Out of the Woods into the Wild

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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Hello anyone who is still listening, I know it's been nary a month since my last installments but for good reason, I figured out that I needed a break and have been reading and doing other mentally expanding activities, so here it is the conclusion to the forest series of chapters, originally going to be weekly installments now one mega block of oh so good PG action, too many keywords to list in here, so if you already LIKE the PG series, then you'll enjoy, if not go back and read the stories, I hate suiting new readers who feel like hopping onto a bandwagon, you know who you are.

Punishment Game Special: Out of the Woods into the Wild

Chapter Eleven: the bitch who cried wolf

The day ended rather dully, Zack slept the entire time, while Mary and Exim kept far away from each other, horribly ashamed of their actions the prior night. Terri and Jackie stayed together and didn't seem interested in the rest of the group, while Gabriel and Brian had left the base camp to go bathe together, but hadn't come back yet. It was clear that with Teri's return there was a sectioning of the group. Basically paired into couples, spare Zack who was alone the entire team had now broken up and divided into special sides.

"You know if you were a bit nicer most of the time, maybe the others wouldn't act so cold to you" Exim mumbled as he cooked the fish that he and Mary had caught previously. "I'm just saying a little sugar can sweeten the most bitter drink" Exim wasn't a very happy individual normally but these at best bizarre situations had him rethinking his place in the world, was he ever really happy or did it take something this big to piss him off enough to realize.

"Maybe people would be nicer to you if you weren't such an unlikable fuck wit!" Mary stomped over and gave Exim his glory shot, blowing him off the stump and onto the ground. "Who the hell are you to decide what people should and shouldn't do, the only one who isn't genuinely freaked out about this stupid game is you, HOW DO WE KNOW YOU AREN'T IN ON IT!?" Mary screamed and awoke Zack.

"... you know Exim she has a point, the rest of us are on egg shells but you seem very nonchalant about most of the events and even being lost in the woods with horny anal raping wolves" Zack tooted out without getting up, seeing no reason to before dinner was ready.

"Excuse me for not losing my head every time something freaky happens" Exim sighed not bothering to get up either. "We all see how well panicking worked for Osirus and Cloe, oh and how it seems to work out every time for Jackie" Exim snorted softly laughing a little, it was funny that he was being chastised for playing the game correctly.

"Would you lay of Jackie she's a fucking pup, you can't expect her to stay calm when she's got foreign objects being shoved up her ass!" Mary screeched now hissing and spitting at Exim which only served to worsen the mood.

"FUCK OFF WHO ARE YOU HER MOTHER!? She's a player like every one of us THEY WON'T CHANGE THE RULES REGARDLESS OF AGE, IF SHE CAN'T GROW UP AND FIGURE IT THE FUCKC OUT THEN SHE DESERVES TO LOSE!" Exim suddenly froze, did he really just,..say that?

Mary gasped and Zack just shook his head as she began to trembled and pointed towards the woods. "Get out"

"Mary look it was just, I mean" Exim tried to explain how he could say such terrible things about a perfectly innocent pup.

"GET OUT NOW, ZACK!" Mary commanded and Zack took action grabbing Exim by his neck and throwing him a good distance out of the circle into the wilderness. "Serves you right.. asshole" Mary turned and sighed, sitting with Zack as she began to cry softly.

"... Fucking useless they'll only weigh me down" Exim coughed and walked onwards, far away from the camp to the stream, it seemed that the wolves didn't go there, and he was sure he could fight off anything that came his way, as pissed as he was.

"How can he say such horrible things, this isn't some game where you get to go home once you're out, you lose and you're freedom is taken from you forever, what gives him the right to say such horrible things in the first place?" Mary sobbed over the building frustration, it was true this game was taking a lot out of her, it was sapping away the strength and morals of everyone, as they delved deeper into the game, the more realistic people became, no longer holding up masks of emotion or decency, it was in the forest that people's true nature came to the light.

