Blank Space

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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Raffle was held and the winner was Dave-8ball.

Story and Verij are (C) ME

Dave is (C)

Cover art is taken from Google Images, referenced from :

Blank Space

Michelle Teague

Space, blank nothingness dotted by the occasional star or rock. Nothing out there, except the lonely Gaia class colony ship. A Terra-forming ship capable of traveling long distance to a world that was barren and giving it life. It carried on board the DNA bank of several worlds, and had computers that could select and generate DNA based replicas of exact dimensions. The ship's mission, for the last year of travel, was to bounce through space, seeing a totally uninhabited world that could support life if given an atmosphere.

The polar bear/tiger hybrid gazed out at the blank nothingness. The ship had been to over two hundred worlds in the last year alone. He was getting cabin fever. He wanted to get off ship at the next dock and spend some time having fun. Given he was on a ship loaded with other furs, he just wanted to get off the damned ship.

Dave took a minute to look around his quarters. Not bad actually, he thought. He had a bed, a desk, a cabinet, his own shower, and a small entertainment center with a selection of games, shows, and movies all at his selection. He wasn't going to go insane from boredom. Now it was more that he wanted to find a nice male with a big dick and ride him until neither of them could walk.

Sighing he glanced at the computer on his desk. Another three months before they would possibly THINK about docking. He decided to stroll through Hydroponics. Taking the short route, he came into the main dome of the ship. A beautiful garden, though the air was heavy with the scent of plants. He was thankful he didn't have allergies. Strolling to a bench, he sat to just gaze around quietly.

His suit, the solid black with rank set on his shoulder, hugged at his body. The slightly chubby middle, laid over ample muscle. His broad shoulders moved slowly as he shifted his weight to get comfortable. His long tail swayed back and froth as he watched a butterfly drift overhead. He relaxed, visibly, as he leaned back into the bench. He could see other crew members passing to and fro. Some chatting, others reading, some working. The hydroponics station on the ship was mostly there to avoid the sensation of being locked in.

He had often found refuge here from the sterile and cold trappings of his work station in the Engineering department. The soft thrum of the engine was little sound to distract him from the constant beeping and flashing of the consoles and monitors that kept the entire ship running.

He closed his eyes, breathing deeply of the air. It smelt so good, fresh. Unlike the pure filtered air in the rest of the ship. He opened his eyes and saw one of his fellow crew. A male dragon taur. The creature was nearly fifteen feet in length from chest to tail, and easily five feet wide. This taur, thankfully, worked in the medical bay. The tiger/bear hybrid wondered how a creature so large navigated some of the narrow halls of the ship.

The dragon noticed him looking and strolled over. "Hey."was all he said. The tiger/bear leaned up and nodded, "Afternoon. Nice place to relax eh?" the taur nodded, "Reminds me of home. Plenty of room to run and relax in." Dave sat up and crossed his legs. "Where did you come from?" The taur smiled, thinking of his home. "Cespa 6, Moon 4. Boogat as it was known in our tongue. Beautiful place. I remember the night time, gazing up at the huge green planet that we orbited around. Only had sunlight once every five days, but only 15 hours of it. Then it was night time again."

"Sounds beautiful. Bet the cities were nice." The taur chuckled, "We didn't have cities. Biggest thing was the villages, and even then, most of our kind lived in huts in the forests. We traveled to the trading posts set up by the Alliance, but never stayed there." Dave smiled, "I came from a place of Ice and Snow on Earth. For one whole month the sun shined, constantly. And six months later it was darkness for a whole month. It was cold, bitterly so. I remember it well enough though. It was nice. I didn't have to wear a temperature regulated suit to keep from over heating." He tugged at his suit.

The taur nodded, flipping a claw over his vest. "Tell me about it. Its maddening I have to wear these things on duty. I prefer to wear nothing. Not like I have anything to hide really." The tiger/bear looked up. "Oh? Why is that?" The taur reared up on his back legs. "My goods stay inside my body. See? Just a slit down there. And one hole under my tail." Dave blushed a bit. Though most of the crew were open and accepting, he had usually kept such matters to himself. Being trapped on a ship this long, normally made one forget inhibitions as it had most of the crew off the clock.

