The Photoshoot

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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Sometimes, we all need a little encouragement to get out of our shells... and into some panties right before a camera.

A gift for my good friend Gabe, drawn at the request of my good friend Gulid.

Gift for GabrielClyde

Artwork by gulidthewolf

Characters belong to their respective owners

"Come on, Martin. It's just for a few hours and it'll really boost your confidence! You can get paid too!"

"No chance," the mutt huffed, "I'm not stripping to just my underwear for some camera."

"It's two hundred dollars an hour." The stallion was persistent, and he squeezed the mutt affectionately in an embracing hug. He snuffled his nose into the back of Martin's neck, the warm breath drifting through the soft fur then. The scent was intoxicatingly sweet, and it brought a deep calm to the Clydesdale, "Please? Do it for me? You can try it out for a while, and if you really don't like it we can go and I'll make it up to you, okay?"

A week ago, Gabriel had recently come into contact with an old friend he'd met once through a freelance modelling photo shoot. Nothing fancy, just a few pictures for a sportswear catalogue. The two of them got chatting at the bar where the horse worked, and it later transpired they were running short on models. Typically the scene had become overcrowded with far too eager candidates none of which truly understood the art, skill and patience it took to model naturally. Most were wooden or too flamboyant with their approaches, and so everybody had been told to be on the lookout for somebody with a slim build to feature for a one off shoot for a leading clothes company. The pay would be good, and really it would just be to show off some of the new lines and then be done for the day. It was supposed to be a good opportunity for novices or amateurs. Naturally, Gabriel had cooked up a plan and accepted the offer, saying he had just the guy in mind... which just so happened to be one unfortunate mutt who was adamant he wouldn't expose himself. He was prudish, and after his history he had reason to be.

The stallion's nose brushed up through the mutt's mane, trailing through the chestnut headfur the curled across the face seemingly frozen in its awkward blush. He could feel the more petite paws of the male rest against his, clenched into fists with the tension behind them. He was thinking, clearly, and thinking hard. Gabriel left him to make up his mind, though he already knew the answer. He continued to breathe slowly across those flicking ears, letting the heat radiate across the back of his head. The smaller male sighed, knowing when he'd been beaten. He could never say 'no' forever to the horse - he had this way about him.

"Fine; I'll do it, but you so owe me." A grin spread across Gabriel's muzzle, the Australian snickering as he'd won the battle.

"We'll do whatever you want."

"Anything at all?" The smile was infectious, and Martin turned back his head finally glancing away from where he'd be steadfastly staring at the television for the past ten minutes throughout the pestering. It was a welcome sight to see.

"Anything," Gabriel repeated, with an assured tone to his voice. He gently leant down and kissed the mutt on the lips, a chaste kiss that made the air that little bit hotter. They settled back down into more relaxed positions, the slender mutt leaning back once more against the broad chest of the stallion, his head ruffling into the crisp white chest fur. Tomorrow would be very interesting...

They stood outside a rather blank building. It was neither outlandish nor extravagant; it was quite the opposite of what Martin had expected. The studios were ordinary and tame from the exterior, nothing to ever give it away as where many things were filmed and photographed. The mutt did shudder a little at the thought of where he was about to step into, but he'd already agreed, so he might as well deal with it. Gabriel locked his car and strode up to meet Martin in the parking lot, a small fenced off area that was situated around the front and side of the studios.

"Not too shabby," The stallion muttered absently, looking up alongside his companion. The mutt shrugged his shoulders, quipping,

"Sure, if it was office block. You sure we're at the right place?" He looked up to the horse, who double-checked a crumpled up bar napkin where his friend has hastily scrawled the address. The writing was still decently legible, if not a tiny bit smudged. The address matched the building, and Martin looked up to read the building's plaque: Kaiser Studios. The words were made of a metal that gleamed like polished silver, and was written in a professional yet minimalistic script. The mutt felt like he was at some firm rather than a pornography studio.

"This is the place. The company's apparently rented out one of the studios for usage. Saves them having to set stuff up..." He laughed awkwardly, knowing there wasn't much humour to that note, but Martin smirked anyway. It was a grim but chuckle-worthy thought, that he was about to pose in a room where other furries had got their funk on in front of a camera.

