Bridges Burned, Lessons Learned... {bondage, snuff, torture, etc}(WIP #4)

Story by Ainoko on SoFurry

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A young street rat accused of theft and sold to a wealthy noble as a pleasure slave, learns what happens when he refuses to submit to his new master.

Art is (C) Hacken on IB

Bridges Burned, Lessons Learned (gay adult)

By: Ainoko Ironrose

You know life as a slave is not as bad as we were brought up to believe. Yes we get punished for disobeying, doing what we are told to do, or for... whatever. But our punishment is done out of love, nothing else. That... and showing us who is in charge. Sure our beatings can be painful, but they help teach us lessons. But that is not the story I want to tell. The story that I am going to tell you is how I came to be my Master's favorite slave and how he saved my life, though at the time I had no idea. It happened long ago, the day before I turned 20...


I was enjoying myself, stealing an apple here, a hot roll there, nothing that would get me in trouble with the authorities and landing me in prison for life. I only took food from the merchants, nothing else, I was a petty thief then and proud to be one. But that was beside the point. Everything changed the day I walked into a shop where a merchant was selling exotic goods from within the Roman borders a week's sail to the North. I had walked into the shop to see what the merchant was selling only to be accused of stealing a fancy bauble.

"THIEF!" The Merchant cried as he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and ripping my tattered clothing off my body as he searched everywhere. "Where is the necklace you stole? I know that you have it!"

"W-w-what are you talking about?" I stammered as I felt my ears begin to burn hotly in embarrassment from my sudden nakedness. "I-I-I just walked in to see your shop!"

"LIAR!" He roared as he back handed me hard sending me flying straight into the waiting paws of the Lion Centurion Guards that patrol the city of Pelegrina. "Maybe selling your worthless hide as a slave may get enough to cover the loss of the merchandise. Guards, take it away, whatever you do to it before it is sold is no fur off my back."

When I heard what was going to happen to me, I bit the guard's paws and bolted. I began knocking things over as I made my way to the door of the stop, trying to slow the guards down so that I could escape into the market place. Just as I got to the door, something wrapped tightly around my neck and pulled me hard back into the shop where the guards slammed me onto the ground and binding my arms tightly to my sides and putting my legs and neck into shackles so tight I had a hard time breathing. I whimpered painfully as the guards dragged me out of the shop, naked as I tucked my tail between my legs in a futile attempt to cover my cock and balls.

I was forced to endure the shame and abuse that was heaped at me as citizens, street rats and slaves threw sticks, stones, garbage and rotten food at me. The slow walk to the slave stables seemed to take forever in my mind. By the time we arrived at the stables, I was coated from heat to tail in rotten food, mud, waste and other unmentionable stuff and stinking worse than the refuse pits at the public bathhouses. I was so dirty and caked with refuse, I could not see anything due to my eyes being blinded with the random refuse.

"By the gods above!" Said a deep voice in anger. "Stop right there, don't bring that walking mess in any further. I have standards here!"

"That is no concern of ours Dumas." I heard the lion holding my neck shackle say. "This insolent urchin is to be immediately sold to a noble as a slave to pay for the theft and damages he caused at a merchants shop earlier."

"Take it out back and lock it into one of the cages. Tell Elias and Costa that they are to thoroughly clean this beast. It needs to be ready for its new Master when he comes for it later."

I felt a cold pit form in my belly as I was led to the cages in the back of the slave pens where the three lions beat me once more before tossing me roughly into the a cage. Once they were gone, I heard someone approach my cage before getting hit with a bucket of ice cold water. I yelped in surprise as I was showered nonstop with bucket after bucket of water. Soon most of the caked on filth that was coating my fur was gone before one of the two slaves cleaning me grabbed the shackle around my neck and roughly pulled me out of the cage. He then dragged me to a pair of poles where the two of them tied me spread eagled to them.

Once I was secured to the poles, the two males pulled out some coarse brushes and started scrubbing my fur clean, painfully. They made quick work of scrubbing me clean before leaving the area. Not long after they were gone, the slavemaster appeared and looked me over. I shivered in the cold air as the large, imposing tiger slowly walked around looking at me.

