The Mercenary and the Dragon

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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More old stories renovated and polished for your viewing pleasure! Please do enjoy!

Jephram was a reasonably young human, only twenty one years of age, although this was considered plenty old enough for a mercenary band. He had long amber coloured hair, tied back in a ponytail with a leather thong. He had a youthful and handsome face, which often got him the finest women. He wore studded leather covered quilted armour, with reinforced leather vambraces and leather gloves. He wore cotton britches with steel greaves over the top, and a pair of thick leather boots. He had a halberd strapped to his back, and a sharp hatchet at his belt. He was reasonably tall, with a fit and well muscled frame (you had to be fit and strong if you were a soldier or mercenary). His normally pale skin was tanned bronze from the summer sun. Because he was lightly armoured, he was often chosen as the scout, along with a fox named Marcus. Marcus was one of the bands archers, and was the most at home in any sort of woodland. The two slipped quietly through the dense trees they found themselves in. Their company had been paid to track down and destroy a unit of the Kings army that had rebelled against their generals and gone rogue. It would be a bit unseemly to hunt down a unit of the king's army with the rest of the army, but with mercenaries, nobody would need to know. Their orders were simple. Kill everyone in the rebel unit, and make sure nobody finds the bodies. They'd been tracking the rebels for almost four days now, waiting for the opportune moment.

Jephram crawled up a mossy bank and peered over the top. He saw the rebels had made a camp at the end of a gulley. Steep rocky walls rose on three sides of them and a narrow entrance at their front. Marcus dropped down next to him and pointed up. The top of the gulley was heavily wooded just like most of the surrounding area. There were sentries patrolling along the top of the gulley, they would have to be taken out first if their attack was to succeed. Jephram nodded at Marcus and they both slid down the bank and back into the woods. They raced back the way they had come, dodging through trees and leaping over mossy logs until they arrived back at where the rest of the company was waiting.

"What did you find?" Their commander asked as he rode up to them.

"There's about two hundred men stationed in a gulley about half a mile to the north east." Jephram said, panting a little.

"They have sentries guarding the tops of the gulley, so if we were going to surround them from the higher ground, we'd need to take them out first." Marcus continued

"Alright." The commander said "Marcus, you go with the rest of the archers and take out the sentries. Once they're taken care of, launch an attack from above. We'll bottle them up in the gulley, so you'll have your pick of targets. Relay that to the other archers."

Marcus nodded and hurried off.

"Jephram, I want you to take your halberdiers and lead the charge. Cavalry will be no use in terrain like this, but with longer weapons we may have the advantage."

Jephram nodded and went off to find his unit. He had been placed in command of a small unit of halberdiers because he had proved his skill with a halberd many times on the battlefield.

Their company was one of the largest mercenary companies in the land. With almost five thousand men, it was quite renowned. This was just a small unit of about four hundred men (including one hundred cavalry), that had been sent to deal with the rebels. It had taken them a long time to find the rebels, and all the men were itching to fight.

Jephram removed his halberd from his back and went over to his men who were milling around wondering what was taking so long. They looked up as Jephram approached, noting he was carrying his halberd. This meant they were about to move off, or someone was going to get a beating.

"Right, we're heading out." He said "We've been chosen to lead the charge, and we'll be supported by the archery unit." He continued

There was a cheer and the men began to prep their weapons. Before long, they were marching quickly through the woods towards the rebel camp. As they approached the site, Jephram had the strangest feeling something was wrong.

"Something ain't right..." one of his men said. He was a tall bear, who had very good instincts which had gotten them out of bad situations.

"Yeah..." Jephram said "Something feels off..."

They rounded the corner and saw what was off. There were bodies everywhere. Blood was splashed over the rocks and the rebel camp was in ruins.

"Fuck...what the hell happened?!" one of the men said.

There was a rustle from the bushes next to their unit, and twenty halberds were pointing at the forest. Marcus stuck his head out the bush and was confronted with a lot of very sharp steel.

"Gods damn!" Jephram exclaimed "Don't do that Marcus! You could have been killed!"

" whatever the hell did this." The fox replied, stepping out of the bushes.

