Burying Bones Chapter 7: The Demon Zoroark

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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#7 of Burying Bones: A CPT Side story (WIP)

Once Alex reaches Sky Pillar, having convinced a curious Tentacruel to ferry her to the island and feeding him some of her lunch, she releases Kabutops and Steelix, the two Pokémon less than thrilled about being so far away from the cave. After a few threats from Kabutops, Alex reminds him that she's the boss with a jet of flame at his feet.

"Human not use fire! You human or 'Mon?" Kabutops comments as Alex tries to understand him. His dialect of Pokéspeak appears primitive and when Alex realizes his kind probably predate spoken languages, she mentally kicks herself.

"I had hybrid babies. My mate is a Pokémon. I use attacks to protect them. My body changed so I can safely handle them." Alex replies, realizing that the Kabutops likely doesn't understand what she's saying. At that point, the Steelix growls.

"Mating humans, have our kind really lost so much of their sanity?" Steelix snarls, slamming his tail against the ground and sending a large boulder crashing into the sea. Alex glares at him and fires another flame jet, lightly burning his hardened body.

"If you don't feel like being trained by me, I can always give you to my sister." Alex hisses, her voice turning harsh with irritation at the uncooperative snake. Steelix mutters something under his breath before going off to explore the island. Kabutops turns to his new trainer and begins scratching his scythe-like arms on the ground.

"Are you going to complain too, Kabutops? Or are you fine with me as a trainer?" Alex questions, the anger clearly audible in her voice as she blows smoke from her nostrils. Kabutops shakes his head and clicks a few times, giving Alex an affirmative.

"Alright, I'll have you know I reward my Pokémon well when they are obedient. Granted, I'm a little rusty in training since it's been years since I had a proper Pokémon battle with a newly caught 'mon. So, what attacks do you know and how do you want to do this." Alex comments before getting a slight shiver from a blast of cool sea air blowing across her back.

Kabutops rubs the blades on his arms together, producing an ear-shattering noise that brings Alex howling to her knees.

"Okay, you know screech. Please don't do that again!" Alex whimpers, earning an apologetic grunt from Kabutops. Kabutops appears to smile for a moment before opening his jaws and releasing a column of water. Alex dodges out of the way of the jet and smiles back.

"Aqua jet, not bad. Anything else?" Alex asks, instantly regretting it when a green light envelops her and begins sapping her strength. Kabutops looks proud of himself as the attack finishes.

"Mega drain. Good. Can we not test your attacks on me please? I'm running out of energy." Alex begs, smiling as Kabutops looks at a tree and suddenly races at it, slicing it in half.

"Nice, you know Slash too. You're pretty strong Kabutops." Alex compliments before resting against the trunk of a decent sized sapling to try and regain her breath. Alex rises to her feet after a few minutes, and with Kabutops at her side, the two enter the crumbling ruins of Sky Pillar. Alex is oblivious to the two eyes watching her from the shadows, the ruby orbs giving a malicious glare at the young woman.

"So, my dear, it appears you haven't learned your lesson yet. Maybe I should keep you from having another litter as a reminder." A voice whispers as the eyes fade deeper into the shadows, vanishing as Alex and Kabutops ascend the staircase.

"Not safe here. We should go." Kabutops clicks, earning a heavy sigh from Alex. As the young woman turns her molten gaze on the shellfish, she's aware that the air on this floor seems cooler than on the previous one. As Alex begins to open her mouth to comment, she's startled by a strange, levitating statue a few yards away.

"Whoa, Kabutops, would you look at that? Wonder what it is." Alex exclaims as she tries to get closer to the creature. With a shrill cry, the statue fires a beam from both of its hands, forcing Alex to dodge as the living statue comes flying at her. As the beam hits the ground, the weakened floor crumbles and Alex and Kabutops are sent dashing for the stairs and the exit.

"What the hell was that thing?" Alex gasps as she and Kabutops settle down under the tree to rest after their escape. Unknown to them, the shadowy demon is still very much alive and still hunting, as malicious red orbs track them from above.

"That's right, little whore, I'm watching you. You can't escape your fate anymore, and in the end I will find you." A voice whispers, sounding more insane than Jeovi and more evil than the demons from campfire tales. Alex doesn't hear the voice and slowly, she slips into sleep, Kabutops following closely with a few clicks of his jaws.

As Alex sleeps, her dreams are haunted by nightmares. Her body appears to be floating through darkness as she watches it from somebody else's point of view, a shadowy mist surrounding her slumbering form as she tries and fails to wake it. A figure appears to be advancing towards her body, malicious red eyes glowing in the shadows beside her as the form reaches a claw and almost gently begins stroking her hair.