"You know," He said as he examined my naked body. Cupping my cock and balls in his paws, fingering my ass, stroking my cock, and even examining my teeth. "You are going to make me quite a few gold crowns when I auction you off in two hours. But before you are presented to the bidders, I have to prepare you first."

At that he forced a ball gag deep into my muzzle and tying it tightly to my head. He then pulled out a silver hook with two arms in it and had large ball where the point would be, and proceeded to press it into my ass. I tried clenching tight to prevent the hook from going any deeper into my body and failing as it hilted deep inside me. I felt the savemaster tie thin rope to the shackle around my neck and to the ends of the hook before drawing it tight and pulling the hook deeper into me and making me whimper from both the pain and pleasure.

He walked away and returned with a strange flat cart that had two poles on it like the ones I was tied to but with metal rings mounted to the top ends, with a metal bolt between them and placed it in front of me. He pointed to the two slaves that bathed me, making sure that I saw the feral cheetahs they were holding onto with thick leather leashes.

"Try anything funny, or even escaping, I will have those two loose the cats on you." He said as he began untying my arms and legs from the poles. "They are trained to take down fleeing slaves with little damage, but causing them a lot of pain. Now walk to the cart and don't move until I tell you to."

Doing as I was told, I quickly stepped onto the cart and stood there waiting for the slavemaster. I didn't have to wait long before he once again tied me to the poles on the cart, stretching my limbs out as far as they would go. He then walked around in front of me and kneeled down and tied more thin rope tightly around my cock and balls before running the rope to the bolt that was in front of me between my legs. He began pulling it tight, making me whimper painfully as my cock and balls were pulled away from my body to the point that it felt like they were about to be ripped off. They burned from the tension being exerted on them, my balls throbbing painfully as they sent waves of white hot pain into my belly.

The slavemaster then tied more rope to the shackle around my neck and running it over the tops of the poles and performing the same thing that was done to my cock and balls. But this time the shackle was pulled up nearly choking me and making that hook buried in my ass pull harder making me scream around the gag from the excruciating pain tearing through my tortured body.

"That's a good boy." He said as tied the ropes down. "You will make a good pleasure slave for your Master or Mistress. Now don't go anywhere, you will be going to be auctioned off shortly."

He then strapped harnesses to some slaves and had them pull my cart to the pens, making sure that the cart hit every rut, tree root, rock, hole and obstacle in its path, sending searing bolts of pain throughout my body. By the time I was secured in the pens, tears were streaming from my eyes as I silently cried in pain. Once I was secured in the pens, I looked around the best I could only to see others in the same state I was in and in various stages of freedom. From what it looked like, this slaver sold nothing but males, males like me, small in stature, woman and child like and defenseless. There were felines, canines, ferrets, otters and various other species and ages in the pens, all of us naked and no younger than me. I was aware that there were cubs being sold as slaves as I could hear their terrified cries elsewhere in the stables. I shivered in terror knowing that what awaited them was far worse than me as they were destined for the mines.

One by one, we were taken out of the pens to be auctioned off to our new owners after they were allowed to enter the pens to look us over first. I watched as many nobles walked around and inspecting out bodies. I noticed a rather large and imposing black and red snow leopard standing just inside the pen I was in staring intently at my body. He scared me deep to my core, I glared back at him defiantly trying to show him that I was not afraid despite the pain I was in and how terrified I was.

Over the next few hours, the pens slowly emptied out as each one was finally sold to his new owner. Soon the auction stopped as the slavemaster and the buyers went to sup on their mid-day meals, leaving those of us who were unable to do anything to stay cool to suffer in the terrible heat. What was bad was that they were gone for nearly three hours and in that time, we were forced to watch the weaker of us in the pens slowly succumb to the heat. By the time the slavemaster and nobles returned, four of the remaining males from the pen I was in had died from the heat and three others had to be taken away to recover. The slavemaster was angry that he lost so many slaves that he put all but his favorite slaves in the auction to replace those that he lost.

