Goddess Gambling

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#6 of Story Requests

A Free Story Request done for - https://alex-the-fox.sofurry.com/

This story involves gambling and one very naughty goddess. Enjoy

"Mother, is there something wrong with me that you never bothered to tell me?" Neal asked as he entered the house. Olivia looked up from her romance novel as he stormed into the parlor. As he flopped onto the love seat, she saved her place and closed her book. The forty five year old woman tried to explain to him several times in the past. Sadly this time around he was clearly fed up with his recent rejection.

"No, baby like I told you before most teenage girls never know what they want. There are some that are an exception to the rule, besides you've got time." She stated trying to calm him down. Granted she's tried to help him get a date and for some reason those ended badly. "Seriously, this has to stop I'm tired of being a laughing stock. I swear there has to be something wrong with me that nobody is telling me." He said.

She tried her best to comfort him and tell him things happen for a good reason. Ever since he got curious about dating women his age things have been rough. Each girl he's befriended, hung out with and waited patiently to ask out. He'd come home in the very state of anger when they would simply tell him no. All the excuses they gave she's heard and said when she was sixteen years old.

If he were to changed his game plan some and asked a slightly older girl out. Especially if he asks a popular girl or challenges her to take a chance with him and hope. She openly shared her theory which calmed him down enough to get him thinking. As he let go of his anger while his mind thought her idea over. While he continued racking his brain over her plan, she walked over to the kitchen.

While she made dinner he told her that he'd be upstairs doing his homework. She replied that she page him the moment dinner was ready, as he walked upstairs. As he turned to the left then walked down the short hallway to his room. He pulled out a strange item from his pocket and unlocked his bedroom door. Once inside he re-locked the door then sensed that he wasn't alone in his room.

"It's about time you got here, Neal." A female voice stated while his back was turned. As he turned around a very voluptuous anthro pantheress was lying on his bed. She was resting on her stomach while her long tail swished lazily behind her. Neal lost his ability to speak as he gazed upon her unbridled beauty and grace. Sadly his eyes however were focused solely on the very large display of cleavage.

Until a loud snarl snapped him right out of his trance within seconds as he looked into her glaring eyes. "Boy, do not disrespect me or you'll pay very dearly. Now why did you summon me here, human?" Akeno stated sounding quite unhappy. Neal was very confused by her sudden question and wasn't sure how to answer. "I summoned you please, forgive me milady but, I don't recall doing so." He replied truthfully.

The goddess didn't say anything at least right away as she searched for any deception. So she repositioned herself on his bed, before slowly rising onto her feet. She stood roughly six feet ten inches tall from head to toe and beyond curvy. Actually she had this excellent hourglass figure that fit her tall body like a glove. As she approached him, Neal felt this yellow streak appear along his spine.

"Have a seat on your bed and we'll get to the bottom of this little situation." She instructed calmly. Neal kindly did as she had asked of him and sat on his bed. The dark red furred pantheress walked over to where he sat and touched his forehead. She slowly screened through all his recent memories and learned the truth. Seeing as it was a spur of the moment summoning on his part but, she was curious.

"Seeing as you summoned me even though it was a spur of the moment thing. I'm still willing to hear you out, if not I require a token of some kind as payment." She informed stepping away from him. Neal looked around his room at what was available as a suitable token. Sadly nothing would satisfy a woman like her so he lowered his gaze. Akeno saw this and knew he had nothing worthy to give her.

Though there was one thing he could offer her but, the question is would he give it up. Granted she was a goddess of wisdom and war not a goddess of love. For some odd reason she felt a strange pull with this young mortal and couldn't explain it. Ryono was better at judging a person's heart and what dwells within them. This one however might give her horndog of a friend a run for her money.

"I'm deeply sorry milady I've got nothing here that's a worthy token for your coming here. Unless there's something specific you're interested in as a proper token of payment." He said. She eyed him for a moment and crazy idea popped into her mind. Walking over to his small desk she picked up a deck of playing cards. "Alright, how's about a friendly wager over a game of seven card stud?" She wondered.

Neal perked up when she offered a friendly game of poker but, it also worried him. Knowing that she was a goddess the odds were in her favor since she can fix the deck. So he had to make sure to that if he agreed it would be on an even playing field. "Alright, I'll agree if you agree to refrain from your vast powers to fix the cards. That's all I want is a fair and square card game nothing more." He stated.

