Shared Blood - Act 1

Story by Yogoloth on SoFurry

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#16 of Yogoloth's Chronicles

Fully healed and ready to find his father, Yogoloth makes his plans and gathers what he needs. But he has to visit a few people he knows first.

Part 1

Yogoloth quickly lifted his bloody snout to the sudden sound above his head, but it was just the wind in the branches. He lightly cursed under his breath at his unnecessary reaction and shook his slightly scaly head. He lowered his teeth back down and took another bite from the wolf carcass which he had grasped under his claws. It was a small meal for the dragon, but the unlucky creature had been injured, probably in a fight with a stag. The strong take what they want from the weak. The words held more meaning for the young hybrid now than ever before in his life.

The dragon soon finished his meal, more of a snack really, and lazily licked his paws and snout clean. It would keep him going until tomorrow and then he would find something a little larger to eat. Yogoloth looked down at the bloody wolf carcass. He could probably scrape a couple more mouthfuls from the bones, but once he left, the scavengers and then the insects of the forest would have their fill too. Even though he didn't eat it all himself, nothing would go to waste in the end.

He stretched his feathery wings and let out a big toothy yawn. A good hunt was always a fine way to start the day, especially a day as significant as this. It was good to be hunting and eating on his own too. Natanii had cared for him for many weeks before he was able to fly far enough to reach the hunting grounds. Even then the young dragon still hadn't been strong enough to hunt for himself, but it was better than being fed mouth to mouth like some vast hatching gryphon. He'd been more than a little impressed that the slightly smaller gryphoness had managed to keep them both well fed on her own for so long.

It had been a long and painful recovery. Yogoloth had taken months to finally become capable of, and then able to convince Natanii that he could look after himself again. His jaw and hind leg still ached a little from time to time, but unlike the dragon who had attacked him, the hybrid had healed slowly over time. The magic had prevented the formation scar tissue and ensured his flesh knitted back exactly the way it had been before. The older dragon would probably have to live with the scars and aches from his rapidly healed wounds for the rest of his life.

Yogoloth had a lot to do and people to see today. Then tomorrow he would leave in time for the first snowfall at his mother's lair. He was both nervous and excited about it, so much rested on so many things that were completely out of his control. The young hybrid had been too injured to make the journey last year as he had originally planned. But now he was eager, no, he was bursting to finally make some progress. Progress towards finding his father.

It was that thought alone that made him the most unsure about this plan. Yogoloth's mother had told him that his father knew of the old laws that forbade letting hybrid eggs hatch. But his father didn't even know that he'd had a son with the old dragoness. How would he react to a hybrid suddenly appearing all these years later claiming to be his son. He would be an old gryphon by now, probably ninety years old at least, if he was still alive at all. If he wasn't, the hybrid would probably never find out what happened to him. His father's life would forever be a mystery to him. Lost in the shadowy wake of time.

Yogoloth let out an audible sigh and shook his body to loosen his muscles. In that case, only time would tell. In a few weeks he would know if his father was alive and roughly where he was, assuming the reptilian chief had been right all those years ago. The dragon chuckled to himself. The more he travelled, the more questions he answered, the more unanswered questions he was left with. When all of this was over, he would have to revisit the lands across the ocean to the south. Those reptiles had a lot more questions to answer.

The young hybrid tried not to get ahead of himself and instead spread his wings wide. He took a brief moment to admire how his feathers had regrown. He thought he preferred the new arrangement of light and dark browns and the spacing of the dark, charcoal feathers. Yogoloth looked up between the branches of the trees and knew there was enough of a gap in the light canopy for him to take to the air from here. So he did.

Once properly airborne, he tipped a wing and turned towards the Tylor estate. Reinald, like most of the civilised races, kept a very close eye on the passage of time. Yogoloth would be over two weeks late. As he began to weave his crude magical disguise, he hoped that the old human wouldn't be too concerned with the hybrid's lack of punctuality when he finally arrived.

