Blind Romance: The Revolution of Love and Sound (Preview)

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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#1 of Blind Romance

This tells of a story of where love was first birthed for the wolfsbane and the Leon. As of anyone that knows of their historical rivalry, they hold a competition between the newborns of the two kingdoms to determine of whom will become the dominate kingdom over the land of Lascaux. (This is officially my first M/F story, it gets better after this. Feel free to comment or help me to improve my story.)

There once told of a story of a child, a mystical child left in the mountains to die of a

horrid fate; this, this horrid fate was only the first of his trials that he must face. As his

father, Lucas, grand elder and commander of the Wolfsbane cried out a howl, he looked

upon the cooing face of his son as the child started to reach out to his father's chin fur; he

was wondering maybe of why he was so cold and naked out in this weather of frost. As his

father places him down on a smooth piece of rock being of the color of silver, he started to

silently sob as he knew of why he was to do; he started to give a howl to the south of the

land from where he stood, a place cascaded with trees as far as the naked eye can see

and as far as the earth could breed. The wolf pup coos once more as he wanted to get

back in the arms of his papa, but his father just looks at him crying as he just started to

destroy his leather cloak and looked to his left and right a he started to create something.

He started to mend his cloak into some brownish red shorts for the pup and also a shirt

and a tiny blanket for the little one also. "My son, my beautiful son, I need you to survive the

storm. You will understand the reason of why I am doing this; Im doing this to save you, in

hopes that you survive. If this doesn't work, I will be cheating you of not only your life, but

your sanity, your love-life, your heart, and your understanding." As the wolf father kisses

his child on the head, he starts to cut along the wolf's body steadily as he doesn't hurt his

son, he just wanted the best for him, but it was the great evil he wanted to prevent;

therefore, he had to do what was required of him as the commander of his clan. From

here on out, it was survival of the fittest....