Flim and Flam Take Rainbow Dash

Story by pinkcat on SoFurry

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#1 of Flim and Flam Take Ponyville

Flim and Flam are two conniving sheisters who come to Ponyville with a special Apple Cider machine. This pleased Rainbow Dash who has not gotten any for seasons due to people always getting there first. She sets out to find them before they open shop and potentially sell out on her again. She gets raped instead, but don't worry! She gets her cider in the end.

The flamboyant tomboy was still in a huff about not getting any cider. The two brother's had put a spell over Ponyville early in the day with their song and dance promising more cider than they had ever seen before. Rainbow was no exception, she had set out in search of them in hopes of getting some cider before they opened up shop again the next day. If she waited she was sure that she would be cheated out of her chance at getting cider again, the only option was to find them before they opened up.

Using a grid, crisscross and even spiral search patterns, Rainbow finally spotted their cider machine/car/possibly house. The two brother's were sitting in the light of their well lit contraption, enjoying mugs of cider much to her excitement. She knew there had to be plenty left over from their demonstration and landed in front of them in a rainbow blur.

"Well, if it isn't the fine flyer who got cheated out of her cider," one of the brother's chuckled.

"Uh, about that..." Rainbow said with a bit of sheepishness as she realized she was probably barging in on them.

Before she could continue, a mug of frothy cider was lifted by the unicorn's magic and teasingly drifted under her nose. She inhaled with glee, leaning in to take a sip but it was out from under her and back by their side before she knew what happened.

"I mean, I'll pay and all!" She felt even more foolish for falling for their teasing, but quickly pulled 2 bits from that place ponies keep all their money.

The brothers laughed as she tossed it toward them, and Flam used his magic to pick it up as if he were inspecting it.

"It's well past business hours, I think we'll need a bit more than that!" mused the brothers.

In fear they might produce another song and delay her getting her cider even more, Rainbow quickly pulled out all the money she brought with her and put it out for them. She had intended to buy multiple glasses but after so many missed seasons it would be worth it just to finally win! "Take it all!" she gave an exasperated cry as she pushed the shiny coins toward them.

"Oh, we'll have plenty of your money in the future, we intend to sell to every pony in Ponyville. We need something a bit more special for doing business this late," Flam stated. "After all, when you do business this late, it has to be a pleasure too," Flim added on and they both laughed.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Pleasu-?!" Her question was cut short by the rude answer she received.

The same way they had used their magic to lift and inspect her money, her rainbow tail was lifted high and her flank was quickly turned to face the two of them. She felt her tail lift so high that her hind hooves came off the ground, she knew her mare pussy was being completely displayed for the brothers.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Rainbow shouted indignantly.

It was shrugged off as one of the brother's gave her rump a firm and playful swat before taking another sip of cider. He let out a dramatic sigh of pleasure at sipping it, as if it were truly that good. Rainbow's cheeks were as red as the stripe in her main. She tried to kick, flail, even fly off, but their magic held her cutely displayed for them no matter what she did.

Rainbow's head was resting on the ground, she looked up at Flim irritably as he came to her front side to smile down at her. She caught sight of something else out of the corner of her eye though, glancing downward to realize that there was a fully erect equine cock between his legs. Her jaw would have dropped if it weren't already pressed to the ground. The stallion's thick rod was all the way up to his chest, so heavy it was pressing on the ground just inches from her face. She realized she could actually inhale the scent of him from her position as well as see it clearly and brought her hooves to cover her face with a shamed groan. In addition to being larger than she had even glimpsed, he was disgustingly thick. She couldn't help but mentally compare the size of his cock to the size of her body and shiver.

"Now, now, if you be a good little pony you can have first dibs on our secret recipe," Flam finished the sentance, "A lifetime supply at that!"

Dash could still smell the cider coming off them, they did seem to have plenty and the other ponies had said it tasted amazing. Still, she hadn't come all this way and searched so much to just give up. She felt a sudden breathe between her legs and let out another cry, quickly trying to find a way to cross her hind legs and regain some of her dignity, but magic held those open with ease too. Still, the two professional con-sales ponies could see that she needed some more coaxing.

