On The Mend With Your Friends

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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The following fic promises scenes of tender affection between loving individuals of an anthropomorphic nature, a positive message of the power of love over adversary in times of crisis, and a guarantee to bring out the pain wracked sobs of young children who may suffer a severe warping or corrupting of the mind due to the excessively lesbian pornographic overtones contained within the text. To best ensure only the first two of the aforementioned are witnessed, please ask all members of a young age or a pure mindset to vacate the premises before reading the following and, if the reader themselves happen to be a member of the previously stated groups, then you now know what you're in for so by rights you've no grounds to complain to me after getting to the end of this.


This has the honour of being both my first commission to deal with three of my more favoured areas of interest (anatomically correct scalie femmes, threesomes, and toy play) as well as the first pure sex story I've done. My thanks and kudos to Saurus for showing me that there are other like minded individuals out there who cater to the same tastes as me. J

As one would thus expect, all the above chars as well as any settings mentioned from here on in are copyright Saurus 2006 and are used with permission.

The one place where you're most likely to receive a response to posted feedback is [email protected] so please send it there and let a humble dragon know his work has brought entertainment to someone.

And so, we begin....

On the Mend with your Friends

Written by Klesk Vadrigaar

There were numerous ways for a morph to enjoy his/herself during the night time in Ithiac. One could be shocked and amazed by the antics of the street performers around the market place, delight themselves with the talents of the bands and bards in the taverns, cheer a favoured combatant at the arena, or even just while away the hours playing a friendly game of dice with friends in the back alleys. For those seeking a more intellectual form of entertainment there was the theatre, or the library, and for the few who had had a long day at work or perhaps some relationship trouble at home and were seeking only something relaxing and perhaps a bit more 'sensual' there were even brothels to be found for one who dared to look hard enough.

Yes indeed, the night time was an occasion where fun could be had by all in the prestigious town, regardless of interest or preferences.

And for two reptilian femmes it was this line of thinking that ran most prominently through their minds - along with the regret that they'd failed on that night to take advantage of what was on offer - as they stumbled through the front door of their house, the black and blue scaled one leaning heavily on her golden brown mate for support while her hands did their best to stem the heavy flow of blood coming from one of the wounds in her abdomen.

"I trust you now see the logic behind why I argued for simply going into town tonight, Zesra." The golden one said, regret mixing with worry as she helped her companion inside and kicked the door shut behind them.

"Nggh, I'm telling you SSSithia, I had that lassst one. It jussst...ngh....jussst wouldn't ssstay down like the onessss before." The black/blue lizard hissed back, her snout twisted into a snarl with the pain of her wounds while her eyes betrayed a worryingly dreamy gaze, as if she were getting light headed from the loss of blood.

Holding her mate's hand with increasing tightness, Sithia heaved a heavy sigh and duly continued to help Zesra limp her way through the house while trying to resist looking back at the trail of little red puddles that marked their passage.

"Did we really have to go out hunting Undead again? The property has been paid for in full, we've got enough supplies to last us a month and there's still plenty left over from the last bounty."

She kicked open the door to the warmly lit bedroom the two shared and tenderly helped Zesra move to sit down on the bed.

"Just for once why can't we use some of our earnings to enjoy ourselves and make our time together special?"

From the wearied tones to her voice it seemed the question was one Sithia asked of her mate on a fairly regular basis, and if the pained sigh that Zesra uttered as she groped for a pillow to pull underneath her so she didn't get blood all over the sheets, the dark coloured lizard was as usual in no mood to humour an answer.

"Nghh, how can you expect me to enjoy mysssself when every waking moment I know there are more of thosssse....thosssse....thingsss out there jussst waiting to lay wassste to our town? How can you even think of letting your focusss ressst when the moment you do sssso, issss...errgh...the moment they'll come to pounssse on ussss while we're disssstracted and take ussss back....argggh!"

The armoured dark reptile snarled more harshly in pain and rolled onto her wounded side while her hands tried valiantly to stem the flow.

"Take usss back and make usss like them again! Ngaaaaah! Can you really sssay you'd risssk that over a few....errrf....frivolitiessss?"

Zesra tucked her head down to look pleadingly back at her mate, almost begging her with her eyes to see the sense behind her stated concept and threat if for no other reason than to convince Sithia the wound she was suffering from had been endured for a greater cause.

"Aaaghh, godsss that bassstard cut me deep!" She groaned, head fins flaring while more of her precious red life fluid trickled heavily out between her fingers.

"I'm going to need to take a look at that, Zesra." The golden brown lizard said, trying to keep her voice calm while she walked across the bed and pushed open a set of doors on the opposite side to reveal another large and warmly lit room with shelves stocked full of glass jars, parchments, gothic bound books and a whole plethora of herbs, plants, and other such spell components in little clay bowls.

"I need you to take your armour off."

At that, Zesra halted her assessment of the injuries on her body to roll over and look at her mate with a somewhat hesitant expression.

"I don't think it'sss that ssseriousss." She hissed, summoning what strength she had to pull the back of her lips up into what she hoped was a reassuring smile. The effort would've proved fruitful too if another sudden stab of pain caused by her movement hadn't forced her to give up at the last minute and curl back into a foetal position.

"Zesra, from where I'm ssstanding that looks like it could almossst be down to the bone." Sithia stated, her hissing becoming more noticeable as the concern in her voice raised with the insistence.

Cursing and now holding onto her side with both hands to prevent any more of the blood she so desperately needed to stay alive from diverting from its original course to one that lead to the wonders of the outside world, Zesra nonetheless shook her head and shakily hauled herself up to a seated position.

"Ssseriousssly, I'm fine." She stated proudly, one trembling arm helping to push her up from the pillow to where she could sit tall and show off her strength and defiance against damage.

"I jussst need a few bandagesss and sssome ressst and then I'll be asss good ass....oh SHIIITT!!"

The scream was almost glass shattering in its volume, and for a moment Zesra looked to be headed for what might almost have been her final topple from grace. Only the sudden appearance of gold and brown arms entering the void beneath her saved the wounded reptile from meeting again with her blood, just on the wrong side of her body this time.

"As serious as you may wish to assssert what your pride dictates, I also wish to reiterate my request with the same level of ssseriousssness." Sithia said in a tone that while firm nonetheless betrayed how worried she was getting over the black and blue reptile's refusal as she helped her to lie down on her back.

"Pleassse, Zesssra! You won't be able to stay conscious much longer if I don't close that wound this inssstant!"

Amber eyes met with obsidian ones and telegraphed how desperate their owner was getting for the others' to relent. An argument that eventually lead the dark lizard to spread her head fins to show her surrender before crying with a fresh bolt of pain.

"Alright, alright you win, Sssithia. Jussst pleassse.....oh godsss it hurtsss!!!"

Nodding and exhaling quickly in relief, Sithia turned to scoop a handful of crushed leaves from one of the bowls she'd set next to the bed and spread them over her mate's snout.

"Just breathe deeply. The scent will help to dull the pain."

Watching as Zesra did as ordered, she then immediately set to work undoing the fastenings and straps of the black reptile's scale lord armour.

"Be careful there. You know how expensssive thisss ssstuff isss." Zesra cautioned, though there was little threat to the statement thanks to the leaves dampening her senses.

"Have I ever damaged it in the several million times I undressed you before?" Sithia replied, hoping the humour might help to take her mate's mind off her wounds as she tossed the arm guards aside which were quickly followed up by Zesra's metal cuffs.

As fast and as carefully as she could, Sithia then unfastened the black lizard's chest plate and lifted it off her, revealing much to her horror that a fair amount of blood had flowed out both upwards and downwards to form a coating over her mate's usually beautiful and unblemished torso scales.

"I ssswear, next time I'm going to demand you let me do this right after we've secured an area rather than leave you to bleed out all the way back home."

Zesra winced as what remained of her armour was removed and cast aside, leaving her naked on the bed while Sithia crawled over to gently lift her hands away from the bleeding gash and assess its severity for herself.

"Dammit, that is asss bad as I feared. I'm not going to have time to whip up a herbal remedy."

Pulling back the drooping sleeves of her blue druid robe , the golden lizard closed her eyes and placed both hands on the sticky, sliced up flesh.