Just before he was about to start the auction again, the snow leopard that was watching me intently went to talk to the slaver. I watched them talk for a long time, both of them gesturing wildly as they argued back and forth. Soon the slaver seemed to collapse in resignation as he and the leopard shook paws before parting ways. A cold pit began forming in my belly as the slaver approached me with two of his boys and the feral cheetahs. I knew what would happen if I made any attempt to flee as earlier during the auction, one of the males form another pen bolted once he was out of the pen:

I cringed as we were forced to watch as the two cheetahs were loosed and immediately made their way to the fleeing male, pouncing bringing him to the ground hard. Once the male was on the ground, one of the cheetahs bit down onto his cock and balls hard, making his scream in pain. The male began fighting the cheetah, pounding it on its head in a vain attempt to make it let go. We watched as he began prying the cats muzzle open in a vain attempt to free his bits, when the cat bit down harder. The boy began screaming louder and pulling away from the feline as it began pulling him back towards the stalls. The next thing that happened was that a wet, ripping sound filled the air as he screamed even louder as his cock and balls were quickly separated from his body. He collapsed onto the ground in a growing puddle of blood as he tried to stop his lifeblood from leaving his weakening body. It wasn't long before he pained whimpers and writhing stopped as his spirit forever departed his body.

The auction pens was eerily quiet as the slavemaster's boys hastily removed the dead body and cleaned up the mess that was left behind. "Let that be a lesson boys." The slaver said as he made sure that the pit was cleaned to his satisfaction. "The cats are trained to bite hard and never let go until I have you in chains. Unfortunately, that one tried to fight them and paid the price. Remember that and nothing will happen to you."

I was moved to the back of the pens where those who were sold were placed until their owners paid for them after the auction was over. I watched as the pace of the auction picked up as each male was quickly bought up by the assembled nobles and merchants. The leopard that bought me also bought a few other males, mainly the older ones that were past their prime, for what purpose I had no idea, though I had a suspicion why he bought me.

After the auction ended the slavemaster met with each of the nobles that bought slaves to turn their new purchases over to them after they paid him the gold. Once the slaver got to me, he began loosening the ropes that kept me from moving, making me collapse and whimper in pain as my arms, legs, tail, cock and balls began tingling as blood began moving through them again. I barely felt the slaves pick me up and drag me to a large, fancy chariot and place me on it. The slavemaster then forced a bitter drink into my mouth making me swallow and gag on it. No sooner had the liquid hit my belly, than burning warmth began filling my body and making me sleepy. My vision began to swim and get blurry as the black and red snow leopard stepped onto his chariot.

"Rest well kitty." He said faintly as my vision and hearing started to fade as I slipped into a dark dreamless sleep. "When you wake, you will be in your new home."


When next I woke, I was in a soft, straw filled bed with warm sunlight pouring through the window in the room as something fuzzy, warm and pleasant pressed against my back and caressing both my sore ass, cock and balls. I pressed back into the wonderful warmth knowing that most likely it was my new Master laying next to me, purring softly before drifting back into a deep dreamless sleep. I have no idea how long I slept after the slaver forced that bitter potion down my throat, but when I woke days later, the memories of the auction days prior were nothing but a bad dream.

I sat up blinking my eyes trying to clear out the blurred outlines of my surroundings. Once my vision cleared, I looked around the opulent room wondering where I was and why I was in such a beautiful room. I threw myself back onto the bed, wrapping the thick blanket around my naked body, purring loudly and happily.

"Well, well, well." Said a soft voice from the room's doorway, making me sit up in surprise. "Looks like my pretty kitty is enjoying his new home. How do you like it?"

I watched as the black and red leopard rise off the doorway and slowly made his way to the bed that I was on. He was beautiful, tall, good looking and well built, not to mention, naked. My eyes immediately went to the erect, exposed, dripping, barbed cock displayed between his muscular legs. I blushed hotly as I quickly averted my eyes from his masculinity and dominating manhood.

"M-m-m-my home?" I stuttered in confusion. "W-w-w-w-what do you mean my new home?"

"Yes." He said grinning eagerly as he pounced onto the bed, right between my legs. "You are now my property to use as I see fit. My pet, slave, toy or whatever my desire will be. When I saw you at the auction, I knew I found my mate, lover and pleasure slave."

He continued deeper between my legs before reaching down with one paw and began stroking and caressing my cock. I sat there watching, whimpering in shock as my maleness eagerly responded to his ministrations, standing up painfully as a clear dew drop slowly formed on its tip. My body shivered in both abject horror and anticipation of what was going to happen next.

