Angle of Sin

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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]Well long time ago I promised separate series based on the individuals of the punishment game. This is my first attempt at a very unique idea that had Cloe as a sort of Angel of Judgement but with a nice twist I hope will surprise you at the very end

PS In the original punishment game, featuring all humans I imagined Cloe to be English, when I made the furry transfer she just became a deer because I see most English women as timid and strangely beautiful, but as a human she was British so bear with her accent for now, she is still a deer but she sounds so cool, like pre tomb raider transfer laura croft.

Also for the record I AM an Agnostic, meaning I believe in A god but no religion, this is a work of fiction, so if you find the concept of a merciful god offensive then don't read it will serve to piss you off, I make some refferences but if your religion hates the Christian god then DON'T READ IT, if your not an amoral asshole and can accept that there are different people in this world that can believe what they want to believe without being stupid or wrong, then please enjoy

Angel of Sin: Cock and Barrel

The night was dark but with enough light to atmospherically make any alleyway terrifying. Yes the back streets looked like something from a horror movie with low budget lighting. Yet they were the only way to avoid the red light district that so many young innocent minded furs feared. The star of the night though, a young dalmatian lad by the name of Xerxes found no fear in the dark alleyways. Xerxes was a fine young man, proud upstanding member of the community, fine moral fiber which he applied to every day of his life, not superstitious or evil in anyway. But as fate would have it his destiny and that of everyone he knew would change, so suddenly with just a choice of path.

"Ew, that's the red light district" Xerxes veered to the left and took the dark alleyway down into the main residential area. Sunday was the best time for the red light district, something about scoffing at the day of rest and making their girls work twice as hard for the same price as always, Xerxes found this unsavory and would rather risk being mugged than being groped.

As Xerxes walked down the alley he felt a wind at his back. It smelt odd, no it reeked of something like shame. "I better get home" Xerxes pulled up his coat collar to cover his mouth and broke into a silent run hearing something following him. As he turned he could have sworn that he saw a pair of red eyes following him. He felt something take his feet out from under him and with a resounding force that same something pinned him against the ground. It was then that he felt something rip his jacket apart by the zipper, and again the same invisible claws tear his pants clean off.

"What the hell!?" Xerxes crawled away and saw the same glowing red eyes, but then stopped they weren't eyes, they were too big. "HOLY CRAP!" instead of a pair of menacing eyes he found he was being stalked by a large bright red bra holding back a pair of visible DD breasts. "What in the world" Xerxes watched as more of his mystery attacker appeared, a pair of silk black panties, then it's thigh's, legs, feet, torso, arms, hands, and fingers. In nearly a minute the entire creature was visible.

The attacker herself, as she was definitely a her, wasn't a furry like Xerxes she was human like but had the traits of a serpent. a pair of fangs that curled down to her lips and a black slit for a pupil in her yellow eyes. "Hello, Little boy" The serpent woman greeted Xerxes and cracked a wicked smile.

"Hello, um.. are you.. okay?" Xerxes muttered and backed up against a wall, something inside of him told him to be afraid. He watched the odd woman weave herself up to him pinning his arms and legs to the ground as she watched his maleness with an odd stare. "Hey.. let me go" Xerxes tried to weakly argue but the woman was so beautiful.. so seductive.

"Hey that's not nice, I'm going to give you the time of your life and you're rejecting me you'll hurt my feelings" The woman giggled and slowly lowered herself onto Xerxes crotch, rubbing it between her thighs and hissing happily. "Oh, yes I haven't felt a good dick between my legs for some odd amount of years" The snake woman leaned in and sucked on Xerxes neck rubbing her fangs across his bare flesh, so sultry, so alluring.

"I don't like this?" Xerxes tried to protest but something about this woman made her... undeniable, he couldn't say no, no he wasn't able to actually say the word no, he could only lay paralyzed by her beauty. "Yes, It feels so good" Xerxes found himself entranced by her, that was when what was happening to him became clear, being religious he didn't believe in ghosts and such, but many biblical stories held proof of an ancient seducer of men, the succubus.

