and more dextrose, the tip of the forked muscle coiling around her clit and rubbing back and forth, while a length of the textured dragon tongue slid between her puffy nether lips.

She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out as she came hard like a dam breaking, Scion not missing a beat as he cleaned up her sweet kitten cum from her lips, and then drove his tongue inside of her the moment he was done, the Dragon not relenting for a moment in his pleasuring of the small feline. The word and thoughts he shared with her were not verbal, more flashes of images and feelings, of her beneath him, cock ploughing her body open, of the feline holding his maw between her spread thighs, of a lust that never ended, and demanded sating now.

Shadi gasped and meowed out lustfully like the cat in heat she was as she came again, her paws reaching down to grip the tip of the dragon's nose, pulling his head in closer to her sex. His tongue inside of her fluttered about like a flag in the wind, the forked tip tickling and kissing up against her womb, slowly and gently wriggling its way past the barrier to her innermost sanctum and brushing over her very core's walls themselves, making her cry out and clamp down tightly around his tongue as her climax rolled quickly into a third, and then a fourth, as he relentlessly ate her out, his tongue drawing her taste from her very core.

She shuddered and clung to his nose like a drowning man clung to a lifeline, the female's body in overdrive. She needed to be filled, she needed a cock, and she needed it right now. "S-Scion! Please!" She begged, whimpering and moaning as his tongue brushed over the small ducts leading to her egg rich ovaries, before he pulled back slowly, his tongue slipping from her inch by inch as he drew it back into his maw, the dragon rumbling, eyeing her off hungrily.

"Mrhhmm... Very well little kitten... Keep yourself in this position, and your thighs spread, and I shall make love to you like you have never experienced before..." The dragons voice promised her, as he removed his maw from between her thighs, the male leaning his neck forwards until his maw was a mere inch from her own. Shadi blushed warmly, and nodded, the little feline squirming gently beneath his mighty figure.

And then the dragon leaned down that last inch, and pressed his muzzle, almost as large as her head entirely, gently to hers, his tongue flicking out and brushing over her lips. She opened her muzzle as he pressed the serpentine muscle against her a little more insistently, and felt as he swirled his tongue about the inside of her muzzle, tasting her lips and her own delicate feline tongue as they wrestled within her maw, the dragon only relenting and pulling away after he had given the little feline a good long taste of her own heat. The smug reptile looked like he was grinning at her as he lifted his head.

His cock slapped against his chests scales again with a messy sounding slap, before he reared up, his forepaws landing on the boulder behind Shadi's head a few feet, his breeding spire bobbing firm and long in the air between her thighs, as he rolled his hips, the meaty, tapered girth probing at her hips. "You must guide me in, Shadi... Reach down and do it... Now..." The dragon commanded, and Shadi shivered in anticipation at the dragons demanding tone.

Her paws gripped around the slick, smooth tip of the dragon's girth, and it seemed to wriggle in her grip, the little feline only now realizing it was prehensile. She carefully positioned the tip between her aching lips, the dragon above her shifting his hips back and forth like an eager pup at her touch, as she guided him to her moist, eager slit.

"And now... You are ready..." Scion rumbled, as he shifted forwards suddenly, and with a soft squeak of surprise (That was quickly followed by a long moan), the tapered, spear like head of the dragon's cock slid into her, the males natural lubricants combined with the felines copious amounts of cum already in her, both her own and Isiat's, making the first several inches slide into her without resistance, Scion's own eagerness getting the better of him as he sunk himself into her in a single, firm, smooth thrust.

Shadi's eyes flew open as she tossed her head back, her hips rising off the boulder to meet the dragon's eager push as he delved into her, his cock tip surging forwards until the tapered tip pressed firmly against her cervix, before it to slipped into her womb using same path his tongue had pushed through her just minutes before. He stopped when he felt himself pressing against the back of her womb, the dragon groaning out loudly above her, a rumble that seemed to shake the very earth.

She gasped when something hot and thick splashed deep inside of her passage, a single spray of Scion's thick preseed filling her body almost as much as one of Isiat's climaxes would have. She let out a soft, kittenish purr as she naughtily ground her hips backwards, her body desperately needing the male above her to just screw her senseless. Another warm splash inside of her later and the dragon above her finally moved, dragging pleasure down her spine as he shifted.

But she gave a cry of ecstasy when rather than pulling himself back, the dragon instead gave another surge forward with his hips, the male's prehensile cock tip curling about inside her womb as he powered forwards, sinking another few inches into her tight, and already full body, the sheer girth of him stretching her out around his breeding spire. She groaned at the feeling, and her cunt could have sighed in bliss at the delightful tightness of her muscles down there, clenching and gripping the thick beast's member like a glove a size to small, each throb of his dragon hood inside of her forcing out a trickle of the mixture of sex juices inside of her to leak down her thighs and onto the boulder.