Part 2

The shadow circled the grounds around the manor house just as the dragon who cast it did in the sky above. Yogoloth had finished his magical disguise in flight and had reached the Tylor estate just a few hours later. His hide was now brown like his fur, his horns hidden and had a yellow tint on his fore legs and snout. It was a crude disguise at best, which only really worked at a distance. But it was exactly what Reinald and his staff were familiar with, so the disguised dragon kept up the ruse.

There was no one in the courtyard as the disguised hybrid arrived, so he came in to land quickly, his sharp claws scoring the ground and scattering gravel as he came to rest. Over the last few months, Yogoloth had not exactly become a familiar sight around the estate. But the staff generally accepted his infrequent arrivals and Reinald seemed to positively welcome them. The greying human held a fascination for gryphons which stemmed back to his childhood, and for the slightly mysterious half-gryphon, even more so.

The doors of the manor house soon opened and Reinald appeared with one of the civilised wolves, Conner. Both human and wolf wore sweaty, slightly dusty tunics and breeches. Conner carried in both hands a wooden box filled with tools of various sorts. Yogoloth was hardly familiar with civilised tools, but it was obvious that the estate staff were still busy with the old gryphon stables.

"And make sure you let Ferden know that you're collecting the rest of the lumber this afternoon.", Reinald said to the wolf.

Conner nodded, turned, saw the gryphon hybrid standing nearby and his eyes widened. He hadn't really warmed to the strange visitor over the last few months. Possibly because Yogoloth had been bored one day and had chased the grey wolf around the nearby orchards after being offered some sort of fruit to eat. No one thought the large predator was likely to actually harm him, except Conner himself of course. So the young lupine now walked a wide path around the disguised dragon on his way to the gryphon stables.

"Hello Conner...", Yogoloth growled ever so slightly, letting his sharp teeth show a little. The young wolf quickly turned away and hurried off out of the courtyard. The disguised dragon grinned as he turned back to Reinald.

"You shouldn't tease him so.", Reinald said but couldn't help but smile a little as well. "Now then, you should come in and make yourself comfortable while I get out of these filthy clothes."

Yogoloth padded up to the large doors and followed the old human inside. The decorative stone arch that formed the door frame was more than large enough to accommodate the young hybrid if he ducked his long neck down a little. The inside of the large stone brick building was much as it was the first time the disguised dragon had come here. But since Yogoloth's last visit, the three stone platforms to the side now sported new, much thicker rugs for visiting gryphons to rest on.

Reinald had decided months ago that there was demand enough for gryphon stables separate to the various inns in Stone Haven itself. Something permanent for a couple who wanted a secure, civilised environment to raise a family. Something that wasn't quite as remote nor as crowded as one of the nearby civilised colonies. Gryphons were not concerned about the various titles that the other civilised races used either. The son of a disgraced lord who owned a large estate, ultimately still owned a large estate. Besides, there was plenty of good prey in the surrounding woods which were also part of the estate.

"Help yourself to some port if you like. Though, it's a little early I suppose...", Reinald called out as he briskly ascended the staircase and disappeared down one of the upper halls.

Yogoloth padded over to a table that sported a large silver decanter and a few smaller silver goblets. He carefully lifted the stopper between two fore claws and took a sniff from the vessel. It was strong smelling stuff, like a fine, rich wine. The young hybrid decided to pass on the drink and gently resealed the container. Although fairly plain and undecorated, the small collection of silverware shone attractively in the disguised dragon's eyes. He grit his teeth slightly, turned away and headed back to the gryphon rugs. He knew the previous rugs were very comfortable from past experience, so these new rugs needed to be tested at the very least.

By the time Reinald returned, Yogoloth had settled down very comfortably onto one of the slightly raised platforms. The new rugs seemed softer and a little more supportive than the old one he'd used the first time he'd visited the estate. It felt very soothing against his flank, scutes and legs, even more so now that he wasn't wearing a gryphon harness. The hybrid had happily wriggled about as he settled down and was now gently running a fore paw through the thick fibres.

"Still enjoy the little luxuries I see.", Reinald chuckled as he reached the bottom of the staircase. Yogoloth had heard him approach, but the two of them had spent enough time together by now for him not mind if the old human saw a more relaxed side to him. It was just about enough that Conner was still frightened of him.

