Sins of the Father

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADIES AND GENTLEMEN! CHILDREN OF ALL AGES!" The age old cry rippled over the gathered people sending a murmur of excitement through them all.

Chester grinned a little to himself and kept his hand securely wrapped around the gentleman who had offered to lead him past the crowd and tried to still a thrill of anticipation that had run through him. For the first time in his life he was doing something against his family's wishes, not that that mattered anymore. He had spent his entire life under his father's thumb, the controlling man had made his fortune through imports and had insisted that his family be spotless. He had seen other families ruined as their reputations became tarnished through misbehavior of spoiled youngsters. While his friends had enjoyed lavish parties and drinks, he had been forced to attend his father's business meetings and behave properly for the sake of the family. It was always for the sake of the family.

Every moment of his life had been molded around that phrase. Their family name must be preserved. Their family name must be untarnished. When prohibition had gone into effect he had been forced to ignore the invitations to the speakeasys as his father reputation had been too important. He had always walked the straight and narrow, enduring the lectures from his father that he should never look at their servants or lesser women. That he must preserve himself, and his reputation, for his future wife. One he would take who was of good breeding and would join them with an older family with a fine name. He had bowed his head to all of it, lowering himself and debasing himself for the sake of ensuring that his father was pleased. Never letting the old man guess that his true passion didn't lie in the sweet little maids that tended their estate.

Now father is gone. _ He walked through the crowd of the fair, wrinkling his nose at the scent of the animals. _I should feel sadness, but all I can feel is relief. I am my own man now, I am able to become who I wish to be. Who I want to be...

That was what made him lift his head up high as he passed along the stands that were barking out their wares and his eyes slid towards the man who held his hand. He should have been at home dealing with the matters of the family business, but he wanted one day to enjoy himself. And the lad that had barked for the circus on the tall white stallion had drawn his eyes in a way no female ever would. He wasn't quite a boy and boasted a pair of tight white riding pants that hugged his lower body and enclosed his legs. The merry red hunting jacket with the long tails lent him a fashionable air and it was all topped off with a top hat that was cocked at a jaunty angle. Normally Chester would have ignored the draw to the boy, the looming voice of his father and the demands of his position in the family would have made him lower himself and leave.

In this world, there was no place for a man who wanted to love other men. It was wrong. It would destroy his family if anyone ever found out about his desires, but at that moment he hadn't cared. All he cared about was the look in those sapphire eyes as the lad road past and the way the stallion had moved beneath him. There had been an invitation in those eyes, one that he was all too eager to take when he bought his tickets to the show. It was a travelling circus, what possible harm could there be in seeing the boy undressed beneath his hands? His entire body thrummed with electric pleasure at the thought of being able to feel the smooth skin under his touch, taste the sweetness of this lips and see if the potential of the body beneath those tight pants was as promising as he thought it would be.

_It will be... For a night, and then I can go on with my life. Just a night and I will be able to marry some dough faced woman for her name. _He shivered in anticipation as the lad leaned closer and almost whispered in his ear.

"Let me show you the freak show, it's worth a gander and I'll bet a fine fellow like you will even be amazed." For all his seeming youth, the voice was rich sounding and made Chester wet his lips in anticipation.

"I would see anything you wished to show me." He answered, trying to hide his own excitement. Curiosities, fumbled attempts with a former friend in the past, they were all building into a near fevered state of lust as he watched the lad.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Toby suppressed the urge to grin as the boy at his left. He wanted nothing more than to drag the fellow past the views of the public and throw him behind the tent, but not for what Chester Weatherford thought he was going to get. He had seen the boy's face before, but it had been weathered and severe, with eyes that had no joy in life, only the intensity of a hound on the hunt. He had faced down the boy's father a decade ago when he had simply been another pauper on the streets. One of the faceless masses that the rich hadn't paid attention to unless they were doing some bit of charity that they wished to be in the news about. He had watched the man take everything his parents had owned from them, no matter the drought that had destroyed the farm's chance of profit, or the fact that everyone was sharing the same hard time. The man had yanked them away and forced them out of their home when he had been little more than ten years old.