And when he finally did pull back, she gasped, clenching her eyes shut as the soft, hook like spines of flesh raked along the inside of her passage, each one making a wet flick of the cum inside her spray out as it left her body, until he had all but pulled himself from the feline, a feeling of concern passing through Scions mental link to the small feline beneath him. Shadi simply groaned in frustration as her body ached to be filled once more, rocking her hips in a frantic attempt to get the male to just fuck her already. "Nooo~... Please... Scion... Need it..." She whined, pushing herself against him as much as she could.

Scion more than happily obliged her, the dragon growling as he shoved his hips forwards, and drove himself back into her tight and eager body. Her body felt taut around his girth as he drove his breeding spire deeper into her, the tip of his length and first few inches forced to curl and writhe about in her womb to make space for the rest of his girth as he sank her down two thirds of himself, the little feline below thrashing and squirming in pleasures previously unknown to the feline.

Shadi blinked as she looked down over her breasts to where her hips joined with the massive black shaft that was being forced into her and almost gasped in shock at just how much the dragon had managed to push into her. The tip of his girth deepest of all sent bolts of pleasure racing through her nerves as it probed about inside her innermost sanctum, the tapered tip pressing her here and there, as if searching for the spots that got the most reaction out of her when touched.

She clenched herself around him again when he pulled back, the dragon raking more of the mess inside of her out, a puddle forming and trickling down the boulder beneath the rutting pair, Scion replacing her own cum and Isiat's with thick globs of his own preseed, that pumped into her as he did. By the time he was done with her, Scion knew she would look many months pregnant. Though fortunately, his genetics wouldn't allow her to grow heavy with his spawn... That would be a... Most unpleasant experience for her was it possible.

The way she gripped him was like heaven, the much, much larger male shoving himself into Shadi's heat stricken body roughly, forcing her another inch down on his length, closer towards the thickest part of his base, the Dragon beginning to get into a tempo with his rutting, as he had with the previous smaller anthro's he had claimed on the boulders. His hips rocked smoothly back and forth in a gentle motion, driving himself into the tiny female's body beneath him before pulling back, the soft, fleshy barbs along the base of his shaft dragging out the messy sex fluids and splashing them on the boulder, before he repeated the process.

Shadi groaned loudly and gripped at the dragon's scales above her, finding small handholds between the smooth plates of reptilian hide, using them to rock herself against the male's length buried in her tight kitty slit, mrowling and groaning and hissing in pleasure as Scion began rocking in a steady rhythm, much more to the feline's liking, the dragons deep piercing thrusts filling her like she had never been before.

The sheer size of the male made her cry out when he forced another two inches of the spire of dragon meat into her, the little feline gasping. She felt like she was going to burst! Though when he drove himself forwards again without pulling back and his thick, draconic knot kissed her cunt for the first time, she did, in a manner of speaking. Her body tightened up as she came around the thick spire that stretched her out so wonderfully, her belly looking slightly swollen from the sheer volume of preseed that the Dragon had sprayed into her tight little body, flooding her womb in quite a literal sense.

Though soon she noticed his thrusts become more... erratic, more forceful, as though he were trying to force the large globes of flesh of his knot into her all to tight little snatch, the wet, echoing slap of flesh meeting flesh ringing out over the clearing. Scion was growling and panting above her, and it was an odd thing to see him like this, though the feelings she was getting from him were of intense pleasure, and a feral enthusiasm and eagerness for rutting her that only their quad cousins seemed to possess.

She groaned and huffed and moaned like a good bitch in heat beneath his mighty frame, his cock and the small fleshy barbs making her head spin from the forceful and bestial act of lust between them, her head falling back onto the boulders with a groan of sheer bliss as she came around the dragons twitching and writhing length inside of her. Her eyes darted back and forth, though took in nothing of anything she saw, the feline lost in her world of pleasure as her body gripped the dragon like a vice.

Scion roared out above her, a long tongue of flame bursting forth from his maw to set the sky ablaze above the rutting pair, as he went rigid above her, buried to his knot in the tight, soaked, heat swollen feline snatch around him, the dragon's internal testes tightening against the base of his length.

Shadi felt the first pulse of the dragons seed racing along his cock's length inside of her, like a soft swell of the tide over sand, the faint ripple of his hot cum bursting from his dragonhood inside her womb like a volcano erupting, the feline feeling the warmth rapidly spreading and pooling inside of her, as the first was quickly joined by a second, and a third, each pulse sending a torrent of the dragon's seed into her belly, the tight seal formed by his girth keeping it sealed up inside of her with nowhere to go.

Her belly distended slightly from the pressure, and Scion's length was forced back as the bubbling flood of dragon spunk sought to make room for the drake's seemingly endless climax, the poor little feline beneath him watching each new wave of cum run along the length of his cock like a ripple in the flesh, as his muscles clenched and emptied his seed into her.