"That's a good boy, let me take you to another world and then we can play together forever" The succubus smiled and readied to finish her pray when a gunshot scared her away with a loud bang. Xerxes spun around laying naked in the alley to find another woman, this one a female doe with long hair and a serious look in her eyes. She walked over as he blacked out, the poison of the succubus taking it's toll on his mind.

"Tch, missed" The doe coughed and looked down, seeing a young dalmatian with a hard erection laying naked in the alley. "Huh, he could be useful" She sighed and picked the boy up slumping him over her shoulder. "I should get out of here, these kind of alleys just attract sex demons" The woman fled as fast as her feet could carry her, now not only weighted down but severly worried that if she didn't make it back to her home in time the young man on her shoulders would die.

"Hello little boy" Cloe smirked as the young man awoke inside her apartment on the couch. "You've been out for some time now" She muttered making a pot of tea. "Want some, it's tai" Cloe poured a cup of her favorite tea and sat down patting the empty seat next to her. "Come sit" She glanced over as the boy curled up and began to cry.

"I don't know what you want but I don't have any money, oh please don't hurt me mystery attacker!" Xerxes whimpered and Cloe sighed. "Oh what I'm not hot enough, you don't have to be so mean as well as being a kidnapper!" Xerxes was panicking he had a real problem with what happened.

"Look you little git, first off I didn't attack you, second If I WAS your attacker I would have left you in the alley way dick rock hard, thirdly Shut up and drink the bloody tea" Cloe didn't like being accused of things she didn't do. "Christ think you got a big willy and suddenly you're the target of every back alley Bob and Jane" Cloe sipped her tea and waited for her instructions to be followed. "Now be a good lad and sit" Cloe glared over and the boy refused to move, turning admittedly red faced. "Oy now what's wrong do I scare you or something!?"

Xerxes shook his head and blushed turning away and coughing. "Your naked" He mumbled trying not to look at the nude Doe, her slender form and lush curves making him feel a tad on the uncomfortable side.

"What of it, It's a free country, a woman can walk around nude if she wants to in her own home" Cloe wasn't that sympathetic towards Xerxes virgin skittishness around nude women, the kind he thought he'd only see on the internet.

"look please just put something on, I.. I don't feel right" Xerxes whined and Cloe sighed doing as he wished and putting on a light see through night gown with a pair of black lace panties, a rose on the center, she didn't bother to fasten a bra because she didn't own one, she didn't want to squish her pride and joys. "That's not much better" Xerxes moaned softly, inside his head he was screaming a raging horny fit.

"We'll it's this or natural" Cloe muttered and then picked up on it, the energy that brought the Succubus to attack him. "Oh.. I get it, your a prudent little thing aren't you?" Cloe chuckled and set her drink down, now coming over to Xerxes who curled up. "Yes in denial about so much and yet, you are so very curious, wanting to explore the big boy world" Cloe chuckled sinisterly and walked over, each stride she would give her hips a gentle swing, watching as Xerxes honed in on their movement. "Now be a good boy and don't fight it, it's natural you know, wanting to fuck someone as hot as me, or any thing that will willingly let you, trust me I know all about those urges" Cloe leaned in and licked Xerxes ear making him shiver and pant slowly.

"Well I mean I am.. becoming an adult" Xerxes tried more to reason with himself than explain his reasoning to Cloe, in fact he didn't care if she knew anything about him, with her supple body so close, he need only reach out and touch it. Then he felt something inside him snap, not just snap but ripple through out his entire body, like an earthquake he felt himself lunge forward and grab Cloe's hands.

"You're MINE NOW BITCH!" A voice erupted from Xerxes, it was more feminine but very masculine in a way, it had a commanding quality to it's credit which made Xerxes shiver, it was so strange, he didn't feel like he was in control, but much to his surprise Cloe wasn't even stunned she was smiling, as if she had caught a rat in a baited trap.