"Very well, you have my solemn word that I shall play fair and let the cards pick the winner." She agreed. With that settled Neal made enough room for them to play poker. Once he finished he grabbed an extra folding chair from his closet and opened it. Akeno sat down then began shuffling the deck of cards thoroughly as he joined her. "Would mind waiting till the second round to make our wagers?" He asked.

"You'd like to see how the first round plays out, I can respect that so why not I'll wait." She replied. Once neither felt anything else should be discussed or required as she dealt. Passing out fourteen cards in total, seven cards for each person. They picked up their hands a second later and carefully inspected them. Hoping they got a strong hand right away and didn't have to make changes.

Neal sifted through his cards seeing what he had to work with before exchanging cards. He had a three, threes and the rest were assorted numbers including an ace. Akeno had a possible low straight with the two, three, four, six and seven. She discarded the two cards she didn't need anymore and picked up two. A five came up along with a jack, luckily she still had one draw left to get the eight.

He kept the ace and the three, threes then discarded the rest and crossed his fingers. The cards he picked up were another ace, a ten and a face card. With a full house there was plenty that could beat it but, obtaining the cards was tricky. Sadly he couldn't read her so that made things a little more difficult. She didn't say anything, she just discarded one card and picked up the same amount.

Akeno carefully shuffled her hand while she waited patiently for Neal to make up his mind. She decided not to exchange for another card in case the card she pick didn't help. It was Neal's turn and he discarded the king from his and picked up another ten. With a two pair and a three of a kind his odds of winning were strong. A straight of any kind could still beat him even if it was multiple suits.

Though a single suit straight would crush him especially if it was a royal flush. Granted that is one of the most difficult hands to obtain in any game of poker. Something told him that she didn't have such a rare hand in her possession. They felt each other out a little more before revealing their hands to one another. He allowed her to go first as he gazed upon a low straight, decent first hand.

With a pair of aces in his hand that gave him a slight edge if he combined the other cards. As he showed his hand Akeno was pretty impress on how he played them. "Looks, like the first round goes to you my young human well done." She smiled. Neal collected all the cards then shuffled them very thoroughly before dealing. He dealt out another seven cards a piece and placed the deck on the table.

They waiting until after the first round of exchanging cards before making the wagers. "Ladies first so what are you going to offer me should I win?" He wondered while fixing his hand. Akeno was quiet for a moment while she scanned the card in her hand. "It all depends on what you'd like for me to help you with." She replied not looking up from her cards. What he wanted was a relationship with a woman that wouldn't reject him.

He shared his dream with her she was caught off guard to the point of being speechless. She's heard some pretty interesting requests during her eons of life but, nothing like this. It was genuine and pure she had to resist the urge to just grant his request. Sadly she had already made arrangements to grant it if he wins the game. Though she also had to play fair which she has been doing right from the start.

For her part of the bet she told him that he would have to do something for her. When the times comes she'd request his services in the future and he couldn't say no. He agreed to her terms should she win their game which they resumed their current hand. Unfortunately despite the cards he had bluffing his way out was pointless. So he decided it was best to fold his hand giving her the win.

This shocked her at first until he showed the cards he had in his hand before he folded. She could see why he did as she looked at them laid out on the table. He gathered up all the cards and began shuffling the deck thoroughly. As he shuffled Akeno watched him carefully making sure he didn't try anything sneaky. Though that didn't last long as she checked him out as he cut the deck.

After he shuffled it once more he dealt out seven cards a piece then set the deck on the table. She picked the cards up then sifted through them seeing what she had to work with. To her surprise the cards she received weren't much to work with and decided to pick new ones. It was a risky gamble picking up an entirely new hand. Luckily the gamble paid off a little when she picked up two queens from the deck.

Meanwhile Neal had picked up two sixes and a pair of nines from the first deal. When she discarded her hand and picked up a new one it bugged him a little. That also told him the hand she had wasn't worth working with and he had to be careful. Since he had no idea what she might've picked up when she drew a new hand. He took a moment to screen through his hand seeing if he could salvage anything else.

Sadly he discarded three cards and picked up three new ones from the deck. He picked up another pair of cards along with an ace which was useless. With three pairs in his hand with an ace high it would boil down to what she had. Akeno sifted through her hand and was about to exchange her junk for the second time. When a loud voice called from the bottom of the staircase calling for Neal.

