Forced Desires - Part 2

Story by EchoSRP2 on SoFurry

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#2 of Forced Desires

Holy shit, I finally satiated my horniness. This means probably no part 3 to bring closure, but I did say to expect zero story/plot development, anyway. :P

As with before, feel free to leave "dirty" comments and whatnot; I'll probably even enjoy them more than writing the story. In fact, there are like no/not enough comments on part 1. Go pretend you haven't read this part yet and comment the shit out of that one, then come back and comment on this one, too. This means YOU hundreds of people viewing this story and not even commenting!

Well actually, probably only a small fraction of the views even consist of people who actually read the whole thing before deciding they hate it... but still!


---Content Warning---

This story is straight-to-the-point sex and other fetish content, which overflows and pours itself from my horny mind onto this text document, with only my partial consent. If you're looking for deep plots and story development, this isn't going to be the place to find it!

READ THIS, IT'S DIFFERENT FROM PART ONE. This part contains high emphasis of forced adult babyfur, feeding, diaper usage (wetting/messing/cumming), male having a vagina instead of a penis (read part 1 to find out why), aforementioned vagina being penetrated with feces, oral sex between a fox and a non-consenting dragon (both anthro), and basically big sub/small dom (fox domming a dragon).

---End of Content Warning---

When Terran had said that it was time for his meal, Rahtek really didn't expect the fox to follow that up by feeding him with an adult sized bottle filled with warm milk, as if he were a hatchling. It made at least a bit of sense though, considering his current position. Drinking from a cup wouldn't be very viable, since Terran would need to carefully control the tilt to not spill any of the contents.

But what was even further from the dragon's expectations, was the fact that the fox-scientist followed it up with actual baby food. Jars of mashed carrots, peas, spinach, the works. Several now empty jars of such things lined the supply cart, as he had been forced to consume them, and Rahtek couldn't tell what was coming next, since the objects yet to be revealed were kept on a portion shielded from his view, lying behind strategically placed steel canisters, which contained a lot of the small baby food jars the fox had been pulling out.

Rahtek had complained and yelled at the crazy fox, but he simply responded by threatening the dragon with even worse treatments. He mentioned such things as using him as a testing subject for his concoctions for complete organic transformation of the dragon's entire body, experimentation for removing limbs and replacing them in different areas, or even restructuring his body to serve as a common household object, such as a chair or table. This ended the dragon's complaints rather quickly, or at least his conscious ones.

Rahtek couldn't remember a time when his belly had pained him as much as it did now. It lodged several complaints with his brain in the form of an un-ignorable ache. The current meal of pureed bananas from the fox's baby food stash definitely wasn't helping. He tried consulting with Terran once more about the issue, hoping he would show some mercy to his overfull tummy.

"Can you please stop? I really can't eat anymore; my stomach hurts so much, and you've already fed me several of these damned jars..." Rahtek managed to speak between the spoonfuls that the fox forced into his maw.

Terran responded without even breaking his pattern, still pushing his next spoonful through the dragon's lips. "You know, you do sound just like an overgrown baby, whining about their food. This is rather appropriate, if you ask me. But don't worry, little one, just three more jars after this, and you'll be done... for now."

Rahtek flattened his ears in submission again. He wanted to argue, but held himself back, knowing he might push the fox into feeding him even more as punishment, or doing any of those things he mentioned earlier.

Terran eventually emptied the last of the banana flavored mush into the dragon's mouth. Rahtek very hesitantly swallowed it down, his belly managing to ache even more than it was before. He watched the fox bring out the next jar, which was apple flavored. Okay, apples at least wouldn't taste as bad as the vegetable crap he was forced to consume moments earlier, and the bananas weren't that horrible either, but he still gave a heavy sigh, attempting to mentally prepare for the challenge of fitting even more food into his protesting stomach.

The fox spooned the first of the new jar of baby food into Rahtek's maw, nodding in approval as he watched the dragon slowly swallow it down before he continued. Spoonful after spoonful, the dragon's tummy ascended its output of pain to levels beyond what he could have imagined. Rahtek could swear it would burst any minute as the next jar of peach flavored baby mush was fed to him. He wasn't sure if he was just imagining it, but his belly seemed a bit more rotund. It certainly felt that way, but he rationed out that it probably wouldn't be physically possible for his stomach to increase that noticeably in size from one large feeding session.