"You took so long to change, I got tired of standing.", Yogoloth smiled innocently. Reinald smiled in return but otherwise said nothing as he approached the resting hybrid. Without even thinking, he lowered his head towards Reinald and the old human scratched lightly behind one of Yogoloth's fluffy brown ears. He tightened his throat slightly around any purrs that might threaten to escape. He still wasn't quite that comfortable around Reinald yet.

"I'm quite certain my two weeks wait for you, pales in comparison to your own suffrage while I got changed.", Reinald said as his hand gave the hybrid's snout a brief rub before retreating. "I know you must have a busy day ahead of you, so let's get to the stables. Sharli finished the adjustments weeks back and has been eager to see how well it fits you."

"I'm sure she has.", Yogoloth said, looking forward to it a little more than he would have expected.

Part 3

In the short time it had taken Reinald to get changed, the brisk wind that had been constant throughout the day had turned a little on the chilly side. Yogoloth had been used to sleeping out in the open, sometimes in some nasty winter weather, for much of his life, so this change was barely noticed. But the old human quickly wrapped a light woollen cloak around himself to ward off the autumn cold as the two of them left the manor house. It wasn't exactly cold for the time of year, but the wind certainly made it feel colder than it was.

"Last week Sharli and I went into town and visited a few of the gryphon friendly inns. There was certainly some interest. The male of one couple was a feral who couldn't stand the thought of settling down in a town with his civilised... Wife? Bonded Partner? Mate?", Reinald was clearly still getting to grips with the complex and highly flexible relationships that gryphons got themselves into.

"I don't think gryphons get 'married' as such. Mate would probably suffice in most cases.", Yogoloth replied a little quietly. "I don't really understand all the details myself."

Reinald nodded and they carried on their slow walk to the stables. Yogoloth wasn't exactly happy about the idea of gryphons living on the estate. Apart from Natanii, the disguised dragon didn't exactly have a good historical relationship with gryphons. Like dragons, gryphons tended to shun him at best and attack him at worst. He didn't want to lose this as a pleasant stopping ground... and he quite enjoyed the little chats he had with Reinald too.

In some ways it was a more distant relationship than the one he'd had with Marrus, but in other ways it was closer. Reinald would never be as crude and as carefree as his old friend, but Marrus would never have affectionately rubbed the hybrid's snout and ears. Regardless of that, once gryphons actually started living here, things would only get more difficult for him.

"What troubles you so?", Reinald asked suddenly and Yogoloth was reminded how observant the old human was. He might as well tell the truth... mostly.

"We're... not really supposed to exist... hybrids I mean.", he started awkwardly. "Gryphons don't really like us, although the civilised ones seem a little more open. I'm worried that who ever moves into the stables isn't going to appreciate me being around... at all."

Reinald seemed to give this some thought as they got nearer to the stables. The old human had never been hasty with decisions in the past and often made very sound judgements as a result. He smiled before responding.

"Then I'll ask the prospectives if they mind a hybrid visiting every once in a while before they decide to move in.", he replied simply.

"What a fine idea.", Yogoloth laughed. Reinald had a dry sense of humour and it sometimes caught the young dragon out. "You could arrange little meetings where we can all sit down with some wine and have a good chat."

"Master Tylor. Yogoloth.", said a large, pale grey wolf by way of a formal greeting. They had arrived at the stables and Reinald's groundskeeper was there to meet them. Ferden seemed to have accepted the strange half-gryphon who appeared around the estate from time to time. Yogoloth expected that Ferden didn't exactly make friends, but this form of neutral trust was better than nothing.

"Ferden, how go the repairs?", Reinald replied.

"Repairs? It's virtually a rebuild.", the normally stoic wolf suddenly showing a little frustration. "Sharli has expanded on her original plan a couple of times already. But we should still be done within the month. At least we could keep the original stone heater and the new chimney will be finished tomorrow."

"Excellent! It's imperative we get everything finished before winter. Is Sharli about?"

"I'll go fetch her, sir.", Ferden replied before walking out of sight behind the stables.

