A Whale of a Good Time

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#3 of B.I.T.N

Another juicy encounter at our favorite club has cute little Glauron taking on one big hunk of a client. Hopefully he's learned to stretch by now...

Cameo appearance this chapter by DantheOrca

Glauron peered into the cupboards, hoping to find some coffee. The golden drake was in the employee lounge after his massage appointment earlier today, and after all the calming music and aromatherapy, was feeling pretty drowsy. Auren and Nate had gone out for lunch, and Renfear was off with another client somewhere, leaving Glauron with some time to himself. Not that he minded though, he knew there would be times like this now that the four of them were working full-time. Being just into the afternoon, he guessed that the four of them probably wouldn't be getting together until later this evening.

Growling happily, Glauron snagged some instant coffee mix that he finally found and headed over to the stove where he already had some water boiling. A minute later, a nice steaming mug of Colombian roast was in his hand, and he settled onto the couch to enjoy it.

Just as he was sipping the last of the smooth blend, Garcia poked her head in from the foyer. "Oh, Glauron! Good. I was hoping someone was still around."

"What's up, Garcia?"

"A client just arrived for an appointment, but Jacob is still with another client that seems to be taking his sweet time." The indigo fox bit her lip. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to pick up a last-second session?"

The golden drake smiled and rose to put his mug in the dishwasher. "No prob, Garcia. I'm free."

The vulpine smiled happily. "Thank you, Glau. I'll make sure you get a little something extra for this."

"Heh...just doing my part, girl." Garica told him the client was up in Room #12, and that he was simply looking for a good time. Humming to himself, Glauron strolled up the staircase and over to #12, tapping his ID badge against the reader as he entered.

Glauron had to blink a few times when he got inside. Sitting on the bed was large Orca, idly twiddling his thumbs as he waited. The cetacean was at least seven feet tall, probably more, and build like a brick wall. Broad shoulders, thick chest and abs, with arms that had to be the size of Glauron's head. His legs were thick and corded, evidence of an abundance of cycling or swimming. A large fluke of a tail rested behind him, swishing a bit as the big hunk admired the room. Oh my....

Clearing his throat gently, Glauron slipped into the room. "Er, hi there."

"Oh, hello," the whale said softly. His eyes swept up and down the gold dragon's frame. "I thought I had booked in with a leopard fellow."

Glauron shrugged politely. "You did, I'm sure, but Jacob is otherwise tied up and the moment. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.....I'm Glauron." He offered his hand, to which the large Orca shook it gently with his much larger hand.

"Daniel," he said with a soft click. "And don't worry about it....I guess this place is pretty popular."

"Yeah, you could say that," Glauron chuckled, coming to sit beside the whale. His head barely reached the top of Daniel's pecs, and the drake tried not to blush at the thoughts running through his head already. "So...er....what were you looking for today?"

The Orca blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, contrary to what you're probably thinking, I'm a bottom partner." His large hands fidgeted a bit. "Don't get me wrong...I love it. But, I'm looking to try topping more often, however, my partner isn't really into being a bottom, so..."

"Ah, say no more," Glauron grinned. Listening to the large but shy Orca made him smile inside at how lucky he was to be in an equal relationship with Auren. "So, you're looking to give a bit, eh big fella?"

"Yeah," the whale smiled gently. "You okay with that?"

Glauron grinned again and gave the Orca's leg a playful rub. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't be working here." Standing up, he started sliding off his clothes, giving the large whale a little show to get him in the mood. Obviously, it didn't take much, for when he looked over, Daniel had already squirmed out of his biking shorts and spread his legs, clearly eager to get right to it. Glauron bent over teasingly as he dropped his boxers, tail twitching to show off his tight rump, and he heard a few exited clicks and soft whistles from his cetacean client. "Anything specific in mind?"

The Orca reached out and cupped the drake's behind with a gentle, yet firm paw. "Really....I just want to fuck," he said with a blush.

