First Time in the Lense

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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The words seen below have been laid down in such a way so as to present a rollicking dramatic telling of one young hyper-herm bunny's first day as a model for a like minded agency. Tits and cocks off the known size scale as well as macro nudity and total disregard for safe muscle proportions are to be expected. Proceed on now that you have been prepped in advance with this knowledge.


Well, a year on since I wrote anything, still can't seem to get my groove back, so I thought perhaps now was the time to break out the drastic measures and turn to the RP logs I've been collecting in search of new ideas and inspiration. This one comes from a very enjoyable yet sadly unfinished romp I had with CC Kitty some months ago.

Naturally to confirm and give proper respect, Allison and Cherise Townsend as well as Tina Perridale are all copyright CC Kitty. I thank him for his willingness and generosity in letting me use them.

Everyone else is copyright me, Klesk Vadrigaar.

Proof reading by Ebon Jackal.

First Time in the Lense

By Klesk Vadrigaar

Spring was always a cherished time among the regions of the Pacific Northwest. In the sprawling untouched rolls of dense forested land, in a place where nature and civilization had formed a symbiotic and peaceful pact with each other that so far had held true for many years. All along new plant life was brewing, leaves were birthing and green once again began to spread across the hills and valleys crouched in rugged tranquility at the base of the Rocky Mountains and across the lengthening expanse of Highway 5, a single blot on the face of the otherwise unspoilt natural visage that, if anything, held more promise of safety for the well being of the trees that dotted its flat grey banks rather than threat of encroaching morphs and their wish to clear out the landscape for homes and cities.

Most days it stood merely as a reminder that while the activities of sentient life and all the pollution, concrete and steel trappings that came with them was a constant companion to the bark and vegetation that Earth had held dear ever since its creation, here, at least for now, there was nothing to fear. The highway existed to ensure anyone come through the are could do so as quickl as possible and leave it in peace, and indeed such a pledge was right now being demonstrated physically by the shiny BMW racing down the curves and twists of concrete. With a powerful growl, tires spun effortlessly as the one behind the wheel gunned the motor and sped along in the rush to be elsewhere while from the passenger side window, two amber set eyes peered out from an adorable decoration of a cream furred face and long lopped lapin ears at the scenery whipping past, trying to see if the relaxing view of rich green under spotless azure blue would in anyway help settle the butterflies in hir stomach.

17 years old and every bit the fashion conscious, energy infused adolescent shi was expected to be (as well as quite a lot more), Cherise Townsend was not a bunny that fared well on long car journys, and the added mileage afforded by the security alert at Seattle International Airport that had diverted their flight to the smaller establishment in Portland was only further aggravating hir already strained patience. Almost an hour over what shi'd been expecting the trip to take, and the outskirts of Olympia only now coming into view, even the many modern entertainment systems hir mother Allison had fitted during hir car's custom refit were no longer able to hold the lapin's interests. Yo! MTV Rap, Pimp My Ride, Hogan Knows Best, flip, flip, flip. A personal LCD screen in your sun visor and the ability to receive any satellite channel on it were both small compensation when you were heading towards what was possibly the biggest step from teenhood to adulthood, with the one who had made the step before you there to ensure you went through with it no matter how you might feel on the subject.

*Black leather vest, shorts and knee high buckle up black boots. Nice idea for an ensemble Miss Janet, if your fur wasn't also the exact same colour!* Cherise thought in irritation, looking away from the female jackal sinking into a splits position and leering up at the overhead camera that suspiciously seemed to be positioned a little off centre, so that her face was in the upper right of the screen, and her cleavage dead on in the middle.

*And as a second tip, free of charge, you're doing no service to your reputation by complaining on national TV about what morphs have to say on your tit job, then showing them off so brazenly like that anyway!*

Cherise groaned and leaned first hir arm then a sizeable portion of hir chest on the passenger door's armrest to stare again at the buildings passing by. Perhaps shi was being a little harsh in hir commentary but one thing that really aggravated hir (and heaven knew it had to be something SERIOUSLY bad to accomplish that feat) was always having to see celebrities whine like the spoiled brats they were when half the press and commentary about them seemed to focus on the hefty size of their boobs or how round and tight an ass they had. As far as shi was concerned if they had it, then they damn well oughta be proud to flaunt it! Shi should know, that's what got hir family where they were today!

Leaning a little further on hir arm and feeling the warm cloth covered textured of hir own breast gently press then fold around it, Cherise stifled another sigh as hir eyes expectantly swiveled down to stare into the wider and pretty much bottomless gorge of cleavage poking out of the collar of hir cashmere shirt. 48 GG, that's what shi was up to now for chest size. 17 years old and shi'd already broken the tape and made it into the special custom line of tops and bras made exclusively for the community of furs who either by the luck of the devil or a blessing from the heavens had grown above and beyond the normal standard for body dimensions.

48 GG breasts, with eight feet worth of cock. Yes shi'd even been fortunate enough to get that as well. The best of the male gender as well as the female.

48 GG breasts, eight feet worth of cock, and not to forget the four foot wide balls that were currently nestling comfortably in the overstretched interior of hir Tommy Hilfiger jeans. All in all it was a most impressive collection of attributes that would've done the lop ear proud....had they not been eclipsed by the attributes of hir mother, Allison, the cream and brown spotted bunny currently sitting in the driver's seat, who not only weighed in at at least three times the size of Cherise's own dimensions, but whom had also made history 15 years ago showing hir stuff off as the first ever hyper herm fashion model.

It certainly bore more comfortable thinking for the cream furred bunny as shi glanced across to hir right, watching the older brown spotted lapine guide the car along the countryside.

Seated further back than hir daughter, with the special elongated steering wheel resting lightly on top of hir massive heaving chest, Allison scanned the road with the same manner of focused, business like attitude that had helped hir pave the way with the help of a few friends for a whole new sub-faction for the fashion industry. It hadn't been an easy development but with persistence Allison had created massive demand (not to mention acceptance) for giant endowed girls and guys, tuned the interests of the designer wear elite to new ideas in customised clothing, and of course made hirself a hefty fortune in the process. Cherise had been privileged to grow up mostly in the aftermath, when having oversized tits and even a giant maleness to go with them was cool, and every trendy clothes shop around that wished to keep with the times made it their business to carry a 'Hyper' size range.

Now, on the peak of adulthood, shi was starting on hir bit to keep up the success, going to hir first ever photo shoot which, mercifully, was now looming in the distance. Well.....mercifully and terrifyingly. Shi'd never done anything like this before, actually dressing up and getting out in front of the camera. Sitting behind, in a convenient dark spot watching others older than hir do the same, sure, but this would be the first time Cherise would have the lens focused on hirself. To be honest the prospect intimidated hir greatly, and it didn't help that rather than doing it at hir own studio in the familiar surroundings of Santa Monica, Allison has instead insisted on taking hir up north to the celebrated 7th Plane Modeling Agency in Seattle, on the arguement shi wanted to build bridges with other contributors to the hyper modeling field and they'd had a far more impressive track record in garnering mainstream interest for lesser known kinks than anyone else.

Now if only we could just get there and get started. The bunny thought with a small shiver, watching as the dense metropolis along the coast of the Puget Sound encroached larger and larger in hir field of view. With ever inch closer shi could feel the stomach butterflies grow in number, and hir ability to sit quietly waning further. Soon they would arrive, and soon shi would be in the spotlight, embarking on hir own journey into the lush but foreboding jungle of the modeling industry. Shi had the background experience, the trunk of the BMW was more than adequately packed with the necessary provisions for the job, hir own mentor and friend was with hir, yet it all did little to steady Cherise's nerves.

*Well, if nothing else, at least I'll be the only overly frustrated and nervous one there. Shi mused quietly to hirself, squirming in the seat and trying to get comfortable again.*

As fate would have it, however, nervous and frustrated were the very same two emotions being felt by another being. One that would give morphs a damn sight more reason to worry than the lapine.

Corded in veins that coiled like powerful snakes across blue furred skin stretched tighter than a drum, a massively muscled arm tensed and trembled as it held the phone to the ear of its owner. Draped in a thick mane of beautiful ambient gold hair the pointed feline recepticle gave a twitch of its own as the amazonian cat it was attached to gave a fierce huff through clenched teeth and continued to scratch at the little divot shi'd dug out in the mahogany of hir desk, next to the brass name plate that proclaimed hir as Erin S. Watersley, President of 7th Plane Modeling Agency.

"So let me see if I've got what you're telling me down properly." Shi said in low tones that, while not unkind, would have done little to comfort he or she that they were directed at. "The packaging looked disheveled, like it'd been hastily wrapped and then tossed about, it's felt cushion like to the touch....and your guys pretty much just put the rest together in their minds and decided to dispose of it rather than risk delivery? Okay so we got that much straightened out."

Two fingers the size of very generous summer sausages reached up to pinch the wire frame spectacles perched neatly on Erin's face and slowly drag them away from hir eyes. It was a task they then decided to abandon midway when there came another almighty tensing of muscles and, rather than risk crushing the delicate frames, they instead acted on reflex and let them drop to the soft expansive cushion that made up the feline's own immense chest.

"And the fact we've had this problem happen before when I've needed a rush delivery done, you know the source of where it came from is a legitimate company, and the fact that it was logged on the cargo manifest, none of that persuaded your morphs to call me and double check before you got rid of that package?"

More jabbering was heard, and none of it was liked as evidenced by the palm that slapped against the cat's face.

"Look, I understand this is a time of high alert and you've got to be on the look out for anything suspicious, even if it does come through on a cargo plane. But for the sake of Bast, I've been having equipment shipped to me via Fed-Ex for years! You know my place of business exists here, I make sure it's stamped in full on every package that's sent over!!! What? Oh really, well I'd have never have guessed."

A breath was drawn, a long, hard and very aggravated one.

"Buddy, let me ask you something: if you had a good $20,000 worth of delicate electrical equipment, needed to fly it across the U.S. and wanted to make sure it didn't get damaged from being jostled about on the plane, wouldn't you agree something like a large box, packed with foam would most likely be a good idea for the jouney?.....Mmhmm.....And would you also concur that given Fed-Ex generally favours the 'throw and go' method when loading cargo onto their planes it probably would look a little worse for wear upon being received?.....I thought so..."

A sharper, shorter breath, a loud creak of stretching fabric and a sharp crack of plastic breaking under tension.


Breasts heaved and strained at the overstuffed blue striped business shirt valiantly fighting to keep them imprisoned while more cracks and fissures broke across the length of the handset, its durable make up proving to be of little worth against the rage fueled might of the paw that held it. It seemed somewhat miraculous that Erin was able to get ahold of hirself and calm down before losing hir means of communicating with the now well and truly terrified party on the other end of the line.

"Look sir, I appreciate you want to reach old age and watch your kids grow up, so I'm going to tell you now that there's a very high chance that won't happen if you don't find out what your buddies did with those boxes and get them back to me pronto! I've got a shoot scheduled in fifteen minutes and my photographer can't do it if I don't have proper illumination or screens for the set!"

Chattering was heard and Erin sighed as shi rested hir head against a paw, mentally stamping hir anger down to simmering level again.

"Yes I'll pay whatever extra charges there might be for recovery. Just prove to me that you can recover it first and we'll hopefully be able to finish this without any further loss of patience."

Shi smashed the phone down into its cradle and sighed as the slight sting of electricity caused by it finally giving up the ghost singed hir fingers. "Or blood for that matter."

Placing hir glasses aside, Erin let hir head wilt, golden hair flowing over and curtaining hir features as they found the soft cotton clad field of hir mighty bosom and buried themselves in it to try and comfort their dismay. A months worth of setting up, arranging everything perfectly for what could be the biggest make or break deal for hir career and hir agency, every possible avenue of disaster covered, a world famous photographer hired and up for the challenge at the sacrifice of a few other deals, and still Murphy's law had managed to plant its steel toed boot up hir ample derriere.

"Suzy...." The muscle herm muttered as a finger found the intercom and pressed it. "I'm sorry to have to say this on such short notice, but we're going to have to change plans. Tell the crew to move everything to the outdoor set...and tell Mr. Demure we won't be needing him after all. If he gets bitchy, just tell him we weren't able to secure the proper illumination he demanded. It will probably piss him off even more but he'll at least shut up and leave us in peace."

Lifting hir head, Erin eyed the dismal pile of fragments that had once been hir office phone and sighed.

"And when you have a chance, please see if any phone company out there can do a reinforced steel cased handset. I'm afraid a bit overly emotional."

"Alright boss, I'm on it!" The voice on the other end of the intercom proclaimed cheerfully, giving some respite to the cat's spirits as shi stood and turned to look out the window. What had just happened was a disaster, a big one for sure. No lamps, no means of properly lighting the set, and as a result shi was now without a photographer too as the damn badger had expressly proclaimed earlier that he couldn't possibly get any of the brilliance that had earned him his worldly fame if he didn't have adequate illumination, something daylight apparently didn't qualify for. Things were looking bad for today, but with some fast work, perhaps shi could salvage something....even if it meant things were going to get a little weird.

*Please, whatever you do, be there and be available for today. Erin thought to hirself as shi grabbed hir cell phone off the desk and dialed a number.*

*Today's Standard Model...errghh...consists of three generations of particles. The Lepton family consists of six particles, the electron, muon, and tau particles, along with a neutrino associated with each. The Quark family also consists of six particles, top, bottom, up, down, strange and charm. These Two families of particles are bound together and interact with each other via the Force-carrying family of four particles, the, the PHOTON, gluon, W, and Z.....* Cherise shook hir head and tried to concentrate on the astrological physics book shi held neatly perched on the outer edge of hir bosom.

*What one might find most interesting about this is the fact that, when we move into the realm of the fundamental basics of existence, we seem to be modeling.....arghhh... MOVING from the realm of Four into the realm of Two and Three. Both the Lepton family and the Quark family consist of Six particles, or 3 x 2. Both families together constitute 3 x 2 x 2, or 12 parti-eh bleh bleh bleh blehhhh....oh this isn't helping at all.*

Amber eyes wilted, and the book tilted on its 'stand' as Cherise finally gave up and leaned forward to slide it back into hir bag. Well, that was it; hir last line of escape from the main thought troubling hir conscience had been unleashed and failed to accomplish its objective. While many would find it at the least odd and at the most outright unbelievable for a massively endowed and very cultured teen of hir age, nothing usually helped the bunny relax more than sitting back and losing hirself in the methodology of one of hir own favoured academic subjects. Physics or, even better, just plain mathematics were hir main strength in school and generally shi could always rely on numbers to come to hir rescue when shi needed to get something off hir mind.

But not now, not when the Space Needle was occupying hir window, bidding hir a grand hello and subtly reminding hir shi was now minutes away from the expose that would change hir life forever. Everything had been tried, and nothing had worked, and there shi sat still very much a quivering bundle of nerves, dreading what was about to happen. Nervously drumming hir fingers on the polished mahogany armrest, Cherise at last was forced to close hir eyes and slump forward in hir chair, feeling the full blow of fear and defeat weigh upon hir with no hope of aid.

No hope that is, till Allison finally took hir eyes, one ringed in cream the other in brown fur, off the road and turned to view the hunched over and shivering form of hir daughter. Shi had in fact been aware of hir growing impatience since they'd left Portland but had merely put it down to first time jitters.

Now, however, shi could plainly see it was something worse that could not be ignored, and worry duly gripped the piebald bunny too as shi looked over the troubled cream furred lop. Shi knew exactly what was eating at Cherise too; hell shi'd been in the same situation hirself in a time long ago, when hir life-long friend, Tina Perridale, hir pioneer partner for greater exposure for herms in the modeling business in the early 90's, had taken the then teenaged Allison to hir first shoot down in Florida. The thought of doing so alone during that time had been enough to almost make the piebald die of fright, and now here shi was doing the same to hir own kit. How could shi not have expected something like this to happen?

Sighing and dropping the car's speed to a safe and steady crawl (how had shi failed to notice they were approaching mid-town traffic anyway?) Allison sat back in hir seat, one paw leaving the steering wheel to gently tousle Cherise's short head fur and remind hir that no matter how bad shi might feel about this, shi wasn't alone.

"I know you're nervous Cherry, gods, don't I ever know that feeling. I was petrified when I headed off on my first pro shoot."

The paw removed itself as Allison's carefully chosen words took effect. Almost instantly the cream furred ears perked slightly and shi had to smile when hir daughter's surprised face rose to meet hir own.

"What? You're kidding right? You? Petrified?"

Amber eyes blinked in disbelief. Amazingly enough, in all hir own morose pondering, the thought that what shi was going through was the exact same thing that had beset hir mother, that pillar of calmness and sensibility shi had always known and looked up to no matter what the circumstance.....well, it certainly had never occurred to Cherise!

"Oh yes, petrified, scared outta my wits in fact. And remember, this is when folks looked at us as little more than freaks of nature, when fashion magazines and publications would be openly hostile to any sort of connection with hermaphrodites and modeling. Ya know I honestly thought I would get pelted with rocks when I got to that sleazy, backwater studio in Miami. Thankfully that didn't happen, but some of the looks I got from the crew and in particular the director would have made a gargoyle recoil."

Pain briefly crossed the sea green eyes, the same ones that as far back as Cherise could remember had never held anything aside from compassion, adoration, and above all love....with possibly a bit of annoyance during those rare times when shi'd done something wrong.

"But ya know what? Once they got all their stuff set up and started to shoot their shots, all the nerves just melted away. I just got on with my job and to Hell with any prejudiced asshole that couldn't see past my boobs and balls. I was doing this for all the other folks out there in the world who were like me and had been on the receiving end of some horrible treatment from the mainstream. I was doing this to show the world that beauty wasn't just the domain of what the fashion press told the masses, but that it could be shown in the more bizarre and most unusual fursons as well."

Allison turned to hir daughter again; one of the aforementioned boobs sliding out from under the steering wheel as sea green met with amber and a smile crossed the piebald face at how attentively the cream lapin was hanging on hir words.

"And 15 years later, here I am today, driving my daughter to hir very first professional shoot for a studio that specifically caters to folks like us and has managed to keep public interest in the subject going strong for far longer than I could ever have hoped for. So just keep your chin up, Cherry. This is going to go fine."

A wider smile, a wink, and Allison was back to watching the road. Just like that shi'd said hir piece and was done, only now shi was returning to hir main activities with the addition of a paw holding hir shoulder, not firmly nor insistently, but with a most welcome tenderness, a fitting indication that the one it belonged to had understood the intent behind the older bunny's motivational speech, and was now looking at the road ahead as well...finally with the relief of having the knots in hir stomach starting to unwind.

"So you can come down here today....and in 20 minutes? Oh thank Bast and beyond, you're such a life saver!" Erin exclaimed, a brief surge of renewed hope finding hir heart and stabbing its way in to remind hir all was not lost, even if shi was going to have to do some major reshuffling.

"I know it's your day off today but it seems the recent airport scares have gotten a few people more riled up than is good for business so I need to make amends if I want to save the shoot, and really we all know there's no one who knows how to photograph in natural light better than you." The herm feline sighed and leaned on the windowsill, its weary 'creak' of protest over hir immense weight actually sounding good to hir, another indication this was actually happening, and shi might actually emerge from today with the glow of success on hir reputation.

"Oh, well I'd prefer it if you could find something suitably casual to wear, but if you've really got nothing clean then....I guess I could permit you come here in the all together." Erin looked out at the traffic passing by hir office window and closed hir eyes as a giggle rocked hir body gently. "Not like anyone's really going to argue with you after all."

Shi nodded and composed hirself again while walking back to hir desk and seating hirself, the relief from what shi was hearing evident in every inch of hir body as shi sat back and crossed hir legs over the tightly clad mass of hir gigantic scrotum.

