Sten Gets A New Toy

Story by MisterMorgan on SoFurry

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A somewhat cleaned-up log of an RP on F-Chat with

Removed extraneous messages and timestamps, and cleaned up a couple errors, but otherwise left as-is

Sten, a minotaur, decides he is in need of a new toy, and sets about making one out of AJ, a wolf. M/M

*Sten walks into the room, grinning wide and even glancing back over his shoulder at the doorway; it was nice to be in one of those rare places with expansive ceilings that didn't leave him having to constantly duck to avoid bumping into the light fixtures. The bull wore nothing, as usual, but he did carry a gym bag in one hand. He paused just inside the door, looking hopefully around the main room for a moment, then snickering when his eyes finally fell on AJ. Sten walked directly over to the wolf, dropping the bag next to his chair, and reached out to give the wolf a light scritch on top of the head. "Hey there, I was hoping you'd be around."

* AJ Wolf was lounging on a couch, his favorite comfy couch, when he felt the scritching to his head. He looks up and smiles to the big bull, "Oh, why's that?"

*Sten gently pets the fur on top of AJ's head down smooth again and grins down at him. When he pulls his head away from AJ, he gives his own crotch a rather lewd grope, lightly squeezing and massaging as he answers. "Because I've been thinking, you'd make a really fun little toy for me. I've got everything I'll need right here, just gotta get you all set up, then I think we can have a little fun. Or at least, I can, certainly. But maybe you, too!" The bull looms over AJ, reaching out with both hands and grabbing him by the waist, then casually stands up straight, lifting the wolf with him like he weighed hardly anything at all. He looped one arm around AJ's waist, holding him facedown against his side like a heavy sack, and casually hooked one thumb under the waistband of AJ's shorts and the boxers underneath and pulled, quickly shifting and shimming both off of AJ and tossing them off to the side.

* AJ Wolf smiles softly up to the bull as his head fur is fixed, lowering his gaze as the bull gropes himself, suddenly noticing the naked bovine. "A fun toy?" He looks down to the duffel bag on the floor, curious to what the bull had in mind. "He-hey!" The wolf squirms a bit as he is lifted up with apparent ease, the bull much stronger then he imagined. He is pressed up against the bull's side, his shorts and boxers quickly pulled down and off. "Wh-what are you doing?"

*Sten gives AJ a playful swat on the rump, then hums to himself and massages the spot a bit, snickering with anticipation. "Getting you all prepped up to be my toy, like I just said. Don't worry, just a few little things I want to get taken care of, then you'll be all set and we can get to the fun bits, so don't get impatient on me." He swapped AJ to his other side, holding him with the opposite arm now so the wolf faced the other direction, and just as quickly as his shorts had gone, so too did the bull yank off AJ's shirt, though he was careful not to jerk on his arms too roughly; no fun in a toy with a dislocated shoulder, after all. Once he had AJ stripped, he reached out and gave him another friendly little pat on the head, then squatted down and gently laid AJ out flat on the floor rolling him over so he was face-up, one hand casually resting on the wolf's chest, ready to pin him if necessary, but not exerting any particular pressure for the moment.

* AJ Wolf squirms at the swat to his rear, blushing as it is then massaged and rubbed. "Y-yea, but that is very unspecific." He says just before he is swapped around to the bull's other side, stopping his squirming as it wouldn't do anything besides possibly upsetting the big fur. Soon enough his shirt is gone and he's completely nude, feeling rather exposed to the room full of people, his human cock twitching but staying flaccid. He was a bit confused when he was laid down on his belly and then turned over, looking up to the bull as a big hand was pressed to his chest to keep him in place. "Uhm...what are you gonna do exactly?"

*Sten leaned over top of AJ and snatched up the gym back he had dropped earlier with one hand, lifting it over next to himself. He grabbed the zipper and gave it a quick, sharp yank, snapping the bag open. He carefully felt around inside, soon finding what he was looking for and drawing it out: a plastic, pink easter-egg, which he set gently between AJ's legs, easing himself down to more of a kneeling position with his knees resting on the wolf, one just above AJ's knee, the other on his ribs. He kept most of his weight back on his haunches, and still had enough mass to spare to keep AJ held in place while freeing up his hands. He gave AJ's chestfur a few playfull rubs with his fingertips, mussing it up as his other hand went back to the bag, searching around some more and coming back with a 9-volt battery. The bull grinned at AJ. "Well, first, I'm going to make sure you don't go making any messes. Toys should be clean, you know. You just keep being a good wolf and holding still, and we'll get to the fun bits soon enough."

* AJ Wolf turns his head when he hears the bag being pulled over, watching the bull zip it open and reach inside, confused as a pink plastic egg is pulled out and set between his legs. The wolf shifts around on the floor as the big bull kneels down on him, one on above his knee and the other on his ribs, surprising not applying too much pressure, though he would most likely be squished other wise. He was distracted momentarily as his chest fur was messed with, noticing the battery after a few seconds. "Toys don't make messes? Er..what are you gonna do with those two things?" He had a lot of questions, but could only manage to ask those two. Like how the bull planned to make him not make a mess, and what kind of messes did he mean?