"Must call upon nature to help it heal."

Tilting her head down, Sithia began to softly mutter a variety of strange words, using the keen insights opened to her by her stature as a druid to summon up the regenerative powers of the natural world. As her mate drew her tongue between her teeth and bit down on it to hold the pain at bay, the golden brown scaled reptile continued to chant, her voice growing lighter and faster as she felt the magic do its work and begin to seal the hole under her hands.

"Ngggh...Sithia....I-I think it's working." Zesra groaned, eyes shut as tight as her mate's and tail thrashing wildly around while she sensed the pain in her body start to diminish. For several more minutes Sithia kept up with the ritual, chanting and holding onto her significant other's damaged flesh while it continued to heal itself until finally, with one last and very loud utterance, the shimmering reptile withdrew her hands and opened her eyes. For a moment panic gripped her soul as she saw Zesra was still panting and grunting, but then her eyes fell on wound, or rather what had been the wound, and she felt relief burn the grip away as she admired the now sealed scales.

"There, that did it." She said proudly, unable to suppress a smile when Zesra felt over her abdomen and blinked in amazement at the absence of a gaping opening among the midst of sticky blood.

"Godsss. Thanksss Sssithia, that feelsss ssso much better."

Reaching down to take hold of one her mate's hands, Sithia paid her a brief smile of thanks as Zesra looked back at her with her own dark obsidian orbs. For a moment the two reptiles again found themselves losing each other in the gaze of the one whom they'd found amidst times of trouble and had later soul bonded with as result of the mutual affection. Gratitude and love bridging the gap between them with strong bonds.

Up until Zesra finally gave into her inner wants and leaned up to kiss her significant other, a muffled hiss of pleasure coming from the join as her lips and Sithia's were sealed together, her hands placing themselves on the golden lizard's shoulders to allow more leverage while long jittery tongues briefly greeted and twisted around each other. For another moment the bedroom was enveloped in silence to allow the two to continue with their join of love. Arms moved to embrace bodies, scales rubbed against cloth and heat began to form between legs until at last the lizards broke to recommence with their affectionate gazing.

"Time and time again I honessstly can't bear to wonder what I'd do without you by my ssside, SSSithia." The dark reptile hissed happily while her golden mate merely reached up to rub at her head fans.

"Nor I, Zesra. Like nature itself, you are a beauty and a part of my life that I'd simply be incomplete without." Sithia replied as she placed her own hands on the dark lizard's flat chest and pushed her back onto the mattress.

"Hence, I only think it's right that I get you cleaned up and try to make the most of what remains of the evening."

Zesra gave a soft, hissy little sigh as she felt the scales of her beloved making contact with that of her own chest and duly relented to being laid down again as Sithia reached over to grab a small cloth and soak it in a bowl of heated water next to the bed so she could start cleaning off Zesra's front.

"We could alwaysss go out tomorrow if it mattersss that much to you." She said between more little soft hisses as the wet cloth helped to remove the blood and also provide a bit of a calming effect to her spirit with its warmth.

Sithia nodded half absently as she looked down at the sleek black stretch of scales on her mate's chest, the water helping to add to their sheen in the ambient light of the bedrooms torches and braziers.

"That would be nice, but even with the accelerated healing I don't know if you're in any position to spend a night partying out on the town."

Unable to resist the allure of the black hide, she leaned down to gently kiss at a spot on Zesra's left pectoral to make sure there was no more blood hiding against the dark colour.

"You got cut pretty deeply and you lost a lot on the way home. I'd rather you give yourself another day or two to mend before trying anything..."

She leaned over to place a kiss on the right pectoral.

"Anything too strenuous."

Zesra squirmed and hissed softly at the pleasurable feel of the kisses. Though she'd always thought of herself as being the one playful one there were times when Sithia could show a rather seductive streak (usually as a result of her having to get her mate naked and in a position where she had to accept her help).

"Alwayssss gotta leave as much as possssible to take the 'natural' courssse?" She asked with a low murr as Sithia moved to clean up the biggest part of the mess on her stomach and couldn't help adding a few more kisses in order to enjoy the black lizard femme's scent and smooth texture.

"Indeed, just like how the gods would've intended." Sithia replied while gauging where else her mate might have bled over herself.

Seeing several shiny, and more liquid like flecks of noir lower down towards her slit, the golden brown herp couldn't help looking up to the ceiling and saying a small prayer of thanks as she moved to finish with her cleaning. An action that made Zesra twitch and moan twice as severely while her tail curled around to gently stroke at Sithia's head to let her know she was welcome in her current location.

"Nature does not hurry, nor rush, nor push itself along at a frantic pace. It takes its time and allows the course of progress to help balance it out. It takes the effort to learn from its mistakes as seen in evolution and make sure to know what not to repeat."

Punctuating her statement with another small kiss to the black and blue femme's sex, Sithia smiled again as she felt the cleaning and the kissing had done their job of getting Sithia aroused and duly stood to climb back on top of her mate.

"It is by this method that the natural state of perfection is achieved, and thus is also why leaving you to heal the rest of the way without assistance will be better for you both in mind and spirit rather than me enacting another spell."

Whining slightly from the cessation of the warm wet cloth and even warmer wet lips on her being, Zesra looked up at her mate and again found herself swooning under the other femme's gentle, adoring gaze.

"But what if there'sss a rogue element to contend with? SSSomething that feelsss the passse of everything elssse isss a bit too ssslow for it'sss preferensssesss?"

With thinly veiled intent, the hands that were as dark and shiny as volcanic rock reached up to grip Sithia's blue robe and slide it off her shoulders.

"SSSomething that, sssay, may want to get a head ssstart on natural development, and knowsss it can sssucssseed by engaging early in the more energetic and fun activitiesss presssented by being with higher, more intelligent lifeformsss. Surely nature mussst make compensssationsss for that."

Pulling the blue fabric down so that the golden brown lizard's own beautifully flat chest was exposed, Zesra made no hesitation to repeat the same manner of gentle kissing on Sithia's pectoral areas while she continued to undress her.

"Well, such occurrences are rare you must...oooh...mussst understand." Sithia responded, pulling her arms free of her robe and moaning softly as her mate planted several quick, almost butterfly like kisses to her slim and smoothly scaled stomach before guiding the fabric in her hands to slide down over the curves of her mate's hips and continue to reveal her being in all its splendour.

"Usually if such an element does become apparent, nature will try to show it the errors of it's ways and thusss mould it back into another obedient piece of the fold. The only way for it to....Ahhh....gain compensssation....is to prove it'sss worthy of gaining it."

Sithia felt her body start to tingle with the pinpricks of arousal, a fact she was betraying increasingly with her speech in the way her usually round and perfectly pronounced 's' sounds were degrading back into standard reptilian hisses again.

"The rogue element will have to be ssstrong in its spirit, and determined in itsss aim if it wishes to succeed while....while going againssst the grain."

Closing her eyes and focusing inwardly on the growing glow of love and arousal that was warming her innards, Sithia rose to a standing position on the mattress and let her robe drop the rest of the way down her legs, her feet rising daintily in turn so Zesra could pull the garment away and toss it over to where her armour was.

"In fact it will have to be very ssstrong if it is to ssstand up to the formidable force that the rest of nature pre-presssents."

Sithia shuddered and felt her legs go weak, the power in them literally seeming to be drained away by the pair of lips that graced themselves over first her knees then her calves then her ankles, her toes and back up again, all of which made the druid lizard tingle so much with anticipation she eventually had to give into the force of gravity and sink back to the mattress.

"Yesss, a ssstrong and formidable force the rogue element in nature must be if it wishesss to walk the path less taken."

Her gaze fell on the brightly beaming black femme beneath her, obsidian eyes showing amusement at the way Sithia was trying so hard to stay on the subject matter despite their best efforts to distract her.

"Doesss the rogue element ever win?" Zesra asked.

"Amazingly enough, mossst of the time the answer is yessss."

Sithia sighed and hissed in happiness as the same pair of hands that had disrobed her took hold of her own golden scaled arms and pulled her down to where her mate was lying.

"Those elements that do display individual strength disssplay it to a degree that the rest of nature cannot ignore their presence or their power."