"Relax kitten. I am going to show you something that you are going to enjoy, something that if you will accept if you ever want to be free." He purred softly before lowering his head onto my bits and gently licking my balls and sending jolts of power through my belly. "Just relax and let me show you what your only duties will be as my special slave."

The next thing I knew was his hot, wet muzzle sucked my aching cock inside as he began to suckle it. I mewled loudly in confusion as feelings of guilt, joy, pleasure and anger raced through my head not knowing how to react.

"Mmmmmmmm..." Came a muffled purr from my legs. "You are enjoying this but; you are going to enjoy something even more."

It was then that he pressed a finger deep into my ass, making me howl out in pain from the sudden violation. Before either of us knew it, I kicked him in his belly with my feet, claws out, tearing out tufts of fur and spilling blood, at the same time, I clawed at his face sending long trails down one side of his handsome face. What happened next seemed to move in slow motion.

No sooner had I damaged his perfect body, he went from a happy, loving man to a raging beast in no time. Before I had a chance to move, he backpawed me off the bed and onto the floor so hard I saw stars. The moment I hit the stone floor, rolled onto my paws and fled the room, trying to get away from him and my fate. A pained, angry roar lent fire to my paws, making me run faster in any direction just to find a safe hiding place.

"YOU GET BACK HERE BOI!" He yelled in anger amid loud crashing and banging. "NO ONE DOES THIS TO ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT."

I desperately scrambled about the abode, seeking either a way to escape or a hiding place, terror building up in waves urging me on. I knew that if the leopard caught me, my life was over, slain like the coward I was. In my haste to flee the house, I got lost in the mazes of hallways and dead ends before hiding in a dark corner deep in the house's upper reaches. I stayed in my hiding place for a few days, only venturing out long enough to roll in dirt piles to hide my alabaster fur from being seen by my Master and his guards.

I don't know if it was hunger, loneliness, or what, but I decided one day to make an attempt to escape my gilded cage in a bid for freedom. Little did I know at the time, I had no hope what-so-ever of escaping, my Master knew where I was hiding the entire time and setting the trap to snare me once and for all when I decided to venture out of my hole. I waited until long after the sun set to creep out of where I was hiding before cautiously making my way through the quiet house into the front foyer. I was reaching for the doorknob to make my escape when a loud crash from outside alerted me that someone or something was on the other side. I quickly retreated to the back of the room looking for another way out. As I was looking around, I spied an open door at the end of a hidden hallway that led out of the room into only the gods knew where and slowly made my way to see what was on the other side.

When I looked through the door at the other end of the hallway, I felt a cold pit of fear enter my belly upon seeing two of the guards that arrested me sitting in what appeared to be a kitchen talking to a lad not much younger than I was. Like me, he was naked as the day we were born, wearing only a studded collar and what appeared to be a strange metal device around his bits. From what I was able to tell, the 'diaper' was made from thin iron that was welded in such a way to give the appearance that the boy was a female. The device looked liked something that the barbarians from the South would wear in that oppressive heat, only it had waist and leg cuffs, with iron strips joining them in key areas.

There was an iron strip that ran down from his collar to waist band and down the front which pressed tight against the body, pressing his cock and balls deep into his body. The iron strip continued between his legs, this time with a thin, metal tube that ended just under an opening behind his ass. The strip had a second hole in it that his tail was pulled through and up his back once again stopping at his collar.

I knew that the lad was one of my Masters pleasure slaves when one of the guards roughly turned him around, throwing him on a table muzzle first, and holding him down as the other guard dropped his tunic onto the floor stroking a massive cock. I could hear the lad whimper in fear as I watched the lion position himself behind the boy, lining his cock with his pucker before slamming himself hard into that tight ass. Just as the boy opened his muzzle to yelp in from the shock of the sudden intrusion to his ass, the other guard, pushed his cock inside, stifling the cry instantly.

As I watched the guards roughly use the boy, my ears twitched and turned towards a soft scuffling sound behind me. I quickly pressed myself against one wall, looking for what made the noise. I breathed a soft sigh of relief upon seeing a roach crawling up a wall, and glad that it wasn't my Master. It was then that I decided that I would try to save the lad as I made my escape in the hopes that one of the guards in the room would behead me so that I would no longer be the property of my Master.