*Sten put his knuckles on AJ's far leg, on the inner thigh, and firmly pressed, forcing AJ's legs apart somewhat. "Now don't move that, you don't want any of this stuff getting anywhere it doesn't need to be." He set the battery on AJ's belly where it would be in easy reach, then reached into the bag again, pulling out a pair of minotaur-size latex gloves and quickly pulling them on. He picked up the egg where it had fallen down to the floor once AJ's legs spread. He gave it a little twist to loosen the halves, then, holding it directly above AJ's crotch, cracked it open. What was inside was...almost like bright-pink jelly. Much thinner than silly putty, but it still held itself together as it slithered out of the egg and began pooling above AJ's cock, then slowly sliding down; it seemed to cling where it touched anything but itself, resisting the pull of gravity and not flowing further like it seemed it should. "Now just lie still and watch, this stuff is actually pretty cool."

* AJ Wolf whined softly as he legs were separated a bit by the bull's knuckles, not getting a straight answer. "Why can I move, what stuff are you talking about?" He looks down as the battery is placed on his belly, growing a bit worried as the bull put on latex gloves. What exactly would he be handling that would requires gloves to protect himself and not the wolf? He watched curiously as the egg was picked up, cracked open, and the strange pink substance was poured into his groin. "Wh-what is that stuff?" He asks, making sure to keep still as the goo pooled in his groin above his soft, uncut human member.

*Sten tossed the egg halves aside and began quickly but gently smearing the jelly-like substance over AJ's cock and testicles alike, seeming more to let it stick to his gloved hands and then nudge or drag it over the wolf's fleshy shaft. If AJ paid particular attention, he might note that Sten didn't bother lifting the wolf's cock up, not seeming to care to coat the underside of the shaft as well. He simply worked quickly, as if he were well-practiced at the process, to get AJ's entire package surrounded in the hot pink stuff. Once he was quite certain is was fully coated, seeming to pay particular attention to the tip of his cock - it had a noticeable bead of the goop hanging there, seeming just about to drip but never actually doing so - Sten quickly reached up and grabbed the battery with one hand, bringing it down and touching the contacts to the gel. They barely even touched it when, with a faint but audible *crack*, the jelly instantly hardened, becoming like a solid, stiff plastic enclosure now blazing-hot pink as it turned opaque with the hardening, with all of AJ's manhood on the inside, his cock pressed solidly against his sack, ensuring there would be no erection, nor any leaking, from the wolf. Sten looked up at AJ and grinned, gesturing proudly at the encasement. "Is that cool, or what? No dribbling or dripping, no leaks, just a nice, clean toy for me to play with."

* AJ Wolf kept still as the bull rubbed the goop over his cock and balls, though his cock did stir and start to inflate just slightly. he notices that the underside wasn't touched at all, just covering everything on the surface without moving it and doing it fairly quick. The wolf nearly jumped when the battery was brought to the pink goo, a loud crack being heard. "Wh-what do you mean, no dripping or leaking? What did you just do?" His voice hints to his slight panic, unsure if he was allowed to move yet or not.

*Sten wrapped a hand around the encasement, stroking it with his thumb once or twice, then squeezed, clamping down hard enough for the muscles in his arm to visible bulge; the plasticy substance never budged so much as a millimeter, demonstrating how solid and impregnable it truly was. "Just got you all locked up tight, so to speak. That stuff is super tough, you could catch a baseball pro's best hit with that and hardly feel it, and it's completely watertight, so you won't be getting any stains on your clothes. Speaking of which..." Sten winked at AJ, then reached over and pulled the wolf's legs back together. "Let's get you dressed again, shall we? Try not to wriggle around too much, I just got this from the laundry and I don't want you wrinkling it if it can be helped." He reached into the bag, and carefully unfolded two items of clothing, holding them up high so AJ could see - it was a classic-style cheerleading outfit, with a pleated, elastic-waistband skirt that looked entirely too short for decency, and a sleeveless top, also cut short, to show off the wearer's belly. Both pieces together looked like little more than scraps of cloth in the bull's big hands. The outfit was mostly black, with white trim highlights. "I think you'll look super cute in it with your white fur." The bull leaned forward, adding a bit more weight to AJ as he sensed the wolf's growing uncertainty and wanted to be ready to keep him in place, but he kept grinning at him.

* AJ Wolf eyes widened at the bull's bulging arm as it squeezed the pink encasement around his cock and balls, the realization slowly sinking in. "N-No, you gotta be kidding!" He reaches down and feels for himself, the plastic not coming off or budging the slightest. "Y-you got to get it off, it can't stay on me!" He was visibly panicked now, ear's splayed and he kept messing with the plastic. The wolf looked up when the bull pulled something else out, expecting something even worse but glad to see it was just clothes. Well, very skimpy and girly clothes. "You want me to wear that?!"