Together, they climbed the steps, pushing open the bland double doors and walking into a dull looking reception room. It did have a very business-like feel, with leather sofas and chairs tucked away to one side and potted plants dotted around the room. There was a young lady sat at the desk, who didn't look half bad in the mutt's opinion if he ignored the fact he was gay. She seemed to be a well-kept looking fox, dressed somewhat skimpily in a suit and skirt that push her chest up through her blouse. It was another amusing point, that even with all the normal looking effects on the outside, there were still some little details you couldn't just ignore that screamed porno. When she looked up expectantly with a wide smile at the two males, the mutt stood there for a moment in uncomfortable silence, waiting for Gabriel to do the talking, but the horse was coughing and trying to avoid staring at the fox's rack.

"We're here for the photo shoot?" The mutt finally spoke up, rolling his eyes at the stallion's best efforts of chivalry.

"Yes!" He blurted suddenly, taking out their passes they'd been given, "For 'Smith and Hartford Incorporated's fashion shoot? We were told you'd know we were coming."

The fox nodded curtly, looking to the computer screen neither of them could see as she checked what the mutt assumed to be a record or a file of some sort. She seem satisfied by their story, and checked the passes to be sure. When all was in order she waved them along,

"You're on the ground floor today, in 'Studio C'. They'll sort you out from there. Have fun!" She gave them a wink; one Martin guessed was probably a trademark or signature move for her to do. He wondered how many people she'd checked in for other activities of a dirtier nature. It was remarkable too; normally the mutt had always thought of the porn industry to be made of small studios with crew of a select few individuals, but he was impressed by the scale and formality of it all. Then again, this was just a career to them. Sex for these people wasn't so much about the pleasure as it was about making a living from it. These were there jobs, and in an odd way Martin had a peculiar respect for them. He most certainly couldn't do what they did on a regular basis. Hell, he struggled to even be nude in front of another male were it not for arousal and need for release.

Gabriel led the way, looking at each door as they passed. There were mostly closets of what probably held either props or costumes, or then again might have just held brooms and mops. They passed a room where they was a bit of crashing and rumbling going on, but the door labelled 'Studio A' was closed and seemed firmly locked. 'Studio B' remained silent as the pair strode by, but when they came to their destination the door was hurled open and a ferret female wearing impossibly high heels stormed past them. She clacked her way further down the corridor with a male dressed like he'd just stepped off the set of a cheesy Miami beach movie chased after her, crying out 'Shania' and 'don't do this'. A domestic, perhaps, though Martin doubted whether such occurrences ever took place here. He looked warily up at the stallion who merely reciprocated with an apologetic but supportive smile. He gestured for the mutt to go in first, and with Martin in front they welcomed themselves into the lively set.

The centre of the room had been cleared and set up with imperceptibly off-white sheets that reflected the light from those peculiar foil umbrellas Martin could never figure out. Most furs that mulled about in a slightly panicked state were dressed in indiscriminate black clothing, most clutching walkie-talkies in one paw and an assortment of clothing trinkets in the other. You could see the odd person with an actual headset wrapped around their neck, directing and barking orders at the underlings. All the while you could make out rather well the fur that clearly boasted the command; they sat in a chair, head in paw and with a disgruntled look on their face as they watched the workers go by like a queen bee did on her throne with a sour gaze. By their side stood several pestering this person with forms and mobiles and all manners of inane nonsense. They seemed quite bored, but only did they light up upon seeing Gabriel and his companion. They rose from the chair and strode quite elegantly across the room to embrace the stallion, taking a large paw and shaking it vigorously.

"Ah! You must be the one that I was told was coming, you are late!" Gabriel didn't get a chance to respond or explain, as this fur, from what Martin could tell was a Shetland pony by all visual appearances. He barely reached up the five foot mark, and not only paled in the height comparison with the behemoth brother of his, but also against the much smaller mutt too. In fact, the mutt would have been convinced that the horse was simply a sufferer of dwarfism were it not for the chubbiness and facial fur of the pony. They had a thin chinstrap beard that otherwise might have gone unnoticed had the light not shone across it. Their mane was trussed up in a modern and alarming style that the mutt wasn't so sure about, but the pony carried it with grace. It had been dyed with tinges of green, and the clothes they wore did not, at the first glance, appear to be of anything special in particular, but once looking closer you could see the refinement of the fabric and the detail having gone into each piece. Martin felt somewhat out of place, with his usual tired style of clothing.

