Reunion With A Friend

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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#3 of Natsuru Twilight Dragon

Story 3. Natsuru gets reunited with an old friend of his, and they get 'reacquainted' with each other at his home. Story, idea, and characters are all © by me. Endjoy!

It was nice, bright, and sunny day on Michi Island, and the city was livelier than ever before on such an ordinary day. Out on such a nice day was the dragon, Natsuru, who was having a peaceful walk throughout the city; looking at nearly everything in amazement. It had been about two weeks since Natsuru came to the planet he was currently, and he seemed to have settled in just fine. As he walked he came across an ice cream vendor, who just gave him some sherbet to try. The sherbet was a mixture of different fruit flavors, and as soon as the dragon took a lick, his eyes turned into shiny stars of excitement for the wonderful tasty treat he's never tried before. He was going through his pants pockets to take out his wallet, so he could pay the vendor, but the vendor told the dragon that the sherbet was free; Natsuru said thanks happily.

Natsuru continued on with his peaceful walking; eating his sherbet happily. Unbeknownst to the dragon, a figure in a cloak was watching him from atop some buildings, and started to quietly follow him. Natsuru had just finished eating his sherbet, and happily ate the cone; licking his lips of crumbs left from the cone in glee. Suddenly, his happy expression changed to a mad look, and he quickly turned his head up at the buildings. There was nothing; he didn't see thing, but he knew was being watched.

"Someone's following me", he thought.

Natsuru went back to his walking, and while he wasn't looking, that cloaked figure had appeared on the building that Natsuru looked at. The cloaked figure went back to stalking the dragon; making sure to be careful and quiet to avoid getting caught. Natsuru looked up from the corner of his eye, and noticed the figure following him from above. He started to speed up his walking, only to notice the figure was speeding up behind him. Natsuru was becoming irritated by this and was thinking about what that person might want with him. The dragon soon made his way to an abandon alleyway, and walked right through. The cloaked figure had jumped off the building, and into the alleyway, only to see that no one was insight. Just then, Natsuru came out from above, and the kicked the figure in that back; knocking him into a fence.

"I don't know who you are, or why you're following me, but right now, that's all gonna stop here. So you can just back off now, or I'll have to hurt ya."

The cloaked figure didn't seem to care about what the dragon said, and when he got back on his feet, he proceeded to attack Natsuru. He sent out a flurry of punches that Natsuru either dodged or blocked. The cloaked figure even started sending out kicks, that the dragon dodged, and when he brought his foot down at the dragon's head, Natsuru quickly blocked the attack with his arms. The cloaked figure back flipped into the air and suddenly summons some fireballs, and threw them at Natsuru; the dragon dodged most of them, but one managed to strike him in the chest, and knock him into a wall.

"Oh, so that's how you want to go", Natsuru said as he got to his feet. "Ok then, let's play that way, because you just made the worst mistake."

Natsuru was mad now, and in his anger he summoned some orbs of twilight, and threw them at the cloaked figure. Just like the dragon, the figure just dodged every shot thrown by the dragon coming his way. He started throwing fireballs at Natsuru again; the reptile once again doing his best to avoid them. The dragon suddenly stopped running, and held one of hands out forward, and when the fireballs made contact, they were stopped by a barrier of twilight magic. The cloaked seemed surprised by that as he stopped attacking, which left him open for an attack, and Natsuru used his free hand to hurl at twilight sphere at him; hitting him and knocking him back. Straightening himself up to his feet, the hood where the figure's face stayed hidden started to glow red, and suddenly a stream of fire was breathed out at Natsuru. The dragon quickly countered with his own breath attack, as he breathed out beam of twilight at the fire stream; causing a little explosion and making a cloud of smoke. Natsuru coughed as the smoke cloud was disappearing, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the cloaked figure was gone.

"Huh, where did that guy go?"

As soon as Natsuru took a step forward, gunshot was heard and a stray bullet was seen in front of where the reptile was about to step. Noticing that, Natsuru looked up at the roof of a building to see the figure, who now had a pair of guns in his hands. Aimed at the dragon, the figure was rapidly shooting at him; the reptile quickly summoned his sword to appear, and quickly blocked the shots. When the gun shots came to a stop, the dragon stared at the cloaked figure with a mixture of annoyance and anger on his face, and flew up on to the same roof. Natsuru didn't waste any time at sending strikes at the figure, who just dodged them like they were nothing. The figure aimed his guns at the dragon, and was shooting at him once again, only for the reptile to block them again with his sword. Natsuru went to sending strikes at the figure, who just kept dodging his attacks, but the dragon did get lucky to strike at one his guns; knocking it out of the figure's hand, and onto the roof. Natsuru immediately stabbed his sword down on the gun; destroying it and making it disappear in red fire. The dragon held his sword tightly, as he started charging after the figure.