Trying his best not to curse out loud he asked if she would take a rain check on their game. Unless she'd like to join him for a nice home cooked meal and they could finish afterwards. She didn't give him an answer as his mother yelled for him to get downstairs. So he placed his hand face down on the table and left his bedroom in hurry. Akeno waited for him to reach the bottom of the stairs then peaked at his hand.

When she looked at his hand if they had a few more minutes she would've lost. Seeing things as they were she conjured an I.O.U for him and quietly left in a hurry. As she returned to the realm of the gods her friend Ryono was waiting. "Boy, you sure left in a hurry, my friend it wouldn't be due to the fact you like him, hmm?" She wondered. Akeno didn't say anything as she briskly walked by then swiftly vanished.

She reappeared in her chambers a second later in a bit of an angry huff as she sat down. "Oh, come now don't be like that old friend, I was only playing." Ryono said appearing in a flash of rose petals. Akeno glared at her for a moment then turned away from her with an annoyed snort. Ryono got the hint and vanished after shrugging her shoulders. The pantheress wasn't in any sort of mood to be disturbed by anybody.

As she cooled off five years in the mortal world had gone by and Neal had grown up. He was still single which he was perfectly fine with now since his job kept him busy. Granted he still goes out and tries to find a woman that would be interested in him. Not to his surprise every woman he talked to politely said no and walked away. So as he made his way home after yet another unsuccessful night at the club.

When he unlocked the door, entered the house then turned on some lights. Before he ventured any further into his home, from there he walked over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge then peered inside for something quick to munch on. Seeing nothing interesting he closed the door and went over to the bathroom and showered. As the water cascaded down his body he began to slowly relax under the warmth.

A good while had passed as he turned off the faucet and stepped out of the shower stall. While just outside his home a mystical tear appeared and crackled with electricity. In a bright flash of light the tear stabilized into a solid mirrored portal of unknown origin. Moments later someone walked through it then the portal vanished with a bang. Neal heard the bang and assumed it was someone's old car back firing.

As he was putting on a pair of boxers a soft knocking came from his front door. So he threw on a shirt and pants then went to see who was here at this time of night. When he reached the door he saw a female shadow on the other side of the smoked glass. He unlocked the door but, kept the chain latched and opened the door. The chain clinked as the door opened an eighth of the way allowing him to see his visitor.

Neal gazed upon his guest she felt familiar to him but, sadly he couldn't place it. She was an anthro pantheress of unbelievable beauty and curves that didn't quit. Standing well over six and a half feet tall, measurements that had to be at least 48H cup bust, 30" waist and 44" hips. Even her outfit befitted a woman of high quality and certainly out of his league. "Can I help you, madam?" He wondered politely.

"Could, I please use your phone, see my car broke down over by the side street." She replied with a serene tone. Her voice was like a well tuned sympathy that was rarely played. The bright color of her eyes a person could get easily lost in. A deep green with long brown hair, accented by dark red fur, very rare for an anthro panther. She stood there waiting for him to stop staring at her body.

He snapped out of his trance then unlatched the door and let her inside the house. Guiding her right to the nearest phone and left her to make her phone call in peace. While he went into the kitchen to fix her something warm to drink in the meantime. As his back was turned she slipped up behind him and hugged him softly. "So? Are you interested in collecting that I.O.U, I left with you five years ago?" She asked.

"Umm, I don't recall seeing or even finding an I.O.U anywhere in my bedroom. Besides it was a long time ago I really don't remember much of anything including you. Do forgive me but, you just don't seem very familiar to me Ms...?" He replied pausing trying to recall her name. It was on the tip of his tongue, sadly it just wouldn't come out. The blank look in his eyes said plenty, his memories of that day were erased.

She stepped closer to him then placed a hand gently on his freshly shaven face. The softness of her fur certainly confirmed her high class status as she smiled warmly. "My name is Akeno and I've come from my realm to be at your side. Though before you think I've jumped off the crazy train here let me show you." She stated kissing his forehead. With that she shared all her memories from start to finish with him.

When she pulled away he stepped back shaking his head as he sorted things out. He apologized for any rudeness when he first allowed her inside his home. She didn't say anything as she playfully draped her arms around his neck. Pressing her curvy body softly against his as he looked up into her green eyes. "Let's take this to the couch lover, you've got a lot to learn about pleasuring me." She whispered into his ear.

