Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission: Conclusion, Ch. 1

Story by Sluimarath on SoFurry

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Author's note: The following story contains characters previously featured in two other stories, "A Hunting Accident" and "Interrogations."

From the hollow underneath the base of a gigantic, thousand-year old tree, a slender, red-brown vulpine muzzle tentatively emerged, quivering as it peeked from behind one of the tree's monstrous ground-roots. The girth of the tree--and all those close to it--was tremendous, and the movement of the little animal attracted no notice against the imposing background of the near-silent, primeval forest. As it emerged further, the sharp, black nose twitched, and then a foxlike creature stuck its head out and glanced around fearfully. Another similar head emerged next to it and quickly did the same. The creatures both looked at one another, and both crawled from underneath the tree at the same time.

Kirh the vixenmorph and Ulw the foxmorph, two Vulpelin natives far from their home, patted the dust off of one another's fur coats and meager, torn clothing while they continued to survey their environment for any signs of movement. Half a day ago they had finally managed to elude their pursuer, who had been following them since they had left the cave: the dragon Volgrau, who had been upon their step the whole way, until by some miracle they had managed to elude him, leaving the wingless, underground-dwelling dragon standing at the top of a waterfall staring down at them in anger, while they swam to the shore of the waterfall's deep, mist-billowing pool. From there they had run away from the pool, half a day ago, and since that time neither of them could truly convince themselves that Volgrau was not still actively hunting them. He had their scent and could track them for miles over any type of terrain.

Now, having run away into the forest, they were watchful, but not fearful. Once more they began to pay attention to once another, now that they had ceased to worry as much about their pursuer finding them. After patting the dust and dirt off of one another, they started to lick one another, cleansing each other's fur, and it wasn't long before the female and the male Vulpelin became overwhelmingly aroused by one another's tongues and began to run their tongues over one another's coats in earnest. Ulw gently squeezed Kirh's firm, petite breast as he swirled his tongue around her pink nipple and licked the white fur of her bosom. She placed both of her forepaws on his crotch and used them to massage his cock, feeling it grow from rubbery and heavy to rigid and firm.

Smiling, Kirh pushed Ulw onto his back and was about to crawl up between his legs, but he fought her off and made her lean back instead. He knelt in front of her on his hands and knees, and she pressed his erect member between the arches of both her hind-paws while he licked her pussy, which was already quite wet before he even started. He ran his tongue all the way up to the top of her slit and began to lick her white, firm, furry loins, her belly, and her chest, while crawling further and further up her body, until he was licking her breasts.

He pressed the head of his penis against her pussy lips and rubbed, wetting just the tip, lubricating it for her. She moaned, "Yes..."

Ulw slid his meat into her and began to thrust smoothly and slowly, while Kirh lay murring and working her mouth silently, opening and closing her eyes as she stroked the soft tufts of fur beneath her partner's ears and smoothed the short fur of his muzzle, feeling the small, sharp teeth inside his open, panting mouth whenever she closed her eyes, and seeing his handsome vulpine face in front of her whenever she opened them.

Kirh threw her head back and began to pant rhythmically. Ulw began to fuck her harder. She threw her arms around the back of his neck and pulled his head close as she continued to ride his thrusts. He held every fifth thrust inside her for an extra second, for her to squeeze tight at the top of her motion onto him; she did so sometimes, and did not other times because the pleasure was causing her head to swim.

Soon Kirh was whimpering and calling out Ulw's name as she continued to fuck him, taking everything he gave to her, matching his power with every pounding thrust onto his shaft, until the hot, tingling, burgeoning sensation began deep within her, and she felt her insides break loose and something warm and liquid wash out from between her legs and dampen her furry legs.

Ulw did not cease fucking her then. He still had more, and Kirh's blood was still up. She was moaning and murring in frantic ecstasy as he thrust his shaft with faster and faster repeating motions. Kirh embraced his neck tightly in both arms, forcing Ulw's jaws down to one side of her neck, underneath her right ear, where she could feel her partner's hot breath stirring her hair.

"Yes, gods, yes, harder, fuck harder," she cried. "Ulw, gods, Ulw, I love you... I love you so... Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming--agh, aaaagh, aagh..."

She came harder this time, screaming as her juices splashed up onto Ulw's crotch as she fucked him with wild thrusts, and as she did so an expression dawned on Ulw's face that made him appear mortified at first, then a shaky, idiotic smile crept over his muzzle, and finally a sleepy, half-lidded look entered into his fluttering brown eyes, and the male Vulpelin shot his load into her. He grunted and cursed and shouted her name in earnest as he pumped her full of his seed. He groaned heavily as he finished ejaculating into her, and afterwards he gingerly pulled his foxhood out of her, rolled over onto his back, and lay down next to her. The two of them lay at the foot of the wall of the huge, towering tree-trunk, underneath which they rested, staring up into the lower boughs.

Kirh grasped Ulw's forepaw in hers and turned toward him, smiling.

"I love you," she whispered to him.

A sudden burst of noise from the forest nearby caused them to turn their heads. Though they saw nothing nearby, they had heard a flock of birds take off into the air, chirping in terror as they took flight. They continued to look. Nothing revealed itself in the primeval forest. They listened... and heard a low, unmistakable sound of multiple branches snapping here and there on the forest floor: the sound of something big and heavy, trying to creep quietly through the underbrush.

"Run!" Kirh and Ulw shouted to one another at the same time.

They fled together, following downward slope in the terrain and immediately arriving on the banks of a large swamp filled with tall trees. They heard the noises behind them increase in volume and dove into the murky, muddy water of the swamp without hesitation. They began to paddle-stroke frantically towards one of the huge trees in the swamp, swimming side by side. They heard a huge thump from the direction of the bank and turned to see Volgrau sitting on the shore, watching them.

