Part 14 - The Play Date

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#15 of Youth and Vigor which Greg meets a new friend and enjoys the company of an old one.

** Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.**

Part 14 - The Play Date

Greg happily followed at Ray's heels as they walked out to his pickup truck. The little pup had his backpack slung over one shoulder and was swinging around his overnight back with the other arm. It was finally Friday again, and Ray had arranged for Greg to spend the weekend. He'd also arranged for the mouse/bunny cub to come over for the night as well by talking to the cub's foster parents and setting up a play date with Greg. After the cub had discovered Ray and Fark screwing in the bathroom, he really had no choice but to do what he could to appease the boy. Besides, the cub was damn cute, and that sure didn't hurt matters either.

"So what's the name of the other boy coming over? It's super funny you got caught in the bathroom with Fark!" Greg looked up at Ray and wagged his tail, giggling a bit as he teased the wolf. Ray blushed a little and fumbled in his pocket for the car keys.

"His name is Dante, and he's a little younger than you, so I expect you to act like a big brother, okay?" Ray explained, reaching up to open the door. "He's only 8."

"Oh I remember him, he has the same lunch time that I do." Greg nodded and climbed in through the driver's side door and then crawled on all fours over to the passenger seat, wagging his rump at Ray in the process. "I like hybrids, they're pretty. And Dante has silly ears." he giggled.

"You shouldn't call his ears silly, Greg. That might hurt his feelings."

"Okay Mister Ray, I'll be nice." he reached up to buckle his seatbelt and started rolling down the window. "I'm super duper glad you met Fark too! I'm can't believe he's back, I really missed him!" Greg leaned his muzzle up to the open window and sniffed at the summer air while Ray started up the engine. "It's funny that he's a horsie now, but he's a really cute horsie."

After his encounter with Greg's childhood imaginary friend Farkinarkle, he sat down with the doberman pup to try and figure things out. It turns out Greg had a dragon friend when he was little, who he thought was imaginary because no one else ever saw him. After talking with Fark, he'd learned that the imaginary friend was actually a shapeshifter who watched over the cub. Ray wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, and it still felt a bit weird to him. But Fark seemed to have only good intentions for Ray and Greg, if not a little mischievous.

"He should be getting dropped off a little before dinner time, so we're going to go home and start cooking. M'kay?" He rubbed the pup's headfur and started the engine. Greg nodded and licked up at Ray's paw. He spent the drive with his head out the window, sniffing at the wind. His pointed ears flapped in the breeze and his little pink tongue hung out the side of his muzzle. Ray couldn't help but smile, and he reached over to put his arm around the cub's shoulder. Greg nuzzled affectionately into his paw and then went back to enjoying the wind.

When the pulled into Ray's driveway, he noticed that one of the interior lights was on, and he knew he hadn't left it that way. Was someone in the house? Ray tensed up a bit as the hairs on the back of his neck stuck out. "Greg, I want you to stay behind me buddy."

"What's wrong Mister Ray?" he asked, carrying both his bags.

"I'm not sure, just let me go in first, okay?" Ray pat the doberman pup on the shoulder, who responded with a couple quick nods of affirmation. Ray walked up to the front door slowly, trying not to make too much noise. When he got to the porch he clenched his right paw into a fist and slowly opened the door with his left. He heard a clatter from inside the kitchen and quickly darted into the hall and around the corner to see what it was.

When he saw the scene, he took a deep sigh of relief and relaxed his shoulders. Greg peeked out from around his leg and then gasped, dropping his bags on the ground. "Faaaaarky!" he squealed, scampering into the kitchen and nearly slipping on the tile. Fark was standing in the kitchen. He was reaching up into one of the cabinets for a pan when he accidentally dropped it on the countertop. He also appeared to be completely naked again, which wasn't really all that surprising since Fark never actually wore clothes, he could just change his appearance to make it look as though he were. The young colt turned and grinned, getting down on one knee and beckoning the pup in. The pup leapt into the waiting arms of his old friend Farkinarkle, who smiled wide and wrapped him in a big hug. Greg licked playfully at the colt's face, who responded by rubbing his backfur warmly.

"Awww, hi puppy, it's so good to see you again." Fark kissed the pup on the forehead and stood back up, rubbing behind his ears. "And you too Ray, always a pleasure."