I took a deep breath as I tried to quell the fear that was ravaging my body at the thought of my coming death. Just as I started my charge towards the guards in the room ahead of me, something whispered in my mind that something was not right. Right before I crossed through the door, a third guard jumped out at me, roaring loudly and making me yelp in fright and back pedal away from the looming threat. No sooner had I started backing up, I hit something warm and furry. I looked up into the visage of my Master standing right behind me.

"Well, well, well... Looks like my new toy decided to leave his hidey-hole in the upper reaches." He said grinning slyly. "Just to 'free' the willing slut in my washroom."

I gulped hard as I looked back into the room to see the boy I was going to rescue, give me a wink before going back to eagerly suck on the guard's cock and pressing back into the other guard to take that cock as deep as possible. It was then that I knew I was really and truly trapped, my Master knew exactly where I was hiding the entire time, and had me trap myself by doing all the work instead of him, the guards and his slaves. The moment he laid his paws on my body, I immediately kicked him in the balls. I grinned as I watched his stunned body fall to the ground, his eyes rolling up into his head from the pain that must be ripping through his body. I proceeded to kick his body just to punish him for what he was about to do to me when a blinding white light filled my vision as searing pain tore through my head.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor as my Master viciously began beating me without any mercy. Blow after blow after blow landed on my body as he showed me no mercy. I whimpered, crying out in pain as I struggled vainly trying to get away. The last blow that I can remember with any clarity was when he kicked me in my balls with his claws extended. I can honestly say that the pain that ripped through my head when he hit me was nothing compared to what I felt from that blow and the many others that followed immediately afterwards, paralyzing me from the burning, intense pain. I laid there on the floor at my Master's mercy as he rained blow after painful blow on my body as darkness slowly took over my vision. The last thing I saw as I passed out was Master's right paw rapidly filling my vision before exploding into a blast of fireworks and pain.


I had no idea as to how long I was unconscious, but when I next woke, I found myself on my back in a large, smelly, dimly lit room, my head throbbing like I was deep underwater. When I tried to sit up, I quickly discovered that I was unable to move a muscle as I was tied to a pole that seemed to be as long as my body from shoulders to balls with my head aimed at the floor and my feet towards the roof. There was also pressure on my neck, making breathing hard and swallowing painful. I looked around seeing only shadows in the dim light that were moving around accompanied with moans and groans as if they were in pain.

"W-w-w-where am I?" I cried hoarsely into the darkness, not knowing what was going on or what will be happening next as a cold pit of fear slowly formed in my belly. "Please, I am begging you, tell me where I ...!"

My cries were abruptly cut off as a large furry paw wrapped itself around my muzzle as it was tightly bound shut with a nasty, smelly piece of cloth. "Now, now, now." Said a hauntingly yet familiar voice from behind me. "I haven't begun your lessons yet and you are already crying and begging. Don't fret kitten, I promise you that by the time your lessons are over, the only thing that you will be begging for is to have me fill your ass with my cock and seed every chance you get."

The next thing I knew, my Master grabbed my cock and balls and wrapped a cord tightly around them before letting something drop, making a loud metallic clanging noise as it pulled my bits away from my body and at the same time, sending lancing bolts of pain through my body. The only thing that kept the cord from slipping off my bits was my nuts, and they felt like they were burning and pulsing in time with my heart. A soft metallic hissing sound replaced the quiet of the room as my ears pivoted and turned in response, trying to locate the source of the noise and what was making the sound. It wasn't long before I felt the cord start to tighten around my cock and balls, stretching and pulling away from my body. It was then that I noticed that the heavier the pull on my bits got, the higher my head got as well as my ability to get a proper breath.

I looked at the shadowy figure in the dim light, pleading with my eyes to be let free as muffled whimpers escaped my tightly bound muzzle as I felt the tightness around my throat become more and more unbearable. It wasn't long before I began struggling to breathe, my chest heaving in desperation as my lungs tried pulling in air that wasn't there. Shooting stars began filling my vision as the light and my conciousness seemed to fade into darkness. The next thing I knew, I was awake and hanging face down as I was both gasping for air and emptying the contents of my belly all over the floor beneath me.

"M-m-master..." I started crying when a gloved paw came out of nowhere, backhanding me hard, filling my vision with a blinding white light.

