Angel Part 1 - Her First Time!

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story contains themes that some people don't like, read the tags if you can't handle some of the things in the story then don't fucking read it! I don't need someone reading it then telling me I'm sick cause I wrote about something they didn't like alright? Alright! That said, enjoy!

Sunlight streamed through the open curtains and bathed the pair on the bed in golden glory. Slowly the warmth that came with the golden rays had an effect on Ben, bringing him from a sound sleep into a light doze. The feel of her body against him brought a soft smile to his lips; his Lisa was a sound sleeper, but he'd had a lot of practice in bringing her to wakefulness over the last decade.

With his eyes still closed he let his hand roam over her bare shoulder and arm. Tucked in close he placed his muzzle against the side of her neck and inhaled her scent, he'd always loved the light scent of the Milk and Honey shampoo she used and the hint of Cherry Blossom from her body wash. In his mind that only made her natural bunny scent that much more appetizing. There was a slight variation this morning, a deeper musky scent to her that he recognized as the beginning of her heat cycle, not full on yet but in a day or so...

His hand slid down to hers and he twined his black fingers with her slender beige ones lifting her palm to press a gentle kiss there, before placing her hand on her belly and moving his back to her side once more. Slipping down the bed was child's play, he'd been doing this so long that it was nearly automatic for him to gently press on her hip and roll her to her back, then slip between those gorgeous thighs and... Panties? Since when did Lisa wear panties to bed? A snort of laughter, quickly stifled, bubbled up out of him; she'd been threatening to start for the entirety of their marriage but he never believed she would. Hell, she liked waking up this way nearly as much as he liked waking her this way. Well, he'd show her that panties were no match for a determined raccoon.

Sliding into position with practiced ease he lifted both her legs gently and pressed his shoulders against the underside of her beige colored thighs. At first he just ran his little black nose over that bit of cloth that was concealing her from him, inhaling the rich scent of her sex...but that would never wake her. Still amused by the panties he started to apply his tongue, pressing against that thin cotton to wet it down and make the rest of this more easily felt through them. With a deliberate slowness he ran his tongue up over that bit of cloth, soaking it and probing around a little to see if he could force the material between her labia so he could work at her more directly.

Finding that he could, he started working up and down along the trapped cloth, adding dampness and now tasting a hint of her natural moisture through that thin cotton barrier. Her hips moved slightly, the first signs that she was awakening under his tender care, and he grinned into the folds of her sex, tongue still working up and down along that sensitive region through the cotton. Her shifting became a little more insistent and he indulged in shorter, more pointed licks working over the little bump that he knew without a doubt was her clit hidden under that moist cloth. He could hear the change in her breathing now, the faster more heated gasps that told of her impending orgasm and he kept up the oral assault. Far be it from him to deny the love of his life a wonderful morning. Both his hands slid around her thighs and pressed down into her pelvic bones knowing beyond a doubt that she was going to try to buck him off in a minute 'cause it was just too much, but not willing to let her do that.

His hands pressed down just in time to avert the first wild buck of her hips and he laughed breathlessly into the folds of her sex. God, he loved how predictable her reactions were..but that little bit of cloth was starting to get in the way. His teeth caught and pulled at the thin fabric, ripping it easily to bare the delicious petals of her labia and the already swollen nubbin of her clit.

He didn't wait when she gasped from the cooler sensation of the air hitting her hot sex, just dove right back into it, tongue lashing against that tiny button in determination. Again he held her down while her hips tried to jerk up off the bed, knowing that in a few moments she'd be so far gone into the pleasure that he'd have to stop or risk over-stimulating her. He focused everything he had on sucking that little bit of flesh into his mouth and flicking the tip of his tongue over it repeatedly. He didn't have long to wait...within moments she was screaming wordlessly, shuddering and jerking from the waves of her orgasm as it ripped through her body.

A few gentle strokes of his tongue later he lifted his head and grinned up at her, unable to see her face still as she had her head thrown back into the pillows. This view, this glorious vision of her spent and trembling from his attention alone is what kept pulling him back to her day after day. Her heaving breasts straining against the flimsy material of her nightgown, the pert nipples forcing the thin cotton up, her head buried in the pillows and the sound of her gasping as she slowly drifted back down from the pleasure he had just made her feel. All of it combined to give him the biggest hardon he'd ever had and he wanted to use it now!