"Mutually, Fark, but please, next time you plan on being naked in my kitchen, could I get a little warning first?" Ray closed the front door and then followed Greg into the kitchen.

"Sincere apologies, my good wolf! I had planned on surprising you boys with a bit to eat, but I'm afraid I've rather made a mess of your kitchen. You'd think after all this time I'd be capable of a little more than a grilled cheese." He looked around a bit at the kitchen, which was certainly in a state of disarray. He hadn't actually cooked anything, but there were all sorts of utensils, pans, and food stuffs sitting out on the countertops.

"Had a hard time making up your mind, ehy?" Ray chuckled. "Don't worry Fark, you can leave dinner to me. Why don't you and Greg play some video games while I get things sorted?" he motioned toward the living room and his big screen TV.

"Sounds lovely. Shall we, puppy dog?" he took Greg's paw and gave it a gentle kiss. Greg gave a happy bark and started leading the horse away. Greg watched the colt's hips sway as he walked after the pup, giving a brief sigh as he remembered how he'd bent the boy over a bathroom countertop. The way he moaned each time the wolf thrust deeply into him, and the way his long, thick horse cock smacked against his smooth belly, it was enough to make any wolf melt. Even though he may have actually been older than Ray, Fark had the beautiful body of a 12 year old colt, with the perfect lean chest and tight rump to match. He shook himself out of the daydream and returned his attention to the kitchen, putting away the unnecessary pots and pans while assembling the ingredients for some cheeseburgers. He glanced over at the living room while he worked. Fark was sitting down on the floor and Greg was nestled in his lap. The pup was swaying side to side a bit too, such a tease, that boy.

The sound of laser rifles and space age machine guns filtered across the house. Ray began assembling the hamburger patties and fired up the stove. He hummed to himself as he worked, and was just starting to layer on the cheese when he heard a whinny and a soft moan from the living room. "Ooooh, puppy, now you know that's not fair!" he heard the horse call out. Ray glanced over and saw Greg still sitting in the horses lap; the colt was fully hard and Greg had wrapped his arms around the boy's shaft as they played. Every time he needed to distract the colt, he teased his tongue along the side of the boy's shaft and shuffled in his lap.

"Is too fair! Those are the rules when you play nakie, hehe." Greg giggled and gave the horse's member another lick, making the boy shiver and lean back a bit as he let out a shallow moan.

"Well I'll just have to level the playing field, won't I then?" Fark sat back up and grabbed Greg by the armpits, hoisting him up onto the couch and burying his muzzle in the cub's bellyfur. Greg gasped a bit as the horse's warm nose pressed inside his t-shirt. He put his paws back and squirmed, trying to fake getting away. "Nuh uh, you're staying here pup!" he reached up and tickled Greg's sides, causing him to squirm quite a bit more fiercely. He yapped and giggled, eventually shaking loose his baggy pants. Fark pulled them down and tossed them aside, leaving the pup in nothing but his t-shirt and underwear. Greg squealed again, just as there was a knock on the door.

The two both perked up and Ray slung a dish towel over his shoulder. "Oh that must be Dante. On your best behavior boys! And Fark, you might want to cover up, not sure how the lad's foster parents will react to a naked 12 year old in my house." he winked at the horse, who stood up and ruffled Greg's headfur. Clothes seemed to materialize around him, though the outfit he chose certainly didn't leave much to the imagination, tight red bike pants and a chest-hugging belly shirt. "You know, maybe just stay out of sight, haha."

Ray walked over to the door and opened it up, smiling as he greeted the boy's foster mother. "Howdy Ma'am, it's nice to meet you." he reached out his paw. The woman seemed a bit distant and distracted, and had a cell phone up to her ear.

"Uh huh, yes, that's right, tell that to Mark," she rambled into the phone, then looked up at the wolf and gave a brief plastic smile. "Hi Mister Ray, thank you for looking after Dante this evening. It's nice that he's finally taking an interest in playing with other boys." she nodded and broke away from her cell phone for a moment. Greg came scampering up, still in just his t-shirt and undies, hiding behind Ray's leg.

"Hi Dante! Come on in, I was playing video games with Fark! I'm sure he'd love to see you again!" Greg reached out his paw and took Dante's, tugging him inside. The woman raised a bit of an eyebrow at the half dressed cub, but was pulled back into her cell phone a second later.