The first spoonful of the last jar made its way into Rahtek's mouth; it was the flavor of prunes... of course. The dragon whined aloud from the overwhelming ache radiating from his tummy, but the fox persisted, maintaining that he constantly had a spoonful in his maw to be swallowed down. Rahtek was beginning to be unable to physically force himself to allow the food past his throat, struggling now with each repeated amount. It got to the point where it took him up to a minute of trying, and Terran started rubbing his neck in some strange way, which made the mush go down a little easier for him.

By the time the dragon finally managed to swallow the last spoonful, he was in tears again and trembling from the pain in his belly, feeling like he should be throwing up at this point, but he wasn't getting the urge to actually be able to. Terran must've of done something to stop it from occurring with another of his weird chemical mixtures, which was probably mixed in with the milk he drank before this ordeal.

"That's a good boy!" The fox cooed condescendingly towards the dragon, patting him on the tummy, causing him to whimper loudly in protest. "You did a good job finishing all of that; I'm very proud of you, and it's a good thing. If I had been dissatisfied with your performance, you probably would've ended up like the last test subject," Terran mentioned ominously, before strapping the dildo from before tightly into his muzzle and heading out of the room with his cart in tow. This time, the phallic object slowly dripped what seemed to be more warm milk onto the back of his tongue. Rahtek could only let the liquid roll down his throat, adding to his extremely overfull stomach.

Rahtek couldn't tell how long he laid there before drifting off to sleep. It didn't feel like a normal way to fall asleep in the first place. He had suddenly grown very tired, his eyes feeling heavy, and his body feeling numbed and unmovable. His senses, and the world around him, slowly melted away into a dark, calm nothingness... until he awoke.

The pain... Oh, the pain. It was definitely worse, but now it was deep in his gut, which was producing horrifying noises. Rahtek suddenly clenched up, feeling the massive ache make its way through his colon, threatening to instantly burst out of him. His breathing became labored, and his body shaky. His tail hole was quivering, beginning to give out already from the force of the urgency.

Rahtek's strained efforts were eventually lost as the contents pushed past his weakened exit, which remained sore from the fox's pounding from earlier. The dragon felt the hot mess piling into the seat of his diaper as it exploded out of him uncontrollably, emanating loud squelches and wet sounding farts. The mushy waste swiftly spread through his diaper as he continued filling it involuntarily. It was pressed tightly against his scales by the garment, making him that much more uncomfortable, as he finally finished messing himself.

Rahtek felt relieved, becoming relaxed, which was followed by him involuntarily letting his bladder drain its storage as well. The warm wetness flowed from his slit, causing the diaper to expand even more and staining the white disposable to a dark yellow, almost resembling the bed sheet beneath him. He couldn't have stopped the flow if he wanted to at this point. The muscles of his new cunt were far from under his control still.

As the dragon was done relieving his bladder, Terran trotted into the room with impeccable timing. "Oh ho-ho! See? I told ya you would need that diaper for more than my cum."

Rahtek blushed hotly, staring in the opposite direction of the naked fox, who was watching him carefully.

Terran took the opportunity to go up to the bound dragon and grab his soiled diaper butt, pushing his mess further into his scales and spreading it up to his crotch. Rahtek could feel the hot mush roll over his slit, which actually pulsed with arousal, despite the whole process being utterly disgusting to him.

The fox pressed harder into the dragon's crotch, making Rahtek feel the mess penetrate his vaginal lips, which caused him to moan out involuntarily.

"So you like it, eh? Being a messy hatchling must not be too bad then, if you're enjoying it this much." Terran emphasized his point by pressing further of the dragon's load up to his crotch and forcing it inside him.

Rahtek let out audible whimpers of pleasure, the intensity of which causing him to press his crotch harder into the fox's weight without thinking. The overwhelming arousal screamed at him to be further penetrated, shoving what was left of his conscious pride to the wayside.

"Heheh, I knew it was a good idea to add the extra sensitivity to my experiment." Terran paused for a moment in thought, before removing his paw from the dragon's diapered crotch. "Well, if you want me to continue pleasuring you, you're gonna have to do the same for me. Got it?"