But first the silly panties had to go. Rising up on his knees he let his fingers pull at the waist band, tugging the elastic down slowly over her thighs. Something tugged at the back of his brain, the panties were significant some how but he couldn't think about that now, not with his cock so hard it felt like it could cut diamond! No, his whole body was focused on getting them off so he could get into her and that's what his brain was going to have to deal with right now.

Tossing the sodden, ripped undergarment over his shoulder he bent again to lick once from just under her tail all the way up to that tempting little clit. God she tasted so fucking good he could almost spend the day between her thighs, and on several occasions in the past had done just that, but today he had something more pressing in mind.

His mouth moved up over her mons, along her right hip, then he was nosing up the light blue nightgown, shoving it out of the way so he could leave a path of kisses up the center of her belly. His hands moved to rest on the bed beside her body keeping him up so he didn't brush too much of his dark grey fur against her. When he reached her belly button he paused and let his tongue go exploring again, grinning when she made one of those lovely little squeaks that he so adored. That gave him just enough time to lift his right hand and dive under the light blue cloth, sliding up along her body until he found and captured the left nipple.

Her reaction was like lightning to his cock as her back arched and she lifted up offering herself to him in ways that made his pulse speed even faster. Balancing on his knees he flipped the nightgown all the way up, focused totally on the white furred globes of her breasts. With the cry of a drowning man he buried his muzzle against the right breast, capturing her nipple and pulling with gentle suction, all the while rolling the left nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His left hand made short work of jerking down his boxers and freeing his trapped cock...having a young girl in the house had made them a necessity that was a bit annoying at times like this.

The soft cries and moans she was emitting now drove him forward, pressing the hard throbbing length of his cock against her labia, letting it rest where his tongue had been licking only moments before so that the head brushed her clit with every pulse of his heartbeat. It was sweet music to his ears and he played her like the finest instrument known to man, every move calculated to bring the most pleasure to her slender form, to give him the wonderful view of her shuddering and trembling beneath him.

With his cock still laying outside her sex he started to gently thrust against her, letting the heat of his throbbing shaft rub up and down along her wet slit, while the head repeatedly pushed against that little swollen clit.

He smiled to himself, feeling her legs move to wrap around his waist, if he could hold back just long enough... ahhh, there. He held still while he felt her hips buck under him driving her clit hard up against his cock head all on her own as she hit a second orgasm. He let her ride through it without moving, just lightly suckling at her breast, mildly annoyed that he wasn't getting the usual mouth-full of milk that he'd come to expect.

As she started that slide back down from her peak he shifted his hips back and then forward again, unerringly finding the slit that his cock had been rubbing against and pressing gently forward. That's when everything went to hell.

Something was barring him entry. Granted it had been a while since he'd first experienced this kind of thing but if his cock was telling the truth the woman under him... was a virgin! He froze, suddenly all the little pieces fit into place, the panties, the slight variation in scent, the lack of milk, even the fact that she was in one of Lisa's nightgowns. Locked in place he managed to croak out, "Angel?" Holy Fuck, how did this happen?

Frantically he ran over the last few days in his head - Lisa losing the battle with breast cancer, the funeral, the parade of mourners, and finally last night, when Angel came to him for comfort and they fell asleep in his bed. And yet even knowing that what he was doing right now to this girl was seriously outside of what society would consider ethical behavior, his cock strained and pulsed all the harder wanting so much to finish what he'd started that he was at a loss for what to do. He should get off the girl, haul his shorts up and explain how sorry he was for mistaking her for her mother. That's what he should do.

"Ben?" the soft sound of her voice brought him back to the present in a rush and he swallowed hard.

"Angel I..." The apology started and he began to roll to the side knowing that while he didn't want to, it was the right thing to do. "Oh God, I'm sorry - I wasn't thinking and you smell like your mother. Whatever you want, I'll make it happen, if you need leave and never see me again...I... I'll understand."

He had a flashback of the first time he met her, a trembling little 8 year old who'd lost her father and was meeting her mother's new boyfriend for the first time. Jesus, what was he doing?!

She whimpered and suddenly her legs tightened and she reached up to pull him to her chest. "God, Ben, don't stop now! Please?" The words coming out of her mouth startled him, as did the note of desperation in her voice...having nearly convinced himself that she was going to demand that he get off her and never speak to her again, this was totally unexpected. And fucking hot!

For a moment he just stared down at her, torn between knowing that he should leave her alone and the driving urge to finish what he started. "Angel..." came out of him in a hesitant whisper as he gets his hands onto the bed to either side of her body. "God, Angel are you sure?"