The green dragon's long, scaly tail was curved around to the front of where he sat next to the swamp. He rested his plump hindquarters on the ground beside the water, with his forepaws to the front, propping up his foreparts as he held his horned head high, looking them over with his terrible yellow eyes. Volgrau inclined his head forward on his long, snaky neck in order to look into the swamp-water. When the creature lifted his head to face them again, a chilling smile spread across his sharp-fanged, scaly muzzle, and he said, "It appears you've made another mistake. I can swim better than you can."

Having said so, Volgrau slid his entire enormous length into the water and began to swim towards them like a monstrous crocodile, keeping his eyes and the top half of his muzzle above water the whole time as his tail slithered back and forth, propelling him through the water.

Kirh and Ulw reached the tall, smooth trunk of the swamp-tree and began to climb. Volgrau arrived a few seconds behind them and stared up at them as they climbed. Then the great, green-gray beast extended both fore-claws and dug his sharp talons into the surface of the tree, gripping it. Volgrau grunted and hoisted himself out of the water, beginning to scale the huge tree trunk like a giant bear, first stretching out his foreparts, then gripping the next several feet of trunk in his fore-claws, and then pressing his belly against the trunk and pulling his hindquarters up after him. He did not so much drag his lower parts up the tree as he did contract and expand his long, serpentine shape, oozing gradually up one side of the tree with the aid of his underbelly's moist, sticky secretions, which allowed him to grip the trunk of the tree without sliding back down.

Kirh and Ulw finally climbed to the level of lowest tree-branches, and thereafter they were able to climb faster. Volgrau's pursuit of them was relentless, and the entire tree shook with his slow, inchworm-like progress. Ulw climbed to a higher branch and found a large knot-hole in the trunk. Kirh snapped off a short length of tree-branch to use as a weapon, while Ulw hurriedly helped her climb through the knot-hole, hiding her in the hollow space inside the tree.

The dragon was directly underneath them now. Gusts of his hot, rancid breath reached them where they stood on the branch. Volgrau continued to climb towards them inexorably. They saw that he squeezed his big, thick, bright red member in between the smooth slickness of the tree-trunk and the moistness of his broad, soft underbelly as he climbed, stroking his huge dragonhood between the two surfaces in order to achieve maximum arousal, making it clear that he wished to enjoy himself as much as possible as he was devouring the two fleeing Vulpelins.

Kirh in the meantime, climbed down inside the hollow tree-trunk, until she found an even larger knot-hole that lined up almost directly with Volgrau's sex. When she stuck her head out of the hole, Volgrau's huge pair of balls hung directly above her head.

Without hesitating, Kirh leaned out and began using her stick to whack the side of the dragon's ball-sack over and over.

Above her, Volgrau winced and grimaced, and was prevented from getting at Ulw for the moment by Kirh's activities. Volgrau quickly coiled his long tail around the trunk of the tree and leaned his body out slightly, extending his long neck down towards his sex in order to rid himself of the little pest who was hitting his balls with a stick.

This was a mistake, and Volgrau realized it a moment after he shifted his great weight, when he heard a series of muffled, wet-sounding snaps and thumps come from the swamp below, and the primary roots keeping the tremendous plant upright gave way. The tree he was climbing leaned to the side and began to fall over.

Ulw was still in the branches above her when the tree started to fall, and he hid inside the tree-trunk as Kirh had done a moment ago, so that when it crashed to earth he was jarred and knocked about but not crushed to death. Kirh managed to slip out of the knot-hole and leap clear of the tree before its huge pillar crashed into the swamp-mud on top of Volgrau, crushing him into the thick substance backside-first, landing on top of him, and causing him to sink halfway into its ooze. As the dragon writhed and wriggled and gasped, trying to free himself, his swollen, mud-slick sexual member slid in and fit neatly inside the knot-hole recently vacated by Kirh.

Volgrau's eyes widened, and he swallowed. Having absorbed most of the blow with his belly, which still contained a large bulge from having ingested Emzelith several days ago, he was in no condition to lift the tree off of his cock. Now, with his back stuck in the mud and the tree lying on top of him, he could only grip the sides of the great trunk with all four claws as his penis grew more erect, trying to keep the heavy object from rolling off of him and pulling his member painfully to one or the other side. He gripped it tightly against his midsection and tried to remain upright, which was simple what with the mud that surrounded most of his body; the downside being that the mud rendered him almost completely immobile. The more Volgrau struggled to keep the log from rolling off of him, the more the knot-hole teasingly stroked and tugged at his shaft, until he could hardly bear it without moaning.

"Ow, ooh, agh, g--gods, oh," Volgrau growled desperately. "How did you l--ergh, oh--I'm going to tear you wretched little creatures limb from limb. I'm going to do one while the other one watches. You're going to pay with--aigh!"

At that moment, Ulw ran along the inside of the now horizontal hollow tree-trunk towards where Volgrau's member was stuck through the hole, and he kicked the dragon's mighty shaft, causing the huge beast to cry out.

"You fucked up little pervert!" growled Volgrau. "You leave that al--ooaagh, no, no, stop, wait, don't do that!" The dragon started to plead as Ulw, inside the tree-trunk, wrapped both forepaws around the creature's huge, slippery shaft and began to grind his pelvis against it, rubbing his sex against it and rapidly growing harder. "Oh no, you can't do that. No, no please...."

Suddenly Ulw experienced a revelation. "Kirh!" he shouted from inside the tree. "Kirh, can you hear me?"