"You should have known better. Breeding with Pokémon never ends in happiness, only the death of you and all you ever loved at the claws of a monster. Humans and Pokémon can never exist as equals, their children will never be anything but outcasts and freaks." A voice echoes in Alex's mind, the tone raspy and almost evil causing an involuntary shudder in her dreaming form. As she watches her own body, the creature surrounded by mist appears to be getting closer to her, using his claws to slice through her clothing and expose her body to the cool air.

Alex can feel the cold in her dreamlike state, her body shivering both in the dream and out. Unknown to her, the shadowy creature has revealed himself to her sleeping form outside her dream, and her body, enhanced by the Growlithe she birthed, is showing her what's being done to her. The figure cloaked in shadows in her dream is the same Dark Fox hybrid that sent her fleeing for her life, and now he's found her, intending to finish the job.

As the young red haired woman watches, her body is exposed to the air, her clothing ripped away as the mist-shrouded figure grips her hips with his five red claws and smiles, his gleaming white fangs inches from her throat.

"I may as well enjoy this my dear, after all, you won't be alive to do it again." The whisper reaches her ears and echoes through the void between her still living body and the dream world, sounding to her like a raspy growl as she closes her eyes tightly in the dream, unwilling to watch as the shadowy figure exposes himself and positions his body to take hers.

As he thrusts his thick vulpine cock into Alex's depths, he can feel her dreaming body shivering and he smiles to himself. Nameless already knows she can feel him taking her, and his curiosity causes him to wonder whether or not she's dreaming of her Pokémon mate thrusting away within her depths as he takes his claws and scratches a shallow, yet intricate pattern on her bared stomach as he roughly hilts himself within her.

As she watches his shadow shrouded form mating her, unable to look away anymore, a single tear falls from her eye as if confirming that this is no longer only a dream. As she watches her body arching into the demon's touch, she feels a sense of unrivalled shame flooding through her. She knows her body has no true heat cycle as canine Pokémon do, that she can be impregnated at any time, with or without her spoken consent, and yet the thought of this unknown monster using her, even in what she believes is merely a nightmare beyond nightmares, fills her with depression and dread.

The demon Zoroark hybrid known as Nameless continues thrusting into her depths, a slow, steady rhythm as his claws slowly rip small bits of flesh from her belly and breasts, he gently laps at the blood, almost behaving as a sadistic lover with an uncharacteristic gentleness as he rapes and defiles her body. So caught up in his torment of this sleeping woman, that when he finally knots and releases himself within her, the blunt head of his half-human cock pulsing fertile jets of his demonic seed within her fertile womb, he barely registers the approach of the Steelix male returning after hearing the loud crashes of the floor collapsing nearly an hour earlier.

As Alex watches in her dream, the shadowy figure is preparing to slit her throat with his claws, an almost electronic roar bursting forth from his feral jaws as he prepares his strike. As his claws almost pierce the flesh of her soft skinned throat, the figure is tossed back by an unseen force.

Outside her dream, Nameless is sent backwards by Steelix's tail whip, the force of the Iron Snake's body colliding with his causing Alex to snap awake. As the pain sets in from her ordeal, her body begins to go into shock, causing Jade all the way back in the Manor to sense the distress of her family. Alerting Saki, the Gardevoir teleports herself, Saki, and Arkanon to the island where they arrive to see Alex desperately gasping for breath, her body pale and cold. Jade wordlessly picks her up and teleports her to the nearest hospital, the same Pokémon Center where they took the pups for their exams.

In the time it takes for Jade and the others to arrive and Jade and Alex to depart, Nameless has vanished without a trace, his interrupted killing blow weighing heavily on his mind as he uses his claws to brush his red mane back and zip up his blood encrusted pants. He knows if he doesn't get back to Alex soon, the cost to his cause will be dear, another hybrid running around, only this time with his own genetics. As Nameless curses loudly, he remembers that he left his other quarry unattended, and decides to do a little stress relief of his own.

Burying Bones Chapter 8: Hatred of the Demon's Spawn

At the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy is called quickly to care for the hybrid woman, her eyes taking in the brutality of this young woman's condition, as she searches the eyes of the Gardevoir carrying her, she's aware of the urgency. Alex watches her...

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Burying Bones Chapter 6: Six Months Later

A blinding flash of orange and tan races by the house, followed soon after by another. Alex walks after them, along with Arkanon, and their son, the shiny Growlithe hybrid. As Conleth watches his siblings, he catches a scent in the air. As he turns, he...

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Burying Bones Chapter 5: Hybrids

As the days pass, Jeovi is calmed by Jade's presence, the Psychic type's energy soothing to the mentally scarred Ninetales. Alex notices that since her capture, Jeovi seems to be recovering rather well considering the horror she's been through. Alex...

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