"I can do that," Glauron growled playfully, and returned to lay on his back on the bed, spread out and offering himself to the big Orca. Watching as the whale approached, Glauron witnessed the pink length beginning to extend from its slit between its owner's legs. In stark contrast to the white of his belly, the whale's shaft steadily emerged and thickened, growing past forearm length as Daniel took up position above Glauron. A twinge of hesitation passed between them, before the Orca's libido won out and he pointed his curved cock at the entrance to the gently rumbling dragon. "Just....don't spear me too hard, kay?" the drake chuckled nervously.

Daniel nodded, and prodded the head of his cock into Glauron's entrance, even as more inches were still sliding from his slit. The golden drake groaned in familiar pleasure as his ring was parted and the narrow tip of the Orca's cock pushed inside him, quickly stretching him out around its slowly increasing girth. A single, soft hump was all it took before Glauron felt the familiar sensation of being full...then moaned aloud as he felt more cock being pushed into him. Above, Daniel grunted at the dragon's tight confines as he felt blood rush to his cock, the thick length throbbing up as it reached full mast. Unaware if Glauron could actually see it, the whale slowly thrust and added more and more inches to his dragon bottom, earning moan after moan from him.

"Ohh....how much...*huff huff*....more do you....*groan*...have?" Glauron asked incredulously, feeling the head of the Orca's cock push into his belly. He had already passed the mark that Auren would normally reach and then some, the gold drake starting to feel the pressure of the whale's big cock. The only repsonse from above was a series of happy clicks and grunts as the cetacean kept thrusting softly, adding inches with each push. Feeling the head go deeper, Glauron lost his restraint and moaned loudly, the whale's thick member stretching and filling him even more.

Daniel's eye were closed in bliss as he kept thrusting gently and slowly into the dragon below him, the drake's hot insides enveloping his length like nothing else. Keeping a firm grip on Glauron's sides, he worked his hips steady, feeding more and more of his cetacean maleness to his partner. Glauron moaned and growled as he felt himself filled more than he had anticipated, the head and first part of Daniel's cock filling his gut and making a very pronounced bulge in his golden belly. "Almost..." the Orca panted, his thrusts becoming quicker and shorter now, as he felt the thick base of his cock squeezing into the dragon. "Just....ugh...a little.....mphh.....mor-there!" he chirped in a loud squeak as the last of his cock sunk into the drake below.

Glauron's maw hung open and he panted like a dog as he squirmed and tried to adjust to the large cock inside him, his head swimming between pleasure and disbelief. He managed to raise his head and look down at himself, gasping softly as he saw his midsection. His belly was bulged out around the first foot of Daniel's cock, the shape protruding against his golden scales. Pressed up against his backside were the whale's heavy balls, each the size of soccer balls, practically churning with pent-up seed. Wriggling his hips slightly, he felt the thick bottom half of Daniel's dick plugging his backside, and his head spun with the size of the whale topping him. He had to be at least two feet long! "M-my...gods...." Glauron whimpered, letting his head flop back to the bed.

"Mmmm...." Daniel purred softly, savoring the feeling of having his length inside something warm. "Now you now why I don't get to top my partner often."

"N-no kidding..."

"Are you okay?" the Orca asked gently, looking down the dragon's filled form.

Glauron took a few deep breaths and willed his body to relax, urging it to stretch around this massive tool buried inside him. If his cock and balls were this big, Glauron reeled to think just how much cum Daniel would be pumping into him soon. "Yeah....yeah..." the drake panted. "Just give me a few....kay, big guy?"

The big whale nodded and held the dragon gently as he kept his well-hung cock pressed in tightly. Part of him wanted to start thrusting into that tight, warm receptacle wrapped around his cock and let out nearly a month's worth of pent-up cum. But he knew just how large his cock was, because it was the reason he bottomed so often. Despite being the very definition of a 'stud', Daniel had been quite unlucky in finding furs willing - or able - to take his large manhood.

A few minutes passed while Glauron relaxed and adapted to the two feet of whale cock inside him. He was surprised it had actually all fit, given that he had only ever taken Auren and his two lupine companions before. Maybe it was the magic, or maybe he was just oddly stretchy.....either way, having so much inside him was akin to a rush.