"Ulw!" her muffled voice replied from outside. "Are you all right?"

"Kirh, we do the same thing to this one as we did to the other one. I can't crawl out through this hole or the other hole. The other hole's too close to his mouth--"

Hearing this, Volgrau grew frantic. "What? Hey, what are you saying? You're talking about Emzelith, yes? You're, ah--no, let's not--ah... Not that--wait, someone... please, ugh, please, ugh, someone please answer me. Please, are you listening?"

Ulw continued shouting to Kirh, "And I can't crawl out through this hole until this monster's cock is soft enough to be pulled out of the way and let me out. We'll jack it all the way off, and then we'll escape, as soon as it becomes as stupid and slack-jawed as the other one became. We'll work together."

"And remember to have fun," Kirh replied brightly, giggling.

"Of course," he laughed. "It will be my pleasure to teach this fat, greedy, belly-crawling slug a thing or two, after he's been chasing after us this whole time."

From beneath the tree-trunk, Volgrau stammered indignantly. "Now wait--wait just a moment. Who're you calling slug? I'm not--aggh, rrgh... Wait, listen to me, it is simply the texture of my scales, not slime. I am not sli--aaagh, ergh, ow--no, wait, stop! Stop that! Please, listen to me!"

Ulw resumed grinding his erect cock and glistening, white-furred loins against the dragon's huge member as he embraced its girth. He felt its flesh quiver and shudder, and felt the pulse of huge blood vessels in his ears as he hugged the giant cock to hid head. In the meantime, Kirh climbed up onto the dragon's lower belly-scales and sat between his hind legs up underneath the tree-trunk, which was uplifted slightly by the huge bulge in Volgrau's midsection. There Kirh found a seat that was perfect: at the base of his shaft, in the slimy, fleshy saddle between his cock and his balls. She ground her pelvis against the lower parts of the dragon's huge dick as Ulw rubbed his sex against the upper parts.

Kirh's tail, at the same time, waved back and forth, tickling Volgrau's balls.

The dragon's jaws gaped and he lost almost all verbal control in the flood of sexual pleasure that overwhelmed his senses. "Gods! Rrgh... rrghhaagh--wait, agh, wait just a moment, surface-dweller... Please, you must leave your seat right this moment. I am begging you, please..."

"Oh, I'll leave my seat," answered Kirh, while she stood up and began to ride higher on his huge, slippery shaft, while she directed her tail-flicks downward, tickling Volgrau's balls even more teasingly and seductively.

Volgrau began to pant heavily, displaying all his fangs as his jaws gaped. "Oh, oh gods no, this can't be--rrrgh, grrrghh--stop! Please, I'm begging you! Aiigh!"

"I'll stop doing it as soon as you admit to being a fat, belly-crawling slug of a dragon!" Kirh called out to him.

"What?" Volgrau's tone was shocked. "What are you saying?"

"That's right, go on," Ulw called out. "Say it!"

"You can't be serious. Why wou--aagh! No! Stop! Wait! All right, here I go. Are you listening? I, Volgrau--ugh," he broke off, in sorrowful tones, "I can't believe you're making m--aigh! No! Aiigh! I'm a fat-bellied, crawling slug! I, Volgrau, crawl on my belly like a slug, a fat sl--uagh! No! Stop that! Gods, what more do you want? Please let me go now. I said it. You just heard me, just a moment ago."

"No, you said it wrong," Kirh reproached Volgrau gently, deftly wriggling her pelvis against his huge shaft while her tail continued to tickle him. "You were supposed to say fat, belly-crawling slug, not--"

"My mistake," Volgrau answered, grinning as amiably as he could considering his position. "Please allow me--"

"You get one chance," Kirh shouted, cutting him off.

"No, oh no," Volgrau whined. "You c--can't be ss--serious. L--rrgh--oh gods, you can't--agh! Surface-dwell--ulp. Brp. Mrrr, ooh, oh this...this I can't believe. This--you must stop! Please, I'm begging you. Belly-crawling slug! There--mrraarrgh, oh, I said it... I corrected it, rrgh... Please, I'll crawl on my belly for you while I beg, if you would prefer it that way. Please just--"

The dragon wheezed, and his yellow eyes widened and rolled in his lean, saurian skull, as his voice diminished to almost a whisper and his four claws shredded the bark of the tree-trunk as he whimpered to himself, "Please, oh please, no, no--grrrrrghh, rrrgh, RRAARRRRGHAAAAAARRGH!" Volgrau commenced to bellowing and growling as great spurts of his white, viscous semen sprayed all over the inside of the fallen tree, soaking Ulw and forcing him to cover his eyes and hold on for dear life as the dragon thrashed and writhed around and clawed the outer surface of the tree-trunk with all four claws, until the last of his cries died with a shuddering gasp, and the creature lay on his back, panting and heaving with the weight of the giant tree-trunk resting on top of him.

Kirh waited several moments then started tugging the base of Volgrau's shaft, trying to pull it out of the hole, as Ulw urged it downwards from inside the hollow tree.

The entire time they worked at this task, Volgrau whimpered and murred, while squirts of cum continued to spew from the head of his huge dragonhood. The more they tugged, the more came out of him, until Volgrau's jaws hung open and he panted and gasped with an idiotic grin on his sharp-toothed muzzle. It took them minutes of pulling and pushing, and minutes of Volgrau loosing little spurts his semen all over, while the sounds the dragon was making became increasingly breathless-sounding, unmasculine, until the rest of the great, rubbery, slimy length of Volgrau's dragonhood slid all the way out of the hole and flopped over to the side, draining after-cum down the side of his belly.