That memory was burned in his mind as one that had formed his entire life. The man hadn't even taken pity on his mother, who was frail from child birth, he had simply turned away from their pleas and used their farm, and their neighbors to build his own vast estate. He had built it on the backs of those who had no where else to go and after his mother had died he had been forced to join up with his relations. Circus focus, old gypsies, people that had no homes and wandered the world in bright tawdry costumes. He had thought that he had moved past that darkness, thrown himself in with the merry and strange people that made up the last of his family. And then he had seen this young man standing on the side of the road watching their parade. His nose the same curve of his father's, the same pale blue eyes that looked cold no matter what the temperament.

"In here..." Toby gave a swing of his arm that sent the young man through the back entrance of the tent. "Have you ever been to the circus?"

Damn them all, damn them for taking my home, my mother, damn them.... He kept his voice pleasant, despite the fact he wanted to snarl his rage, he could only rage on the inside.

He didn't care if the old man was dead, this trounced up little prick was living on the bones of his childhood. Did he care that he lived on crushed dreams or did he simply savor the silver spoon in his mouth too much to question how it had all come to pass? How many had he trampled as he grew up, learned the business from his father, how many more would suffer? It made Toby draw in a deep breath and school his face as the well dressed man stepped into the back room behind the freak show, exclaiming with a bit of disgust at a few of the articles that were set out. The Siamese twins in a jar, the mermaid that was really dried bits of fish and a monkey.

"I've never been to one, Father always did hate them." Chester stood up with a slight smile on his face. "I'm not sure why, but he's always hated things like this."

"Ahh but it's full of magic and wonder." Toby took off his top hat to drop on a preserved monkey's hand. "The freak show is the best part, I work there, doing magic."

"Magic?" Chester perked up and two high points of color showed on the tops of his cheeks. "I must say, I'm sure that your tricks are something to see."

You will see them. _ Toby's eyes barely narrowed as he tried to give a humble smile at the compliment. _You will become the main event tonight if I have my way.

"Perhaps you would like to join me at my show?" He lifted his brow, allowing a smile to cross his features. "I could do with an assistant, and you, my dear, would fit the bill perfectly."

Chester's breath came a bit faster and his eyes widened, looking a bit more like his father as he tilted his head to one side. The young man was nearly his own age, perhaps a few years older, but he looked like a child at the offer. Unsure of himself, but Toby had no intention of allowing this fellow to walk away from this.

"I don't think that would be-" He started to speak, but Toby walked forward with the slightest sway to his hips.

"I promise, no one will ever know it is you. I can hide you with a mask, and you will be a part of something bigger than you had ever imagined." Toby murmured softly and came close enough to reach a hand out to touch the man's chest. "Don't you wish to see my magic?"

"I-I yes..." Chester stammered, his eyes flashing wide, but Toby only smiled. The same smile that the serpent must have given Eve when he offered the apple.

~ ~ * ~ ~

I can't believe I'm doing this... Chester shifted nervously on the stage as the crowd erupted into applause at the rush of smoke that snapped in front of him faded away to reveal him.

Toby had stripped him of his fine shirt and jacket, all of his clothing had been removed while the handsome lad's long nimble fingers had glided along his nude body. For a moment he had disgraced himself by feeling his arousal grow as the magician trailed his fingers right along the edges of his hips and the lips had brushed the back of his neck. It had been terribly arousal to feel that touch, it had made him flush and try to bluster his way out of his reaction. They both knew why he was there, but the ghost of his father still made him feel disgraced at the way his body had instantly reacted to the gentle touches. He hadn't been tended in the least bit, though, despite his attempts at coaxing the lad into something a bit more risqué than a few stolen touches. Instead, Toby had provided him with a pair of loose fitting, bright blue, silk harem pants and suspenders to wear.

The only other thing he wore was the true humiliation, but also gave him reason to be entirely anonymous to the crowd. The donkey mask that was pulled down over his face meant that he could only see through the narrow eye holes, but no one could see him. He was just the faceless assistant who helped the magician through his act, which was quite impressive. Doves and flowers, smoke and flashes of fire were all used to draw the audiences eyes as Toby took on the persona of Demonde, a magician from the far east who had learned at the seat of the Emperor. All Chester saw was the potential of those long graceful hands and the way his outfit clung to his body. It made him yearn for the show to be over, he wanted to slip back into tent and be undressed again, but this time, share the experience with the lad in all ways.