"Okay then, give Makena an extra big kiss and then get over here as fast as you can.....sorry?....Oh you better bet I love you. Bye!" Erin slapped hir cell phone closed and replaced it in its charging stand on the desk. One crisis had now been averted, the question remaning now was could shi convince hir guests to accept the changes and still accommodate for the unnatural twist things were about to take? Not that shi'd never had to do an emergency switch about like this before.....there had been plenty of times....just not with someone so important and influential. Someone shi really needed on hir side if shi wanted to get hir studio up among the more prestigious names in the fashion industry.

*2:36.....damn I hope they haven't run into any trouble. The cat mused as shi rose, did a few stretches to limber and loosen hir muscles and listened to the resulting pops and snaps of threads breaking as hir overstretched clothes began to buckle under the increased torture.*

*Eh, nothing serious. They've managed to endure fine so far. Shi sucked in a deep breath and looked up to the small specks of white floating freely in the otherwise clear sea of everescent blue.*

*Just please, may this good weather hold.*

Well, here they were. Just passed the expansive grounds of Discovery Park and into the parking lot of 7th Plane's magnificent main building, a stunning testament to the skill of whatever architect that designed it as even from outside it was clearly a structure meant for the inspiration and creation of artistic endeavor, without any sacrifice to the functionality of a normal place of business.

All around the dark and subtle stone building and immaculately cared for flower beds that lined the main entrance various morphs of shapes and sizes were visible hustling to get backdrops, monitors, support frames and other such paraphenilia out the doors and around to some are in the back. Rather an odd action it occurred to Cherise, but not one really worth worrying over as the BMW pulled into a space and ceased it's smooth powerful purr as the brake was applied and its ignition turned off.

"Wow, this is...quite the impressive looking pad, Mom." The rabbit clicked hir seatbelt open and stepped out to gaze further at the rest of the area's decor, noting how much bigger it looked up close yet seemed to exhibit none of the intimidating air shi'd feared thanks to the conservativeness of its low toned marble walls and perfectly casual array of office windows and glass front doors, through which nothing aside from the standard affairs of a photo session set up were still going on.

"Yup, certainly makes a mockery of that joke of a studio I did my first shoot at. And it's plenty spacious too, which is a good thing..." Allison said, humour evident in hir voice as shi got out, and a cheerful grin of bucked teeth soon following as Cherise caught hir inferration and laughed. "Now why don't ya go unload our stuff while I give Miss Erin a call and tell hir we've arrived."

The cream furred lapin nodded and was quickly hurrying round to the trunk while hir piebald mother reached for hir cell and flipped it open, giving a silent thanks that shi'd at least managed to get hir daughter to calm down enough so as to make a good first impression when they finally went inside. Given the lengths the cat had apparently gone to to accommodate their visit it certainly seemed the least shi could do in return.

"Yes hello there Suzy, it's Mrs. Townsend just calling to say we....hello....hello?"

Confusion at the sudden sounds of scuffling on the other end of the line crossed Allison's features...and then shi promptly reeled back once shi heard what was said next.

"No, no, leave the white screen, Jacob. We can't use it outside. No don't put it back, just drop it there and get to the set. I'll get someone to pick it up later." Erin fussed as the obviously bewildered Clydesdale stallion obeyed and duly let the large white background piece he was holding clatter to the ground of the hallway.

"Martin, did you move the mirrors out yet? Oh good. Now go get the telescoping pole mounts. Yes the 40 foot ones, and the step ladders. Don't ask." A grizzly bear just nodded and went for the requested items, his own experience of panic situations like this reminding him it was better to just do as the feline asked and let hir get the work done as shi saw fit.

Nodding hir thanks, Erin ran hir paws through hir hair to smooth it back and checked the clock on hir cell phone again. 2:40 now, and still no sign of Mrs. Townsend or hir daughter. Again, not necessarily something to worry about, but.....well.....there really was no denying it, the feline WAS worried. Despite the perfect spring day still holding strong, a new, perhaps more agreable choice of photographer booked, and hir crew showing their expertise in handling the total reversal of plans, Erin's spirits would not be soothed. Shi'd had carefully mapped procedures screw up far too often in the past (nearly costing hir the life of hir beloved sister one time) to possibly believe nothing else could go wrong, and right now as the seconds ticked by, shi dreaded having another bit of bad luck being dealt to hir when shi was trying so desperately to save everything.

"Suzy, any word yet?" Shi asked upon entering the outside room of hir office, something shi'd done about five times now to no success.

"Not yet, boss. But don't worry. Shi said shi'd call as soon as shi got here." The marmoset seated at the secretary desk said with a gentle smile, though there was still worry in hir eyes as the blue feline sighed and walked back into hir chambers to touch up hir lipstick and try to fix hir hair.

Looking back to the so far dormant phone beside hir, Suzy shook hir head and lightly tapped at hir desk.

"Come on, please ring. Last thing any of us need is for hir to have another nervous break down."

The phone darkened slightly as something flew past the window, temporarily blocking the sunlight reflecting off its polished black case, but otherwise it remained defiantly mute.


RIIIIIIIIINNNNNNG! It then suddenly proclaimed out proudly as if to show it was only having a laugh at her expense. Coughing and rolling her eyes, the marmoset picked up the handset...and got as far as saying the standard greetings before something huge and exceptionally strong wrenched the receiver from her paw and sent her spinning helplessly around on her swivel chair.

"Mrs. Townsend! How lovely to see you made it here safe and sound!" Erin exuberantly cried, the thought of how aggressive and perhaps frightening hir actions might have been to hir secretary only coming to mind several seconds later as Allison explained the delay and apologized before asking how everything was.

"Oh...umm, well, for the most part we're all ready to go, just that...well, due to some circumstances beyond my control we're going to be making a slight change to today's schedule." Shi quickly shot the startled marmoset a look that indicated 'get ready for it', then immediately followed it up with a 'sorry for that' as Suzy grabbed and held onto hir desk, shaking the dizziness out of her skull.

"No, it's nothing serious, just rather than in studio 4, today we're going to be doing your daughter's shoot on number 7, the outdoor one in back."

Suzy looked up, swallowing a small amount of saliva as shi sighted the large nerves tensing most fearsomely around hir boss's beefy arms as if to try and choke the watermelon size biceps and triceps underneath.

"That's not going to be a problem is it?"

A minute passed. Somewhere outside a crew morph coughed as they passed by the door, silence was restored, then Erin let hir breath come flying out in a bellowing 'WHOOOSH' from hir powerful lungs.

"Oh thank you, that's such a relief to hear." Erin said, veins relinquishing their strangulation and deflating. "Sure, bring whatever you feel will be needed. I'll have security come escort you out back immediately. Bye!"

The phone was handed back, and the marmoset beamed grandly as Erin clasped hir paws together and breathed a bit more easily.

"We're in business; get the dogs out there now!" Shi grinned then shied away as an embarrassed blush coloured hir cheeks. "And if you're free later, please pick one of your more favoured restaurants and make reservations so I can make up for....that."

A meaty finger was pointed at the phone, which Suzy simply hung on its base and folded her paws, her smile never faltering.

"Just go and have some fun, boss. I'll be fine with seeing you back to your normal self."

*Well, this could prove to be quite a stroke of luck.*

Allison's eyes left the screen of hir phone to look back at Cherise, more specifically at the tear drop tail sitting above hir most shapely rump and the sizeable jean bulge underneath as shi struggled to haul the various items from the trunk and pile them on the ground.

Not quite what I was anticipating....but, maybe with the fresh air and more natural surroundings shi might be able to relax and feel more at home in front of the camera.

The piebald bunny slapped hir phone shut and slid it into hir jean pocket, a rather large and baggy addition to the hip of the garment which helped to compensate for how tightly stretched the rest of it was over hir strong legs and the enormous bulges bouncing around hir own crotch, both supported firmly by the reinforced denim.

"Okay kiddo, we got everything?" Shi asked, walking over to see if hir daughter had finished unpacking.

"Uh...I think so. Bikini tops and bottoms, swimsuits, summer leisure wear, bras, combs, brushes and fur cleansers. Flea and tick repellent, carrot and lettuce sandwiches and orange juice... Yeah, I think we bagged the lot Mom!"

Cherise tossed the last of their supplies into a carry all bag on the ground and looked up. Shi seemed for the most part to be past hir jitters, but as hir voice betrayed in its tense pauses, the worry was still there, just better hidden now.

Seeing this and shaking hir head in the way only a mother who fully understands the feelings of their own flesh and blood could, Allison's paws gently cupped Cherise's face, holding it steady for the twitching nose nuzzle that soon was pressing against its fuzzy warm texture.

"Just keep telling yourself you're gonna do fine. I've got nothing but faith in you, sweetie."

Whiskers twitched their funny little dance over the creamed furred face, eventually having the desired effect as Cherise's nose met hir mother's and began to nuzzle back. For several seconds the two bunnies held this join, this little sign of true affection and love between parent and child.

One perhaps that went deeper than simple family love as the twitches became more rapid, and both lapines felt a trembling want in their lips, telling them it might not be so bad to go further in their displays of trust and devotion, much as they had done many times before.

But then the soft crunch of footprints on gravel was heard and they were forced to break it off, grinning sheepishly as two burly looking rottweilers in black security uniforms approached them.

"Mrs. Townsend, Miss Townsend, Miss Watersley is waiting for you out back." One said while the other quickly grabbed the carry all bag and heaved it up, nodding to Cherise shi needn't concern hirself with carrying it.

"This way please."

The troupe made their way down the side of the main studio building, through an imposing metal gate that had had extra panels welded onto it so no one could see what was happening on the other side and onto what both bunnies could only describe as the most amazing exterior studio set up imaginable. True Allison had had hir own fair share of outside shoots, usually of the beach, jungle and rocky mountain top varieties traditional for fashion tastes but those had all been done at various natural locations far away from the social world, a stark contrast to the sprawling line of greenery and foliage that sprawled out inside the limits of 7th Plane's own backyard.

Starting from the entranceway a well kept lawn of rich summer grass carpeted everywhere where there wasn't one of the tall leafy trees or colourful bed of flowers already occupying space. Cutting down the middle of this exceptional feat of suburban gardening was a narrow walkway made of white chalk slabs, an excellent clash of colours to the green and also a far more gentle feel to the feet of the bunnies as they stepped onto it from the unyielding texture of the parking lot asphalt. To the left of the studio was a mahogany park bench lounging neatly beside a small ornate pond decorated with leafy weeping willows and even a stone fountian fashioned in the likness of a pod of Orca whales surfacing for breath. A perimeter of shrubberies and small evergreen trees completed the small natural oasis, deftly protecting everything within from the possible intrustion of the various ongoings of the city for that of the crew hurrying to get everything set up...and more prominently the eight foot blue feline titan that then stepped out of the studio building with arms outstretched.

"Mrs. Townsend, a pleasure it is to make both of your acquaintances. I admit I'm quite honoured to have you here." Erin said, hir enthusiasm showing with every powerful stride of hir legs, every ripple and flex of hir arms, and every bounce of hir breasts and balls in their suitable business attire. For the two bunnies it was both an impressive, and rather daunting sight to behold, their own ancestral instincts for protection kicking into high gear at the notion a large and obviously extremely strong predator was approaching them with the intent of making physical contact.

Bravely however, Allison cleared hir throat and mentally sent a large rabbit foot smashing down on hir base impulses as shi stepped forward and extended a paw for greetings.

"Oh the pleasure's ours, Erin. Finally getting to see you face to face... though it's more like face to waist in me and Cherise's case!" Allison first chuckled as hir paw was promptly engulfed in the feline's dinner plate sized mitt, then had to laugh outright when Erin understood and crouched slightly so the lapin actually could look hir in the eyes, rather than the breasts.

"Yes...of course." Erin coughed slightly and followed with the laughs. Despite having to inevitably work with morphs smaller than hir on a daily basis, the feline was till prone to forgetting to take the issue of hir far grander stature into account, and truth be told it did do hir good to see Allison could at least see the funny side of it, unlike some others.

"And you must be Cherise, our vaunted star for today. Your mother's told me much about you." The feline followed, lowering hirself even further onto hir knees to compensate for the cream lop's shorter stature and putting on hir best gentle and disarming smile. While shi may have made a faux pas with hir mother, Erin had expected and prepared for this much, shi only hoped the subsequent faltering of the head as Cherise looked down at hir big sandal clad feet was due purely to just the previous overbearing conduct.

"Th-Thank you. It's....I mean it's nice t-to meet you too, Miss Watersley." Not the way shi had intended to say hir first words to the one who was about to make hir the new icon for hyper fashion, but, as shi had partly feared, there were several factors now at work to sap hir confidence. The sight of the mammoth pillar of feline strength, genital endowment and beauty was one, not that shi was really frightened of Erin, quite the opposite, shi thought the cat was most refreshingly warm and welcoming (and indeed quite physically attractive) in contrast to how shi'd originally thought an experienced hard hitting business woman might be. It was more shi was afraid of what Erin might think of hir, the shy and rather quiet fursona shi was cutting now, not at all how a true prospective fashion star should be behaving. The fact the feline was kneeling in such as way that Cherise could easily see the dark abyss of cleavage through the thinly strained fabric of hir work shirt didn't help either, neither did the sounds of metal poles being slid together and tripods being set down, both reminders that shi'd gone past the point of no return and was now marching whether shi liked it or not into hir new future as a celebrity.

*Okay, you returned the greeting. Now say something else. Come on, don't leave hir hanging, shi's made all this effort for you! And shi's probably eager to get down to business as well!*

Cherise cleared hir throat and tried to think of something else fast. Something to show hir appreciation that Erin had obviously spared no expense for hir first shoot, and hir gratitude for the feline taking hir in rather than going on with something and someone that would be more friendly to the mainstream audience.

"This...this is a really nice set up you have here...I mean....uh...."

Okay that was probably even worse, and Cherise didn't hesitate to show hir dismay by turning and trying to hide hir face in one of hir own lopped ears, thereby ensuring shi almost missed the chuckle Erin gave before patting hir shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know I must seem an imposing sight to you but I'm really quite harmless to most. Kind of nerdish actually if my office is anything to go by." Erin smirked...and surreptitiously licked the inside of hir mouth upon getting an eyeful of the lapine's own bottomless cleavage, inadvertently left on better display thanks to hir evasive head turn and a fitting show of how physically well developed and indeed how healthy a girl the bunny was.

*Allison's really worked hard to produce a worthy heir.* Shi mused, one paw reaching to touch the ground while shi watched Cherise cautiously poke hir eyes away from the cover of hir ear, the mention of nerdishness apparently proving of interest to hir.

"You're'am?" The lapin asked, head cocking as if believing the word was meant to be interpreted as something other than deragatory slander.

"Yep, in a sense. Well, I doubt few others in my line of work keep books on Earth's dark cults and the less favoured aspects of astrology and physics on their office shelf." Erin replied with a slight blush. Shi really had no intention in giving out that tidbit aside from perhaps easing the lapin's obvious nerves with a bit of conversation, but instead shi noticed a most startling sparkle come to Cherise's eyes, one of a morph who wanted to believe what they'd just heard, yet were still clinging to their scepticism due to how unlikely and improbable the truth seemed to be.

*Most interesting, have I got hir number with that? Or just hir want to laugh at my expense? Erin decided it wasn't worth worrying over, at least the lapin was looking at hir with attentiveness now.*

"And if it's the whole prospect of your first shoot today that's bothering you then don't worry. I'm not going to try anything with your mother looming over my shoulder."

Back to issue of the bunny being able to trust hir and Erin was happily looking back at an equally enthused Cherise, the notion shi had both the assurance of no undue hassles and the comfort of maternal security at all times apparently sating hir worry for the moment.

"Now as soon as the photographer gets here we can....oh..." Emerald eyes immediately swept down to the paw resting on the set's walkway slab, a most pronounced vibration rivetting up from the earth underneath. This was soon followed by a second stronger one, and a third positively shattering one...

"I see shi's here." The muscle kitty replied, standing up and steeling hirself as several peices of equipment began to wobble on their stands, and the crew, having evidently already seen this coming, rushed to start laying stuff down on their sides while the environment around them began to noticeably grow dark.

*Well, here comes inevitable shocker number 2.* Was all Erin could think as Allison and Cherise stumbled, turned to look behind them, and gasped in unison as a purple scaled foot the size of an 18 wheeler truck set itself down in front of the evergreen trees. Huge and most rich in its colourful hues, it was enough to make most eyes trail upwards along the many curves and swells of the very muscular leg attached, showing them first the soleous then quads sized at the same scale as light class blimps on its mighty all dominating form, then moving to herald a follower. Bright primrose in colour the scaled mass was such that it could almost have passed for a ambient version of Earth's moon, cept it looked squishier, and apparently had a twin dragging on the ground behind it.....and a guardian serpent that hung protectively over both with a length and girth that could've outdone the Alaskan pipeline.

*Balls and cock! But to whom and why...and....oooh my.* Allison sucked in another breath as shi looked upwards, being met with muscle clad hips, then the under swell of yellow breasts capped with satellite dish sized nipples. A delectable sight it was, and indeed the bunny would been more excited than afraid if the obvious height and size weren't constantly hammering it into hir head that a macro being with genitals so big they actually almost outdid the uber muscled demi-goddess attached to them had apparently snuck up on hir and hir daughter.

Thick, strong arms the same as Erin's were next, the beefy hands on the end tinkering with some manner of digital camera supported by a strap around the creature's neck. And finally, crowning all above, the long pointed snout and elegant head fans iconic of the little seen dragon race appeared under a placid mess of sea green hair.

"Allison, Cherise, this is Ezria. Shi'll be the one taking the pictures today." Erin explained from a million miles away. Well really, who'd be listening to a eight foot cat when a 40 foot hermaphrodite dragoness was standing right in front of you? A 40 foot naked dragoness at that. A 40 foot naked dragoness who, if small thanks were to be given, was looking most gleeful as one foot pushed the monolithic balls behind hir and allowed hir to kneel.

"Hello to you both. I have to say, I've been following your exploits quite a bit Mrs. Townsend. Whomever you get to shoot you really knows how to do his or her job."

Cherise almost fainted dead on the spot, Allison felt close to doing the same, but only for the instant it took hir higher brain areas to overtake hir base mentality and calm hir down again. Shi'd done hir fair share of work with macro femmes before, though those had been closer to the 15-19 foot range and knew from that that most giants, when you took the time to get to know them, weren't really bad creatures at all. It also further helped to instill the rabbit back to hir normal calm and assured self when hir memory did a search for where shi'd heard the name Ezria before, and clicked with a resounding jolt of excitement.

"Oh so you're the infamous Ezria Skyrath! Well hello to you too. I've personally been most impressed with the series of unique angles you're able to get with most subjects and settings." Allison said, body now totally composed again as shi took a stalactite thick finger nail and gave it a firm shake while the dragoness chuckled.

"Oh you flatter me, ma'am. I'm merely just another one of the many who know how to work a shutter button who's had the fortune of being hatched at a larger than life scale." The amber set eyes looked from older bunny to younger bunny and smirked, camera being placed on the endless fields of scaley breasts as Ezria idly scratched behind a head fan and pondered Cherise.

"And you must be the lady of the hour. I can see you're going to be quite the perfect subject to photograph with that fur colour."

Cherise remained mute, too preoccupied as shi was with trying not to fall over while craning backwards to take the entireity of the giant herm in. Much like hir mother the initial fright had vanished as shi remembered what Allison had said about macros, and the various texts at school and in the public library that told of them. Unlike hir mother, however, the cream bunny had never actually seen one in the flesh before, and the double blow of first encountering one and being told shi was the one shi'd have to work with the most to make this shoot a success was....well....quite a shock to hir system.

"Umm...I...I..uh...I mean, hi!" Shi finally said, mentally berating hirself for again getting tongue tied just because the morphs here weren't of the average sized every day crop shi saw in Santa Monica. Really what was wrong with hir today? Couldn't concentrate on hir studies, couldn't look anyone in the eyes, couldn't even say hello properly, shi was supposed to be the highlight for everyone!

