One Night

Story by FoxyCyote on SoFurry

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This was something I've been wanting to sit and write for a while. Yea its terribly unedited, I don't care this is a personal story so suck it! :P (Can you tell I'm being a brat?) Now that this is out of my head I hope to focus a bit more. (Also, no this is not about me and my Ex-mate. Just to make that clear)

He pulled up and debated on honking at her to hurry up. He knew better though. She would just wait inside for him then, and when he walked in she would slap the shit out of him. He smiled, opening the car door and walking to her door. That's why he loved her. She was feisty and spoke her mind without holding back. He was surprised they were actually going through with tonight. After everything, she still wanted to have that one special night.

"I have tickets."


"Yea. Come with me. One night."

"It's a bad idea."

"When has that ever stopped us?"

There had been silence for what seemed like hours. He felt her shoulders drop on the other end before he had agreed. They both knew it was a terrible idea and it could grow into something that would end in heart ache for months. They both also knew they wanted it though. She was willing to put her heart on the line once more, for just one night, and whatever happened would happen. What was that song... it had been playing in his head since Thursday after she had hung up.

The opening of the gated door pulled him from his thoughts. She was wearing that bracelet, the simple twine with three beads he had given her a year ago. He smiled, digging a chain from under his shirt with the same three beads casually. "Ready?"

"Yea, but I got us a fucking awesome ride for the night." She led the way, hips swaying with excitement as she bound around the corner of the building. His jaw dropped, a Lexus was parked in the alley. Not old enough to be a classic but not new enough to have a threat of someone hot wiring it either. It had been freshly waxed, washed, and detailed too.

"How the fuck?"

"Well, a friend from work wanted it detailed. I told him if I could borrow it tonight, and he bought the shit, I would do it." She slid into the driver's seat, unlocking the doors and waited for him to slide in as well. The inside was all leather interior, and everything was spotless. "This car was filthy. But so worth it!"

"Fuck yea it was." He smirked, leaning the seat back and stretching out. "So much leg room!"

"Hah. Figured you would enjoy it. Let's go, we only have a few hours to get in the zone before the concert."


"I will never go to a sweet shop with you ever again."


"It's a danger to my figure."

She laughed, reaching in the middle console for more of the assorted truffles and chocolate bars. Moaning as the silky smooth chocolate hit her tongue. He watched her hand trail down her neck, before reaching over to run his hands through her hair. She blushed, leaning into the touch.

"You have the most beautiful eyes." A sentence spoken in unison before a fit of giggles erupted in the small confines of the car. She leaned over, blushing lightly before taking his face in her hands. She watched, unsure of herself for only a moment. When his hands found her hips, she kissed him.

His mind fogged, pulling her to his lap and leaning into the kiss. His hands lightly pulling at her hair as her arms wrapped around her neck. He pulled away for a moment, and she started to kiss his neck. "Just... One... Fuck!" He moved the seat back, snickering at her surprised squeal. Picking up the CD he had dropped and finally pushing into the car stereo.

~Close your eyes

Lay yourself beside me

Hold tight for this ride~

"Heh, Love this song." She smiled, still in his lap and placing soft kisses along his neck. He returned to running his hands up and down her sides. They would catch each other singing along and would giggle. Their walls tumbled down, both back into that easy comfortable feeling of belonging together. Time seemed to stand still inside the Lexus. Both happy and smiling, hands always above clothes, and lips intertwining here and there. Nips of affection followed by playful growls or snickers.

"Shit did the CD stop?"

"Yea like... a while ago. Fuck what time is it?"

She moved to the driver seat once again and adjusted her clothes, thankfully wearing nothing that would wrinkle. She swore at the time, starting the car and throwing in her own CD. "Fuck yo, we need to be twenty miles from here in ten minutes."

"What the fuck you waiting for then?" He grinned, reaching for the bag of assorted cocoa sweets and frowning. "Aw.... Make a pit stop?"

"Fuck nah man." She laughed, watching the road carefully as she pushed the speed limit to get to the concert on time. "We ate through like ten damn pounds of chocolate, any more and you won't be able to walk!"

"You callin' me fat?"

"Bitch shut up." She looked over with that look that made him grin. "You might be 100 pounds with your lungs full of water."

"That a threat?"

~You try to warn me

But baby, I'm warnin you~


"Fuck yo.... Shit I don't think I've ever done that much screamin'."

"Dude... Ow... my throat is killing me."

"What about your knees?"

"Oh fuck you man! You know you be the one hesitatin'."

"Hah whatever I play the game better than you anyway."

"Bitch please! I was born to it!"

The two made their way through the abandoned parking lot. Laughing, coughing and talking excitedly. Lighthearted barbs sent between each other getting more and more charged.

"You know... I'm the only one that makes you feel pretty."

"Don't even..."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"It's been a long week."

"I... fuck."

"I'd rather be your-"

"Don't fucking say it."

They stopped. Staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Tears threatened in both of their eyes. Unspoken conversations happening at the speed of light. For just a moment, everything bubbled beneath the surface. Both hearts threatening to let it all pour out. Without a word, she reached out for him. He let her take his hand, looking anywhere but at her.

"Don't call tomorrow asking. But tonight has been amazing. Come on. I'm fucking starving." She smiled, begging without a word for him to do the same. After an almost visible internal battle he smiled, tightening his hand around hers as they walked back to the car.

"Wait... where the fuck are we gonna get food at three AM?" Whining, and suddenly grabbing at his stomach.

"Uh... good point... Oh shit! Yo! IHOP!" Her eyes brightened, her whole demeanor changing in an instant, no hesitation as she gripped at his wrists and pulled him to the car.

"Oh fuck yes IHOP has cheese cake thank whatever forces of the universe for fucking IHOP!"


He woke up first. Groggy and somewhat disoriented. A strange dry throaty laugh came from him as he looked at the bedroom. His pants on the floor by the door, her bra pushed around her waist. They had been too tired to get past anything but groping. She was sleeping soundly, curling up against his pillow when he stood. Grabbing his pants he headed to the bathroom, then the kitchen.

As silently as he could, he started coffee and took out muffins from their place in the breadbox for breakfast. Smiling at the thought of eating only a few hours after their feast at IHOP. He swore that woman put away so much food.

Stumped on how to make her coffee he decided to wake her up. He knew breakfast would be short; both having plans for later today. She laughed when she saw herself, changing into simple pajamas and walking to the kitchen. They didn't speak, only smiled at each other as they ate the muffins. A few hours passed, both still not speaking, body language showing that neither wanted the other to leave. An hour passed, coffee now cold as they struggled to find reasons to keep one another there.

A sudden roll of thunder and a flicker of light made them both jump. A fit of the giggles rolled through the kitchen. They looked at each other, the lights still on but threatening to go at any moment.

"The best kind of day for cuddling."

Naughty Fairy Tale

This is eh my take on "Little Red Riding Hood" Yea its naughty bite me :P (Warning, human/anthro sexy times) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is extremely unedited :P So enjoy! The moon was out, large bulbous and hanging heavy in...

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Something I wrote for my Dragon for our anniversary. \<3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rattling of armor was heard through the forest, creatures running to hide from what they presumed to be a threat. His heavy footsteps mixed with...

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The Postcard

A cute small story that will help reintroduce one of my favorite red pandas out there. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She was greeted as she walked in, just like any other day. "Mistress there's mail on your desk." "Thank you...

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