Birthday Boy

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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So it was Ryclmn 's birthday yesterday! Or a few days ago, depending on time of posting, so I wrote him a short, pornographic story as a gift! I hope you like it Ray!

Ray lay in the sun, his dark green scales glistening in the bright sunshine. The sun shone over the waters of the swamp, a slight steamy mist hung over the rippling surface, making the air damp and humid. The anaconda sighed, closing his book and placing it down on the ground next to him. Placing his hands behind his head he gazed up at the bright blue sky. He was lying atop his coils, which he had formed into a sort of nest. Closing his eyes he let his mind drift to idle thoughts. One of which was that today was his birthday.

Spending it in a nice, warm, humid swamp. Not everyone's idea of a birthday outing, but Raul had insisted. Raul... he was a funny one. Ray still couldn't quite figure him out. They had become extremely good friends since he had found Ray after Ray had managed to get himself lost in a swamp in South America. After that little debacle, they had become extremely good friends.

They had been out here for a few days now. Ray looked over at their small camp, set up on the waters edge on a patch of grass that separated trees from swamp. Ray lifted himself up, uncoiling his long thick body and slithered over to the camp. Raul had decided that clothing (such as it was when everything below your waist was rippling, muscular tail) was not allowed. Ray did have to agree with this one though. The sun felt extremely good on his bare scales. Back home they always seemed rather dull, but a full day of glorious sunshine had brightened them up considerably.

He opened up the cool box that had been partially dug into the ground and pulled out a can of coke. Raul was off exploring the swamp, "looking" for something. He was always looking for something interesting. He would probably come back with a skull or something. Ray frequented Raul's home, and was convinced his friend was a wizard of some sort. His home had the craziest selection of stuff. Herbs drying on the walls, weird talismans and dream-catchers, and the biggest collection of heavy metal CDs and records Ray had ever seen. He also had at least two incense sticks burning at any one time, so the house always smelled smoky and sweet.

Taking a swig from the can, Ray looked back towards the water of the swamp. It did look rather inviting. When you said 'swamp' to most people, they imagined dark, dirty, stagnant water, full of reeds and algae and teeming with alligators. The thing about the alligators wasn't wrong... or the thing about the reeds and the algae. But the water was pretty clear, and it certainly wasn't stagnant. Ray hurriedly finished his drink, and tossed the can into a bin bag.

He slithered down the bank and into the water. It was cool, but not cold. He let it take his weight, drifting off into the swamp. The water wasn't particularly deep, perhaps four to five feet at most, but it was plenty to swim in. Ray drew in a deep breath and dived under the surface, his powerful tail propelling him gracefully along. Being an anaconda in this sort of environment was really quite wonderful. Ray imagined being a cat wouldn't be quite as spectacular.

He twisted around and looked up at the surface, beams of sunlight lanced through the water where the surface was not covered by algae. The water itself was surprisingly clear with very little sediment. Ray swam up for air and peered about him. The swamp was already looking wilder. He was surrounded by trees with thick clumps of moss hanging down from the branches. His tongue flicked out his mouth. Ray frowned. He could taste something sweet in the air. Like... incense. He grinned. Raul was in the area.

He swam slowly through the water, periodically tasting the air. The taste soon got stronger, until he spotted something moving through the trees. He lifted his head slightly higher out of the water and spied Raul. His fellow snake was moving elegantly through the trees... quite a few meters from the ground. Ray was far too heavy to move that quickly through trees. But Raul wasn't an Anaconda. Well, not pure blooded like Ray. He was a hybrid of green mamba and green anaconda, so he wasn't quite as large or as heavy as ray was, and was better at climbing. Ray began moving after him. Ray was definitely a better swimmer though and he had perfect markings. Raul inherited the bright, pattern-less, emerald green from his mamba half.

Ray wondered if Raul had spotted him, and poked his head back out of the water. Raul had vanished. Ray frowned and raised himself further out of the water, looking around. A sudden shiver ran down his spine, and he turned just as the water exploded up in front of him. He felt coils winding around his, and arms grabbing him around the waist, pulling him under the water.

Ray blinked, and looked up into the heavily tattooed face of his friend.

"Gotcha." Raul said, bubbles issuing from his mouth.

Ray rolled his eyes, and pushed off the swamp floor with his tail, carrying them both up to the surface.

"No you didn't." Ray replied with a grin.

"Just because you have crazy anaconda strength."

"Hey, you have it too."

"It's still not nice to bully people smaller than you."

"You started it."

"Details, details." Raul said, waving a hand dismissively. "Anyway! I'm glad I found you, I have something I want to show you."

"Oh?" Ray replied, raising a brow.

"Oh yes indeedy. Follow me!"

Ray followed Raul through the swamp, their coils rustling as they moved over slightly less waterlogged ground. They didn't have to go far, before they emerged in a small clearing awash with sunlight. Right in the middle of the clearing was a large pool of mud. It was a sort of greyish brown colour. Its surface glistened in the most inviting way.

"Happy birthday." Raul murmured into Ray's ear. Ray could feel his cheeks getting hot. He suddenly had flashbacks to that time in South America...

"Uh... wow..."

"I know. Looks nice, huh?"

"It... it really does."

"It's been in the sun all day, so the mud is nice and warm, It's also pretty deep. Plenty of space for your fat tail."


Raul chuckled.