Sensing the dragon relax slightly, Daniel pulled back slowly, dragging several inches of his thick cock out, before sharply thrusting back in. A yelp of mixed pleasure and pain sounded from Glauron, but no cry to stop, so the Orca repeated the action, driving the last inches of his cock back and forth. The golden dragon groaned and whimpered as his body was stretched and spread by the thick whale cock, even though the pleasure was starting to override the pain. In and out, the two feet of cetacean flesh moved with agonizing slowness, steadily spreading the dragon's inner passage until it could accommodate the full length. "Ooohh....." Glauron groaned, feeling his gut being pushed by the large cock. "So...big...."

Giving the dragon a few nips along his shoulder, the Orca began to thrust steadily now, pulling about eight inches of cock out before humping it back in. Glauron's warm body felt fantastic on his cock, and it was so tight that Daniel nearly started spraying pre already. As his slick cock moved in and out of the moaning dragon, the whale began to feel his usually-dormant dominance rising, and his hips started to pick up speed. Glauron rocked and growled helplessly under the big stud as he was fucked by two feet of flesh, slowly having his sounds of pleasure increase in volume. Grunts from the whale atop him led him to know that the Orca was going to enjoy himself either way, so Glauron bared down on the large cock piercing him, and got ready for a ride.

Daniel gripped the bed above the dragon tightly as he rocked his mammoth dick into his willing receptacle. Every few thrusts, he would manage to get all of himself in, and hear the tell-tale smack of his heavy balls against Glauron's backside, accompanied by a roar of pleasure as the head drove deep into the dragon's passage. Copious amounts of pre began to leak from the whale's cock, slicking up Glauron's insides and making it easier for Daniel to pick up speed and force with his thrusts.

Before more than a few minutes more had passed, Daniel was now fucking Glauron with at least a foot of his cock on every thrust, making the gold scaled drake bounce and rock on the bed beneath him. There was so much sensation from taking such a large cock, that Glauron's own manhood was barely at half-mast, even though it leaked clear sticky pre like a faucet. He couldn't have stopped the thrusting Orca if he tried. Above him, the grunting whale grit his teeth in a mixture of pleasure and self-control, trying to make the experience last as long as possible. Beneath them, the heavy sloshing balls of the Orca rocked back and forth in time with his thrusts, the massive load of cum frothing and building within. Each thrust of the thick flesh brought another heavy spurt of pre into the golden dragon, slowly beginning to fill up his passage with the sticky fluids, rounding his belly out slightly....and he hadn't even began to cum yet.

The bed was rocking in response to the seven-foot tall Orca's heavy thrusts as he rammed into the moaning dragon below him, clicks and whistles of pleasure escaping the whale as he enjoyed the ride. The tight, warm passage of the golden drake underneath him drove him wild, and he knew he couldn't stop rutting now even if he wanted. His large cock pumped in and out of the golden scaled rump steadily, squishing and squicking with the hefty amount of pre leaking into - and out of - Glauron's passage. "Nngh....oh man.....so good..." the Orca panted, murring and making his pleased clicking sounds.

Glauron could barely manage to form any coherent sounds, feeling his body get stretched and filled by the huge hunk of whale flesh. His gut now showed the prominent bulge of both Daniel's cock and the amounts of pre-cum leaking into him, looking like he had put on a few pounds. He could feel the large, heavy sac of the whale slapping into his ass on each deep thrust, and moaned aloud when he thought of just how much more full he was soon to be. Glauron hoped he hadn't bitten off more than he could chew as the big whale rocked his two-foot cock back and forth inside him. Knowing that he was in for a massive load of cum, the gold scaled drake just prayed there was no permanent damage.

"Mmph-oh!.....oh!...OH!" Daniel grunted as his pace wobbled, then began anew with harder, faster thrusts. "I-I'm getting.....unngh....close!" The big whale slammed forward into the dragon beneath him, feeling his climax rise quickly. His stamina may not have been as long-lived as he had liked, but the warmth and tightness of the dragon's passage was just too much. Pushing deep inside Glauron. Daniel's cock began spurting more and more pre, filling the dragon's passage up as his orgasm approached. A lightning strike hit his gut, and the Orca felt his hefty balls clench and tighten against his body. "Ohhhhh fuck!"

