The Demon and the Tiger - 1

Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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#1 of The Demon and the Tiger

Duncan eased himself through the too small door of his cell, chucking his workout bag aside and bolting the door behind him. His sensitive demonic ears could still pick out the screams and cheers of his ravenous worshippers, most of them trying to bypass the blockade of security personnel that sought to hold them back. The dragon couldn't remember how long it had been since his incarceration within the Bowels of Hell, the most brutal of maximum security penitentiaries in all of Hell, only that he had been given a life sentence. Duncan estimated he had spent the past few centuries looking in vain for a mate to spend the rest of eternity with.

Unfortunately, that was a monumental task for demon like him. Duncan was a stud alright, a big hulking mountain of muscle and sex who seemed destined only to lift and fuck, but never to love. The dragon possessed a monstrous penis that was three feet long and eight inches thick when fully erect, his basketball-sized testicles swelling to the size of beach balls if he went long enough without jerking off, facts that all but cemented his reputation as an almighty sex god. It had been a shame that Duncan had begun developing symptoms of emotional wanting as of late, the sensations never failing to bother him whenever he could not suppress them. Such feelings were rarely reciprocated in prison, and Duncan did not want to put up with fellow inmates who only wanted him for the huge member throbbing between his muscular legs. No, right now the only thing Duncan knew he truly wanted was to grow even bigger.

That itself proved a challenge, considering his frighteningly massive brawn. Duncan was so strong he had his own personal set of weights in the prison's gym, the dragon having crushed enormous amounts of iron and steel together simply because he couldn't find anything heavy enough to give his muscles the pump they so craved. In fact, even the guards were terrified of him, especially after his singlehanded defusing of a massive turf war resulting from an argument between three of the most vicious gangs within the Bowels. Duncan had beaten down four thousand and thirty-seven demons into unconscious pulps simply because he kept losing count of his reps due to the noise.

Sighing softly at the prospect of another day of lonely misery, Duncan tore the sweaty clothes off his body and threw them into the basket of rags he kept beside the door. The dragon did not like showering with the other inmates in the gym, the majority of them refusing to leave him alone and some of them even daring to grind their cocks against his muscles in a bid to get his attention. It did wonders for his anger management problems simply to return to his cell immediately after his workout, the warden having installed showering facilities for his huge body after Duncan asked him 'nicely'.

Duncan closed his eyes as warm water splashed over his huge body, his massive claws rubbing citrus-scented soap through the many crevices of his chiselled musculature, the dragon feeling himself growing moody at the sight of his naked self in the mirror. Duncan was covered, head to toe, in microscopic night-black scales save for his underside, which was a pristine dark grey, the flexible armour plates blending with each other so well just about everyone remarked it felt as though he had skin, not scales. Black was a colour that rarely failed to depress him, it was one of the reasons Duncan preferred to wear clothes, a concept that baffled just about everybody, most of them having expected somebody as gloriously muscular as Duncan would walk about in the buff whenever he could.

Towelling himself off, Duncan began the daily ritual of squeezing his hulking bulk into the prison clothes brought to him on a regular basis. It was a struggle to get them past his herculean shoulders, so broad and so huge he could fit three fully grown demons on either side of his thickly-muscled neck, assuming they weren't bothered by the fearsome draconic horns sprouting off the top of his head.

Somehow, Duncan managed to get both the shirt and a pair of oversized boxers onto his massive frame, with only minor rips and tears to show for it, most of the damage concentrated around the crotch area, where the sheer size of his flaccid member strained against the tough fabric. Duncan knew better than to pull on the standard-issue trousers, one look was all he needed to know that the guards had deliberately given him a size too small, again. There was no way in Hell he could even get those things past his hulking quad muscles without ripping it to shreds, and so Duncan didn't try.

Turning to the mirror, Duncan noted that he was much too tall for it, his reflection cutting off at the neck and not revealing any of his face. At an incredible eight feet in height, all the dragon could see was his hulking, rippling torso and dizzyingly hot crotch-bulge. His pumped muscles were visibly straining the material of the shirt, his heaving pectorals like muscular mountains capped with thick, erect nipples. Duncan's freak-show abdominal wall was perfectly visible, each titanium brick muscle flexing with every movement he made. Nobody in the entire prison had a torso as overdeveloped as Duncan, the dragon's inhuman lats flared out so massively his body had taken on a distinct Y-shape.