The hands helped guide her to again lie down on top of the still beaming black herp and then pulled her arms around her so she was embracing her mate.

"Indeed many druids believe it is actually on account of these independent influencesss that nature is always forced to change and improve itself. As it must consider the advantages such elements will imbue if assimilated back into the normal order of thingsss, there is no other option but to find a means of alteration so that all parties are content."

With their goal accomplished, the hands then mimicked their actions by moving around Sithia's back to embrace her as well.

"So from that stand point, I guess we are obligated to thank the rogue elements for having the strength to force nature to better itself. They are the ones that make...."

The two reptile's eyes locked again, this time telegraphing the mutual need to take things up a level and help each other to recover from the events of the evening with a reflection on what it was that kept the two fighting side by side.

"make the difference to..."

Almost like magnets, Sithia felt her head being pulled towards Zesra and Zesra felt the same.

"to the...world."

And as the ends of their snouts touched, both knew that it was time for the verbal contemplation to be put aside so that other words with more sincere meanings could be made use of.

"I love you, SSSithia. I really hope you know that." Zesra whispered softly, her tongue sweeping out to tenderly lick at her mates nose.

"Out of everything I've learned in life, it'sss the one thing whose truth I never doubt."

Spurned on by the nose licking, the golden femme opened her mouth to let the dark one's tongue in and get reacquainted with its playmate.

"I love you dearly too, my sweet." She got out before their mouths followed the expected course and they were again kissing, only this time fully in each other's arms and able to feel their loved one's nude scales against their own.

For a moment this seemed to satisfy their wants but only for a moment. Feeling the smooth, clean texture of her mate on her body and smelling her unique scent in her nostrils, Zesra could not hold herself back from eventually breaking the kiss so she could move lower to bite and lick tenderly at her lover's neck, her heart beating faster with excitement and her nether lips moistening with arousal as she completed her appreciation of Sithia by savouring her taste as she had done with her touch and her scent.

In response, Sithia wrapped her arms with more possessive intent around the black scaled lizard and leaned in to lightly nip at her quivering head fans, watching with delight as they curled and flayed from the sharp teeth pressing into them like grass in the wind as their owner hissed her approval from underneath. Taking that as encouragement, the gold herp then pressed her hindquarters against that of her mate and began to rub softly, the moan in her mouth gradually transforming to a far more feral and easily recognizable hiss as she felt slick wet lips rub against hers, coating the scales around them in lizard femme juices whose warmth only encouraged Sithia to grind harder as her hands began to explore her lovers body.

"Oooogh....you sure thisss isss the right thing to do to sssomeone who'sss recovering from a rather ssseriousss wound?" Zesra asked playfully, her own hands now having made their way to her mate's scaled stomach and rubbing at it with feathery light grazes of her claws which made Sithia break out in little hissy giggles.

"Given the attitude of the patient under question....hee hee hee....I-I don't.....nff...don't think it'sss worth arguing." Sithia gasped, her normally calm and collected exterior now all but evaporated as she felt Zesra push herself away from their embrace, only to then shudder as she moved down to add her mouth and tongue to the hands teasing her sensitive tummy.

"Asss long asss....oh my....she doesssn't do anything to reopen the wound...oh godsss...then she should be fiiiine."

Sithia gasped more heavily as Zesra swept her jittery tongue over the contours of her abdomen, the added tickling sensation making her muscles contract as if to try and get away from the agitating sensation only to find that doing so left her short of air and thus prompted her to breathe more rapidly which thereby thrust her stomach back out to the mercy of her lover. Feeling her spine start to tingle as if someone had let loose a whole colony of ants to crawl over it, the golden brown lizard again attempted to drive her needy treasure against that of Zesra's but it turned out to be a move which lead to another surprise when she discovered the dark lizard had made use of the gap to push the tip of her tail in between them.

"Hmhmm, you know this always yieldsss a better feeling, my love." Zesra hissed softly, her tail curling over the golden scaled slit to slide back and forth like a wood sander over the flesh and make Sithia suddenly moan twice as loudly as the texture of scales increased her fluids from a trickle to a steady flow.

"Gaaah! Zzz....Zesssra....oooh that'ssss good!" She cried, one hand moving to take hold of a firm black scaled buttock while the other abandoned its exploration to grab the bed sheets and hold on tightly. Heat and passion warmed the gold lizard's innards like a tiny sun burning brightly at the centre of her soul. A soul that had felt nothing but completeness and cheer with every day since it had been bonded with the one possessed by the beauty currently pleasuring her body, and who regularly expressed how she shared many of the same feelings.

"Mmm, jussst asss good...nnff...asss you tassste and sssmell." Zesra replied with a more ragged sound to her breathing, probably a result of the fact that Sithia had sandwiched her tail in between their pussies which meant every movement she made to pleasure her mate ended up producing similar vibrations of pleasure for the black lizard's own wet depths. As Sithia squeezed her ass cheek with more force to signify how much she was enjoying the intense feel from her actions, the black herp buried her snout into her mate's tummy for one last sniff and nuzzle of the fragrant and now thoroughly wet scales before finishing her downward journey to meet with the site that her tail had been keeping ready for her.

Withdrawing the aforementioned appendage, Zesra had to smile when she saw the number of sticky strands that kept it joined with the quivering lips for a few further seconds before breaking to allow her to move in and take the tail's place. Sithia went rigid as a curtain rod when the tongue that had been playfully dancing across her abdomen again began its waltz across what had to be the most sensitive part of her anatomy at that moment.

"Ahhhghhh....oh godssss, Zesssraaaahhh!!" She moaned heavily, her own tail whipping up to place several inadvertent spanks against her lover's derriere, confused as it was by the muddled up commands from the golden reptile's ecstasy ridden mind.

"Ooof, ssseemsss we've got a common area of...ngh...interesssst here." The dark lizard muttered with several small winces as her bottom got slapped again and again by the spasming tail. Reaching behind, she grabbed it and firmly guided it to a more suitable place by its owner's legs while she helped Sithia to roll onto her back. Disentangling herself from the embrace, Zesra gave her companion a quick kiss of reassurance and then sat up so she could turn around and lie back down on top of her in the opposite way to form a 69 position.

Now faced with the appetizing site of each other's soaked and wanting passages, both lizards needed no further word of permission to dive in and give each other some serious tongue action, Zesra continuing on with her jittery, all out hyperactive approach, Sithia preferring to go with a more slow and thorough method that allowed for use of her fingers as well. The difference in techniques proved to be largely irrelevant as both women soon had their significant other squirming and shivering from the now continuous jabs of sexual ambiance that assaulted them to their very cores, vaginal nectar delighting taste buds and scaled snouts comforting hot lips.

On the bottom, Sithia was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate on lapping at her lover as the mirrored actions Zesra was conducting on her made every joint and nerve in her being feel like they were almost going rigid from the feelings produced. It wasn't made any easier by the fact that every lick and prod she delivered seemed to actually make her black scaled lover more limber and willing to give back twice as much as she was receiving.

Not that that was any bad thing in itself either. If the continued insistence with which Zesra kept ploughing her tongue in, accompanied by the frantic waving of her tail was anything to go by, the dark lizard was perfectly happy with her golden lover's more placid treatment.

"Ahhhh godssss.....oh SSSithia you have to have....mmmph....one of the bessst tonguesss ever! Ooooohhh....I'm going to explode at any minute!" She cried out as if to confirm the notion further, bringing a momentary blink of surprise from the reptile under her as she delivered a slow lick from clit to end along Zesra's lips and felt three more lashed upon hers in return. Looking up as the slick femme sex that lay glistening above her, Sithia decided not to question the logistics behind the statement and just continue to make the pleasure mutual for the both of them.

Craning her neck so she could bury her snout as deeply as possible into the wanting pussy, the golden scaled herp then started to make use of her vibrating tongue while she concentrated on how perfect the settings seemed to be. Granted they could have gotten off to a better start but as evenings went, right now was nothing to complain about. She was warm, in a safe and familiar environment, with the well being of both herself and the one she loved more than anything else in the world assured. The fact that the two of them were able to indulge their mutual desire to enjoy the other's attributes and feelings only served to make the occasion that much more fit to be treasured.

