Captivity Pt 2

Story by Sephirah6075 on SoFurry

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Part 2 of the Captivity story as promised. I hope the ending doesn't disappoint anyone but once I start posting my ACTUAL story involving the world this takes place in, you will eventually see what happens to Tigerlily. In the mean time I do so hope you enjoy.

Captivity Pt 2

Tigerlily awoke lying on a mound of varied silks. It was piled high into a corner of the spacious room that she was in. This was Asmodeus' personal quarters. She had been brought here after the brutal oral sex that he had done to her the previous day. The memories of the pain and humiliation brought tears to her eyes yet again.

Looking around, she noted several forms of restraint in the room. From stocks to altered chairs with straps and other forms of restraint she knew right away that Asmodeus used the room for only two things: rest, and sexual pleasure.

'That is if demi-gods even sleep,' she thought, bringing a slight chuckle to herself through the tears. Sniffling back the last of the tears, she stiffened herself inwardly and brought her soldier mindset back to the forefront. Asmodeus had not broken her spirit yet. She was determined to find a way to escape. Quickly taking stock of the situation she noticed that yet again, she was nude and there was no clothing of any sort in the sparingly furnished room.

Besides the ragged and faded silks that she had been lying upon and the instruments of sexual depravation, the room was bare other than the iron door in the eastern wall. There was not even a viewing slit in that. In fact, depressing as it was, this room was no better it seemed than the cell in which Asmodeus had violated her the day before.

The memories caused Tigerlily to involuntarily run her tongue around inside of her mouth. The scars caused by the foul half-demon's barbs were there, despite the healing he had given her. She was not surprised. The number of times he had to heal from the forced oral sex would have resulted in scars no matter the skill of the healer.

A sudden shimmering in front of the door caused her to crouch into a defensive position. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat as the Abomination coalesced out of thin air. His eyes were upon her before he became a solid presence and all ideas of escape were replaced with panic in her young mind. No matter how prepared she had been as soldier for the inevitabilities of war, Asmodeus was nothing that could have been prepared for.

'Ah, I see you have awakened my dear,' he rasped. 'Last night was hardly satisfying to be honest. I do so prefer something a tad more.......excruciating in order to reach a truly satisfying release.' His sickly flesh tightened around his mouth as he smiled at her in a sickening grin that sent a mixture of fear and rage through her.

Yet again, his broad pallid wings were wrapped around his body giving her no indication of whether the half-dragon wore any sort of clothing or armor, although, she guessed that as before, he was nude as before. Such a being seemed to have no need for armor.

Despite the imposing presence, Tigerlily was not going to let him defeat her mentally. She bared her fangs defiantly and growled, 'You're going to pay for what you've done Asmodeus. Not just what you've done to me but what done to our kingdom. When Xeon...'

Her decree of vengeance was cut off suddenly as Asmodeus moved so quickly she could not even see his movement as he was suddenly in front of her. His heavily muscled arm swung and the back of his hand slammed violently into her open muzzle. The impact produced a sickening crunch and sent the tigress flying back. A spray of blood from her nose went so far as to reach the wall as she landed onto the pile of silks.

The attack had cracked her jaw and broke several teeth. She lay there writhing in pain, trying her best not to scream at the excruciating pain. Still, her whimpers were quite audible and her mind was so shaken she had no idea that the half dragon was approaching again.

Asmodeus reached down and grasped the squirming female by the throat. He picked her up easily and slammed her into the wall, bring his evil grimace close to her face. His breath smelled of rotten flesh and brimstone. Even then, she could not even smell that as he began to apply pressure with his strong grip. Soon she was flailing against the wall, gasping just the slightest breath into her lungs.

'You obviously didn't learn any manners yesterday, now did you bitch?!', Asmodeus hissed into her bleeding face. 'I shouldn't have healed you after our little fun. Its obvious I have treated you too well.'

Her eyes met his and her fear returned with a newfound strength. The panic raced through her as his glare bored a hole into her mind with images of the days to come. Rape, torture...'Would he kill me?', she thought. 'Please just let him kill me', her mind told her.

With a grimace he threw her easily across the room, where she landed with a thud, gasping loudly for breath. Every cough brought blood and a searing pain through her muzzle where her jaw was surely broken. Without pause, the half-dragon came at her. She lifted a paw up to defend herself, but it was no use. With lightning speed he brought a clawed foot up and connected in her jaw again. Her body seemed to be frozen in midair to Tigerlily. The pain of the constant abuse to her broken jaw had her in a state of shock. His kick was so powerful that she had physically been lifted from the ground and flipped backwards. The pain was so intense that all she could see was a blinding white light. With another sickening thud, she landed in a contorted pose near the stocks.