Despaired, Cherise turned to Erin, who hirself was looking rather concerned over hir reaction and then drifted to the bag holding all hir stuff for today.

"Hmmm...." Ezria said, thankfully breaking the silence as shi lifted it up and looked through at the various outfits and supplies. "Well seemed you came prepared, so let's get started."

"Yes let's." Allison agreed softly, holding hir arms out for the bag which Ezria handed to hir. Shi, hirself, was more aware than anyone else present of how jarring the whole experience of first a huge muscle bound kitty, then a giant dragon must be to hir daughter. Fortunately, as hir own experience had taught hir and as shi'd imparted during the car ride, the best remedy for overcoming that kind of shock was to just get down to business and try to focus on the task at hand exclusively.

"Let's see....." The piebald bunny whistled through hir buck teeth as shi rummaged through the contents and pulled out a black bikini top that looked to be at least three cup sizes too small, even if it was meant to cover hir daughter's huge bust rather than hir own.

"Nope, too boring." The top was duly tossed to the ground and a red one of the same size was pulled out.

"Now this...." Allison hooked the straps onto hir fingers and let it dangle in front of hir eyes for a moment. "Maybe with..."

A sparkle of inspiration fired off behind hir sea green orbs and the lapin was again rummaging, breasts nicely pressing against the grass as shi searched deeper and deeper before finally coming out with a blue and white striped thong that had a specially adapted 'pouch' for Cherise's enormous sheath and balls.

"Yes we'll start with this. Give it a bit of an 'All American Grrrl' theme." Allison declared, confident and knowledgeable in hir choice as shi held the two articles of clothing against hir own body to get an idea of how it would look on hirself.

"Definitely this is the one. Okay Cherry, get out of them clothes and put these on."

The bikini was sent flying, arching cups over straps and thong over bra through the air to land with a dry 'smack' against the cream bunny that was still staring at Ezria.

"Wha...ACK!" Cherise stumbled to the side as smooth fabric plastered itself to hir fur, turning in the direction of its origin to peer indignantly at hir mother from under the comical 'hat' of two immense bra cups and the thong hanging over hir face. "Mother!"

Allison merely bowed hir head and chuckled. Perhaps it was a bit of a cheap prank to play but bringing hir daughter back to hir senses was the important part. "I said, get outta them clothes love, and put that bikini on.. Come on now, times are wasting."

Cherise blinked as shi tugged the swim wear off hir head, ears turning hot with blush as shi heard the very business like talk of hir mother and realised the time for dawdling was over. Shi'd had hir period of accommodation, all the surprises had been sprung, there was no excuse now for delaying any further.

Shi didn't even need to think about what to do next, instinct did it all for hir. With one clap of hir mother's paws the lapin was immediately pulling hir shirt off and tossing it to the side, the fact shi was in a public area and had a good several dozen morphs watching not even registering on hir as hir breasts bounced and danced their way freely, heaving and sloshing proudly up and down on hir chest and stomach to show how heavy, and indeed real their beach ball size was while the lapin undid hir pants and kicked them off with the same manner of alacrity. To many of the crew it was most surprising change of mood for the bunny, so afeared before yet apparently now perfectly at home with stripping off and showing hirself in hir full nude glory to them.

'Glory' indeed being a suitable word as the lapin's watermelon sized balls nestled themselves nicely between hir calves showing how large and full they were as well as strong and toned the legs on either side were. The sheath above was quite a sight too, its thick tube like shape taking up whatever part of the lapin's stomach hir breasts didn't cover so both could be viewed for the beautiful additions they made. All in all, even if shi wasn't aware of it yet, Cherise indeed had stunned everyone with how gorgeous and cute shi looked in the fur, and indeed many were sorry when shi finally slipped the thong on and tied it up.

"This is going to be a good day." Ezria mused, licking hir lips as the bunny started trying to stuff the enormous swells of hir tits into the unyielding fabric of the top, finding it rather difficult even though the material was said to be specially made with extra stretching qualities.

"So umm....where do you want me?" Shi asked, trying to compensate for hir little trial of attirement and ignore the deep blush that was threatening to burn hir face off as shi finally manged to get hir chest into the cups and snapped it shut, hir tits getting compressed into twin heaving shapes that helped to deliver the impression of weight and mass that was clearly on show.

"Hmm, I think having you lean against the tree over there will be perfect for starters." Ezria stated, pulling a fresh memory card and a zoom lense from their respective pouches on hir customized camera strap (made for the express purpose of enabling hir to still be fully equipped for a shoot even while wearing nothing at all otherwise).

Finally securing everything in place, Cherise looked up....then looked away again as the full realisation of what shi'd just done came crashing down. Allison and at least a few other giggled at hir reaction, and it didn't help that the bikini didn't quite feel like it was up to the task of containing hir weighty orbs, both breasts and nuts having tasted freedom and proving to be far more valiant in their struggle to be such again than the fabric was doing of keeping them back.

"Sooo, you want me leaning up there.. Okay, like this?" Cherise walked over to the tree, a journey that took longer than expected when shi found out the slightest movement in hir new attire brought about more heavy sloshing sounds from hir front and nether regions and decided to go at it slowly lest shi make too much of a racket. Reaching the lazily leaning trunk, the cream furred lapin lithely placed hir back against the bark of the tree, right arm raised slightly to grip the trunk as shi turned to view the reaction of the others, and noticed hir mother looking at hir with a most approving nod.

"Just like that!" Ezria exclaimed, standing and then seating hirself on the bean bag like expanse of hir scrotum while shi raised the camera to hir eye and targeted the lop. "Okay now hold it, and...."

SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! The first photos of the day were captured, Erin motioned for some chairs and a shooting schedule to be brought over, several morphs moved some mirrors in case another shot with more light was needed, and Allison just kept nodding, letting hir daughter know that, as shi'd shown by just getting down and changing right there in front of everyone, shi was going at it and getting the job done just like shi should be.

"Okay now a few more for portrait, one for landscape, one with a little more light....and done. That was great!" The dragoness said, grinning as the tiny lapin far below hir blushed and tried to smile. "Really a brilliant contrast of colour too. You two are lucky to have such a radiant fur pattern."

Cherise took a breath (a movement hir bikini top duly objected loudly to) and let hir arm slacken a bit against the tree. Okay, so shi hadn't done the best with introductions, but apparently now that they were off and running shi was getting the hang of it. Just do as shi'd seen hir mother do and work with what shi was told. Easy right?

" what?" The bunny craned hir neck up to view the tower of dragon muscle and genitalia as shi in turn looked back down, making hir breath catch in hir throat even though Ezria so far hadn't betrayed the slightest threat in either body language or mood.

"Hmmm, how about we try that again, just this time having you sit down and casually resting against the trunk like you're contemplating something."

Cherise turned to see Erin lightly tapping the schedule on hir lap. "You're an intelligent enough lass to do that convincingly yes?"

Eyes briefly left kitty to stare at dragoness and nod. "Yeah...well, of course!" Instantly shi was settling on the ground, tucking up one of hir thickly muscled thighs close to hir chest, in turn pushing the massive tit above up a bit closer to hir face. Shi then focused hir attention on a tree several hundred metres away, trying to "school" hir expression into the one that Erin had wanted, a hand moving up to lightly rub at hir chin. It wasn't terribly difficult to pull the rest off; a simple construction of a quadratic equation and then the necessary firing of synapses to start working on it and the bunny's eyes were faltering down, ears drooping ever so slightly forward in that unmistakable look of contemplation.


"A most excellent suggestion boss!" Ezria proclaimed, lowering hir camera onto hir breasts and looking through the photos shi'd just captured. "Sexiness and sensibility in one. I love it!"

Like a snake guardian from the pages of some ancient mythology, the dragoness' long tail slithered forward, side-swiping several mirror stands to pat Cherise and gently rub hir neck.

"You're doing great so far."

Cherise swallowed hard, hir body trembling as the massive trunk of that purple and yellow body loomed over hir, yet amazingly shi forced hirself to remain still and actually found hirself loosening a bit when the heavy mass rested itself lightly on hir head. No doubt Ezria could have easily crushed hir with that beast at any moment, yet all shi felt was the most gentle of pats and rubs and then the tail removed itself the cries of panic from several crewmen.

"ACK! Ezria, the tail! Ixnay on the tail!!" Martin called out, his hands leaping in almost before his body could to grab the falling mirror stand and prevent it from shattering into a million pieces on the ground.

"Wha? Ohh...." Quickly the giant serpent retreated and its owner was left blushing hideously with embarrassment at hir own inattention to the safety of hir surroundings. "Uh...sorry."

What was in danger of being knocked over was righted again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, none more so than Erin who immediately shot up and clapped hir paws to try and get things back in order. "Right...umm, I think that will do for the American Grrrl look. What we need now is perhaps something more to do with the difference in generation."

Turning to Allison, the feline quickly straightened hir hair and clasped hir paws together, trying to appear as apologetic and humble as an eight foot giant of herm muscular perfection could."Got anything that's more in the current teen trend? And also, could I persuade you to perhaps pose with your daughter for this next set Mrs. Townsend?"

The piebald looked indifferent. Actually no, shi looked more along the lines of amused at the crisis which had so narrowly been averted. Rising up and pulling hir shirt down so it clung even more tightly to the colossal swells of hir bosom, Allison merely sauntered forward and gave the anxious looking feline a smile."Just the thing, and that was some impressively fast thinking on your behalf I must say."

Shi went to the bag, giving a passing glance at the younger lapin who was staring in equal bemusement back at hir, having not budged an inch from the tree shi'd been posing against. Quickly rummaging around again, the piebald bunny dug out a stylish leather vest with western style tassels sewn around the rims of the pockets, then a pink t-shirt emblazoned with a lightning bolt striking a pair of large size speakers. "Here ya go my Cherry. Go get yourself changed, I'll be right here."

Allison tossed the clothes along with hir daughter's Tommy Hilfiger jeans back at Cherise, who in turn gave a funny and actually quite cute chitter of relief as shi quickly unsnapped the straining thong and deftly tossed it aside.

Another healthy slosh of fluid being shaken about inside the confines of hir big, full balls and boobs reverberated forth as swimsuit was exchanged for denim and cotton, hir own nerves being again supressed, this time by the logic that as shi'd already stripped once in full view of everyone then there was no reason shi couldn't do it again. Besides, though Cherise was rather reluctant to admit it, shi was finding the way everyone just froze and stared at hir every time shi bared hirself for them to be getting rather....well...'exciting'? Was that enjoyment shi felt at the many eyes affixed on hir shapely rear or bouncing masses of lovely orbs? Well it would make some degree of sense, shi'd been expecting everyone to react with disgust at seeing how disproportionately huge shi and hir mother were in terms of endowments, so the fact they actually found hir attractive was pretty encouraging. Specially with Erin there.

Yes Erin, that sculpted statue of amazonian perfection. Shi'd been the biggest surprise of them all....muscles as big as hir own breasts, breasts as big as hir mothers, balls the same kind of scale...and shi was acting the most nervous of them all. It hadn't been at all what the lapin had anticipated when shi first heard shi was going to meet hir, but much like everyone's apparent acceptance of hir body, it was quite enjoyable to discover.

Slipping on the vest, then arranging it so the front was held wide open by hir bosom and didn't obscure the decidedly overstretched logo on hir shirt underneath, Cherise turned to the dragoness who simply gestured to the bench beside the pond. "If you've got an MP3 player or something like that, go get it. Miss Townsend, you have a magazine or something with you?"

Allison looked at the ground for a moment then raised hir head as if an idea had struck. As hir daughter made for the bag and retrieved hir iPod and headphones, the piebald simply followed behind and plucked one of hir daughter's own text books, making rather an effort to hold it up so everyone could catch the title: "Science of the Stars".

"Umm...okay great. Now go sit on the bench there by the pond, and Cherise, you lay your head down on hir lap. Try to look like you're happy to be hanging out with your mom, but also want the ability to drift off into your own world of rythm and vibe."

Mother looked at daughter, and bothed giggled hysterically as if sharing some private joke only they understood. Slipping hir headphones in, Cherise seated hirself and waited for Allison to do the same before swinging hir legs up and letting hir head descend to where it had wanted to anyway, right onto that plush comfy mountain of hir mom's maleness.

"Right now just move your left ear a hair over, Cherise, and turn your head just a little towards me....and that's it!"

Snapping again ensued as Cherise pressed hir head down a little further into the squashy pile of delectable flesh, trying not to murr in case it would screw up the image.

"Okay now move a little further down and stare straight up. Allison, if you could lean a little further back and hold the book flat in your paws....yeah like that. And lets try to get some more light for an overhead shot."

Both bunnies did as instructed and giggled as the two yellow zepplin like swells were hovered into view, eclipsing the sun and casting them in shade till Jacob was able to catch the sunlight with a mirror and reflect it onto them from behind their heads.

"Yes, there, there....and one more from here....and Cherise if you exactly that, yes."

The lop merely smirked as shi turned hir head inward and nuzzled into the wall of soothing warm breast flesh that greeted hir. Shi could smell hir mother had obviously decided to skimp a little on grooming today to make their plane flight. Hir heady musk was heavy enough to be detectable through hir clothes, and right now shi was more than grateful for it. Allison had many wonderful qualities about hir but out of them all hir scent definitely ranked up at the top. It was an excellent nerve soother as well as an aphrodisiac and the bunny had many fond memories of cuddling up with hir mother and letting the worries of hir day be lost in Allison's sweet odour.

And of course if there was a head rub involved too, like right now, that made it even better.

"Comfy?" The piebald chuckled from above, getting a deeper nuzzle and a murr of contentment from hir daughter as response. Cherise really wanted to fall asleep right there, with hir head nestled upon that wonderful thick sheath and cradling balls, with Allison's fingers gently kneading hir scalp, penetrating right down into hir stilll very alert and worried brain and giving it something to calm itself down.

"I don't if I can move, Mom. This feels too good." The bunny murmured quietly, lightly clothed flesh pillowing against hir face and warming it to the core. It was true shi'd rather have stayed where shi was, safe in hir mom's hold and the fear shi'd been wracked with gradually retreating.

But then as the minutes wore on shi felt sunlight on hir face again and sighed as shi sat up to be met with Allison's just as warm gaze. "But I know I've got a job to do so I'll try to not get sidetracked."

Allison looked almost regretful at hir words, and for a second Cherise had to wonder if shi was actually going to call a stop to the shoot so shi'd no longer be obligated.

"Well, while I'd like nothing better than to stay here and cuddle with ya....that's a admirably good attitude to take in this business."

Cherise felt hir face catch fire again and dipped hir head as a kiss was placed on hir cheek.

"I'm proud of you, Cherry."

The fire grew to a volcano and the bunny had to look away. Shi loved knowing shi was doing Allison proud, but it was still a bit overwhelming to hear given what else shi was going through right now.

"Th-Thanks, mom." The cream bunny said turning to Ezria who was now sitting back again and checking the memory chip in hir camera.

"Now then....well, for safety's sake let's have one more but with you lying on the bench instead of your mom's lap." Erin said, having to give an eyeroll as shi said it. Hypers may have now been acceptable to the mainstream but shi'd have to do some further research before taking the risk of promoting suggested incest, even though that would make hir own life so much easier.

Cherise nodded and got into position, a bit reluctantly but shi got what Erin was getting at. Sure the crew had been more than accomodating for hir unsual status but that held no promise they'd continue to do so if shi actually did give into hir raging hormones and do what shi was thinking of doing with hir mother.

"Okay, and let's also do some frontal shots of you alone. I want to make sure we have at least a few that show your shirt logo in good definition."

Now it was Allison's turn to feel reluctant. Even though shi'd been wonderful at hiding it, the simple concern over hir kit's well being was still pulling heavily at hir consciousness. Sure shi'd accomplished the required task of getting Cherise to go through with the shoot, but that didn't mean shi had to like forcing hir to do so. Tina had been no different when they had emerged all those years ago from the piebald's own first shoot (if the dinner, dance club and week-end at the beach that followed after were anything to go by). The definite tightening and sloshing of hir pants' contents brought on by Cherise's display of affection wasn't helping much either.

*Damn that kid knows how to press the right buttons.* The piebald mused, a little sad as shi left the bench and sat down again next to Erin to watch as Cherise propped an arm over the mahogany slats and glanced off to the side as if distracted. The pose was spot on for trying to look like a typical member of the current generation. Dressed to the nines, bored with naure and seeking solace in technology and music. Even though shi could never imagine hir daughter emulating such behaviour in real life, the cream lop was still pulling the look off perfectly. Hell, shi was even jiggling hir foot around in that little impatient way teen girls always seem to do whenever they had to wait for anything.

Allison sighed and glanced down at the text book shi'd been 'reading' from. In all honesty the few lines shi'd glanced over while Ezria was photographing had seemed more along the lines of alien communication that actual academic theory, but to hir daughter such gibberish always seemed to hold more interest than any pop music group or magazine heart throb. That was just how the two of them were different. Shi had a head for clothes and cooking, hir daughter knew math and complicated sciences. At least Cherise appreciated the value of having brains to match hir beauty.

"You've brought up a most sensible daughter." Came the voice of the feline next to hir, as if mirroring hir own thoughts on the subject. "I'm...honestly just astounded how shi's just picking this up and running wild with it."

Allison turned and smiled at Erin, feeling hir cheeks fluster when shi realised how enraptured the blue cat was with hir daughter.

"I couldn't have hoped for better. Honestly was worried outta my noggin shi'd find this to be too much but....well, youth surprises us all the time."

Erin chuckled and shook hir head. "You're not kidding. I don't have any kittens of my own, but I do have a mouse on the payroll. Same age as your daughter, and already has a contract with Nike Shoes thanks to a spokesperson who happened to be touring here while I was doing his demo shoot."

"Makes sense." Allison laughed while propping an arm on hir expansive chest. "Seems like only yesterday you could hope to make it to your 50s and still be considered in fashion for something. Now here I am at 34 and I feel like I'm being upstaged already by the newcomers."

Erin merely shrugged in understanding. Even at 27 hirself the talent shi dealt with from the teenage bracket on a daily basis made hir feel out of date.

"Well that's why we go into the organisation side of the business, so we can take our revenge by ordering those pesky young bloods around and make them show us respect...just like old timers do....oh geez, I'm even sounding like them now."

The two broke out in laughter at their absurdity, jiggling, sloshing and straining at their clothes as they doubled over from the effort.

"Least if nothing else you can divert extra time to personal studies." The cat finally replied, gesturing to the text book Allison still held. A move which made the piebald look down, then grin so mischeivously one could be forgiven for thinking shi was trying to emulate that which sat next to hir.

"Oh this? Nope, sorry Erin, this ain't mine." The bunny said, making a display of dropping it back into the bag like it was some useless bit of junk which only served to compound Erin's confusion.

"It's not?"

"Course not, my dear feline. I go for fashion interests, culinary arts, proper old school music and roller blading. That science stuff doesn't make a lick of sense to my noggin." Allison said, turning and showing hir buck teeth in a wide grin while the feline just cocked hir head.

"Then way." Emerald eyes turned to Cherise who was now finishing up with a kneeling pose as if staring at something of interest under the pond's glassy surface, then back to Allison who was nodding and giving hir tits a good sloshy shake with barely concealed giggles.

"You're kidding, right?" The muscular cat asked, jaw slackening at the idea...then tightening as shi thought back to when shi'd first introduced hirself to the cream bunny and how shi'd behaved then.

"I think you'll find my dear Cherry's quite different from other girls hir age. Sure clubs, the beach, driving down the Santa Monica strip and wild nights out with hir friends are all fancies of hirs, but shi's got a brain to go with those boobs and balls. My own folks wouldn't settle for anything less when I was a young'un and I've made sure the same was true with hir." Several quick breaths were taken to steady the bunny from hir giggling and shi turned to regard Erin....only to then collapse back into giggles upon seeing how shocked shi still was. "I take it the same is true of you?"