He guided her to the living room then left to re-lock his front door before returning. Sadly making love on the couch didn't seem like such a good idea to him. "Akeno, my dear I'm all for having sex on the couch but, this doesn't feel right. Perhaps taking this up to one of the two bedrooms I have in my home." He said. She sat there silently looking at him in the doorway thinking about his suggestion.

This evil grin came to her muzzle as she reached over and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Why are you still sitting there? Take me upstairs and give me the fuck of my life, already." She stated huskily. Neal got up from his seat then he scooped her up into his arms. He carried her to the nearest bedroom then playfully tossed her onto the bed. Akeno laughed richly as she sailed through the air and bounced onto the mattress.

As he approached the bed she moved a foot out keeping him from coming any closer. "Before you come any closer, I'd like a striptease from you first." She said tickling his crotch. Neal had a bad feeling about this but, he did his best to comply. His attempt at giving her a seductive striptease was less than arousing or seductive. Though she couldn't bring herself to laugh considering he was trying.

When he turned around and faced away from her, she slipped her dress down her shoulders. Sliding the outfit down her very curvy form then she carelessly tossed it onto the floor. As he turned back around to gaze upon her posing nude on the bed. She beckoned him to join her on the bed, so he did as she instructed. Crawling into bed then wrapped an arm around her neck and along the swell of her back.

He kissed her passionately on the lips then he gently laid her down and leaned above her. Akeno felt her body heating up as his hands roamed all over her busty body. Teasing her velvet soft fur leaving furrows in it, as he moved all over her form. She leaned into his every little touch, caress, kiss and moaned softly in approval. When his left hand caressed around the base of her tail a strong purr exited her throat.

Seeing as how she really liked that, he scritched that spot causing her to squirm under his touch. Naturally an evil idea came to mind as he scratched up along her spine. The pantheress was putty in his hands and was loving every blissful minute. As he moved his hands out from underneath her, Neal leaned back over and kissed her neck. Slowly trailing down her neck, then moved back up, causing her to chortle huskily.

It was strange as if by magic he knew how and where to give her the most pleasure. Surprisingly enough she wasn't giving him any kind of instructions on how to satisfy her. That didn't mean she wasn't loving every little spark and tingle that he provided. "Oh! PURRR, OH yES Oooo! Baby DOn't StoP!" She murred lustfully. As he flicked his thumbs across her pert nipples, lightning shot up her spine.

Seeing as how she really enjoyed that, pinching the left one between his fingers. As he nipped gently on the other with his teeth, he slowly and softly tugged. Akeno's body went insane the mixture of soft pain and the flooding pleasure. She was stunned as the soft pain and the overflowing pleasure surged through her. "YES, YES, OH HeaV...VenS!! MOrE DO MORE!" She yowled pressing his head into her chest.

Letting both nipples go, he spread her breasts apart then leaned down between them. She was a little confused at first until he began nibbling along the center of her chest. Arching into his every caress and kiss her claws dug hard into the mattress. As she howled as the pleasure grew stronger while it shot across her nervous system. Demanding for more he slowly made his way down her muscled belly.

As he stopped near her crotch and began to need all over her very ample breasts. She reached down coaxing his head to go move down to her eagerly awaiting sex. Not wanting to comply just yet, he decided to be naughty and exhaled briskly. His warm breath caressed along her clit and outer labia causing her toes to curl. "OoOhooH, LI--Ick-K my Pus...SY BaBY, LiCK MY NAu...GHtY PuSSy!" She cried lustfully.

Since she was literally begging for it he moved down between her legs, sampled her sex. The jolt that rocketed up her spine she nearly launched off the bed in response. When he began licking along her labia and teased her clit with his fingers. Akeno squirmed, bucked and howled as the torrent of pleasure flooded her senses. "NYAH, UnyH-GaAW...WwD I'm CuuM...MMinGG!" She shouted as she climaxed.

Her sex erupted heavily all over Neal's face and bed, as her orgasm overcharged her senses. She flopped onto the bed panting hard trying to catch her breath after such an experience. As he leaned up to look at her, it was plastered with a blissful look. Chuckling a little he moved up towards the headboard and looked deep into her eyes. "Let me guess it's been a real long time, since your last roll between the sheets?" He asked.

She reached up, hooking her around back around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. As their tongues danced and twirled around one another between their connected mouths. Akeno felt her body heat back up for more of his sensual and experienced touch. Instead she rolled him onto his back and kissed her way down to his fully erect cock. "I hope you're ready to have your mind and cock blown, lover." She cooed.