The smell of cider got even stronger suddenly, she opened her eyes to see it being drizzled over the thick meat in front of her. Their words echoed in her ears over and over; "Lifetime supply" and "First dibs". First, she peeked up at Flim to see him staring down at her approvingly. Then, the tomboy let her tongue slide out of her mouth and slowly touch the thick cock. The cider was sweet and delicious, though it didn't do much to hide the salty and masculine taste of horse cock. She let out a deep groan and shook her head back and forth.

"I can't, I can't!" She let out an embarrassed sob.

"Come now, you've gone so far already," Flim insisted as he pushed his cock forward more so it pressed right to her muzzle.

"No, guys! I'm really having second tho-" she was interrupted yet again as magic held her big mouth open by the unicorn magic.

"Foop! Fooohgh~" The uppity tomboy was cut off as the cock slid into her mouth and forced her words into muffled whines. The thick meat slid over her mouth, with her jaw kept open uncomfortably wide so that her flat teeth couldn't hurt it. She felt it slide right past her lips and over her tongue, wiping off sweat and cock tainted cider on her tongue. In no time the flared head was rubbing against her throat and making her wretch and gag. The rainbow pony was helpless to the two brother's though.

All she could do was twitch and squirm helplessly as they kept her in place. Flim readjusted himself by putting one hoof between Rainbow's wings, the other on her head, with his hind legs laid out on the ground. He started to food more of his cock down into her mouth by scooting forward. Rainbow was sure it wasn't going to fit as it bumped her slick throat, rubbing through her wet mouth. Cider and cock was all she could smell, see, and taste. Much to her horror the flared tip really could fit into her throat as it forced the tight passage open so that she gagged even harder. Unfortunately for her, the wet gags inside her warm and slippery throat only made it more pleasurable.

Rainbow felt it push deep down, making her throat bulge out. The inexperienced pony didn't know how to breathe, she didn't know how to handle it. She tried to scream, only making lovely vibrations and gags in her throat that pleased the stallion dick even more. Tears ran down her cheeks as she writhed around, face down and ass up like so many of Ponyville probably thought she should be. Deeper into her throat still, so that Flim could feel her heart beats through her body, her fast paced heart rate showing how stressed she was as she drooled all over the ground.

"Enjoy that cider, there's plenty more where that came from!" he encouraged her, then dumped some more of the frothy apple brew over the remainder of his cock still outside her throat to draw attention to the foot of cock she had left.

I'm gonna die choking on cock! She thought to herself with complete shame. Over stupid apple cider!

The lovely mare cunt wasn't just going to stay unattended forever though. She felt Flam's hoof run over her sex, helpless to do anything but twitch. Much to her shame, his constant breathing had gotten a light dampness on her blue furred cunt.

"We've got a pony who really loves her cider here," the other brother announced with a laugh.

Rainbow though she was going to die of shame. She felt Flim finally pulling out of her throat, slowly. At first she was grateful, but then she realized that it was just as bad as when he had pushed in. His massive head, which was leaking nonstop into her like a faucet, was tugging on her tight throat and just making her gag more. He really seemed to enjoy it though, feeling her slick throat pulsating on him. Rainbow had thought he was pulling out, but at halfway he just bucked his hips forward more, slamming all that length right back in, including a few extra inches. Rainbow's smaller body was wracked with tremors and shaking from it as she gagged even harder. Her throat was raw at that point, it felt like she wouldn't be able to speak again. For being such a proud bitch, she was drooling all over herself for the cider cock and dripping, which was bringing even more sobs to her.

Flim finally did pull from her throat, for real that time. She gagged on it the entire way out, until she felt the massive head just sitting in her mouth. It leaked what seemed to be an endless supply of his equine precum out on her tongue, mingling with her drool and coating her tastebuds even more in his flavor. Without warning, his cock erupted into her mouth.