Raising his arms and flexing them before his reflection, Duncan watched as his muscles erupted like monstrous boulders under his thin skin, ripping the fabric of his sleeves into tattered bits as his arms exploded with barely contained power. The size and development of his arm muscles had attracted a lot of attention when Duncan was first dragged into the bowels, seeing as they were a few inches short from being as massively-muscled as his titanic legs. It came as no surprise that nobody dared challenge him to an arm wrestling contest anymore, Duncan having utterly destroyed the competition within the first hour of his arrival.

Inhaling deeply, Duncan began flexing his ponderous pectoral muscles, bending over bringing his arms down for the most powerful most muscular flex the prison would ever know!


Duncan growled, veins throbbing across his hulking muscles as he obliterated the shirt into the next year. His entire frigging body was bulging now, flexing and throbbing with his unbridled power. Duncan's scaly hide was stretched impossibly thin against his enormous muscles, almost as if he was going to burst out of his skin at any moment. The dragon relaxed, riding on the high that came with flexing out of his clothes, this being the few occasions when he ever liked seeing himself shirtless. Running his claws over his bare chest, Duncan brought his arms to the side and relaxed, marvelling at how his elbows were always bent due to the sheer muscle forcing his arms away from his body.

The excitement was getting to him, Duncan's long tongue wetting his lips as his bulge began lengthening within his boxers, causing the ripping fabric to tighten even further as his erection grew and grew and grew! Duncan grunted in ecstasy, barely in control of himself as his monstrous cock tore free of its fabric prison, shredding his boxers apart and causing them to fall off his compact, muscular ass. Duncan had begun abusing his swollen nipples, his hips jerking and flexing as he trusted into the empty air, his erection swelling and growing as more and more blood surged into the hardening monster, engorging it with Duncan's power and causing it to grow and grow and grow!


Duncan moaned as he eased his naked body onto his bed, his clawed feet digging into the bed sheets as his enormous hands began flogging his monstrous prick for all it was worth. The dragon wasn't in the mood for foreplay, his testicles already the size of watermelons and practically flooding his system with ridiculous amounts of testosterone. Duncan couldn't remember the last time his cock had swollen so monstrously, the veiny shaft bloated and shining from the pre-cum cascading down its throbbing length. The huge mushroom head that capped Duncan's awesome love muscle was almost twice as thick as the shaft it was attached to, already a deep shade of red from the arousal flooding its owner's body.

His tongue lolling out of his fearsome maw, Duncan continued jerking himself off, his entire body bouncing on the springy mattress as his testicles grew to the size of beach balls. With so much sexual energy boiling up inside his heaving testes, Duncan quickly found himself spiralling over the point of no return, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as a veritable tsunami of cum exploded from his muscular testicles like a dam breaking its walls. More juice than any demon within the Bowels could ever produce surged through Duncan's throbbing tower, causing the underside to swell grotesquely as wrist-thick jets of cum erupted from his cockhead, splattering onto the ceiling and raining the thick juices down upon him.

Duncan was roaring in the glorious rapture of his jaw-breaking orgasm, his heaving testicles grinding against the bed sheets as they contracted and relaxed against his muscular crotch, overpowering his senses with wave after wave of uncontrolled sexual energy. The dragon had already lost himself in the euphoria of his release, each three second jet of cum finally climaxing in a thunderous five second finale that all but coated the demon with his delicious spunk, cum splattering down upon him as his strongest blast exploded across the ceiling, his cum slit stretching so wide Duncan thought he would faint!

Over and over Duncan came, his cock jerking repeatedly as he writhed and flexed in the throes of his mindboggling orgasm, spraying the room with his juices and causing the guards outside to crumble from the sound of his manly voice. Duncan didn't want this to end, his monstrous muscles burning with the strain of containing so much pleasure, he was a beast, a fucking GOD! Unable to resist any longer, Duncan fell back, his rumbling voice shaking the very foundations of the prison as all came to know of his power!

Some time passed before Duncan finally felt the strength returning to his limbs, the dragon pushing himself up as he basked in the afterglow of his titanic orgasm, breathing heavily. He was a fucking stud alright, a glorious muscle hulk who lived only to lift and fuck, the sight of his monstrous muscle-cock only confirming the notion. It was no secret that Duncan painted the room white whenever he exploded, his sexual juices dripping from the walls and ceiling as the dragon began smearing his cum all over his muscular body.

He always felt so powerful during his orgasms, each juicy eruption reinforcing the notion that Duncan was the manliest of all men, an unstoppable juggernaut of sheer muscle and cock who could have everybody and anybody he wanted! But, as with his orgasms, the inevitable melancholy eventually set in, and Duncan quickly found himself moody and disinterested yet again. The dragon had made a mess of his own cell, and now the responsibility for cleaning it up fell onto his hands.