The taur lowered down, catching that blush and getting one of his own. "Sorry man." Dave waved a blunt paw. "Nothing too it. I have seen enough in my time." The taur arched an eyebrow. "Oh really?" he asked. His green and beige scales glistened in the sunlamps of the dome, making him appear shiny and sleek. The small patch of pinkish scales around his slit had caught the tiger/bear's attention. He wondered just what was hiding inside that slit.

The taur was wondering the same of the fur. Then the call came for shift change. Both sighed, "Back to work." The taur said. He walked off after saying goodbye. Dave headed into the hall, making his way to the lifts. Arriving at engineering, he took his station, logged into his console and began the cycle check. Today he was looking over air filtration data. The air filters would need regular changing and he was supposed to log which ones needed the first change. As he tapped the screen each time a full filter came up, he began to let his mind wander to the taur again.

The male had been fairly open, and looked rather interesting. His scales seemed so smooth and glossy. His eyes were bright, just like his body. The thick rippling muscles under those scales only made the tiger/bear think more on him. Strong, almost like a dominant dragon. And Dave could have sworn he picked up a slight hint of musk when the dragon reared up like that. Like he was ready to breed a nice, hot, tight hole.

The screen had stopped scrolling because Dave hadn't touched it in a while. He paused to look the screen, having lost his place and scrolling back up with a sigh. The tiger/bear smiled though, because he knew that when shift ended he could catch the taur in the hall. After all the living quarters were all in a single hall, and it wrapped all the way around the station. Even if he didn't know the guy's name, he certainly knew just how to find him. How many dragon taurs could be on the ship?

Hours later, the buzzer rang end of shift. Dave closed out of his station, headed to the lift, and rode back to the level for the dome. Taking the long walk back, he took his time to try and catch sight of the guy. No luck, as he reached his room before he found him. Taking a seat at his desk, he woke his computer and began a crew search. Just as he figured, a single male dragon taur was on the list. The image beside it was a perfect match.

The room was just down the hall too. Which the tiger/bear thought was lucky, but wondered why he had not noticed him before. Shrugging he glanced at the clock. 22:00 hours universal standard time. Too late for a visit tonight. Grumbling to himself, the tiger/bear stood and slid out of his uniform. The temperature of the room adjusted the moment he slid out of the suit, chilling the room to near 2 degrees Celsius. The sensors in the suit enabled the individual rooms to adjust to a preferred setting for each crew member. The computers could handle it easily, considering there was only 300 crew. Sighing as he flopped on the bed, he watched the window.

The ship shook lightly and the black suddenly blurred into gray. The tiger/bear sighed softly as the ship slid into warp, and headed for the next planet. His eyes closed, having grown used to the light glow of the magnetic field created by jumping into warp.

Dave woke slowly, stretching and yawning. Scratching as hit crotch as he stood, he glanced at the holographic clock/calender on the wall. He smiled, his day off duty this week. He grabbed a clean suit and slipped in, setting the temperature of his room to adjust to the hall again. Slipping in to the hall he walked toward the room of his new friend.

Knocking on the door, he paused. There was a rustle and the door opened partially. The tiger/bear could feel the cool air. It was not cold, but it was cool. The dragon poked his head out. "Yes...OH! Hi. I see you found me." Dave nodded and smiled, "Yea, kind of hard to hide. Oh, my name is Dave." The tiger/bear held on his paw. The dragon took the offered paw in his own claws, giving it a gentle shake. "Verijk-bijnavor. But you can call me Verij for short." Dave nodded. "So Verij, you wanna head to the mess hall and get breakfast?"

Verij nodded as he leaned back in his room. "Yea, let me get my vest Cant go anywhere without the darn thing. At least not outside my room." Dave nodded and leaned against the wall. As the taur shuffled about in his room, Dave wondered just what it took to actually get that vest on. It was simple, stick in one arm then the other. Maybe he didn't have a big enough room.....

Dave's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and the taur came out the door. Smoothing the vest he smiled. "Come on. Let's get some food. I'm starving." Dave nodded and walked beside the taur. Glancing over at him, he asked softly. "is your room too small?" The taur nodded, "Yea. I'm just an Ensign." Dave nodded, "Yea I remember those days. I could barely turn around in my room. I'm a Sargent, so I get a bigger room. More room than I need really."