Sensing this made her lips briefly curl up into a smile, Sithia continued to burrow into her beloved's tunnel and let fly with her little scintillating hisses, a slow wave of warm contentment flowed up her body from the increasing heat in her loins that signaled she was getting close to her first climax of the night. As the two recognized the sign and thus stepped up their relative campaigns to help the other reach that much yearned after peak, it seemed the one collective thought shared between the lovers' minds was that regardless of what the dawn tomorrow might bring, at least they had the chance to experience another passionate night of expressing their love. Just the two of them, together.

Or just the two of them together, plus one would perhaps have been a more accurate statement as they were destined to soon find out.

Given the circumstances the reptiles had come home under, both could be forgiven for not being exactly observant of their surroundings. Certainly tending to the wounds of a loved overrode the necessity to check that everything in a given room was the same as when you left it, and even if either of them had done so it still would've been easy to overlook a slight alteration to the surroundings. Indeed during the entire time Sithia had been helping to heal Zesra, and the resulting height of passion that the two were in now, the very last thing on both their minds was taking heed of any bits of furniture that may have been moved, any decorations that might showed signs of being disturbed.

Any bedroom cupboards that usually were closed yet now showed signs of being open.

As such it was through the narrow opening of one such cupboard that a third individual sat and watched the tender actions of the two lizards with ragged breaths, one orange and black striped paw hidden beneath the loin cloth front of her blue dress to stroke feverently at her own soaked pussy lips while the other continued in its caressing of the cloth covered breast under it.

"Oooh godsss....whatever I did to deserve this, thank you all." The tigress said breathlessly, unable to believe the way her luck was turning out this night. Much like the lizards in front of her, things had gotten off to a somewhat rocky start. She'd been planning to meet somebody in town and, wanting to look her best, had opted to try and make use of one of Sithia's own perfume concoctions she'd heard the reptile mention a few days earlier.

Upon finding neither of the two was at home, however, the feline had debated on what to do and, after deciding that it wasn't something the golden brown scaled femme would miss for one night, had managed to pry open the window outside their bedroom to go procure a bottle of the stuff for herself. It had turned out to be an effort that, while worthy in every note, unfortunately lead to naught as the one she'd hoped to see had apparently gotten cold feet and decided not to show, leaving her facing a wasted evening with nothing else to do but attempt to replace the perfume bottle before either of the two got back.

Thus it had been in the process of doing just that that she'd been engaged when the feline had heard the front door slam followed by two instantly recognizable voices approaching her location. She had of course dived for the nearest hiding space and hoped that, come a worst case scenario, both of the reptiles would understand and just ask her to leave rather than punish her for trespassing.

Of course once she'd seen what the two were actually talking about she'd immediately considered sacrificing her hidden status to try and help Zesra before she bled to death and had in fact been on the verge of bursting out of the cupboard when Sithia called upon her powers over nature to fix that problem for her.

And of course when things had then taken a turn for the decidedly more erotic, she was glad to have stayed where she was, even if it meant she couldn't join in and help the two reach their peak as they appeared to be so very near to doing now.

"Nnnn...yesss Zesssra yesss! Oh godssss I'm ssso clossse!!" Sithia hissed and moaned, her claws digging fearfully into her lover's black scaled rear as she kept licking and kissing the desperate femme sex while trying not to lose control to her own impending orgasm.

"M-Me too....SSSSSithia.....me tooooo!" The dark reptile cried, eyes shut tight and mouth seeming to be running on autopilot as she grasped for that final all conquering finale.

The two put on a brave effort to keep things up, but only for a few more licks. As the feline felt her own walls contract in blissful climax and had to jam a paw in her mouth to muffle her cries, the two reptiles screamed out their finishes, Zesra taking the lead with Sithia following close behind as their bodies writhed fruitlessly against the unyielding grip of orgasm, tails thrashing and vocal chords stretching for all they were worth before the follow up flow of cum was set in motion and both immediately dived back in to drink deeply the rewards of their nonetheless enjoyable labour. As the feline settled back into the dark interiors of the cupboard and pulled out her paw for a taste of juice, nothing more was heard from the bed besides the occasional slurp and murr of two girls whetting their appetites with the ambrosia of the one they loved.

"Godsss....that wasss jussst....jussst ssso badly needed." Zesra stated with quiet, afterglow ridden tones, her tongue leisurely curling around the dripping flesh below her to try and lap up every last trace of fluid there might be.

"For me too, my sweet. After what nearly happened earlier on I'm only too glad to have this confirmation that you're safe and here with me." Sithia replied, her voice returning to its naturally calm state as she reached up to stroke along the black scaled tail above her.

For a while after that the two were content to remain as they were and let their bodies rest and recharge, feeling no further need for exchanging words since the passion they felt in their souls was doing a perfectly good job of letting each know how desired they were by the other. Eventually it got to the point where the hidden tigress was contemplating trying to sneak out since the lack of movement from both reptiles suggested they'd fallen asleep, only for Zesra to finally sigh and get off so she could turn around and embrace Sithia for another deep kiss.

"SSSo feel up to a sssecond round yet? Or would you rather we clean the bed up firssst?"

Sithia looked at the pillow which was now developing a thick rust coloured crust from the copious amounts of blood drying on it, and then shifted her gaze to the various spots on the sheets where more of Zesra's vital life fluids had been spilt.

"Let's change the sheets first. It'll give me time to bring out a little something I saw in the market place yesterday and thought you might like to try out."

The tigress leaned forward and peered through the narrow slit created by the ajar cupboard door, watching with puzzlement as both lizards got off the bed to first pick up their clothes and toss them into the hamper for washing, then pull the sheets out and use them to wrap up the pillow so they had a nice little package which they could burn in the morning. Once both of those were done, Zesra knelt down to grab some fresh sheets from where they were stored under the bed while Sithia returned to her little alcove of alchemy materials and picked up a large mahogany box from one of the shelves. Things finally came to a close with the two lizards tucking in the new sheets followed by Zesra jumping on top of them to see what her lovers' new acquirement was.

Sitting down in a very lady like fashion on the side of the mattress, the golden scaled reptile gave only a mischievous little grin before opening the box and revealing its contents: a most intimidating sized, double ended dildo made of what appeared to be varnished wood and shaped like a widened out 'U'.

"This way we can both face each other and kiss while we ride it." Sithia explained, to which Zesra promptly looked like she was going to squeal with glee as she threw her arms around her mate and kissed her in thanks.

"Let it never be sssaid that you don't have the bessst ideasss."

Sithia hissed back her own thanks as the two engaged in another little bout of tongue jousting before she brought the sex toy up between them and both took an end in their mouths. From her position, the tigress could only gawk at the size of the phallus currently being sucked on and keep shaking her head in disbelief.

"No way, that thing is almost the size of a summer time sausage! Neither of them can possibly stand any hope of taking that into them." She whispered to herself.

It seemed, however, that how unlikely the fit would be had been deemed irrelevant by both women as they took the now thoroughly slobbered up ends from their maws and brought the dildo down to where it could be presented with access to their still quivering cunts. Another brief look into each others eyes to see the need both felt to start on their second bout of lovemaking and Zesra and Sithia thus began to impale themselves amid a flurry of pleasurful hisses.

"Surely they can't." The tigress whispered.

The head of both ends disappeared without much of a problem as did the first inch. Reaching out to grab each other's hands, the reptiles then pulled their bodies together and moaned collectively as inches two and three slipped in as well.

"Can they?"

Another inch slipped in as the two shifted the contours of their bodies so they fit together, and then, urged on by a delicious kiss, Zesra and Sithia let their hands slide around the other's body to bring them into a full embrace, letting two more inches slide in with only minimal difficulty and leaving their lips and clits in full contact with each other. For a moment the reptiles again lapsed into stillness as they got used to the duel intrusions, kissing and lapping at each other's snout with their long slender tongues while both hissed with the sensation of sharing a pleasurable impalement.

"Nnnghh....thisss isss really....ugh...tight, SSSithia." Zesra moaned as she looked into her mate's eyes with utmost love.

"But it feelsss really good."

"It's.....much of the sssame for me....ooof....my darling." Sithia replied, her shimmering scaled nose moving in to lightly nuzzle against the night time scales of her mates, bringing more moans as the movement caused her walls to contract around the dildo as a result.