Tigerlily lay there, shuddering. Her entire body felt as though it was being with needles. It took every fiber of her being to not scream. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes just as they had the night before. Carefully, she rolled herself to her hands and knees. Her eyes popped open suddenly at the pain of Asmodeus kicking her hard in her midsection. She rolled with the force of the kick, trying to lessen the pain of the impact. She couldn't catch her breath it seemed. She watched helplessly as he sauntered towards her and placed a heavy foot on her chest.

Asmodeus enjoyed playing with his new toy like this. It was far more fun when they were hard to break. After all, what fun were his captives when they did everything that he wished. 'No , no fun at all', he thought to himself as he brought his weight to bear upon the tigress' chest. His grin grew wider as her eyes did. He pressed harder down with his foot and Tigerlily began to claw at his ankle desperately, using every ounce of what strength she had left to attempt to move him from off of her. Finally watching her eyes roll wildly in their sockets from sheer panic he took his foot from off of her chest. Her gasps for air were ragged and loud.

Grabbing her by the scruff of her neck he lifted her easily onto the stocks' platform. In her dazed condition he had no issues placing her neck and wrists into the appropriate slots. Asmodeus then slammed the top half of the device down onto her. He then took his time securing the locks that would hold her in place.

Tigerlily's mind raced again in a panic with what was happening. Her vision was blurred though the pain of the physical beating Asmodeus had just given her. Still, she was very aware of the fact that she was now completely harnessed in the stocks. She tried as hard as she could to squirm around, hoping that her slim frame but the movement sent a jolt of pain through her shattered jaw as she ceased to try. She hung there in disbelief. Even after the events of last night she couldn't believe that this was happening.

Asmodeus walked near her and brought his maw close to her face. His long, forked tongue appeared and began to roughly lick her muzzle, seeking the blood oozing from the corners of her mouth. Tigerlily fought through the pain to try and get away from the half-dragon's licking, but his left claw came up and grabbed her muzzle hard.

Tigerlily couldn't hold back anymore. She finally screamed from the pain of his tight embrace, squeezing the fractured jaw tightly. He laughed harshly in her face at the weakness she had finally allowed to show. His tongue came back to her muzzle again, slowly lapping the fresh blood that had appeared. She began sobbing finally, and he licked at her tears as well.

Asmodeus' grin widened as her tears flowed more and more freely. It was obvious to her this monster was enjoying her pain more than anything else. She tried desperately to find some form of anger or rage inside of herself to latch onto, but all she could find inside of her mind was despair. Her beloved Whitestripe thought her dead. Even if he knew of her capture, there was no way he could rescue her. It would be suicide.

The half-demons foul breath was disgusting and bile rose into her throat at the smell.

When Asmodeus had finished getting his fill of her blood and tears, he cleared his throat and suddenly spit a wad of phlegm into her face. She flinched as the wet smack of his spit onto her muzzle reached her ears. He stood there, seemingly admiring his handiwork with a wicked grin spread across the nightmare that was his face.

'You know my little tigress, as much fun as fucking your tight little throat was yesterday, I think it would be much more fun to leave your jaw broken and help myself to the other....pleasantries you have to offer.' Tigerlily lost sight of him as he strode over to the side of the stocks' platform and stepped and behind her. Her helplessness was realized anew when she felt one his claws grab ahold her long, striped tail and yank it upwards hard. Asmodeus was actually lifting her backside into the air with the force he was applying to the appendage. The pressure could be felt all the way through her spine and into her ribcage.

Wasting no time apparently, she felt his tongue begin to lap at her softly furred netherlips. The violation of her private area brought about new tears. She was beyond rage and fighting back. There was no hope for Tigerlily in her young mind. In her mind something snapped. She was no longer the Tigerlily that had left the kingdom of Zorandor a warrior. She was now Tigerlily the ruined tigress. She would be dropped off at the gates of Zorandor a broken creature. Her mind warped and numb to all around her from the many rapes that would come at the hands of this vile creation of a dragon-god and demoness. Her weeping stopped and her body went lax. Tigerlily was no longer anywhere near the room that her body resided in. She was dead.

Asmodeus seemed not to notice the change and instead changed his ministrations from her soft mound to the puckered flesh of her tailhole. The sudden shock of her bared asshole being rimmed brought a sudden gasp to her lips but still her mind was condemned to her situation. The probing tongue continued alternating between the two sensitive nether regions of Tigerlily's for quite some time as she hung there in the stocks. Every once in a while, Asmodeus would cause her to scream by pulling upwards hard on her tail or make her gasp by pushing his tongue into one her two slavered holes.

After what seemed to Tigerlily like an eternity of having the monstrosity's tongue probing and lapping at her tender sex and tailhole she felt one his thick, clawed fingers push its way into her unwillingly slick vagina. The course, scaled flesh of the finger was incredibly uncomfortable to her as it slid in and out, reaching further into her still unused pussy with each quick thrust. It wasn't long before he had to apply no small pressure to get the finger in past the second joint. This force caused her to whimper as Asmodeus chuckled from knowing the discomfort she felt from having her virgin membranes stretched forcefully.