"Places, people!" This fur shouted out, clapping their paws together and bringing the whole attention to himself; most, if not all, stopped what they what they were doing and instantly gave him their rapt gaze. "I want the products we've got to shoot today on set immediately, and anybody who is otherwise not needed to get the hell out of the room or else I'm cutting their wage in half." Immediately there was a brief flurry of commotion, and the stallion and mutt just stood there, looking out of place before a dull quiet returned along with an empty studio save for a few. Someone from over yonder the other side of the room brought in what looked like a huge parcel, and they dropped it down beside the small lit up stage and opened it. They proceeded to lay out several smaller boxes each labelled individually before they left. The pony clopped over to them, beckoning for the two to follow,

"Now, I take it you are today's model, yes?" They chirped, pointing to Martin and giving him a once over, "Not what I'd usually shoot, but you'll be received well by the target demographic. I assume you're just here for support?" It was Gabriel's turn to be scrutinised now, and he merely stood there and shrugged his response. The pony gave a firm nod as though understanding, and snatched up a fairly small and thin looking box. "My name is Simone. I would say I'm an _artiste_but frankly my employers would beg to differ." Simone, the pony who Martin now questioned was male or female, or even both, now sorted through unseen things, humming to themselves as somebody tugged on the mutt's arm. He was drawn away, looking wildly to Gabriel he gave him the best reassuring smile the stallion could muster and gesturing for him to go.

Martin was taken up onto the stage, where he was set upon by clawing furs. Some took away the jacket he was wearing, and another pulled off his top, leaving him bare-chested. It was some deranged orgy before he realised what they were doing, and with a heavy blush he let them do their work. A random otter had him stoop down so that they might apply some light make up to his face in order to ready him for the camera.

"We shall try these first as a test..." Simone turned around, holding up a pair of lacy panties, clearly designed for a male given the extra room for the bulge, but very much fashioned for a lady. They were a deep red, and were see-through in portions where the lace covered very close to the crotch and buttocks. They also looked very small, borderline skimpy, and oddly Simone handed them to an assistant with a strange care and tenderness, "These were shipped in from 'Vincent's Secrets' only today, and are top of the line for the new season. You are _very_lucky to be the first to wear them ever. I envy you. My damn hips won't let me wear them."

The panties were passed on to the mutt, who held them with a dumbfounded surprise with just a hint of prudish awkwardness. Several seconds passed by as the occupants of the room stared at him before Simone coughed, speaking in a demanding tone,

"Well? Get on with it. I'm not paying you to simply hold them."

Martin was freezing up, and barely being able to summon a stutter, his voice squeaked,

"You want me to strip down right here, right now?"

"What else did you expect to do?"

The situation was escalating, and the mutt was just about ready to walk right out the door and find some place he felt safer and less vulnerable. It took the quick thinking of Gabriel to step in and quell the tension,

"Uh... Simon?"

"Simone. Yes?" The pony snapped, whirling round onto the Clydesdale. He didn't flinch, but the intensity the pony exuded was enough to make his skin crawl. But he moved past it as best he could and took a stance between the photographer and Martin,

"Perhaps he'd be a little more comfortable with someone he knows up there with him? Rather than just him on his own..." The Shetland thought for a moment, their eyes flitting up and down the muscled frame.

"It's not conventional..." Simone mumbled to himself, pulling a strangling forelock from his mane and twirling it between his fingers deep in thought, "But there's nothing against having somebody else up there..." The pony snapped his fingers, a sly smile peeling across his mouth as he turned around, drawing out something else from a second box, "How about you model the line 'Butch'? It's the new range from the fashion designer Vincent Bough finally giving his take on manly gear."

Gabriel was tossed a jockstrap, a bold blue that contrasted against the laced red Martin held in his paws. The stallion took up his position on the stage and gave the mutt a hug, snuffling his ears with his warm breath,

"Just relax and pretend like it's just me..." His voice was soft and like ocean waves rolling across the mutt's body. He leant against the broad build of the stallion, and let himself become calm. Breaking off the hug, the big horse took a step back, and pulled off his shirt. Martin watched, blushing only a little as Gabriel stripped down. He licked his lips with the slightest of movements as the belt was unbuckled and then the jeans pulled down. Gabriel stood left wearing only his underwear, and he raised a quizzical eyebrow at the mutt who still remained fixed in his position. The temporary stop in the not-so-private little show was enough to rouse him from the lusting stupor, and he snapped to his task. His mind still reeled at the idea of bearing all for a smattering audience, but the mutt went about his way. For Gabe, he repeated in his head trying to reason with himself, if he can do it, so can I.