Nodding back blearily, the black reptile took hold of her beloved's shoulders and flinched tightly as she began to pull herself off the phallus, managing to get a small amount out of her depths before sliding down fully to meet with Sithia's treasure again.

"Unbeliev....ooohhh...believable." The tigress moaned in amazement, feeling a renewed sensation of heat in her loins and letting her paws go and tend to it while she leaned forward to continue watching the action.

Having seen her significant other do it, and gotten a brief taste of how good it felt, Sithia was now mimicking Zesra's actions and pulling the wooden shaft out of her. Inch by precious inch of the varnished and now juice covered mahogany was revealed to the world again before the gold and brown herp took a deep breath and slid back down, earning herself another sharp stab of sexual ecstasy and another deep kiss from her mate as the two picked up a rhythm.

In turns one lizard would slide herself off the pole and then let it make itself welcome again in her needed passage while the other did the same, a gradual cacophony of gasps, moans and blissful hisses building up as the lovers decided to turn their hands loose to explore while their mouths stayed acquainted with each other.

Remembering how much of an amusing reaction it had provoked before, Zesra almost immediately went for her mates' tummy while Sithia, having always preferred it more so than any other body part, moved behind her dark scaled beauty to cup and squeeze at her shapely rear. The relative touches soon added another level to the euphoria as one was left hissing with muffled giggles from the tickly feeling on her tummy into the maw of the other who was losing control over her tongue as a result of having her buttocks caressed again.

Like two black stones of purest and darkest volcanic glass, obsidian eyes opened and closed as if to try and vent out some small amount of the pleasure boiling up inside their owner's soul before it burst, and every time they did they were met only with the picturesque sight of two amber eyes that seemed to glow with an almost angelic light as their owner experience much of the same inner feelings.

As if to complete the trifecta, two limpid blue eyes continued to stare from the darkened interiors of their confinement, the lids above them scrunched like drawn curtains against the lining of the sockets as if the tigress whom they belonged to feared that by blinking she'd miss something vital in the scene of tender reptilian lovemaking in front of her,

"Well....oh gods....I'd have....nghh....never believed it." The striped feline whispered chokingly, her windpipe and esophagus seemingly obstructed by the amount of erotic bliss she was making for herself with the feverent dancing of her fingers over her swollen and heavily soaked lips as well as the increasingly intense mashing of her breast.

"Those two....mmmmph...never cease to amaze me."

Back on the bed, the reptiles in question seemed to again be approaching a grand finale. Both their bodies were still tender from the first orgasm and it was becoming increasingly obvious that neither was going to last as long in this second round. Especially not with the way they were almost skewering themselves whole on the wonderfully smooth and scintillating dildo that was enabling them to both tend to their own needs while basking in the appreciation and affection of each other.

With another fiery kiss, Zesra finally abandoned her torturously light grazing of the smooth stomach scales presented in front of her so she could move down to plant a variety of licks and suckles on the flat but no less tender pectoral areas of Sithia's chest, a move which caused the golden brown druid femme to curl the fingers of one hand over her black mate's cheek so the claws dug into the scales while her other changed tactics and headed north to rub over the long flaring flaps of Zesra's head sail.

As their bodies continued to shift and their now overtly sensitive lips met and ground their engorged pink pearls against each other, it seemed the reptilian tails decided now was the time for them to help add further enhancement to the experience (if indeed such a feat was even physically possible). Curling and slithering bravely through the sheets like two beautiful serpents wishing to make friends, the gold and black appendages coursed their way towards each other, rearing up briefly to say hello before wrapping around each other and squeezing softly. The similar feeling textures rubbed and stroked along their lengths which made the sensations travel down to surge back into the bodies of the two in possession of the tails, causing them to almost have to scream in between kisses as they rocketed forward on their return trip to orgasm.

"Dear goooodssss.....SSSithia!! Omph....oh thisss isss ssso....,gyahhh....ssso heavenly!!" Zesra cried, forcing herself further and further down onto the dildo until she thought it would tear into her womb while her claws pasted themselves onto the same scaled covered muscles that her tongue and maw had been titillating.

In response, Sithia merely let fly with a deep throaty moan which she followed up with a quick nip of teeth to her lover's head sail, eyes almost watering from how good what they were doing felt while her heart seemed like it would burn itself to ashes with the flames of love that she held for the individual she was doing it with.

Inside the cupboard the tigress let out a moan herself as she allowed more and more of her weight to rest on the dangerously unsecured doors, the prospect of being discovered now taking second place to focusing on the loving action her two friends were sharing and trying to match the pleasure they were sensing with her own movements. Where fingers had once waltzed over her dripping cunt, they now had launched into a full blown jitterbug to try and help the feline join the reptiles on their arrival at climax. While before it had merely caressed and felt over the swell, the paw now kneaded the blue clothed mammary in the same manner as a baker trying to whip a mound of dough into shape for bread in order to help the body it was attached to peak.

As moments of euphoria filled franticness ticked by it almost seemed a race was in progress. Three bodies lost in the haze of sexual delight writhed and grabbed at whatever was within reach as they tried to match each other in order to see who could reach the finish first. Sight, sound and any other means of paying attention to detail evaporated like water in a super heated pot for each while they kept up with their tongue lashings, their tail rubbings, their chest massages, and everything else that any could possible conceive of in their efforts.

And it was precisely this increasing lack of paying close heed to the surroundings that eventually culminated in a rather ill timed down fall. Well, for the tigress at least.

For as each of the reptiles gave that final, all over body freeze that signaled their moment of climax was now at hand in turn (Sithia first and Zesra second), the poor kitten forgot that like virtually any other anthropomorphic creature they had an inherent instinct to add a vocal signature as well as a physical one to show they'd peaked.

Indeed when looking back on it later, the feline could not possible guess if she could have saved herself before the black lizard screamed, or if she'd already gone past the point of hope once the golden one had done so. The only things she knew for certain was that upon feeling her own wave of final bliss wash over her, the tigress had leaned forward even further to let the cupboard doors take the brunt of her weight while her body weakened from the pleasure. A move she almost instantly ended up regretting as seconds later there came the most bizarre and shrill call from the bed, something she'd totally neglected to be prepared for and which had caused her to suddenly attempt to sit bolt upright only for the surface she was resting against give way and leave her on the verge of tumbling out of her hiding place.

With only a nano-second in which to try and regain her balance, the orange and black striped femme had stood no chance when she was shocked again by the second shrill call and had ended up completing her own journey of degrading but pleasurable humiliation to its inevitable crashing halt on the floor by the bed.

While the two lizards cried and writhed about in their rapture fuelled throes on the bed, the feline had only the comfort that the orgasm she was still in the middle of had helped to dampen down some of the pain she felt from falling out onto the floor. A fact that was sadly forgotten as her mind immediately screamed at her to try and take advantage of Zesra and Sithia's state of temporary exhaustion to try and beat a hasty retreat out of the house, only for her body to give as much speed to the reminder that the tigress herself was just now coming down from her own peak and thus was in no position to be moving anywhere with any manner of haste.

Gasping heavily with the onset of afterglow, the cat could nothing besides just lay where she was, pleasure and fear fighting for control of her body as she looked up to be met with the muddled stares of the two reptiles.

"Uhh....(pant)....h-hi there....g-girls." The kitten choked out cautiously as Sithia slowly untangled herself enough from Zesra to peer over at the floor.

"A...(pant) Aella?" She asked, her voice exhibiting tones that seemed to be more curious in nature than annoyed.

The tigress nodded meekly in response and hung her head, her feelings of utter embarrassment not at all helped by the fact that the front of her dress had been flung upwards in the fall, leaving her very obviously aroused pussy lips on full display in addition to the general disheveled state of her attire.

"How...(pant) How long have you been in there?" Zesra asked with much the same natured tones of her mate as she eased herself completely off the dildo and flopped over onto the mattress.

Taking a brief swallow, the tigress lifted a trembling paw and pointed at the open doors leading to Sithia's alchemy stores.

"Since....(pant) Since before you t-two came home. I-I had a date....you know, to meet up with someone.....(pant)....in the town. S-So I thought it'd be nice if I....I wore some of that perfume you were working on, sister."