"I see it wasn't a demonic booty call, it was something much more disgusting" Cloe kicked Xerxes off of her and spun around grabbing a gun from under the couch. "Listen up Succubus, you have one minute to come out of the boy before I blow you both away"

A few seconds passed by and a heavily female voice slipped from Xerxes lips. "Ah Cloe you are always so fun to play with, we both know you won't shoot an innocent fur in order to kill a demon, that's not your style at all" The demon began to laugh but then a gunshot stopped it's process abruptly. ".. Damn.. it" Xerxes fell to the ground, a large hole in his chest, black blood bleeding out onto the floor.

Cloe's only reaction to the bleeding teen was simply a sigh. "Damn all over my new carpet too, took me months to track down enough demons to pay for that, oh well.. guess shit happens" Cloe clicked her gun once more and aimed it at Xerxes head. "See you in the next life, kid" She pulled the trigger and with a resounding bang filled the entire room with Xerxes blood.

Xerxes awoke in a cold shiver, laying in a hospital bed with bite marks along his neck and thigh, scratches covering his entire form. "Was that all a dream?" Xerxes certainly wasn't dead, he hurt too much for that to be true. Xerxes sighed and leaned back seeing the people walk by the room until a nurse entered she clicked her tongue and giggled.

"My what a naughty boy, you were admitted with scrapes and whip marks found passed out in the red light district, I should spank you but you'd probably enjoy it" The nurse tittered and when Xerxers looked up he nearly fell backwards in fear.

"YOU!" Xerxes shouted and moved to run but felt the crippling pain of a nearly broken ankle stop him.

"Me.. me who?" The nurse blinked curiously and shook her head. "Must be the morphine anyway my name is" The nurse began to speak but then was interrupted.

"YOU SHOT ME, YOU SHOT ME TWICE!" Xerxes rambled on and the nurse shook her head laughing. What was so damn funny, was this all a game, did Xerxes die and go to hell, where he would be made to suffer again and again?

"I heal people silly boy, not shoot them, anyway my name is Nurse Dozen and I am going to be your caretaker, so you can call me Miss Cloe okay?" The nurse smiled, a bright and beautiful female Doe with shimmering blue eyes and a uniform that barely fit her massive chest. "Don't worry I'm extra soft and very careful with the younger patients" Cloe giggled and leaned in kissing Xerxes head.

"You stay away, you nudist assassin!" Xerxes screamed for help but only got a warm hug from Nurse Cloe Dozen, his head squished between her warm soft breast, coddling him like a scared infant she began to hum and try to soothe him into slumber. "but it was so real.. so vivid" Xerxes looked down and his entire face began to flush of color, a hard stiffy waiting to greet him underneath his bed sheets

"Oh my, maybe I was a bit overzealous again, I'm sorry dear" The nurse blushed and looked around moving the cover. "That's normal for a boy your age, you're probably going through your first rut, if anything I am flattered" Cloe turned red and wrapped her hands around Xerxes member. "Let me help you with that it's one of my duties as a nurse in this hospital" Cloe trembled as she spoke and began to stroke along Xerxes hardened cock making him tense and stiffen more.

"STOP!.. stop no really it's okay it's just morning wood, alright, I can take care of it I don't want to make you uncomfortable Miss Cloe" Xerxes wormed out of her hands and into a protective ball curled up for some sense of sanity.

"Oh okay, I don't want to make you uncomfortable either Xerxes if there is anything I can get you, then just ring the bell.. your parents dropped off some school work, you're being held in the hospital for a while until you get better and heal up from your.. escapades" Nurse Cloe turned bright pink reading the rap sheet the police had charged him with, in honesty he was more CONFINED there as a jail cell with recovery service.

