
Story by Lon3Wolf65 on SoFurry

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So yeah, I wrote this for the Sci-Fi contest thingy; and may the best writer win!

"So have you seen him, or have you not?" a muddy brown furred wolf questioned in an angry, low pitched voice. His soft, leathery armor was a dark grey, and covered him from shoulders to ankles, where the lupine's boots covered his feet. All of it was covered by a dirt colored trench coat.

"He came by and asked for some supplies. Then he left! That's all I know!" a tan otter replied with a country twang, his paws up in the air to show his insuperiority to the canine that was pressing a revolver against his forehead.

The wooden walls that made up the tavern were old and bruised, a few blood stains accenting the western feel. There were broken tables, which weren't exactly the most stable things in the world, scattered throughout the building. Bodies lay on the floor, each with name tags and badges.

"Did he say anything about where he was going?" the wolf continued.

"I heard something about Panschizia, but not from him. He just took what he needed and left!"

The wolf withdrew his left paw and firearm and holstered it. He walked out of the tavern, but before leaving, he picked up an assault rifle with a long clip that glowed green. He removed the magazine, revealing the other half as glowing red, flipped it, and loaded the green side into the black, metal frame. The wolf pulled back the bolt, allowing an energy casing into the chamber, and let it slide forward. The weapon hummed as it primed the firing mechanism, ready to fire at the canine's will. He walked out.

They were Outlaws that struggled to get their pay.

The brown wolf shook dust off of his fur, causing it to turn a much darker brown. He shed his coat, showing the white shirt under and the black spots scattered over the wolf's body, a lighter shade of brown highlighting his chest, as the shirt was rather torn on his muscled frame. He dropped the coat on a chair, slightly rusted with age, and looked at the cargo bay.

The metal room was wide at the bottom and thinned as it raised, and a rolling ladder gave the room its identity as the engineering house, and a long table of tools and projects lining the right wall. A door going to the other parts of the ship opened as the wolf walked up to it.

The next room was a more relaxed living area. A grey couch sided with the left wall and separated itself from another couch facing it via an old, torn, wooden table. He climbed up a ladder on the right side of the room and walked down a hallway and into the bridge. A white scaled dragon wearing a light grey jacket and blue jeans sat on a chair. Her chest was covered with a darker grey shirt.

"Hey, Keri," the wolf said as he walked into the screen and statistic-filled room. He sat down next to the dragon and relaxed in the co-pilot's chair.

"Welcome back, captain," the dragoness replied in a smooth voice. "How was the fight?"

"I don't always get into fights!" the wolf defended himself.

"But you tend to, Silas," she attacked grinning.

"Well, there were ten officers, alright?" the lupine tells excitedly. "And one of them walks up to me and says, 'I've heard of you.'" the wolf makes a funny, low voice for the officer. "And then he pulls out his pistol, so I pull out mine. I just punch him and he's all dazed and confused, and then we fight. Not one of them shot me!"

"You love fighting the law, don't you?" Keri commented, laughing a little.

"They're a bunch of dicks. Why wouldn't I?"

"So, where are we going next, Captain?" the dragon asked. She opened her wings a little, revealing the deep blue webbing in between the bones.

"Panschizia. The bartender said someone was talking about it."

The dragon sighed. "Will I have to come with you?" she asked, painfully knowing the answer.

"Yes. We'll try and stay away from your family, but I can't promise anything, Keri.

Keri pressed a few buttons, dragging her talon across a screen and tapped it. "We'll be there in two days."

Silas stood up and put his paw on the dragon's shoulder. "I don't want to see them either Keri." The wolf didn't know what else to say. He slowly walked away.

They traveled for two days.

The ship's VTOL system aimed the jets against the ground as sand flew off the faded dock. The ship's feet kicked out and rested itself of the rusted metal below. A loud pneumatic releasing of air sounded off as the bay opened. Silas and Keri walked out into the loud, wooden city and the wolf typed onto a screen "Scot Gibson" and walked away. The parking meter didn't seem to mind this as it beeped twice in the intense heat and switched to a timer that counted off for two days.