Jephram looked around and saw the other arches moving through the camp and the undergrowth.

"We've sent someone back to the Commander." Marcus said "We don't know what did this, but it looks like it was big, fast and killed them completely silently...Must have taken them totally by surprise."

Jephram rolled a corpse over with his foot; it was a human like him. He had three symmetrical gouges in his breastplate, like some great beast had smashed him with its claws. There was a commotion behind them as the rest of the company arrived. They then began searching around the camp and the surrounding woodlands. All the supplies had been smashed and thrown around. Tents had been ripped apart and trampled. Men had literally been torn to pieces, and swords snapped like twigs.

"Hey! Jephram!" Marcus called

Jephram went over to where the fox was standing. There was a small alcove in the wall of the gulley that was hidden round a small bend in the rock. The alcove was full of bodies, but this wasn't the most disturbing thing. The bodies were actually pale silhouettes on e scorched black background. The wall of the gulley was twisted and melted, like someone had applied a great heat. The pale outlines of men in hideous contortions was probably worse that the bloody massacre in the gulley.

"What could have done this?" Marcus whispered.

Jephram stared at the wall. He looked up at the sky. He saw a small group of faint black dots circling up high.

"What is..." Marcus began.

"Run!!" Jephram shouted, turned and sprinted back into the gulley.

Marcus looked up, squinted, and gasped. He caught up with Jephram quite quickly.

"What's going on!" the commander shouted

"DRAGONS!!!" Jephram yelled at the top of his lungs "Get out of here! Everybody run!"

Just then, there was an almighty roar from above. Roughly twelve Dragons came swooping from the sky, crashing into the men. The mercenaries were instantly thrown into chaos. The Dragons bellowed and roared, ripping into men like a child with wet paper.

Dragons were one of the most feared races on the continent. They came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but it was their inherently magical nature, and their intelligence that made them so dangerous. They had skin which could not be pierced by any conventional weapon, and the terrible Dragons Fire. A flame so hot it could melt granite and vaporise iron. They also had magical abilities far beyond even the most powerful of Elven sorcerers. Some even said that the Dragons were so magical; spending prolonged periods in their presence could warp and change a person into an amalgamation of Dragon and man. All of this was currently irrelevant to the mercenaries, due to the fact they were fighting for their lives. Jephram was trying to get as many people away from the gulley and into the woods as possible.

"Go! Go! Move!" he shouted, making sweeping motions with his arms.

"Archers!" the commander yelled "Aim for their heads! Fire!"

There was a hail of arrows from the edges of the gulley and some of the Dragons roared, arrows shattering against their hides, and sending splinters at their eyes. Three Dragons took to the air and began torching the surrounding forest. Screams began to rise from the burning trees, as men and horses were reduced to nothing but ash. A Dragon swooped low, mowing people aside. Jephram was knocked to the ground. He felt his hair come free of its binding. That would be a problem if he had to fight.

"Jephram!! Help!"

Jephram looked up and saw Marcus backing away from a large brown Dragon. The Dragon had a sadistic grin on its snout and raised a paw. Jephram snarled and grabbed his halberd, leaping to his feet he ran at the Dragon. The Dragon hissed and brought his paw down. There was a spray of blood and the Dragon screamed. The spear tip of Jephram's halberd was lodged in its foot.

"Do ya like it!" Jephram snarled, twisting the halberd painfully. The Dragon roared, and grabbed the halberd with its other paw and snapped the haft. It spun round and smashed Jephram with its tail. Jephram soared through the air, and slammed into the rocks. He felt ribs crack, and his vision went black for a few seconds. He shook his head, which exploded into fireworks of pain. He gagged, and coughed up blood. He tried to stand but his legs wouldn't hold him. He collapsed back against a rock. Blood trickled from his mouth down his chin. It was hard to breath and his vision was slowly turning black. He could only here the dim sounds of a battle. He wondered if they were winning. As his vision turned black and consciousness slipped away, he felt like he was floating through the air.

"Ah...I'm dead then..." he muttered

Just before he fainted, he thought he could hear the sound of laughter.


