Now who wants me dead?(preview)

Story by dino on SoFurry

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#1 of deadmen

Haha I know that I'm wrighting blaze and get burnt but I had to take a brake from romance and get my gore on

I love dragons and I'm using a bit of love and gore to make a good story.

"Get out!!! This is the last time you start a fight in this bar!!!" Said the bartender giving me the finger.

I couldn't care less about that bar. I don't even go there for a beer(I don't even drink) I just go there to pick fights. I like to fight, its like an outlet for my anger after the divorce. And no matter how much I fight I am still angry. My name is Ash.

I just started walking away and heard the door slam. Just then a bright light flashed in my eyes stunning me and I jumped back,(I've been jumped too many times to be caught off guard) and ducked, I swung at the man cumming up be hind me but to my suprize found nothing, I looked up just in time to see someTHING over me but then I was clubbed on the head. K.O.ed

The last thing I saw was the shadow of that... thing over me. It had 4 tentacles and jaws like a dog and claws on long 7 fingered hands and a long neck with spikes all down it. And then all was dark...

Blaze and get burnt

"Git outa here you demon go on git!" Hay this is me I'm Buddy Raetz and that was smoke ( I dont know any ones name so I call them what thay do) "oh good greef all I whant is to fish." yah I'm human but don't let that fool you. Call me stoneheart...

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Exploring New Territory

Dino found himself seated comfortably atop the warm body of his new friend, his smooth scales pressed firmly into the bare flesh with his weight. He wriggles a little, his bare butt rubbing into the slowly growing lump under it and coaxing an...

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