With only one gun in his hand, the figure started to rapidly shoot at Natsuru, but the dragon just used his sword to deflect every shot. Seeing his shots proving to be useless against the reptile, the figure decided to improvise; as he continued to shoot at the dragon, he also conjured up a fireball and threw at the dragon. As Natsuru deflected the gunshots, he wasn't quick enough to do the same for the fireball, which hit hand and caused him to drop his sword. Seeing him weaponless, the figure continued his shooting at the dragon, but Natsuru just dodged the shots like he could see them coming at him. While he was dodging the shots, Natsuru conjured up an orb of twilight, and with precise aim he threw at the figure's hand; making him drop his gun. The two stared at each other, then at their weapons, and then back at each other again. They rushed to their weapons; quickly grabbing them and them at each other; the figure's gun at Natsuru's head, and the dragon's sword at the figure's neck.

"Hehehe, wow Natsuru, you're still quick on your feet in battle as always", the figure spoke.

"Huh; do I know you?", Natsuru asked in confusion.

"Ahahaha, really, you don't recognize my voice."

The dragon tried to identify the voice, but since his stay on Michi, along with other stuff he's been doing, he couldn't remember. The figure laughed again and even rambled on about how he was hurt, that Natsuru couldn't recognize him. The figure then pulled his hood back to show his face to the dragon, who was surprised to see to someone he didn't thought he see again for a long time.



It turned out that the cloaked figure was a red gryphon named Haru; who also happened to be Natsuru best friend. He had blue hair in spikey bangs, and a short ponytail. Just like the dragon, he was also heterochromic , as his right eye was green and his left eye was yellow. The two were sitting atop the building they were fighting on, and were chatting about how they both have been. Natsuru asked how was everything going on Fantasia, the planet where Natsuru and Haru were born and lived on. The gryphon replied that Fantasia was the same as usual, and that there were less problems occurring. Haru then asked Natsuru what has he been up to since coming to Earth. The dragon replied that he has been doing a lot, describing all of the fun and interesting things. He even told about his encounter with very annoying, and cliché villain he went up against; Hary laughed after hearing that. An idea then popped into the gryphon's head; he then suggested that Natsuru should show him around the island. The dragon thought it over and nodded his head, as he agreed to show Haru around, but probably not the whole island. The two jumped off the building they were on, and onto the ground; with Natsuru ready to show Haru around.

"Oh yeah, Natsuru; what happened to the cloak you wore when you came here?"

"Oh that old thing; I threw it out. Turns out the inhabitants here don't really care what we look like, or what our species is. So, you can get rid of yours too."

"Heh, might as well."

The gryphon removed the cloak from him and tossed it aside; the gryphon was wearing a black sleeveless jacket that was zipped up, white pants, black bands on his arms, and blue shoes. The two had then gone off, with Natsuru showing Haru around the place. The dragon showed his friend the things they didn't have back on their planet; like motor powered vehicles and movie theatres. As Natsuru was showing Haru around, the gryphon's tummy growled as he was quite hungry, since he didn't eat anything when he arrived on Michi. Haru suggested that they should go to one of the restaurants, but Natsuru said no to that suggestion because the restaurants were very expensive. The dragon decided to take his friend to takoyaki food stand, where he paid for the food since it didn't cost too much. When Haru took his first bite of the snack, he pretty much made the same face that Natsuru made when he ate his sherbet, and remarked about how delicious the snack was. Natsuru nodded his head in agreement and happily joined his friend with eating some of the takoyaki.

After the two had finished snacking, Natsuru wanted to show Haru some place fun, and had lead him to the arcade. The gryphon was fascinated by all of the games he saw, that his beak was wide open in aw; Natsuru snickered at this. Haru was looking all around; wondering which game to play, until Natsuru found one for him to begin with. The dragon showed the gryphon to an on rails shooting game about a secret agent in Feudal Japan, shooting ninja's and samurais, and saving hostages.