Kirh and Ulw at that moment pulled off a clever trick. Volgrau, with his member freed from the hole in the tree, was also free to roll the heavy object off of him, and he immediately sought to roll the tree-trunk on top of Kirh and Ulw and crush them the moment after they climbed down from his belly. He would have done so, but at the moment Kirh was helping Ulw out of the knot-hole, the two Vulpelins feinted to the left and the dragon, sensing their movement, let the fallen log roll off of his body to the left side. At virtually the same time, Kirh and Ulw changed direction and leapt off the right side of the dragon's midsection, landing in the swamp nearby.

They ran away across the soft, marshy ground, leaping in and out of mud-puddles and struggling through thick mires, while Volgrau, wasting not a single moment, rolled over onto his belly after casting the tree aside and gathered his four claws beneath him. The enormous creature lunged after Kirh and Ulw as soon as they reached the further shore of a large pond of mud, over which Volgrau fully intended to leap as he lunged after them.

Volgrau had failed to notice, however, that in rolling the tree-trunk off of his body he had cast it to one side, only to have it roll back towards him while he wasn't looking, and squash the end of his serpentine tail underneath its weight. Consequently, when his tail was stretched to its limit, Volgrau was checked in mid-leap and he crashed belly-first into the pond, throwing a tremendous splash of mud into the air and involuntarily taking in a dragon-sized mouthful of the thick, slimy mire.

Ooze dripped from his reptilian jaws as Volgrau squirmed belly-flat in the mud, and within moments an ashamed, shaky, mud-smeared grin spread across his fanged muzzle, and he shivered and moaned as more of his cum squirted out into the mud-pool beneath him. He writhed and panted, watching as Kirh and Ulw fled up the hill, away from the swamp, and reentered the woods.

Volgrau sighed pathetically as the inescapable mud continued to suck down at his loins. The more he tried to extricate himself, the more it seemed to suck him down, until finally he gave up and collapsed in the mud, breathing laboriously, as unconsciousness arrived to unmercifully claim him.


Kirh and Ulw fled for a day without resting, desperate to escape from their relentless hunter. Soon, they knew, Volgrau would probably catch up to them, and so they had to keep trudging for as long as their brown-furred paws would continue to carry them forward.

The two Vulpelins trudged along the bottom of a moderately deep, narrow canyon through a region that contained bare rock and very little else. In their travels, they came upon a curious-looking landscape: after turning a corner in the ravine, they beheld ahead a rather narrow, steep passage between two walls of the ravine, where the floor of the canyon rose gradually at first, then rose for a in a steep incline for a short distance. Resting at the foot of this brief upslope in the canyon floor, directly in front of them, was a massive boulder whose shape described an almost perfect sphere.

The huge, round boulder presented an obstacle that they would have no difficulty bypassing, given that the stone sphere failed to block off the bottom of the gorge entirely: two tall, narrow passages of no more than three feet in width separated the sides of the boulder from the walls of the canyon. Several feet in front of the boulder, directly ahead of where they stood, was where the canyon appeared narrowest.

Standing there for the moment, wondering how safe it would be for them to slip between the occlusive stone and the walls of the surrounding gorge, Kirh and Ulw all at became aware of a noise growing louder, coming towards them...


Uroshonth the dragon, having escaped from the Lupaoran outpost where he had been held prisoner for almost a fortnight, prowled along the bottom of a gorge and kept out of sight for fear that the Lupaoran patrols hunting him were somewhere nearby. An hour had passed since he had seen the last of the patrols. Upon spying Uroshonth resting from afar, several score of the wolf-warriors had started to shoot their arrows at his black-scaled face and his mouth, and the gray-green bands of scale covering his belly, which they did with astonishing accuracy, forcing the just-waking Uroshonth, who was still weary and wounded after his escape and subsequent lengthy flight, to curl one enormous black wing around his body in order to absorb the volley of arrows. Then the dragon had taken to the air and burned all of the Lupaorans alive.

Moments later, Uroshonth had realized that he would soon be forced to land, for his wing was now aching and sore from scores of pin-prick arrow wounds, not to mention that both of his wings were already feeling tired and heavy after he had taken flight and escaped. Now he made his way along the bottom of the gorge, walking on four claws instead of flying, with the steady, entranced trudge of one who has been traveling alone for many hours. He made his way up a shallow rise in the canyon floor and stood briefly at the top, overlooking a spherical boulder below, with a circumference slightly less than the girth of his plump midsection.

Without hesitating, Uroshonth padded two steps down the hill and leaped down on top of the boulder, intending to jump down from it a moment later, only the second he was on top of the sphere he saw in front of him not one but two of the creatures like the one who had tormented him earlier, and in a moment of surprise and dismay he tried to backtrack with the stone still underneath him.

At that moment several things happened almost at once: Uroshonth's legs flew out from underneath him as the stone rolled several feet up the incline, and the underside of his huge, draconic jaw crashed to earth directly in front of the two Vulpelins, while the sharp points of his pair of upward-reaching horns scraped against the walls of the ravine, gouging out two long furrows on either side where the canyon was narrowest, so that by the time Uroshonth's lower jaw smacked against the floor of the canyon, the points of his unbreakable spread of horns were embedded deeply in its stone walls. Half a moment after his head landed, Uroshonth's gray-green chest landed, knocking most of the breath out of his lungs without a trace of fire. At the same time, his hind legs' double-kick sent the sphere of stone several feet up the hill, and by the time his lower belly was about to land on top of Kirh and Ulw, the boulder had rolled back down the hill and struck him solidly in the rump, resulting in a small and thoroughly unimpressive puff of fire from the front of his black scaly snout, a few feet in front of where Kirh and Ulw were standing. The round stone rolled up underneath the fat base of Uroshonth's tail and lodged there, slightly lifting his hindquarters up off the ground.