Sighing to himself, Duncan began arming himself with the rags of his former clothes from the bin by the door. The dragon possessed a long, reptilian tail that was as muscular as the rest of him, and now used that dextrous, limb-like appendage to carry a bucket of hot water. It wasn't fun when he had to mop up after himself, Duncan thought, but then again he'd much rather be here than the communal showers. Duncan still wished he had somebody who would love him for who he was, but until that somebody came along, the dragon was content to keep to himself.


The school holidays were often a time of excessive joy for Josh McCormick, the tiger effectively sharing the entire dormitory with only a handful of other students. All the people who either bullied or bothered him on a regular basis had returned home, and Josh was finally free to do whatever he wanted! It wasn't that the tiger was particularly disturbed by either of those issues, but when you were five feet five inches tall and a feather-light one hundred and twenty-one pounds, you tended to attract unnecessary attention.

Josh wasn't about to be dragged down by such trivialities though. He might not have a happy home to return to for the holidays, but Josh did manage to snag a temporary job at the local bakery in his university village, a mere five minutes away from his dormitory too. The tiger simply loved the aromatic flavours that saturated the inside of the shop, which made and sold everything from breads to pasties to entire cakes and pies. Josh had picked up the ins and outs of managing the bakery rather quickly, a fact that resulted in Bob (the owner) deciding he could leave the bakery in Josh's capable hands for the wintery season, rarely coming to check despite the fact he lived a mere two blocks away.

Unfortunately, he hadn't taken into consideration the other non-student residents of the village, most of them ending up buying bread after popping into the shop seeking warmth. Josh was selling more goods than ever and barely keeping the shelves restocked in time, baking having turned out to be more physically intensive than Josh had expected. It had been the tiger's greatest hope that Bob hired another assistant to assist him, preferably somebody with vast amounts of upper body strength. Josh knew that was never going to happen, but it did not stop him from wishing with all his heart anyway.

Josh had just dusted a pan's worth of sugar from his apron when the door chimed, announcing the arrival of an all too familiar fox from Josh's cohort. Nick was Josh's physical equal in terms of both height and build, and what the fox lacked in fluffiness he more than made up for with the wildest imagination Josh had seen on a person. Nick was always talking about magic and demons and an entire world where all these things were as commonplace as fast food. Josh had seen the literature which influenced Nick so much, an ancient looking encyclopaedia which had been designed to resemble something created during the middle ages. It did look very authentic, only Nick had bought it off some unicorn bodybuilder-stripper who no doubt took advantage of the fox's shamelessly insatiable craving for muscular men to sell him a piece of trash.

The tiger shared Nick's fetish for brawny, muscular men of course, but at least he was a thousand or so times more conservative about it, Nick being the sort of person who would approach and caress a bodybuilder without warning, something that had landed him in trouble on more occasions than Josh cared to count.

"Josh!" cried the excited Nick, "You won't believe what I've just discovered!"

"You've finally managed to cast magic?"

"Oh I've managed much more than that, Josh." Nick replied, pulling his enormous book from somewhere and plopping it on the counter, "I think I've just found the ritual to summon real demons!"


"That's right Josh, just think of the possibilities! Once I bind a demon to myself he'll be forced to do my bidding. I won't have to learn any magic because I'll have my own personal slave to cast all my magic for me! How great is that?"

"You're not even making sense! How are you even going to summon a demon in this day and age?"

"Actually the ingredients look quite easy to acquire, I think this one resembles a carrot."

"Won't you soul be dragged to hell for making a pact with demons?!"

"Oh these are not the demons of ancient folklore, Josh." Nick replied, waving away Josh's argument with his hand, "According to this book, demons actually want to be enslaved, although you're expected to feed and take care of them in exchange for all the demonic strength they'll be providing in return."

"You're not performing some insane ritual here, Nick."

"It's not insane, Josh I promise you! All I need is a bag of flour to substitute the white sand needed for the ritual."

"I knew you had an ulterior motive, Nick!"

"I could even summon one just for you Josh! Pleeeease! I know how you're always complaining about the difficulty in manning the shop, this is your chance! Your own personal servant to help you bake all the bread you want, wouldn't that be just awesome?"

Josh knew he had to admit defeat, an argument with Nick could stretch on for hours without making any headway and that would not bode well for the tray of pies Josh had left baking in the preparation kitchen. Instructing Nick to wait patiently, Josh pushed his way through the employee's only door and made for the storage room. He didn't know exactly what Nick's ritual would entail, but he did thrust the fox to know what was illegal. Josh hefted the smallest bag of flour he could find, which was still a little heavy for him, and shuffled back out to where Nick was waiting.