"So, Haru; since you're good at using guns, do you think you're good enough to play and score high on this game?"

"Heh, please! Anything that involves me with a gun; even if it's for this contraption, I am most likely to be good at it."

"Hehe, ok then; let's put your money where your beak is."

Natsuru insert a coin into the arcade cabinet, as Haru took ahold of the light gun. The game started by showing the intro about the secret agent somehow being in Feudal Japan, and it didn't involve time travel. All in all, the game's plot didn't make any sense, but that wasn't really important, because as soon as the game started, and after the little info on what to do and how to play the game, Haru started to shooting at everything within like it was a piece of cake. He shot every enemy that came his way, didn't take any damage once, and managed to save all of the hostages and even avoided accidental kills. He even scored the highest points in the game; Natsuru was impressed, but he wasn't surprised by it.

"Impressive, Haru; you even made the highest score possible."

"Heh, was there ever any doubt."

Natsuru smirked as he inserted two more coins into the arcade cabinet, and picked up the other light gun. The dragon had challenged his friend in a two player game, which the gryphon didn't refuse, and as the game started they almost immediately began shooting wildly within the game; it was no surprise that Haru had beaten Natsuru. That wasn't the only game they were playing though; while they were still at the arcade, they played around with the games. They competed against each other in a racing game, challenged each other in a fighting game, tried their luck at the claw game, but they didn't win anything. The last game they played was Dance Evolution, where they had once again competed against each other, but the end result was that they both sucked badly at it.

After some hours had passed, it had started to get late as the two had left the arcade walking off to where ever next. Haru was stoked about all that he managed to see on Michi, and wanted to see more. He suggested that they go to one of those theatres that Natsuru mentioned, but the dragon was against it. He explained that movie theatres were just as expensive as restaurants, and that all of the theatres were showing nothing but crap. So the dragon suggested that they go back to his place and watch something on television. The gryphon seemed excited about that idea, as he almost immediately nodded his head in agreement; he must've really wanted to see where and how Natsuru was living. After even some more hours, the two had arrived at Natsuru's home, which was nothing more than one story house, and inside was the standard stuff that most, if not all people owned. Haru had an amazed look on his face as he was channel surfing; intrigued that some 'weird looking box' could make 'moving images' appear on it. Natsuru, who was in his room looking for a movie, let a giggle as he remembered how he was exactly the same way when he first saw a television. Haru later came into the dragon's room and looked around in amazement.

"Oh wow, Natsuru; for someone who came to Earth some days ago, you've already settled in quite nice. You're really living it good here."

"Hehe, I suppose so."

"So, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a good movie for us to watch; that is if I can find where they are."

"Oh, I'll help look."


The gryphon began searching the room for where the movies might be; even though he had no what these movies looked like. The first place he searched was under the dragon's bed; moving his arm around hoping to feel something. That didn't take too long, as the gryphon felt something and thought it might be one of those movies. As he pulled whatever out from under the bed, he realized what he had in his hands was a book, with a very suggestive cover image. Curious as to know what the book might be about, Haru opened and skimmed through every page. Judging by the blush that had appeared on his face, he was really surprised by images he saw in the book.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!", Haru yelled.

"What; did you find one of my movies?"

"Natsuru, this book has pictures of the islanders in suggestive clothing, naked, and having sex. What kind of book is this?"

"Oh, that's one of my porn magazines, ahahahaha. I actually have a lot more of those."

"What; porn!?"

"Yup, that's what the inhabitants of this planet call it. They even have movies and games on that material as well; I have some of those too, ahahahah."

Haru was flabbergasted by this and couldn't believe that Natsuru would own such things, and even enjoy them. Unlike other people, who would freak out if their porn stash was discover and try to think of some excuse to avoid talking about it, the dragon didn't even try to come up with an excuse, and just held a happy grin on face like it was normal and no big deal. Looking at the dragon, Haru went into his thoughts, and remembered that Natsuru was always sort of a pervert back on Fantasia; so there was really no reason for him to be shocked at all. The gryphon calmed down as he was about to ask the dragon a question.

"Hey, Natsuru; since you've been on this planet for some time now. Have you done this before I came here?"

"Huh; you mean have I taken part in any porn. Nope, I have not; although it does seem kind of interesting."

"No, not that; I meant have you have you had sex with anyone while you were here for some days?"