Despite being raped, the tigress' body began to respond to the intrusion of his finger into her pussy by releasing the lubricating fluids to allow for easier access. The warm, and not unpleasant sensation, arising in her sex spread the cloud of despair even further within her mind. Her tears began to flow freely again and her cries more audible. In her mind's eye she saw her beloved Whitestripe's face looking upon her in disgust after she had been delivered back to the gates of Zorandor as mindless, destroyed vessel.

The image of her disappointed fiancée was quickly torn from her mind though as her tailhole suddenly burned with the pain of another of Asmodeus' fingers suddenly being forced inside of it. She howled from the pain and humiliation she felt at the degradation he forcing upon her. The half-dragon laughed loudly at the sound of her distress and responded by forcing the finger all the way into the tight folds of her asshole. The edges of the scales pricked irritatingly at her tender sphincter muscles as he began to quickly pull the finger back out before forcing it back inside of her with no mercy, all the way to his last knuckle.

Along with loosening her ass, her forced a second finger into her pussy, stretching it painfully and beginning a fast paced rhythm inside of both the tigress' holes. Despite the lubrication of the fluids inside of her vagina, Tigerlily's walls still burned painfully from the sudden, forceful entry. She continued to yelp and cry out in pain but was careful not to squirm or open her jaw too wide due to the still vivid pain from it being broken.

'Why won't I just pass out? Please, just let me pass out from the pain soon,' she thought to herself. If she was fortunate, she would go unconsciousness and maybe even stay that way through the soon-to-follow brutal rape that was sure to come.

For several minutes, Asmodeus continued the same routine until more juices came and even began to leak from around his fingers inside of her furred sex. He laughed and said, "Well, well.... Aren't we a little whore! Your tight little pussy is overflowing already. If you could still speak I'd ask you tell me how much you love it bitch, but alas; your jaw being broken and all I guess I'll just have to enjoy what sounds I can force out of the ruined throat of yours."

Without warning, he suddenly forced a third and fourth finger as far into her pussy as he could, which was not very far at all considering the tigress' virginal status and small stature. Still he pushed and pushed at the entrance of her sex with the fingers causing Tigerlily to finally start screaming again from the incredible pain of having her lips and walls being stretched so far so quickly. Still, despite the pain and unwillingness of his victim, Asmodeus soon found that her tiny pussy was allowing all four of the fingers inside of it up to his second knuckle.

His laughter grew loudly as her screams grew even louder as he forced a second finger into her tailhole with no warning and no restraint. Her screams were beginning to stretch her mouth open wider as well, which merely caused the pain to begin to flow all through her body. Her mind was white from the fiery pain coursing through her and a spot of black was beginning to form in the center of that blindingly white-hot field. Her mind quickly began to swim towards the ever growing darkness, realizing that there was some sort of relief within that place. As she grew increasingly close, it began to recede slightly and a warm tingling sensation began to overcome the pain ever so slightly. With a sudden shock, Tigerlily realized that Asmodeus was healing her.

"No!", she screamed. The walls reverberated with the high-pitched and pain-filled scream that escaped her throat. The darkness as well as the light finally faded from her vision and was replaced by something that made her scream even more. Asmodeus was standing directly in front of her, the green glow of healing energies fading from his aura as they left him from his having healed her just enough to keep her conscious. Her jaw still burned from being broken. Her tailhole and pussy ached terribly and spasmed against her will.

Her screams slowly faded to ragged sobs and gasps for breath. "Please, just kill me. I can't take it anymore," she sobbed, her head hanging in sorrow before the half-demon.

Asmodeus merely laughed at the plea for mercy. A hand reached out and grabbed her jaw again, squeezing it hard and causing her to scream again. He brought his vile grin inches from her muzzle and stared into her wet eyes. "Oh come now, Tigerlily. You know very well I'm not going to do that. But please, feel free to beg all you want. Your pain, fear and sorrow is what I truly enjoy. It is your helplessness that is the real satisfaction for me. And finally," his grin grew wider and he pressed his face even closer to where his nostrils flared against hers, "when your mind is broken and you eventually become as the whore you despicable Beastmen females are: that is when I will throw back to your precious kingdom walls. Then, your true mind being trapped behind an impassable wall of mind-numbing pain and humiliation at the creature you've become, you will live out your life the same as the miserable creatures that you have come to see before you left the castle. That is your destiny after I am done with you bitch!"

He slapped her hard then and she screamed anew. But she wasn't screaming from the sudden flare of pain in her jaw. She was screaming at the truth that had been staring her in the face since she had awakened in that dungeon cell yesterday.