"This is great" Terri smiled seeing the fight from afar, keeping Jackie at her foot like a well trained bitch should be. "Now I want you to go over and lure them to the river, where the trap is set, if you do this I'll spare you and take you out of the game and home with me once it's concluded understand?" Terri patted Jackie who nodded softly and pandered over to Mary with a giggle.

"You know what would help?" Jackie took Mary's hand. "Let's go take a bath big sister okay, baths always make me feel better!" Jackie tugged on Mary's hand and with a little pulling Mary complied, not releasing Zack either. All three of them trudged downwards to the stream Jackie happily leading the way, while Terri stayed behind watching her plan unfold, soon it would be her, and only her what use did she have for an expendable pawn like Jackie?

Exim wandered around the forest totally lost until he returned to camp already having cooled off in the river he went back not to find a very unhappy Mary but an unusually overjoyed Terri. "Where did everyone else go?" Exim still didn't like this woman, something about the way she smelled made him cautious.

"They went down to the river why don't you join them?" Terri bit her lip as she turned around, she had forgotten about Exim.

"No thanks I already took a dip, it was relaxing, more importantly if everyone left for the river why did you stay, isn't it safe to be in numbers?" Exim was now growing very curious it seemed odd that she would stay behind and be skipping about the camp.

"I didn't want to get in the way, besides don't you have someone you should be apologizing to?" Terri asked in her snide manner and with a frustrated groan Exim retreated to find Mary at the river. "Damn bunny"

"Okay Jackie we'll take a bath with you, but then you need to leave me be for a bit okay?" Mary was exhausted and the exuberant energy Jackie always seemed to put off was a little off putting. Mary worked her way into the water staying only waist deep she had a thing about getting her breast wet. "You know Jackie I'm sorry about what I said before,, I really like having you around it keeps me positive knowing that someone as young as you can withstand the trials of this kind of thing and, just remain so happy." Mary relaxed and sighed but then felt Jackie move up to her and rest her head on her breast.

"I'm not happy at all miss Mary, I'm really sad and scared but it won't help me to show those fears, I'm the one that got mister Osirus and miss Cloe eliminated, because of me two other people are gone, I know Mister Exim was being mean, but.. he is right because of me two people are slaves.. and it feels rotten because I know if I could have held it together like you all did, then they'd still be with us.... Miss Cloe, Mister Osirus... they'd still be with us now and we'd all go home together" Jackie broke into a fit of sobs feeling so horrible for what she had done to those people.

"It's okay Jackie, they made those sacrifices willingly, you didn't force anyone into anything, if that says anything it says that you are the most easily likable one of us all, and that we'd all be happy to give ourselves up to protect you, I'm sure you would do the same for us right?" Mary smiled, Jackie was really such an innocent girl, a shame she got wrapped up in all of this.

"Ye...yeah" Jackie sniffled to herself, why was she so weak?

Jackie moved out of the water and towards the bank making Mary turn around. "Where are you going sweetie?" Jackie smiled and pointed towards the woods.

"I have to pee" She spoke while looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh be sure not to wipe with leaves of three, I'm fairly sure that would be the WORST place to get poison ivy" Mary chuckled at her own worst case scenario and Jackie trotted off into the woods

After a moment of silence a scream pierced the silence.


Mary snapped to recognizing Jackie's scream and running into the woods sopping wet. Zack followed shortly after surprisingly agile when the time came for it. But neither of them could expect what happened next. As they climbed the crescent of a small hill the ground gave way from underneath them landing them in a heavy pit, alongside two familiar faces.

"Brian... Gabriel what are you doing down here?" Zack tooted as he landed both shocked an a little curious.

"The same thing you are, we fell...more importantly why didn't you come and rescue us?" Gabriel crossed his arms and Zack shrugged.

"None of that matters, who the hell dug this pit and why?" Mary was a little more than angry about landing on her rump. Just then a noise made her look up to see a very tearful and very upset little Labradorean girl. "Jackie, come on find something and help us up, we'll go after that wolf afterwords" Mary held her hand up but then Jackie vanished. Instead pulling some cover over the hole in attempts to hide it.