"Huh; that's a strange question to ask someone, but I'll answer your question with maybe I have, or maybe I haven't, heh. Why do you want to know?"

"I don't; w-why would I care about you doing it with whomever in this place."

"Hehe, you sound a little jealous."

"J-jealous; no way; w-what would I have to be jealous for."

In a quick flash, Natsuru had pinned Haru down on his bed; the dragon himself on top of his friend. Haru was surprised by the dragon's sudden action, and looked u to see him with a smirk on his face; he was wondering what his friend was up to. Natsuru then pulled the zipper on Haru's jacket all the way down; opening it and revealing the gryphon's well-toned body. The gryphon blushed as Natsuru rubbed his body, and complimented on how well he has taken care of his body. Natsuru moved one of his hands down Haru's body and to his pants, where he unbuttoned and unzipped him, and began rubbing his now hard cock. Haru blushed harder and let out some slight moans as his friend was having his way with him.

"I can't believe this, Natsuru is molesting me", Haru thought. "But, it isn't so bad, to have Natsuru feel every part of me. This is...ECSTASY."

Haru slowly opened his eyes to have a look at the dragon atop him, but was surprised to see that Natsuru was off of him. Getting up, he noticed the dragon was back to looking for his movies. The gryphon didn't understand why the dragon would just stop, when he could've just as easily taken him.

"H-hey; what's going on; why did you stop?"

"Oh, you looked kinda scared and maybe were about to cry. And when you think about it, I was pretty much taking advantage of you, so I stopped. What kind of friend would I be, if I had continued?"

"What; why would you even think that? You could have very much continued on with what you were doing to me."

Natsuru's ears twitched when he heard what Haru had said. The dragon did a little evil chuckle, and turned his head towards the gryphon; with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Are you saying that you were enjoying that, and wanted me to continue?"

"Uh, well, that is to say..."

Haru wasn't able to finish his sentence, as he was immediately pinned down by Natsuru again; but this time the dragon had locked his mouth with his beak. The gryphon started to blush harder, as Natsuru kissed him deep. Haru was so turned on by the kiss that his cock was pointing straight up from out of his pants. Ending the kiss, Natsuru's grin seemed to get wider as he noticed the gryphon's cock.

"Heh, you little pervert, and here I thought I was the only one."

Haru blushed some more after being called a pervert, and then moaned as he squirmed his body. He felt his cock being rubbed again, but he also felt the dragon's cock against his own; frotting the both of them. Apparently during their kiss, Natsuru had unzipped his own pants to let his cock out. Haru moaned and squirmed more as the reptile continued the frotting; snickering as he enjoyed the bird's sweet moans. Natsuru was enjoying himself, but thought it was time for to stop teasing Haru, as well as himself. Ending the frotting between them, the dragon lowered his head close to Haru's cock, and grabbed ahold of the bird's balls, as he inserted the cock into his mouth. The gryphon moaned as he felt his balls being fondled, and his cock being licked and sucked on. The dragon bobbed his head as he simultaneously licked and sucked up and down half of Haru's cock; all the while he was jerking himself off. Haru gripped the bed as he felt the surges of pleasure coursing through his body; releasing moans of bliss from his beak. Natsuru then started deep-throating up and down the whole cock; making the gryphon breath out hard and moan some more. While the dragon was still fondling the bird's balls, he gave them a squeeze which sent Haru over the edge, and he moaned out louder as a stream of cum erupted from his cock, and down the dragon's throat. Haru seemed to be cumming a lot of his seed, meaning that this was either his first time, or that he just hasn't masturbated in a long time; either way Natsuru was swallowing all of it.

When Haru's cumming had come to a stop, Natsuru licked his lips of the remaining cum, while the gryphon laid exhausted and was panting hard. He then felt something on his abdomen, and when he looked up, he saw Natsuru sitting on him; his hard cock a few inches away from his beak. With that grin on his face, it was like the dragon was telling him to get to sucking. Haru blushed as he stuck out his tongue, and started to repeated lick up the base of Natsuru's cock; making the dragon shiver a bit, as he enjoyed his little treatment. The gryphon continued his licking up the meaty flesh; eventually making his tongue lick up along the head as well, and thus making the dragon let a long moan. Just as Haru was about to engulf the cock, he felt a hand on his head as Natsuru stopped him from going any further.