A well toned, dark grey cat wearing a white sleeveless shirt and torn jeans noticed the two. He slowly followed the two Anthrop from ten feet away, silently wondering where the name for their kind came from as he went behind groups of people to stay hidden. He saw them walk in between two houses where another house laid on the roof of both, covering the little cove. There wasn't a single person in there, which was odd considering it's normal use from illegal dealers. The cat broke through from the thick crowd, glanced quickly to check if anyone was watching him, which no one was, and walked into the alcove.

Silas pulled his gun and aimed it at the Korat's head. "Why are you following us?" Silas interrogated.

"Someone wanted to see you," the cat said in a cultured voice. Silas withdrew his revolver and holstered it under his coat. "Follow me," the feline said.

They walked to the wooden city gate, which was the only separation from the bustling, crowded, and civilized town and outside.

The cat waved an ID card in front of a computer, which beeped twice and opened the door. Silas quickly glimpsed at the screen; it showed "Scot Gibson". The three walked through door, which was miniscule compared to the demeaning walls, and entered the silent, empty, and ungoverned desert forest. There wasn't any grass, nor was there any dirt. Just sand and a thick forest.

They walked a mile in hopes of help along the way.

"So, who is it that wants to talk to us?" Keri asked in her strong voice.

"He said that you would know when you met him."

"Well, that's helpful." the dragon sarcastically thought.

A small wooden hut stood in a small clearing. Dust and sand had risen up its boarded sides. A set of stairs, wooden as well, climbed up to the front door, which opened as a wolf stepped out. A grey t-shirt covered his lithe chest while a pair of white shorts striped horizontally and vertically with light grey hid his upper legs. His fur was an orange that one would expect to see on a fox, his throat was white and his paws were black, as was the front of his muzzle. In general his fur resembled a typical fox's, but on a wolf's body.

Silas started to breath heavily as the other wolf walked down the steps and faced the three. "Hi," he managed to say in a husky voice nervously.

Silas started to walk quickly towards him. "Scot, you damn Gorncha," he snarled, demeaning the other canine's place in the family into a runt. As the brown wolf closed in to a foot away, he closed his paws and swung his left arm at his brother's face. Silas' fist slammed into Scot's muzzle and caused his head to spin with the impact. Silas grabbed Scot, pulled him in and hugged him tightly. "God dammit, Scot I thought you were dead." A tear scrolled down Silas' face.

Scot, after a moment of confusion, returned the embrace. "I'm sorry, brother. I didn't know what to do."

Silas hugged tighter. "Tajir and Gajir are dead."

Dead. Their parents were dead.

They released their grip on each other. "What happened to them?"

"They were shot. And the Goph shykande Gorncha that did it is here on Panschizia."

"Do you mean me?" a condescending voice commented from the trees. A grey fox with a scar down his right eye walked into the clearing, his long, tan coat being lifted from a short breeze. He wore formal pants that were a slightly darker grey.

Silas saw the fox, drew his pistol and fired at his head. The fox simply dodged it.

"You're a little impulsive, if you don't mind me saying," the fox teased. "Maybe if you exercised a little bit more con-" Another shot went off. But this time from the woods, and the fox strafed to his left. A bullet tore through his chest, chewing up his muscles and going straight through his heart. Blood sprayed onto the wolves. A grey wolf wearing tan clothes walked out from the woods as well. Silas noticed his feet were robotic.

The third wolf pulled the fox up from the collar of his coat, and put him up against a tree. The fox looked at him and motioned for the wolf to come closer. He said something to the canine, the words "tell them" catching Silas' ears before it became intelligible. The grey wolf gripped the fox's paw tightly and quietly whispered something into the fox's ears. A tear fell from the vulpine's face as his soul left. The wolf closed the eyes on the corpse.

They all stood there for what felt like an hour, but was really two seconds. Silas started to cry.

The grey lupine stood up and held some sort of wheel shaped device with four spokes holding a yellow button in the center. He pressed the button and the fox started to turn to floating dust that faded away after a few feet. Suddenly, a blinding light caught everyone by surprise. And by the time it was gone, no trace was left that anything had ever happened.

His soul was lost as the body decayed.

(Question) Why Are There Different Art Styles?

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