Reinald's estate staff were a mixture of adopted family, paid staff and indentured servants. Ferden had started out with a ten year indenture contract back when he was Conner's age, just as Conner had now. He'd decided to stay on afterwards and Reinald valued his skills and hard work enough to take him on a more regular, paid arrangement. As far as Yogoloth understood, these long term contracts were to protect an employer's efforts and training and also to guarantee a young and unskilled worker at least a roof over their head and food in their belly.

The civilised race's inability to survive by themselves in the wild was a continued source of amusement to the young hybrid. To be bound to another for such a time, doing what ever work they demanded for nothing but a roof over your head, clothes on your back and some food and drink in your belly? It seemed foolish at best. But it was apparently quite common with large businesses and estates like this one. Yogoloth shook his slightly scaly head as he waited for Sharli to arrive.

Part 4

Yogoloth took a moment to admire the changes made to the stables so far. The overall shape and layout of the stables had remained unchanged. It consisted of a large room with an open wall for gryphons to nest, out of the wind and rain. Then there was a back room which held storage and some leather working equipment and supplies. Many of the walls had been rebuilt already from thick sturdy wood planks, and beams for the tiled roof were being cut to shape nearby.

"Yogoloth!", a slightly shrill voice called out. Sharli came in to view carrying a bundle of thick leather straps.

The disguised dragon regarded the gryphon harness with a mixture of mild interest and mild annoyance. He'd probably be wearing it on and off quite a bit over the next month or so. In fairness, he should call it a hybrid harness as Sharli had probably spent many hours adjusting it to work with his body shape. Even the buckles should be easier for him to open and close now with his less dexterous paws.

"I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for you.", she said with a little feigned offense.

Sharli was the newest member of the estate staff. Originally a leather worker like her father, she was skilled with horse saddles and gryphon harnesses already. She had more recently been working closely with gryphons in one of the larger inns in Stone Haven. The chance to work as head stable keeper on an estate was a chance she wasn't prepared to pass up.

Although most of the civilised races could not interbreed the way dragons and gryphons sometimes could, Sharli was clearly somewhere between two of the feline races. She was broadly quite lion-like with some darker spots around her sides. Just like Ferden and Conner nearby, she wore rough breaches and a tunic which showed plenty of wear and tear. Yogoloth made a mental note to inquire about the names that each race preferred. Mentioning their passing resemblance to some of the common animal species didn't usually offend, but it would be polite to know the correct names at the very least.

"Actually, I expect you've been kept very busy.", Yogoloth subtly pointed to the work in progress stables with his snout.

"Oh, well, just a little!", the feline beamed.

Sharli had taken energetic charge of the project to repair and rebuild the stables. Her skill with leather working combined with her time tending various gryphon friendly inns and her knowledge of gryphons on the whole, gave her a firm foundation to build from. When she'd first arrived on the estate, she had absorbed many of the old documents that had been kept from when the stables had been occupied before. Now she had jumped in with both feet and her energy had been quite infectious.

"Well, don't keep me waiting any longer.", Sharli handed the harness to the young hybrid.

Yogoloth settled onto his haunches and took the collection of thick leather straps and bronze buckles into his fore paws. The buckles had all been replaced with larger versions and the lining replaced. Some of the straps designed to carry pouches on his flanks and hind legs had been removed too. After being restitched, relined, reoiled and modified to fit his body shape, it didn't look much like the old harness at all. It still looked like a gryphon harness to the untrained eye, but Sharli had promised it would fit him much better.

The disguised dragon knew roughly how to put the harness on so he held the largest loop of leather and lifted it quickly over his head. One smaller set of straps and buckles hung down his chest and the other down his mane between his wings. The straps down his back split into a T shape at the bottom and from his sitting position Yogoloth could reach around his flanks and bring those two straps around his belly and fasten the buckle. Two further straps hung down his chest and he carefully buckled those together with the first.

Sharli moved in close and started fearlessly tugging on some one the straps. In many ways she was the exact opposite of Conner. Things that should provoke fear usually only filled her with curious energy. Yogoloth had been quite uncomfortable with all the prodding and poking he had to endure during her original measurements. But his growls and snarls had gone mostly unnoticed by the enthusiastic feline. She made a few final adjustments to the smaller straps and stood back.