"Yes, well that's not my problem, you tell Mark that..." she rambled off, turning away from the door and giving Ray a brief wave. Oye, what a mess of a woman. The cub might be a little more sociable if he got a little attention now and then. Ray shook his head and closed the door, walking back to watch the cubs in the living room. Fark was introducing himself to the hybrid boy, getting down on one knee and shaking his paw. He'd already phased back out of his clothing, and Dante seemed to be blushing heavily.

"A pleasure to see you again Dante, you're looking splendid this evening." he pat the cub on the shoulder and rubbed behind his ears. However Dante seemed to be paying a bit more attention to the feature hanging between Fark's legs.

"Your... your thingy is so biiiig. Are you always nakie like this?" he asked, shyly.

"As often as I can help it!" Fark grinned and stood back up, walking toward Ray in the kitchen. "I do believe I smell cheeseburgers!"

"Ah yeah, your timing is great Dante. I just finished making dinner." Ray hurried back over to the stove, removing the burgers just as the cheese was dripping down into the pan. "I hope you like burgers!" The wolf went about fixing the patties on buns and slicing up some tomatoes.

"Yes please, thank you Mister Ray!" Dante started climbing up on one of the tall kitchen stools, having a bit of a tough time with it, but eventually he made his way to the top.

"What a polite lad." Fark came up to the counter next to him, wrapping his arm around the cub's waist. "Nice to see a boy with such manners. Little Greg here likes to be a troublemaker." he winked at the puppy standing at his side.

"I only make trouble 'cause you ask for it." Greg stuck his tongue out at the horse and giggled. Fark rolled his eyes in response and wrapped an arm around the cub's shoulder, pulling him in for a hug. What a sight to have in Ray's kitchen, a beautiful naked colt with a playful cub under each arm. Ray smiled as he completed the burgers, passing out the plates. The four of them joked and ate together, and talked about the cubs' day at school. Dante was opening up surprisingly quickly and Ray was very glad the boy was able to be comfortable around them. Dante also didn't seem to mind at all when Greg pulled his shirt off after spilling a little mustard on it, aside from a slight embarrassed blush as he stole glances at the puppy's bare bellyfur and tight fitting briefs.

"Excellent meal, my good wolf! What's say we all make some desert together, shall we? I know a fabulous recipe for chocolate chip cookies!" Fark suggested as he wiped his mouth off with a napkin.

"Yeah, cookies!" Greg shouted up, his ears perked and his tail wagging. Ray laughed and nodded as he began cleaning up the dinnerware. "Thank you Mister Ray!" Then he turned to the hybrid boy and took the cub's paws in his. "Wanna help? It's gonna be fun!" Greg asked, a big grin on his face. Dante responded with a few quick nods and got down off the stool. The three cubs all came into the kitchen as Ray was collecting the ingredients. Then the doberman pup started pulling off his briefs, nuzzling against Fark's arm. Ray raised an eyebrow and grinned at the pup.

"Decided you don't like your underwear anymore, pup?" he jokingly asked Greg as the pup's drawers fell to the floor. He wagged his tail and turned to look up at the wolf.

"When me and Fark used to make cookies, we would always do it without any clothes, that way they couldn't get dirty." The pup nodded matter-of-factly as he casually dropped his briefs too, kicking them both out of the kitchen as he nuzzled under the horse's arm. "You should get nakie too Mister Ray! It's the best way to make cookies." he giggled and padded up to Ray, nuzzling affectionately at the wolf's crotch.

Ray let out a soft murr of approval and started helping the boy undress him. He undid the latch on his belt to give Greg a head start, then started pulling his shirt off as the cub worked on his pants. Ray was still in the habit of going commando, so as soon as the cub dropped his pants, Ray's plump sheath and balls felt the breeze of exposure. Greg licked his muzzle and then leaned in to sniff the wolf's package, causing him to give a brief lustful whimper. Then the three of them looked down at Dante, who was still fully dressed. Ray grinned at the boy while Greg sniffed towards him and tail wagged. Fark stood back a bit, but crossed his arms and watched as the young hybrid cub turned bright red.

"I think you're next, little cub." Ray winked at him and dropped down to a knee. "Let's see your bare fur, little mouse bunny." he suggested as Greg came up to his side, nodding in agreement.