Once again she screamed for what seemed like an eternity, until finally her throat gave out and she resigned to sobbing wordlessly again. Asmodeus continued to laugh as he walked back around behind her atop the platform. Healed, her mind was no longer allowed the numbness of being as if in a faraway place. The painful stretching her spine and tail was as fresh as the first time when he hoisted her backend up again. She squealed through the tearful sobs. Tigerlily could no longer find the will to squirm. There was no strength that she could find to struggle or fight as she felt his other clawed hand grab one of her buttocks and pierce the flesh through the fur with his claws.

"Now then, I think I've been merciful enough in getting you ready for my cock little tigress." Without another word she could feel the enormous head of his phallus press against her labia. Her cries grew louder as he pressed ever so slowly forwards.

"Please no! What do you think this is going to do if not kill me! Please don't do this!", she screamed as the tip of the head pushed her lips apart and began stretching her.

She heard him chuckle from behind her and then the next thing she heard were her screams echoing in the room. Asmodeus had pushed hard all of a sudden. The head of his penis was no inside of her vagina. Still, its girth was so large that her tight, unused pussy could not handle it. Her muscles were contracting painfully around the invading member but Asmodeus held her tightly in place by gripping her tail and her the cheek that his claws were embedded in. She gasped in air and began to beg for mercy yet again. Her pleas were met with a bout of laughter and the feeling of the half-dragon beginning to force the length of his shaft farther inside of her. Despite the pain that she was experiencing, Tigerlily's instincts took over and her body began to squirm and thrash against the intrusion of Asmodeus' monstrous cock.

As the twelve inches of his member painfully encroached into the depths of her vagina, she could fell tissue tearing and muscles spasming within her. She continued to scream and beg and weep for what seemed like an eternity before an even greater pain began to be felt. Somewhere inside of her, Asmodeus' head had encountered a wall of some sort that did not allow access. For a moment a glimmer of relief entered her mind as she believed that he had reached the end of what space she had inside of her vagina. She would not have to bear the pain of the entirety of the length of him and all those painful barbs.

The breath caught in her throat however as his laughter grew again behind her. " tiny flower.... It seems as though I have reached the entrance of your womb." The spark of hope turned quickly into a sudden pit of despair pulling her farther into an inescapable abyss. 'My womb?', she thought. 'Surely he cannot go farther...but why is he laughing?', she wondered.

_ _ Her curiosity was forgotten suddenly as the wall that the tip of his penis had been prodding at was suddenly ripped apart it seemed and the remaining several inches of his shaft was forced into her sex. The pain of feeling his so far into her was immense. As well as knowing that he was inside of the place where any children she would have ever bore would grow was all that she could take. Somewhere inside of her everything suddenly disappeared. Her entire life, past, present, and her dreams of the future drifted away on the winds of a dark gale that blew threw her mind.

Tigerlily didn't scream. She did not even shudder. Her body became lax suddenly and her head hung from the stocks at last as her heart broke. Now, even if she got through this ordeal, she would never have children. She could not bring a child into this world from her womb after it had been defiled by a creature of Asmodeus' ilk. She felt the barbs of his erect member tear at the walls of her vagina as he began to rape her earnest now, but it was if she was no longer there in that body. She could feel her throat whimpering. She could feel the blood begin to ooze from the wounds he had begun to tear into her vaginal walls. His laughter fell upon her ears, but they did not touch her spirit, for it was now gone.

For what seemed like no time at all, he continued to pump into and out of her tender sex as blood began to spurt and drip as he became more forceful. At first, he mocked her, he berated her; but when her screams were not heard, his laughter began to die out. He began to beat her back and ribs with his fists but still, the satisfaction of pain was not his.

Asmodeus eventually stopped trying to make her cry out by beating and raping her pussy by pulling out viciously and then, without warning shove his cock deep into her tailhole. He began to rape her in her nether region without mercy but still; despite his ravings, and more bloodletting, his anger became more and more apparent at the lack of pain Tigerlily was allowing him to see her go through. Inwardly, a small glimmer of humor flashed through the tigress that no longer called Tigerlily.

After what seemed like no time at all Asmodeus pulled his shaft out of her bleeding anus and rushed around to in front of her. He was raving and screaming at her, but his words were lost in the gale that carried her mind away. He wiped the blood and other assorted bodily fluids that coated his cock all over her swollen and bleeding muzzle before shooting a large sticky load of jizm into her mouth, nose and eyes. Still, she just couldn't seem to care anymore. There was nothing positive, or negative, for the creature that he was now beating again.

Slowly, the darkness came over her and her spirit cried out with joy at the invitation it brought with it. It swallowed her and everything around her as it engulfed her. Now, she was at home. Now, she was at last at peace......