Rahtek strained against the bonds, his feral lust overtaking his educated thoughts, making him hump the air uselessly as the bonds held him down against the bed. He calmed a bit after not making any progress and stared past the dildo in his maw to the fox, giving him a feverish nod.

"Good." Terran climbed onto the bed with the dragon, the fox's aroused cock being completely evident to the now desperate bound creature. The fox made his way up to Rahtek's muzzle, undoing the straps, which held the toy in place, removing it from his drooling maw, and setting it aside. "Now you're gonna suck this, and you're not going to bite, or else. Trust me, I can fix whatever damage you do, but you won't be able to comprehend the pain I'll put you through if I have to."

Rahtek quickly nodded, just wanting that pleasure from before to come back as his cunt pulsed with need. He could already feel his lubricating juices flowing from between his thighs into the diaper, further soddening it.

Terran brought his cock up to Rahtek's lips, and the dragon obediently opened his muzzle, letting the fox slowly slip his entire length in. That warm, cavernous maw felt absolutely amazing to Terran. He felt the dragon's hot tongue worm its way along the bottom of his meat as Rahtek sucked him off, swallowing his pre, once it started flowing, without even having to be told.

The fox extended one of his legs backwards, reaching the dragon's messy crotch and pressing against it with his footpaw, causing Rahtek to moan delightfully, the vibrations phasing into Terran's luscious cock. The fox began forcefully grinding his toes into the dragon's heavily used padding, squelching his mess against his cunt and rubbing it in and around.

Rahtek's moans vibrated with increased intensity into Terran's leaky member, making him announce his own noises of bliss. Additionally, the dragon kept sliding his tongue around the fox's girth, feeling all the textures and rolling over his most sensitive of areas.

Terran felt the massive trembling beast below him suddenly orgasm, the dragon roaring straight into his cock, which in turn pushed him over the edge as well.

Rahtek was slammed with his climax as he felt his hot gooey mess flooding his cunt from the fox's toes pushing it in and being rubbed across his cunny lips. His vaginal juices blasted past the warm mush, which was still making its way further inside him, splattering out into the front of his diaper to mix with the mess that hadn't been pushed into him yet.

The dragon's resulting roar caused the throbbing meat in his maw to begin squirting its own fluids, warm fox cum now flooding Rahtek's mouth as he began to gulp it down without even thinking. Terran's thick seed slid swiftly down his throat to make room for more from the still spurting member, giving the dragon's maw several thick coatings of fox sperm.

As both their orgasms died down, and Rahtek finished swallowing the last of Terran's viscous ejaculate, which still slowly oozed from the tip of his penis, the dragon found his intelligent thoughts come rushing back to him, suddenly feeling disgusted with the fox fluids making their way down his gullet. He remained obedient though, not wanting to incur any wrath from the crazed canid.

"Aahh, that was great!" Terran slipped his saliva coated member from Rahtek's maw as he made to get off the bed. "I had a feeling that dragons gave wicked blowjobs with those large and loud mouths of theirs."

Rahtek gave the harshest scowl he could manage, remaining silent, but mentally throwing his rage towards the fox.

Terran could feel the heated stare burning into his eyes and actually looked away. "Wow, we're going to have to fix this temper of yours," he mentioned before grabbing the dildo from nearby and beginning to re-harness it to Rahtek's muzzle once more.

He exited the room afterwards, leaving the dragon to stew in his exceptionally messy diaper for a while longer.

Forced Desires - Part 1

---Content Warning--- This story is straight-to-the-point sex and other fetish content, which overflows and pours itself from my horny mind onto this text document, with only my partial consent. If you're looking for deep plots and story development,...

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An Unusual Weekend Sequel: What Comes Around... (Part5)

I have moved the Unusual Weekend story series off this account, as I've become aware of account flexibility not being all that great with both hardcore fetishes, and just cute things. This is not due to or in part by any specific user(s). It is a...

An Unusual Weekend Sequel: What Comes Around... (Part4)

I have moved the Unusual Weekend story series off this account, as I've become aware of account flexibility not being all that great with both hardcore fetishes, and just cute things. This is not due to or in part by any specific user(s). It is a...