"Great, what did I do exactly Miss Cloe?" Xerxes asked so very confused, he always did his best to avoid things like the red light section but they said he was found passed out inside a club, maybe they meant outside the limits of one but never inside right?

"Oh you um, well you went after a girl working in a club, then paid fifty to have sex with her, beat her during, then beat the manager up, after that you went into an S&M club and asked to be beaten until you could barely breath." Cloe read the list from memory, her face never returning to it's white former.

"Oh.. my.. god" Xerxes wanted to die, had he really done all that, no it wasn't his fault he was a good kid. "You gotta believe me miss cloe I didn't do it, it was a demon that possessed me!" Xerxes pleaded with Cloe for some sympathy getting the old, comforting eyes from her as she patted his head and hugged him

"I believe you Xerxes, all young men must face a demon inside of themselves, and when they conquer it they become a real man!" Nurse Cloe spat out the same shit he had always heard about the first rut being a wild time but this wasn't his time.

"NO I really mean a demon, like a succubus with fangs and everything!" Xerxes just wanted SOMEONE to believe him, he wanted so bad for someone to believe him but it was clear that Cloe thought he was crazy.

"Get some sleep dear" Nurse Cloe patted Xerxes head and walked off, her tail sticking out from the back of her uniform, her thong rising slightly above the waistband of her shorts ridding her body like skin tight leather.

"Just Fucking Great" Xerxes rolled over and sighed residing to take a long well needed nap.

Chapter 2: No Rest for the Wicked

Later that night Xerxes began to sweat while still sleeping, an astounding twelve hour nap, occasionally Cloe came into check on him. During her last visit Xerxes began to moan in pain and roll in his sheets, Cloe taking a chair and sitting next to him patting his stomach, until she saw his member rise up like a cheesy ghost , under the sheets. She turned red but didn't look away, a very modest young woman Cloe had a natural fascination with the male body, even though she saw it everyday.

"It's impressive" Cloe muttered to herself trying her hardest to restrain her emotions as she felt the surge of nymphomaniac pressure hit her like a brick wall. "No Cloe you're better than this, you got your assistant degree and you're a nurse now doing a patient is unethical!" Nurse Cloe repeated to herself until she saw Xerxes move, drawn by her doubt and sexual repression he leaped onto her with a mighty growl, bearing his teeth and snarling as she hit the wall.

"Ye of so little faith, it might be unprofessional but it's rather RUDE not to do everything in your power to make a patient feel better right?" Xerxes chuckled and reached down, pulling Cloe's tight shorts off of her slowly, a pink side tied bikini thong along her tender sex, Xerxes could smell it..

"Xerxes stop it" Cloe trembled, she could feel such astounding power coming from the dominant young dog. She could also feel his mighty erection prodding her underwear, like a snake looking for a home. "Stop it now or I will call the cops and they will take you to prison!" Cloe weakly threatened but nothing stopped Xerxes as he leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"How rude, I'm about to give you the ride of your life and you reject me, you'll hurt my feelings Nurse Dozen Cloe" Xerxes chuckled and pushed forward. Xerxes held Cloe as she became rigid, her vaginal folds parting by show of submission to the whims of Xerxes, his hard cock tip sinking deeper into her, until it suddenly stopped a wide smile spreading over Xerxes face. "Oh... ho"

"P, please stop" Cloe was reduced to tears trying vainly to fend off the young hormone crazed dog she whimpered pathetically, feeling the hard cock head press against her hymen, like Xerxes Cloe was a fruitful virgin.

"Oh how sweet I get to take the lush virginity of a public service worker, they will be very proud of me when I get back" Xerxes reared himself back, like a cobra preparing to strike, he swirled around in Cloe for a second until LUNGING forward suddenly and breaking Cloe's innocence in two, with a spurt of blood Xerxes began to rapidly pump into his newly acquired prey

"Sto.. stop it, it's not TOO, LATE!" Cloe screamed and gasped, where were the security guards, probably watching television or something, she was totally helpless, feeling his dick prod inside her, deeper and deeper until it broke the cervix and entered the womb, with a satisfied grin Xerxes paused.