Jephram jerked awake, and immediately regretted it. His head exploded with pain. He screwed his eyes shut and clutched his aching skull. He slowly lowered his hands, took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. He was in a cave. He blinked. He looked down and saw all his armour had been taken off, and he was just in his tunic and britches. He seemed to be sitting on a large pile of soft green moss. It felt oddly like silken pillows. He could see the cave was about the size of three horse stalls. There was an oddly glowing orb in the middle of the ceiling which was emitting a soft golden light. He slowly became aware of something clamped around both is wrists. He looked down and saw elegant golden bracelets around his wrists. They were completely circular, with no obvious clasp or gap. There were odd flame shaped markings engraved into the bracelets. He pushed up his sleeves and saw the markings ran up his arm to his shoulder and the same on the other side. It began to dawn on him that he wasn't dead. It also began to dawn on him that this place was very much like a prison. It also dawned on him that if this was a prison, then the things on his wrists were probably shackles, and due to the lack of chains or anything holding him to the wall or floor, he could presume they were magical. He stood up and put his hands on his hips. He knew there were no elven settlements nearby, and the Elves had a truce with the Humans and Anthros, so it can't have been them.

"Oh shit..." he said, his hands dropping from his hips "Oh fuck...Oh no...please, not the Dragons..."

He looked around the small cave but there was no one else with him. Due to his panic, he had not realised that all of his injuries had been healed. He slowly approached the exit of the cave. From where he was he could see no guards, but a long corridor made from rock, lined with the oddly glowing orbs. He assumed he was underground from this. He slowly stepped out of the cave, and immediately wished he hadn't. The markings on the bracelets and his new tattoos immediately burned with crimson fire. Jephram screamed and staggered back into the cell. He collapsed on the floor clutching his arms and breathing hard.

He rolled onto his back and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"What the hells was that?!" he gasped

"That was the restraining bracelets preventing you from leaving this room." Said a mellow voice from the entranceway

Jephram looked up and saw a Dragon standing in front of him. He was about the size of a horse, with completely smooth scales. He was emerald green with midnight blue stripes running from his head down to the tip of his tail. He had a lighter green underbelly, like the colour of sapling leaves. He had a long snakelike tail, and a pair of slender golden horns sweeping back from his skull. One eye was ice blue with a pitch black, slitted pupil. The other was dark brown, where the pupil was almost completely invisible. He walked forwards on four powerful legs. Jephram could see the muscles moving under the Dragons hide like thick snakes in oil. Jephram crawled back until he felt his back press against the wall. The Dragon walked right up to him and stopped, the tip of his snout a few inches from Jephram's nose.

"W-who are you?" Jephram asked, swallowing hard.

The Dragon looked at Jephram, sniffed, and took a few steps back.

"I am your captor, and you are my prisoner. My little battle trophy."


"Hmm? Oh yes, you are my trophy. You and your friends gave us quite a hard fight; you even managed to injure a few of us."

"Why me?" Jephram blurted out.

"Why you? Well, I just couldn't let all of that beauty go to waste. You are a rather fine specimen of a human. A rare catch, so to speak."

"What do you want with me?"

"My, aren't you the quizzical one." The Dragon said with a sly grin. "I shall tell you what I want with you, as you will never be leaving this place. I want you to call me 'Master'. I want you to bow before me and accept my dominance."

Jephram was speechless for a minute. His face slowly darkened.

"Fuck you. Fuck you, you fucking Lizard!" he shouted

The Dragon's tail whipped forwards and wrapped around Jephram's neck, lifting him off the ground. Jephram choked, it was like being grabbed by a powerful snake. Although he was choking, Jephram couldn't help but notice the incredible smoothness of the Dragon's scales. It sent an involuntary shiver down his spine.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that." The Dragon said, bringing Jephram closer so they were face to face. "I will enjoy breaking you ever so much, and I am hoping you'll put up a nice long fight. I really do enjoy it when people resist. It makes it all the more satisfying when you finally submit."

The Dragon dropped Jephram to the floor and turned to leave.

"I'll you master!" He snarled "I'll never be your servant!"