Verij snickered, "Wanna trade rooms?" The tiger/bear laughed softly "No way!" As they came to the mess hall, the pair headed for the food stations. There were several along the back wall. As they paused to make their food selections, they noticed that the mess hall was almost empty. Taking their trays to a large empty table, they sat across from each other to talk.

"So, got anyone waiting on you back home...or here on the ship?" Verij asked. Dave chuckled, "No. I don't have anyone waiting on me." The taur seemed surprised. "Really now? I thought most of us had someone waiting on them." As the meal progressed, their chatter was light, and mostly about their jobs. The taur was a medical technician, programming and repairing the medical droids and computers in the medical bay.

The Tiger/bear revealed that he was in engineering, and spent most of his time looking over sensor data to determine what needed servicing. "So you really are my boss!" the taur laughed. Dave chuckled. "Me and four others. We spend our ten hours a day watching everything scroll down a screen. We put in the tags and the computer prints out orders daily for you technicians." They finished eating and disposed of their trash before returning the trays.

Strolling down the hall and taking a lift to the upper levels of the hydroponics dome, the pair walked about on the bridges that ran through the upper trees. No one around at all. It seemed everyone else was still asleep or working. Pausing to lean on the rail of one bridge, they enjoyed the quiet. " just like home." Verij said softly. "No technology, no weapons, just peaceful jungle." Dave nodded softly, "It sounds beautiful."

The taur nodded, "I miss it...a lot. I always had someone to hang out with, someone to talk to. I was never alone in a cold, metal broom closet of a room. We always had fun." Dave looked at the taur sideways. Damn if he wasn't the loneliest person on this ship. Dave felt bad, because he knew what this guy was going through. "You...don't have to be alone you know." He said. Verij looked over at him. "What do you mean?" Dave turned and leaned his back on the rail. "I mean, I'm right down the hall from your room. Just come over and knock. You can come see me anytime. I don't get visitors and I spend my shifts alone at a console."

The taur was worried. Higher ranking staff usually never mingled with the Ensigns. " are kidding me." the taur said. "No, I'm serious. I get lonely myself. It sucks, being on this ship for this long and not having a friend that I can talk to. It is worse when the damn rest of the crew wants to just fuck on their off time and I get left out because I'm the quiet one."

The taur nodded, "Oh I know! Seriously, I caught a couple girls and a guy yesterday! Right in my favorite spot too." Dave snickered, "Yea, that's happened to me before." After a moment, the tiger/bear looked to the taur. "Though I really can't blame them sometimes. They just need to scratch that itch." The taur looked back, a hungry look in his eye.

Dave smiled and motioned toward the hall with his head. "My room," he said softly. The taur nodded and followed as the tiger/bear lead the way. He took his time walking, to avoid drawing attention from the rest of the crew, whom was now beginning to fill the halls and other various places. Coming tot he door, Dave opened it and then let the taur in first. The room was big enough Verij could turn around it without bumping everything.

As Dave shut the door, he watched Verij, taking in the dragon taur's behavior. He was wondering if this was a good idea. But the look in Verij's eyes told him everything he wanted to know. This taur was just as hungry for it as he was. Maybe it would only be once, but Dave was certain neither would regret it.

After a moment the tiger/bear sat on the bed and smiled, "You can have a seat if you like. It's alright." Verij sat on the other end of the bed, grinning, "You weren't kidding. Your room is huge compared to mine. Wonder how big the captain's room is." Dave laughed, "Probably big enough to let everyone on the engineering deck sleep there."

Verij moved closer, speaking softly now. "If.... If you want to... we could... you know." Dave nodded softly. "Yea, I was thinking that." The taur moved closer, leaning over him a bit as Dave lay back. Leaning right to the tiger/bear's neck, he nipped him. Dave shivered as he felt a clawed hand move to the zipper in the front of his suit. Slowly pulling it down, opening the suit. The room adjusted accordingly, as the dragon taur began nibbling on Dave's collar bone.