"... So this is how you want to repay us?" Exim snuck up behind Jackie hearing the cry of a wolf but then seeing the unthinkable, Jackie betraying the group. Taking the foliage out of Jackie's hand Exim gave her ass a swift kick sending her down into the pit as well.

".. I'm sorry, she.. she made me" Jackie began to sob before she landed, hitting the ground hard and landing in between her previous captives. "She made me because I am so weak, so very weak that I let others control me, please.. don't hate me" Jackie broke into a fit of bawling sobs but not before Exim managed to find Brian's pack which he took off before bathing, inside was a rope that hadn't been used in building shelter.

Terri grinned as she heard the calls of wolf, her plan would now be finished, she would be the last player by default and win her prize, what she was playing for... was exactly what she was apart of, as per her agreement if Terri won she wanted to be made into the game master for the Punishment Games.

"Come on last one up" Exim stood and held the line as the captives crawled out of the hole until only Jackie was left, which exim let the line slack. "You have seven seconds to explain to me why I shouldn't drop this rope and leave you there" Exim began counting slowly

".. there is no reason, I deserve to lose because I've been letting people sacrifice themselves and use me as a puppet, in all honesty I don't know what I would do if I continued on, if we all lost what would be the point, if I could sacrifice myself for the sake of this round, so you all could continue on, then I'd gladly do it.. so go ahead drop the rope.. leave me behind, where I belong" Jackie spoke through tears, she felt so torn up inside, here was no different than home, with mother and her sisters she was so weak and worthless.

Exim said nothing and gave the line a resounding yank that tugged Jackie back to the surface. "The true mark of an adult isn't the ability to do things that no one else can do, it's the ability to chose to do the unthinkable for the sake of those other people who can't do it" Exim flashed Jackie a grin and patted her head. "You're still not off the hook, but I'll be damned if this game is going to be an exercise in martyrdom" Exim laughed to himself and turned to Mary

"I'm an ass okay, a long life of doing what everyone expected of me and gaining nothing from it has left me a dry and bitter shell of a man" Exim spoke looking directly at Mary who just shook and then raised her left leg. Exim winced to block but then was knocked over and into the pit by Mary who just began to kiss him

"you arrogant asshole" She said as she pressed her lips to his repeatedly squirming over him like a crazed chipmunk. "I thought you were gone for good, don't you know you're supposed to apollogize ten minutes after a fight, not an hour" Mary shed soft happy tears to see Exim was alright

"Sorry I'm not so good with the subtle rules of a not relationship" Exim was now thoroughly confused, did she hate him, or love him.

"Ahem" Gabriel and Brian giggled looking down into the hole. "maybe they need some alone time, should we come back another time?" They both laughed but were silenced as Exim grabbed onto Mary and jumped against the wall of the pit, kicking off each surface until he was up on top again. Mary giggled slightly impressed as Jackie and Zack began to laugh when Brian and Gabriel stumbled backwards. "How did you do that!?" Gabriel gasped, the show of agility was amazing

"I'm a rabbit stupid, we're known for our jumping prowess, what we do have traits other than multiple hot sex" Exim muttered and decided he wanted to carry Mary back to the camp.

"Jackie who made you do what?" Mary finally got around to asking.

Jackie became silent and whimpered as a pair of very angry eyes met her gaze. "Oh you're all back how was your bath?" Terri asked in a very relaxed tone, though her eye held the fire of hell.

"Fine, we ran into some trouble and a trap set by the mistress... but everyone is okay" Mary replied and Jackie ran over towards Terri reluctantly at best. Exim just raised his eye brow and ignored it, it was.. nothing right.

That night while Jackie slept unaware that she was being taken far away from the safety of camp.

"WAKE UP!" a sharp pain snapped Jackie out of her slumber as a branch cracked against her backside. "You worthless piece of shit, how could you not lead them to a hole and leave them WAS IT THAT HARD!" Another lash of the branch slapped against Jackie's supple backside, the gag of leaves in her mouth silencing the young bitch.

"ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS SCREAM WOLF AND LEAVE INSTEAD YOU COME BACK WITH THEM ALL BUDDY BUDDY, WHAT ABOUT OUR DEAL!?" Another crack and Jackie shivered, sobbing in tears of pain and humiliation, was this all her life was going to be.

"WORTHLESS FUCKING BITCH!" Terri raised the swatch once more but then something caught her attention.

The howl of the wolves pierced the relatively silent night, overshadowing the harsh crack of a tender branch against even more tender flesh.

".. What the hell?" Terri suddenly found herself surrounded by pairs of glowing eyes. Smiling she leaned in and pinned Jackie down, Fastening her to a stump with some rope she managed to find in her pack when she went back to camp. "Now I'm going to leave you to the wolves, so they can fuck you inside and out until you're a used up husk of a worthless bitch" Terri laughed and walked away quickly, hopping to use Jackie as bait to draw the wolves.

Jackie whimpered and tried to scream for anyone to save her but.. it was useless bound and gagged she could do nothing but wait for the inevitable. The sounds of padding wolf feet made her shake and quiver, giving off a delightful odor of fear and anticipation. She felt a wolf mount her from behind but then something strange happened, it by passed her completely, only cutting her bonds and staring at her.

"What?" Jackie spit out the leaves and watched as the pack left her be and went after Terri. It was what she saw next that put it all into perspective.

The sound of howling wolves followed Terri until she became utterly lost, in the dark forest with wolves ridding on her heels she could do no more than run. "Fuck they must have finished her already... I know I'll lead them to camp and then get rid of the others that way, then I just need to hide in that pit I dug until I can get out" Terri chuckled, how clever was she, but as she approached camp she saw something that made her freeze. "TERRY!?"

There she was Terry was standing in the middle of the camp with a pack of wolves by her side, the closest one was the biggest, clearly the alpha of the pack. They circled her as Terry aproached her former sister. "Well sister, how are things?" Terry spoke with an unrelenting rage inside her voice.

"What the fuck are you doing, you can control the wolves.. good attack the other players have them eliminate them and then we can win the game and you can win your freedom" Terri was slightly relieved to see that the wolves were on Terry's side.

"I already have my freedom" Terry replied and moved her hand looking to the alpha wolf who gave a loud howl. The sound woke all the players from their slumber bringing them outside to see the spectacle.

"This is the person who tried to eliminate you all, she got rid of me first but... due to complications, she failed and now she will have to pay" Terry smiled wickedly, after all this time, all those years finally revenge.

"Like you could hurt your own flesh and blood, your own sister YOU'RE TOO WEAK!" Terri shouted and all the wolves growled closing in on her slowly.

"Your right alone I am weak, but if being with these wolves has taught me anything, it's that there is strength, in numbers" Terry approached Terri slowly and curled her hand into a fist.

"I COMMAND YOU TO STAND DOWN!" Terri was panicking it was terrifying not having any control, to be out numbered and out dominated.

"... Attack" Terry gave the command as the wolves lunged into Terri and began biting and tugging her. Sinking their teeth into her flesh and using it to pull her away inch by inhc, this was no longer a harmless game, this was a vendetta.

"SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP ME!" Terri screamed out as she felt the pain of the wolves slowly dragging her into the forest. Exim just watched, how serious was this game, or was this even about the game anymore.

"Terry Stop you've made your point" Exim tried to be the voice of reason but when terry turned on him he froze.

"Be silent or you will be next" Terry spoke cold words of death, not threats, but promises if anyone interfered they would meet the same grizzly fate.

The group stood helpless, not that they really wanted to help anyway. As Terri was dragged off into the woods, leaving behind a trail of blood and pieces of fur where she was dragged, the final sickening sounds of her being killed echoed through the forest and sent a shiver down all of their spines.

"... You will all leave tomorrow, the wolves won't bother you" Terry pronounced making her exit just as mysteriously as she had came but in a usual fashion someone broke the silence.