"O... okay..." Dante bashfully started pulling off his shirt while the others watched. Eager for more, Greg didn't want to wait for the boy and started taking Dante's pants down. It caught him a bit by surprise, and the boy stumbled back and tripped in his pant legs. He fell onto his rump and squirmed, totally exposed and still tangled in his clothing. Ray reached down to help the cub up, pulling his shirt the rest of the way off and helping him step out of his pant legs.

"There you go cub, feeling better?" Ray asked, folding Dante's clothes and setting them aside. The cub nodded and tried to hide behind his paws. The boy was slender and his fur was smooth and soft. With his clothes gone, Ray got a much better look at his markings, an interesting black and white pattern that alternated from side to side. He turned his attention back to the food on the counter.

"Okay lads, first thing we need is a cup and a half of flour!" Fark advised, helping Dante get a better view by setting the naked boy on Ray's countertop. Ray gathered the flour and started measuring. "Then a half teaspoon of salt, and a half teaspoon of baking soda." Greg started rummaging around for the salt and carried it back triumphantly to the wolf. "Okay cub, why don't you start stirring that together." Fark reached out for the bowl and brought it to Dante, handing him a long spoon. Dante giggled and began stirring the bowl in his lap, kicking up some of the flour in a cloud of dust.

"Careful, careful, don't stir it too fast now." he laughed and rubbed the cub's arm affectionately, then turned back to Ray and Greg. "Okay you dogs, now we need a cup and a half of brown sugar, a half cup of sugar, and a stick of butter. Mix that all together until it's nice and fluffy."

"Hehe, yay fluffy!" Greg giggled as Ray started pouring the other ingredients into a bowl, then handed it to the doberman pup. Greg started stirring feverishly, his tongue sticking out the side of his muzzle. Ray watched in amusement as the cub mixed it all together. A few flecks of the sugar jumped up out of the bowl, spotting his smooth brown and black fur. Fark leaned down and licked them up with his tongue, giving the boy a kiss on the way back.

"Very good cubs, now add an egg and a teaspoon of vanilla to the sugar." Fark continued to instruct as Ray continued adding the next ingredients. "And when that's all mixed, then you stir together the two bowls. Simple as that!" Dante nodded and hopped down off the counter so he could mix his bowl with Greg's. The two cubs smiled at each other as they worked, spilling surprisingly little on the kitchen floor. Soon they had a nice big bowl of sweet cookie dough. "Now just add a cup of chocolate chips!" He poured a cup of chips into the mixture and lifted the bowl from the cubs, stirring the last bit himself. He hummed and swished his tail as he started spooning balls of the mixture out onto a cookie sheet.

Ray came up behind him and watched. "A nice simple recipe Fark, I'll have to remember it." he complimented, " And I like your cooking methods too." adding the last bit with a grin. Fark responded by backing up against the wolf, teasing his bare rump against the wolf's sheath.

"Oh I'm sure you do." the colt grinned back over his shoulder. Ray's sheath plumped a bit as he murred. Fark continued to tease him as he worked, and just as the tip of the wolf's cock started to poke out, he turned toward the oven and ended his tease. "Alrighty, 10 minutes at 375!" he slid the tray into the oven and then clapped his hands together triumphantly. "What shall we do for 10 minutes?" he grinned, stepping up to Ray's front and leaning in closely. "Any ideas, my good wolf?" he grinned, sliding his paws up Ray's thighs and holding his hips. Ray let out a soft moan and pushed his hips back toward the colt as his wolfhood continued to grow.

Dante was the first one to make a suggestion. He watched closely as Fark teased the wolf, trying to muffle a whimper as he hid a rather obvious hard-on underneath his paws. "Can... can you teach me the game that you and the horsie were playing in the bathroom yesterday?" he looked up at them, leaning his tall rabbit ears back shyly.

"Oooh, you mean this game?" Fark demonstrated by bending over the counter in front of Ray and spreading his legs a bit. The wolf growled in approval and ran his paw down the colt's back. Dante nodded and gave his boyhood a squeeze. Then Fark leaned back over his shoulder and grinned, "What do you say dogs, shall we demonstrate? Greg, would you please show our friend the proper method for bending over?" Greg grinned and nodded, walking over to the padded carpet.