Then he paused and leaned back, taking off his vest. Dropping it off the bed, he leaned back, straddling Dave's legs as he began tugging the suit off. Freeing the upper part of his body, Dave moved his paws to help push the suit down and off his legs. It took a moment, but soon they were both bare. Dave's nose twitched, the heavy musk in the air making both shiver softly.

Dave moved his blunt paws to the side of the taur's arms. Stroking them gently as the taur leaned his head down, kissing the tiger/bear softly on the lips. Dave felt strange, though not unpleasantly. His lips tingled against the firm, scaled lips of the dragon. His body felt warm, flush, needy. His body trembled as those claws lightly traced his figure. His head felt clouded, and he began to worry.

Then Verij spoke softly in his ear. "Don't worry about the foggy feeling....its natural. I have a gland in my lips that gives out a small chemical. It makes your body tingle and feel good, and amplifies the pleasure you feel. It's completely harmless." Dave relaxed, hearing what it was. He trembled harder as he felt Verij nip his cheek softly.

Then the ship lurched, dropping out of warp. Instantly the gravity of the ship died. Everything began to float. The sirens went off as every fur began to scream out in panic. This had never happened before. Then the buzzer sounded, silencing every fur on the ship. "This is your Captain. Please do not be alarmed. When we dropped out of Warp, the Artificial Gravity Generator shifted and destabilized. Engineering is currently solving the issue. It will not affect you in an adverse way. If you were injured in the bump, please see medical bay. Until gravity is restored, I am ordering all personnel to remain in their quarters to minimize the chance of injury and confusion. That is all."

Verij braethed a sigh of relief, as Dave closed his eyes and reached for the intercom beside his bed. "Engineering, this is Crew 4568, Sgt. Dave. Are you in need of assistance?" There was a moment before a reply came back. "No, we have it handled. You can relax Sgt." The tiger/bear smiled and turned off the intercom.

As the pair became accustomed to the lack of gravity, Verij reached out and grabbed Dave's arm softly. Pulling him closer and whispering, "So.... have you ever done anything in zero gravity before?" Dave shook his head, and the dragon smiled, "Neither have I." Pulling the tiger/bear against his torso, the taur licked up is neck, making Dave moan loudly.

Then he gently rolled Dave to get to his sheath. Leaning in, he kissed it softly, which made Dave gasp. Damn, those chemicals were good! His cock instantly swelled up, slipping from his sheath. The tapered shaft was almost three inches thick as the base, over seven inches long. His barbs were only small nubs, but very sensitive. Especially as the dragon's tongue rolled over it, smearing that chemical along his shaft. It pulsed with a hot need to cum. Thick, hot beads of pre began to form at his tip, and roll down his length.

Verij grinned as he leaned closer and slowly slid his lips down around the shaft. Suckling softly on it as he watched the tiger/bear shiver in blissful pleasure. The dragon's muzzle was long enough that when he had the full length in his lips, the tip was just poking the back of his throat. He gulped on it, squeezing the head of Dave's cock in his throat. The tiger/bear's cock throbbed in response, drooling thick pre heavily. Filling the taur's mouth and spilling down his throat. Verij had to swallow several times.

Dave couldn't help but buck his hips softly. Groaning and rubbing the side of Verij's head as he took what was offered. Dave's cock trembled hard, as his hefty balls pulled tight against his body. "G..gonna cum..." he gasped. Verij pushed further, rolling his tongue under that cock hard.

Dave arched his back, roaring out loudly as he peeked. His cock throbbed hard, gushing a few thick hot jets of pre. Then his tip flared bright red as his spunk flooded Verij's mouth. Rope afer thick, hot rope shot from Dave's pulsing dick, gushing into the taur's mouth and painting the back of his throat. Verij swallowed as much as he could, until he had to pull back and gasp for air. Dave was still spurting. Verij quickly wrapped his long tongue around that cock, stroking it and squeezing the base to milk as much as Dave would give him.

Verij's face and chest were painted in spunk. The warm cream slowly dripped off his chin, making his tremble as Dave finally stopped cumming. The last of his load just rolling down his length and floating in the room. Verij grinned as he pet Dave's thighs, while licking himself. Cleaning up the mess easily as he shivered and whispered, "'re productive." Dave blushed and chuckled. "Y..yea. Half tiger, half polar bear. I cum a lot."