A soft laugh rose out of her and she kissed him lightly on the nose. "Ben, I've been waiting for you for six years now." She watched his face while that sank in slowly. "Rabbits have a reputation, Ben, you know also know how young Mom was when she first fooled around. I've been sexually active since I was 12. Mom was worried that I was such a late bloomer."

Here the girl under him giggled and shifted to press her body more tightly against his. "All my friends think I'm only into girls cause I won't play with the boys, but that isn't it at all." Her eyes met his with a frankness that he wasn't expecting from the little girl...No - young woman - that he'd helped raise for the last ten years.

"I'm afraid to ask, Angel..." It wasn't fear that was keeping the question from his lips, though, it was desire, god he wanted to hear this gorgeous young woman say that she'd been saving herself for him. Wanted it so badly that he almost didn't believe his ears when she next spoke.

"It's you, Ben. It always has been you and always will be. Momma told me you wouldn't understand the rabbit way and that I should focus on other bunnies. She said she was going to talk to you about it, but then...she got sick." Tears welled up in those deep chocolate brown eyes and he did what he would have done for Lisa, he kissed her, trying to take away the pain.

That might not have been the best idea he'd had all morning if he was intending to disengage. While she had obviously never had a man inside her before, his little girl sure knew her way around kissing. Her hands found the back of his head and held him still as she tilted her muzzle and kissed him like he'd only ever been kissed by one other, her mother. It was like melting into warm heaven... the feel of her lips and tongue teasing at him was just too much to resist, and with no thought whatsoever beyond this moment, his hips shifted, pushing past that barrier and losing himself to the wonderful heat of her body.

Angel cried out, her head jerking back hard into the bed as she felt for the first time ever the heat of a man entering her body. Ben did his best to hold still knowing that this first time was going to be more painful for her than pleasurable, but god she was so tight and he wanted so much to give in and just take her, make her his. Caught between desire and compassion he managed to hold himself still letting the girl's tight body grow used to the presence of his throbbing cock. When she started to relax a little he hesitantly asked "Are you alright? Do you need me to stop?" He held himself as still as he could so he didn't make the pain needlessly worse.

A few agonizing moments passed before she pulled his head roughly back to hers and returned to that mind-blowing press of her lips against his. Taking that as a good sign he started to gently rock his hips forward just enough to fully set the head of his cock inside her. With the widest part of him in her body he felt a lessening of the drive to possess her, and a return of the considerate lover that he usually was. Letting his weight rest on her chest he captured her hands and made her let go so he could lift his head to watch her face.

"Angel, I am not going to stop since you want this so much, but you have to tell me if I'm hurting you." He waited, keeping her from distracting him with those oh so wonderful kisses until she acknowledged him.

Finding herself unable to force the issue either by kissing him or pulling him into herself with her legs she finally whined softly and nodded. "I promise, if it hurts I'll tell you. Ben, please - Can I have you now?"

Something about the way she was begging him, with her wrists caught in his hands and that look of pure desire in her eyes broke through his determination to make this last for her, and he drove himself deep into her body in a single hard thrust.

Her reaction was everything he could have hoped for... the way her legs tightened around his hips, the lift of her chest as her back arched up off the bed to press her bust against him, her head jerking back into the pillow, even the way she pulled at his hold on her wrists, it all combined with the sweet sound of her ragged moan into some of the most wonderful music he had ever made and it felt so right.

Not the same as it had with Lisa, no, he'd never have tried to hold her down even to stop her from distracting him, but something about the way Angel's body seemed to mold to his was almost more intimate than anything he'd ever done with her mother. It could just have been the knowledge that he was the first and only man to touch her this way, but it felt like more to him. Like they were connected on some higher level, something he'd never felt before with any of his lovers.

All this went through his brain in the space of a heartbeat, just long enough for her to draw in a ragged breath with him buried in her. Without releasing her wrists from where he held them pinned to the bed he started to withdraw from her body, dragging his hips inexorably back and fighting her hold on his waist.

She cried out again lifting her head to look him in the eyes, "Ben, please don't..."

Her plea was cut short as he lowered his muzzle and silenced her with a ferocious kiss. Out he came, his cock sliding smoothly from the depths of her body until just the head was nestled inside her.

Only then did he release her lips and softly question her. "Shall I stop now? Does it hurt too much for more?" He hardly got the words out before she was shaking her head and arching her hips up to try to work him back inside her. "I'll take that as a no..." Again he drove into her, pausing a bare fraction of a moment before pulling back, then again plunging his aching cock right back into her tight confines.