Though the fire would not have scorched the Vulpelins, the sight of it panicked them, and with cries of terror the two of them ran past Uroshonth's massive head on one side, ducked underneath one of his horns, and headed toward his hindquarters.

The dragon, unable to move his head at all because of the position of his horns, could do nothing as they ran past his head. He was out of breath, and the fire had been involuntary and there was no more for the moment. With a gasp of dismay, Uroshonth realized that he was unable to use his hind-legs to roll the boulder out from underneath his tail without the object rolling right back down and lodging underneath him again. Similarly, if he tried to use his legs to roll it underneath him up towards his forelegs, the bulge of his great, gray-green belly was too low for him to push the boulder past. He was therefore unable to acquire the leverage he needed in order to pull his horns or his head out of the position in which they had become stuck. The unstable, unsteady boulder underneath his hind-legs and tail would not roll forward or backward more than a few feet, and it would not roll more than three feet to either side. Unable to get all four claws firmly on the ground, he was unable to pull himself backwards with the strength required to dislodge the point of his horns from where they were sunk within the walls.

As Uroshonth frantically pedaled the large, spherical boulder around underneath the base of his tail and lower belly, the constant rolling pressures being exerted on his stomach-scales in that part of him caused the head and part of the shaft of his dragonhood to distend from its sheath, and almost as soon as it did so, he heard the squeaking voices of the little fox-creatures crying out underneath him and panicked, thinking of an earlier time when one of them had tormented him. He kicked the boulder out from underneath his tail once more, trying to bring his belly down on top of the two creatures and crush them underneath his weight, but the boulder was too fast, and it rolled back up underneath his tail and again struck him solidly in the rear-end, forcing a much larger, hotter belch of flame from his mouth this time, and saving Kirh and Ulw's lives by rolling up underneath the base of his tail and preventing his belly from squashing them flat.

At the same time, the boulder's collision with Uroshonth's rump and its subsequent rolling around and rubbing between his hind legs caused his bright red, slippery phallus to distend fully and his balls to emerge as well. Afterwards he thrust his belly and his pelvic region downward frantically, smacking the ground with his member, trying to crush the Vulpelins with his dragonhood, but the stone sphere under him prevented him from reaching them, and his motions only caused his dragonhood to emerge further from underneath its protective plate of scales.

With the great, rounded mass of Uroshonth's gray-green belly overhead, Kirh and Ulw crouched in terror, staring up at the huge, thrusting mass of flesh. In their haste to get out of the way, they had fled to where the head of the dragon's massive member rubbed and thrust against the smooth ground, smearing the stone that was already slimy and milky with his slippery pre-cum. In transit, Kirh stepped on the six-inch long black tongue which distended slightly from the hole in the dragon's member and squished part of its slimy length underfoot. She hesitated there for a moment or two, pressing hard, and causing Uroshonth to cease all his activities immediately and grow quiet.

At that instant Uroshonth stopped moving and a depraved grin of terrified, eye-rolling, overwhelming pleasure spread across his sharp-fanged muzzle, and he began to breathe in and out at a rapid, frightened pace.

"Please, one of you," the dragon hissed softly in his most cajoling voice, with a smile trembling on his long jaws. His tongue hung limply from one side of his mouth, and he began to slaver as he went on speaking, "Lift... your foot, if you would, I beg you... It's... you're standing on..."

Kirh looked down at what she was standing on. She looked up at Ulw, and both of their expressions grew into sly, vulpine grins.

"Same thing again?" asked Kirh.

"Same thing again," he agreed.

Hearing their conversation, Uroshonth started to panic. "Same--oh no, you can't mean... Oh no, wait, let's talk this out. Can we plea--oh, rrrgh, mrrgh, wait! Oh no, please not this ag--rrrrgh, mrrgh..."

Kirh leapt on top of the creature's huge red shaft and wrapped her arms and legs around its enormous girth. She began grinding her pelvis sensually against the slippery rubber-textured head of Uroshonth's cock, while below her Ulw sat on the end of the creature's ugly six-inch long tongue-appendage, holding its slippery length to the ground and grinding his ass against it hard, while he frigged his foxhood and rubbed the slimy appendage briskly against his shaft to simultaneously lubricate it and masturbate himself with the dragon's genital tongue-appendage.

Feeling the Vulpelins stimulate him, Uroshonth succumbed to desperate, grinning panic and quickly became servile towards them, and it soon became apparent that he was having some difficulty articulating his speech because of the pleasure they were causing him to feel:

"Wait, this is... rrrgh, a mis--mistake, uch," he gasped. "Don't, please, I am begging the two of you. I did nothing at all to you--"

"Except try to incinerate us," Kirh amended sharply, which she changed into a small giggle. "And somewhat pathetically too, I should add," she said, as she and Ulw continued to grind their lithe bodies against his huge sex.

Uroshonth wheezed tiredly, and growled in great irritation, "That was entirely unintentional. Wouldn't you--oh, rrrgh--expect to see more flames than that? That was knocked--grrgh--out of me when--mrrgh, wait no, stop--when th--that stone rolled down the hill and--rrrgh--struck my backside. Ugh, and now--rrrgh--I c--can't roll it out from underneath my--mrrrogrh--my tail, rrrgh, oh..."

Grunting and whimpering in ecstatic pleasure, Uroshonth felt his control slipping as sexual arousal grew to dominate his senses.

