The Panther in the Park

Story by EkethDragon on SoFurry

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Noroko had found a niche in the city as a bum. He made enough money panhandling to buy a few treats, stole when he didn't, and killed suburban wildlife when he couldn't do that. Noroko was an anthropomorphic black panther living in an all-human world, so panhandling was the hardest of all his "jobs".

There was a human that had caught Noroko's eye recently, but he couldn't pin what was so eye-catching. He was not noteworthy among the other humans who walked the city. He didn't dress out of the ordinary, he didn't smell out of the ordinary, yet he stood out to Noroko, so he began to follow him.

* * *

Chris's assumptions were completely ridiculous, he knew that. But it were the little things that had him convinced; the fast reflexes, the way it retreated into the park, the way it smelled. Chris knew he could find the bum in the park at night; he knew this much just from seeing him around the city. Chris began to wonder if the bum was following him, he saw him way too often.

The night was supposed to be warm, and there was supposed to be a full moon. A storm had passed earlier in the afternoon, leaving a fresh, crisp summer air behind. Chris decided that all the conditions were right. Chris had was sure that bum walked as a cat might if a cat walked on two legs. He also was convinced that the bum had very cat-like eyes. Chris was also certain that he could see a tail twitching beneath the layers of clothes.

* * *

Music pumped into his ears, a fast, melodic beat. He was so in tune to the music, that his foot steps matched the beat to the music. He dodged pedestrians, and traffic when he had to cross the street. Cars honked over the music, but could not drown it out. He saw the flash of a police car's bar lights coming towards him, and he turned up the next block against traffic. He knew his abilities and limits well; the police however, did not.

The cops had no chance of catching Noroko. He was a black panther, his muscles were toned- liquid moving under his soft fur. His reflexes were lightening fast, his senses acute. So he was not worried, but excited by the thrill of the chase. The music threw him into a reality he felt undeserving of. Noroko was completely full of himself, darting down roads, alleyways, pushing aside pedestrians, knocking over garbage cans, and causing traffic accidents.

He ran so far that he neared the park at the north end of the city, where he "lived". He found this fortunate, because he had begun to get bored with the chase. He vanished into the low shrubbery, and the police gave up the chase not long after. It was getting late, dark and cold, no one wanted to chase a reported "cat person".

His parka and assorted clothes were always enough to conceal his identity when panhandling; Noroko was certain that no one had known any better, but someone called the police on him. It was a suspicious event to say the least.

* * *

Chris's plan worked almost too well. Chris only reported to the police that a certain bum was causing a scene at a convenience store. Apparently one of the cops got too close to the bum, and when he saw a cat called for immediate back up. The cat person ran, and before anyone realized what was going on, there was a huge police chase, going after a creature that couldn't possibly exist.

Fortunately, the cat was able to get away, and retreated to the park as Chris had planned. The sun had set shortly after, and when Chris had made certain safety precautions, he began to seek out the cat.

* * *

Noroko had worked up a sweat from all the running, and in a obscure area of the park, he was able to throw off his parka and other rags, and stretch out in the nude, letting the cool summer night air blow through his fur. Miraculously, Chris spotted the cat first. His heart jumped to his throat when he spotted the cat, lounging in the leaves. The light from the full moon cast a soft light on the cat, giving the fur a sexy sheen.

Chris had only a moment to admire the body before it blended into the shadows. Chris panicked; how could he lose sight of the panther as he was staring at it? Was it an illusion all this time, or had it somehow slipped from sight and was on its way to attack?

A muscular and furry arm wrapped around Chris's neck and a hand covered his mouth, preventing a scream. Chris whimpered, feebly kicking and flailing as the cat dragged him down to the "den". The nude cat spun Chris around to face him, and then pushed him into the leafy dirt. The cat stepped closer, towering over the human.

"Who are you?" Noroko demanded, as his tail flicked back and forth. Noroko didn't really care what the answer was going to be at first; he was going to kill the man out of necessity anyway. But when Chris looked up to face the cat eye-to-eye, Noroko realized that this was the man he had be following, and had immediate second thoughts.

"Uhm, I, I'm c, c, chris," he stammered.

"What are you doing here, Chris?" Noroko demanded.

"Well, I uh," Chris swallowed hard, "I noticed that you were following me, and uh, thought we could have a little chat."

"Yeah? Is this the little chat you wanted?"

Chris noticed a swell in the panther's sheath, and found it hard to break his stare.

"Hey! Chris!" Noroko became irritated by Chris's silence and slashed at Chris's chest, tearing off much of his shirt. Chris let out a shout in fear, but that only resulted in the panther tackling him onto his back. Noroko breathed heavily onto Chris's nearly bare chest as they stared at each other. There was some sort of familiarity or understanding for a brief moment, but that made Noroko uncomfortable. He felt that he was losing control of the situation.

Noroko torn off the rest of Chris's shirt, and inexplicably began to tear off his jeans.

"Hey, this is what you get for coming here, Chris." Noroko growled as he tore at Chris's clothes until he had stripped him bare. The cat was kneeling over the human now, sheath against human flesh, as Noroko held his head menacingly over Chris's, letting a deep rumble escape from behind his teeth, as he warned what was about to be.

Chris tried to speak, but he was paralyzed with fear and anxiety. He grabbed the cats arms and tried to pull them away, but Noroko was far too strong. Noroko wrestled with Chris to get the human onto his stomach. Chris felt the cats strong front paws press onto his back, and then the kness dropping to the ground between his thighs, then spreading his legs apart.

Chris let out a suffocated scream as he felt warm flesh enter his ass. Hormones had taken control of Noroko, and remaining adrenaline in his system freed his inhibitions. He pressed his throbbing cock into the human's asshole, slowly sliding in and out, as he took advantage of the helpless human.

Koroko pulled Chris's hips off the ground, then lowered his muscular chest to the human's back, and bit down on his neck in domination as he pounded his cock deeper into the human. Chris had given up; he was on the verge of tears as the Panther had him completely under his control and mercy. His asshole was too tight for the panther's cock, it seemed, as the human could feel his insides spreading and stretching to accommodate the panther's huge member. Chris could feel blood running down his neck, and he began to wonder if he would even live through this.

A thunderous purr shook Chris as the Panther slid his cock in and out of his ass quicker and quicker; somehow he know that the cat was close to a climax. His own cock was begging futilely for relief; for someone to stroke it, adding to Chris's torment. Suddenly, Chris felt a warm fluid fill him; the cat was successful in raping the human. Noroko felt the human weaken beneath him in defeat. Chris's arms gave way and his face fell to the dirt, his rear still in the air, the with cat inside of him.

Noroko purred as he pulled his wet cock out of the human, who had finally passed out. He rolled Chris onto his back, his cock still hard. He licked it gently, as he pondered killing the human. His secrecy was of utmost importance, but somehow he could not muster the courage to kill Chris. Instead, he dumped the unconcious body in an area of the park where he would surely be discovered, and retreated back into hiding. He knew in his gut that this would not be the last time he would see Chris.

Rescued from Oppression

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ |From the Author | |\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_|\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | This one is more plot development than it is yiff, | but I felt like it was time for a story with...

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