She made the most delightful little gasping sounds every time he sheathed himself in her body, spurring him on. Still, the urge to see how far he could take her this first time pulled at him and instead of just giving into the urge to rut he kept to a slow teasing pace, with only the occasional faster harder thrust into her willing body.

Those slow, torturous moments when he drew himself nearly all the way out of her had her squirming in the most delicious ways under him; lifting her hips and trying to fight her wrists free from his grip.

God she was so responsive... he pulled back again until just the head of his cock was still inside that velvety heat and fought to maintain control of himself. It wouldn't do for him to go off like a half-cocked teenager when she'd been waiting so long for this experience.

Needing to hold back for a few moments he lowered his muzzle to her left breast. The pointed tip of his tongue flashed out and ran right across that tender bit of flesh, licking the salt of her sweat right off in a single swipe. Her whole body jerked in response and he grinned to himself as his lips parted and he sucked the nipple and aureola both right into his mouth, letting his tongue trace around and over that hard little bud several times before settling into sucking hard at it once more. His tongue rolled against the underside while he worked his mouth down a bit lower, lips feeling the soft fuzz just where her fur started.

With her distracted by the feel of his lips on her breast, he finally let her wrists go and slipped his hands under her waist. A single gentle lift and he slid his legs forward, bracing the top of his thighs against the bottom of hers and changing the angle at which he'd be moving inside her. Before she had time to think about much more than the sensation at her breast he pressed forward again, letting the length of his shaft sink deep into her body, the head sliding up along the top of her virginal sex bringing her a whole new set of sensations to process.

She bucked and twisted under him, obviously liking the new sensations at least as much as she did the way he first was working inside her. His hands moved to her hips, holding her still while he renewed the slow steady pace at a new angle. With her hands free, now, she clutched at his shoulders, pulling herself tighter against his mouth as if she was begging him to continue the torture his tongue was dishing out. Again and again he timed the flick of his tongue to coincide with the thrust of his hips, striving to bring her off once more before he totally lost control and spilled himself inside her.

He could feel her body responding; the tightening muscles, the tremble when his tongue hit her nipple, even the gasp in her breathing telling him he was close to completing this symphony, but there was a discordant note, something he wasn't quite working correctly to bring the final crescendo. What was he missing?

Ah! His right hand shifted on her hips, thumb pad pressing down over the tight little nub of her clit just as he hilted his cock inside her. That was it, the whole symphony was in play now, he could feel her body responding and heard the most wonderful cry of "B-Ben... Oh... Oh God!" as she released the last of her inhibitions and gripped his cock tightly with those velvet-soft inner muscles. There, finally, was the music he was waiting for. With a few small shifts of his hips he brought himself quickly to meet her, pushing past the last of his restraint and into his own climactic pleasure.

His pulse thundered in his ears as his body gave a final buck into the wonderfully tight bunny beneath him, throbbing powerfully as thick, rich raccoon seed pulsed into her body, filling her to overflowing. The final thrust of his hips yanked his lips from her breast and threw his head back, leaving him poised over her, touching in only three spots now - his two hands on her hips, and the full length of his spasming cock buried deep in her young sex.

Slowly the euphoria receded enough for him to look down at the girl beneath him. Pinned to the bed by the pressure of his still throbbing and pulsing cock she looked more gorgeous than any woman he'd ever had under him before. Her hair was a tangled mess, falling over her face to nearly obscure her right eye. Her lips were parted and her tongue protruded slightly as she panted the last of her slowly receding pleasure. Never had a girl looked so beautiful to him... For a moment he was speechless, just watching this lovely creature, causing his cock to twitch a few more times.

Finally he licked dry lips and whispered, "Angel?", not sure what else to say, wanting to know if she was still with him or if he'd pushed so far past the lines of their relationship that she was going to hate him.

Her response surprised and delighted him. At first he wasn't even sure he was hearing correctly but then as it grew louder he smiled in spite of the worry in his breast.

She was laughing, a deep delighted laugh that caught at his heart and pulled him to wrap his arms around her and kiss her softly, over and over.

When she subsided enough to speak she still had that wonderfully contented sound to her voice. "Oh God Ben, that was so worth waiting for!" Her legs returned to holding him pressed tightly to her now overflowing sex, as her arms lifted to circle his shoulders. "I can't wait to see what you do for an encore!"