It took a good few seconds for the kitty's brain to process the question, realise it was actually expected to be answered, and turn Erin's head so shi was looking the bunny in the eye again.

"Me....well not quite. I mean I would consider myself to be of more than considerable intelligence...but not through parental influence. It was more....a comfort thing for me."

The giggling abruptly stopped as Allison noticed ears flattening, veins tensing over trapezius and arms, and Erin's form curling forward somewhat.

"Books don't judge or condemn you for what you are and.....well...."

Erin drifted off as shi felt lips being pressed against hir cheek, a paw coming to rest on hir shoulder and breasts enveloping hir bicep. Turning at the first of the three was withdrawn, shi met Allison's gaze, and received hir second shock of the day at how much understanding there was within those sea green orbs.

"It's okay, I get where you're coming from girl. Didn't mean to drudge up unhappy memories." The bunny soothed, rubbing the cat's basket ball size shoulder which made Erin smile again.

"No it's fine, if anything I'm sorry for slipping into self sympathy like that. Just hasn't been an easy day getting all of this re-set at the last minute."

Shi looked to Cherise who was approaching them now. Behind hir Ezria was loading a fresh memory chip into hir camera.

"Well I think you did a lovely job. Frankly, the fresh air and grass have been of great help gettin' my daughter into the swing of things."

The piebald stood and smiled at the cream furred as shi drew closer. Shi was about to go to the bag again and find another outfit for the next part when from hir pocket there came the familiar sound of James Brown singing about livin' in America.

" give me a minute here." The bunny quickly turned and bounced hir male bits while digging hir phone out of hir pants.

"Hello, this is's you."

A glance at hir daughter, then at Erin....and then strangely the lop was walking away from both, paws holding the phone securely to hir ear and covering hir mouth while shi continued talking.

"Yes.....yes everything's going fine..........what?........Oh, sorry I'm outdoors.........Yep, outdoors, apparently something happened and shi changed where the shoot was going to take place......Yep, last minute case of Sod's, shi's handled it beautifully. Better than I could have hoped for at least......Yes.......Well if that doesn't prove we can use hir then......Ah, I'm glad you agree.......So you're on your way here now? hour or so?....We'll be waiting then, sweetie. Bye!"

The phone was snapped shut and holstered, and then Allison was attempting to abort hir excited jump into the air, managing to at least keep hir toes from leaving the ground though the bounce hir motion gave to hir breasts was enough for them to pull hir shirt hem out of hir pants.

"Sorry, where were we?"

Shi looked to the bag, and blinked as Cherise beat hir to it to pick something out.

"Was just noticing mom, it's getting late in the afternoon, so before we lose the benefit of full sunlight...." The bunny revealed a striking amber tube top with a powder blue denim skirt embroidered with subtle floral patterns and a black belt. "Maybe something more 'seasonal'?"

Allison had to stop hirself. Just the sight of Cherise with hir head dipped forward as if unsure of hir decision, and the want in hir eyes for the piebald to say yes, shi couldn't help stepping forward and giving hir daughter a big boobed hug.

"Girl, that's the sign I've been waiting for from you all day. Even if it is the same outfit you've been eyeing up all week I'm still enthralled you can choose an ensemble as well as you wear it."

Cherise mmrfed into the hug, burying hir face in hir mother's buxom pillows and deciding not to care who saw. A sign it might have been for Allison, for hir it was just one more indication shi was making up for hir fallacies earlier.

"Mmm, okay, okay....Mom, I need to go change!" The lop eared lapin giggled as hir head was smothered in loving kisses. Eventually being allowed to go, Cherise didn't even hesitate to throw off first the vest, then hir shirt, although shi did have to pause and give a kiss to the latter. Though it definitely had been stretched permanently in certain areas and the design would need to be retweaked for better accomodation, at least it had behaved better than the bikini, not creaking or smooshing hir tits but merely figuring that if it was due to die, then at least it had the privelege of going out on film.

Dropping that shi again began the process of unzipping hir jeans, then took a look behind hir and decided to bend over as shi pulled the denim slowly, and what shi hoped passed for sensually down hir legs. Given how everyone had been so attentive and quiet while shi was working it seemed the least shi could do to show hir thanks, and indeed it did make hir chuckle when shi spread hir legs and gave hir bare bottom a little wiggle and the balls underneath a good slosh, causing that shapely horse who'd be helping set up to first gulp, then bolt for the studio building with his hands clasped over his crotch.

Okay, that was actually fun.

The tube top was securely zipped up, molding itself like a second skin over hir bosom (some new type of heat senstive synthetic threads apparently made this possible) and then came the skirt, buttoned into place under hir cute tail. Cherise finished by tightening the belt, then turning to witness a blanket shi'd brought with them being dropped in front of hir.

"Figured since as you say it's getting late, maybe we could do a picnic theme for this. I noticed you brought food with you as well." Ezria said as two of hir column like fingers stretched the blanket out and then began to deposit the plastic containers holding the sandwiches and drinks Allison had packed.

"Oh, good idea." Cherise responded, again surprised at how hospitable the giant dragoness was being. Squaring off a corner and then seating hirself, the bunny looked up and leaned hir head to the side to try and take Ezria in. It really was amazing how shi could just sit there and act so professional and thorough while wearing not a stitch of clothing. Course, given what shi was carting around it was probably pretty hard to find stuff that fit but still, shi had to admire Ezria's total lack of shyness and care.

*Just like Mom said: do your job and don't worry about anything else.* The bunny sighed and opened one of the containers to take out a sandwich, idly bending one of hir legs so shi could rest an arm on it while shi bit into the soft bread and moist vegetables while looking out into the distance.

*Specially if shi can do it at that height and not be bothered by what anyone else might think then....*


Cheris promptly swallowed the bite of sandwich and reeled around to see Ezria lowering hir camera and grinning.

"I was going to say look like you're just enjoying a quiet bite to eat in the park...but I can see you beat me to it."

Cherise just stared back up, totally lost...then blushing severely as shi realised what had just happened.

"Uh....thanks. I wasn't actually planning to....I mean I just my own thoughts."

"Sometimes that's all it takes, specially if the model's got the same mindset for the shoot as the photographer."

Cherise nodded meekly, and was all too happy to turn away when the dragoness pointed for hir to look to the distance and moved to shoot hir from another angle. What had just happened? Shi started pondering about Ezria...and had inadvertently just assumed the right pose for a photo in the process? Well sure shi hadn't really given much thought to how shi looked....much like Ezria had given no thought to how shi wasn't dressed and....

*Is that it? Is it really that easy?*

Cherise tried to think of hir mother, and how shi'd behave while enjoying a quiet lunch. Taking another bite shi thought back to the picnics they'd had together in past hir mother, when shi wasn't talking, always seemed to study the landscape as if shi was intent on recording a picture perfect image in hir memory so it could be put down on some media later, the way hir eyes narrowed to try and focus on the horizon and...

"Yes, YES! That's it! Hold that look, Cherise!"

The lop ear did so, rather surprised at hirself for pulling off a good pose twice with no instruction. This was getting a little weird...well, more so than it already was, but at the same time shi was finding it rather encouraging. Some models shi'd seen couldn't even put on a convincing pose of tying their shoes without being coached through every bit, and here shi was just hitting the mark on hir own accord, without even a single word from the dragoness. Much as Cherise still feared for how shi'd perform, this was a most welcome relief.

"No, no, don't let your head wilt, keep looking up!"

If shi didn't let hir mind wander too much that is.

"Alright, finish that sandwich and we'll think of something you can do with the drinks."

The lop quickly nodded and was just as quick to cram the food into hir mouth. Shi actually was feeling quite hungry and duly followed with a few diced carrots to help sate hir stomach before reaching for the thermos of orange juice and a glass.

"Now then...hmmm...."

The ground shook as breasts were weighed upon it and Cherise turned to see the contemplative gaze of Ezria now lying prone on hir front, face just a few feet above hir own eye level.

"Well maybe if you crossed your legs and settled it in the, that'd probably be too uncomfortable with those balls of yours in the way."

Cherise looked to what shi was holding and raised the thermos above the glass to mimic pouring the juice.

"Oh, no, no, no, there's not enough light here to properly do flowing liquids."

The ground trembled, only slightly this time as Ezria rolled onto hir back, then pushed the collapsing mass of hir heavy boobs away from hir face. "Perhaps if I had you reclining and....mmm no....."

"Perhaps if shi just stood up against the scenery?"

Both bunny and dragoness turned as Allison approached. "Maybe with a little wind ruffling hir skirt?"

Cherise smiled, and promptly fell over from the shaking of Ezria getting up to a sitting position.

"Indeed with a little wind ruffling hir skirt, that's an excellent idea!"

Allison nodded knowingly as shi stepped onto the blanket, giving hir daughter another soft smile while grabbing a sandwich for hirself.

"I just need to go speak privately with Erin about something. Think you can fare on your own till I get back?"

Cherise returned the smile, nodding with even more enthusiasm. "I'll be alright, Mom!"

Allison patted the younger bunny on the shoulder and stood again. Shi figured Cherise by now was doing well enough to continue unassissted but still, for the maternal concern in hir, it always helped to have hir confirm it vocally. Munching on the sandwich (and making a note that tobasco sauce really helped add flavour to carrots) shi returned to the back of the studio as the crew wheeled out a 10 foot set fan and began hooking it up.

"Still going fine?" Erin asked, joining the lop and holding the studio's back door open for hir.

"Still. Shi's every bit the natural I was hoping for." Allison said, marking hir statement with a 'creak' as shi inhaled and swelled hir chest with the cherished lift of pride.

"Well, what can I say, cept thanks for showing hir off here. I'm honoured like you wouldn't believe." The blue feline said in return, hir own chest swelling with the more gratuitous lift of relief.

"Oh I think I can believe." The piebald replied, turning to face Erin. "Which is partly what I wanted to speak to you about. I have ta admit you've done a shining job today with your accomodations for me and my daughter..."

Erin lowered hir head and folded hir paws on top of hir jean bulge. "Well, thank you..."

"And truth be told, there are others I know who'm I think would also be able to do business with you...."

Head promptly raised and paws promptly unfolded. "What? Really?"

Allison nodded. "Which is why I should probably confess now, I actually had another reason for coming here to-"

And then there was the sudden sound of screaming coming from outside, followed by something shattering and a sudden commotion of morphs rushing. Allison barely had time to react before the back door was promptly ripped off its hinges by Erin as shi rushed out to the studio again, fearing the worst and almost clotheslining hir crew out of the way to see what had happened.

Oh please Bast, no. Oh please Bast, no. Oh please Bast, no. Oh please Bast, no.

Martin dived for safety, then so did Jacob and the make up stoat, allowing the cat to finally bear witness to the sight of Ezria sitting mournfully on hir scrotal sac with hir head in hir hands...and Cherise lying face down on the grass amidst a mess of leaves and broken glass.

Oh please

"What happened!?" The feline demanded, looking with daggers (even if unintentionally) at hir crew as they shrank back.

" seems someone left the fan turned up to maximum speed. It kicked in....automatically, when we plugged it in and...." Jacob's voice trailed, his hands frantically doing little circles in the air as if to help finish his sentence with animated gestures before he turned on the grizzly bear next to him. "I told you to check it first before we hooked it up!"

"Me? It's your job to make sure it's dialled down to zero after every shoot!" Martin shot back, casting a worried eye at his boss as shi knelt next to the prone bunny. "I swear boss we didn't..."

"Just.....go get the first aid kit....NOW!" The feline spat back, again not intending to sound harsh but the sudden tragedy and foreboding shadow it cast over the events of the day were really grating on hir voice. Placing hir paw on Cherise's shoulder shi said a silent prayer no serious damage had been done, then froze when hir ears detected the sound of muffled crying.

"Cherise....are you okay?" The feline asked, lifting hir paw up as the bunny stirred and placed hir shaking paws on the ground.

"Nothing's hurt right? I can call 911 if you need" Again the feline's voice trailed off, too choked with fear as Cherise managed to get onto all fours, then onto hir knees. For a moment the feline seriously felt shi was going to have a heart attack when the sobbing lop turned to look at hir...and revealed the bleeding gash above hir eye.

"Ohhhh...nooooo." Erin whispered, feeling faint then almost reeling back as the force of disaster targeted and punched hir full on in the stomach. Shi honestly expected at that moment to fall and hit rock bottom, and indeed hir back was smacked full on by something hard, but it did little to soften the follow up punch of seeing Allison standing over hir, looking most concerned.

"Cherise....oh my God, are you..." In less time than Erin had to form the word 'sorry' in hir mind, the piebald had bounded over and was kneeling next to hir daughter. Shi attempted to examine the wound, only for the cream furred lop to immediately turn away and hide hir face in hir paws.

"Cherise....Cherise, please....let me look." Allison pleaded, wrestling with hir daughter to pull hir paws from hir face, while the younger lop merely tried to keep hir visage concealed amidst a flow of tears and blood. It was a valiant struggle, but eventually emotions proved to be the deciding factor, the cream bunny's torment of disgust at hirself and despair at what had happened proving to be far inferior to hir mother's double assault of maternal worry and general want to help.

"Just, please let me look at you." Allison repeated, finally getting hir daughter's paws away, and being treated to the sight of a most miserable looking face, stained with the darkness of sadness and the red streaks of hir own life fluid.

"Mom....I.....*sniff*....I'm...s-sorry. Muh-Mommy." Cherise stammered as hir eyes clenched shut, though it wasn't from pain that they did so.

The start of the day shi'd floundered greetings, when Ezria had shown up shi'd almost bolted in fear, when hir mother was picking hir outfits out shi'd just frozen and stood there like a moron, and now, now just when shi was finally learning to stop wasting everyone's time and when hir mom has asked for nothing more than a moment alone, shi'd gone and ruined it all by being a total klutz. Frankly shi deserved to be cut and bleeding for screwing it all up so badly...and now of course because of the aforementioned they couldn't continue with the shoot.

"Shhh, it's okay. Just a little scratch." Allison soothed while looking at hir daughter's head. The gash was long and bleeding profusely, and with some concern the piebald noticed a tiny sliver of glass still sticking out of it but in reality it was nothing serious. A little cleaning up and a band-aid and shi could even conceal it entirely under hir fur, except as soon as the older bunny attempted to mend it, hir daughter turned away.

"No....*sniff*....don't. It.....*sniff....It's mu-my fault." Cherise sobbed. "I fell oh-over and....b-buh-broke the glass."

Allison looked down at the cream bunny's tube top, now adorned with an attractive splattering of wet orange and brown stains everywhere and shook hir head.

"I'm....sorry....muh-mom. *sniff* I ruined the shoot."

Sea green eyes met tear filled amber ones, and Allison felt hirself relax as shi realised what was required here. Watching hir daughter cry hir eyes out while blood stained each tear with a pink tinge, shi knew then and there this was not a matter of a good intentioned morph trying to help another in despair. Cherise didn't need medical aid, or words of naysay to hir self criticisms, or any help from others. What shi needed now, more than anything, was hir mother.

Scooting hirself forward, and wrapping a paw around hir daughter's waist, Allison gave a gentle pull towards hir, and soon had Cherise in a loving hug, just like shi had when the cream lop was nothing more than a quiet baby and shi a newly ordained parent promising to give both hir heart and soul to the well being of hir child.

"Shhhhhhh, it's alright, Cherise, mommy's here. Everything's okay." Each word flowed gently like tempid water down a slow river, the same way they'd done when Cherise had come home after getting teased at school, or the time shi'd tried climbing one of the trees in the back yard and had ended up falling and bruising hir knee as a result. Allison had immediately been there to comfort hir then and shi had done the same many other times. Regardless of if shi was in the middle of a shoot or out negotiating a deal, the piebald had always dropped everything and rushed to be with hir daughter at the first sign of trouble. Work may have kept the two with a roof over their heads and plenty of money in the bank, but it all mattered little in comparison to the one shi had given life to, the one who had bought Allison more happiness than fame, power or wealth ever could.

"It was just an accident. Not your fault, nor anyone else's." The piebald cooed, tenderly stroking Cherise's ears while holding hir firmly to the ample expanse of hir bosom.

"And you didn't ruin the shoot. Sometimes we just have these little upsets." Shi continued, looking down with utmost adoration as the cream lop lifted hir head up and locked eyes with hir again. Despair was still prevalent in those ambient gold orbs, yet at the same time Allison could see hir words had awakened something else....surprise, hope....and above all, love.

"In fact I think you've been nothing short of spectacular today. You got through three set ups without complaint, given each one everything you've got, contributed ideas, helped Ezria out with various poses. There hasn't been a single aspect you've done anything less than astound everyone here with."

A paw ceased its stroking and curled around to cup a furry cheek.

"And I could not be prouder. You've spent your life watching me slowly improve myself to become a success, and today you almost surpassed me on everything over the course of just a few hours."

Cherise blinked, then clenched hir eyes again as blood started to run into them. Sighing, Allison extended hir thumb to help wipe it off, and watched with relief as hir daughter's posture began to wilt from hir gentle touch.

"So come on now, buck up and show me the girl who's been wowing everyone here today. The one I honestly cannot be more thankful for to be able to call my daughter." A cream paw reached up to hold hirs, eyes locked with eyes again, searching for forgiveness and the assurance only a mother could give.

And then, Allison found hirself fighting to not shed tears as Cherise wrapped hir arms around hir neck and gave hir the kiss shi'd been waiting for. It was a passionate one for sure and perhaps one that gave away more of the two lapin's relationship than they intended. But as their noses quivered and twitched against each other while their lips tensed as if afraid to part, neither bunny cared in the slightest. They were mother and daughter, they were friends, and they were lovers. Few were the morphs who shared a bond as strong and solid as they and both wanted to confirm this again for the benefit of the other with their embrace, with their kiss, with every part of their living being and essence. Breasts pressed against breasts, sheaths against sheaths, arms around waists, it was a perfect make up moment for the older piebald, and one which only got better when they at last parted and shi looked into hir daughter's eyes again to see the despair and misery gone, replaced by the brightness and cheer Cherise usually exhibited.

"There, feel better now?" Allison asked, and to which hir daughter nodded while burying hir face into the vast canyon of cleavage again, adding the last needed part to their moment together with a whisper of four simple words.

"I love you, Mommy."

The piebald couldn't help chittering happily to hirself. No matter how often they were said, somehow Cherise always managed to get hir voice at just the right tone everytime to remind hir of when shi said it as part of hir first attempts at speaking so many years ago.

"I love you too, my beautiful Cherry." Allison replied, lifting hir daughter's head from hir shirt and giving a cute lick to hir nose before noticing Martin returning with the first aid box. "Now, you gonna let me clean that up for you?"

Cherise nodded and the older bunny bade for the grizzly bear to set the box down next to hir, wasting no time in flipping it open and fishing out a pair of surgical tweezers. These shi used to quickly grab the sliver of glass and remove it from the wound, a procedure Cherise barely winced at, then followed by blotting up the blood with a sanitary wipe. A quick application of a band-aid and shi was adding the finishing touch by combing Cherise's fur over to hide everything and then giving it a smooch.

"There you go, let mommy kiss it better." Shi said serenely, giving the wound an extra one for good luck then hir daughter the most kindly of buck toothed grins as shi gestured for their carry all bag to be brought over and withdrew a small powder compact from it. "And we're back in business."

Cherise stood astounded, staring at the compact's mirror and seeing a totally normal looking rabbit face staring back at hir. Save for a pink hue where the blood had gotten into hir fur (which shi was able to fix in an instant with some application of the powder) there was no trace shi'd been injured, and even when shi raised an eyebrow as a test hir fur stayed resolutely in place over the band-aid. Snapping the compact closed shi looked up at the older brown splotched bunny and blinked two final tears of relief as the two met in another hug.

"Oh Mom, thanks!" The cream furred lop cried, nuzzling at hir mother's neck which only brought another chitter of delight.