"That will be enough. I was going to let you suck me off, so it would be easier for you when got to the real fun, but I just thought about doing something even better."

"A-and what would that be?"

Natsuru got off from atop Haru and next to his right side. With his left hand, the dragon held the gryphon by the chest, and with his right hand, removed the bird's pants and undergarments completely off the lower half of his body; making him blush even harder. Natsuru inserted two of his fingers into his mouth, and sucked on them for a bit; coating them with his saliva. Taking his fingers out of his mouth, the dragon penetrated his friend's tailhole with his saliva covered fingers, and slowly thrust them in and out repeatedly. Haru moaned out in bliss from the sensation he was feeling, as he was being finger fucked, while Natsuru just smirked mischievously. The dragon started thrusting his fingers in and out of Haru faster, and making him send out more moans; judging by the grin on his face, Natsuru was clearly enjoying what he was doing.

"Are you enjoying this, Haru?"

"Aaaahhh...N-natsuru...y-yes, I'm enjoying th-this...aaahhhh."

"And you want to feel even more pleasure, don't you?"

"Aaahhh...y-yes...please. I want t-to feel more pl-pleasure."

"Hehe, that's all I needed to hear."

After receiving his answer, Natsuru removed his fingers from his friend's tailhole, and turned him over; he whispered to him to get on all fours, which Haru did. The dragon got into position behind him, and held the gryphon by hips. He pressed the head of his cock at the bird's eager tailhole, and slowly inserted the head in; Haru let out a sigh upon feeling the head of Natsuru's cock in him. The dragon noticed that and with a smirk, he thrusted the rest of cock inside of the gryphon, who went wide eyed from the sudden thrust. Natsuru began to pull out to the head, only to thrust back in hard, and pulled out again, and thrust back in; he continued that rhythm with slow, hard thrusts. Haru would let out moans every time Natsuru would thrust back into him; he could feel the pleasure coursing throughout his body. Haru felt like he was in heaven; to be penetrated and taken by his best friend was like a dream come true. Moans and more moans kept escaping from his beak, as he enjoyed the feeling of his tailhole being intruded by the hard thrust of the dragon's cock.

"Ah uh uh aahh aaahhhh", Haru moaned. ""

"Hehe, as you wish."

Natsuru increased the speed of his thrusting, as he fucked the gryphon a little faster and harder. Even more moans left Haru's mouth, as he felt those hard reptilian balls slapping against his butt. The bed under even started to shake at the speed the dragon was going at. Bliss, ecstasy, pleasure; those three things could be felt between the two friends, in their little reunion. Natsuru was like a sex craving beast and Haru was like a victim of that beast, as his ass was continually being pounded. Feeling a tingle through his cock, Haru was just about to have his second orgasm.

"Aaaahhhh, s-so close, I'm about"

Haru wasn't ablte to finish what about to say, as he felt his cock being gripped. Natsuru had grabbed the bird's cock; seemingly to keep him from cumming. The feeling of his cock being squeezed, and the need to cum, made the gryphon let out a long moan.

"Ah ah ah; no cumming until I have my orgasm first; got that?"


"Hehe, don't worry; I'm close to cumming real soon."

Natsuru started to fuck Haru even faster now; making the gryphon release even more louder moans. The dragon was that much close to the edge; his orgasm was just a few seconds away. Natsuru did one final hard thrust into his friend, as he reeled his head back with a grin. "GGGGRRRRRRRRR", Natsuru said as he shot his load into Haru tailhole; coating the gryphon's insides with his dragon seed. Natsuru had released his grip on Haru's cock, and the gryphon made a loud 'AAAAAHHHHHHHHH', as he came for the second time and shot his seed on the bed sheets below him. The gryphon panted hard as he was catching his breath; Natsuru had pulled his cock from Haru's cum dripping ass, and immediately held him close to his chest.

"So Haru, did you enjoy the fun?"

"Oh yeah, it was a blast, hehe."

"Hehe! Say, Haru, since you just arrived here, and probably don't have place to stay; how about you come live with me?"

"Really; are you serious?"

"Yeah; it sure would be a lot better, than me having to stay here all by myself."

"Hehe, sure, I wouldn't mind at all. But, since this is your only room, I guess I'll have to sleep on the couch, until we can get another bed."

"Heh, are you kidding?" You can sleep on this bed that you just made a mess on with me."