The golden herp followed the line of the paw and had to blink with surprise before shaking her head. Aealla's referral to her as a sibling was not done because of any actual blood relations between the two (that, if nothing else, would've raised some rather strange and intrusive questions as to the identities of their parents as well as the nature of their conceptions). It was merely due to the fact that both of them had grown up together in the same foster family, and as such a sibling was what each felt the other should rightfully be addressed as.

"Aella....that isn't perfume. It's a new type of musk alteration serum that I've been developing to help Zesra and I while out hunting Undead. It's meant to stop others from being able to smell you while creating several pleasant fragrances which the wearer can smell but others can't to help counteract any putrid scents of rot and decay."

The golden brown reptile sighed and then giggled as she looked back at her feline friend with sympathy.

"I'm afraid at the moment I've only gotten as far as achieving the latter. There may seem to be many wonderful odors around and on you, but unfortunately you're the only one that can smell them."

Aella blinked and looked down at her arm, pulling the sleeve back to take a sniff of the fur as her eyes squeezed themselves closed under the weight of further embarrassment.

"Oh.....well, I guess that would explain why that pile of dung I noticed when I walked by the stables smelt so distinctly like newly blossomed primroses."

The tigress's ears wilted as the orange of her cheeks darkened to a blushing red.

"Well, the morph I was supposed to meet didn't show....so I thought it'd only be considerate to put the bottle back while you were still out."

Aella's tail curled behind her backside as if ashamed to show itself.

"Then you two burst in....and I thought it be best to hide....so you two could be alone and take care of whatever it was you were ranting about. And then after that....well, I just couldn't bring myself to miss out on the action."

The feline's cheeks continued to colour as Zesra and Sithia exchanged looks, their expressions showing nothing of irritation or disappointment at Aella's little trespass into their abode but instead seeming to be bordering more on the realization that a new opportunity to continue the fun had just presented itself and as such it wouldn't really be polite to pass up on it. A notion that they quickly sealed their combined opinion on with suppressed giggles and a quick nod to each other.

"Oh dearest sister, what are we going to do with you?" Sithia said with a cunningly gentle toned smile as she slid off the bed and hugged her kitty friend.

"You should know by now that you needn't feel you have to sssneak around to try and avoid disssturbing usss."

Zesra followed her mate's example and sat down on the other side of Aella so she could embrace the feline as well.

"We're alwaysss happy to have you around."

Aella turned to each reptile, seeing their seemingly innocent gazes and squirming as claws started to trace their way over her clothes.

"Well....still, you two are a mated couple now....so, so it wouldn't be right for me to intrude upon the times when you're demonstrating how much....oohh...."

The tigress had to stifle a purr as several claws (who they belonged to she honestly couldn't tell as she was too preoccupied with keeping her gaze fixed on the faces of her friends) trailed their way above the hem of her loin cloth to where her dress parted to expose her soft and taught stomach.

"How much you both love each other." She finally finished, to which both reptiles had to again look at each other and bite their tongues to stop their giggles from giving the game away.

"Oh come now Aella, you know you practically are family to us."

A set of golden scaled trekked north up the white fur of the tigress's stomach to reach their intended destination of her blue brassiere and hook into the fabric.

"And asss sssuch we both hold ass much love for you asss we do for each other."

Black claws halted their ascent to reverse direction and grip the hem of the dress's loincloth section, a few deliberately sweeping lower for the moment to play over the kitten's mound.

"But if you really need more than just our word to prove to you that we're fine with you stepping into our lives."

Two contrastingly coloured tails slithered in to wrap around orange and black striped legs and hold them in place.

"Then perhapsss we should take the demonssstration one ssstep further."

Two pairs of scaled lips moved in to press against the tigress's own mouth and Aella felt the breath almost literally being sucked from her lungs with surprise which then quickly faded to a low glowing heat of relief as she realized that far from the more unpleasant reaction she'd been expecting, the two reptiles she considered to be more dear to her than any other in the world were now actively showing their appreciation for her little entrance. As tails gently began to relax and constrict around the fur of her legs, providing a most soothing stroking sensation, the tigress felt her body relax and another low purr reverberate around in her throat, eager to escape to the outside world but hindered by the fact that her mouth was currently sealed over by the duel kiss.

For a time that was probably a moment but felt like an eternity the three stayed as this, maws expressing the affection and total endearment each felt for the other two while scents pleased their nostrils and scales rubbed their way through soft fur.

It eventually got to the point where Aella felt herself running short of breath and believed she would pass out while still in the loving hold of the reptiles before there came a rather hard tug on her clothing, causing her to break the kiss and look down to see Sithia's claws tearing the top of her dress off her torso.

"Eeep! Uh....s-so does this...mean you're okay with me interrupting you? Aieep!" She uttered breathlessly as Sithia pulled the garment away from her chest, the fabric ripping easily down between the valley of her breasts to leave her full and pert white furred mammaries on display while Zesra tore the lower half of her front off to reveal the still glistening femme sex underneath.

"Like I said dearest sister, we love you. And now we're going to show you how much we both mean that statement by making you feel as good as we've made each other feel."

Looking up into the adoring brown orbs of her friend, someone whom even if it was only by adoption she still thought of as the closest and most trustworthy of her relatives, Aella couldn't help letting out another purr as the rest of her dress was ripped off her body, leaving her nude save for the stand alone sleeves she wore on her arms.

"So my beloved, how do you think we should do this?" Sithia asked after Zesra had tossed the remains of the tigress's clothing aside and embraced her again.

"Hmm, well given that the awkwardnessss we were all feeling jussst now probably cooled thingsss a bit,"

The darkly scaled femme leaned in to give her kitty a quick kiss on the lips before moving down to cup a breast and lick its nipple.

"Letsss help warm her up again firssst."

Sithia smiled and slid down a little further than her mate so she could bury her snout in Aella's cushiony white tummy fur and start licking around there, it being one of the tigress' special little pleasure spots as well as the part that the reptile had always found to be the most alluring.

Watching her lizard friends begin to tease her, Aella closed her eyes and let out a purr that was soon strangled by a moan, the feeling of a jittery wet tongue on both her nipple and her abdomen helping to kick start the tiny jabs of pleasure to her spine.

"Ooh....mmmph....oh pineahhpplesss." She murred, using one of the special words she always loved using when nothing else seemed suitable. Looking over at the black head that was rapidly raising and flaying its head fin to show how much it was enjoying the taste and feel of her nipple, the tigress wrapped an arm around Zesra's neck and tenderly rubbed at said fin while her tail rose up to seek out the reptile's.

"Gods....nghh...you two are....mph....so wonderful."

"You make us want to be that way to you." Sithia churred softly as she kissed the feline's navel and then continued her journey down, her own tail working in conjunction with that of her mates' so Aella's legs stayed spread and thus ensured her final goal remained accessible.

"Indeed. You may be a rather sssilly little kitty at the bessst of timesss, but you're our sssilly little kitty." Zesra hissed with agreement while her hands began to massage and lightly milk the soft orb they were showing so much affection for. (Not having any of her own, the black herp had always found breasts to present the utmost fascination for her and never hesitated to play with Aella's whenever she got the chance)

Moaning louder this time, the feline let her head fall back and then felt her body following suite, the pleasure being sent coursing through her by what the reptile's were doing making her go weak with excitement and arousal. So much so she eventually had to be laid down on the floor with a spare pillow so that Zesra and Sithia didn't have to worry about her collapsing while they played.

Turning her hand loose so it was free to wander across the softly carpeted chest and feel over the other tit, Zesra pursed her lips over the brown nub of sensitive flesh she was tending to and gave it one last almighty suck, feeling its owner squirming in delight and the nub itself ripening considerably from the scintillating pull of the suction. Taking her mouth off, the dark scaled reptile then spent a moment to admiring how wanting, and yet how reserved the erect nipple looked in the centre of its areola before leaving it in the care of her other hand while she moved to enact the same fondness on the other one. An act which soon had Aella moaning and clawing lightly at her head sail in sheer sexual bliss as her tail met with Zesra's and the two began to lovingly intertwine with each other.

Further down, Sithia was fast approaching her target, the thick white fur gradually thinning out in front of her snout like overgrown grass signaling the approach to a clearing before, with one final lick, the golden brown femme got a taste of her prize as her tongue swept over moist quivering flesh.