"Now, Ladies, children, I must, alas, ask you to exit our fair tent..." Toby, or rather Demonde, purred while stepping forward. "Our act will conclude with something so unbelievable, something so forbidden, that you would faint to behold it! And, I cannot risk such fair prizes or tender youths..."

There was a rippling of laughter, some appreciative, and some uneasy as Chester made his way to the front and peered through the eyeholes of the mask. There were quite a few men in the audience, and most of them stayed as Toby continued to sweet talk the ladies present about how they shouldn't stay or they would risk being overcome by the magnitude of what he was about to dare. Some of the men went with their ladies or daughters, but many stayed. Most of them were young men, rowdy looking and red faced from whatever the men outside the tent were selling. Chester could only imagine that this section of the show would involve something risqué, a dancer of some sort perhaps. He'd been to one show that had women who nearly took off all their clothes to music and since the tent considered a part of the freak show it wasn't unbelievable to think that they would have something of that sort.

"I give you Bacchus! Young god of wine and festivities!" Toby gestured towards Chester as he leapt back to one side of the stage. "You have seen him, a god that has granted us laughter and merriment, his jovial appearance one of a man come to walk among us!"

Chester gave a stiff bow in response, glancing towards the lad in confusion as he tried to at least look the part. He hadn't been given a name before the show or during it, but a heathen god was probably what he looked like with the awkward mask and the loose silk pants.

"Today, we shall see the impossible!" Toby moved around the stage as the world darkened and Chester jerked his head to see heavy flaps were being drawn shut and tied. "This god walked among mankind, forcing them to their knees , for though he is the god of revelry, there is a darker side to him as there must be to all the old gods. He came here as a gift to us, an unlooked for gift."

"And didn't bring any wine!" A drunken voice yelled out from the group and got a rough laugh from his friends as Chester was forced to the center stage as Toby began to all but stalk him.

The lad transformed from the vibrant charismatic man that had held the stage into something almost predatory as he stalked around in circles. His body was relaxed and graceful, his legs rolling slowly as he kept his sapphire eyes on Chester while he stumbled a bit. His cheeks burned as there was more laughter from the crowd and he drew himself up in outrage. He wasn't doing this to be made fun of, and he certainly didn't get whatever trick that this man though he was going to pull!

"But this god, he has another form, and today we will force it upon him." Toby gave a leap and suddenly something snapped out of his hand. The mask didn't give Chester a chance to duck away as rope was suddenly looped around his neck. "This god who has meddled in the lives of mortals will be cast low, like his mask suggests, we will make him into an ass!"

The laughter of the men made Chester grit his teeth and he stiffened. He was done here. He wasn't going to sit here and be mocked like this and he certainly wasn't going to allow himself to be switched out with some donkey they had hiding back stage. He took a step back and suddenly the rope snapped tight around his neck, the noose slipped up and the thick knot pushed up against his throat so that he moved his hands up to catch it. The moment he touched it Toby said something, a guttural word that didn't sound like any natural language he had ever heard. It sent a shiver down his spine before the rope around his neck suddenly flared, he could see the light from the narrow eye holes on the mask.

The touch of his hand sent a shock through him and he stumbled back with a wild cry. The rope bit tighter around his neck, but he wasn't aiming for the neck when he reached up again. He grasped at the mask tear it off of himself, but his hands refused to go high enough to reach. The rope was burning around his neck, clinging to him and making it feel as if it were tearing into the flesh while the room went silent. Not even the drunkest man said anything as Toby continued to chant in the harsh guttural tongue.

"STAWWW AWWWW AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWP!" Chester tried to protest but to his horror a loud bray erupted from his lips, louder than his human voice was.

"Watch gentlemen! Let this god among men be seen in his true shape!!" Toby's words were mocking while Chest became aware of his pants starting to tighten around his waist.

