Chapter VIII, Politics

Story by Pierce on SoFurry

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#9 of Tale's of the wanderer's

Chapter VIII, Politics

The four armed goddess... the black spirit... such were the names of Hatua, the four armed panther goddess and patron of the Hatusa... the faith was old... much older then the prince of Whiteport could possible know... Kuhama the highest Acolyte Hatue watched Satel the high priestess perform the ritual...

Hatua was a demanding goddess; her appetite must be sated with blood for her worshippers to remain in her favor... her alter was a verity of objects, many of Satels alters were the beds of sacrifices...

Although she preformed a different type of sacrifice tonight; before a statue made in the image of Hatua, a willing sacrifice lay upon an alter, from the lions lipped the words Hatua were moaned over and over. Satel road the lion's stiff lionhood, her blade raised high above her head.

Kuhama watched this ritual from the balcony; Satel had always enjoyed this ritual, she enjoyed the feel of the seed of life enter her body and the destruction of the old, she loved to plant the dagger into the doomed male, and she loved to hold the still beating heart of the subject to the cruel snarling visage of the four armed goddess.

Kuhama suspected though she simply enjoyed the feel of a cock sliding between her legs. He of course knew only a fool would bed with the high priestess of the goddess of assassins; He had no need for sex from her; he already had a large harem of followers to suit his desires. Still it always proved a good show to watch the lithe lioness ride a male for all he's worth, then claim his heart for the panther goddess...

  • + + +

Sababa had been dreading this meeting; lord Nafusir was in a deep rage, many of the wiser servants had done their best to avoid the tiger in this state, the foolish one even tread lightly in fear that they may invoke his wrath...

"IF YOU CANT DO IT RIGHT DON'T DO IT AT ALL!" a cleaning boy dashed from the chambers in terror. The two door guards looked at each other uncomfortably. Sababa took a deep breath before entering the room.

"My Prince?"

The enraged tiger spun around and hissed "What!?"

"T-The diet wish to see you.." Sababa said cautiously

Nafusir turned away and hissed, the wound was still painfully fresh; he had already cleaned it twice today and nether helped his attitude. He stood at a large bay window and stared over the city "My great-grandfather built this city... from a backwater fishing village too the largest port in the world... and now squabbling nobles and Heathens are tearing it brick by brick..."

The fuming cat fell back onto a silk fainting chair and put his head in his palms "this city has withstood raiders, invading armies, and the forces of the gods themselves... yet it is torn by a few heathens and property owners..."

Sababa abandoned his defensive stance "My Prince, your city will survive the worst of storms, but it needs a leader now,"

Nafusir growled softly "Tell the diet I'll meet them within the hour..."

  • + + +

The Diet was a group of some fifty men, encompassing the noble men of Whiteport and surrounding villages and towns. Two major positions stood out from the Assembly; the speaker, who led the Diet, and the Prince, whose only power was to approve or disapprove decisions made by the Diet.

Now before any misconceptions are made, I as the author of this story would like to create a more clear picture; The Diet, was not a democracy, only noble men were allowed to be amidst its ranks. Second those noble men were effectively seat fillers and noisemakers, only the Speaker and the prince had any real power; The speaker was the only one allowed to make proposals, and only the prince was permitted to have the final say.

The nobility was only permitted to give their opinions, which was rarely heard. The more important members of the aristocracy had realized their error of forming the Diet as soon as it had been formed, they had lost rights of taxation and land tenure was next on the chopping block.

The assembly was successfully split down the middle; half the men supported Sific (the speaker) and the other half supported Nafusir (The Prince of Whiteport) Most vocal on Sific's side was the Noble Balad, who was Mutually detested by both the Speaker and the Prince, on Nafusir's supporters were members of the Nobility who had lost much of their power to Sific most vocally Masale, who was Nafusir's cousin on his fathers side.