Knowing what it meant, but deciding that it might be more fun to drag things out a little longer, Sithia did not proceed any further. Instead she merely kept herself in her place and let her tongue take over the role of explorer to examine and document the features of this new discovery. Sweeping the jittery muscle out again, she felt it encounter something tall and rather cylindrical in shape, prompting her to order her tongue to ascend and help build up a better mental picture of what this first feature might be. As the tigress purred and squirmed even more insistently against the hold of her tail, the lizard chuckled to herself and pulled her tongue up and over the object's height, finding the part she had originally encountered did not go all the way around but merely covered the top part of some taller, inner object like some sort of hood. Making her tongue do another sweep, the reptile then discovered that the secondary attribute protected by the hood seemed to have a small, round shape like a button which made Aella positively cry out in pleasure the more she licked at it. Saving the findings for later study, Sithia continued down, discovering that under the button like mount of sensitive flesh there was something else incredible: several large muscles which gave way when pressed against to reveal a deep chasm underneath that was filled with the lizard could only guess what manner of glee generating treasures.

Up top, Aella again found herself running short of breath, her lungs seemingly refusing to inflate all the way as if they feared that by doing so she'd be distracted and miss a second of the loving treatment being enacted on her. Between Zesra's teasing of her breasts, and Sithia's making use of her eternally hyperactive tongue to give some of the more incredible cunninglingnuss she'd ever experienced, the feline felt as though she were melting, or at the very least being absorbed into the swirling whirlpool of ecstasy that promised to suck her down into its pleasurable depths where the fulfillment of all her sexual needs was possible if she only wished for them to be so.

"Ngghh, jumpers! Zesra....oooh....Sithia....oh gods I love you both!" She cried, tears of joy welling up in her eyes as her tail held fast onto the black reptile's for reassurance while claws skritched through her fur and tongues did their bit to help give her body the push it needed to start ascending again to the peak of orgasm, only this time with the knowledge that her two family members would be joining her in the journey so all could share equally the rewards at the end.

Hearing the cry and sensing a strange sense of warmth washing over her as a result, Zesra took her mouth off the nipple she'd been sucking and moved up to give the tigress another kiss, making sure to open her mouth wider this time so Aella could receive a longer and more thorough lashing from her reptilian like tongue. A tongue that swept and jutted about most enthusiastically as it was transferred from one hot maw to another, finding it's new area to be inhabited by a second wider sheet of mouth muscle which it quickly made due to become playmates with while it's owner fanned them both with the breath carrying another soft moan from her mouth. Outside, Aella wrapped her arms around her friend's neck and kissed back as much as she could to show her appreciation for the way Zesra continued to tend to her breasts, squeezing the swells and pinching lightly at the nipples while her mouth was occupied elsewhere.

Further down, Sithia glanced up temporarily from her explorations and couldn't help hissing out a little giggle at the sight of her sister and her mate so enamored with each other, earning herself a more violent quiver of the lips her snout was currently rubbing against followed by a larger surge of fluid from the cavity deep within. Looking back down and seeing the tell tale signs that she was on the verge of setting the kitten off, Sithia closed her eyes and let a most wicked grin spread across her scales as she lapped up the juice and sat up.

"My friends, while it pains me to interrupt you at such a tender moment, there is something I'd like to suggest."

Glancing back to meet the other reptile's gaze and catching the inferration contained within, Zesra nodded and broke the kiss (though not without some serious reluctance).

"This has started to get me feeling rather needy again, and to be honest these rock slabs aren't proving to be the most comfortable of surfaces for what we're doing."

Aella extracted herself from where she'd been lying down and had to admit the golden brown femme had a point as she rubbed her cold back.

"Therefore, why don't we get back up here and do something that'll work for all three of usss?"

Sithia deliberately made an effort to let her hiss drag out the last word, making it sound more sultry and seductive as she climbed back onto the bed and held a hand out to pull the others up with her.

Again meeting her mate's gaze, and noting that now there was something all together more playful residing in her orbs, Zesra giggled to herself and duly grabbed the hand while the other wrapped itself under Aella's shoulders so she was helped up with her.

"Well, what did you have in mind then?" The feline asked in a somewhat strained voice as her tits started to feel cold from the saliva on them and her pussy started to burn with the denial of orgasm. Fortunately a pair of smoothly scaled hands soon took care of the minor complaint by cupping her face and bringing it forward for another loving kiss with her adopted sibling.

"All I ask is you trust me on this, sister." Sithia soothed before moving around so she was now fully in front of the tigress.

"First I need for you to lie down on your stomach."

Aella looked confused but nonetheless did so, only to gasp as the reptile then spread her legs and left her own soaked treasure on a perfect open course for her to move in and take advantage of.

"Now then Zesra, you know what to do."

The dark scaled herp nodded quickly and moved behind to grab the feline's tail and lift it out of the way of the nether lips her mate had been so feverently teasing only seconds before.

Feeling the touch on her, Aella looked behind and gasped when she saw the reptile then raise the black length of her own tail to her mouth and stick the first few inches in to let her tongue slobber them up for what was now a very clear intention.

"Zesra, wait....I mean not in the sense of stop....just take it slowooohhhllllleee!"

The feline's last utterance segued from comprehensible word to unfathomable cry of surprise as the now thoroughly wet tail tip snaked it's way down to her lips and slid it's pointed self in past them, causing the feline to initially seize up as her depths were invaded and then gasp as the tail began to writhe around inside her to assure it came with good intentions.

"Zes....ooohg....not so much at oooonnce....ngh....but don't stoop either." She struggled to get out, body going limp and brain going crazy as heat piled further upon her mound and then sent the feelings back out through the rest of her being.

"Godddsss....oh yep, yep, yeppers!"

Seeing the feline was okay, Zesra took hold of her thighs for leverage and began to slide her tail in and out.

"Yep! Yeppers!! Yeeeep!!" Aella cried again, the same phrase she so often used to indicate whenever she felt happy or amused about something pouring from her lips like a joyously broken record while two more hands placed themselves on the top of her head and pressed down to remind her there was a means for her to return the favour.

Aella quickly took the hint and dived down to bury her muzzle into the warm wet confines of her friend and sister's snatch, happily lapping up every little spurt of juice which set the golden reptile moaning as well.

Things soon began to build up at a much faster rate than they had before (most likely due to how all three were so heavily stimulated already) and both lizard and kitty found their concentration wavering as harder waves of erotic delight crashed against their forms, sparks flashing through their nerve endings and tingles running around their muscles.

As Zesra watched the kitty squirm and struggle in her enjoyment of being tail fucked so vigorously, it could not be denied that with every thrust she found herself becoming increasingly sidelined by the aching feel of want in her own nether tunnel which grew with each intrusion and feel of hot liquid and tight walls delighting her tail. Something that frankly surprised her quite a bit as she'd already cum twice and had figured she'd need longer to rest before being able to do so again.

Fortunately as the one being least pleasured out of the three her mind still had enough cognitive grip to formulate a plan and she duly spread her own legs to bring up the unused section of her tail so that with each thrust it rubbed against her lips and thus let her experience much of the same as she imagined her significant others were experiencing.

On the opposite end, Sithia was dealing with the opposite type of challenge. As the tigress she'd had the honour and pleasure of knowing all her life continued to assault her already burning sex, it was fast becoming a constant struggle to keep her pelvis positioned where Aella would have room to both lick her and breathe, rather than mashing her folds right up against the striped feline's mouth and leave her no other means than to risk suffocation by moving her tongue further into the live depths.

It was a problem that would've almost proven to be too much for the druid lizard to take had she not been resting against the bed's wooden back board and thus able to remember how her love and care for nature was as strong as the love and care she had for her friends. Gently running her hands over the varnished mahogany, Sithia tried to concentrate at least partially on its dark lines and brown colour which proved the bed frame had, as the seller promised, indeed been made from some of the best cared for trees in town. It was a bit of an effort, trying to divert her attention away from the action in front of her but like her mate it paid off and the reptile's rump stayed squarely on the mattress, leaving her kitten ample room to moan and purr out how much she adored what she was getting to do and have done to her.