*Sten rolled his eyes at AJ, putting his arms down and gently laying the clothes out on the wolf approximately as they would sit when he wore them. "Don't get so uptight. The stuff breaks down with liquid. You'll sweat it off in a few days, if you can't get to a shower or bath before then. A good twenty or thirty minutes soaking ought to have it off. Or maybe you could talk somebody into licking it for a while, hehe. If you feel like you need to go, I suggest holding it. You will eveeeeeeentually dissolve a path, but it takes a really long time, and you just end up making a mess of yourself besides. You're just as well off waiting for a shower." He gave AJ a smile and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder. "See? No worries. Don't get so worked up, eh? Now, let's get you in these clothes. Do I need to dress you, or do you think you can put them on yourself like a big girl?"

* AJ Wolf whines as the clothes are laid out on him, listening to to bull's explanation and calming down, feeling better that it was easy to get off. "You're lucky I just peed a little bit ago," The wolf pouts, eyes looking off to the side. He huffs, not answering the bulls question. "You said I could have fun, but I can't really do that with that...stuff on me. Why should I get dressed up for you?" He was less scared now and more upset, did the bull expect him to be locked up during all this? And what was he going to do exactly after he got dressed?

*Sten sighs and frowns at AJ a little. "That's correct, you *might* have fun, like I said. You'll almost certainly have more fun if you're not difficult." The bull picked up the clothes and set them delicately on the gym bag, then rocked back a bit, letting his weight off AJ. He grabbed the wolf by the hip and shoulder and rolled him back over onto his stomach, then slid him sideways back beneath Sten's knees, leaning forward and resettling his weight on AJ just as he had before. "And the reason you should get dressed up is because that is one of the things toys are for - playing dress up. You are my toy, so that is what you are going to do. It would be neat if you could do it yourself, but since you won't, it's no great bother to me to do it myself." The bull sounded vaguely disappointed, but not overmuch, and it was clear from his tone he'd have no more concern for AJ's wishes in putting on the outfit as he had in stripping him of his old one.

AJ Wolf: "Exactly how am I suppose to have fun though? This isn't very fair to me." The wolf says, watching Sten set the clothes aside. He squirmed as he was flipped over onto his belly and slid across the floor between the bull's knees, groaning as pressure was applied to him again to keep him in place. "D-dress up, really?" He was certainly being treated like a toy, like some doll, not even having a working male package anymore. Well, he couldn't use them right now anyway.

*Sten laughs and pats AJ's rump. "Geeze, you really are slow on the uptake, aren't you? It doesn't matter if it's fair to you. There's not even any such thing as fairness for you. It's like asking if something is fair for, geeze, a remote controlled car, or something." He shakes his head in disbelief, still chuckling as he reaches down and pulls AJ's legs together, lifting the wolf's feet a bit and putting a bit more pressure on his thigh where Sten's knee rested as he made the motion, then slipped the skirt over his feet. He barely moved it before grumbling and shaking his head, pulling it off and huffing to himself as he shook it right-side-out, then began sliding it on again, releasing the wolf's feet once it had cleared them. He slid it the rest of the way up quickly but carefully, not wanting to risk tearing or damaging it as it shimmied between the floor and AJ's legs, and trying to keep it straight. When it got just past his knees, Sten held AJ's tail down, letting it pass beneath the waistband through the hollow skirt. He smirked a bit at the effort it took to get the stretchy waist over AJ's rump and around his hips; apparently, he probably should have gone a size larger, but he figured that'd be fine for his purposes. When he was done, he sat up and grinned, giving AJ another playful swat on the rump; the fabric just barely extended past it down his thighs. "Oooh, you do look cute in that!"

* AJ Wolf sighs, yep just a toy. He turns his head and looks over his shoulder as his feet are lifted up, pressure applied to his thigh to keep him down. The wolf watched as the bull grabbed the skirt and fixed it before sliding it up his legs, making sure his tail went in as well before pulling it all the way up. Squirming from another swat he looks from the girly and very shirt skirt up to the big bull, not having an amused expression. "Great, I always wanted to be cute." He says sarcastically, not looking forward to the last piece of clothing.

*Sten rubbed AJ's back with his fingertips, choosing to ignore the tone of his voice for the moment. "Good, because you are!" He sat back off the wolf again, letting his weight off AJ. He put one hand on his back, the other on his rump, and slid him forward a bit, then put his right knee back down on AJ's calf, just enough pressure so the wolf would know he was there and not try to stand when Sten slid a hand beneath his chest and lifted him up, using the hand on AJ's rump to apply some guiding pressure, half lifting and half folding AJ into a kneeling position. He slid his hand around from AJ's rump to his crotch, on the outside of the skirt, and gripped firmly, not that AJ would feel it through the plastic enclosure, then let his knee off AJ's calf and pulled him through a quarter-turn, sliding him back between the kneeling bull's own legs, though a fair bit forward of him; AJ's ankles about even with Sten's knees. He reached over and grabbed the shirt, having to turn it around twice before it was right side up and facing the right direction, then held it out in front of AJ. "Can you manage this on your own, or do I have to tug your arms around and wrestle it on, too?"