The Dragon looked over his shoulder and smiled. He turned around and came up to Jephram. He gently took a hold of the humans head. Jephram tried to break free but the Dragon increased his grip. He brought his snout down and opened it a little. Jephram could see rows of sharp white teeth in a slimy pink interior. The Dragon's long prehensile tongue slid out of his mouth, and pressed against Jephram's lips. Jephram made a noise, which allowed the Dragon to slip his tongue inside Jephram's mouth. The Dragon pulled the human into a kiss, releasing his head and holding his body. Jephram could feel the thick, slimy muscle filling his mouth and sliding down his throat. He tried to pull away but the Dragon was too strong. He felt something press against his crotch, and begin to stroke his balls and cock through his britches. His face turned red with anger and shame. The Dragon slowly released him, pulling his tongue out very slowly. There was a string of saliva from Jephram's mouth to the tip of the Dragons tongue. The Dragon dropped Jephram to the floor and laughed.

"I don't want you for a servant!" He said

Jephram realised what he meant and went even redder.

"Never! I'll never become your plaything!"

"Hmmm...I like that fire, I shall enjoy you immensely."

"I am Jephram, and I swear you'll never get me to utter those words you wish to hear!"

"Well, Jephram, my name is Ciraxis, and I'll make you mine. Oh yes. You will be mine."

With that, he turned and left. Jephram waited until he couldn't here Ciraxis' footsteps anymore, before he went to the pile of the moss and crawled into a ball, trying to ignore the fact his penis was rock hard and leaking something wet and slippery.


The next day the torture began. But it wasn't like ordinary torture. No burning brands, no whips, no thumbscrews, no razor blades or torture devices. Ciraxis was a different kind of torturer. He broke people by torturing them with pleasure. The Dragon had used the bracelets to pin the human to the wall, with his arms out by his sides.

"You know...You can make it end by simply calling me master." Ciraxis said.

Jephram gasped and writhed as the Dragon drew a single talon gently down his chest.

"G...guh...get...fucked..." Jephram gasped

"Oh I hope so. At some point soon would be nice."

The Dragon lifted up a ceramic jug and held Jephram's mouth open. He poured clear fluid into the human's mouth, causing him to cough and splutter.

"You know what's interesting about this water?" Ciraxis asked the panting human.

Jephram stayed silent, glaring at the floor.

"It comes from a very old spring here in my home. Due to the age of the spring, I can actually enchant it. So when I pour it from this jug, it not only enhances your bodies ability to feel sexual pleasure, but provides all the nutrients your body requires to live! Its rather good because I don't need to bother to feed you, and you don't make any messes in your nice clean prison."

"Like I care." Jephram spat

Ciraxis smiled and gripped the top of Jephram's soaked shirt. With a swift tug, he tore it off, revealing Jephram's nicely muscled frame.

" are a delicious specimen..." he said with a grin, lowering his head. He let is long, thick, wet tongue slide all over Jephram's torso, paying particular attention to the human's nipples. Jephram arched his back and groaned. Ciraxis slid a warm paw down the front of his britches and pressed it against the human's cock and balls. Jephram lurched forwards and Ciraxis curled his free arm around his back, holding him in a tight, but soft embrace. The feeling of the Dragon's silky smooth scales against his skin made Jephram scream. He writhed and thrashed but he could not escape from the burning pleasure that wracked his body. Ciraxis gently nibbled Jephram's neck, causing the human to gasp and choke. There was a tearing sound as the Dragon ripped off the human's britches. The large reptile lowered his heads to the level of Jephram's cock, which was rock hard. It was slick with the human's pre-cum.

Ciraxis smiled and took a long leisurely lick. Jephram could only squeak as lights flashed in front of his eyes. It was like he was winded. He could barely draw enough air into his lungs and his breath came in short, ragged gasps. The Dragon slurped wetly on the human's hard member, before letting it fall out of his mouth. Thick ropes of clear saliva oozed off Jephram's cock, running obscenely down his inner thighs.

"Mmm! That was exquisite! Such a symphony of wails screams moans and groans! Oh I love this already!" Ciraxis exclaimed, clapping his paws.