The Diet growled impatiently as they sat shoulder to shoulder in the stifling hall for the Prince. Many whispered between each other of the dire meeting circumstances. The Assembly fell deathly silent as the Prince mounted the podium. He did not don his usual flowing clothing instead he wore kilt, the bandages that covered his wounds were Redding from the fresh cleaning.

"Loyal Nobles, I'm am sure that most if not all of you are well aware of the circumstances surrounding this meeting, for those who don't know an attempt was made on my life," the tiger said in an eloquent manor, his contempt for the Diet concealed the best he could.

"...I am sure none of you are behind such a heinous act, and the assassin carried a dagger that was clearly marked of Hatusa craftsmanship..."

The entire group began to whisper and stare at the imposing figure of Prince Nafusir.

"As such I find the best course of action would be the immediate arrest of the Entire Priesthood of Hatua and the expulsion of all followers of the Hatusa philosophy..."

The entire assembly began to squabble; Supporters of the Traditional Faith attacked the Supporters of the Hatusa by using the assassination attempt as grounds. The Hatusa supporters said that it just may be a frame attempt or it may be a lone fanatic.

Finally the speaker of the Diet stood and boomed "SILANCE!" The entire assembly fell silent

"I find that our beloved princes move would be rash and inappropriate in the currant time, and the matter should be investigated by a neutral panel..."

A look of ill concealed hostility flashed across Nafusirs face before fading back into his forced calm.

"After all..." Sific turned to Nafusir "What would the Hatusa gain from your death?"

More likely what would you gain from my death? Nafusir thought.

"If anything they would be hurt by the loss of such an able leader..." Nafusir detected a hint of sarcasm in the last bit.

Nafusir quickly gained his regal composure "I would like to remind the Diet of the countless rumors of dark and heinous deeds in the temple of the Hatusa, and I would also remind the Diet of my long standing disapproval of the Hatusa and in light of recent restrictions I've made upon expansion for them they would have motive to kill me,"

"I would like to remind the prince that such rumors are just that, rumors, there is no evidence of any such misdeeds..." a hint of arrogance crossed Sifics face "And I also wish to point out that no assassin was found..."

"ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT I INFLICTED THESE WOUNDS UPON MYSELF!?" Nafusir roared, the Diet was taken aback by their prince outburst. Only Sific stood his ground.

"Now why would I do that?" Sific said in an innocent tone, if he had been sure the massive tiger would not rip him to shreds he would smile...

  • + + +

Sababa watched as the Prince paced back and forth upon an old carpet, the meeting with the Diet had accomplished nothing and only inflamed his lord's rage.

"Cheep bastard child of a whore..." the tiger hissed.

"My lord, if I may?" Sababa said, knowing full well the danger of the tiger. Nafusir glared at him.

"It seems to me that perhaps the guard should be increased," Sababa suggested.

"Why? Look how easily she slipped past the last ones," he said before continuing his pace.

Sababa thought for a moment "What bothers me my lord is how did she know how to enter the inner palace," Nafusir stopped, this fact had escaped him "She would need a guide to enter,"

"She would need someone who has been here before..." Nafusir just barely whispered...

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Sific paced the halls of his manor vexed, he waited for an important guest...

"You called for me..." the hair on the back of Sifics neck stood on end, the Cheetah spun around.

"Kuhama! Don't sneak upon me,"

The gaunt hyena smirked "Why? Were you expecting other then me?"

"That fool Nafusir suspects you!" Sific snapped angrily

Kuhama only grinned, "I trust that you handled the situation then?" his sinister manor sending shivers down Sifics neck.

The Cheetah pursed his muzzle "Yes, but next time I should let him take you if you cannot do the job correctly!"

"Well go ahead, but I'm sure that the good prince would be vary interested who asked for his death, led the assassin into his palace and then led her away from the scene of the crime and hid the evidence, wouldn't he?" his grin grew wider "I could just as easily leave the city of Whiteport and go into hiding, but you? You would have to leave your property, your wealth and your power..."

Sific felt cold, his palms were wet with sweat "Don't worry your noble head, Nafusir will be dealt with, but just remember, who will lose more?"

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