They had always been snug, they'd been just a shade too small for his larger frame, but now he could feel the straps on his chest straining while the band bit along his stomach. He twisted his head wildly about, trying to look down, but the eyeholes wouldn't let him. With a wild bray, sounding more like a donkey than a man, he gave his head a shake back and forth. It wouldn't budge, it had been too well fastened up, but he was able to jerk his head down enough that he saw more clearly through the narrow eyeholes. There was a whispering through the crowd as he watched the pants filling out and his ankle was suddenly rising higher up along his leg while he watched.

The tips of his nails were thickening, hardening and melding together in a roll that started at the middle toe and spread outwards. The nail grew darker as it did so and his ankle grew up higher, hiking the harem pants up with it as the entire shape of the top of his foot changed. He tried to scoot backwards, but he couldn't move as the rope seemed to burn around his neck and grew worse. It was heat and fire, his own breath panted back at him from the mask while thick dark hooves formed right at the tip of his feet, rounding out and growing heavier so they weighed him down. His ankle moved up higher as the shape of his knee began to change, and the pants grew tighter around him, the seams were straining in an effort to hold him.

There was a sudden pop against his hips that made him bray out, a loud harsh noise before he dropped onto his side and his legs drew up tighter to his body. The pants suddenly tore, splitting along the legs to reveal smooth grey fur sliding along his body. He watched it with terrified eyes as it started right above the thick dark hooves that had formed on his feet and started to push upwards rapidly. It flowed over his white skin and he felt the pants tearing upwards as his upper legs became thicker and more muscular by the moment. And it wasn't just his legs that were growing. The suspenders that had looped over his shoulders suddenly snapped and hit him in the stomach as he realized he was growing larger by the moment.

"AWWW EEEE EEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE!" He brayed out, trying to beg for Toby to stop whatever he was doing, but the words only became mangled into animalistic speech.

His pants finally split entirely, the silk fluttered to the floor as his rear began to change as well, it grew larger and more muscled as his loins were bared to the audience. No one made a move to help him, they seemed to entranced watching him as his pale member flopped against his inner leg and above his balls. It looked ludicrously small against his stomach as the growth continued and he felt himself twitching in reaction. He wanted to hide his shame, he could feel their eyes on him as the fur spilled up along his hips and suddenly there was a stab of pressure right against the apex of his spine. With a ragged bray he felt a tail pushing out from the base of his spine. He couldn't even see it, but he felt it growing as the equine legs kicked wildly against the air in his effort to roll onto his stomach to hide himself.

"See our fallen god? His shame at his true form revealed! Show our audience what gift you are endowed with!" Toby's voice was mocking as Chester felt tears rising to his eyes while he looked down at his loins.

His stomach was growing, it was thickening, as was his chest, but the fur stopped nearly half way up his torso, but that wasn't the change that he was watching. His cock, that looked so small against his enlarged body, started to change. The curly dark pubic hair that covered his balls dropped away, shedding from him as they began to darken rapidly. The skin turned dark black as they grew larger and larger by the moment, swelling to the point that it looked as if they were the size of oranges. The flesh was leathery, but not smooth, the faintest velvet of fur covered them and spread around them softening the glistening look of them. His cock began to darken as well, the foreskin grew thicker around his glans as the dark flesh consumed the paleness of his member.

Chester shuddered as his cock began to grow by ludicrous amounts, the tip flattened and turned broad as it spilled downwards and his foreskin began to roll backwards, growing heavier as it did so. He had always been nicely large by most peoples standards, but now it became ludicrous as the swaying flesh drooled down lower and lower. It was soft, mostly, so thick that the skin rolled in on itself at the middle point forming a ring as it draped against the coolness of the stage and his foreskin pulled back to make a sheath right at the base. It wasn't a human's genitalia that looked at him, but an equines girth that flopped warm and full against the stage, the tip wide and flat instead of rounded like a cap. He shuddered all over and tried to look away, but he was almost mesmerized by the site of it.

"COME! Come, Bacchus, my fallen god! UP!" Toby's voice rang out as there was a sudden eruption of applause from the crowd. "SHOW THEM YOUR FORM!"