The glowing bracelets faded and Jephram dropped to the floor. His body shook and saliva dripped from his mouth. He could barely stay conscious, let alone coordinate motor function. It was like he was drunk off his face, but on pleasure instead of alcohol.

"I'll come back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. I will keep coming back and we will do this dance until you call me your master...then I shall make you mine, and oh! Such pure ecstasy awaits!"

Jephram could only groan, and flop back onto his bed of moss. His eyes were beginning to close as his consciousness failed him. Ciraxis smiled and left, the ceiling globe dimming down to a soft glow. Jephram struggled to stay awake until he could no longer hear the Dragon's footsteps echoing down the cave. He slumped down, his eyes finally closing fully, blackness rushing in to claim him.

Ciraxis was true to his word. He did indeed come back the next day, and the next. Each day he had a new way to torture Jephram with pleasure, but each day Jephram refused to utter the words Ciraxis wanted to hear. And so it went on. Days slowly became weeks, weeks agonisingly became months. Eventually one year had passed, and Jephram had still not broken. Ciraxis had removed all of the human's body hair (apart from his head) so he that he could tattoo Jephram. On the first and last day of every month, Ciraxis would add a new tattoo. They all took the form of spirals or flames, following the contours of Jephram's body. By the end of the first year, he was covered in tattoos. He looked like he was wearing war paint, but was not about to fight any battles. On the day after the New Year, Ciraxis once again entered Jephram's prison, but this time he had a different plan. Instead of tattoos he had something else. He was holding an elegantly carved male member. It was shaped like a canine penis, complete with knot. Jephram couldn't tell what it was made from, but it was deep ochre in colour. It looked slightly soft too, as it quivered as the dragon walked.

"I've got something new for you." Ciraxis said with a smile.

Jephram had long since stopped talking to the Dragon, realising that no matter what he said, the beast would not stop. He simply glared at the reptile.

"I've been making all these wonderful cocks for you to try. Obviously I want to be the first to nail you with the real thing, so I couldn't just take the species these belong to. So being the genius I am, I created their cocks out of this special material. I also made them shake and vibrate once fully inserted. They'll drive you mad!"

Jephram was starting to look worried now. He'd never even thought about inserting anything up his ass, but now the Dragon was about to. Ciraxis snapped his fingers and the bracelets around Jephram's wrists glowed, pinning the human to the wall. Ciraxis rotated his hand, causing the bracelets to spin, flipping Jephram onto his hands and knees. Ciraxis came up to the human and knelt down behind him. He bent his muzzle down to the human's rump and licked his tanned cheeks. He parted them slowly to reveal the humans tight sphincter. Jephram was already suffering from the magical water, but when Ciraxis inserted his long strong tongue into his ass, he almost cracked. The feeling of having a thick, slimy tentacle inside him was at the same time repulsive and a major turn on. Ciraxis ate him out for a full five minutes, before removing his tongue.

"Now..." he said, and pressed the tip of the fake penis against Jephram's slightly looser sphincter.

There was a wet slurping noise, and Jephram nearly blacked out. Ciraxis was slowly working the fake penis in and out of Jephram's ass. Jephram had not experienced this kind of sensation before. It hurt as he was stretched open, but at the same time it felt so good! There was a sucking squelch as Ciraxis slowly pushed the knot in as well. Jephram screamed in a mixture of pleasure and pain, tears leaking from his eyes. No sooner was the oddly realistic feeling penis inside him, it began to shudder and vibrate. This new sensation was immensely bizarre, but Jephram simply could not hold back his moans. Ciraxis smiled and left the room to let the human suffer. Jephram moaned and writhed. He couldn't force the penis out; its knot was too big. His own cock was dripping fluids onto the bed, and saliva trickled down his face.

By the end of the day, Jephram had been reduced to a quivering wreck. His eyes were blank and his mouth hung open. He occasionally made a gasping noise and shuddered, but that was it. He had also cummed several times without even touching his cock. His slippery semen covered his balls, thighs and the bed. Once Ciraxis was finished licking all of the oddly sweet white goo off the human, he carefully removed the dildo. It was covered in a slightly viscous clear fluid. Thick ropes of it dripped off the toy and onto Jephram.