"Wasn't anything to it." Allison murred softly, relishing the feel of hir daughter's soft fur and smooth nose, each little stroke and rub furthering to stoke the flames of hir heart. "Now, you feel up to continuining with the shoot?"

The rubbing ceased, with some reluctance, so that Cherise could dip hir head and give an affirming wiggle of hir tail. "Of course, Mom!" Shi stood, expecting another outfit to be presented to hir, but then noticed hir mother looking over the stains on hir top with a querying air about hir before looking up to the dragoness.

"Ezria?" Allison asked, and then slapped a paw to the ground to steady hirself as the giant scaled being leapt to attention.

"I'm ready to go when you are, Mrs. Townsend."

"Good." Waggling hir massive lopped ears, Allison let forth a somewhat gleeful sounding exhale and looked adoringly at hir daughter as shi reached behind to grab the zipper of hir tube top. "I think it's time we did something a little more personal. Something to help you unwind from all I've put you through today."

Cherise blinked, hir muzzle losing its smile to the straight lines of bewilderment as hir top was unzipped and delicately removed. "Well, okay. But where are the clothes you want me to wear?"

"There won't be any for this part." Allison said matter of factly. "This is going to be a depiction of our love for each other, in the proper natural way it should be depicted."

The belt was quickly disposed of, and the skirt left pooled on the floor, leaving the lop ear shivering slightly as shi again felt the light touch of the spring air on hir nakedness. "You mean..." Shi looked up and felt hir voice leave hir as Allison place another kiss on hir lips, simpler in form this time but delivering all shi needed to know about the piebald's intentions.

"I know we say it to each other every day, and express it sincerely almost every night. But I don't think it can hurt to have an extra reminder for the times when one of us is away." Allison stood and began to unbutton hir own shirt, bringing an intense feeling of heat to Cherise's heart and loins as hir enormous breasts began to eagerly spill out of their weakinging prison, accidentally popping a button off in the process due to their weight before the shirt was tossed aside and they were left to bounce naturally, huge, round and utterly beautiful to behold.

"And anyway you should know by now I'd never pass up an oppourtunity to have fun with you." The older lapine giggled as hir pants went next. It was a little diffcult getting the denim to slide off, tightly stretched as it was around hir nether regions but the piebald soon found help when Cherise suddenly ran forward and began tugging them down on hir own accord.

Unlike hir daughter, who's cream fur was uniform on every part of hir body, Allison was revealed to have a covering of rich dark brown on hir balls and sheath, much like that around hir left eye and it was these that Cherise went to first, burying hir head in the warm musky fluff to kiss and inhale their delectable scent. Like a newborn trying for the first time to garner knowledge of what it can from the world the cute pink nose and hot lips pressed themselves against the inviting testes, each roughly a foot across at the moment but rapidly swelling with arousal as those they belonged to gave a low shuddering murr.

*Guess I wasn't the only needing this.* Allison mused, smiling and extending hir arms to rub at the large nubs of hir nipples, making them quiver and open to release the first drops of sweet milk while Cherise wrapped hir arms around the thick trunk of five foot sheath and began smothering that with loving kisses too. For a moment, the piebald felt hir legs go weak, and hir sheath start to get hard. Shi'd had quite a few lovers in hir life, many of them morphs shi treasured as friends too, but few could get hir riled up as quickly as hir daughter. Whether it was from experience, or just some imprinting of knowledge on hir genes, the cream lop always knew how to deliver that exact special number of emotions in hir kisses and fondles. Affection, lust, happiness, desire, and most importantly love were all felt with each touch of hir lips, and in no time flat Allison was feeling the cool air on the tip of hir cock as it peeked out and added an additional foot to hir length just as the overhead SNAP! of a camera was heard.

"Ennfff....not so fast though, my Cherry. Let's let Ezria get some preliminaries in first."

Whining slightly but relising shi was right, the younger lop let go of the sheath and stood to embrace hir mother as shi turned to face the now somewhat uncofortable looking dragoness. "Any suggestions?"

Seeing this Ezria had to swallow, one shaking hand gripping hir camera while the other was busy trying to push down on hir own sheath, already starting to sway with its reaction to what was going on.

"J-Just like that....and if you could both raise a foot off the ground?"

Both bunnies giggled and did as instructed, bending their thick legs behind their bodies and curling their toes cutely as if by random chance they'd happened to have fallen into the loving embrace.

"That's it." Ezria lauded, taking a breath and telling hirself internally to get a hold. Shi was a professional dammit, and shi was not going to let hirself get distracted from the task at hand. Even if hir two subjects did look so sweet together shi honestly thought hir heart was going to melt right there.

*Just hold your sights steady and remember Makena. Shi'll be more than happy to help once this is over.*

Emboldened the dragoness marked the two lapins in hir capture box and began firing off pictures again, managing to get a few frames of them smiling, then with their heads turned slightly away as if to beckon hir to join their hug, then them just staring lovingly into each other's eyes.

"Alright, just hold that and let me try one with you from the other side against the sun set."

The purple and yellow titan got up to move, giving Cherise a brief moment to forget about posing and just enjoy the embrace. Hir mother's body felt so hot against hir own, their breasts pressed together and getting nice and wet with milk, sheaths lightly rubbing together in the sandwich of their sloshing and swelling testes, it made everything shi'd gone through earlier worthwhile. There really was only one more thing that was needed, and in the time it took for Ezria to get set up, Cherise had decided to take the initiative, leaning forward to meet Allison in another kiss.

*Whoo....okay DON'T remember Makena. No, definitely not like that!!* Ezria thought in panic as shi tried to keep the camera steady. While the emotion apparent in their embrace had been somewhat possible to ignore, the dragoness knew shi couldn't avoid connecting with the sheer raw love there was in that kiss. Shi felt the same way about hir wife, and right now it was doing hir no help that all shi could think of was how good the hyena's lips would feel doing the same thing.

*Let's try umm....buildings! No, too phallic. Umm....lakes! Wait, noooo, Makena looks so hot with wet fur!!*

Ezria could feel sweat breaking out on hir forehead, trying to keep hir finger mashing the capture button while ignoring hir groin's growing stiffness.

*Rocks? Rock hard....NO! Grey....boring....streets....wait, streets?*

Ezria paused, feeling hir heat dissipating a bit at the thought of those pesky stretches of asphalt, always a pain to walk on due to them either crumbling under hir weight or because of traffic running into hir feet. Yes, streets were not something shi was fond of, even the giant express ones built exclusively for use by beings of hir size. It wasn't much of a remedy, but at least it helped hir to calm down a bit.

Sighing in thanks the dragoness went back to shooting, taking out the special zoom lense again from hir carrying strap and screwing it on the camera to catch the tongues just barely visible in each lapines mouth.

"Just whenever you two are done, I'd like to get a few solo shots of you each."

The bunnies took their time in responding. Both adored these type of kisses and Cherise especially liked the way Allison always swept that buttery smooth tongue of hirs around hir mouth, searching out the little sensitive spots on hir teeth and gums and teasing them sweetly which only spurned hir to hold the kiss longer. Eventually the two did part, meeting eyes and sharing an unsaid message of thanks before Allison stepped away and let Cherise have command of the lense again.

"If you could just wave or...yeah something like that."

The cream lop smirked and gave a slow, polite sway of hir arm, contrasting it with a totally sultry rub of hir balls with the other paw. They were definitely getting full now, both already almost at three feet and still growing. It was lovely to feel them expanding under hir fingers, fur lightly brushing against hir pads as it stretched.

"Now maybe something more innocent?"

Both hands disappeared behind hir back and Cherise was dipping hir head so hir eyes had to really strain to keep looking up at the camera. The end result was a wide expression totally lacking in evil or mischief and Ezria couldn't help laughing as shi cosindered what this same being had been doing just moments earlier.

"And again, but maybe if you could play with one of your ears?"

A large lopped ear was soon being fondled while Cherise coyly turned hir head slightly to better show off its limp, draping beauty.

"Oooh, even if I can't have this published I'm definitely going to consider framing this one." The dragoness mused, leaving Cherise chittering in delight. This really was turning out to be a most pleasurable experience for the lapine, completely different to what shi'd been expecting. True enough shi was used to wandering around naked at home (and thorougly enjoyed each day shi got to do so) but doing it in public, with hir mother at the same time as well, was proving to be quite exciting to the young lop. Shi was loving the relief of not having hir endowments restricted by any type of clothing, and the notion that everyone present was not only accepting, but actually enjoying the prospect of hir having such an incestuous relationship with Allison...well, it was fair to say that even with the immense weight of hir tits, Cherise's chest still felt mercifully lighter than it had all day.

Turning to let the dragoness get a shot of hir from behind (and tensing hir rear to better show off what a fit and full figured lass shi was), the cream bunny noticed Erin standing a ways behind under one of the studio's trees. The poor feline looked like shi'd been through Breakdown Central and then bought a return ticket, so frayed was hir fur and so emotionally exhausted hir features. Shi acknowledged the bunny, but didn't offer any contribution, most likely figuring if Cherise was doing fine on hir own then it was probably best shi just keep out of things. It was enough to make the lapin sigh in sympathy as shi reached back to link hir arms under hir ears and lift them away from hir back, thinking about everything the cat had done to make hir feel at home, and then probably wishing the ground would swallow hir up when that little incident had occurred.

*Well, that simply won't do.* The cream bunny thought firmly as shi nodded to hir mother that shi was done and left Allison to stride in gulping down some much needed milk from hir tits then turning and coyly hefting them up to the dragoness as shi began snapping.

"Erin, don't you want to come watch the shoot?" Shi asked, voice kept light and bubbly to try and soothe the kittie's shattered nerves.

"In a minute. I just need to collect myself here." Erin responded quietly, hir voice still regaining its strength. "I'm sorry just...that gave me such a fright." Shi scrubbed at hir face and found the will to smile at the lapin. "That was, however, a most touching scene you two put on there. I mean I know the love between parents and their kits can go deep but still...just, wow!"

Cherise giggled, inadvertently punctuating hirself with a gentle slosh of fluid from hir jiggling tits. "Yeah, well Mom's been my biggest supporter and friend since I was a baby, and then when I started puberty and went into the whole hormone craze thing...well shi really showed hir dedication to the maternal cause. Shi loves me and I love hir like you can't believe."

Erin winced as hir grim visage was suddenly split wide open by a smile. Shi was almost about to re-state Allison's counter-arguement that shi could believe such things, when shi suddenly felt something encircle hir waist and a weight resting on hir mammoth bosom.

"It's been a big help that you and your staff are all cool with that though." The rabbit murmured softly. Shi hadn't quite known what to expect when shi'd hugged the feline, but could figure shi probably was going to feel a lot different than how hir mother felt.

Somewhat different as it turned out. Hir waist, even with the pants covering it still felt like a solid ring of steel, with the huge glutes and core muscles under hir spine almost pushing hir paws apart with the mere flex of reaction. That said, the breasts under hir face still felt every bit as soft as those shi slept on during most nights, and the feline paws that were soon holding hir once Erin had been able to kneel and hug hir properly bore just as delicate a nature as the ones shi so enjoyed carressing hir figure.

"Well, while I can't speak for anyone else here, it'd be rather hypocritical of me to condemn you for having a sexual interest in someone of the same blood." The feline smiled as if shi found the prospect ironic. "My sister and I feel exactly the same way about each other."

Purple stained the dark blue cheeks as Erin averted hir gaze, trying not to shiver in embarrassment at Cherise's wide eyed stare.

"No way, love your sibling....just like I do with Mom?" The bunny stammered, bobbing hir head in the direction of Allison as if to confirm shi was the one spoken of.

"Other, other morphs of any species with the same big size duel gender status aren't plentiful around here, and when you consider what life was like before we became a hot new addition to mainstream media....well, having someone around who not only has everything you'd ever want in a potential mate but also understands you inside and out, helps a lot for getting through those long nights."

Finally Erin found the will to meet Cherise's gaze again, finding hir amber orbs had taken on a most distinct shine of excitement to them, which then heralded a even bigger hug and a trademark nose nuzzle from the bunny.

"Guess you get what I mean." The feline mused while securely holding Cherise in hir powerful arms. Hir fur felt almost like silk to the touch, and the feline sensed hir own was prickling with the current of glee that shi could feel every inch of it. Much as shi saw of other morphs in the all together from day to day shi rarely ever got to actually touch and fondle any of them so it was no small thanks shi gave that this bunny seemed perfectly at home with being in hir arms while wearing not a thing. It was all shi could do to stop hirself from purring as the cream furred lapine began to nuzzle and lick hir thick neck, till a chitter was heard and both looked up to see Allison leaning against the tree beside them, looking most radiant and serene in the soft golds of the evening light.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I got me to thinking while I was posing. Thinking it was rather rude of me to just leave you there hangin' while I was trying to cheer up my sweet Cherry, so there's something I'd like you to do for me."

Erin nodded slowly as the piebald lapine stepped forward and knelt to smooth hir golden hair. "And that is?"

Shi was answered with a kind kiss to the forehead and a mischevious smile.

"I want you to fuck my daughter."

Silence hung for a long time. A good two or three minutes in fact before Erin fluttered hir eyes and shook hir head. "Um...excuse me?"

"I want you to fuck my daughter. Pure and simply just take hir and enjoy what shi has to offer." Allison said, again in that matter of fact business like way as hir paws found hir hips and shi stood simply and very classy like for one currently nude and leaking from nipples and cock.

Erin fluttered hir eyes again, apparently believing the action would help stimulate hir ears and other sensory perceptions into correcting what they'd taken in, but nope, still the same message as before.

"'re serious..Mrs. Townsend?"

Allison nodded slowly. "You've gone through too much and done too much today to not get some reward for all the effort. I certainly wouldn't wanna have you feeling left out."

The piebald bunny stepped forward and knelt to brush through hir kit's short head fur.

"And besides, I think it'd do Cherise good to have a little exercise in trust building. Shi's going to be coming back as often as I can make it possible so shi should know shi can place faith in you just as shi does in me."

Erin swallowed, a definite tightening going on in expected places in hir body. Looking down shi cleared hir throat and brushed aside one of the younger lapine's ears.


The cream lop's head dipped though hir eyes noticeably did not break contact. Rather than answer first, shi simple wrapped an arm around the feline's neck and took hir into a kiss, exactly on the same level of emotion as the ones shi'd shared with hir mother and one that soon had Erin popping a few more threads in hir clothes as their tongues began to mingle for a brief second before breaking.

"I personally think I can trust you now. But I'd still like to see how it feels."

Gasping as if starved for air, Erin again met the gaze of the young lapin and, seeing it consented with hir, duly helped Cherise step off hir lap.

"Alright then, just one moment."

The feline stood and breathed deeply to calm hirself. Almost instantly hir paws were at hir shirt, undoing buttons and frantically trying to tear the garment off. It was a spectacle that seemed largely like an agreessive version of Allison's disrobing as the feline tits, aided by the might of the pectorals behind them were quick to burst through the loosened fabric, sending buttons and scraps of blue stripe flying as shi finally got it off and tossed it to the ground. The pants, sadly, were not shown any more mercy as they of course had the enormous sheath and heft of testicles to content with. The zipper was inevitably the first to go, snapped neatly apart by the blue tube of maleness, and then the rest of the crotch was duly grabbed and shredded messily along its seams so the swelling three foot spheres inside could push out and hang more comfortably in the open air.

Cherise was left breathing in rapid gulps of astonishment as Erin at last stood before hir in the masterful if slightly dishevelled glory of hir fur. Sure the bunny had figured shi was packing some serious strength going on what shi'd seen of hir arms and the general outline of hir body but not to the extent of what was presented to hir now. Deltoids large enough to almost span across timezones dressed the cut lines of the feline's chest muscles, swelling and lifting the immense swells of hir breasts with each breath as if to show weight was no hindrance to their power. Beneath the breasts the lower two slabs of a hard chiseled eight pack could just barely be seen, leading down to of course hir sheah and balls then the two legs on either side so packed with vein ridden strength the notion of them bursting through the fur again seemed to apply.

It was enough to almost make the bunny's heart stop, not with the fear of Erin being such a impsoing member of a predatory species, no that instinct had long been supressed. Rather it was just the awe that a being so strong, so embodying of the raw beauty of a perfectly built and maintained body, could indeed exist, and be on the verge of letting hir experience every inch of hir physical form.

As if in a trance, Cherise sensed shi was standing up, then walking, hir eyes never leaving the sight of the feline as shi looked down and flexed those massive biceps in the relief of being unclothed, a gesture shi almost felt sure would result in the blue fur bursting into a thousand shreds from the stretching of all that muscle underneath but no, Erin completed the flex, looked to hir, and knelt to scoop hir up in hir arms again as if shi weighed less than the air clothing hir.

" do you think?" Shi asked, watching as the bunny eeped from feeling hir feet leave the ground, then just exhaled an empty breath as hir paws plastered themselved over the solid rock bulges of the arms that held hir.

"You're...gorgeous, Erin." Cherise said, coughing and gasping yet still unable to shake the breathlessness of hir voice. "How did this?"

A gradual rise of the shoulders and the bunny was then murring as shi slipped through Erin's grasp a bit and felt hirself nestle in the field of those wonderful tits.

"A lot of time with nothing else to do, and a gym less than a block away can bring some strange changes in morphs. It's partly a generous amount of good genes too. "

The murring grew in volume as the cream lop began to kiss at the soft acres of blue fur, hir eyes wildly darting about trying to find the edge of the cushiony field and only serving to make hir excitement grow when shi almost missed it due to sheer scale. Erin had to be beyond the GGG range for cup sizes, heck it wouldn't have surprised Cherise if HHH and III had also been put out of the running as well. They were a little damp from persperation, but the bunny soon amended that with a little bit of rubbing and the subsequent milk that began to leak forth from hir own tits.

That itself was rather odd, being only 17 with no history of pregnancy, and yet still being able to lactate whenever aroused. Fortunately most of the time it compensated for itself by always being a great trick to pull out at parties (and Cherise had to admit privately shi really got a kick out of nursing hir friends every so often) and much like Erin's muscles it was just something that made the cream lop unique. Certainly a good way to start things off as the feline's sensitive nose soon picked up the heady scent and Cherise was being lifted even higher so suckling could take place.

*Guess every species has at least one stereotype that's true.* The bunny giggled as shi was soon kneeling on the kitty boobs and watching hir nipple being taken into Erin's mouth with the expected suction of hir eagerly gulping down what Cherise had to give. It felt initially a little painful, due in part to Erin having much stronger lungs and throat muscles, but much like hir back and, of course hir spine, Cherie's nipples were tough if sensitive nubs of flesh and shi soon found hirself learning to love the slight ache as it heightened the jolts of ecstacy erupting around hir torso. Adrenaline rushed in response to the notion shi was breast feeding the biggest, most powerful kitten shi'd ever met, and endorphins were soon dabbing at hir mind with the onset that shi was also a very thirsty kitten who was really enjoying hir treat.

"Mmmm...go on Erin....oooh....drink as much as you like. I've got lots." The lapine shifted position slightly on hir cushion of breasts, loving how each of the blue orbs collapsed just enough for hir to remain balanced, then otherwise stayed firm and supportive. Curious, a single cream furred toe curled in to lightly skritch against the pliable black flesh of a feline nipple. Shi half wondered if shi'd feel milk seeping from there as well but instead the fist sized nub just pulsed slightly against hir touch and its owner responded with a strangled purr as shi kept gulping down the drink. Erin was really going at it properly too, hir mouth formed into a pursed little oval shape around the flesh so it was in an airtight seal that guarunteed any liquid flowing out was immediately sucked down the needy throat. Hir tongue was helping to keep said flow at peak output with its quick little swipes and teases to the palpatating bundle of nerves, and shi was making sure to not suck too hard as to actually damage anything with the pull, rather each flex of hir mouth muscles came off as being like a teasing but well inentioned little tug on hir skin, delighting every inch that could feel. Cherise immediately had to drop hir paws in between hir legs and take hold of hir own needs, directing the six foot penis still working its way out to slap wetly against Erin's nipple and splurge its straw coloured fluid all over. Hir way of helping the feline to experince what it felt like.