The pair pulled down their underwear at the same time and stood stark naked as the day they were born in the cool air of the studio. The lights blotted out most of the faces, so Martin could only see the milling legs of the few who remained as they prepared the pieces they were to model. The horse had already beaten the mutt to the punch and had begun to slip on the jockstrap, shifting it about his hip until the waist band was comfortable and the package was nestled tightly behind the blue designs. He shot a daring wink across to the mutt who had forgotten his lack of decency, and forced Martin into a darker blush as he fumbled to slip on the panties. They hugged him rather well. Being accustomed usually to the standard run of the mill female's underwear; the mutt was surprised how comfortable they felt on him. There was no awkward bulge that clearly gave the game away, the underwear still retained the sense of feminine charm that they were clearly made for, and yet they obviously were designed for a male.

Gabriel snuck up behind the smaller male, resting his chin on top of his head and sighed deeply. Two burly arms wrapped themselves about Martin's chest, and pulled him back against the horse's stomach. Already Simone was at it with a camera, moving about with a frantic pace and high energy that startled them both for someone of a smaller stature. There were bright flashes of light, and a murmur of voices, but Martin focused upon the heat that swept through his back, brimming to his chest and giving him the confidence to allow everything to happen. The horse took control of their positions for the most part, keeping the scene organic and lively so that Simone had something to work with. At first it felt all mechanical to him; the mutt found himself trying desperately to cling to what he thought would look good, and what he believed might be expected of him. His expression was somewhat more reserved than what he would usually do, and he tried to show off his groin area a little too much. But after a while, perhaps it was about twenty minutes though for the mutt time lapsed into a long steady stream of flashes and shifts, he began to forget that he had to perform for others and instead turned his mind to the stallion who stood with him. It became less about showing off and more about having fun, loosening up and simply just smiling for the sake of smiling. Martin began to pick the positions, taking his turn to manhandle the horse; he would go from pretending to dance with him, then to merely holding himself against him, one footpaw kicked back into the air like a girl from the nineteen fifties might have for television. They went through different pieces of underwear; Gabriel was given many different jockstraps and boxers, all of which clung to his body like a thin film, whilst Martin was given the new assortments of pink and red underwear, some lace, others cotton, all of which made him feel incredible to have brushing and breathing against his fur.

They were onto the final photographs, and so far Simone had been much more sociable. Instead of the brusque no-nonsense and immediacy personality, he'd fallen into the charming director who often gave pointers on how to stand, look, and even smile, though otherwise had nothing but praise for the two. Having already admitted that he'd fulfilled the criteria his employers were looking for, he just couldn't help himself snapping some last few shots just to cover all bases.

"How about a few candid ones?" He suggested, a warm grin on his face as the assistants cleared up some of the discarded clothing, "You know, just for fun?"

"How about it, Martin?" The horse asked, putting one paw on the mutt's shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. It was a big step - bigger possibly in the mutt's head - and he wasn't about to take it lightly. Going nude, posing for a camera, it had all been a new experience, but to now do something more daring with permanent proof of the act was worrisome.

"I don't know..." His tone was wavering, uncertain, and it wouldn't take much to sway him. Simone played upon that advantage, and swung home the bargain to get the pictures he wanted,

"I'll make you a deal... If you agree to do a few candid shots, I'll let you keep copies of the pictures and I'll throw in all the stuff you've worn today. They aren't much use now to anybody else."

It was a very, _very_tempting offer, and Martin began to tilt towards the prospect of going through with it. He hadn't much to lose, and he couldn't imagine what harm a few risqué shots could do. With a small but resolute nod of his head, he sealed the agreement. Gabriel let a smile slip across his muzzle. He'd waited far too long this. The candid shots were his idea, and what he hadn't told the mutt was that he'd actually arranged for this. A small white lie; he had run into his friend, but it was he who was going to be doing the modelling, not that they were looking for a replacement. Frankly the model had been less than enthusiastic about taking the job since it meant another long run with the grating Simone, and snapped at the chance when Gabriel offered someone else to take their place. He knew he could convince Martin to go along with it - he always could - and so then buttered Simone up to help him out with getting the mutt into a position he wanted him in. It was to be a surprise; the gift of a whole new underwear draw as well as a sensual trip out. Before Simone had even readied the camera again he slipped his paw down from his shoulder and onto the smaller male's waist, cupping it and drawing Martin into him. His free paw found other things to busy itself with, like sneaking its way down into the mutt's new panties and groping at his sheath and balls. A rosy blush seeped onto Martin's cheeks as he started, surprised at the sudden forwardness and eagerness Gabriel displayed, and he turned a little to look up at the stallion. In his shock, he forgot all about the pony Simone and the annoying flashes of the camera. He was lost, looking up at the stallion's gentle eyes and couldn't help but warm into the touch. It was a trusting hold Gabriel had, and the mutt leant back onto the thick chest and nuzzled the heartbeat with a return of kindness.