"See Josh, if you had a super strong demon to help you out you wouldn't be struggling so much with a mere bag of flour."

"I'd like to see _you_lifting this Nick," Josh scowled, shoving the bag into Nick's waiting arms and watching him doubling over from its weight, "Hah!"

"Well!" managed Nick, straining to hold the bag against his body, "I won't be struggling with such weight much longer, wish me luck Josh!"

"Where are you going to perform your ritual?"

"I'm thinking that alleyway behind this row of shops."

"No way."

"Well I can't go very far with this bag of flour!" Nick retaliated, trying to smile as Josh held the door open for him. "I'll come back with the good news later!"


Duncan could see the dimensional rift glimmering at the foot of his bed like a thread of woven silver. It was drifting through the air and darting about as if whoever was casting the spell had no idea what he was doing, probably some amateur warlock attempting a portal spell too difficult for him to manage. Duncan turned his head toward the cell door, wondering why nobody had come screaming and banging on it just yet, he was here on a life sentence after all and portal magic was one of the last things anyone wanted in a prison.

Several minutes passed before Duncan decided to sit up, curious as to why no one had detected the stray portal spell. All inter-dimensional magic had to be directed toward the Axis Terminal, the central foci of all portal magic crossing through Hell, with wayward spells usually snatched before the mortal conjuror did some real damage. Gesturing casually, Duncan solidified the energy around the spell, effectively gripping it in thin air. The portal was still a tiny scratch in the very fabric of space, too weak to even allow sound and light onto the other side.

Pressing his tail against the reinforced iron door in case someone noticed what he was up to, Duncan began pouring his own power into the spell, strengthening it and forcing the volatile energies to coalesce into a sizeable frame. Whoever was on the other side clearly had no idea what he was doing, but hopefully it wasn't one of those crazy demon worshippers Duncan had heard so much about. He didn't really know much about the mortal world, but he did know they lived much differently than the demons in Hell.

Duncan dipped his fingers into the portal, sensing the jelly-like texture of the spell, and began pulling the frame outwards, expanding the gate so it would be able to take his full size without collapsing into itself. The dragon turned his head toward the door, wondering why nobody had yet realised he was about to escape. It should have been clear to any demon that there was powerful portal magic emanating from his cell, and yet the guard outside seemed oblivious to what was happening right under his nose.

Oh well. If they weren't going to stop him, then Duncan wasn't about to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.


Josh was running the moment he heard Nick's terrified screams, the tiger tumbling out the backdoor of the bakery in time to see Nick sprinting past him as fast as his legs would carry him. It was awfully late already, Josh having just locked the front door to the shop before dashing out here, and further down the darkened alley the tiger could see the bright, flickering lights of what looked to be a sizeable fire.

Not knowing what to expect, Josh hurried to the scene, skidding to a halt when he realised just what he was dealing with. There, tucked away in a corner of the alley was a fiery portal that glowed and swirled with demonic hellfire, its core burning with a darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. Josh took a step back, stumbling over his own feet as a wave of sexual energy blasted from the portal, causing his cock to harden instantly.

"Oooh!" Josh moaned, falling onto his ass as his penis began throbbing within his trousers. A fiery hand had thrust itself from the portal, supernatural fire coating the demon's massive body as it stepped into the mortal plane. Josh could not feel the mortal terror he had expected to feel, his body overcome with unholy arousal as the monster extinguished the fire around himself with a simple gesture of his enormously clawed hands.

It was a dragon, bigger and bulging with more muscled than any dragon Josh had seen in his life! He had to be at least eight feet tall and seven hundred frigging pounds of solid muscle, including the thickly muscled tail that rested behind him. Josh heard himself squealing as the monsters terrifyingly powerful arms reached for him, his huge claws surprisingly gentle as it encircled the entirety of Josh's slender waist, lifting him off the ground with the ease of a muffin.

Such strength! It was almost as if his deepest fantasies were coming true, the dragon even possessing an overtly manly face, oozing with raw masculinity and chiselled out of pure marble. Josh could feel himself shaking, his brain struggling to comprehend the muscular god before him. Here was a man that could satisfy the wildest of Josh's wet dreams without even trying, a huge strong man with glowing red eyes and an arousing aura that pushed him dangerously close to the edge.

Josh could only watch as the dragon raised a powerfully muscled forearm, the sea of rippling muscles hardening into a grotesque-yet-magnificent mass of pure power as the dragon flexed, placing it before Josh's stunned form as if he wanted the tiger to touch it. Unable to think of anything else besides breathing, Josh raised his trembling arms and pressed his furry paws onto the demon's wonderful muscles.