Verij grinned softly and finished licking his face and chest. Saving a bit on his tongue he leaned in suddenly, pulling Dave right to him and kissing him deeply. Forcing his tongue past Dave's lips, letting him taste his own spunk. Dave's eyes flew open in surprise, but quickly lidded as the chemicals took over.

After a moment, Verij pulled back and grinned. He leaned back in the air, displaying his slit to the tiger/bear. "Hmmm return the favor?" He asked. Dave nodded and drifted around. As he got close, his mind clouded heavily as the warm musk of the taur filled his nostrils. He leaned close to that warm slit, kissing it softly before diving in with his tongue. Groaning at the heady taste, he rolling his tongue around inside.

It was warm, wet, and the shaft hiding inside pulsed with a need. Drawn out right into Dave's mouth. Dave almost gagged before he pulled back some. The taur had a nearly foot and a half long barbed dragon cock. Thick as his arm, and still not fully hard. Dave eyed it as he worked the tip. Licking and sucking to fully draw it out. He was wide eyed when he got the full package. A dick, nearly two feet in length, thick around as his fist at the halfway point, and getting wider until it hit a knot that was going to be as big as a pumpkin when it was full.

Dave's lust laden mind wanted that knot. He wanted it inside him. As he worked the taur, he stroked the insides of the back legs. Caressing the hefty muscles under the hard scales. Then he had a thought. He was good with his mouth for sure. But his ass was way tighter and hotter. Pulling back, he grinned as a thick strand of pre and saliva connected between his lips and the tip of that massive length.

"Want to mount something hot and needy?" He asked in a sultry voice? The taur grinned and rolled over in air. "I thought you would never ask." Free floating allowed them much more freedom. Dave turned over, spreading his legs and curling his long tail aside submissively. The taur moved in, gripping his shoulders softly in his fore legs. The torso of the dragon was arched back as he held himself off the ceiling. Then he brought that thick cock to bare.

It pulsed with need, drooling so much pre that it made floating bubbles in the air. Thick, hot musky pre that the tiger/bear licked at each time one came close to his face. Then he felt the thick barbed tip rubbing over his tailhole. Spreading that warm pre and gently massaging his crack. Then the taur gripped Dave's shoulders tighter, before his back legs forced Dave's wider. He felt the claws dig in a little, making him wince, before he gasped loudly. Groaning lewdly as his ass was spread open swiftly and harshly That thick cock sinking in, several inches and forcing more behind it

Dave felt his insides give way, spreading open to accommodate the intruder. His anal rings stretched wide, enough to hurt and then further. He groaned and grit his teeth as more of the shaft speared into his backside. Then it stopped hurting as he suddenly felt something so warm and pleasurable tingling through his body. Verij had noticed Dave was hurting and licked his hand. Then he reached back and smeared it all over his cock.

As the chemical spread inside Dave, he relaxed. Taking the full length to the top of the knot. He quivered as his cock flared back to full hardness. His body shaking as it worked deeper into his body, pushing aside what was in it's way. He felt it pushing up under his stomach, making him shiver and tremble. Then the dragon stopped, holding still with the knot still out of Dave's ass. "Mmmm You want me to breed you?" Dave groaned loudly, "Y...yes." Verij leaned right to Dave's ear. "You want me to cum inside you, tie you with my knot and make you my bitch?"

Dave quivered hard, squirming, trying to push back and take more of that delicious cock. "P..Please...Please breed me..." he pleaded. Then the dragon taur smiled and leaned back up. He pulled back a few inches, before ramming his cock home. Dave cried out as the thick shaft began to fuck him earnestly. He glanced down, looking at this stomach. He had always been chubby, but damn if he didn't look pregnant now. His body quaked in bliss as each pump gushed thick pre inside him. The hefty barbs grinding inside his bowels, churning the pre inside him hotly and making his gasp and squirm. His body was on fire, he loved it.

The taur would shift a little this way or that, poking deeply into his slave as he fucked him roughly. Dragging each thrust out slowly, before ramming his full length back inside the tiger/bear. He growled, snarling some as he panted. Dave was screaming for more and more, wanting Verij to tie him and breed him properly. The taur was not one to disappoint.