The snap of the whip cracked near his haunches brought Chester lunging up from the ground with a wild bray. The tatters of the harem pants dropped down to the ground as he looked around wildly. The mask hadn't fallen off, but remained in place despite the fact he was larger all over. He loomed over Toby now, towering over the crowd as his hands slapped against the ground and his hooves clattered. He couldn't feel his hands. He felt a stab of terror as he tried to flex his fingers, to lift one of his arms up like a human should, but he only lifted it up and felt the elbow position was all wrong and he couldn't move his hand up to wiggle his fingers. His fingers wouldn't move at all, they simply remained in place while he struggled to flex them. His nostrils flared wildly, but he was given no chance to truly panic over the state of his change.

While the laughter and applause still ran through the crowd the whip struck again, this time the tip caught right behind one of his arms and he brayed out in shock. He tried to yank backwards, but the damned rope around his neck kept him in place, even though he had to be stronger than the lad holding it. The crack forced him back and suddenly up, rearing onto his haunches so he could feel muscles he hadn't had before tightening to take his heavy weight as he loomed over the magician and the crowd as well. He couldn't even stand up straight! His back didn't want to work that way, let alone his haunches and hips.

"Come Bacchus! Amuse your revelers!" The whip snapped again when Chester tried to drop down and he was forced to stay reared up, which is what Toby wanted.

The whip came out again, but not to strike him, but to tap his hind legs while he was precariously balanced on them. The touch startled him, a fright that went beyond simply anticipating a blow and he walked forward awkwardly, stepping forward one step and then another. When he walked forward two pace the whip hit again, this time more demandingly against both of his hind legs at the same time and with a touch of force. He tried to flatten ears he didn't have when he understood what was being asked of him, but another touch made him leap forward. He hopped on his hind legs, ungainly and feeling unbalanced he hopped forward two steps with a loud clatter of his hooves hitting the ground beneath him.

"GOOD SHOW!" A few whistled and laughed, their voices mocking him as he tried to keep on his hind legs for fear of the whip.

"Like one of those pretty white ponies that girl had." He heard one say and others agreed, making his cheeks burn in shame behind the mask. Him? A pony?!

"Easy easy!" The rope relaxed around his neck and Chester dropped to all fours, shaking and trembling as the man he had wanted as his lover caught the rope close to his neck. "There now, not so bad. Let us give a bow to our audience, Bacchus."

Let me go damnit! _ He twisted his masked head towards the magician, trembling under the touch while the carriage whip was brought up and tapped one of his front legs forcefully. _ I am not a trained beast!

The tap became more forceful, before it slipped out and moved behind what felt like his wrist. He jerked a bit and felt it pushing harder and harder until his leg bent and he was forced to drop down towards the ground. He extended his other leg out, his flat hand stretched before him, useless feeling while he lowered his chest to the ground and shuddered all over while he bowed in front of the gathered men exactly like a trained horse. He'd never been so humiliated in his life and he tried to look away as a few men stood up and applauded loudly, vigorously yelling out their appreciation for the act and the transformation of the 'god'.

_Don't they see how wrong this is?!?! Didn't they see me actually change?! _ Chester thought frantically while a hand stroked along the line of his shoulders, rubbing along his bare skin with glove tipped fingers.

"So, my fine audience, what shall we do with our fallen god?" Toby drawled the words out almost mockingly. "I will bet any man here admission that he will obey my command! You have seen a man changed into a beast, but this beast is no man! For he has changed entirely, no longer is a man hiding within this body, but a true ass. Allow me to prove it to all of you! I will show you all that this is no crude illusion or costume, but magic in truth!!!"

Chester set his head back and scrambled back to all fours in an ungainly fashion as what followed was beyond humiliating as the drunken men began to shout out suggestions on what to do with him. If they thought he was just a donkey, they certainly didn't act like it, not with some of their degrading suggestions on how he should perform for him. The first suggestion was one that wasn't too terrible, the ship cracked and he was forced to run in a circle around the stage at a prance. The whip that cracked out and hit against the back of the legs forced his hooves and hands up high, trotting in an unfamiliar manner that made them rise and fall up and down, left foot and right hind, right foot and left hind, up and down as he circled the stage for the magician.