"Hehe, it's easy Dante, just like this!" he got down on all fours, then lifted his tail and wagged his rump back at the other furs. Dante followed the pup's example and got down on all fours next to him. "Yup! Then you just gotta relax your butt, it can be pretty tough at first, but it feels reeeeally good once you get used to it." Greg slid his paw around to the other cub's rear, pressing his fingers against the boy's tailhole. Dante let out a whimper and pushed back against the puppy's paw. Greg giggled and pushed a little harder, teasing the boy as he got up on his knees behind the cub's rump. "You ready to play, mister bunnymouse?" He giggled and spread the other cubs rump with his paws, leaning his nose down and giving the boy a lick.

Dante let out an affirmative moan and nodded as the other boy's tongue pressed against his tailhole. Ray and Fark gathered around to watch. Greg brought his muzzle back up and licked it, then pushed his hips forward, the tip of his boyhood pressing under the hybrid cub's tail. When he penetrated, Dante gasped in pleasure and twitched his tail. The boy must have been extremely tight, and he was having a hard time taking even Greg's young cock, but he never pulled back. Greg pressed himself deeper and deeper until he was all the way in. He hung over the other cub, panting as his paws bat at the air playfully. The cub couldn't help himself, and was soon humping with quick, energetic thrusts. The two both had tremendous expressions of pleasure. Greg was pounding away just like the good puppy he knew how to be, and Dante was moaning with each thrust, pushing his muzzle down against the carpet.

"Oh my, you're learning this game very quickly, little cub. Why don't we teach you something new?" Fark came around to the boy's front side, rubbing his horsecock in his hand, pre-cum dripping down the shaft. He got down on his knees and pressed his crotch close to the cub's muzzle. Dante seemed to immediately know what to do, and he started licking the colt's shaft all up and down. Not wanting to be left out, Ray got down on his knees behind the young doberman pup, lifting up his rump a bit and teasing under his tail with some lube. That only made the pup buck faster as he became increasingly aroused, and in turn the other cub underneath him moaned louder.

Ray and Greg had been training a lot recently, so the pup had become very good at taking the size of Ray's big, thick wolfcock. He yipped in pleasure as Ray began pressing in his length, leaning back and gasping at the amazing feeling. The pup pushed back against Ray, taking as much of the wolf as he could before slamming back into the cub bent over in front of him. Ray began taking over with strong, deep thrusts, which not only drove himself deep into Greg's tight puppy rump, but also made Greg fuck the hybrid cub much harder than he was before. Dante was loving every second, he lapped his eager tongue at Fark's horse cock, licking up every drop of pre hungrily. The colt started stroking himself, wanting to give the cub his first taste of real cum. The horse stroked himself faster and faster, leaning bark and baring his teeth when suddenly he exploded all over Drake's muzzle. The horse's thick creamy cum splashed into his mouth and down onto the floor. It dripped down the cub's chest as his gasps escalated quick and high. Ray was slamming the doberman pup hard and fast, his thick wolf knot starting to stretch the boy. Then he heard a pop and a gasp, Greg had knotted himself into the cub below him, and Dante had reached his peak and began cumming hard all over the floor. He must have clenched himself tight around Greg's cock because the puppy moaned the way he does when Ray makes him cum in the school parking lot, and he was humping as fast as he could with a knotted cock. Ray gave a few more hard and fast thrusts, making sure the cub's knot was still locked in deep, and then he blew his seed as well. He started shooting into the doberman pup's ass, but he pulled himself out before finishing and coated the cub's back and rump with the rest of his cum. The four of them panted and lay there in a cummy mess. Dante was still whimpering with pleasure as the puppy's knot throbbed inside him. Ray got down on all fours and straddled over the two of them, starting to lick the cum up off of Greg's smooth fur, caressing their young bodies with his big warm paws.

"Th... thank you... I really, really like..." Dante began, and was interrupted with the 'Ding' of the egg timer Fark had set earlier.

"Oooh, cookies are done!" The colt stood up and trotted to the kitchen, cum still dripping down his leg.

Part 15 - Visiting the Farm

** _Disclaimer:_ All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of...

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Part 13 - An Imaginary Friend

** _Disclaimer:_ All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of...

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Part 12 - Swim Practice

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of incest...

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