"Intriguing..." Ciraxis said, sucking the toy "But delicious." He said with a wicked grin.

"I shall return tomorrow with a different type of cock, and I will continue to do so until you call me master."

Jephram coughed and pulled himself up from his collapsed position. His arms shook and his legs would barely support him kneeling. Fluids dripped off his body and he looked up at the Dragon.

"D...die..." he murmured

"Not likely." Ciraxis said, mildly surprised at the word. The first word he'd heard spoken for a year and a day. He gently lifted the humans head, and raised the jug. Jephram didn't even resist this time, simply letting the water fall down his throat.

"That's a good boy. You'll be mine soon."

Jephram just slumped back and fell asleep.

The next day Ciraxis came back with another type of cock. This was repeated for yet another year, Each day Jephram was raped with another animals penis. Each day he would moan and scream, only to be reduced to a quivering wreck by the end of the day. Then one day, as Ciraxis entered the room holding a mule's cock, Jephram raised a hand. Ciraxis paused, looking at the human quizzically. Jephram raised his head so the Dragon could see his face. The human's eyes had become almond shaped, and changed to a deep gold colour with slitted black pupils. The swirling tattoos that covered his body looked faintly like very, very fine scales. His teeth also looked slightly more fanglike then they should have.

" more..." he said

"Well you know what you have to say to end it all." Ciraxis said "You just have to call me one little name and I'll make it all go away."

"I...I can't..."

"Yes you can. It is easy...jussst let it go..."

The Dragon's voice became soft and silky like honey. Jephram could feel his already disintegrating resolve fading.

"I...can't give"

"Yesss you can. Two yearsss isss too long to resssisst."

Jephram looked up and stared directly into Ciraxis' eyes. He felt his last shred of resistance crumble as he stared at those beautiful eyes. He swallowed.

"I...I am yours...Master."

The bracelets on Jephram's wrists slowly melted away, and Jephram felt warmth and strength flow into him. He felt dazed, like he had spent many years underground and was only just emerging into the light. He felt a soft embrace and realised Ciraxis had come up to him. The Dragon held the human against his snake soft scales.

"Now..." whispered the Dragon "I shall make you mine..."

He pulled the human into a deep kiss, sliding his tongue into Jephram's unresisting mouth. He entwined their tongues, and writhed his tongue around. Jephram closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He felt himself being laid on the soft moss, the Dragon's large body pressing gently down on him. Not enough to crush, but enough to pin.

"I have waited for this day for ever so long." Ciraxis said, breaking the kiss.

Jephram felt something hot and wet sill onto his crotch. He looked down and he could see a slit in the Dragon's groinal area. It had parted to reveal a long glistening member. It was about the size of a horse's, and just as thick. It was a light pinkish colour, the same as the inside of his mouth. Fluids were oozing out of the slit and coating the thick member, splashing down onto Jephram. The dragon rubbed his ridged penis against the Human, making both of them moan. The feeling of the Dragons hot meat rubbing against his own erection was driving Jephram wild. He was slowly becoming coated in the Dragon's sex juices, it was so hot, and felt so good Jephram could no longer control himself. His pupils became narrow slits and the gold in his irises expanded to fill his eyes. He was like a dragon in a mating trance. He growled in pleasure as Ciraxis pressed the tapered tip of his penis against his very slick sphincter. He felt the Dragon pull him close and slowly pushed his thick penis inside the human's warm, wet depths. Jephram held the Dragon tightly as he felt the long thick member slide deep inside him. He closed his eyes and relished the feeling, growling all the while. He gasped when he felt Ciraxis' groin press against his rump, as he hilted the human. The two paused for a moment, before Ciraxis pulled out slowly, with wet sucking sound. Thick ropes of pre-cum and sex slime connected Ciraxis to Jephram. The dragon grunted and slowly turned Jephram so the human was on his hands and knees, before pushing his cock back inside Jephram. Ciraxis' penis was completely smooth on top, but on its underside it became a series of smooth ridges, running down its length. Each one of these ridges rubbed and pressed against Jephram's prostate as the slid past the tight entrance. Jephram gasped as each ridge pressed his little pleasure button, causing his rock hard penis to throb even harder. He growled when he felt something smooth and slick wrap itself around his member.