He was made to stand on a step stool, far too narrow for an actual donkey to stand on, but with his enlarged hands it was even worse as he became a slave to not just a whip. It was in trotting that he learned something awful, the man was willing to praise him with the sweetest words when he behaved. Those long graceful fingers would stroke him, a caress that sent shivers down his spine as the harsh voice that called for obedience turned into the softest silk if he obeyed. The only time the whip struck as when he balked and tried to fight what was being asked of him. It was beyond humiliating to feel himself wanting that praise more than his dignity, because the only other sounds he heard were mocking laughter as he was put through his paces. Their rough humor was biting as he struggled through their commands.

At first, he knew what was coming and he strove to prove that he was a human no matter the degrading act. When one ventured to ask him to count, he had struggled to do it to prove that he wasn't a beast. To do something, anything, to make them see the truth of what they were experiencing, but the more he struggled the stranger things became. The voices were clear, but slowly started to jumble as he strained to figure out what was being asked at him. It was as if he were listening to people who didn't speak English normally and kept slipping into their native tongue. He struggled to peace out what they wanted, but bit by bit, it became harder to know what they wanted from him as the sounds became just that... sounds. The silken voice of Toby was still sweet, but the words became meaningless save for that of his name or a repeated command.

In his panic he froze and locked his legs when he watched Toby's mouth move but the strange language came out. He lashed his ropey tail back and forth wildly, his nostrils flaring behind the mask and he threw his weight backwards, rearing onto his haunches and nearly tearing the rope free before the whip struck free again. Why couldn't he understand them!? He kicked backwards, he didn't know why, but he kicked his hind legs out and brayed wildly in his panic. He couldn't understand them, this wasn't fair! This wasn't right! He kicked and bucked wildly as the rope was tightened around his neck and suddenly there was a rush of fresh air as the mask was peeled off him.

Whatever relief he might have felt at that clinging thing being pulled off was lost as the rope snapped down over his nose and behind his head. He struggled to pull back as a make shift halter was worked onto him and he brayed out his complaints. The men were laughing, he could hear their laughter and words, but he didn't understand it. He didn't understand anything! He was trembling and shaking, shuddering his skin in a way he had never been able to as a human. His eyes flashed open wide before he felt something stroking along the curve of his shoulder. It was such a gentle touch, stroking along the line of his neck and back, then back down to his shoulder before the silken words began to softly murmur into his ear. A reassuring sound in his panic, a soft sound, it made his shaking start to slowly come to a close as the laughter moved into the background.

His head was tugged and forced to press right against the lad's shirt, and it smelled heavenly. It smelled warm and male and soothing as well, he drew in a deep breath and leaned against it while the silken words turned into a purr as the voice lifted up. He didn't know what was being said, but he wanted to be assured, he wanted to be touched and to not be alone and trembling in front of this crowd. The fingers moved to trace against the base of his neck, circling slowly back and forth while the other hands moved from the halter to cup against his cheek. They were all talking, he didn't care, he wanted this, he just wanted to be touched.

It was in that craving for the mans touch that he hesitantly felt an accord in himself, he needed someone to touch him and to be near him. Being alone was wrong, being left on his own was frightening, despite having been forced to be alone for so long. This man that touched him was right, this was right, it was all going to be alright as long as he felt the gentle strokes rubbing his bare skin. Those hands were magic, sensitive and seemed to know places that made him shiver as he rubbed his head back and forth against the chest. He drew in a deeper breath of that scent and started to relax as the sounds dinned down to a rumble and the master's voice was the loudest one. He snorted out hotly and drew in a deeper breath before a hand moved down to cup against his chin.

Bacchus blinked a few times, he tried to puzzle out what was being asked of him, but it was hard to figure out what was going on. When the master stepped away he followed nervously, working his lips as he tried to put his ears back. He didn't want the man to leave him, he wanted to be close to him so he stepped forward with a nervous shiver running down his spine. He blew out a hot snort and threw his head up as suddenly he was met with a scent that made his entire body tense up and a tremor ran down the length of his haunches. That hot scent, warm and thick, rushing to fill his nostrils and he shifted nervously in place as one side of the stage opened up to show the outside world before a short man came walking in with another equine.