And like a cork bursting from a wine bottle, finally the pressure in her womb proved too much, the dragon stepping back and pulling his still spurting flesh from her tight love tunnel, liberally coating her thighs and slightly rounded belly and breasts with his off white sprays, as the dragon's climax finally wore itself down, reduced to meager trickles rather than a burst fire main.

He rumbled above her, before he lowered his forepaws back to the grassy earth beneath the boulders, the once grey stones now looking as though it had suddenly snowed in the last minute. And Shadi just flopped back and lay in the middle of the pool of dragon sperm, panting hard, her once aching nether lips now contented and sated with a different sort of ache, the slight pain of being stretched to her limits overridden by the intense pleasure still tingling throughout her body.

Scion seemed to look her over for a long moment, before a quiet, panted chuckle rumbled from his chest, his consciousness brushing against her own like a lovers paw caressing their sweetheart's cheek. "Heh... I forgot... Just how intense the experience was... So sorry..." He smiled at her, before letting his legs fold beneath him, laying down on the soft grass beneath him.

Shadi shifted slightly while Scion recovered, a small gush of the dragons spunk leaking from between her legs as the feline sat herself upright, one paw reaching down to cover her swollen netherlips. The seed coating her had soaked into her fur, matting the tan and brown feline's coat into jagged spikes of fur that stood upright, even when she tried to push them down with her paws. The little feline groaned softly, her paws roaming down and caressing between the swollen lips of her sex. "Messy..." Was all she said, giggling quietly as she parted her digits, a string of the mighty dragon's seed hanging between them.

"Quite...We may need to find a river to get you... Better cleaned up before returning you to Isiat..." Came the dragon's reply after a long moment, Scion tilting his head to look down at the feline, a sort of grin over his features. "Perhaps... on another occasion, he might be persuaded to allow me to join in on yours and his... festivities." The red scaled male suggested, his implications rather clear. He hadn't claimed a female quite as small as her before, nor one in the midst of her heat either... And after all, he was simply helping Isiat in this... Now she could return to him with a clear head and sated body.

Shadi slowly slid from the boulder's top, the fur of her rump slipping across the now cum slick surface of the stone until she dropped down to the ground with a quiet huff, smoothing her fur down with her paws, and trying to flick the warm, white liquid that almost covered her out of her hair. She looked like she had just gotten out of a bath, if it weren't for the cum that clung to her and the reek of male that permeated the air. It filled her nostrils with a thick, musky scent, the dragon's scent, and a faint hint of her own heat that she knew already would be impossible to wash out entirely.

The pair of them slowly, very slowly made their way to the edge of the clearing, following the sound of running water to a small stream of snow runoff from the mountains, the well sated temporarily bow-legged feline splashing her fur and trying franticly with her paws to scrub the male's essence off of her, with Scion helping how he could, the dragon's tongue lapping and dragging his seed from the fur of her back. At least... as much as he could anyway...

She dunked her head beneath the water, letting the current take her waist length hair downstream until she lifted her head again. Well, at least that much of her looked clean, she thought dismally, frowning. Her fur was still matted over the better part of her body, and she still reeked of the dragon and his seed... But her heat was certainly sated for now, the feline taking a moment to simply lay on the bank of the stream, and soak up the sunlight.

The warmth inside of her belly was still there, and she could feel the copious amounts of seed the dragon had filled her with sloshing about inside of her swollen looking belly, but she was content, and as was scion, the Dragon having drifted off laying in the sun already, a quiet purring coming from his throat. She smiled, shaking her head quietly as her paws folded beneath her head, watching the clouds drift by... Maybe just a quick cat nap... That would be perfect right now, she decided...

By the time Scion had flown Shadi back to camp, the sun was beginning it's decent beneath the hills, the last hours of daylight upon them. He left her on the balcony of the tree house, keeping himself aloft as she placed a gentle peck on his snout, waving the dragon off with a smile... Perhaps next time her heat came around, she might just bring that suggestion up to Isiat... maybe even before then....

She opened the large oak doorway to the house, the sight of her mate just emerging from their bedroom bringing that familiar skip to her heart, and a smile to her muzzle as she approached him, the black furred vulpine rubbing his eyes with a yawn before he spotted her.

"There you are! You weren't here when I woke up earlier; I've been waiting for you to get... back... here..." He frowned, tilting his head to one side as he caught whiff of the deep, musky scent of the dragon, his eyes only just seeming to notice her matted and shiny looking fur. Shadi blushed, meekly facing away from him with a quiet giggle, her tail swishing to and fro.

"Messy..." Was all she said, grinning, as the male paced past her, leaning on the balcony railing and giving a shout at the dragon quickly fleeing into the distance.