"Ooohh...God...other one Erin, please suck the other one."

The lapine nipple was suddenly released with a milky pop, shuddering the massive tit it rested on with its retraction from Erin's greedy maw as shi duly nabbed the one next to it and recommenced with hir sucking.



The bunny jerked hir head up, then half giggled, hald murred as Ezria loomed in overhead, camera aimed with proceedings firmly locked in its lense. As would be expected, shi certainly couldn't have expected hir to just step to the sidelines because they'd moved on from the fashion area.

"D-Do you want me anything, Ez...Ez...oooohhh" Thought departed the lapin's brain and instead shi merely let hir strength leave hir, causing hir to wilt forward and wrap hir arms around Erin's head in an embrace of support, both structurally and appreciative wise.

"That's just fine, Cherise." The dragoness said, zooming in to capture a flurry of quick, thankful kisses being planted on the cat's gold adorned brow. "Just fine."

The bunny murred softly in acknowledgement, hir thoughts totally lost in the glee of pleasure as shi reached down to cup Erin's swelling deltoids and rub them in a massage. Shi was by now feeling perfectly safe in the grasp of the muscular feline and was indeed growing to adore the contrast of hir granite like Adonis build with the soft pillowy welcome of hir tits, ears and fur. Erin could probably crush hir bones into dust with one good hug of hir arms, yet all shi felt from the kitten was a soothing stroke of fingers on hir back, occasionally detouring to let loose their frisky side on hir pert bottom. There was no threat, no danger at all here, and the fact Erin could make hir feel that secure, something only Allison and Tina had been able to do before, soon left the bunny with a feeling of want to give a little something back, as well as continue hir explorations of the feline's incredible body further.

"Ahhh...okay...okay, Erin. Stop."

The tit was released, spurged a bit over the kitty's muzzle to show it was far from empty (indeed it would take quite a few more hours of suckling, and probably a couple of milk jugs to accomplish that), and Cherise found hirself giggling as shi beheld the dripping visage of Erin, which then was quick to move in and give hir a thank you kiss.

"Strange, I always thought vixen milk was the most creamy of the crop but....that was pretty damn full and tasty for a teen." Erin giggled again, more so when Cherise broke the kiss to begin licking up the milk covering hir muzzle.

"Well I'm sure my diet has something to do with that too. I eat plenty of fruit and protein to make sure my fur grows thick and my body stays trim and sweet as possible." Cherise winked as shi slid hirself down off Erin's breasts...and then gasped with a surprised giggle as hir feet landed on something. Several things to be more precise, all pointy and terribly tickly to hir susceptible foot pads.

"Whaa...hee hee...ooh right....heee hee hee....forgot."

Naturally just as shi was currently adding a seventh foot of cock to hir already strong and impressively standing erection, Erin had also 'awakened' a good length thanks to the infusion of energy from hir milk. Only unlike the smooth, rather featureless body of a rabbit penis, felines have thick rubbery barbs covering their prides, and it was these Cherise had inadvertently stepped on during hir climb down.

"Whoah...hee hee hee....I'm sorry, I'm...hee hee hee..."

Erin took hold of the lop's shoulders and tried to help hir balance as shi kept lifting one foot up and trying to put it someplace else, only to find more barbs there to tickle hir feet mercilessly. From above Ezria struggled to try and focus the shot, zooming in then out to reduce blur as Cherise kept stumbling on the kitty cock, doing an almost drunk like interpretation of the stomping dance till at last hir actions lead to the barbed portion slipping out entirely from Erin's sheath to allow smooth skin to follow and give the bunny some non teasing terrain to stand on.

"Whoah...sorry again. Wasn't expecting that." The cream lop blushed and chittered again as a kiss was placed on hir head, followed by a brief rub to hir back.

"It's quite alright. I actually kind of liked you would probably expect." Now it was the muscle cat's turn to blush, turning a look so adorably flush with embarrassment both the herms were left giggling hysterically.

"Well if you're quite done with the slapstick, can I get a photo in please?"

Feline and bunny wiped their eyes and turned to face the dragon, the former letting go and striking a pose with hir paws clenched on hir hips so the latter could look down and swoon with the impressed knowledge hir entire weight was being supported easily by the strength of Erin's growing pillar.

The photo was snapped and Cherise duly found hirself in hir mother's arms to be helped back to the ground so shi could turn and survey properly the organ that had defiantly been keeping hir in the air.

Much like the rest of Erin's features it was a mixture of both fascinating difference and enticing familiarity. Black as a starless midnight sky and covered in veins large enough to pass as branches on a fully grown oak tree, the current five feet of kitty penis hung only a few inches above the grass as if content to let itself slither lazily out and get limbered up first before rising to properly face the day. Along the first foot and a half or so were the tortorous but still somewhat fun looking barbs, standing in pulsing rings on top of the skin with each coming to a blunt 'point' that hooked back slightly to indicate the blue sheath from whence it came. Currently only a small puddle of pre had formed in front of the pointy (and HUGE) mushroom like head, but healthy surges of more were spewing out with each throb that rippled up along the serpentine body. Seeing it was enough to make Cherise's own mouth feel dry with thirst as shi reached down and felt the texture of the feline.

*No way....this is bigger than Tina's......erm....I think.* The rabbit dry swallowed as shi placed hir paws at opposite ends of the trunk, and found even with hir thumbs stretched out there was still at least a foot of space in between. Feeling that wasn't enough, Cherise then took the slightly less thick ('slightly' being the operative word) body of hir own shaft and guided it on top to compare how it still didn't match up at all to the black beauty that lay underneath. For a second fear gripped the lapine as shi remembered this thing, this still growing speciment of pure, raw feline magnificence was going to be going inside hir soon. On that thought, however, shi winced at the familiar feel of feminine juice trickling down hir thighs and realised hir fear counted for naught. Hir body wanted that giant cock inside of it.

*Time for that drink then.* Shi thought, heaving hir penis up and hugging it lovingly to hir breasts as it finally inched out the last of its presence and stood with all eight feet exposed.

"Whoa.....Cherise....don't move an inch..."

The bunny abruptly stopped and twitched hir whiskered nose in quiet contentment, pressing hir face into the heated flesh as the camera snapped repeatedly over head. Hir cock felt reasuringly hot against hir fur, and wet with the never ending splurts of pre now shooting a good eight inches into the air and raining back down to bathe the body they came from in glory. Shi loved hir penis, that much was certain. Not only was it an endless source of fun, both in bed with hir mother and cherished lover, and also for putting jocks and big burly men in their place, it was also in an odd way, a very comforting thing to have near at all times. Whenever shi had trouble sleeping, perhaps due to the anxiety of an upcoming exam or some beach party shi wanted to look hir best for, it always was there to be hugged and help lull hir into a sense of peace and slumberdom with its warmth. If shi ever wanted to display hir confidence and happiness with being a member of the hyper sized status it was the perfect thing to accentuate and send the message out that shi loved what shi was, and no one stood a chance of bringing down that esteem. As still more pre splashed heavily with thick 'plops' onto hir head and wetted hir fur down with the assurance the affection shi gave was appreciated with each throb, Cherise couldn't help sticking a thumb into hir mouth and looking up to Ezria with all the perfect wide eyed innocence of a kit on their way to bed, only to then collapse into hysterical laughter when the dragoness quickly captured the image and brought down a crushing slap to the length of hir own giant redwood as it leapt several feet up.

"Yes, yes, very sweet and most affectionate. Now please stop it before my teeth rot or I get too excited to continue." Ezria groaned, harbouring the pain coming from hir bearing hir might down on hir rising cock to keep focused.

Looking to hir mother, Cherise merely shrugged as if totally unaware of the effect shi was having with hir little hijinx, getting a knowing wink from the piebald bunny as shi held the seven feet of hir own cock in a similar embrace and gave the slit a most loving if messy kiss.

This seemed to give the cream bunny the inspiration shi needed to go back to hir original task and Cherise duly hopped, litterally hopped, along the now eight foot feline shaft and took the immense head in hir pretty little paws. A grunt of exertion, a low purr from the blue feline before hir, and shi had it resting on hir chest, holding tight as it gave a wrenching throb and quickly soaked hir front with pre.

"Ooohh...oh that's warm." Shi murmured, reaching to rub some of the pre into hir breast fur while feeling another wave splurge onto hir like the few occasions shi'd tried, badly, to do a little gardening around hir home, and had finally given up and turned to the hose to wash out all the dirt and grass stains. Carefully shi stretched hir fingers out and racked the trimmed claws on the end to graze over the black flesh, 'petting' as one might while holding a friendly snake. Much like hir own, Erin's penis was hot and smooth to the touch, only more noticeably wet from where shi'd most likely been perspiring with worry through hir sheath fur. The thought made Cherise give a soft coo as shi looked down to the slit nestled in the confines of hir tits, its cavnernous interiors opening as if to yawn before letting forth more warm liquid.

"It's really nice too, Erin." Shi added, leaning in to give the slit a kiss like shi'd seen Allison do, then upon feeling the somewhat bitter but quite filling pre touch hir tongue, promptly sealing hir lips over the tip and beginning to drink from it in earnest.

Almost at once the penis threatened to wrench itself away from hir grasp, so great was its throb of reaction from being sucked on, but bravely the rabbit sidestepped in the direction of the throb and lowered hirself to sit on the ground so the shaft wasn't being held up at such a sharp curve, petting it further to try and quell it while shi continued to gulp down the runny pre. As stated it wasn't all that sweet, least not in comparison to hir own milk, but it was certainly helping to slake hir thirst and fill hir tummy up with much needed energy. Actually if the rabbit were to try and make a comparison, Erin's precum reminder hir most of the home distilled beer one of hir friends was always fond of bringing every time there was a cook out or party going on at the beach. Whatever was actually in the concoction, Cherise still had yet to find out but like what shi was eagerly swallowing now it definitely slipped down a treat during the night time fun, and was definitely a less expensive alternative to hauling bottles of spirits and a mixing station down to the sands. Possibly the only real difference between the two was Erin was more plentiful in hir giving, and unlike drinking from a beer keg, the bunny could take heart in knowing the one quenching hir throat looked to be enjoying the process as much as shi was in taking in the plentiful liquid.

Cradling a hefty arm under the moulding heft of hir breasts, Erin was gradually getting to a place where shi'd been needing to go for most of the day, namely lost among emotions of relief far removed from the stress and worries. Even though shi was faintly aware of Ezria still snapping pictures, and also that the photo figure shi currently cut was of a body soaked with sweat, and every touch up shi'd made to look hirself presentable now in disarray from hir frantic reshuffling of events, it wasn't enough to bring hir down from hir sexual high. Certainly not when every little suckle and lick Cherise delivered to hir spurging cock brought about a fresh reinforcement of spasms that rippled back along the black length of hir flesh and shook hir muscles with tremors so delightful any stagnation within was quickly knocked away.

"Nnn...Cherise....oooh that mouth...." Erin leaned hir head back and sucked in another gulp of the crisp evening air, feeling it compliment the touch of the cool grass as hir balls swelled past the six foot mark and settled nicely on the ground. Shi honestly thought this couldn't get any better, and was quickly proven wrong when a pair of arms were suddenly wrapped around hir neck, and shi turned to see Allison beaming softly at hir with those cute buck teeth and those irresistibly comforting sea green eyes. The blue feline felt something to say was in order, a greeting perhaps, or just a thank you, but the finger that was then pressed against hir lips as they opened showed the piebald was having none of that. Not when a deep kiss and the warmth of a wanting body against your fur could say so much more.

From hir standpoint, Cherise felt hir jaw slacken as shi watched hir mother and the muscle feline kiss, watched the appreciation the latter felt litterly flow down through hir rippling arms, stomach and legs while the former rested hir now nine foot cock against Erin's back and bathed hir with more sensual pre. Without thinking the bunny let forth a cough of surprise, and it was this that the mighty feline shaft seemed to take as evidence shi'd had enough to drink. With a small whine, Cherise watched as the penis rose up to take its leave, quickly getting to hir feet so shi could catch it and give it one last smooch. It deserved that much at least for making hir stomach feel so nicely full and warm.

"Okay." The cream lopped murmured as shi watched the remaining ascent of the shaft to its full erect height, 11 throbbing feet standing proud high above Erin's head, still shooting pre up along its obscenely bulging urethra and out over a two foot arc over all below. Breaking their kiss, feline and lapin looked up in unison, both murring at the sudden evening shower splattering over their faces, then turning to see Cherise obediently sitting down again, hir legs spreading automatically around the four foot rise of hir testes and hir paws reaching down to assume the laborious task of heaving their weight up.

There was no further dialogue exchanged. None was needed. Erin could see Cherise understood what shi was to do now, and was all too willing to give hirself up to it, and the bunny only had to nod to confirm this was true and that the feline had hir full permission to enter hir and do as shi saw fit. To a morph of average status it would seem a scenario that was nothing short of rediculously suicidal; a lapine of only five feet high allowing a phallus of over twice that to be stuffed inside hir body, but then most morphs of average status couldn't ever hope to contemplate what it was like being a hyper being anyway.

Indeed as Erin stepped back and grabbed hir cock to angle it down and underneath the tentatively elevated mass of rabbit balls, Cherise showed no fear. Even as shi let the weight of hir orbs drop onto the black head and felt them settle nicely on top of its girth the most that came out was a relieved sigh. This was going to be a hell of a tight fit, but shi was a hyper, and as such hir body was made to accept other hypers.

A quick push of Erin's powerful legs and the head had found and stretched the lop's already slick slit apart to pop inside. A step forward and Cherise was again trying not to giggle at the tickling of the barbs brushing past hir tender petals. This continued, as expected for the next foot and a half, each little push forcing more rubbery yet giving needles into the rabbit's depths, making hir claw at the ground and clench hir teeth as hir body jiggled with the tortously light scratches that echoed up from below. Mercifully, Erin seemed to appreciate the trial this presented to the poor girl and did hir best to try and get the barbed section in as quickly as possible, making Cherise gasp again in relief when the last few finally disappeared and shi felt only smooth flesh entering hir.

"Better?" The blue feline asked with evident embarrassment.

"Yeah." Cherise responded, giving a bashful nod and laying down again to let hir continue. Now that they were past hir outer flesh the barbs didn't feel so bad. Scratch that, they actually felt surprisingly good passing through hir womb. Almost like dozens of little claws skritching at the inner skin, adding a soothing massage like edge to the pleasure of having hir innards gradually filled with hot cock.

"Filled" being something of a weak word to describe what making love with another giant endowed being felt like but the bunny doubted there was any adjective known to the English language that would suffice otherwise. "Stuffed" wasn't quite adequate either as the sensation wasn't quite that, shi didn't feel like the space inside hir was being invaded and consumed by an all dominating intrusion, even though that's kind of what happened. Rather it was more like hir body was simply shifting and remolding itself to suit a new addition developing inside, the way hir tummy began to bulge as Erin worked hir cock further inside and the organs around that area either expanded to accomodate the length, or simply just moved to wrap around that wonderful cock as it kept advancing upward. Soon shi felt the warmth of the head reaching up to rest against hir heart, a moment that had, in times past, been enough to bring a few lovers to premature climax, such was the sensation of having an organ constantly pattering your tender flesh with powerful beats. Cherise had never blamed them for not being able to hold out, hell shi'd had the same embarrassing thing happen to hirself on a few occasions when shi was the one giving instead of receiving, but Erin apparently had been anticipating this, thankfully, and the most the bunny felt was a sharp spike to hir own ecstacy as hir heart began to fold itself around the feline penis and was rewarded for its accomodations with a warm shower.

N...Not much more to go now...The cream lop mused, squirming on the ground as shi felt hir tummy stretch further and hir breasts begin to palpatate harder with renewed supplies of milk, both a result of Erin's cock beginning to curl away from its straight path so more still could be fitted inside hir. That itself was another blessing shi was thankful for, the way cocks belonging to those like hirself could still retain flexibility even at full erection. While the safety aspect of it was prevalent enough, ensuring lovers didn't accidently decapitate each other during sex, it also meant no available area in the body went to waste. Soon shi felt the heat of the feline pride running along hir shoulder muscles as Erin curved to the right to get a little more in, and that was it. Seven whole feet shi'd managed to fit inside of hir, and all of it perfectly snug and at home with hir body. Gasping, Cherise's paws weakly reached up to grab hir own cock and embrace it again, letting the heat against hir fur mingle with the heat radiating out from inside as shi sobbed slightly into the hard flesh.

"Oooh....Erin...." Shi strangled to speak, collapsing back into a cry when shi felt the cat's powerful paws hold hir hips and hir muzzle burry itself in hir bubbling scrotum.

"I know....ahhh....I'm...I'm impressed as well." Erin whimpered, licking and nibbling at the slick fur as the cock inside hir own body gave a sharp throb.

"My Cherise can do some wonderful things...mmm...when shi feels comfortable with someone." Allison whispered breathlessly between kisses to the feline's cheek and rubs to hir breasts. Even though shi was admittedly feeling a little envious of hir daughter at the moment, getting that giant barbed treasure all to hirself, the piebald wasn't really in a position to complain. Rare was the time shi actually got someone big enough to hilt hirself entirely, and given how much all the muscle Erin had was squeezing hir nine feet, even the prospect shi might lose hir organ to the feline's superior strength wasn't enough to dissuade Allison from pulling out and thrusting hirself back in, the start of a chain reaction that followed with Erin withdrawing in order to try and keep all of that lapine goodness inside, and thus getting pushed back into the screaming Cherise when hir mother did the same.

" me, Erin! Please!!" The cream lop pleaded, wracked as shi was with the glee of getting those prodding barbs drawn back across the inside of hir, and surprised as shi was as well when there came a shattering SNAP!

"J-Just after I get a few of you together...then....oh just ignore me and get on with it!" Ezria was quick to cocede. By now shi'd given up on trying to control the obvious interest of hir pride at going ons and had instead positioned hirself so the 50 foot length was pointing towards the Puget Sound as shi stroked it gently and tried in earnest to keep capturing photos. " that...ooohh."

The lense zoomed in to catch Cherise's look of euphoric bliss, the flash going off just an instant before the visage was obscure by hir cock slipping over and blasting the ground with a powerful geyser of pre. Moving down there was a pic of Erin's muscles cording and bulging obscenely as shi first stuffed the bunny, then got stuffed hirself from the second bunny behind hir, and that was followed by hir grabbing Allison's head and taking hir into another deep kiss. For all three the experience was different, and no less pleasurable. Cherise had the joy of feeling hir entire body being massaged inwardly at once, each of those barbs scraping against hir various organs and muscles, none sharp enough to pierce so all shi felt was the titillating pressure calming every inch, then having that followed up with the warmth of the smooth flesh lower down stoking the current raging through hir bones and across to hir erogenous areas. Every stroke brought forth fresh attention to another body part and it all ended in the area of hir groin with the remaining kitty cock bumping against hir swollen balls thus ensuring they never had a chance to simmer down from the outright pleasurable boil they were at.

It also was helped immensely by the sight of hir mother enjoying hirself with Erin as well, seeing Allison obviously had as much attraction for the blue muscle cat as shi did, and that while the cream lop was getting exclusive honour of hir maleness, at least the piebald was compensated by getting to experience hir tight ass.

"Tight" again being something of a weak word, Allison was by now feeling shi was getting strangled, at least in the phallus area, only unlike an assault from a would be rapist or BDSM lover (like either would ever stand a chance of getting close to hir without serious injury) shi didn't seem to mind in the least. Quite the contrary, shi welcomed the restriction every throb and pulse of hir aching rabbit-hood experienced, bulging out trying to fill the area it was entering on each thrust and finding only the solid steel cocoon that was Erin compacting hir back down to size. Sure there might be some danger of blood flow restriction or lack of oxygen to hir flesh but dammit it felt so GOOD shi was so tight, specially given how the feline was thrusting hir muscled posterior back at hir to try and prevent removal of that beautiful prick. It was especially this latter point that impelled hir to start thrusting harder as they broke their amorous kiss, battering the head of hir penis against the tip of Erin's breast bone which sent the kitty screeching with new stabs of abject delight.