She felt what seemed to be a geyser of horse jizz spray over her tongue and down into her throat. Before she could even choke she felt herself accidentally inhaling it, feeling it dribble out her nose and causing her to snort and jerk while the stud's laughed at her. His salty, gooey cum was all through her taste buds and sense of smell. It took her several minutes to cough her airways enough to draw in raspy, pained breathes in her sore throat. Plenty had been swallowed by that time, the rest was dripping out of her mouth and staining her blue chin and neck with streaks of messy white.

Flim wasn't done though! He began to wipe himself off on her face, smearing it through the fur to make her an even bigger mess. There was plenty of mess to add some white to her multi colored mane as well. She felt the messy, wet goo matting down her fur and mane, marking her with their scent so that she could smell who had used her. When it was over, she just laid there gasping in strained breathes, occasionally spitting out some cum as she accidentally inhaled it from her mouth. She had really thought they were done, until Flim started speaking again.

"Now it's my brother's turn. But he won't settle for that big mouth of yours, he's a man of discriminating taste!" Flim announced.

Rainbow's mouth was no longer held open by magic, though her tongue had partially lulled out of her mouth. Still, the tomboy was too raw in her throat to try to talk, she just let out a soft gag as she tried to protest. She was rewarded by Flim moving up and resting his heavy horse balls right on her nose, letting the sweat rub off on her cute, messy face while his semi soft cock laid out up her back and dripped pre onto her mane.

Flam mounted her well presented back side, letting his cock slide around her mare twat. Every bit as big as his brother and dripping that endless supply of pre, just like his brother. She couldn't even ask them to quit anymore! She was a virgin, but she was sure they knew that, he had been staring right at it the whole time her mouth was being abused!

Flam pushed against her pussy though, seeing she was a bit too tight but not deterred. He pushed the one side of the flared tip in toward her lips. She felt it tickle her sensitive sex and let out a humiliated sob. In her head, Rainbow was pleading with him not to do it, but of course he did. With a thick thrust he pushed forward and almost managed to apply enough pressure to slide the head in. Pushing on her insides at an awful angle, trying to pry them apart until his cock slipped upward between her pert cheeks.

She tried to flutter her captive wings, but only her feathers ruffled. They really kept her from moving at all, it was the most awful experience of her life! She couldn't stop crying as she prepared to really get raped now, all for some stupid cider.

Flam repeated the process, sliding his tip in partway and then slamming his hips in full force. He would push the mouth of her cunt open a bit more each time, stretching her so he got an agonized grunt. The third time he did it, his massive head pushed in and he just went to town slamming his hips. Her insides were like velvet, moist with his constant dripping pre. Rainbow let out a hoarse whinny and tried to shake her head out from under the massive cock and balls that were pinning it down, with no luck. Flam let out a grunt of his own as his cock just kept getting thrust inside of her.

He slammed his hind quarters down at a new angle every time, working to really stretch her good so that she and anyone who had her after would always remember a real stallion had been there. He pried her open inside, knowing he could never fit into the much smaller girl. Rainbow was coughing and screaming even though it burned her raw throat, she couldn't help it. The brother just kept stretching her and pushing in and out, using her like a cheap toy. Over and over, he pumped into her until he hit her cervix. When the massive head bumped on the deepest part of her cunt, her entire body contracted and spasmed around him violently.

"Ooh, seems we hit a good spot on this little cider whoarse," Flam chuckled.

He made it his goal to sink his cock as hard as he could against her cervix each time, pushing in on it so that she bawled like a baby. It made her so tight around him that he couldn't help but grunt and really enjoy himself as she squeezed and milked him closer to an orgasm. As she felt him pulsing in her, Rainbow realized he was going to empty it inside of her, right against her womb.

"I hope you can still fly with a belly full of colts!" Flam chuckled as he slammed into her once more.