"Don't pretend you don't like it you slut, just like this boy you hid your sexuality and drew me out like a fresh rat to be swallowed, now I am going to devour my prey and have my way" Xerxes hissed like a serpent and then began to jerk violently inside of Cloe. Cloe screamed out and clenched her attacker, not in truth wanting him to stop, going so far as to move onto the bed and spread her legs out like she was giving birth, ready to accept what this boy had to offer, in the name of losing her virginity.

"Such a willing little slut" Xerxes panted and rose pressing himself between Cloe's clit and pinching her nub with his teeth. "Suck on my cock until I feel you are ready to receive my seed" Xerxes snarled and stuck his thin stiff tip inside of Cloe's mouth, using the bite to her clitoris as a way to open her mouth. Cloe willingly obeyed and began to run her tongue around the red and hot member, suckling the dripping tip.

Xerxes let out a pleased mur, pushing his tongue into her vagina with a soft grunt he began to lick the entire organ inside out sucking on the folds as he grazed the walls so tenderly, until he tasted a hot sweet juice pour onto his tongue. Xerxes lifted his hips and let her moan and whimper for his cock, taking his fingers and spreading her folds out Xerxes shoved all but his entire head into her vagina, spreading it and licking out the cum like a hollow ice cream cone, or the puddle at the bottom of a bowl.

"OH MY GOD!" Cloe shivered and yelped but then felt the hard force of Xerxes hips hitting her face.

"DON'T EVER MENTION THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE EVER AGAIN!" Xerxes snarled and ripped his dick away. Spinning around and grabbing Cloe by the wrists pinning them above her head while pushing himself into her depths and stretching her out with his knot. "I AM YOUR ONE AND ONLY GOD, I AM THE ALMIGHTY AND THE INFALLIBLE ME ME ME!" Xerxes seemed to go insane at this word and then like an ocean wave he flooded Cloe's womb with hot canine seed spreading it around her. Cloe had since passed out but a strong presence was felt inside her, Xerxes suddenly blacked out and returned once more to the world of his nightmares.

"Quite the mess you've gotten me into kid" Cloe mumbled as she drug Xerxes into the middle of her 'appartment' taking her time and binding him to the floor with belts and shackles. "Infact you might put my career to an end in as little as a year, do you know how HARD it is to be an angel inside an infant's body.. Christ this wasn't supposed to happen until my retirement, then I'd pass the torch, good fucking going ya stupid wanker" Cloe grumbled very distastefully. She contined to mark her flooring with a strange runic symbol and mutter to herself about how bad this all was, Xerxes who was now utterly lost and terrified just gave in with a sigh.

"So you're an angel now, first your a hunter, then you're a nurse, now you're an angel WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY LIFE!" Xerxes shouted and Cloe whapped his nose hard. "Ow.. fuck" Xerxes never cursed but now he felt the time was entirely appropriate.

"Firstly I have never been a hunter, or a nurse, secondly you are having trouble seperating this realm and that realm, this room doesn't exist it's a manifestation of my will to house you, I am an angel and I have possessed this young woman in the hopes of eradicating the evil demons that lay waiting around your city, THAT ENTIRE RED LIGHT SECTION IS THEIR DEN!" Cloe was very aggrivated, what did this boy know to call her a hunter, a pure sport chaser, she was following devine thinking and doling out appropriate justice. "As to why your life went to the shitter, you're possessed by a succubus, not any succubus but a strong one that desires to spread it's kind.. that bite was like the demonic equivilent of fertilizing an egg, that Succubus implanted some of it's energy into your mind and soul, and now a baby succubus is festering inside of you" Cloe explained it bluntly not caring if Xerxes believed her, that wouldn't stop her from doing her job.