"Right! Let's see then!", she grinned showing a few of her sharp teeth.

Yogoloth carefully stood up on all fours and could already feel the difference. The lining was more comfortable on his hide and it didn't pinch around his chest like before. He took a couple of steps back from Reinald and Sharli, stretched his legs out, spread his wings and gave them a few experimental pumps. He could barely feel the harness and couldn't help but grin back at the feline with his own much larger collection of teeth.

The fur lined pads didn't rub against his body at all, instead the smaller straps slid against them as he moved, well away from his hide. Natanii had been right, a custom fitted harness was many times better. This would make carrying things a lot easier on his long trip and he could save his nesting bladder for its intended purpose, holding food.

"Thank you Sharli, this is really good work.", the young hybrid leaned forward and briefly nuzzled the much smaller lioness's neck. She giggled slightly and pushed his snout away with one hand.

"Oh, there'll be none of that, I know what gryphons are like...", she laughed and Yogoloth's ears drooped a little.

"I... I wasn't trying to...", he began a little taken aback. Sharli laughed and gently rubbed him between the nostrils.

"Oh, I was only teasing! Either way, I have no idea what your lady gryphon friend would have to say about that."

"What? How do you...", Yogoloth said moving his head back, his neck forming into an S shape.

Sharli merely smiled, tapped one finger to her nose, turned and disappeared into the stables. Yogoloth hadn't told anyone about Natanii, how would the lioness know anything about her? He turned to Reinald with a questioning look. The old human merely shrugged.

"I can tell from the expression on your face that she hit the nail on the head. I think I did the right thing taking her on.", Reinald said before smiling. "You'll have to tell me about your lady friend once you return. I'd love to meet her."

Once he returned? If he returned...

Part 5

The flight from the Tylor estate to the pool where he'd arranged to meet Natanii, had been quite a revelation. Yogoloth could feel the modified harness move as he flew, but it didn't rub against his hide at all. It flexed smoothly, the straps slipped over each other and the buckles and metal parts stayed in place... mostly. The one thing about the harness that annoyed him, was that one of the metal rings would slip over another during each down stroke of his wings. Even over the wind, the noise was quite annoying.

But that mild annoyance was quickly forgotten as the young hybrid caught sight of the rocky clearing he had been heading for. He stayed in the blustery air and began circling, the cloudy sky preventing a shadow from revealing his presence. From his airy vantage point, Yogoloth quietly watched the pale gryphon preening her feathers by the pool below. But he didn't have all the time in the world, so he soon pulled in his wings slightly and headed down to land.

"You took your time.", Natanii scolded jokingly as Yogoloth landed nearby.

The pale gryphoness continued her preening as Yogoloth settled on his haunches and began to watch her in silence. He knew there was little point in interrupting her but didn't really mind watching her anyway. Every now and then she would glance up at him, her beak nestled in her feathers, and smile. Natanii would never admit it, but she was more than happy for Yogoloth to watch her.

The gryphoness finished oiling one final feather and stretched out her wings. Perhaps they were a little plain and pale compared to his, but he wouldn't want her any other way. Yogoloth sometimes worried that, because she was the only gryphon he'd ever been on friendly terms with, he would always see her as perfect, no matter what she did or what she looked like. But that hardly mattered to the young hybrid, meeting Natanii had been the most accidentally great thing that had ever happened to him. Although he did not believe in fate, it was tempting to believe that it was somehow meant to be.

"Is that my harness!?", Natanii suddenly said as her eyes caught the leather straps and buckles that Yogoloth wore. She quickly walked over, her head tilting this way and that, taking in the changes that had been made.

"Your harness? I think you'll find it's mine. It wouldn't even fit a gryphon anymore."

"So I see.", she started tugging gently on the two front straps that ran down either side of the ridges on his chest plates. "This was modified and fitted specifically for you, wasn't it?"

"I know somebody who knows somebody...", Yogoloth tried to sound casual, but ended up sounding a little cocky.