Erin hirself had partaken in a few threesomes before, usually with hir sister and one of hir similar minded friends or one of hir own through work. But generally those were a less balanced case of pleasure, mainly because it was hir involved in the incestous play rather than now, when shi was the third party privy and could see from an outsider perspective just how deep the love between mother and daughter could run. For a moment shi almost felt guilty being the one in the middle, keeping the two lapines from truly experiencing each other. Sure it felt heavenly with the nine feet of cock filling hir body, Allisons paws feeling over hir acres of breasts then the hard fields of hir muscle, and hir own stuffing Cherise to the brink of screaming with each thrust, but shi sensed there was one final touch missing, one little bit that would make the shoot and the whole day complete.

Looking up at Ezria, and telegraphing a silent message with the gasping dragoness, Erin pushed back with all hir might and managed to get Allison to stop as shi felt hir footing being knocked off balance and reversed to compensate.

"I'm....I'm sorry...ahhh...Allison....but I think we need to change things just a bit." The feline gasped as shi pulled hirself free of Cherise. "Just a few pics of you and hir making love properly together."

Sea green eyes went to emerald eyes and then to amber eyes, the message getting across perfectly to all, causing Cherise to whine with another fountain of pre that shi wanted it badly.

"Just one thing kitty." Allison stated lowly as shi grabbed Erin by the cheek and kissed hir fiercely again. "I better have you at my back then."

An order as simple as that was not one to be turned down, and indeed as soon as Erin had had a chance to stop shivering from the removal of the piebald's cock, then showering everyone when shi licked hir own shaft as incentive, shi was getting behind Allison to begin entering hir hot depths while the brown splotched lop knelt to be received by hir beloved daughter.

Not even the rampant snapping of Ezria trying to get in as many shots as shi could before the three were again writhing against each other was enough to drown out the screams each gave upon resumption.

"Ahhhhgghhhh....oh...Moooom!" Cherise gasped, hir body positively rumbling like a volcanoe as the absence of the withdrawn barbs was amended by the arrival of that smooth, welcomed presence shi'd knew and loved more than anything else, not in hir vagina this time but the lesser touched and thus more sensitive nub of hir ass. Allison almost didn't even need to thrust as the cream lop's paws went to the ground and shi practically crawled onto hir throbbing maleness, whimpering with each foot that invaded hir wanting rectum. From behind the swollen five foot masses of the piebald's brown balls gurgled in joy as the pride that could relieve them of their contents was again sheathed in heated firmness, only now doubly so when it was recognised that it was firmness they'd been in before, and relished being in every time there after.

Allison didn't bother going in slow at first, hir daughter wouldn't have stood for it. The sensation of novelty Erin had brought to them both was still lingering heavily on their combined scents and senses. And now that at least one of them was still experiencing the cherished feline while the other could at least catch glimpses from under the tempid cover of hir arousal, both just wanted to hold on and ride out that sensation to the end. Duly the piebald pushed forth, ramming as much of hirself that hir daughter could hold in and letting the cries and geysers of enjoyment that came from the aforementioned rock hir to the core with joy. Breath rasped in hir lungs and out through hir buck teeth, a minor distraction but a needed one if shi were to continue bringing hir child the love and affection only shi alone could give. With bodies soaked in sweat and pre, and the ground around them getting soggy with much of the same, the four (Ezria included) sensed the end was near, but until it quite literally came, none had any excuse for slacking. Cherise and Allison were finally expressing the bond that joined them, heart body and soul, fully and publically so that it could immortalised on record for the time when they, reluctantly, would be apart, and Erin was merely revelling in the relief that shi was actually getting to do this with two of the most captivating and unique bunnies shi'd met.

The day had been fringed witht the threat of disaster, and for most of it shi'd feared the worst, but with each thrust into Allison's strong yet supple derriere and the feel of hir breasts compressing against hir back shi found that fear being welcomingly beat into oblivion. While Cherise had helped ramp hir up with the enthusiasm and durability afforded by hir teen status, Allison was putting a quieting light to hir spirits with the feel of hir more experienced and accommodating depths. For a moment the feline found hirself wondering which shi enjoyed more, and then wondering why shi would feel shi even needed to choose? Both mother and daughter were pleasing hir in their own preferred ways.

Pulling back and pushing hirself deep into the quivering lapine depths, Erin felt hir balls pull up from where they'd been resting on the ground and knew shi'd was at hir first peak. Like a waterfall of heat, light, energy and electricity hir body crashed inwardly as well as outwardly, hir legs, even for all of their strength, loosing balance and sending hir toppling back onto hir testes as cum surged forth in a great tempest, first filling Allison to the brim, then splashing out onto the ground when there was no more room left in hir as the bunny collapsed onto hir daughter in the midst of hir own orgasm.

To Ezria standing above, it seemed almost miraculous that shi still had enough cognative thinking to keep hir finger on the shutter button for one last photo, but in the instant shi instincitively pressed it and captured the shot shi was thankful for such small favours. The sheer sight of how beautiful Allison and Cherise looked together, eyes closed, mouths hanging open, one bloating the other with gallon after gallon of hot sperm while said other turned the grass into a creamy lake with hir own climax, it was the prefect picture to end on, and indeed the last one the dragoness could stand to capture before violently tossing hir camera aside and grabbing hir own shaft for those last few all releasing strokes.

Even though macros were a known part of Washington society, the local papers would all carry a short blurb the next day of how ferry goers travelling home for the evening were treated to an unexpected series of eclipses and soakings caused by the flying streams of white cum arching 50 feet from Seattle and blotting out the dusk sky before splashing heavily into the Puget Sound where their potent protein consistency would bring about a new generation of huge and exceptionally well nourished sea life.

Back at 7th Plane however the streams from the smaller, heightwise beings, were at last tapering off, Erin pulling out to let the last few gushes from hir penis coat hir in their rich hot seed while Allison merely brought hir daughter's length to hir lips and took a big mouthful of cum which shi then lay down to share with Cherise in a loving kiss. Now that the moment of energetic lust had passed, all three were gradually coming back to their conscious thought, realising what had transpired between them and feeling a mixture of emotions at it. Amazement and pleasurable surprise were prominent, so was glee it had turned out to be such an enjoyable experience, but between the feline and the two bunnies the one thing they all felt the most was thanks, thanks that each had been open and wanting to share love with the other two, thanks that secrets had been shared and relationships only strengthened as a result, and thanks that the fates had seen it fit for an outcome better than any could have hoped for had transpired, beating out all the other mediocre and less favoured scenarios that could've occurred.

Silence held for the most part as the three lay in the ambient glow of the evening sun, pecked at occasionally by the sound of the traffic on the nearby freeway, until at last Cherise lifted hir head to stare at hir mother though the covering of spooge, sweat and matted fur on hir face and asked something in a tone so innocent and adoring Allison swore hir heart melted.

"I did well, Mommy?" Shi asked, feeling tears mix with the cum as shi was suddenly swept up in a tight, deliciously squelching hug, hir boobs pressed against hir mother's while the piebald's arms held strong against hir back.

"You did fantastic, my darling Cherry." Allison blinked and revealed tears in hir eyes as shi gazed down at the messy but so irresistably adorable face and reached to stroke Cherise's massive ears. "I just....I honestly cannot describe the pride I feel for you, how I look at you now and just remember, like I should more often, how much I adore how you've developed yourself, how much I adore and love you."

Now Cherise had to blink, only the effort did not stem hir flow of tears it only increased them, to the point where shi had to throw hir arms around hir mother's neck and lean up for another dearly needed kiss.

"I love you too, Mommy." Shi whispered, tongue gently lapping at the gooey cum on hir mother's nose before a purr from behind disrupted their moment.

"And you as well, Erin. You did a fine job you big buff genius." Allison giggled, laying back to smooch the feline cutely on hir nose which made Erin purr louder.

"Just...tried to make the day enjoyable for you two. Make it worth your coming all the way out here for my...I mean..our behalf." The blue feline looked up at Ezria who was panting and resting against a nearby hill. Spooge was decorating hir in various stylish patterns as well but luckily shi'd had the foresight to sling hir camera around behind hir back so it was protected from the blast.

"Oh believe me, it was definitely worth our 'cumming' out here." Allison laughed, tipping back as Erin shot up, and then cringed upon realising the double entendre present in hir words. "By the way, what time is it?"

"Um....roughly about half past six." A voice said sheepishly, causing all to turn and both bunnies to fall back into giggles upon seeing Martin hauling the set equipment away, and trying to use it to hide the obvious stain on his work pants in the process.

"Think we'd better get cleaned up and discuss the last part of our business here then." Allison said after shi'd gotten hir wind back.

"Okay...the showers are this way. I'll have your clothes sent off to be laundered while we're at it." Erin said, helping the piebald to get up off hir, then feeling a purr vibrate hir throat again when Allison first pulled out of Cherise and helped hir evacuate the excess cum from hir bloated stomach in a huge white fall, whereupon shi scooped the lop up in hir arms and cradled hir like shi no doubt had when the latter was much younger.

"Oh no! Come on, give me a chance to reload before you start setting yourselves up for more picture perfect moments." Ezria groaned, scrambling for a new memory chip as the trio walked giggling back into the studio building.

"You are so bad, Mommy." Cherise teased, poking Allison gently on hir nipple with a wet finger.

"Only because I never get to hold you like this often enough." The brown spotted bunny shot back, leaning in to push hir daughter's cock aside and snuggle into the cum covered breasts underneath, 'thhrrrrrbbbbttting' them with hir breath and making Cherise giggle from the jiggles it sent through hir skin.

"Awww, no fair! I can't argue against that!" And now both bunnies were giggling as they passed several staff members, most of whom just looked briefly at their slimy white visages and went back to their tasks as Erin lead them through an ornate locker room and into the shower area.

"I am going to have to request a photo of that though, you two. It's practically a self selling cover shot." The muscle kitty said quietly, turning to hide hir smirk in a flood of hot water as both bunnies stopped chuckling and looked at hir as if to doubt hir seriousness.

"Already got yer mind on the business side?" Allison mused as shi put Cherise down and turned on the water for hir and hirself.

"After the amount we managed to get in for a single day, there's too many ideas brewing in me not to...." Erin's voice trailed off, as hir eyes trailed to the cream lop rinsing hirself off.

Under the flowing water the bunny looked almost beyond siren like with hir fur clinging heavily to hir body, no longer hiding any detail but instead bringing it all to perfect attention with their sculpting sway, hir cock still standing tall to add 'conditioner' to the water and hir breasts lazily yawning open to let more milk flow.

"However, I do understand your point." Shi said dreamily, feeling hirself walking as if on autopilot over to Cherise and gently closing hir paw around the hot flesh of the lapin shaft. "Want me to finish what your mother requested? You looked like you were enjoying it as much as I did."

Cherise murred softly, turning to look up at the eight foot sinuous beauty and merely smiling softly as shi turned and presented hir wet and ready derriere. "Just do it Erin, please." Shi said, adding a polite higher note to the last word as hir upbrining had taughter hir. It certainly seemed enough to satisfy Erin as the next thing the lapine felt was the scintillating feel of barbs and flesh dragging down hir back and then the welcome feeling of immense mass being stuffed into hir snatch. The two's union went faster this time, due to Cherise still being loose from their previous sex session and soon shi had the full seven feet inside hir and was feeling nice and full again.

"Ahhh....sooo...warm." Shi muttered, leaning up to let the hot water and even hotter pre splash onto hir face as Erin pulled back and began to properly fuck hir again.

"Mom....erf...Maahhhm....come here." The bunny winced, hir body turning as the feline pulled out again. Unlike the process of simply being filled with cock, this actually was a bit dangerous, trying to reposition while having another hyper mate you, but fortunately every part of Cherise's body seemed to know what shi needed in harmony and soon every organ had reconfigured itself to allow hir to stand facing Erin, with hir pert rear now aimed wantingly at hir mother.

Now this part really was dangerous, leaving yourself open for another hyper to start stuffing you when you were already filled to bursting with cock....but yet again Cherise didn't seem to care. Shi did want to reach an eventual climax with Erin, that was a definite, but the ghostly sensation of hir mother's shaft being in hir was still too strong for hir to turn down the chance to feel it again. Shi might not have been the best bunny at social graces, but shi was certainly a durable one who knew shi could endure.

As such when the hot log of Allison's sleek wet flesh pressed at hir still wide open pucker and began to push inside, the cream lop merely took a deep breath and focused on shifting hir body, and thus all that was inside, to make way for a second intrusion. It wasn't the most comfortable of sensations but neither was it painful, shi'd experienced dual mating before, mainly with hir mother and hir beloved Tina, and as shi felt his stomach get sandwiched in between the two shafts and hir heart stretch its arteries as it was pushed to the side shi knew not to worry, merely shi just laid hir head on the bouncing masses of Erin's breasts and relished the kisses being given to hir long ears.

"Ernfff....oh" Hir voice dragged, trailed along with hir ragged breathing as leaking breasts were weighed against hir back and arms encircled hir engorged waist so Allison could start fucking hir too.

"It....issss.......I'm just amazed....ahhhhh....and proud......oh God, Erin those barbs feel great!" The piebald hisses lustfully as several of the aforementioned caught against hir flesh inside Cherise and dragged down in a most titillating skritch, one that immediately brought forth the soothing wetness to Cherise's innards again and in turn brought about a delicious feeling of electrified calmness. True shi was spurting milk and pre like the fountain shi'd been posing beside not so long ago, and hir sex drive was running like a high speed sports car running at max with a new injection of nitrous oxide just beginning to take effect, but inside, uncomfortably cramped as it was, shi was warm, relaxed and perfectly at peace. Around hir, literally as well as metaphorically, shi felt comfort, safety, and love. Both Erin and hir mother were cushioning hir in a mass snuggle of their breasts, both were exploring hir bouncing, and quite bloated form with their hands, massaging a muscle one moment then fondiling a streaming nipple the next, and both were constantly trying to hit as many sweet spots inside hir as their throbbing penii could without bumping each other out of the way. As close to exploding from the stuffing as shi was, it was still heaven to Cherise, here where shi had the luxury of getting to enjoy sex between hir beloved mother and the sexy as hell kitten alone, away from the voyeur like stare of the other staff (not that shi hadn't grown to enjoy that either, just somethimes privacy held its own thrill).

"Aghhh....Erin...ngh...Mom....please, neither of you stop!" Shi wailed, feeling hir eyes sting with joyful tears as Allison dragged hir bulging urethra down the ridges of hir spine and flexed hir girth to stretch hir anal ring just a bit more to highlight the pleasure. Neither would seem that erogenous an act to normal morphs, but then they could never reach that deep. Ditto for hir rib cage which was still getting all those lovely cat barbs caught on its inside. Again the thought would probably make most wince but as each one simply bent enough to slip past the bone and be dragged down in preparation for another hard thrust, Cherise was again reminded shi was in no danger. Like shi'd care if shi was anyway. No, not when shi knew, truly knew shi was loved. When each stroke and push from Erin and Allison further pressed to hir the assurance both were doing it because they cared about hir emotionally as well as physically. Even if the odds turned and shi didn't survive the mating it would still be no big tragedy. Shi was with hir mother, shi was having hir lusts and appetite for simple hard out fucking sated, and shi was doing both with the one who could make hir a success for the rest of hir life. Nothing else mattered, nothing at all.

Well....nothing that is, except for the impending tingle of orgasm shi was feeling, building with each thrust and moan that came from each of hir lovers. Hir relative streams were picking up in both strength and volume and usually that meant one of them was soon going to be replaced with something a lot more thick and plentiful. Desperately shi tried to mentally force the feeling down, not wanting to go off before hir mother and Erin did. But ultimately, shi knew it was a hopeless attempt. With just one of them shi may have been able to hold out, but with two, there was no contest.

With a sudden arch of hir back, Cherise at last surrendered to the oncoming flood and screamed in a voice almost blinding in it's sheer lung power as climax grabbed hir again. From behind shi heard whimpering as Allison's cock was caught in the movement and bent back along its stiff cartiliage while thick tempests of spooge soaked hir to the bone, but much like hir daughter, the piebald was built too strongly to be hurt by a little bending. Instead the discomfort only served to shatter what inner barriers were holding back hir own creamy tides and Allison was soon frantically pulling out to allow more room for Erin to fill the younger bunny.

The next few moments were nothing short of epic, a true natural storm of potent white seed flowing in great currents everywhere. On the floor, out of orifices, against the wall, nothing was spared a solid coating as ecstacy pinnacle squeezed each of the occupants till they were all panting in a good ten inch lake of their own love juices. Gallons upon gallons of spooge were let loose...and sadly quickly swallowed by the shower room's oversized drains, no doubt installed for the very reason of insuring clean up was made as easy as possible, even if it meant the two bunnies and the kitty had to watch the evidence of their mutual pleasure be taken away as soon as they'd released it.

Panting, yet feeling only mildly exhausted, the three took hold of what parts they could and helped each other scoot over back under the flowing water of the showers to let the rest of their mess be cleaned off. The afterglow was compensation enough for not getting to enjoy the physical effects and indeed few sights would have come close to matching that of Erin taking Allison in a big muscle and boob hug while shi cradled hir beloved daughter in hir arms.

"Okay...that felt like a more proper shoot finish." The feline murmured breathlessly, kissing Allison all over hir brown spotted face as shi murred and shivered from Cherise talking a nipple and beginning to nurse quietly.

"Agreed. You...really know how to entertain properly here." The piebald chuckled, then cooed to Cherise as shi cutely murfed hir agreement while gulping down more sweet milk to slake hir rising thirst.

"Well...I think I've already stated my given opinion on that enough times to let's just leave it at this..." Erin lifted the older bunny's face in hir paws and kissed hir gently, purring into the mouth that eagerly opened to accept hirs and give the two's spirits the perfect wind down to the day.

"I should probably go talk with Ezria about how soon we can get the photos ready. Just come to my office when you're done in here." Shi said upon parting, getting a cutel lick to hir pink nose in response.

"Shall do, Erin."

Standing up, the sinuous feline paused for a moment to stretch and roll the strain out of hir collective muscle groups, starting with hir neck, then deltiods, biceps, triceps, buttocks, abs, hips, quads and calves. Each was flexed, washed, limbered, and then it was time for hir softer spots, the kitty, being such, making sure to clean every inch of hir breasts, then hir softening shaft and then the hefts of hir immense testicles. With all now done and up to hir high grade of hygene, Erin made hir departure, turning and blowing Cherise a kiss before disappearing back into the locker room.

"Mmm, should we follow hir?" Cherise asked dreamily, feeling hir cock give a throb of new life from Erin's little posing session which didn't help the acute sensation of emptiness now that most of the cum shi'd been filled with had flowed out of hir still quivering snatch.

"Let's just let you rest for a minute, my precious Cherry. Been a very busy day for you after all." The piebald cooed, unable to stop a moan from being added when Cherise giggled quietly into hir still sensitive flesh as shi rubbed hir head. "Plus I want to firmly lodge this moment in the special archive section of my memory. May not be as good as a photo, but just gettin' to have you in my arms again, feeling yer fur against mine, you can bet I'll never forget it."

Shi looked down to see Cherise turning to look up, then turning more so hir lips were now in the position to rise and meet hir mother's, another kiss joining the two just physically just as they were in heart, mind, body and soul.