"Let's agree to t--treat one another as f--friends for the... moment," the dragon pleaded, licking his lips and the points of his rows of teeth. "We'll find a ss--resolution to this conflict--mrrgh, no, oh no, not that again, please--mrrgh, unngh!"

Uroshonth struggled to remove the two creatures clinging to him and grinding their loins against his sex, but he could not dislodge them no matter how hard he tried. In his swelling dragonhood he felt the hot, thrilling flush of blood beginning to over-tingle his member in the way that prefigured orgasm, and Uroshonth, desperate to rid himself of the two creatures that clung to his hard-on and humped it, attempted once more to talk his way out of his position:

"There must be something y--oh, rrgh--want from me, some way for--mrrgh--for me to aid you li--oh, rrgh--little creatures. T--tell me--ungh--what is it you want from me?"

"Will you do anything?" asked Kirh.

"You have to agree to do anything we say to do," said Ulw, "then we will tell you what we want you to do."

Uroshonth gritted his teeth and shut his eyes. A gasp burst from his mouth and his red eyes flew open wide. He panted, displaying all his fangs as he desperately attempted to remove his head from the rigid confines of its entrapment between the walls, and succeeding hardly at all. As his eyes alternated between closed and opened, his breathing grew louder and generally sounded as though his energy was almost entirely expended.

"Anything," echoed Uroshonth, gasping in climactic pleasure. "Oh gods, yes! Ah! Stop! I'll do--rrrgh--anything you say, unnnh, mrrr. Oh stop, please--rrrh--please, I--oh, that's--ah... that's better. Yes, now you're listening. Yes, now let's have the both of you stand up, and release old Uroshonth's favorite occupier... of his spare time. Good, ah, now... tell me, how may I assist the two of you."

"Meow like a cat," suggested Kirh.

Ulw laughed at her suggestion. "Yes, let's hear you being a cat," he said. "Go on. Do it."

Uroshonth said between gasps, "Gods, you, rrrgh... no, you can't be serious. Can we do something else? I c--all right, I will, I will," the dragon reversed at once, as soon as Ulw began grinding his ass against the slimy tongue-appendage again, and as soon as Kirh began rubbing her slender, furry pelvis expertly against the glistening head of his enormous shaft again.

The dragon produced a number of noises that sounded like whimpers and tearful, hisses of panic. "Was that--ssrrgh, unh--to your l--sssnnh, oh no, please stop! Wait! I did... what you ss--said--oh, g--gods, I--rrrgh! Aaaaagh!" The onset of panic in Uroshonth's deep voice was surprising and sudden, and instantly he was in the throes of pleasure again. "No, stop!" he begged them. "I can improve. Listen: meew, mee--" He coughed and gasped, breaking off abruptly. His huge, red draconic eyes rolled in their sockets. Rivers of clear, syrupy slaver flowed down from between the teeth of his lower jaws and dripped on the ground, pooling on the floor underneath him and slathering the underside of his jaw and his long throat with wet sliminess. This, along with his state of rigid confinement and the two creatures grinding their bodies against his genitals, became far too much for Uroshonth and his throbbing dragonhood to bear. Uroshonth loosed a torrent of his white, viscous seed all over Ulw, splashing his ass-hole with the warm, sticky ejaculation and causing the Vulpelin to laugh as the cum spurted out of him, as he masturbated with Uroshonth's six-inch long tongue-appendage. Still laughing in ecstasy, Ulw started to come as well, grunting and giggling as the bellowing beast's appendage wriggled around beneath his ass. Eventually he fell off the dragon's genitals and lay to the side, glorying in the afterglow of sex.

In the meantime, the dragon bellowed, growled, and gasped, wriggling his huge hindquarters and kicking his hind legs uncontrollably as gallon after gallon of hot reptile semen spilled out of his bright red member, and the end of the black, slimy appendage whipped back and forth frantically underneath Kirh's paw, after she took over for Ulw, holding it down after he fell off.

Kirh turned away from the head of Uroshonth's shaft and lay down on her belly, pulling the short black tongue up beneath her loins, threading her pussy with its slippery length and presently riding it up and down as she ground her firm vulpine ass against the sensitive head of his dragonhood. Uroshonth could barely stand it as her wet, furry tail flicked back and forth across the burning, tingling flesh of his still-ejaculating member.

"Please stop," Uroshonth pleaded breathlessly. "Please stop, ooaarrgh, no, agh..." A trembling, almost tearful grin appeared on his muzzle, and the dragon began to loose another torrential load of hot dragon-cum before he had even finished draining out the rest of the last load. The warm, sticky substance splashed Kirh's ass-hole as she ground her pelvis against the slimy tongue-appendage, and she felt pleasure surge through her as the tongue wriggled underneath her of its own accord and Uroshonth moaned and cried out as he came again and again on her ass, drenching her in his dragon-seed. Her own orgasm began soon thereafter, and she grasped the tongue-appendage underneath her as she came, her fluids spattering and smearing the dragon's phallic flesh.

Uroshonth could do nothing except grit his teeth and gasp and whimper as the second huge, borderline-painful orgasm ripped through his member. Afterwards he lay with his head soaking in a puddle of his own salivations, panting heavily with the points of his fangs showing. His dizzied, unfocused red eyes rolled aimlessly for several seconds before he blinked and came to.