"Okay say I believe you, what are you doing to me to stop this, thing?" Xerxes had enough wierd experiences in the day to be ready to accept anything as possible, besides he was pretty sure he just raped someone, while not in control. "What can I do?" Xerxes was determined to end this craziness once and for all, by any crazy means neccesary if he had to swallow a rosary he would.

"Let me suck it out of you, stupid" Cloe responded with a straight face painting something along her stomach and chest, it looked like a incantation of some sort, though Xerxes couldn't read it, it was a bunch of symbols and lines. Cloe finished painting her design and then stepped into the circle she had bound Xerxes in, the paint glowing a bright shine and forming a magic barrier. "Now doesn't that sound simple, just lay back and try to bear with it" Cloe began her 'extraction prosess' by squatting over xerxes body, leaning in and taking his crotch with her bare hands she began to rub it in her palms, first quickly to build up friction, but then gently to keep a warm glow aroound it. Her body pressed against his, her crotch to his muzzle and dangling infront of him, spread out and so warm and well scented. Xerxes tried very hard to ignore this blessed gift infront of him but couldn't as his male instincts got the better of him and he reached out his tongue, giving Cloe's exposed pussy a quick lick with his wet tongue. "Cheeky" Cloe murred softly and spread her legs out more, using her pussy to bait the demon once again rubbing it against Xerxes muzzle feeling his tongue dart out timidly and give her light soft strokes.

"That is not helping at all" Xerxes tilted his head back and let Cloe ride his muzzle, his nose pressed deep into her cunt as she slid along his mouth and face, his erect penis taking no shame in showing itself to the one who called it from it's sleep, greeting Cloe with a modest seven inches of red canine cock. Cloe took this as a great sign that her methods were working in drawing the demon out. She began to emit a light scent from her vagina, one used for mating and attracting multiple males into one given area, used on one single male, it would drive them berserker. Xerxes worked as hard as he could to resist the scent but it flooded his nose and danced around in his brain, pulling leavers in his head that made him shift from the sweet and gentle Xerxes to the maddened hormone driven sex maniac that attacked the young beautiful doe nurse in the real world.

"Ah you bitch you couldn't leave well enough alone?" A brief glimps of the infantile demon inside of Xerxes showed as he came crashing backwards in attempt to knock himself out.

"Ah damn it that hurt" Xerxes whimpered and his hands reached up grabbing Cloe's hips and pulling them down, down further along his muzzle where he could lap at her womb, inside her womb so nice and warm.. The demon viciously bit and licked at Cloe's supple pussy pulling the folds aside and nibbling them between his teeth. Xerxes was completely helpless as something inside him began to puppet him around. Xerxes had never imagined such things were possible, he saw sex as the basic position of a woman on the bottom with a man penetrating her, even a technique named after his more wild ancestors was a total mystery to him.

"You won't win playing a game with his body, he's still a weak virgin, he doesn't know anything you're fighting with a hand tied behind your back, if you were out here we could have some real fun" Cloe taunted the demon inside of Xerxes whipping around and breaking it's grip, taking her cunt and slidding down and around Xerxes throbbing red hard penis, her folds clasping around the knot. "I will show you things even demons don't know about, little boy" Cloe raised her hips and glidded around the entrapped penis, using her muscles to form a tight seal. The skin kissed the hard cock muscle and quivered as it neared the knot and the tip, swirving in the other direction repeatedly.

"Fucking whore you're not playing fair!" The demon snarled and began to move, from Xerxes head into his chest, a large lump forming in his throat and still traveling down.

"AH GOD GET IT AWAY KILL IT OR SOMETHING!" Xerxes panicked there was little wierder than seeing the scene from Aliens come true, but this was MUCH wierder as he knew it wasn't an alien it was a demon stiring inside his body.

"Shut up and let me work!" Cloe shouted as she twisted her hips squeezing Xerxes cock and making him yelp, the succubus inside of him now more intruiged as it was a hard core massochist, such as Xerxes first night showed signs of possession, Cloe close behind him since he saved him initially, implanted into his mind like the succubus, waging heavenly war on the intruder of man.