One more shower, and a stop off to change hir band-aid and Cherise was accompanying hir mother back through 7th Plane, fur now clean and nicely primmed, and also still very much on full display after the two had elected that the issue of suitable re-attirement could wait till they'd finished things with Erin. Truth be told the bunny was actually surprised to find shi felt more at home walking totally naked amongst the staff, but in hindsight that was probably because no more was there any feeling of doubt or uncertainty troubling the young bunny's mind, shi just felt good about hirself and glad to not have the hindrance of clothing in the way. Even more so now that shi was witnessing the day's final nice surprise of seeing who else actually worked at the studio and how much shi had in common with each of them.

"Wow, I never knew Miss Erin had this many other morphs like hirself here." Shi mused, stepping out of the way as a towering 9 foot purple mass of superbly muscled and totally nude deer stepped by, giving the two of them a thigh wettingly suave smile and a nod before dragging his 11 foot testicles through the studio door behind them.

"Well I had something of a feelin' shi might, but it's still good to see I was right." Allison replied, chittering in delight when Cherise hugged hir around the waist and kissed hir cheek. "If you want I'm sure Erin would be happy to team you up with one of them for your next shoot." They passed by a female husky herm stripping hir amply enowed self out of some colourful and very revealing sportswear, a smaller bronze herm dragoness clad only in jungle style rags and then a dashing sample of a white mouse, nude, buff, surprisingly young looking in comparison to everyone else...and very, VERY male.

"I think I'd like that. But to be honest there's another reason I'd like to come back here. Just need to see if what Miss Erin was honest about what shi was saying earlier." Cherise winked and murred into the soft cushion of hir mother's breasts as shi was rewarded with another head rub. The two at last came to Erin's office, getting a smile and a wave from Suzy before entering the main office where Erin was busy pacing about, hir own groomed and still naked form looking very beautiful with the orange rays of the setting sun highlighting the deep blue of hir fur.

"Okay, you swear you can get everything you shot today developed, cleaned up and ready for show by Saturday?" Shi asked, sounding very business like and contrasting tone with motion as hir beefy arms were folded to under hir immense breasts to try and still their bounce.

"Of course, Boss. As soon as I can get home, take care of.....a few important things with Makena...and then lock myself in the dark room for the day it'll be no problem whatsoever." Ezria grinned, poking hir snout through the office window to receive a grateful kiss.

"Bless you, you gorgeous hunk of scales." Erin cooed, before noticing the entrance of the bunnies and motioning for them to seat themselves.

"Okay then, I'll get the normal run of publications on the phone tommorrow and we'll divide up the shots so each has at least a few exclusives. The fact it's Mrs. Townsend's daughter will be enough to whet their appetites for more and from then on it's basically just haggling over price and quantity."

Shi looked over at the aforementioned lapine currently crossing hir legs very ladylike under the expanse of hir balls and cleared hir throat.

"On a related issue...I do know a few people who could do some wonders with some of those...'cleaner'...shots of you and Cherise. Might need to airbrush one or two things but the notion of you both together in the more tastefully playful scenes will definitely have their interests perked."

Resting hir head on an arm, Allison looked back at the tensing feline, noting the highlights that the sun brought to hir bulging arms and chiesled muscles, making hir look even more sexy than before as shi reaching up to skritch at hir breast. "You really believe you can get that stuff past the more prejudicial minds of the censors around here?"

"I know the public's mentality, Allison. It's all about pitch and trend reputation." Erin replied, walking around hir desk to be seated hirself, and trying not to murr at the scintillating feel of hir still swollen balls dragging on the plush carpet. "You're still very much seen as a hero to the hyper cause in most sects, and the visible effort you've put into being a mother as well as a fashion icon over the years has only strengthened that. No one's going to turn down the chance to publish a shot of you naturally being together with your daughter and looking more radiant and happy about it than a lot of other high class parents. Least not if they want to show they support and respect the world wide acceptance morphs of our kind have earned."

The feline leaned forward, letting hir breasts pillow onto the desk as hir talk became more animated.

"And we won't stop there. The domestic market will be our first target but there's still plenty of international demand for a new generation of hyper fashion. Think of it, you sharing the torch with Cherise, helping lead in newcomers to show we're not just simply a passing fad but a newly discovered area for the industry to make big. As long as we do this strategically, it'll be a sure fire win!"

Emerald sparkled like it was infused with stars in the feline's eyes, causing Allison to smile warmly and brush one of hir ears.

"Well if there's anyone who can pull that off, my bet's going to you." Shi said, watching as Erin nodded and looked to the now furiously blushing cream furred bunny.

"Yes, well that brings up the other part. I can get the momentum started with what we did today....but to keep it going...I would need to have Cherise come back for follow up shoots." The feline immediately snapped back to face Allison. "With your permission of course."

There was a pause. Allison remained smiling gently yet noticeably did not answer until shi'd turned to regard hir child with the same manner of maternal care as before and tenderly rubbed hir ears.

"While I appreciate the consideration, I don't think that's a decision I myself should be making. What do you think about it, Cherry?"

The cream furred lop murred softly at first, then shook hir head as if to try and banish the embarrassed blush from hir cheeks. Turning to view the massively muscled feline looking at hir quietly, waiting for a response yet realising such was not something shi could hurry along, Cherise got up off the couch and walked daintily forward, arms crossed behind hir back, eyes wide in a totally innocent and possibly to interpret stare, balls and boobs bouncing nicely with each step.

"Just one question first Erin..." Shi started, and waited for the feline to acknowledge with a nod. "Where are the books you said you have here on physics, astrology, and dark cults?"

Erin had to clear hir throat, and then the bunny noticed the stain of blush was now creeping onto hir blue furred cheeks. Tentatively a paw rose, curled most of it's fingers towards the palm, and gestured with the solitary index finger to the filing cabinet sitting silently and without threat in the corner of the office.

Walking to it, Cherise opened the bottom drawer, and promptly reeled back with a gasp.

"No can't be...." Paws were suddenly reaching in and carefully extracting a hefty worn text that looked like it'd seen more ages than it was made to last and was only being held together via the plastic sheeting and some new binding on the spine.

"Is this Robert Zoller's orignal 'The Arabic Parts in Astrology'?" Shi asked, sounding suddenly breathless.

Erin nodded. "Yep, well the fourth publication of it. I've been meaning to have it restored but...well, he's got some invaluable insights that you really can't put down easily without re-reading and thinking over."

The bunny looked down at the old book in hir paws and carefully set it aside to search further.

"Hawking's 'Brief History of Time', Sagan's 'The Demonhaunted World', Anderson's "Fundamentals of Solar Energy Conversion"...."

Shi suddenly again plunged hir paws into the drawer and pulled out another newer looking book, though one that had obviously already been thumbed and read many times.

"This is Kenneth Ford's 'The Quantum World'! I've been trying to get my mother to read this for ages."

Erin nodded and looked questioningly at Allison, receiving a role of the eyes and a raised paw.

"Don't ask, and don't start either. The first chapter alone gave me two migraines trying to make sense of it. I don't need to say any more."

Feline ears wilted while feline shoulders shrugged. "I thought it was one of the better simplified explanations of the science."

"Exactly!" Cherise spoke up, very much enthused with Erin's opinion while shi searched further.

"Mortimer's 'Physics of the Pharohs'....damn I didn't even know that was still available for purchase....and wow you even have the first edition of Charleston's 'The Blood of Numbers'...took me three years to find my copy of that!"

Erin merely nodded again, the blush on hir face cooling as shi watched Cherise continue to sort through hir collection, excitement becoming more evident with each new title either on the stars, math, dark histories of the earth or an arguement of the three's role in some other aspect of society.

"'The Stars are Right: Astrology and its place in Modern Horror'.....oh and you've even got copies of 'The R'lyeh Text' and 'Revelations of Glaaki'...." Cherise paused and looked up. "Do the supposed spells in there actually work?"

"No idea, I just read it to get my mind off business." Erin giggled, which in turn got the bunny giggling as shi pulled out another text, and promptly reeled back with shock.

"Harold Jackson's 'John Dee: Mathematics, Necronomicon and the pursuit for the Stellar Truth'?" Amber eyes were suddenly rounded on the feline, narrowing as if to pierce hir with their stare. "Please tell me you read this and didn't immediately dismiss it as total hokum."

Erin blinked, looking back as if refusing to believe the lapine could ever think such a thing, and then reeling back hirself when shi saw Cherise was dead serious.

"Well it did seem a hard theory to buy into...but I certainly wouldn't call it 'hokum'. Frankly I found the radical tone of his arguments on Dee's work to be quite a refreshing departure from the normal flow of academic opinion."

The feline cleared hir throat and eased forward a bit when Cherise finally shut the drawer and approached hir, eyes postively shining with excitement. "May I at least presume I've got your interests with all that?"

"That depends." Cherise said quietly, before leaping into hir lap and throwing hir arms around Erin to kiss hir deeply. "Is Monday too early for me to come back and do another shoot?"

Erin flustered, felt hir face grow hot again with blush, and was soon hugging the bunny with close to the same level of adoration shi felt from hir mother, muscles flexing with barely withheld excitement though Cherise felt completely safe in hir strong yet caring hold as shi placed hir paws on the fields of expansive breasts and kissed the feline again.

"Mmm...seems my girl's made a new friend. Couldn't have happened at a better time either." Allison mused, happily watching the two when suddenly the intercom clicked on.

"Um...Miss Erin? There's someone here to see you. Says Mrs. Townsend invited them."

The feline broke the kiss and looked down to the small box on hir desk, then to Allison who was suddenly looking a lot more excited hirself.

"Ah just when I was expecting..." The piebald said rather cryptically, causing Erin to cock an eyebrow.

"Ummm....did you ask their name?" Shi said, going wide eyed when Suzy suddenly Eeeped! loudly on the other end.

"Ma'am, what are you really need to do that here?"

Emerald eyes met sea green...and narrowed when Allison simply nodded for hir to do as expected.

"Well, show her in then." Shi said, looking over the collective state of total undress and deciding to not worry about it.

"As you wish ma'am......yes, yes you can leave everything there. Go on."

The intercom went dead and Erin helped Cherise to climb off hir as the office door handle rotated open.

Whereupon shi promptly kicked hirself back from the desk in surprised as there then entered a red kangaroo. A big one to be precise....though no so much heightwise. More big as in the all dominating and totally unclothed breasts, sheath and balls that covered hir form, literally blocking out all aspects of body save for hir sleek arms and cunningly grinning face.

"Ahh good I was right about the dress code." Shi said in a lightly accented voice upon eyeing the other occupants, sending hir endowments...well really hir entire self jiggling and bouncing with a flurry of flying droplets as shi hopped into the room, leaving a crumpled mess of dress visible on the couch behind hir as the door swung shut. "Day's gone well then my sweet Allie?"

In response Allison rose up from the couch, hir smile going from knowing to swooning as shi took the massive hyper roo in hir arms and the two shared a hug reminiscent of those who've known each other forever and trust each other dearly. "Just as you hoped, and I'm sorry if I doubted you."

The pair kissed softly and then turned to view the flabbergasted feline sitting rooted to hir seat. "Though it's not really me you should be thanking. Shi did most of the work."

Erin flexed hir jaw, trying to form some manner of response yet it seemed hir vocal chords hadn't yet received the message they were needed in action. Instead shi just contorted hir face, looking very silly in the process, as the roo released Allison, hopped over briefly to give Cherise the same manner of loving embrace and kiss, then approached to lean as well as one with breasts the size of weather balloons could lean on the desk. "Ah of course, don't believe we've met...though I think we know each other by name..." Shi smirked.

Again the feline jaw put itself to work, demanding the mind above it stop worrying about what all the tit milk this attractive yet mysterious marsupial was leaking would do to the mahogany's varnish and get onto the vocal chords so something other than uncomfortable silence could fill the room.

"Y...Well're Tina Perridale, founder and president of Perridale Fashions....and Off The Runway Clothes....and Next Xtreme Sportswear, and all the other sub-companies created underneath. 70% of the hyper collections seen in stores and which we're supplied with here come from you and...." Erin was rambling, the feline knew shi was rambling, and right now all shi could think of doing was rambling. "I's a pleasure to meet you. How can I help?"

Shi finally rose, clamping hir jaw shut now that it had done its part and extended a paw, getting first a nipple, then the response paw as Tina stood with hir and then had to reach up to compensate for the height difference.

"Oh the pleasure's mutual my dear sheila, and as for helping can do that by joining me." The roo stated, simply and straight to the point, which in turn left Erin blinking, and scratching at hir ears. Surely shi must've misheard, a bad case of sound input being mangled during the processing by hir surprise at having hir biggest supplier and client spontaneously drop in...totally undressed too.

"I'm sorry?" The feline looked down at the quietly chuckling roo, shaking hir head with a paw over hir eyes until Allison approached to stand next to hir.

"Yes...uh...perhaps I should explain." The blush came full circle and appeared on the lapine's face. "The thing is, while I did indeed bring Cherise here to try and build a new relationship with your studio and further integrate hir and I into the larger part of the fashion community....that wasn't the only reason we came here today."

A paw, cream on the back and brown at the finger tips alighted on Tina's shoulder and the roo turned to shoot a tender look back at the bunny. "Tina and I have every sense of the word since we first got hyperness accepted into the mainstream media, shi's the one that helps come up with new designs and materials for clothes, I add my thoughts and help promote the resulting outfits."

The kangaroo nodded. "However, lately as this faction of the bizzo has grown beyond our exclusive control we've been thinking it might be time we start getting involved personally with the others who've continued on our good work. Don't want to lose touch with that which has made all of us social icons after all."

Now Allison nodded, accepting the lead to continue. "Hence when I first thought of having Cherise enter into modelling...Tina suggested I go to you and see just how apt you are at both running this studio, and finding an audience. I'm pleased to say you passed both tests with flying colours."

Erin rounded on Cherise but shi just blinked and shook hir head. Clearly whatever role the piebald had for this plan shi'd seen it fit to keep hir daughter in the dark about it.

"Hence I now come to you with an offer you've every right to refuse...even though I hope you won't. I want you to join forces with us and enter into a business partnership. Just the three of us spearheading this industry into new directions." Tina concluded, hopping energetically over to the couch and seating hirself, almost disappearing behind the rise of hir mammaries in the process.

"B-But...why me?" Erin asked, the confusion of before pushing against the growing realisation of what was being proposed to hir and leaving hir a mess of nerves in the process.

"Simply because you've taken the yakka we've done together and gone further with it than either of us could hope for." Tina said with a simple flick of hir wrist. "I know what morphs gifted such as I like to wear, Allison knows how to look good in it, but you're the one that somehow knows how to keep finding a market for it. I doubt either of us would still be as world reknowned or as successful if you weren't there still drumming up new mainstream interest. That's a true gift you've got my dear kitty."

The roo shifted and sat up so shi could rest hir muzzle on the lighter coloured fur of hir chest. "And it's not just to us that you apply it to, no somehow you've also gotten kinks I'd never even heard off to be taken to the public heart and made a mint off it. Quitely literally in the case of that bit you did for heart fetishists last month. That was genius." The roo giggled. "You know that place you did the T-Shirt line for? The Red Zone? They're having to add two new wings to compensate for the drastic increase in membership after AFM magazine ran that article with your photos in it."

Erin's eyes averted, looking a little shy. "They said they wanted something not seen before to do a scoop on. I thought it'd be what they were after."

"And you were right on the moolah, which is why we need you!" Tina exclaimed, excitedly hopping up, then around the office caring not for the trails of milk and pre shi was leaving in hir wake. "We've made our mark in the public's eye but there's still so much more we can do for hypers! You know what the public wants and have some special help no one else can lay claim to..."

Here shi gestured to Ezria. "I've got the resources for supply, and Allison and Cherise have the reputation and contacts that can make it all work. We just need to put our heads together."

The hops were interrupted as the roo neared Erin and stopped to feel along the immense bulge of hir bicep. "And maybe a few things more." Shi chittered happily.

The feline and the marsupial matched each other for gaze and Erin finally let the guard shi'd been holding up slip as shi noticed the sparkle in Tina's eyes. Shi'd feared this was some elaborate joke perpetrated for reasons unknown, but after seeing that measure of genuine glee, shi had no reason to doubt.

"You'll still maintain exclusive control of 7th Plane and all your staff, just now you'll be able to have a first hand influence on what they'll wear and what time of year they'll wear it. I can also see to it that you get exclusive dibs on my new product lines so we'll both have the assurance they get the proper media attention right off of the sewing machine. This will be an unofficial, if hopefully nevertheless close, partnership." The roo placed a finger on the feline's chest and gently traced along the inner swell of hir left breast. It was an understandably long task to do, given the size of the object shi was tracing, but it gave the feline time to chew over what shi'd heard. "What do you say, Miss Watersley? Interested?"

What did shi have to say? Well "Am I dreaming?" came to mind but that didn't ring as relevant to the subject under discussion. Erin also considered "Are you kidding me?" but shi already had reason to believe that was inappropriate as well.

Instead shi let hir gaze avert again, looking to Cherise who just stared at hir confused then nodded as if to say "Do you really need to ask?". Thus turning back to the roo, Erin at last came to a decision. An offer this good, this magnimoniously stellar, where shi'd not only drum up admiration and fame for hypers but do so alongside the two shi idolised for giving hir the grounds shi needed to succeed? That didn't need words, that needed actions!!! Actions like grabbing Tina, picking hir off the ground and taking hir in a kiss so intense and thankful shi'd be drained of hir hops for weeks from the impact of sheer bliss. Which in turn is what Erin did, taking the roo in hir arms and heaving hir into the air, lips tightly pressed against hirs and body thankful shi had actually stripped off in the reception room as the tempid flow of hir milk and the pungent heat of hir engorged sheath did wonders to calm what remained of hir strained nerves.

"Guess that's a yes?" Tina teased once they'd parted, hir own arms going around the feline's neck while shi murred at the feel of soft tits and hard muscles against hir own likewise form.

"You better bet it is!" Erin confirmed, beaming like the remaining rays of the setting sun outside. Rays which shi then noticed seemed brighter than before and turned to view Ezria prising the window open further with a finger.

"Awww...well now isn't that a perfect end to the day? New friendships, new ventures, and you're all perfectly dressed to commemorate the occassion."

The room shook with hir champing guffaws as shi aimed hir camera lense at the occupants and sent everyone rolling their eyes but nevertheless scrambling to get into a reasonable pose: Allison and Cherise standing with arms oustretched to frame Tina and Erin sharing a historic pawshake.

"Alright everyone, smile!"


All I want is a room with a view

A sight worth seeing, a vision of you

All I want is a room with view, oh-oh

I will give you my finest hour

The one I spent watching you shower

I will give you my finest hour, oh yeah

All I want is a photo in my wallet

A small remembrance of something more solid

All I want is a picture of you

Picture this - a day in December

Picture this - freezing cold weather

You got clouds on your lids and you'd be on the skids

If it weren't for your job at the garage

If you could only oh-oh

Picture this - a sky full of thunder

Picture this - my telephone number

One and one is what I'm telling you, oh yeah

All I want is 20-20 vision

A total portrait with no omissions

All I want is a vision of you, oh-oh

If you can picture this - a day in December

Picture this - freezing cold weather

You got clouds on your lids and you'd be on the skids

If it weren't for your job at the garage

If you could only oh-oh

Picture this - a sky full of thunder

Picture this - my telephone number

One and one is what I'm telling you

Get a pocket computer

Try to do what you used to do yeah

Blondie - Picture This

See The Difference

WARNING Well it seems the hyper bug has bitten me again so time to try out a new idea I've been contemplating for a while concerning how to place the reader in a more integrated status within the context of the story. Not sure how effective...

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On The Mend With Your Friends

WARNING The following fic promises scenes of tender affection between loving individuals of an anthropomorphic nature, a positive message of the power of love over adversary in times of crisis, and a guarantee to bring out the pain wracked sobs of...

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An Evening In

WARNING The following fic, despite its seemingly innocent outlook, is in fact an artistically structured description of lewd body parts and graphic sexual conduct between beings of a furry, animalistic nature with excessively disproportionate...

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