"Sorry. You ARE the birthday boy after all. You can do whatever you want." he said.

Ray glided over to the puddle and dipped his hand in. The mud was incredibly soft and smooth, and had the consistency of chocolate pudding. Raul slithered up next to him.

"Does it meet with your approval, you kinkster?"

"It certainly does." Ray replied, feeling a little wave of excitement pass through him. "So... as the birthday boy, I can do whatever I like?"


"Oh good."

Ray grabbed Raul around the shoulders, and tangled their coils together. Then he pulled the smaller snake into the mud pit with him. Their thick, shimmering lengths slowly sank into the thick mud, the ooze closing gloopily over their scales.

"Steady on!" Raul exclaimed, but Ray placed a finger on his lips.

"You said I could do whatever I wanted." He said in a low voice. Raul swallowed. Ray felt their coils touch solid ground and smiled. He pushed Raul backwards so the mud rose over his waist, looping his coils around his torso and pinning his arms by his side. Ray leaned down and pressed his snout into Raul's. Raul whimpered and parted his lips, letting Ray's tongue slip into his mouth. Closing their eyes their tongues danced about each other's mouths, saliva beginning to trickle down their chins.

Ray could feel Raul writhing around under the mud, but he used his heavier coils to keep him in check. Raul let out a soft whine, his body shivering in Ray's coils. Ray had discovered a while ago that, despite his outward confidence and worldliness, Raul was terribly shy and submissive when it came to anything even remotely sexy. Which was fine with Ray of course. He liked it when they squirmed.

Breaking the kiss, Ray allowed himself to sink deeper into the mud, delighting in the feeling of the thick muck oozing over his scales. He pressed his chest against Raul's with a delightful squelch. The feeling of mud and scales rubbing together was sublime, enough to make the two of them moan in unison. Ray felt something pressing against him, so he placed a hand on Raul's chest and slowly slid it down his body, under the mud. Raul gasped and squirmed.

"Seems somebody is a little excited." Ray teased, squeezing. Raul whimpered and arched his back.

"Haaahh... You're so mean..." He gasped.

Ray grinned. Placing his hands on Raul's shoulders, he pushed himself up, causing Raul to sink up to his neck in the ooze.

"No talking from you. I can think of far better uses for that snout of yours." Ray replied, his member emerging from a near invisible slit just below his waist. The pink, shiny member was stark in contrast to the thick mud that coated Ray's body.

"Open up." Ray ordered. Raul complied, easing into Raul's warm, wet mouth with a sigh.

The soft fleshy folds of Raul's mouth closed around Ray's member, causing the anaconda to gasp.

"Y-you know what to d-do." Ray stammered.

Raul began suckling gently on the cock in his mouth, coiling his tongue around the length and squeezing softly. Ray sighed again, placing his hands on Raul's head. He slowly caressed and stroked Raul's smooth, intricately tattooed scalp. Raul began to slowly move his head back and forth, squeezing and suckling with his tongue. Ribbons of saliva and Ray's sexual fluids clung to Raul's snout and Ray's slit.

Ray's coils began to move under the mud, his massive lengths squeezing around Raul's. Occasionally a mud dripping loop of thick, muscly tail would break the dark surface of the ooze, before sinking back down again. While Raul slurped and suckled, Ray decided to return the favour, bringing the tip of his tail up and wrapping it around Raul's submerged erection. Raul let out a muffled squeak, his own coils being tangled up and dominated by Ray's. There was an obscene squelch, and Raul let the member pop out of his mouth, dripping a thick coating of saliva and pre.

Raul began running his tongue up and down it's slick length, letting the mix of fluids pour over his chin and snout, splatting wetly into the mud. Ray groaned and thrust his hips forwards, squeezing Raul's cock. Raul moaned and plunged his mouth back around Ray's throbbing member.

"Ha... I better... cum... before you do." Ray panted, grabbing a hold of Raul's head and forcing him down. Raul made a slurping noise as his snout was buried in Ray's fleshy folds. Letting out a somewhat wet hiss, he sucked hard, Making Ray gasp with surprise, arching his back.

"D... Do that again!" Ray cried, and Raul complied. Ray let out a silent cry as he climaxed. A shiver ran down his body, causing his coils to tighten. Raul couldn't make a noise as the sudden contraction around his cock forced him over the edge as well.

The two snakes writhed and thrashed in the mud with abject ecstasy, mud flying everywhere. Raul pumped his load into the thick mud, while Ray's cock spasmed in his maw, filling his mouth with hot, thick, sticky cum. Raul swallowed some, then opened his mouth with a pop, letting the gooey streams of spooge splatter over his face and tongue. Then it was over.

Ray, panting, allowed himself to sink down to Raul's level. Moaning softly as the soft mud caressed his twitching member. Raul's face was dripping with a mixture of mud and cum.

"H-how was that?" He asked with a shy smile.

Ray returned the smile, and grabbed Raul, dragging him into another, much sloppier kiss.

"Are you sure you aren't gay?" Ray asked, breaking the kiss.

"No... I just... do gay things." Raul replied slightly breathlessly.

Ray chuckled and pulled Raul on top of him, lying down in the mud, his head resting on the bank, Raul's resting on his chest.

"Don't worry... I'll be ready for round two in a minute." Ray said, stroking Raul's head.

"Round two?!"

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