Ice Flower Field

Story by roguewolf5490 on SoFurry

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#3 of Heart Of Pure Light And Darkness

My heart is gone and the only thing left is a black hole of,




And fear.

I feel all the bad things every year.

I look into myself to try and find the good but,

I never can for the black hole takes all good,

And destroys it.

Am I to live life cold and hard?

Where is my sun?

Where is my spring of warmth?

Where are my flowers of joy?

Where are my birds of happiness?

All I see is the icy land full of the cold dark snow falling in the darkest of nights.

With every step I take other mile is added to my journey to my heart.

Am I to stay in this forever cold and darkness?

Poem::Ice Flower Field

From The Book::Heart of Pure Light and Darkness

Made By: Rogue Wolf

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