* AJ Wolf stirred as finger tips moved across his back, hearing the bull purposefully ignore his sarcastic remark. He groaned as he was moved and man handled again, the bull constantly making sure to have something pressing down on him to keep him in place. After some sliding and bending he found himself kneeling in front of Sten, facing away with his ankles by the bull's knees. he glared at the first for a few moments before snatching it from the bull, "Yea, I guess...I know how to dress myself." THough he didn't normally wear women's clothing, especially something so skimpy, but he figured this would go faster and he might get on the bull's good side. AJ looked over the shirt a bit before sliding it on and straightening it out, looking down at himself in the very short skirt and shirt, not leaving much to the imagination.

*Sten beams happily at AJ from behind as he watches the toy pull on the shirt, particularly appreciating the way the wolf fastidiously arranged it to look neat and straight. He puts one big hand on top of AJ's head, fuzzling his fur around a bit before petting it smooth again and letting his fingers trail down to lightly tickle at the back of the wolf's neck. "Oh, such a good girl! Come on, let me get a look at you!" Sten stands up, then leans over and puts a hand on each of AJ's shoulders and simply lifts him straight up until his feet are just a little above the floor, then gently lowers him back down, giving him time to catch his footing before letting go, though he stands close enough to grab the wolf if he tries to move off. "Turn around a bit, so I can get a good look." The bull glances up, noticing Rein watching, and gives the human a wink. "And your other admirers, hehe."

* AJ Wolf enjoyed the petting, but he wasn't going to show it or say anything. He sighed at being called a 'good girl', getting ready to stand up when he felt the bull get up himself, but before he could Sten picked him up and set him on his feet. The wolf does a slow 360 in place, stopping to face the much taller bull. When admirers are brought up he glanced around the room, cheeks warming up as others had started to watch. "Happy?"

*Sten pats AJ on the head, nodding. "Mmm, yes. I do like this toy; I think I shall keep you." He reaches behind AJ, bending over him a bit to reach down and give the wolf's rump another playful squeeze. He leans over further, reaching into the gym bag and rummaging around for a moment, then pulling out a collar, colored a bright pink that matches the plastic coating on AJ's package, with a matching leash and a small padlock. Though the collar looks to be made of soft suede, it stands stiff in his hand; it had a sturdy nylon core, with the soft leather simply wrapped around the outside. Sten shifted around behind AJ an slipped the collar around the wolf's neck, fastening it snug, but not uncomfortably so, then securing the padlock further down the tail to keep it from being removed. He snapped the leash onto the collar, and gave it a playful little tug, chuckling as he did. "Just a few more final touches and you'll be the perfect little toy, wolf!"

* AJ Wolf mumbles underneath his breath, "I'm not a toy." It takes a second for the second part to click in his head, Speaking up now. "Wait, keep me? What are you talking about?" He shifts a bit as his rear is groped, the bull leaning over him and rummaging through the bag again. "What are you getting now?" The wolf asks, trying to turn and see but feeling the collar being secured around his neck before he can see it, the leash being clipped onto it. He stumbles forward with the tug, reaching up and feeling over the collar. "Th-there's more?"

*Sten slid the loop at the end of the leash over his wrist, then reached down into the bag again, coming back with a handful of what looked like more collars, though these were somewhat less stiff, and of varying lengths. "Just a few little tidbits, nothing to worry about." He selected a short one, first, dropping the others on the floor for the moment, and reached up with both hands to AJ's shoulders, wrapping his hands around the wolf's arms and sliding them down until he got to AJ's wrists. He gently, but quite firmly, pulled them around behind AJ's back until his wrists were overlapped, then slipped the strap around them and pulled it up snug. "No real need for you to be able to use those..." He picked the wolf up abruptly, then, and laid him out flat on the floor as he had before, face-down, and reached over for the longer straps he had initially discarded, setting them on AJ's back so he can get at them easily, then reaches down and grabs one of the wolf's ankles, pulling the leg up and bending it at the knee until AJ's heel is at his rump, then quickly snugs one of the long straps down just above the wolf's ankle, keeping his leg bent fully at the knee. He reaches over and does up the other leg just as efficiently, then pats AJ on the shoulder. " muzzle, or not to muzzle? That is the question."

* AJ Wolf raised a brow at the odd things the bull pulled from the bag, they looked similar to collars but he already had one on him. He was suspicious when the bull starting touching him, and rightfully so when his wrists are pulled behind his back and secured with the strange piece. "B-but I need my hands!" He protests, wriggling his wrists around with no luck of getting them out. The wolf yipped in surprised as he was picked up and laid back on the floor on his belly, whining as his legs were bent and his ankles were secured to the back of his thighs. "How am I suppose to move now?" AJ whimpers, not liking what he hears. "M-Muzzle? No muzzle, please!"

