D.E.S52 (D.E.S Part Three)

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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Authors Note/Disclaimer: This is still Macro, still Mature, you know the drill by now. This is the current end to this series, but I'm not against ressurecting it for later use if there are enough people who like it and want me to continue it. This one is espeically violent, an espeically mature, a bit of forewarning there, but saying if your here you've probably read 1 and 2, I think you get the drill. So, here you have it, part three of three in this particular trilogy. Enjoy.

Des.52: The Beasts final Lesson

Finally, Theron thought, the time for the last lesson. Training in an active urban environment populated, obviously, by human. He licked over his lips. He always liked to see what his creations would do to the fast reproducing mammals native to 'Earth' for it was varied and almost always arousing. Another plus was that they finally had the right chemical chosen. He was going to see his little child grown to his fully mature status. He growled lowly, as he remembered the lust that maturity brought to all beings. He remembered the already immense package, and how it would look after his newest development.

'Sir, the chemical is in place in the syringe... but where to put it?' Said Wentin.

'Near the neck, but not directly in the jugular, we don't want to draw blood.' Theron responded as he took the controls. 'I'll do it.'

Wentin nodded and Theron gently lowered the needle on the unsuspecting Echidna. Theron's breaths were low moaning like growls at the thoughts rolling through his head as the needle made contact gently, just enough to squirt half a syringe in, then pull out.

Echidna woke up due to this, surprised more then in pain, and curiously looked around for his harasser, and then everyone saw it begin.

Echidna began to change. Drastically. He growled, and even as he did his already monstrously low voice got almost demoniacally low. His scales turned from ruby red to slate black quickly from the maturing of the pigmentation, and all his muscles nearly tripled in size, including his monstrous package. This was due to the immense testosterone and new maturing hormones that allowed his immense sack, and unseen, but definitely obvious, his shaft, to expand greatly, unseen muscles rippling as they were feed raw power and doubling. Echidna panted as the changes took forth, unexpectedly, taking him from child to adult quicker then he could normally dream. His teeth grew longer, thicker then ever, his eyes turned from gentle red to bloodshot red quick as you could blink, and his wings grew longer and sturdier due to the increased weight that he was supposed to have.

Then came the height. The growth spurt was drastic as he shot up in the air again from the maturing process and the testosterone. Crackling of bones and muscles were heard as the stocky dragon rose into the skylights of the small enclosure, muscles visibly expanding even as his growth shot upwards. What used to be a creature the team at the controls looked down at from a nearly birds eye view, was now looking at nearly eye to eye. Echidna's package took full brunt of it all, the monstrous thing doubled twice in size, now looking like a pair of light black cities under his legs which were now more then ever squishing it into a fully erect shaft that went past his front legs and stopped right in front of him. Echidna grinned at his new power and started to pant insanely.

'Sir... his hormones skyrocketed during that... his urge to breed is astronomical. What should we do?' Said Wentin.

'Summon up the cityscape, let him slate his lust there. If he doesn't immediately I'll persuade him too... doubt it will be necessary with panting like that however." Theron grinned, again feeling lust rise on himself as his favorite part came to a head.

The cityscape appeared quickly underneath him, and Echidna let off a surprised hiss before he looked around and saw all the humans. He grinned and let off a low passionate growl, his tongue gently lolling as he looked around. He moaned as he quickly found the subway entrance. Echidna looked at it, curiosity and uncaring all in one crossed his face as he walked over too it, tilted his head at it to see what it was, and then, after he found it satisfactory, experimentally shoved his shaft in it, letting off a pleased growl as the subway entrance and an insane amount of the earth around it, crumbled and bashed under his shafts massive expanse. He started to lowly growl in pleasure, and, experimentally, he leaned down, gently licking over his shaft. To no ones true surprise he moaned, his huge sack crushing the ground as his shaft began to gyrate. Echidna moaned again, and looked onto the screaming populace, smirking as he panted. He must have been thinking 'your next,' Theron thought as he watched this from afar, his shaft thick yet again. Echidna snarled now, looking down at his legs, his huge broad paws tightening with every thrust, even such a small movement caused massive piles of dirt to be compressed kicking up and causing a dust storm in the background. His tongue lolling over his shaft like an eager kiss planted on an old friend. He snarled, then groaned, his broad paws moving back, crushing a city block with a measure of uncaring bliss, his muscles in his legs rippling to take the brunt, as he thrust more, his tongue leaving lines of saliva on his shaft. He growled and Echidna's breaths became heavier, the testosterone thick as he tensed, thrusting again and again into the Earth. He was already lusty as his massive bulk shivered, shivering all of the Earth around him as well.

"Theron... will the building stay together if he continues to do that?"

Wentin said, disrupting Theron awed stare.

"This station has withstood more... now shut up!" He snarled, looking back at Echidna.