"QUIET BITCH!" My master yelled as he hit my face again and again, making me yelp and cry from the pain the was being inflicted. "I SAID QUIET! You will not speak unless spoken to! Understand Slave?"

Before I could answer my Master, a familiar weight returned to my neck, cutting off most of my air, making me struggle ineffectively in my restraints. I looked at my Master, pleading with my eyes for mercy, but knowing deep inside that he would never grant me his mercy until he was satisfied that I learned my lessons. My Master looked scornfully at me, spitting on my muzzle before disappearing from my view and going to another part of the room.

He wasn't gone very long when before a soft, slow clicking sound filled the silence in the room making my ears perk up trying to locate where they were coming from. I strained my senses trying to learn what was making the noise as I knew that whatever it was, it wasn't good. I heard my Master's steps as they approached and stopped next to me. He roughly opened my muzzle and forced something hard into it and tying it to the back of my head. Once he was done, he walked away, his pawsteps quickly fading away as he walked out of the room, leaving me to suffer through this lesson, and suffer I did.

I lay there counting the clicks, quickly discovering that there was one click for every five beats of my heart and that each click was followed by a tug on whatever was around my neck. Time seemed to crawl slowly as not only did the tugging on my neck increase, so did the pressure and pain around both it and my bits. I whimpered around the gag in my muzzle as I began struggling from the pain as I futily tried to escape my torturous lesson as the air I was breathing was slowly being cut off. Hours later I was desperately fighting to breathe through the tight, constricting device around my neck as I faded in and out of consciousness. Through it all, I kept seeing visions of my Master standing either by my head, at my feet or in the doorway, grimly smiling as I suffered through my lesson. The last thing I remembered before passing out from both the excruciating pain in my lungs from the lack of air they were getting and my bits as they seemed to be sitting on the dirty floor beneath me was my Master slowly walking into the room with a riding crop in his left paw before searing pain tore through my body as he mercilessly whipped me from shoulders to shins.

I screamed out in pain from around the dirty gag in my muzzle, tears streaming from my eyes as I tried to flee to someplace safe and away from this monster, only to realize that I was securely bound to something similar to what I was on in the slave pens. My Master spared no part of my body from the whipping, paying more attention to my cock, balls and ass than anywhere else.


Eventually the blows to my ravaged body slowly came to a stop and my body released from whatever it was on before being carried to another room and placed on a rough straw filled bag. I lay there sobbing loudly afraid to look at my Master even though he was in the room with me, knowing that if I did, I would be visited with more beatings. I curled up into a ball with my paws holding onto my now swollen bits, scared to look to see how badly they were mangled.

"Make sure that my slave is fully healed." My Master said to someone outside my cell. "His lessons won't continue until I know that he is ready and not a moment earlier. And as for you Alexis..." He said to me. "The beating you got today was the worst that you will ever get, unless you hurt me or anyone else in this house again. You will be beaten everytime you fail to learn a lesson, fail to properly address me or attempt to escape. You understand?"

I shivered not just from the cold and cruel words from my Master, but from the wounds all over my body and the cold air in my cell. I curled up into a tighter ball, refusing to answer him, knowing that more blows from the riding crop will shortly land on my body. What happened next caught me completely off guard.

"Alexis..." He said sighing softly before continuing. "I can beat you even more for not answering me but I won't. You've already had your lesson for today, however, after this, I won't be so forgiving if you don't answer me. Rest and heal, as when you are your next lesson will begin."

I heard my Master walk out of my cell, closing and locking the door before once again talking to the unknown person from before. "Let him rest and cry himself out tonight, tomorrow make sure that he is up and walking before you drain his sac. You can do anything you want with him but you will never violate his virginity. That is my right as his owner, if you violate his virginity, I will make sure that you will be begging me to kill you by the time I am done with your punishment."

"Yes Master." The unknown male said softly.

Master's Pet

**_Master's Pet_** **_By: Ainoko Ironrose_** **_Prologue: The Storyteller Appears_** **_The vast room slowly filled with furs of all ages, as it did muted, excited voices began filling the void in anticipation of what was to come. It wasn't long...

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Bridges Burned Lessons Learned (A WIP)

**_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...

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The Games He Plays - Day 4 The End?

Day One: []( Day Two: []( Day Three: [](

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