*Sten idly tickles his fingers through the exposed fur at the base of AJ's back, humming to himself thoughtfully, then finally nods. "Alright, we'll try it with no muzzle. I suppose I can always put one on later if I need to. Besides, I'm half tempted to...well, we'll get to that later, hehe." The bull slid a hand under AJ's waist again and stood up, picking the wolf up with him, then walked over to an open couch and sat down. He lifted the wolf around and settled him on the floor in front of him on his knees, bracing him up by one shoulder until he could settle himself upright, then Sten scooted to the edge of his seat, bringing his own crotch point-blank in front of AJ's face. "But if you're going to have the use of your mouth, I expect you to really use it. How about warming me up?" The bull reached down and gave his sheath a light squeeze; his comparatively blunt tip was already peeking an inch above the end, a bead of pre balancing on top of it for the moment.

* AJ Wolf squirms as the fingers move around his back, struggling against the restraints on his limbs. He was glad to hear that there would be no muzzle usage, but that fact that he couldn't use his limbs at all made him only feel slightly better. "H-Half tempted for what?" He asks before yipping as he is picked up and carried off, set on the floor in front of the bull. Wobbly on his knees at first, getting steady after a moment as he finds he has to lean back and sit on his calves. His eyes were face to face with the bull's groin, swallowing nervously at the big sheath and the head that was already peaking out. "W-warming you up for what?" he questions as he leans forward, figuring if he didn't do this he'd be muzzled. Taking a few breaths, he sticks his tongue out and laps at the bull's sheath and balls.

*Sten just chuckles at the question. "Oh, we'll see, depends on my mood when we're done. No point worrying over it now." He reaches out a hand and goes back to lightly scritching AJ's head, though he braces it in place and rocks his hips forward a bit further, mashing his crotch more firmly against AJ's nose when the wolf asks yet another question. He resumes petting, though, when he first feels the canine's tongue slipping over his sack, then up and down his sheath; the touch almost instantly earns a small twitch from the bull's member, and it begins steadily sliding further out, only beginning to hint at its full size. "Warming me up for you, of course. You don't think I'd go to all the trouble of making such a cute little toy and then not actually use it, do you? Now get busy with that mouth; we'll be here all day if all you do is take little licks at it."

AJ Wolf: "Mmmph," The wolf squirms as his face is pushed into the bull's groin, causing him to lick more quickly. He watches as more cock spills out of the sheath, licking up the sheath and to the erecting member. AJ could only imagine what the bull meant by using his 'cute little toy', his mind kept on going back to how he'd be fucked, unsure if he could take such a big cock, only able to guess at how much bigger it would get. When given the order he licks up to the tip of the bull's cock, then taking the head of it into his muzzle and gently sucking on it.

*Sten settles back and relaxes, arms behind his head and a silly grin on his face as he lets the wolf slowly work up his erection. When he feels his tip slip inside the wolf's maw, he snickers, shifting his hips just a little and sinking lower in his seat as his member begins growing more quickly. When it's most of the way out and only a bit flaccid still, he puts a thumb on the base, levering it down to keep it pointed at AJ as he sits up, putting his other hand on AJ's head again, though this time not petting, just bracing it in place and even pulling it towards himself a bit as he rocks his hips forward, jamming the first four inches or so of minotaur meat between AJ's jaws. He pats AJ on the head, then, grinning wide. "Keep at it, my little bitch, and we'll be ready in no time." He gives AJ's head another tug, forcing him a but further down on the shaft, then lets off, allowing him to pull back of his own accord.

* AJ Wolf glances up at the bull as he keeps sucking, taking in only a few inches as the big meat pole keeps erecting. Sten's cock practically took up all the space in his mouth, and it was erecting to a crazy length. It was beginning to escape his lips when the big cock started to erect and stand up, the bull catching it in time and pressing it back down to him. The wolf expects to have his face forced to take in more cock when the hand comes down to his head, surprised when it simply pets him. Though it doesn't last long before he is slowly pushed forward and the bull thrusts, more cock forced into his muzzle as he does his best to keep sucking. He coughs when he is tugged forward, more from surprise, glad when his head is released so he can pull back a bit.

*Sten lets AJ work on his shaft a bit longer, but finally he scoots back in his seat, taking his thumb off his shaft to let it stand up straight, then giving it a few slow, steady strokes to finish working it all the way up to it's full size. He pats AJ on the head, smirking at him. "Mmm...not bad. Not the best, but you got the job done, anyways. So...think you're ready to take this in the other end?" The bull stood up, leaving AJ where he was and simply stepping over him, intentionally not standing up all the way so his sack would drag over the top of AJ's snout and nose, then made his way over to where he'd left the gym bag, rummaging around inside it and pulling out a bottle of lubricant; by the time he came back to stand behind AJ, he already had a generous measure squirted into his palm and was methodically spreading it over the whole of his length, excess droplets occasionally falling down to patter onto AJ's head like super-slick rain.