He arched back some, using his fore legs to grip and hold Dave's thighs as he forcibly bounced him on that thick prick. Dave was screaming as his own cock was jetting pre hard enough to hit the opposite wall. Splattering his musk over it as he cried out.

Verij felt his knot starting to swell. He knew he had to get it inside his slave now. Pulling hard on Dave's thighs, he pushed on his shoulders with his hands. Dave's eyes widered as that thick bulb spread him so wide, before sinking in deep. It pushed right against his prostate, really making him look like he was carrying twins. And that was all it took to set Dave off. His ass clenched on that widening knot, squeezing it as he ground his butt on it. His cock throbbed hard and blew his load again. Each thick shot splattering the wall as he leaned back into the taur.

The taur couldn't hold any more. He roared loudly, shaking the walls as he flooded Dave's back. His own internal balls pumping over time. Each shot felt like a gallon to Dave. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he gave a silent scream of bliss. He felt that searing heat pushing deep inside him, filling up every single nook and cranny in his insides. Warming him up so much. Then he coughed, tasting dragon spunk in his mouth. The Dragon was cumming so much it was coming back up.

Verij rocked back and forth with his hips. Gently tugging the knot as he pumped an ungodly amount of seed into the tiger/bear. He moaned down, as his peek began to fade into afterglow. Reaching around and hugging Dave to his body with forelegs and arms. The taur shivered as he felt the last of his seed pump into Dave. Dave felt so full, so warm.

He shivered softly as Verij hugged him softly. His eyes about rolled back in his head. The dragon used his long tail to grip the bed, and pull them back down to rest. Cuddling his lover, Verij spoke softly. "S...sorry I got carried away." Dave grinned, "I liked it....." The room was cool now, as it continually adjusted to maintain a suitable habitat for them both.

Verij looked out the window at the side of the planet. It was a blue color, solid ice to the core. The taur watched the rolling storms over various parts of the surface. "Look Dave.." Dave looked out the window, as he leaned more into his lover. He watched the planet as it spun slowly. "Cold, barren. Core's dead I bet. Won't be stopping here...." Verij nodded, understanding the need for a hot core, even on an ice planet.

The buzzer again. "Attention. This is your Captain. We have reached the PSR for our fuel supply. We will warp back to the nearest installation, refuel and return to our mission. Please, all crew secure yourselves. We will be restoring Artificial Gravity in a few minutes." The pair waited for the announcement to end before looking to each other. "So, want to get cleaned up and go get lunch?" Verij asked softly. "Sure a minute though...I'm currently enjoying the feeling of your knot tucked nice and deep in my ass."

The pair spent an hour after that, caressing and cuddling softly. Finally the taur could pull out. As he slowly slid back, Dave grit his teeth a bit. There was a loud, wet pop and a splash as thick dragon spunk poured out of the tiger/bear's ass onto the bed. Both grinned and slowly stood. Moving to the shower, they stepped int together. Though Verij has to stand on his back legs to fit. Both laughed about the trail of cum they left behind them and then began bathing each other. Dave took time to clean Verij's cock with his tongue. Licking him clean slowly and then giving him a little taste of his own jizz. Verij grinned into the kiss.

The pair were cleaned, but the tiger/bear couldn't leave the shower just yet. His ass still gaped open from being stretched and abused like that. His tail hung high as he shivered, feeling the cum run down his legs like that. After a bit, he straightened up and was able to leave the shower. Gravity came back online moments later.

The pair dressed in clean outfits, and walked to the mess hall. As they sat to dine, the noticed it was still fairly empty. Only one other table. Feeling alone, they talked openly. "That was nice....Thank you Dave." Dave grinned and nodded, "I liked it too. And thank you for giving me such a gift." The dragon laughed softly. "Maybe can mount me and return the favor. I've always liked the thought of being mounted and drilled good and hard by a nice guy like you."

As they shared their meal, Dave's mind wandered. He didn't feel so alone on this ship anymore. He had a good friend now, and maybe it would be more. They worked the same shift, shared the same likes, and certainly enjoyed their time together. Dave smiled, glad he was on this ship now. It wasn't going to be a bad trip, at least not after today....

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