Without dwelling on the thought for too long, Martin reached up, his lips brushing against the softness of Gabriel's own in a chaste kiss. The touch was prolonged, and held for a moment or two as their hot breath mingled in the air around them. Slowly, the mutt pulled his head back with a nervous gaze as he awaited Gabriel's response. A smirk toyed at the stallion's lips as he pulled the mutt's muzzle to his paw, pressing in now for a more insistent and passionate kiss. The sensation was electrifying and the air about them seemed to tingle with the day's tension being released all in one moment. Gabriel's tongue pleaded for its entrance, and the mutt was all too happy to oblige; the moist muscle worked its way in and slid against Martin's, each sampling the other's taste. He moaned in need, that working paw growing bolder with its stay and beginning to probe a teasing finger into the slick confines of the mutt's sheath. They continued to kiss with heavy groans and ravenous mouths as the stallion fucked two fingers in and out of Martin's furry tube that hide away the prize. It caused the smaller male to buck into the strong paw that had him held tightly; eyes clenched shut and body shivering as it sorted through the feelings.

The panties were pulled down and away, and Gabriel tugged Martin onto the floor, joining him by lying down too. He drew the mutt over him, his knees by the stallion's head with Martin's mouth mere inches away from his own crotch. The bulging jockstrap that had been the last piece he'd worn was held on by a fine strip of a waist band, and the mutt couldn't help but take a look at the horse's goods as Gabriel slid his tongue along the mutt's balls. Martin moaned softly, unable to stop himself from becoming hard with the insatiable horse assaulting his senses with his skill. All he could do in return was to pull out the horse cock that was slowly firming up in his paw, giving it gentle strokes and squeezing it. He watched the dick become a monster as it rose up, arching until he had a wide flare. Opening his maw wide, Martin pulled himself down the equine shaft, letting each inch glide its way into his mouth. It was an immense size, and he almost thought he wouldn't be able to take it down his throat until a sudden accidently buck of Gabe's hips push that flare past the entrance. Soon, the mutt has his face buried into the sweaty sack of the stallion, and he suckled greedily on the cock that had been offered to him. All the while he felt that teasing tongue snake its way over his balls and trailed its way across the underside of his length. It took extra special care to wrap itself over the base of his knot to provide some more enjoyment before it found the tip. Gabe reached up with two paws to grasp at the plump cheeks of the mutt, kneading them like mounds of dough until he pushed them down. The tip parted through those velvet lips and into the warm, wet envelope that was the stallion's mouth. Martin shuddered, feeling that tongue work over him as he took his time with his own meal. With Gabe's insistence and forwardness, he couldn't help but slurp and began to bob along that meaty shaft. He tried to do the best job he could, and he thought he must've been doing something right as soon he was rewarded with heavy spurts of pre that trickled down his throat and loud grunts and moans coming from around his cock. He knew he too was leaking into the horse's mouth, but Gabriel continued to lick and drink down what he could.

It was a wild and intense sixty-nine; Martin let himself rest against the broadness of Gabe's chest as the two indulged themselves. Their engorged cocks were sucked eagerly upon, and Martin knew that whilst he couldn't hold off much longer, neither could the horse. He felt, with great reluctance, those paws that massaged and groped at his cheeks began to push him off, and his cock was removed from the enticing mouth, dribbling pre and spit across the stallion's neck as it begged for release. Martin let out a small whine, but Gabe chastised him,

"Don't you complain, we're only just getting started..." The words rang certainly true; Martin was allowed to continue to suck and tend to Gabe's manhood whilst he sought out more delectable conquests. His paws prised apart the pert cheeks of the mutt's behind, and his snout pushed into the crack that was now exposed. He breathed in the musky scent, still unmistakably male despite the undergarments the mutt preferred. His eyes spied the winking pink star of the mutt's hole and with a curious tongue he reached out to probe and lick against it. The taste was tangy on his mouth, but sweet and welcome. He pushed deeper, working his tongue past the resisting muscles of Martin's rim and into the depths beyond. The mutt yipped and gasped, writhing atop the torso of the stallion as he stroked along the beast's cock, panting heavily. He could feel that tongue work its way into him, coating his insides with spit and loosening him up. It sent every fur on his body on end, and yet still the horse carried on. He relished in the feel and the taste, and worked his way gluttonously into the mutt's ass, eating him out with expert precision. He could have gone on for hours just devouring that tender ass, basking in its glow as those cheeks pressed against him. But, he had other plans in mind...