* AJ Wolf pulled his head back when the cock slipped from his muzzle, the big thing almost hitting him in the nose on its way out. He watches as the bull strokes himself, now able to see the huge meat in all it's glory now, much bigger then he expected. The wolf rolls his eyes at what is said, he wasn't trying to do his best, why would he after the bull treated him the way he'd been treating the wolf. "T-take that...up my other end? I-I think you're too big unless you want me to kill me." He flinched back when the bull got up and dragged his sack across the wolf's face, obviously on purpose. Turning his head he watches the bull go to the bag once more, glad to see lube is brought out and not something more sinister. He watched as the bull slicked over his big meat, recoiling back when lube drips down on his head. "Hey, watch it!"

*Sten chuckles, ignoring AJ's protrests, both at his size and at the dripping lube. " do I want to use my toy, hmm? Face down, ass up is a classic, of course. But I'm thinking since you're not much more than a living fleshlight, maybe you ought to be used like one, hehe." The bull squats down behind the bound-up wolf, teasingly sneaking one hand beneath the skirt and taking hold of AJ's tail. He slides his hand down its length, lifting it when he gets to the tip, and lifting the skirt up a bit in the process, as if just going for a playful peek, before letting it fall back down. He puts his hands around AJ's waist, then, and stands up, turning around and reseating himself in the chair as he was before, though this time with the wolf in his lap, facing away from him. The bull squirts another little dab of lube onto the middle finger of his right hand, though it was hardly necessary with how messy he'd been preparing himself, then slipped his hand between his legs and under AJ's skirt, his other hand holding the wolf's tail clear until his finger found it's mark. He barely gave AJ the briefest contact as forewarning before roughly shoving the thick digit in to the middle knuckle. "Don't worry, you'll get at least a little warm up, too."

* AJ Wolf frowns as he is completely ignored again, the bull just going on about how he wanted to use his 'toy' as if he wasn't even there. He shifts on his calves as his tail is played with, wondering how being used as a flesh light would work if the bull decided to do that. He yips in surprise as he is lifted up by his waist, the bull sitting back down with himself in his lap. Since he was facing away he had to turn his head to see what the bull was up to, jerking and gasping as a thick, lubed didigt was quickly slid up his tight hole. "O-Oh, shit!"

*Sten snorts derisively at AJ's reaction, roughly jamming his finger in more deeply, then slowly grinding it around, stretching the wolf even further, side to side, back and forth. "Hah, my fingers might be thick, but they're not *that* thick compared to what you've gotta take here in a minute. You're in for a real ride, I think; better brace yourself." As he said it, the bull slid his finger back until it was nearly out of the wolf, then added his forefinger alongside the other and just as roughly as before shoved both into the wolf, immediately resuming his grinding, stretching motions, occasionally adding in a few pumps back and forth, but focusing almost entirely on getting AJ's hole as open as possible, as fast as possible; the bull's cock was throbbing by now, desperate to be used and drooling fat globs of pre out the tip and down in tiny rivulets all down his length. "Mmm, feeling good, wolf? I think I'm going to enjoy this."

* AJ Wolf whines as the finger is moved around in his hole, loosening and stretching his muscles. "I-I still think you're too big, there's no way you can fit it all into me...and how am i suppose to brace myself? I can't even get around on my-" He cuts himself off with a groan as a second finger is added to the mix, swirling around his hole. It was painful at first, but didn't take long to get pleasurable, his cock twitching and straining to become erect. "N-No I'm not, my penis hurts in that stupid plastic."

*Sten grinds his fingers deep into AJ, working them hard side to side. "Oooh, getting excited, are you? Well, don't worry. You'll get that plastic off after we're done, somehow or other, hehe. Then you can paw yourself to your heart's content." Sten abruptly pulls his fingers out. "Hope that's good enough, because I'm tired of waiting. I can't imagine how much more pent up you must feel in that little enclosure, hehe. But you'll just have to wait until I'm done." He grabs AJ's tail in one hand, pulling it up and to the side, the presses it flat against AJ's ribcage, his other hand pressing against the wolf from the other side as he lifts AJ straight up, over a foot above him to clear the massive bovine shaft. He slumps a little more in his seat, pulling AJ toward himself to get the messy, fingerfucked hole lined up with his tip, then slowly lowers AJ onto it. He doesn't pull down, but rather keeps AJ balanced in place, letting gravity do most of the work for him. His blunt, if narrow, tip slips easily inside the wolf, and the first few inches of his tapered shaft quickly follow before it begins widening past what his two fingers had been able to do, but Sten keeps his touch light on AJ's sides, watching with a silly grin on his face as AJ's own weigh forces him to slide further down, though his progress slows the deeper in the shaft gets, finally stopping when Sten is only half-buried in AJ, though at that point the wolf is already holding more cock than many males had in full.

* AJ Wolf squirms in place on the bull's lap, his cock desperately wanting to harden up. "I-I can get it off after, you promise?" He asks hopefully, unsure how long he could last before going crazy or having to pee. "B-but what do you mean, somehow? I thought you knew how." The wolf eeps as his tail is grabbed and he is lifted up, the bull apparently losing his patience with warming him up. He gulps nervously, looking down at the impending doom that was the bull's massive cock. Wincing when it finally happens, the cock slipping into his hole and feeling smaller than he imagined, that is until he kept going down, groaning in pleasure and pain from the penetration as he got stuffed and his encased cock. "O-Oh god, it's so big.." He groans out, looking down and seeing there was still more to go.