A long, howling moan echoed from Glauron as he felt the rush begin, his gut getting socked by the first blast of cetacean cum. The first jet pumped into his belly, rounding out his frame, followed by the next and the next...and the next.... Glauron's tongue lolled out of his mouth as he was filled to capacity and beyond, Daniel's cock pumping out more and more cum as the Orca yelled and squealed in delight. The dragon's belly domed out, and continued to pulse and grow as the whale fed him every drop of cum he had backed up in his swaying balls. Eight....nine....ten.....the Orca's cock just kept spewing, breeding the golden drake hard as his cock emptied itself. The skin on his belly felt taught and almost painful as Glauron arched his back, hoping to allow just a bit more room before something burst.

Finally, after several minutes of impersonating a fire hose, Daniel slumped and sagged atop the bed, panting heavily. His cock gave a last twitch and spurt inside Glauron's passage before it stilled, and the dragon groaned in mixed relief. "Holy....hell..." Glauron whimpered, feeling his bloated frame pinned beneath the Orca.

"Wow.." the whale breathed, pulling himself up and off the pregnant-looking dragon. "That was amazing." He grinned down at the poor drake, trying to apologize with his smile. "You were great Glauron...thanks."

"Don't...*groan*...mention it," the drake huffed, rubbing his swollen midsection. Above him, Daniel withdrew his softening cock, letting the dragon clench up and retain all of his seed inside. As much as a part of Glauron wanted this flood of cum out of his body, he hesitated to make such a mess in the room.

A gentle ringing met their ears, and the Orca reached for his pants to retrieve his cell phone. "Oh...uh....looks like I have to go. My friends are ready to meet up," he said with a blush as he started pulling on his clothes, stuffing his dangling cock down the leg of his pants. "Um....thanks for a great time?"

Glauron couldn't help but laugh at the ironic cliche of 'fuck em and leave em'. "My pleasure, Daniel," he growled with as warm a smile as he could manage. "Hope you enjoyed yourself."

"Oh I did! I will definitely be coming back here."

Another quick round of pleasantries were exchanged, before the Orca shuffled out of the room, leaving the bloated golden dragon to lay on the bed. Grunting and huffing, Glauron tried to sit up, fighting against the twenty pounds he had just put on, before failing and falling back onto the bed. He laid there starting at the ceiling, caught between wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, and start calling for help. He rubbed over his domed belly, now feeling and appreciation for his mother 18 years ago when she had carried him in her womb. Remind me to buy her a present next time I go home, he chuckled to himself.

He was pulled from his thoughts then when the intercom buzzed. "Glauron?" Garcia's voice sounded though the speaker. "I just saw your whale friend leave. Everything alright up there?".


"What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah.....about that...." the dragon blushed. "Could you maybe buzz someone to come up and help me?"

"What's wrong?"

"I can't get off the bed."


"I can't get off the bed." Glauron's exhausted voice sighed over the small speaker. The indigo fox blushed and looked up at the pair of silver furs leaning over her desk listening.

"Oh..." she mumbled, trying not to join Auren and Nate in their wide grins. The dragon and wolf hid their laughs behind their paws so Glauron wouldn't hear them over the intercom. She tried to give a stern look and shoo them up the stairs, but the grin on the side of her muzzle was hard to control. They had all seen the large Orca hurry out of the lobby a few minutes ago, each one of them knowing exactly what had happened to poor Glauron.

As Auren and Nate made their way up the stairs, Garcia tried to focus back on the computer screen in front of her, as well as the next clients who entered the lobby. Before she could open her mouth however, every set of eyes in the lobby looked towards the stairs as a pair of booming, uncontrolled laughs echoed throughout the club.


Ah....poor Glau. (*laughs*)

This chapter's cameo was another friend of mine, DantheOrca. That big boy can be found here on his profile page:


Next time at BITN, a delicious trio of wolves get hot and sweaty together. Expect growling, grunting, mounting, panting, biting and above all.....knots ;)

Until next time!

Evolution - Chapter 1

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Evolution - Prologue

_No warning.....that's what I'll remember most about E-Day._ _It began like any other day on campus. Professors droning on in class....cafeteria food at lunch....familiar faces in the hallways. Nobody had any clue how things were about to change. We...

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First Time: Hazard Pay

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