Natanii suddenly tugged hard on one of the thick straps resting on the young hybrid's chest. He wasn't expecting it, staggered forward a step and her beak ended up nestled in his mane. His neck curved around automatically and he gently pushed his snout into her mane too. They nuzzled and took in each other's familiar scents. The gryphoness took another couple of steps forward so she could wrap her fore legs around Yogoloth's shoulders and long neck. For a few moments, they just snuggled together, the only sound the strong wind in the trees and the water of the pool creating small ripples against the rocks.

The gryphoness slightly tightened her grip and pushed forward, lifting the hybrid's fore legs off the ground. Yogoloth was not prepared for the sudden transition from hugging to wrestling and couldn't react fast enough. Natanii twisted round in an attempt to throw him off balance. With a surprised grunt, his hind paws slipped on the smooth, slightly damp stone and he landed on his side.

"Let's get you out of this harness.", she grinned happily as she deftly attacked one of the oversized buckles. "I don't want my fur catching in them."

"What...? I- I don't have time for... that.", Yogoloth stammered, slightly in shock. Partly from suddenly finding himself prone on his side and partly now that the gryphoness's intentions were laid bare.

"I haven't seen you in weeks. I know you need your solitary 'dragon time', but a gryphoness has her needs!"

"But... I need to get back to-"

"Then fly faster.", Natanii interrupted as the second buckle popped open and she began to pull the harness off the young dragon. "I thought you were a good flyer?"

"The other male gryphons not satisfying you?", he asked jokingly. She stopped for a second and looked a little awkward. Natanii, like most gryphons was very open about her sexual relationships. So it was quite out of character for such a comment to ruffle her feathers.

"They are not you.", she said finally before smiling, pulling the harness over his head and tossing it to the ground. Yogoloth was still wearing his magical disguise, so his magically shrunken horns didn't hamper the gryphoness at all.

Yogoloth wasn't going to argue anymore. To be honest, he was surprised to have argued as much as he had. Natanii was a beautiful gryphoness and they would be apart for a month at least. The young hybrid had already began to feel that familiar warmth growing in his body as he found his fore paws wrapping themselves around her fluffy neck and pulling her closer to him. Part of him wished she had a snout like he did, so instead he kissed her gently on the beak. She giggled slightly as she straddled his belly and he was rolled fully onto his back.

The gryphoness pushed her talons against the dragon's hard chest and pinned him against the rocky ground. Natanii began to move her furry body slowly up and down Yogoloth's smooth belly scutes, the friction making him sigh quietly in pleasure. The autumn air wasn't exactly cold, but the heat from her body began to rapidly warm him through. Her tail danced between his hind legs and stimulated him even more than he already was. The hybrid's feathery wings spread out across the hard ground as he slowly closed his eyes.

She carefully wriggled herself back and soon Yogoloth felt the tip of his cock become enveloped by her wet heat. Natanii lifted up her head and silently opened her beak to the sky as she pushed back, fully impaling herself upon the pinned dragon. He relaxed his body as much as he could, but still felt his body hump up against her involuntarily. The young hybrid often enjoyed it when his gryphoness took charge and this time was no different.

Natanii began to roll her haunches forward and back, her sex seemed to massage Yogoloth's cock as she rode him. The gryphoness was unashamed of her desires, as gryphons generally weren't, and took what she wanted. That was not to say she didn't care about her partner's pleasure. She leaned down and wrapped her fore legs around Yogoloth's head and neck and into his mane. Her beak nibbled at his ear and her talons ran through his thick brown fur and scored gently against his hide. He moaned in bliss.

Her breathing became rapid and more ragged as did the force applied through her rump. Yogoloth clenched his teeth and his ears fell flat against his head, there was no resisting this. Natanii knew exactly what she was doing as her body slowed and trembled in ecstasy above her dragon's. Her sex rhythmically contracted around his cock and he too could hold out no longer, his seed spilling into her and his head and tail thrashing as he came.