The demon worked down into Xerxes stomach, and stopped at his hips. For a momment there was quiet and then an explosion of pain ran up Xerxes body, his cock expanding to nearly four times it's normal size, something inside of him coming out through that tiny, tiny exit. Xerxes howled in pain and began to cry, it was excrutiating, he once heard his dad pass a kidney stone, he heard his mom give birth, THIS was a cross between the both of them and nearly one hundred fold worse then both combined and multiplied by four. The head slowly worked it's way out of Xerxes head and began to snarl at Cloe, but was quickly snuffed out as Cloe pinned Xerxes down and pushed herself over the streatching foreskin, plunging his penis deep inside of her and into her womb. Cloe made light sounds of discomfort as she began to pump up and down Xerxes cock, keeping the same suction and working him while she extracted the demon.

"THIS HURTS SO FUCKING BAD MAKE IT STOP!" Xerxes wailed in pain but Cloe leaned in kissing him and covering his mouth with her lips, entertaining his tongue with her own.

"Let me work dear, I've done this many times before, I know it's bad but trust me it's almost over okay love?" Cloe's eyes had the intensity of god's divine mercy. She was tender and gentle with him at this point, sure that he was in enough pain. "I've almost got it just keep calm okay, the more you fight me the harder it will be" Cloe warned Xerxes and slid down his cock, making him groan in pain, his muscles convusling and pushing more of the demon out. "It hurts me too, I'm just more used to it than you love" Cloe grunted softly it was like giving birth in reverse, very reverse as she pulled it from inside of Xerxes she accepted the cursed creature into her own body.

"I understand but please, just hurry It really really hurts" Xerxes felt the intensity of her eyes and believed her laying flat against the restraints and not fighting, his cock twitching every now and then, causing sharp pain to shoot into his body, it was like giving birth but.. so very very very more wrong, considering he was a male and no male should have to shove anything solid through their penis, spare a stone. Xerxes closed his eyes feeling more and more of whatever was inside him sucked out, by force it wasn't natural the kind of pull Cloe was getting, though having an enlarged penis was a very sour-sweet predicament. Xerxes noticed something was amiss when his cock tensed and then exploded in a violent force pushing him nearly through the metal bonds, he bounced a bit as the pain left him and his cock returned to normal, dripping cum and going limp.

Cloe flew backwards landing on her back as she struggled with the resisting demon, it had forced itself out of Xerxes body to confront her one on one, where Cloe planned to siphon it from Xerxes and into her body it stopped the plan a step early, now violently twisting and thrashing it's body, from the neck down, the head was firmly caught in cloe's vaginal clutches. Though like this cloe couldn't hold on for long, it would only be a matter of time before this thing broke free and attacked her. "Shit this isn't supposed to happen!" Cloe tried to wrestle with the beast locking her legs around it, but the tighter she squeezed the more it felt pain, the more pain it felt the stronger it got. "DAMN IT!"

Xerxes lifted his head in a groggy moan looking over to see the overly strange sight of Cloe wrestling with a demon that had it's head caught in her vagina, he quickly snapped out of it knowing that if Cloe failed he would be like this forever struggling hard against the bonds Xerxes thrashed like a wild dog pinned down, summoning all his feral strength the bonds began to bend, finally shattering in a shower of metal shards, the bolts destroyed the locks clanked as they hit the floor. Xerxes springing into action as he grabbed the demons waist and held it down. "I have a plan, just keep your legs open and I'll push it in, like unbirthing!" Xerxes fought to hold the spinning demon and Cloe nodded spreading her legs out as instructed and tensing as she felt Xerxes begin to push the demon into her open cunt slowly.

"I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" The demon increased it's thrashing spinning quickly now, it's head working independent of it's body, twirling and vibrating cloe let out a scream.