*Sten begins to get a little impatient, his cock twitching and throbbing within the wolf, desperate for the action to truly begin. "Oh yes, you can get it off after. I already told you, all it takes is some moisture." Sten puts a hand on AJ's shoulder and presses down slightly, adding a bit more pressure and forcing the wolf down a few more inches, then moves his hand back down to AJ's side, gripping him firmly once again with both hands and lifting him up steadily half a foot or so, then just as slowly lowers him back down. "Halfway there, though!" He repeats the process, letting himself drag AJ just a little further down his length each time, but mostly giving the wolf's pucker a much-needed respite while keeping his own member well entertained. He begins lifting and lowering the wolf a little bit faster, pulling him down a little bit harder each time, beginning to once again force his shaft to penetrate deeper and deeper, the steady tapering making it a little bit more of a stretch every inch of the way. He begins breathing a bit harder with the effort, when an idea occurs to him, and he can't help but laugh at the thought - he picks AJ up again, until only the first three inches are still inside him, then abruptly lets go, catching him again to keep him from falling to one side when he stops moving down. The bull grunts, snickering with pleasure at the feeling, but decides not to repeat it for fear he accidentally drop AJ all the way. Instead, he puts a hand on each of AJ's shoulders and simply pulls down, slowly but surely sinking the wolf down until, finally, the wolf is sitting at the slight bulge of Sten's unflared knot. "Almost there, little toy." He reaches up and gives AJ a few headrubs, letting him sit there balanced on the massive shaft for a moment to give them both a bit of a breather.

* AJ Wolf tenses up as he is used very much like a flesh light, not having thought he'd be used just like that. The wolf was clenching his teeth as he kept going up and down, his hole being stretched around the massive cock and his own desperately trying to spring up into action. "H-Half way?" He groans, unsure if he could take it all and survive. Thankfully the bull wasn't completely heartless, giving small breaks every so often to adjust before he was lifted up and down once more. The wolf gasped when he was lifted up so only a few inches were left inside and he was let go, falling down the big meat pole before being grabbed onto again. "No no, i-it's too much!" AJ whines as Sten pushes down on his shoulders, forcing him down even further, his belly starting to bulge slightly with bull cock. He thought he had taken it all when he felt the knot, not knowing that that is what is was. "A-Almost there?"

*Sten nods, giving AJ a few more headrubs. "Mhm. Just the knot left, though I think I want to play with you a little more before we try that, hehe." The bull grabs AJ by the waist again and slowly lifts him up, stopping about halfway this time before dragging him back down again, still needing to put a little effort into it to force the wolf all the way down against that beginning bulge. He starts steadily working AJ up and down, massive arms flexing with the effort, but his face is split in a wide grin, his breathing occasionally catching or coming out in a rough grunt when his sensitive shaft slides past AJ's inner walls in *just* the right way, and he can't help slowly building up his the rhythm, a bit faster each time. He half-smiles, half-grimaces when he realizes that, much fun as he's having, it's also making his knot slowly swell as his balls pull up steadily tighter against his body. Much as he'd like to keep pumping his wolftoy up and down his shaft, he realizes if he's going to get that knot in, he'd better hurry up and do it, so the next time he lifts AJ, without warning, he slams the wolf down hard, wincing at the effort as it only stretches him enough to just begin letting the knot in, but he doesn't pause for a moment before lifting AJ up again and slamming him back down just as hard, this time bucking his hips up to meet the wolf coming down. Sten lets out a groan of effort as he pulls down on AJ, feeling the wolf stretch around him, but it's not quite enough, and he lets out a gasp of air as he drops his hips and lifts AJ again. "One'll fit, it's almost there."

AJ Wolf: "kn-knot, you have a knot?! N-No, there no way you can get that to fit!" The wolf struggles against the strap holding his wrists together, getting distracted when he is brought up and down once more. As much as it hurt at first, being used roughly and being stretched beyond belief, it was rather enjoyable now, being pulling up and down on the big shaft. It would've been even more fun if his cock wasn't painfully trying to get erect every few seconds, especially when his prostate was being rubbed, not even able to leak pre. The wolf yelps when he is brought up and brought down rough, his hole stretching a bit from the knot, yelping again with the action is repeated, the knot sinking in a bit more. "No, it hurts, please!"