They both cried out, Yogoloth's slightly muted roar combined with Natanii's half screech as they gripped each other tightly with talon and claw. Then there was a silence broken only by the wind, the water and their heavy breathing. The gryphoness opened her eyes and slowly lowered herself down to rest on his belly scutes. The young hybrid slowly curved his serpentine neck around and gave one of her ears an affectionate lick. It wouldn't hurt to spare a little more time he thought.

Part 6

Neither of them actually fell asleep, but there was also no need for words, no need to move. They just lay together, eyes closed, and enjoyed the after glow of the intimacy they had just shared. Natanii had simply rested her furry belly on Yogoloth's own belly scutes and then slowly explored his furry brown mane with her talons. There was a comfort and a calm between the two of them that spoke volumes of their trust and of their love. But there was also an unspoken tension, unspoken until now.

"You might not come back.", the gryphoness said simply, the side of her feathery head resting on his hard chest plates.

"No.", the hybrid said after a moment's thought. There was no point in lying, Natanii was not some fragile youngster to shield from the harshness of reality.

In truth, Yogoloth didn't actually know how old she was, for dragons, age wasn't important, you just got bigger and stronger as the centuries passed. He knew that in gryphon years she was much older than he was in dragon years. But then, he was barely an adult; many dragons probably wouldn't even give him that.

"I- I wish I could come with you. My brother could cover for me like he did-"

"No. I just... couldn't...", Yogoloth took a breath as he opened his eyes and craned his head to look at her snout to beak. "I'll be careful. I'll be moving all the time, no stopping in one place."

"But when you sleep? If you had someone to-"

"You have your life here.", his voice now a little louder than he intended. He closed his eyes briefly and took another deep breath. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I know you need to do this. I'm sorry to put more pressure on you."

Yogoloth moved his snout a little closer to her face and his tongue briefly flicked out and licked her beak. The gryphoness smiled, but it was a little forced. He'd told Natanii about his plan to find his father and she never once discouraged him, never once put any doubt in his head. If anything, she'd driven him forward to this moment, all the while, worried about what might happen to him. He could see it in her eyes even if he had somehow missed it in her voice. She was scared for him, scared that he might fly away today and never return. Scared that he would end up as yet another feral dragon, dead in the wilderness, alone.

"Knowing you're here safe, waiting for me, will bring me back.", Yogoloth smiled, trying to alleviate her fears as much as he could. "I hope he'd want to meet you too."

A far more genuine smile framed her beak as she shifted her body and pushed her head against his chest. He groaned slightly and shifted his own body fractionally. Natanii was still laying belly to belly on top of him, his back pressed firmly against the hard rocky ground. Yogoloth ached slightly and really needed to head out, preferably well before it started getting dark. He pushed the gryphoness gently and she reluctantly slid off him and rested on her side, still facing him. He felt dusty and slightly sticky, so he climbed to his feet and descended into the nearby pool to wash his hide clean.

"If you don't come back, I'll come and find you.", the gryphoness warned with a smile.

"Is that so.", Yogoloth dunked his head under water briefly. "Actually, I don't doubt it."

He shook some of the excess water from his fluffy ears and mane and dunked his head again. He avoided getting his wings too wet, he would wash and preen them properly tomorrow morning before setting off. He climbed out of the pool away from where Natanii was resting and shook his whole body. Water splashed in all directions and what little remained in his fur and feathers, was quickly evaporated with a little magic. He padded over to the gryphoness and nuzzled one of her ears with his snout.

"See you soon, fluffy rump.", Yogoloth grinned then swatted and squeezed Natanii's haunch with a paw. She leant against his snout and flicked her tail against his paw, but otherwise made no attempt to stop him.

"Go on then, before I change my mind and refuse to let you go at all.", the gryphoness said snapping her beak playfully.

The young dragon picked up his harness and with moderate skill at best, he put it over his head and fastened the various buckles. He smiled at Natanii one last time before spreading his wings and taking to the air. He didn't look behind him as put distance between them, he'd be back in a month and they could spend some real time together. But until then, he had to focus and stick to the plan. In two weeks he would know his father's signature and then he would either magically track him down, or the young dragon would know he was too late. That his father was already dead.