It was a pony, grey dappled and short looking, with a soft head and dark mane that fell along the eyes and she snorted nervously as she was led onto the stage. The crowd erupted into sound, but the master touched his neck gently as he drew in another deep breath of that scent. It was thick and heavy and made his haunches twitch in reaction. He stomped a hoof and threw his head up with a harsh bray while the nervous mare set her ears back, but didn't stop as her handler turned her about. He tried to remember what was so wrong about all of this, but he only knew one thing. He had come here filled with sexual frustration and eagerness to have it appeased and now it was being offered to him, right in front of him.

His shaft slapped roughly beneath his belly and the crowd didn't even make him flinch as he lunged forward with a short noise and pulled at his halter. Toby let him move towards the mare, though the grip on the halter remained and he pushed his nose forward towards the dark black tail that twitched behind her. The scent was there, it was flooding him so that he stomped his hind hooves and felt his heavy shaft swinging back and forth as it thickened. He couldn't recall when he had dropped, but the wetness of his precum hit against his stomach wildly as he tried to lunge forward over her back, but the halter stopped him. He brayed out his frustration, but his nose was forced back down to the quirked up tail to breathe in that heavenly scent.

The dusky folds fluttered at him, flexing and winking out her clit with a sheen of wetness clinging to them that made him flex his haunches again, his cock swung up high again to slap his belly before dropping down. He knew what he wanted! He tried to buck up and down, to lunge forward, but the hand on the halter made him lower his nose to snuffle right against her haunches, breathing in a deep rush of scent that made him shiver in place. He lunged forward again, he wanted this, he had come here wanting this. He couldn't recall a time he had felt this and the pony was presenting for him. All of that sexual frustration mounted as he threw his weight against the hold on his halter and suddenly lunged forward.

He knew something was wrong as he felt the pony's legs splay and skitter beneath him when his chest pushed right up over her haunches and he stretched his neck forward along her back. He couldn't stretch that far, though, he should have been able to get at her neck! He shoved forward, his hind hooves prancing on the ground as she splayed her legs open to hold up his weight. He tensed up the base of his cock so the inky black member jutted up in the air and jabbed wildly towards her haunches. A thick dribble of precum spilled out of the tip as he tried to thrust at her folds, but slid up along the curve of her rump cheeks and let out a whistling squeal of frustration before pulling back again.

He tried several times to find the mark, snorting and throwing the head as he hunched his haunches forward over and over, until finally a hand gripped right behind his cock tip and pulled him upwards to brush against something hot and slick. He didn't pause, he lunged forward with a grunt as he pushed his way into heavenly slick heat of the heated passage. He felt the walls yawning open wide while he shuddered and plunged wildly forward, his weight nearly knocking his smaller partner down as he sank inwards and forced inch by inch into her all the way up into this medial ring before he pulled backwards with a wild lashing of his ropey tail. Her wetness clung around him, but it was the tight heat that made him shudder as he could recall wanting someone under him, he vividly remembered that desire and it was so easy to transfer it to the heated mare beneath him.

The crowd whistled and called, but it wasn't the crowd that mattered now. He drove himself back into her body, plunging forward until his medial ring sank into her wet a slick wet noise before pulling back again. His haunches trembled in place, quivering slightly while he blew out a hot breath and let out a ragged bray when he plunged forward again. It was awkward, something was wrong, but he couldn't place it as he hooked his forelegs to either side of her and stroked along those silken folds. A hand brushed along his haunches, long graceful fingers stroked him, caressing right along his tail so that he drove himself forward hard enough he slipped higher along her back. He stretched forward and reached out to catch the mare's shoulders in blunt teeth as he lunged forward.

He drove in all the way to the point that his thick tip bumped against a barrier, but still he tried to drive deeper inside of her. Her scent filled his senses, while the touch of his master made it more erotic, made his body want this like nothing else in the world. He had always wanted this and always been denied it, he would take it! The jack squeezed his eyes shut and started to drive himself into her as thick ropes of precum were pushed deep into her body, flung into her and pushed deeper by his cock tip before he pulled back. Her own wetness was being pushed out around his cock, coating it as his medial ring popped in and out with slick messy noises. The world narrowed down to this moment, nothing mattered but his desire, nothing mattered but the feel of the small pony beneath him and the man's hand against his haunches.