Something flashed beneath his fingers, what looked like pure energy snaking across the demon's forearm from within Josh's hands, burning an array of shiny, tribal-like tattoos across the demon's black hide. The energy drew back into Josh's palms, snaking up his hand and spreading across his left forearm, causing his skin to tingle as it reshaped his stripes to replicate the same pattern it had left on the demon. Then, as quickly as it had begun, the energy dissipated into thin air.

Almost immediately Josh realised he knew what had just happened, information piling into his brain as if he was downloading it from a computer. Suddenly he knew the demon went by the name of Duncan, and that they had just formed the same bond Nick had mentioned several hours ago. Duncan now belonged to him, and unstoppable juggernaut of barely contained muscular power who boasted a cock that was three fucking feet long when completely erect. Josh turned to his new companion, a wide grin indicating the demon's pleasure at their newfound relationship.

Placing Josh down with the gentleness of an adored pet, Duncan began flexing for his new master, inhuman muscles bulging spectacularly and threatening to blow Josh's addled mind into unconsciousness. The tiger could only swoon and gasp as the herculean bulge in Duncan's ragged shorts began tearing free of its fabric prison, his freakishly muscular love muscle growing powerfully erect as it throbbed between Duncan's titanic legs. Josh felt his eyes wandering over to the demon's heaving testicles, each heaving orb already the size of large watermelons and pulsating with a myriad of manly veins.

And then something peculiar seemed to happen, what looked like thick pubic fur began sprouting across Duncan's magnificent form, something Josh immediately knew to be a part of the binding process. Duncan growled erotically, his deep voice sending chills down Josh's spine as a luscious coating of orange fur covered every inch of the demon's testicles, spreading up and around his oversized penis and forming a large bush at its base.

Pubic fur was even sprouting across the vast expanse of Duncan's incredible pectoral muscles, growing especially thick within his muscular cleavage and spreading down between his fantastic cinderblock abdominals before joining into the sweaty bush growing above the base of his massive love muscle. Duncan's armpits were next, sweaty bushes of orange pubic fur bursting into being as the dragon flexed, a hairy trail spreading between his rippling ass cheeks as a wild plume of orange goodness erupted from his crown, falling down to his shoulders like a glorious, barbaric mane that all but tripled Duncan's already overpowering sex appeal.

Warm energy washed over Josh just then, and the tiger suddenly knew it was his turn to change. All over his body Josh felt his skin tightening, his muscles tensing up and thickening as he palmed himself in disbelief. He could feel his chest muscles growing hard and bulging against his trembling hands, his once faint abdominals turning into a solid, chiselled six-pack. Raw power was flowing through his arms, and when Josh flexed his biceps he could feel the lean muscles pressing warmly against his hands.

Barely containing his excitement, Josh pulled away the waistband of his trousers, enraptured by the sight within his pants. The hot sensation of utter bliss had enveloped his once average manhood, Josh gasping in delight as enormous amounts of muscular new cock flesh began erupting from every inch of his growing monster, more and more of him filling the confines of his underwear until thirteen fucking inches of swollen muscle-cock was stretching the fabric dangerously tight. Testicles the size of large oranges completed the ensemble, riddled with veins under his fur and throbbing with the weight of so much sperm Josh could feel them rising and falling against his warm crotch.

Josh moaned, pre-cum gushing from his winking cum-slit as he pulled his cock free of his underwear, his sexual juices dribbling down the length of his shaft and coating it with a delicious layer of natural lubrication. It was clear to him that he was stronger and fitter than he had ever been in his life, although Josh also knew he had not grown any taller, the fluffiness of his fur effectively hiding his new muscles such that nobody would know the difference unless they physically touched him.

Duncan leaned in close, his powerfully muscled abdominal wall flexing teasingly against Josh's massive prick as the dragon crushed their lips together, the overwhelming manliness emanating from him causing Josh to forget his own name. The tiger could only squirm, his neurons firing erratically as Duncan's unnaturally hot tongue did its work, the invading appendage pleasuring him so well Josh didn't even realise Duncan pulling out until the dragon's testosterone-laden body was once again displayed before his, wide unbelieving eyes.

The tiger could feel himself clutching his face, his claws digging into his furry skin as drool cascaded from his open jaws. Good god the tiger had never seen something so deliciously handsome in his life! Duncan was easily the most perfect specimen of manliness the world was ever going to see! Josh felt himself shivering with arousal, the great Duncan finally pulling his attention from his flexing muscles and directing it all to his furry master.

"Orange?" he rumbled, his unholy baritone dripping with copious amounts of liquid testosterone as he indicated his new hair, "I like you already."