*Sten ignores the wolf altogether, now, too intent on his own satisfaction to care what AJ's opinion is. He lifts AJ a bit higher, nearly off his shaft in fact, then drops the wolf down as hard as he can, bucking up to meet him once more, grinding his hips just a little to force that last little bit past the threshold, and his knot finally pops in. He lets out a groan of satisfaction as his knot begins quickly flaring, soon bulging out an extra inch wider to either side than his shaft at the base. He holds AJ down hard against himself to try to get as deep as he can, then lets his hips relax, dropping back down nearly to the cushion before driving them up again, though it has little effect except to jerk and roll the knot around somewhat inside AJ, burning Sten's arousal higher and satisfying his instincts that he is well and truly tied to AJ, pulling his climax out of him. The bull nearly roars as his balls begin emptying their strangely thick seed into the bound-up wolf, adding intermittent thrusts as the orgasm rolls on and on, the slight bulge in AJ's stomach from Sten's cock turning into a broad swelling as he is filled with minotaur cum.

* AJ Wolf gulps nervously as he is ignored once again, lifted up all the way to the top of the bull's cock before being roughly pulled down once more. He can't help but yelp in pain as the knot forces its way into his hole, getting even bigger once inside his hole. The wolf strains against the restraints on his limbs, squirming slightly as he gritted his teeth trying to adjust to the huge cock and knot inside him. If the roaring wasn't enough of an indicator that the bull came, his swelling belly was another clear sign. "Fuck, oh fuck!"

*Sten lets out a long, low groan, flopping back in the chair and casually tugging AJ with him just to keep the wolf from flopping forward and becoming a pendulum on his knot. He idly trails his fingers through the fur on AJ's belly, snickering to himself and unable to resist poking and prodding at the swelling a little. "Oh, hey. I should've mentioned before. I, uh...have a tendency to impregnate almost everybody I fuck without a condom. I mean, *anybody*. That includes guys. You probably want to be aware of that; it's a distinct possibility, heh. Oh. And about this." The bull slides his hand down and gives the plastic encasing AJ's package a light rap with his knuckles. "I was thinking, your oral could use a little work. You could kill two birds with one stone; just lick it until it dissolves. It's non-toxic, though I suspect it tastes pretty bland. Feel free to get to work on that whenever you like. It usually takes a good twenty minutes for my knot to go down anyways."

* AJ Wolf grunts as he is pulled back with the bull, the cock in his rear shifting as it happens. The wolf was panting now, not having physically moved much on his own, but his tail hole had taken a beating. "Wh-what, you have to be kidding. I-I'm a guy, I can't get pregnant! And how do you expect me to lick myself, especially now? I can barely reach my groin with my mouth normally, I can't do it with your huge cock in me and my bulging stomach." he whines, "Please just get a wash cloth or something and get it off"

*Sten chuckles and lightly rubs AJ's belly again. "Oh, believe me, you can. Can't really be helped at this point, just luck of the draw I guess. Hmmm...tell ya what, though. I can take that plastic off you right now and leave you tied up for the night, OR, I can let you out of your straps, and you can deal with the plastic yourself later. Your pick."

* AJ Wolf stirs a bit when his belly is rubbed, feeling so stuffed. "Tied up for the night? Noooo way, I rather you take the straps off now and I can wash it off later. I can't even get around on my own, I don't want to stay like that all night."

*Sten grins and pats AJ on the head, but he puts on a mock-disappointed voice. "Awww, don't want to be left out for others to play with? Oh well, I suppose you probably want to stretch your legs a bit; I can understand that." The bull pushes AJ up off him a bit, taking a moment to double-check the locking mechanisms on AJ's collar and leash to be sure they can't be removed, then reaches down and begins undoing straps, first the arms, then each leg. "There we are." The bull rocks himself forward and, with a grunt, stands up, one hand to AJ's chest to keep him balanced in place atop the minotaur's still-swollen knot, and trudges his way across the room, snatching one of the remotes off the wall. He carries it and AJ both back to his chair and settles in comfortably again, then begins playing with buttons until he finds one that will releases a solid clamp in the armrest, clearly meant to hold somebody's arms, but for his purposes, he just slipped the wrist-loop of AJ's leash through it and engaged the mechanism, locking the wolf to the chair, then tossed the remote back over against the far wall and out of reach. "Feel free to climb off whenever you think you can, then you can go about licking the rest of yourself to freedom. I'm going to have a little rest."

* AJ Wolf pulls his arms to his front, rubbing his wrists before unfolding his legs. "Much better, h-hey!" the wolf squirms as the bull stands up, carried once more except this time he's stuck to the bull's knot. "What are you doing now?" The wolf asks as the bull grabs a remote and returns to his seat, messing with the buttons before securing the leash to the couch and tossing the remote. "Wha-?" He reached up and tries to remove the collar or leash, not having much luck with either. "Hey, don't go to sleep! You didn't say anything about tying me down!"

Torrey vs The Zerg

\*Mister Morgan half-assedly pounce-tackles Torrey from behind, wrapping him up with his forepaws and groaning as he snugs the wolf tightly. " not feeling at all well. I really think I may have eaten something I shouldn't have." If Torrey...

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Rick's Morning

Rick groaned. It was a deep sound, full of unspeakable agony. He blinked his eyes open, vision focusing slowly on the water-stained ceiling, not really aware of himself or his surroundings. He spent a good ten seconds like that - staring, confused,...

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