He looked between his legs and saw the dragon had wrapped his tail around his cock. Jephram gasped and began to buck his hips, trying to fuck the tail. Ciraxis licked the back of Jephram's neck and slid out once again, kissing his human on the neck before sliding back in. With each thrust, Jephram moaned louder and louder. He could only feel his master mounting him, and the feeling of the tail around his cock, and his master's member inside him. He could not felt the bed, or the floor, or even the air about him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his eyes became half lidded with pure bliss. His body rocked in time with the Dragon's thrusts as Ciraxis began to fuck him harder. He felt the wet sliminess of his master's mouth close about the nape of his neck and part of his right shoulder. He could feel the pointed teeth scraping gently over his skin as Ciraxis held him in position, as Jephram had begun to writhe and buck wildly. He gasped and groaned as the slick hot dragon meat filled him again and again.

"Ack!...Master! I...I can't hold myself..." He whined.

Ciraxis just growled into his neck and thrust harder. Jephram screwed his eyes shut and let out a loud moan, orgasm rippling up his body, made all the more powerful by all the prostate stimulation. He shuddered and twitched, clenching his ass hard. Ciraxis let out a loud growl and thrust in as deeply as he could. His orgasm was just as powerful. Jephram let out a long pleasured purr as he felt lance after lance of hot thick dragon seed fill him. Ciraxis pulled half way out and slammed back in, filling the human with even more of his thick slippery cum. Jephram felt it spurt out of his ass around his master's cock and run down his rump and legs. The dragon above him shuddered and moaned, still filling him with hot semen. The feeling of the hot seed sliding over his balls and cock cause Jephram to cum again, squirting a second load over the Dragon's tail.

There was a few moments silence after that. The only sound was of heavy breathing from two slick bodies. There was a slurp as Ciraxis pulled his limp cock out of Jephram's ass. It was followed by a flood of cum. Jephram collapsed to the floor in a sticky puddle. He scooped some of his masters cum up and tasted it. It was slightly salty, but appealing. Jephram licked his hands, and then turned around, and took his master's surprisingly heavy cock and began licking it. Ciraxis blinked and looked down, before closing his eyes and smiling. He craned his neck, and his hind leg twitched. The Dragon let out a shuddering gasp as he let loose another, slightly watery load, over Jephram's face and chest. Jephram licked it up, and suckled the tip of the Dragon's member, swallowing as much cum as he could. Ciraxis sighed and flopped down, pulling the human up to his chest. He planted a wet kiss on the human's lips, and slowly inserted his lithe tail into the human's cum filled bowels.

"Oooohh...master...I...I want to stay here...forever..." Jephram sighed

Ciraxis smiled and held the human in a rather sticky hug as he gently massaged his insides with his tail. He looked down at the bite marks on the human's shoulder. A small trickle of blood ran down Jephram's back. Ciraxis let out a long, low hiss.

"And so you shall..." he said with a triumphant smile.

Jephram let out a final sigh, and slowly drifted off to sleep; proper sleep, passing out from exhaustion, but genuine tiredness. Ciraxis let out a soft purr, and nuzzled the human, before falling asleep as well.


Holy crap! Another chapter?! It can't be! Oh yes it is! Hopefully I'll have chapter 10 out soon as well, but I have so many ideas currently, it may take a bit! No p0rn in this one either, but I may have to include some in the next chapter,...

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Blood of the Samurai

Wow! Another story?! Holy shiznit! Well, this one isn't exactly new, but I've not posted it here before. Enjoy this lots and lots, and remember, all the characters are copyrighted to meee! Steal them and I will end you. This will turn into a proper...

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Plunder the Galaxy

So yeah, I finally managed to get a story up! The first one in quite some time obviously. Sorry to keep all my adoring fans waiting, but you know how it is. Anyhoo, this is my sci-fi Space Pirate Epic! I hope you enjoy it. Its rather long, so you'd...

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