He smiled then gasped sharply as her soft pads wrapped around his thick cock. "Such a big, thick and long cock, I wonder just how good it tastes, so let's find out?" She purred. As her warm and slightly rough long lapped along his length, Neal groaned. She smiled evilly as she moved her muzzle down to the base of his member. Tickling his cock tip with a claw then cupping his balls in her left hand.

Akeno suckled deeply where the two pieces of flesh met and drove him crazy. While she continued she carefully fondled his balls making him twitch under her skilled touch. It pleased her having him completely under her control and mercy. She kissed the base of his cock a few more times before moving back up to the tip. Neal looked down and watched her careful trying to figure out what she was planning.

She move up onto her knees, caressed herself seductively for him then leaned back over. Cupping her very large breasts into her paws then engulfing his cock between them. The softness of her fur combined with the warmth of her body heat felt unbelievable. When her tongue twirled around the head of his cock bringing him right to the edge. Pulling her tongue away for a moment then kissed his cock affectionately.

Her teasing only got worse as time passed though not enough to make him cum all over her face. After ten minutes of sexual torture, Neal had enough and decided to even the playing field. He bent down hooked her shoulders and pulled her up along his body. As the tip of his cock brushed against her clit both lovers gasped in pleasure. Before she could even ask he rolled over pinning her underneath him.

"Now that I have you my very naughty pantheress, shall we end the night in a big way?" He said looking into her eyes. Akeno didn't say anything as she wrapped her thighs around his waist. A strong purr vibrated in her throat as she rubbed her crotch against his. He slowly pulled his upper body away from hers and re-positioned himself. Lining the head of his cock with the entrance of her pussy then thrusted. As his cock sunk fluidly into her depths, pile driving through both their aroused bodies.

Akeno's inner walls conformed around his girth and milked it hard as he pulled out. Not wasting any time he thrusted back in slightly harder, causing her to moan heavily. With each back stroke and thrust into her pussy, Akeno was drowning in a sea of euphoria. "AHHHH, AH, HNH, AHOHHH, AHH, OHH, AAAHAH, OOHH YEEE...UUUSSSS!" She yowled. As his cock kept burying itself deep into her sex with the power he could muster.

She was feeling simply incredible as he continued his current pace bringing them both to untold heights. "Hohh, GAwDD! GO, Fas...STER, UMph-FU...CK, OH, Yee...SS!" She cried lustfully. Each time his cock hit against her cervix and brushed against her G-spot. Akeno was panting heavily while her body was burning up as the bliss increased. Neal wisely slowed his pace allowing her to catch her breath.

Sadly she was too far gone to care she wanted blissful satisfaction and wanted it now. Her hands lashed out and grabbed his face then she glared deep into his eyes. Seeing the look on her face he decided to resume his strong pace to make her happy. As the pleasure plastered heavily through her body, her climax was reaching its breaking point. Neal felt his own climax nearing and hoped she'd be the first to cum.

What neither lover expected to happen was for them to reach their breaking point together. Akeno flooded the bedroom with a massive climatic roar and covered his crotch with her juices. As her inner walls gripped hard around his girth and massaged it firmly. It sent Neal sprinting over the edge as his cock erupted heavily into her sex. He hunched over kissing her deeply on the lips as their juices dripped onto the bed.

With what little strength remained they rolled onto their sides while hugging each other tight. Akeno was starting to have a hard time staying awake as Neal cuddled against her. He was also fighting to stay awake as he kissed her forehead Akeno was asleep. "Heh, I never thought gambling with a goddess could be so, Pleasurable." He smiled. Sure enough after uttering that phrase he passed out holding his new lover close.

The End.

Chapter 7

I looked up at her then glanced over at my alarm clock I didn't realize it was that late. "Page, my love I'm all for it but, we need to get some sleep just look at the clock." I stated. She looked to the left and saw how late it was then agreed to...

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Seeking the Elements

Naturally everyone at the house except for my mother sensed the huge power spike. Sadly as quickly as it had appeared the signal vanished just as swiftly from our radar. With such a strong boost of power Stark was going to be a rough enemy to beat. No...

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Chapter 6

Upon hearing Kathrine's voice, I carefully pulled out of Page's sex and threw something on. "Apparently, someone somewhere has some kind of grudge against me." I replied sourly. Page got up and kissed my cheek before walking towards the bathroom. When...

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