Echidna apparently had thrust a few more times as Theron was looking away, as his veins were visible now, his pumping getting heftier and heftier as his tongue lapped over his shaft eagerly as he gently nibbled on his veins. He snarled again, bucking with such force each time that smaller buildings crumbled behind him by just his sheer mass moving. He again snarled, getting closer now as he flexed his hind legs, and kicked back once, the mere movement knocking not one or two, but three entire city blocks into rubble without him thinking... a mere misstep and nothing more as he drove his shaft home one last time...

And released... the explosion was immense, if a bit brief, but Theron knew that he was just getting jacked up, and he also noticed that the large white lake he was leaving behind with a gentle roar wasn't even downsizing his shaft by an inch. In fact, it had almost looked like the lust had increased its size as Echidna, glaze eyed now, looked around, his shaft still pumping for but a moment more as he, pleased, surveyed his damage and withdrew from the gaping hole, now overflowing with his seed, that he had used. On his turn towards the city, his tail hit a building, and to Echidna's surprise it imploded upon itself. He let off a surprised, then pleased growl as he stepped forward, again feeling the power surge through him that he truly couldn't experience with a simply pleasing...

His tongue heavily lolled as he walked forward, his tail swishing like a happy dog as buildings tumbled in his wake, the muscle in his tail thwacking against building after building, leaving pink mist in his wake as well as rubble as he grinned. He turned to one building, licking it over with his tongue experimentally, lapping up greedily the sounds of screaming that this caused, this movement alone left a huge crumble zone in the building as he growled, doing it again. He seemed to finally realize that he couldn't be stopped, and from there it was all a very pleasant game...

Echidna growled as he waltzed through the town, his steps sending shock waves and sending humans everywhere into a panic. Echidna couldn't last much longer as the city crumbled around him, his shaft throbbing with the amount of power he wielded. He decided to repeat yesterdays actions, stomping down hard upon a group of humans experimentally. He raised his foot, simply enjoying himself as the humans scattered away from the eclipse his foot caused, then slammed down, enjoying the feeling of the massive amounts of ants squirming underfoot. He shivered in gently pleasure, watching pleased as he twisted his foot, allowing the gentle, to him, trickles of blood stain his paws in blotches. He smirked, and playfully he kicked a building, making it, as well as any of the nearby buildings and humans, implode upon itself, and also made him apparently come upon an idea.

Echidna leaned down to the new rubble, raising his haunches he shoved his shaft into the rubble and allowed his massive tip to poke out the other end, leaving it open to flood the city with the coming outpouring. He then gently thrust experimentally into the rubble, and unbeknown to him, a rather large group of screaming humans that were crushed underneath his huge black shaft. Echidna shivered and did it again, apparently taking Theron's words into mind about driving yourself into a frenzy as he let of a dull roar. He thrusted for a long time, his pants turned into lusty growls as his shaft plumped eagerly. He grinned as he felt buildings explode under the heavier and heavier thrusting he was doing, his mere tip acting like a battering ram... a very, very effective battering ram as it knocked down massive amounts of buildings, his tail doing the same as he raised his haunches, riding the rubble like he would ride a mate. He thrust hard into the rubble, again and again, moaning harder as he quickly this time came to a head...

Again his seed exploded in a white rush, the tidal wave this time washing over the city, killing thousands as the torrent came raging over them, causing small buildings to implode, and the largest and farthest ones away to only look on in terror as even the people at the highest levels could see the seed flowing through the lower levels like a deadly tidal wave of white... they could see his muscles ripple as he continued on, and they knew that their days were numbered.

Echidna again decided to play with his toys. He would go up to a building and knock it down with the lightest of pokes, and watch as all of the people flocked to that building, and were trapped. He then grinned, raising his massive paws on high, and smashing down, sending shock waves and creating craters in the artificial Earth that no creature Theron, still observing, had ever seen.

Theron was grinning like a school girl as he watched his creation. His lust was draining slowly, but oh so slowly that it was good. He grinned as Echidna took up to thrusting again as he panted himself, his muscular claw tipped hands trailing down to his plump shaft. He shivered as he trailed across it gently, feeling it jump in his embrace as he grasped it like so many times before, thrusting into his hand with a hiss. He shivered, watching his creations had always almost felt better then a mate, and left to just as big a stain, but this... was amazing. He smiled, licking over his reptilian muzzle as he heard Echidna's growls in step with his. He thrust, his large sack filling with his pleasure, twitching and spasming as Theron licked his lips harder, his hand working over just his tip now. HE moaned, using his tail to come from behind and assist in the gyrations over his large shaft, caressing his balls as his hips finally tightened, and with a pleasant groan he released heavily, his release still in tune with Echidna's as the cityscape in the background now, lie in a white holocaust...

DES52 (D.E.S Part 2)

Disclaimer/Authors Note: Of course, here I don't have to add in the mature rating, and in this chapter, and any other chapters its going to get pretty mature now, so don't worry. Another note, this is a Macrophilia story, so if that doesn't tickle your...

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B.S.P.L.Des.52 (D.E.S Part 1)

Disclaimer/Authors Note: Right, this is my first story published here, so be nice... er then you all normally are around here. Of course, here I don't have to add in the mature rating, albeit its only mildly mature in this chapter, the first of three...

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