"I don't really care why, but how can you control the wolves that are supposed to attack us, to make them do such a thing" Exim was entirely curious how she won them over.

"Simple... when you become the alpha's bitch... you gain a special place in the pack especially when, you're the mother of his pups" Terry smiled softly, very proud that she was carrying the alpha's children, not even caring at HOW or why this was possible, she was happy for the first time in her life. "You see the alpha was once like us, long ago but then he decided to stay in the punishment game... and that way he never had to go back to his boring life... and I'm going to stay too, so I never have to be shackled again, take care all of you" Terry bid them all one last farewell and with her mate walked back into the darkness of the woods, the players now down to six.

"Hey you guys you'll never guess what I just saw" Jackie burst into the scene a few minutes too late looking at everyone's shocked faces. "Hey I saw miss Terry she's okay... huh wait a minute where did..." Jackie looked around but didn't see Terri anywhere.

"The wolves got her sweetie, she sacrificed herself so we could continue on, she said she wanted to live here with her sister" Mary tried to hold back the ever pressing urge to vomit and relied on exim to give her the strength.

Exim complied only by sighing. "Well that was fucked up, either way tomorrow we leave the forest for good so say your goodbyes because remember we're still in this game until the end, no telling what will happen next.. I severly mean that" Exim gave a sigh and retired to the shelter, forever burned into his mind was the image of that smug socialite bear bitch being eaten alive.

and so the woods chapter ended, with two players eliminated, one permanently, the group comes to terms with how serious this game of player vs player can really get

In a secluded room with many monitors an a very devious snow leopard, Terry watched as her sister finally came too, after being knocked out and 'killed'

"I did what you wanted, even pretended to kill her just to stir the others up, now hold up your end of the bargain" Terry spoke very confidently not like before, her quiver gone, her doubt vanished.

"I always hold up my end of the deal darling, but first tell me are you satisfied with my game?" The mistress asked with a purr and watched as Terry contemplated all that had happened to her.

"In a way you fulfilled my wish, I'm now independent of my sister, but your methods were harsh" Terry muttered and then the mistress broke into a laugh.

"Sometimes to get a bird to spread it's wings you need to push it off a cliff love, either way yes the forest course will be concealed and no longer a part of the punishment game stages, you are free to do with the land what you want, you will be given the entire forest as your home, now leave me to my new toy" The mistress flicked away Terry who just smiled, calling her wolves from the piece of meat they were tearing into, the same one used to fool the other players.

"So.. you like to whip people and boss them around.. Huh?" The mistress enclosed upon Terri and wore a devil grin.

"Before I go, what happened to Osirus and Cloe?" Terry was very curious about what happened to the losers, if she was being given land and all that was losing the only way to truly profit from this endeavor?

The mistress didn't turn around still overshadowing the now TERRIFIED Terri and laughed. "None of your business"

next Time on PG: Punishment Game the group finally makes it out of the woods but what awaits them, and how long can they remain six, who will go next and what dastardly game has the mistress envisioned for the players.. stay tuned

(Random advertisement) If you're a fan of the Punishment game be sure to check out my new serious Tribes. It's the story of a young boy born into a tribe of warriors. locked in an eternal power struggle the boy must develop into the next war chief before the time comes, will he step up or will his tribe be lost forever in the great conflict that swallows his land?

Tribes: Coming soon

Romantic submission

I first of all want to apologize for the crap that was Base camp, I know it wasn't up to my usual standards and I understand if your mad, I wasn't feeling all too cheeky and I felt like getting it out before it was really ready \*Slaps self\* Bad ambi,...

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Base Camp

Howdy all I'm back this time with a brand new chapter of PG, sorry about the wait but I haven't had a lot of time to prepare for anything what with my job and other responsibilities, so there it is enjoy, this time we play with bestiality, how there is...

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Breaking The Lines: Paradox

Hello all you horny fur enthusiasts, I am Am-bi-go-us the writer of the well reviewed punishment game, now I came to this site to write and write freely, not just write furry porn, if you hate me for this then go suck a cock you shallow ignorant dumb...

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