As he forced at the cervix, his cum pumped out of his cock in a steady, hard stream that pushed against her womb and pumped back out of her. It went down her legs and made a large, messy puddle between their hooves, but he just kept spilling into her and bucking against her. Rainbow hollared like he was killing her, writhing all she could as she sobbed. Flim's orgasm was nowhere near as intense or long, Flam really took his time grinding every last bit of pleasure out of her until she had cramps going deep into her bulging belly. When he jerked his cock out, more spilled out of her.

At that point Rainbow was just drooling and sobbing, having lost everything precious to her. Her sense of pride, her confidence, her virginity, even her ability to move or fly. If she got pregnant that would certainly be a very permanent grounding for the Pegasus. Flam literally rubbed it in though, smearing his cock and cum over her lightning bolt cutie mark until it was a patch of stained white fur. He used her tail to wipe off, making sure it was absolutely soaked so that it hung limply, before he finally let his cock thwap her rear an rest there.

"I think this little lady deserves some of our fine cider," Flam announced. "Here, here. Our special recipe?" The brother replied as they helped her sit up, still not letting her leave.

Rainbow was gasping hard, with her mouth open wide. Cum was stuck over her nose, making it hard to inhale through that. Her lungs burned, her throat burned. She had just wanted cider so bad, now they were really going to give it to her? It was like a shining light in the awful night she had just had, so she used what strength she could get up to nod her head and try to choke back some sobs. Of course choking on things was clearly a special talent of hers, so by the time they brought the mug of cider for her the tears were mostly under control.

The mug of frothy cider was pushed up to her lips and poured out onto her grateful tongue, where she immediately began gulping it down. Something was horribly wrong though! After the first few sour mouthfuls had blasted all the other tastes off her tongue and cleared her sense of smell it was clear what the problem was. She tried to turn her head from the cider, it was completely mixed with the evil brother's piss. They made her tilt her head back and down the whole mug though. Their hooves massaged her dirty throat to make her swallow as they coaxed her to drink down her special treat.

After the entire mug of it had hit her belly, she gagged and choked again as the tears came right back.

"Let us top that off for you, little lady," offered one of the brothers.

Right in front of her face the mug was filled half full with cider again. Flam's cock suddenly rested floppily over her head, with the tip just over her muzzle. He began to urinate like a hose, right into the mug so that it was all she could smell and watch, horrified knowing that she would be drinking it again. Her prize for finding them and enduring their thick cocks, special FlimFlam cider.

It had, humiliatingly enough, parched her burning throat enough to talk though.

"Noo, please don't, please don't," she sobbed.

Her mug was full once again with the evil mix and it was dumped right down her throat, of course every drop passed over her tongue so that their taste and scent remained with her and would for a long time. They pulled her tongue out of her mouth as far as they could with magic that time and made her lick the mug clean while she begged for mercy.

"Fooahhw," Rainbow pleaded as her tongue unwillingly scraped up every last drop of the sour, hot mix.

"Plenty more off the tap my, my dear pony. A life time supply any time you want more," she was reminded in a friendly tone of their promise and quivered.

A third mug was poured down so that her belly felt even more full than before and she could only groan. After the third mug she was dry heaving and coughing, gargling to get it all down. It was clear that much more and the used up pony would drown. With that, the brother's went directly to marking her as their property. Their cocks rested right on her face and poured the hot horse piss out onto it so that it ran down her fur, got in her mane, ran down her eyes and made them sting. Rather than rinsing her fur and mane clean though, it only added to the mess.

Finally, Rainbow Dash was just a used up, dripping, mess that any of her friends would have been shocked to see. She was released to fall to the ground, unable to even shut her legs enough to walk. They had made sure to soak her wings to give her a bit of trouble flying as well.

"Off you go, unless you're eager for some more," the brother's taunted her, giving her flank a firm shove so that she stumbled head over heels.

That was enough motivation for the tormented pony. She limped away, sobbing with every step. Every flutter of her wings just splashed the mess more till finally she just tucked them to her sides, limping off to find someplace she could curl up and cry. Someplace where no one would ever find her, she hoped. No doubt their scent was thoroughly on her, any pony she passed would at the least know she had been mated and by who!

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