"Oagh... uggh..." he panted, unable to speak at first. At last he stared to speak between gasps. "Let's agree... never to do... that again... You agree... never to do this ... to me again... and I--ooaaaaagh!" Uroshonth shouted as Kirh gave his appendage a sharp tug. He wept tremblingly as the dregs of his watery, thin seed continued to spill out of the slit in the head of his huge dragonhood, panting as he feebly wriggled his six-inch long tongue-appendage back and forth like a dying eel in a puddle of his own slimy secretions. The dragon shuddered as the last of his seed spilled out, and his fully aroused member continued to pump out a stream of hot emptiness and ejaculation-pains.

Uroshonth moaned, "Please, no more... No more... little ones, I--mrrrh, unh... want to surrender," he gasped. "I will do anything... you say, only please, please, please do not torment me... any more.... I'm so ready to serve you, master and mistress. I am yours... to command. Tell me what to do."

"Oink like a Wa--" Kirh began, only to have the rest of her sentence cut off by Ulw's loud, brash accusation:

"When you first started talking, you said something that sounded almost like, 'not this again.' What did you mean by that?"

Uroshonth answered weakly, "When I first spoke? Oh yes, that--yes, there was another one almost like you, a female. She had me in a situation... slightly more painful than my current... predicament, but her technique--unnh--nearly the same."

Kirh's ears perked up. "When did this happen?"

"A fortnight ago, it happened," Uroshonth replied in a low, breathless hiss. "I was the prisoner of the wolves west of here. They unleashed that little creature on me," he shuddered. "I'd never known such humiliation and pain."

"What was her name?" asked Kirh.

"Her name?" echoed Uroshonth. "I can't remember--rraaaaarrrrrgh! Mrrrgh! No! Unnh! Stop! I apologize. I'm--gnnnh--trying to--oh--gods, pleasepleasenononoNO, nnnggh! ROOOAAAAAGGH! AAAAAAAAAANNNGGGGHHH!" The dragon's hot cum was barely a trickle this time, and Uroshonth's member was afire with sexual pain of the most uncomfortable, sensational kind. He felt that he was about to lose consciousness or have a cardiac arrest, or else both at once. Instead he merely remained where he had been on the floor of the canyon, while his member pumped nothing whatsoever down the head of his shaft onto the ground, and his hind-legs twitched and his tail slithered back and forth across the huge boulder which uplifted his hindquarters.

"What was her name?" Kirh asked with greater insistence. "Was it Leul? Was that the name they called her?"

"I really don't remember, I promise," Uroshonth begged, when he could speak again. "I do not know her name. But listen, master and mistress... something is walking up... the canyon towards us, and I believe it is another dragon. Yes, it is. I smell him coming this way, and... something else... swamp, I think, and mud."

"Volgrau," Kirh and Ulw said to one another.

Immediately Kirh wrapped Uroshonth's genital tongue-appendage around one of her forepaws and grasped it, giving it an experimental tug.

The dragon gasped. "Oh gods, please, not that..."

"Now listen," she snarled, "you have to get rid of him."

"Of course, I will do *anything* for my mistress and my master."

"Then get rid of him, while we hide underneath you," replied Ulw.

"But what if he becomes suspicious, or hears or smells you?"

Kirh laughed cynically. "With your nasty, slimy mess splattered all over our furs, I doubt he'll be able to smell us all that well."

"But wait, he's right," said Ulw. "We'll still be trapped if Volgrau finds us."

"I will distract him," suggested Uroshonth, "while the two of you run away, and afterwards we will separate, never again to meet, I really, truly hope."

"That sounds fine," agreed Kirh. "What will you do?"

"Trust me, you will know. You must run past my head and past the newcomer, as soon as he covers both his eyes. I will tell you... when it is time."

"You had better not try anything," Kirh warned, wrapping the six-inch long, slimy tongue-appendage around one forepaw and thumping it idly with the other forepaw. "Or I will damage you permanently."

"Yes, of course, mistress," Uroshonth whimpered pleadingly. "I always do as my kind, beautiful mistress says."

"That's a good little slave-worm," Kirh replied, petting the slimy ribbon of flesh with her paws, while Uroshonth moaned and shuddered.

The dragon began, "Please, my mistress, your slave-worm is so very weary. I--AAAIIEE! Ohnonono, rrgh, aagh, please, no..." Uroshonth cried as his throbbing, aching member was jacked off once more, and nothing came out of the slit in his dragonhood but a shining, barely visible rivulet of clear slime that flowed down the head of his shaft.

"Do it, and keep your mouth shut about us," Kirh warned, "or I'll rip your slimy snake-tongue right out of your fat snake-cock and watch you bleed to death."

Uroshonth begged her, "Please don't do that. Please, please, I am begging--"

"Shut up!" she snarled in a whisper, tugging the appendage slightly, and causing Uroshonth to shut his dripping jaws with a huge gulp, swallowing some saliva. He was still unable to move from where he lay, helpless to do anything but watch as the wingless dragon arrived in front of him.

As Volgrau approached him with relative caution, unsure of what he was doing there, the larger Uroshonth attempted to smile at the slightly smaller dragon disarmingly and nod his head in a sort of greeting, the latter of which he failed to do entirely with his head stuck as it was. He groaned at the ache in his parts as Volgrau came forward.

"As you've no doubt observed for yourself already," Uroshonth declared to the approaching dragon in weary, breathless accents, "I'm preoccupied with... certain other matters at the moment. I'm afraid I shall have to ask you to move on. Go on."

"They smell like very important matters," Volgrau commented.

Uroshonth winced. "My difficulties are... my own concern. I politely decline any offers to help."

"I did not offer to help," Volgrau responded coldly. "I am myself, however, in need of someone's assistance. Perhaps you'll tell me: have you seen or smelled a pair of small, furry creatures in the vicinity? They would be very small, and quite evasive. I am searching for a pair of creatures who are about this big--with red-brown fur and white-furred breasts, pointed ears, and black-noses at the ends of their muzzles. You wouldn't happen to have seen them anywhere around, would you?"