It was more of a change in positions this time. Gabe took Martin off his cock, and kissed him quickly to sample the taste of himself against those taunting lips. Gently, breaking the kiss off, he pushed the mutt onto his belly, lying down on top of him now. Martin felt the weight bear down against his back, holding him in place. He whimpered with a mixture of need and anxiety as the stallion ground his crotch against his cleft. The flare dragged along his inner thigh, bumping its flat bulbous head against his nuts before trailing along the crack to the spit-slick hole. Together they had prepared themselves for the act, and Gabe gave a soothing kiss the back of the mutt's neck as he pushed in the flared head. The pressure was strong, and it took all of Martin's nerve to bear through it until, with a satisfying and squelching pop, it was sucked in. His rim sank around the thick cock that now began to bury its way inside him. Gabriel pushed his hips down, watching himself disappear into the tight hole and warm gut; he took Martin's neck between his lips, sucking hard in a dirty love bite until he felt himself hilt the ass. There was a moment shared between them of sordid pride, that the mutt had taken the stallion fully, right up to the balls, and they let their mouths find one another again in a passionate raunchy kiss. Gabriel drew his hips back before slamming them down again; pounding hard into the tight ass that now gripped his cock like a vice. He always loved those who weren't sluts, who didn't sleep around with every other guy possible; that feeling of breaking in an ass was too good a chance to pass up, and he savoured every second that hole wrapped itself around his girth. His paws found themselves holding onto Martin's smaller ones, the fingers intertwining in a loving embrace, and his body pressed closely and smothering the mutt's frame.

They fucked like that for a long while, neither giving up the urge to cum and both pressed tightly against one another. Martin felt surrounded by the body of the stallion, encompassed by his strength and by his care. The power seemed to encase him, much like those limbs and body did as the cock continued to drive against his guts. Gabriel held him there, wanting him to enjoy the experience as much as he was. It would be pointless to hold off forever, though neither of them could realistically. But he tried to prevent himself from blowing his load too soon in fear he'd spoil the moment. His breathing was ragged though, and he was showing the signs of nearing his peak. Fortunately for him so was Martin and so Gabriel brought down his paw, still locked together with his, and took a hold of the mutt's rock solid cock. They stroked together, from knot to tip, with firm, lavish tugs that had the mutt humping into their paws in no time, grinding himself back against the stallion's groin in a futile bid to cum. He nuzzled his snout into the back of the mutt's neck, breathing in the scent as Martin's moans became louder, more frequent, and staggered. It took him barely a few seconds until the combined efforts of their stroking and Gabriel's cruel pummelling of his prostate led him to cum hard into their paws, streaking along the floor in thick streams of jizz. His strength left him, and Martin was now only held up by the grasp Gabriel had on him. The sudden contractions around his cock brought on by the mutt's orgasm were enough to trigger the horse's own, and as he rode out his afterglow, Gabe came with a loud whinny cast aloft to the rafters. He slammed in his entire shaft, burying deeper than he thought was possible, and let loose the thick torrents of horse spooge. For Martin, it felt like someone had shoved a hose up his ass and turned it on to full blast; he felt the jets of cum shoot into his gut, and carried on shooting when he thought he could take no more. His abdomen swelled with the volume, bloating out with the warm stallion seed that now filled him. He groaned appreciatively, the fluttering kisses of Gabriel barely felt along his neck. It was a blissful feeling, both full satisfied and cooling off in the bliss of their climaxes.

However, both had forgotten about a certain pony, and were only reminded when said pony finally spoke up,

"Well... That was quite the show..." Simone said, gobsmacked and with a noticeable bulge in his pants, "I shall get those copies to you as soon as... But for now I'd best just leave you..." He gave a saucy wink, "It seems you're going to have much more fun after this."

All Martin could do was blush as Gabriel growled his response back,

"Fuck yes... Bring on round two..."