His tip started to flare open wider and wider as he blocked out the cat calls and whistles, he felt the passage stretching open wider as the little pony let out a few noises under the assault. Her walls contracted and squeezed around him, caresses and pulls that made him almost wild to keep himself sheathed inside of her. His nostrils flared open wide, sucking in that erotic scent as deep as he could while he shuddered and forced himself inwards again. The powerful thrust drove right up against that barrier as his glans spread open wider and wider, forcing the walls to stretch while he shuddered and leaned forward over him. His awkward forelegs curled upwards and his balls pulled up tight between his legs as his urethra jutted out and the first throb rocked through his body and made him try to lift up his ropey tail.

A hot flood of thick semen erupted into her passage, flowing into her body and hitting hard against her cervix as throb after throb forced it up into her. He shuddered against her back, shaking as each and every short movement of his hips helped pump it out, coating her and forcing the sperm-rich seed towards her vulnerable womb while a hand moved down and briefly brushed behind his orbs. It was a light touch, barely felt, but it was enough that he gave a ragged thrust forward, shuddering and trembling, sweat running along his shoulders as his breath came out in short hard pants, each one filled with the mare's scent and his own unique musk. His nostrils quivered a little bit as he slowly blinked his eyes and tried to recall what was wrong, what had happened... The mare's walls clamped down tightly around him, pulling around his cock, milking him for each and every drop as he slowly shuddered and took a shaky step back.

Step by step he pulled his long spent cock from the pony, with a wet noise the tip popped free and swayed beneath him, oozing one last rope of creamy seed onto the stage while his sides heaved and he blinked his eyes in horror. He stared at the dark dappled haunches and saw his cum oozing from her exposed folds, drooling down like a puddle between her awkwardly splayed legs while her handler clucked and gave her a tug forward. Her tail remained hiked up, a silent accusation to what he'd just done with an animal. On stage. In front of an audience. A female animal. Chester shook his head roughly, trying to shake away the sensory memory of what he'd just done, even as he felt his softening cock pulling up beneath him.

Beside him, Toby bowed to the crowd that had lunged to their feet and applauded him while Chester tried to move his body away so they couldn't see his still flared cock tip pulling up beneath him. They had their proof, and he has his shame. Shame everlasting to his family. What had he done to deserve this?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Bacchus fidgeted and moved one of his funny hooves up to push at the mask that was stifling him, but the moment he did he felt the crack of the riding crop as his Master corrected him. The jack sighed and lowered his hand and tried to just concentrate on swaying on two feet, it was strange being on his hind legs, but he had been well trained. He must walk on his hind legs, he must keep on the funny mask and the harness that covered his haunches. He would be told to do things and he must do them. He could not pull at what was on him, he could not go on all fours, and he must not bray or grunt or make any noise as he performed. He heaved a heavy sigh and tolerated the hot feel of his breath against the hated mask as the crowd gathered.

He wanted to move, to be on all fours, and he wanted his food. He especially wanted his food. He had worked hard today pulling the cart for the big parade. He had even tolerated the silly hat that they made him wear, the one with the big feather that startled him, but he had worked hard for his Master. For love of his Master he would behave and keep his hooves down and stand up straight while he lifted his head up and kept his eyes on the human's hands. He had to watch them for his commands, that was the important part, he remembered. And afterwards, he would be back to stand properly on all fours after his Master was done with him and he would perhaps get a mare. Sometimes he got a mare, or a treat. He started to work his lips at the thought of a peppermint and then remembered what he was doing. He was going to be good, this was all part of the show and he was well trained.

His nostrils flared and tried to scent the air, but he couldn't quite get a good breath that would tell him what sorts were watching him. He hated being like this, it was all wrong, but he watched as his Master walked onto the stage with the length of the quirt held in one hand. He locked his eyes on it, watching as it moved out in a subtle gesture that meant he was to walk forward onto the stage too. His not-hooves slapped against the ground as he stepped out and lifted his head up high, the mask wobbled a little bit while he drew in a deep breath and puffed it out. Turning when he was bade to truly face the crowd, bracing himself for the routine.

"WELCOME! WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR GOD OF REVELRY, BACCHUS!" The words echoed around the tent as the world famous, and faceless, assistant stepped forward to bow to them. Just like he'd been trained to do.