A smile trembled on Uroshonth's sharp-fanged jaws, and he barely shook his head. "I haven't seen anything of the kind," he assured the other dragon, grinning hugely, though it was a grin of desperation. Underneath Uroshonth's belly, Kirh had the dragon's genital tongue-appendage wrapped firmly around one of her forepaws and was preparing to pull it as hard as she could if he betrayed them.

"You're quite sure of that then, are you?" asked Volgrau. "No strange smells, no unusual appearances..."

"Nothing at all, I promise," Uroshonth whimpered pleadingly. "Ooh, oh--"

"What was that?"

"Nothing, erf," replied Uroshonth, but afterwards he mouthed three words silently to Volgrau: "Right underneath me."

Volgrau raised an eye-ridge in bemusement, while Uroshonth tried and generally failed to nod his head. Slowly, realization dawned on Volgrau's face, and the wingless dragon crept forward to peer beneath the horns of Uroshonth's confined head.

At that moment, Kirh thought they were lost, and she prepared to pull the slimy, black tongue out of his dragonhood, but Uroshonth was too quick for her: he breathed a tremendous blast of fire directly into the other dragon's face, and at the moment Volgrau leapt back and clapped both forepaws protectively over his eyes, Uroshonth bellowed a single word to Kirh and Ulw:


They took off at a full run, passing Uroshonth's head and sprinting to one side of Volgrau, leaping over the coils of his tail to escape. As they fled for their lives, Volgrau turned to pursue them, but before he could take a step towards them a mighty blast of Uroshonth's dragonfire scorched his backside.

Crying out in pain and rage, Volgrau turned on Uroshonth, snarling, but another blast of fire struck him full in the face, and he staggered back, choking.

"Fuck off!" Uroshonth shouted to him.

Not to be dissuaded, Volgrau ran forward and leaped over Uroshonth, intending to land directly behind him, but instead he landed on the spherical boulder and kicked it into the rump of the entrapped dragon, knocking Uroshonth's backside hard enough to push him forward, immediately dislodging his horns from where they had become stuck.

While Uroshonth lay on the ground, panting, an enraged Volgrau prowled over to where he lay and turned him over onto his serrate spine, exposing the larger dragon's sexual organs and his anal sphincter, the latter of which Volgrau eyed lustfully. Quickly, Volgrau mounted Uroshonth, climbed up onto his belly, and commenced to plunging his huge dragonhood in and out of the other male dragon's ass-hole.

"Who's Volgrau's fat, lovely bitch-wyrm then? Say it. Say you're my fat, lovely bitch-wyrm, you fat, slime-wallower, you filth, you worm... I am going to come in your ass, and then I'm going to come all over that fat paunch of yours, and make you lick the slime off of it, and then make you lick the slime off of me, and--"

Uroshonth panted, his red eyes widening as Volgrau fucked him, and suddenly a snarling, bestial expression of rage formed on his draconic countenance, and his fore-claws grasped the other dragon by his serpentine neck and squeezed its scaly girth until Volgrau wheezed, while he suddenly seemed to have lost interest in fucking his partner's ass. Uroshonth then slid Volgrau's dragonhood out of his ass and flipped the smaller dragon over onto his back, while Volgrau squirmed desperately and made whimpering, meeping noises.

"My apologies, sire," Volgrau began, "I thought--errgh!" The rest of his speech was cut off as Uroshonth began strangling him again.

"I'm going to fuck you in half for that," growled the larger, winged dragon, taking hold of Volgrau's scaly, digitigrade hind-legs and inexorably pulling the creature's tail up underneath his crotch and pulling Volgrau's groin in towards his sex. Uroshonth plunged his member inside the other dragon's tight ass-hole.

Almost instantly, Uroshonth uttered a cry of surprise and pain.

"Ow, ooh, rrgh," he cried, holding his genitals in both fore-claws and gritting his sharp teeth in pain, while Volgrau rose quickly and scrambled to get away from him.

'That was truly," Uroshonth panted, "the wrong t--time... to do that... rrrgh, the little ones... if they hadn't done--rrgh! OhnononopleasePLEASENO! Unnggh!"

Uroshonth abruptly ended his sentence, as a tearful, weary, hopeless expression appeared on his face. The dragon wheezed and moaned, as his too-eager attempt at sodomizing another male dragon resulted in him having another painful orgasm.

After Volgrau had fled his presence, Uroshonth collapsed on his back, panting heavily and holding onto his aching, raw, sensitive dragonhood as slaver dripped from his already slimy jaws onto the gray-green scales of his chest. The exhausted, breathless creature looked dizzily one last time at the sluggish rivulet of clear slime rolling down the head of his bright red shaft, and finally lost consciousness.

Written by Sluimarath, May 2005

Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission: Conclusion, Ch. 2

A note from the author: Thanks to all who have taken the time to write comments and send emails. "Conclusion: Chapter 3," soon to follow, will conclude the "Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission" stories, until I can think of something else for the...

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We view the most obscene splendors

Author's note: "We view the most obscene splendors" is a continuation of the previous submission "Interrogations: Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission ex. 2," and describes an event from "Interrogations" which was given only brief mention: an expedition...

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The Egg

Author's note: Happy Mother's Day The inhumanly sharp eye of a lone bird of prey picked out the shape of a tiny, red-brown animal on the mountain's slope a mile below. The distant figure climbed across a stark, desolate region of chasms and narrow...

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