"HURRY OR I'M GOING TO CUM IT OUT!" Even for a woman like Cloe this was a little much. She braced herself with her hands feeling Xerxes lift the demon and give it a hard shove, it's shoulders slipping into her cunt with enough force. "Oh my" Cloe gasped and began to blush, usually it was alot more subtle than this, seeing it done like this was a new experience for her. The process when done correctly usually left no trace on Cloe, she was barely able to feel it but now, with the force of Xerxes behind it, Cloe oddly enjoyed the process.

"A little more just hold on" Xerxes gave another shove and in popped the demons torso, it was begning to lose it's fight now as it was unable to use it's arms. The next sound was a wet slurp as Cloe's vaginal muscles kicked into overdrive. They tightened and began to convulse and ungulate drawing the demon into it, pretty soon all that was left were it's feet, Xerxes making sure they didn't spin held onto them for dear life, but found that they too were quickly devoured.

"Oh dear" Cloe panted softly as Xerxes let go of the demon, seeing it dissapear with a wet pop inside of Cloe's stomach, presumably into her womb. "Help me up love" Cloe struggled with her new pregnant form and with a little hand sat up moving to her bed she laid down again. "This one was particularly strong, to be able to throw me off like that, thank you for your help, if you would have remained there I'm sure I'd be dead again" Cloe caught her breath and rubbed her stomach as it deflated, a white essence escaping her mouth that looked kind of like a cloud.

"What is that?" Xerxes panted too, extremely tired from this entire ordeal. He would be forever happy if he never had to see Cloe again, or experience anything that had to do with her, infact he was pretty sure he was sworn off sex and religion forever now finding that the two were one in the same.

"A soul love, or the basic construct of one, every demon has this inside of it, I being an Angel am tasked to absorb the tainted soul and purify it to be born again, so basically I'm the cycle in the cycle of life, when someone dies they go through me, literally and their body is sent to heaven or hell, their soul however is born clean into a new infant, thus life goes on." Cloe explained in a rather dull way

"So your saying your like a filter?" Xerxes could not possibly wrap his head around this, it was absurd but he just had a demon extracted from his willy so he was ready to accept anything as true for right now.

"Kinda, anyway you should probably get back to your world, you know it's morning there.. I will be seeing you again soon" Cloe smirked and kissed Xerxes forehead, making him fall unconcious to the floor with a loud slam.

Xerxes awoke not in the hospital but in a bed that was soft and warm, laced with some kind of frill on the edges. He rolled over in relief it was just a dream, right, just a crazy probably in need of some therapy dream. Xerxes stretched out, he was exausted even after sleeping, when he reached out he felt something odd... it was warm and soft, it was. "CLOE!" Xerxes rolled backwards afraid he was still in that wierd world but then saw that it was a normal room, carpeted floors and walls. "What the hell?" Xerxes muttered peeking at Cloe as she let out a yawn waking up..

"Good morning lover" Cloe giggled and tossed the blankets aside sitting up with a bit of difficulty. "You really showed me a thing or two last night, I can't believe it, you nearly wore me out" Cloe walked into the bathroom and closed the door starting the shower with a loud creak.

"Oh my god, what did I do, what have I been doing, WHAT DAY IS IT!?" Xerxes was freaking out, how long was he in that world for?

Tribes: Pilot Episode

Tribes Hello again the wonderfully original and offbeat Ambigous here, this is tribes a story of power and growth, I don't know if this will sit well with you furry types but I have altered the original story as I did with the punishment game...

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Out of the Woods into the Wild

Hello anyone who is still listening, I know it's been nary a month since my last installments but for good reason, I figured out that I needed a break and have been reading and doing other mentally expanding activities, so here it is the conclusion to...

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Romantic submission

I first of all want to apologize for the crap that was Base camp, I know it wasn't up to my usual standards and I understand if your mad, I wasn't feeling all too cheeky and I felt like getting it out before it was really ready \*Slaps self\* Bad ambi,...

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