"Godsss....ooh that's gooood Zesssraaahhh!" The tigress wailed in ecstasy as another thrust pushed further and deeper into her passage, making her twist her head around between the golden legs which left her cheeks wet and matted with pussy juice.

"And you taste so...mph....so divine sisss." She followed through clenched teeth, producing a distinctly reptilian hissing type of sound that Sithia would've praised her for had the feline not then taken the nub of her clit between her lips and started suckling on it so the reptile had to throw her head back and hiss heavily herself from the pleasure.

As Zesra helped to fill in the lack of compliment with another hard thrust of her tail, Aella began to get the sensation that she was going to drown there. That all the taunts and tuts she'd grown used to receiving about her somewhat silly behaviour and childish ways of speaking would be proven wrong in that one moment as two beautiful scaled girls helped her to descend down into a never ending sea of bliss. One where she could feel their love and their adoration forever, and never need worry about what others thought of her.

A series of further pistons into her tight passage did quick to dispel most of that notion (which was a bit of a pity) but Aella couldn't really feel bad about that. Not when her sex was getting the fulfillment it needed and her taste buds were receiving slurp after slurp of ambrosial like nectar as her tongue sought more in the dark and comforting recesses of her scaled sibling's sex.

On and on the three continued in their play, euphoria racking their bodies and passion burning in their souls as they pushed each other onwards towards that final finish. Tails writhing and thrusting, tongues dancing to the delight of their surroundings, arms keeping bodies anchoring in place and voices echoing the general contentment everyone was feeling. For several seconds it could be said that the prospect of things coming to an end made both reptile and feline sigh with regret, so perfect was the scenario all were engaged in.

As Zesra eventually let go of Aella's thighs so she could grab hold of her pert buttocks and fondle them, the tigress responded in kind and swept her tail over the black scales of the reptile's front to give it that type of soothingly soft and scintillating touch only creatures of the fur could hope to give.

It certainly seemed to get the message across perfectly to the dark reptilian femme as she notched up the speed of her thrusts a bit more and the tigress was left having to will herself from having a body seizure as a result of the increasing pleasure it generated. With increasingly frantic and quick flicks of her tongue against the button of ultra-sensitive, nerve filled flesh in her mouth; the tigress felt her throat go dry from the fanning action of the purr vibrating in it as Sithia closed her legs around her head and held her in place, no doubt getting close to her own climax as well.

Closing her eyes and trying a little practice she heard of which involved placing the tongue directly against the clit and humming loudly to channel more vibrations to it, Aella offered up a silent prayer that she could get off at the same time as her friends, something which would provide the perfect finishing touch to what was shaping up to be a pretty good evening after all.

For several more minutes things continued on with no change. Zesra continued to grunt and hiss in lust as her tail was gripped by hot fleshy walls, her front was loved by an eager tail and her hands got to feel the soft texture of a most cuddly bottom. Sithia kept gasping and moaning while her lips spasmed with the promise of orgasm but no discernible sign that such was about to happen, and Aella felt herself creeping closer and closer to much of the same, only a clear mile ahead of the other two as she feared.

But then, just as she was about to give up hope and let herself fall head first into the pleasurable oblivion, there came an answer from above.

Just as the first tell tale tingles that heralded what was probably going to be an almost mind blowing finish reverberated through her, the tigress felt the tail inside her suddenly stop and then get pulled back as though the body it was attached to was suddenly on the verge of falling over. As the much sought after scream tore through the air above it was then followed by a sudden tightening of the pussy lips around her dripping wet and Aella couldn't help shedding tears as she experienced the full brunt of her orgasm with the knowledge that her wish had been granted.

"GOOOOODDDSSSSSSSS!" Zesra bellowed, muscles contracting and nerves bursting into flames as she spilled her fluids of climax all down the insides of her legs and over the length of her tail.

"AHHHHGGHHHH!" Sithia cried out with almost synchronized precision as she too felt the same series of tightening and fraying in her being while more of her nectar was sent splashing out onto the face of the kitty.

Given her position between them, Aella herself was too far buried in the aforementioned's treasure to join the screams. Instead she merely shut her eyes tight and let her face be bathed in sweet tasting juices while she sobbed and cried through her finale in utter happiness, throat contracting of its own accord to help swallow anything that flowed into her mouth while her walls did their best to squeeze the life of the tail inside them.

A truly scenic instant the rewards of the trio's efforts did present, but an instant it was to be nonetheless. Seemingly just after she'd reached the top, Zesra felt herself slipping down again, in both figurative and literal terms as she fell backwards from the force onto the mattress, a pillow seeming to appear and receive the weight of her head as if by magic. Likewise, Sithia found herself gasping for breath as the feelings that were crushing her body diminished all too soon as Aella just let herself cease in any manner of action save for her quiet crying which seemed to take longer to end.

Nevertheless, as things settled down to a state of stillness and all participants let themselves rest, it had to be said that nothing save for the purest love and desire resonated in their hearts. As pleasure ended and afterglow began once more, there was little else the reptiles and the cat could think besides how wonderful it had been that they'd again gotten to indulge in activities of ardor with each other.

"Gods....(pant)....no matter how often I do that....(pant)....it seems never gets any less enjoyable." Sithia gasped as she looked down at the still sobbing feline, feeling a soft burn of need to show some sibling care well up inside her as she bent over to help her move up into an embrace.

"Aella, whatever may happen in this life....(pant)....to you, or to either of usss, please never let yoursssself....(pant)....forget that you're a part of our lives that we....(pant)....could no lesssss do without....(pant)....than we could without each other."

The reptile's slick wet tongue swept out to lick some of the tears off the matted black facial stripes and Sithia couldn't help sighing happily when she detected the taste of her own cum mixed in with the salty liquid.

"I....(sniff)....I honestly can't think why I eh-ever believed otherwise."

The tigress sniffed again as her arms found the strength to wrap around the golden scaled lizard and hug her tightly.

"I....(sniff)....I love you two. I really do."

She felt scales press against her from behind as another darker reptilian snout moved in to kiss at her messy cheek fur.

"I can sssay no different. Both to you, my sssilly little kitty,"

Zesra's eyes moved to gaze affectionately into those of Sithia's.

"And to you, my precioussss ssssoul mate."

Scaled lips met with scaled lips again to confirm the sincerity behind the statement and the three lapsed back into silence again, preferring to just let the feel of one another on their persons and the scents each radiated out convey whatever messages needed to be shared.

Eventually, however, the fatigue and weariness from cumming so many times began to make themselves known and everyone agreed upon the decision to shift things down so they were all lying on the bed rather than sitting on it.

"You know, even though I've pretty much gotten everything I hoped for tonight there is still one thing I'm kind of still wondering about." Aella mentioned as she was again wrapped up in the arms of the reptiles.

"What may that be, dearest sister?" Sithia enquired with a gentle smile.

Glancing between the two, the feline felt herself mimicking the action and then adding a chuckle.

"Do you think we could do this again if I got wounded?"

The reptiles quickly exchanged glances and couldn't help rolling their eyes while sighing with good natured disbelief.

"We'll...dissscusss that tomorrow." Zesra said hesitantly before receiving another kiss from Sithia to remind her who it was that had made the statement, and thus how low the likelihood of it coming true actually were.

The three curled tighter and more protectively around each other as tiredness gradually caught up with them, all slipping into the serene void of sleep soon after as night peacefully slipped on to the promise of a new dawn and a new day.

I send you down my love tonight

On a dream that I can hold you near

Will the message in your eyes

Take shape and crystallize

Or will you disappear

That feeling when you sigh

I could not want you more

Ah , so close and yet so far

And you know it's where we are

And the moment I have waited for

The rhythm of the turning tide

And every start that shines in harmony

Like the fairy tale you read

Like the only heart you need

Is here inside of me

And we are held in time

Your love lost in mine

There is no yesterday

Just the music on the bay

We can lie together

Make forever

One night for lovers

Kiss your lover tonight

On a night like this you lie awake

And no one can tell you why

Bee Gees - One Night (For Lovers)

--------------------------- FINIS ------------------------------

An Evening In

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FXM Legions of TEMPEST: First Encounter: Cthylla's Emergence

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Assignment #1- Love Thyself

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